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A model of visual backward masking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bugmann G  Taylor JG 《Bio Systems》2005,79(1-3):151-158
When two successive stimuli are presented within 0-200 ms intervals, the recognition of the first stimulus (the target) can be impaired by the second (the mask). This backward masking phenomenon has a form called metacontrast masking where the target and the mask are in close spatial proximity but not overlapping. In that case, the masking effect is strongest for interval of 60-100 ms. To understand this behaviour, activity propagation in a feedforward network of leaky integrate and fire neurons is investigated. It is found that, if neurons have a selectivity similar to that of V1 simple cells, activity decays layer after layer and ceases to propagate. To combat this, a local amplification mechanism is included in the model, using excitatory lateral connections, which turn out to support prolonged self-sustained activity. Masking is assumed to arise from local competition between representations recruited by the target and the mask. This tends to interrupt sustained firing, while prolonged retinal input tends to re-initiate it. Thus, masking causes a maximal reduction of the duration of the cortical response to the target towards the end of the retinal response. This duration exhibits the typical U-shape of the masking curve. In this model, masking does not alter the propagation of the onset of the response to the target, thus preserving response reaction times and enabling unconscious priming phenomena.  相似文献   


Masking in motor systems was defined as the omission of one act in a sequence due to an earlier or later act in the sequence. A study of phoneme omission in natural speech showed that:

  1. 1.

    Masked phonemes were usually preceded or followed by an identical phoneme (referred to as the masking phoneme).

  2. 2.

    Backward masking, where the masked phoneme preceded the masking phoneme was as frequent as forward masking.

  3. 3.

    The phonemes immediately adjacent to the masked and masking phonemes were usually similar in distinctive features, but rarely identical.

  4. 4.

    The masking phoneme usually occurred in a stressed syllable and the masked phoneme in an unstressed one, suggesting that motor intensity may be a factor in masking.

  5. 5.

    The components for an adequate model of motor masking were shown to be similar to those in models of other types of errors in speech.


The study of 14 healthy subjects and 15 schizophrenic patients was conducted under visual backward masking conditions. Sensory thresholds were identified using the method of constant stimuli. A special modification of the backward masking technique with lateralized presentation of test and masking stimuli was used to study the lateral characteristics of visual attention. It was found that the thresholds of letter stimulus identification were significantly higher in patients with schizophrenia than in healthy subjects. Only in patients the asymmetry of visual perception was revealed with the higher recognition thresholds in the left visual hemifield. The overall data analysis suggests an association between increased recognition thresholds in schizophrenic patients and changes in the interruption mechanism functioning at the neocortex level.  相似文献   

It is difficult to determine the reason why a patient complains of a bitter taste when their mouth is empty. We examined a new diagnostic test using a bitterness masking substance. The bitterness masking substance, 'Benecoat BMI-60' (hereafter BMI-60), is a masking substance specific to the taste cells' bitterness receptors. After patients gargled with BMI-60 solutions, the phantom sensation of bitterness was masked in some patients, but was not masked in others. Bitter substances in saliva seemed to be masked by BMI-60, but bitterness did not seem to be masked when the locus of the phantom sensation was within the peripheral nerve and/or the brain. The bitterness masking test is useful for diagnosis of the phantom sensation of bitter taste.  相似文献   

The effect of focal visual attention on backward pattern masking was investigated using an orientation discrimination task. The results show that attention reduces primarily the effect of interruption masking, the later component of pattern masking, which occurs when the delay between the target and mask onset is about 50-150 ms. The strongest spatial cueing effect, i.e. the strongest reduction of the orientation discrimination threshold due to focal attention, was observed at intermediate (approximately 100 ms) target-to-mask stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). There was a weak effect of cueing at shorter SOAs, and no or a very weak attentional effect was present at longer target-to-mask SOAs, where the pattern masking effect is absent. The dynamics of attentional modulation of backward pattern masking correlates closely with the dynamics of the attentional modulation of neuronal responses in the early visual cortex.  相似文献   

In backward masking, a target stimulus is rendered invisible by the presentation of a second stimulus, the mask. When the mask is effective, neural responses to the target are suppressed. Nevertheless, weak target responses sometimes may produce a behavioural response. It remains unclear whether the reduced target response is a purely feedforward response or that it includes recurrent activity. Using a feedforward neural network of biological plausible spiking neurons, we tested whether a transient spike burst is sufficient for face categorization. After training the network, the system achieved face/non-face categorization for sets of grayscale images. In a backward masking paradigm, the transient burst response was cut off thereby reducing the feedforward target response. Despite the suppressed feedforward responses stimulus classification remained robust. Thus according to our model data stimulus detection is possible with purely, suppressed feedforward responses.  相似文献   

According to the experiments with a projective-associative model of the neuronal net, the phenomenon of “backward masking” of the first stimulus of a pair of stimuli at a small time gap between the stimuli is caused by two events: (1) pre-excitation inhibition of the first stimulus-induced activation by the second stimulus and (2) disturbance of information processing connected with the deficiency of time needed to match the recalled symbol in memory to the symbol presented to the input subsystem and also to name it. Identification of the second stimulus may be impaired with a decreasing time interval due to: (1) superposition of the second (2) recurrent inhibition occurring in the neuronal net upon recognition of the first stimulus. It was found that in conditions of activity of neuron-like elements of the neuronal net, simulating the states of somnolence or slow-wave sleep, corresponding subsystems failed to learn, while time needed to identify already “learned” symbols substantially increased. The data obtained are in agreement with the hypothesis concerning the causes of backward masking and also with the facts on optimal conditions of learning and reproducing its results in living nervous system. It seems reasonable that discussed disturbances of information processing should be kept in mind in designing computers of a new generation, based on the use of principles of brain functioning, in order to increase the reliability and operation speed of technical systems.  相似文献   

Endosomolysis, a critical barrier to efficient delivery of macromolecules such as nucleic acids, has been breached using a novel approach: endosomolysis by masking of a membrane-active agent (EMMA). To demonstrate the concept of EMMA, a cationic membrane-active peptide, melittin, was reversibly inhibited using a maleic anhydride derivative. At neutral pH, the lysines of melittin are covalently acylated with the anhydride, thereby inhibiting melittin's membrane disruption activity. Under acidic conditions such as those present within endosomes, the amide bond of the maleamate is cleaved, thus unmasking melittin. The active melittin can then disrupt the endosomal membrane resulting in release of biologically active molecules into the cytoplasm. This approach avoids cellular toxicity by restricting melittin's activity until it reaches the endosomal compartment. The utility of this approach was demonstrated by delivery phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligonucleotides (PMOs).  相似文献   

Luan RH  Wu FJ  Jen PH  Sun XD 《生理学报》2005,57(2):225-232
以回声定位蝙蝠为模式动物,采用在体动物细胞外单位记录法,研究了后掩蔽效应对下丘神经元声反应的影响。结果显示,部分神经元(38%,12/31)对测试声刺激的反应明显受到掩蔽声的抑制,其后掩蔽效应强弱与掩蔽声和测试声的相对强度差(inter-stimulus level difference,SLD),以及测试声与掩蔽声之间的间隔时间(inter-stimulus onset asynchrony,SOA)有关:当掩蔽声强度升高或测试声强度降低时,后掩蔽效应增强;而SOA的缩短,亦可见后掩蔽效应增强。另外,相当数量的神经元(52%,16/31)对测试声刺激的反应并不受掩蔽声的影响,其中有的神经元只有在特定SLD和SOA时,才表现出后掩蔽效应。而少数下丘神经元(10%,3/31)在特定SLD和SOA时,掩蔽声对测试声反应有易化作用。上述结果表明,部分下丘神经元参与了声认知活动中的后掩蔽形成过程,推测下丘神经元在定型声反应特性中,对掩蔽声诱导的兴奋前抑制性输入与测试声诱导的兴奋性输入之间的时相性动态整合起关键作用。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of companion planting, and use of nonhost masking odors were evaluated under field conditions for protecting roses against the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman. Three reputedly effective companion species, rue (Ruta graveolens L.), zonal geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey), and garlic chives (Allium scheonparum L.) were interplanted with roses in replicated garden plots. Numbers of beetles on these roses were compared with rose-only control plots on 6 d during beetle flight. The masking odor hypothesis was tested by hanging mesh bags of aromatic herbs or other sources of reputedly repellent nonhost volatiles around potted roses in the field. Treatments included crushed red pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.), fennel seeds (Foeniculm vulgare Miller), crushed spearmint (Mentha picata L.), cedar shavings (Juniperus sp.), osage orange fruits (Maclura pomifera (Raif) Schneid.), and fleshy gingko seeds (Gingko biloba L.). No treatment significantly reduced numbers of beetles relative to the controls. Interplanting with geraniums significantly increased numbers of Japanese beetles on roses. Similarly, roses surrounded by sachets with fennel seeds, cedar shavings, crushed red pepper, or osage orange fruits had significantly more beetles than the control plants on two or more sample dates. Our results suggest that the use of companion or reputedly repellent plants or plant odors probably will be ineffective for protecting roses or other highly-susceptible ornamentals from P. japonica. Use of such tactics in an effort to discourage other garden pests might even increase Japanese beetle damage in those plantings.  相似文献   

Avian migration is a seasonal activity that requires intricate timing on both an annual and daily basis. With increasing evidence for endogenous regulation of daily activities in migrant species, we tested whether a circadian oscillator may be involved with the expressions of daily locomotor activities and specific behaviors of the long-distance migrant, Gambel's white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). Our previous studies have identified both daytime and nighttime behavioral patterns under a photoperiod of 18L:6D. In 2 separate trials, birds in the vernal migratory life-history stage were exposed to constant dim light, (DD)dim, and constant bright light, LL, while locomotor activity and behavioral observations were collected. Under (DD)dim, the daytime behaviors that included active and quiescent components observed under 18L:6D were lost as migratory restlessness, the intense nighttime activity, persisted nonstop for 36.4 h. Furthermore, the specific behaviors of migratory restlessness that are normally confined to the dark phase of 18L:6D, beak-up and beak-up flight, were expressed also during the subjective day of (DD)dim. Birds exposed to LL retained similar patterns of activity to the 18L:6D condition for 3 days, after which they became arrhythmic. Behavioral observations of intense locomotor activity observed during the subjective night of LL revealed no beak-up and beak-up flight. Thus, the complete expression of migratory restlessness that includes beak-up and beak-up flight may not be regulated by a circadian oscillator but instigated by very low light intensity. Locomotor activity and associated daytime behaviors appear to be influenced by a circadian oscillator, given their persistent patterns under LL. Therefore, we suggest that the separate components of migratory behavior are regulated differentially by a circadian oscillator and ambient lighting conditions.  相似文献   

How a developing embryo becomes "informed" about its form?" This problem remains obscure and controversial. We argue that the "information about a form" is distributed throughout three main components: the dynamic laws, the parameters and the initial/boundary conditions. In the absence of a dynamic law two other components are "blind", that is, do not contain any unambiguous information. We present a version of a dynamic law of morphogenesis, based upon the presumption of a feedback between passive and active mechanical stresses. We explore several models of shape formation based upon this law and show that, as depending upon the parameters values, they generate a large set of realistic shapes. Genetic and epigenetic basis of the models parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

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