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We use a minimalist protein model, in combination with a sequence design strategy, to determine differences in primary structure for proteins L and G, which are responsible for the two proteins folding through distinctly different folding mechanisms. We find that the folding of proteins L and G are consistent with a nucleation-condensation mechanism, each of which is described as helix-assisted beta-1 and beta-2 hairpin formation, respectively. We determine that the model for protein G exhibits an early intermediate that precedes the rate-limiting barrier of folding, and which draws together misaligned secondary structure elements that are stabilized by hydrophobic core contacts involving the third beta-strand, and presages the later transition state in which the correct strand alignment of these same secondary structure elements is restored. Finally, the validity of the targeted intermediate ensemble for protein G was analyzed by fitting the kinetic data to a two-step first-order reversible reaction, proving that protein G folding involves an on-pathway early intermediate, and should be populated and therefore observable by experiment.  相似文献   

Proteins consisting of repeating amino acid motifs are abundant in all kingdoms of life, especially in higher eukaryotes. Repeat-containing proteins self-organize into elongated non-globular structures. Do the same general underlying principles that dictate the folding of globular domains apply also to these extended topologies? Using a simplified structure-based model capturing a perfectly funneled energy landscape, we surveyed the predicted mechanism of folding for ankyrin repeat containing proteins. The ankyrin family is one of the most extensively studied classes of non-globular folds. The model based only on native contacts reproduces most of the experimental observations on the folding of these proteins, including a folding mechanism that is reminiscent of a nucleation propagation growth. The confluence of simulation and experimental results suggests that the folding of non-globular proteins is accurately described by a funneled energy landscape, in which topology plays a determinant role in the folding mechanism.  相似文献   

Tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs) are a class of all alpha-helical repeat proteins that are comprised of 34-aa helix-turn-helix motifs. These stack together to form nonglobular structures that are stabilized by short-range interactions from residues close in primary sequence. Unlike globular proteins, they have few, if any, long-range nonlocal stabilizing interactions. Several studies on designed TPR proteins have shown that this modular structure is reflected in their folding, that is, modular multistate folding is observed as opposed to two-state folding. Here we show that TPR multistate folding can be suppressed to approximate two-state folding through modulation of intrinsic stability or extrinsic environmental variables. This modulation was investigated by comparing the thermodynamic unfolding under differing buffer regimes of two distinct series of consensus-designed TPR proteins, which possess different intrinsic stabilities. A total of nine proteins of differing sizes and differing consensus TPR motifs were each thermally and chemically denatured and their unfolding monitored using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and CD/fluorescence, respectively. Analyses of both the DSC and chemical denaturation data show that reducing the total stability of each protein and repeat units leads to observable two-state unfolding. These data highlight the intimate link between global and intrinsic repeat stability that governs whether folding proceeds by an observably two-state mechanism, or whether partial unfolding yields stable intermediate structures which retain sufficient stability to be populated at equilibrium.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Conventional Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of proteins in the canonical ensemble are of little use, because they tend to get trapped in states of energy local minima at low temperatures. One way to surmount this difficulty is to use a non-Boltzmann sampling method in which conformations are sampled upon a general weighting function instead of the conventional Boltzmann weighting function. The multiensemble sampling (MES) method is a non-Boltzmann sampling method that was originally developed to estimate free energy differences between systems with different potential energies and/or at different thermodynamic states. The method has not yet been applied to studies of complex molecular systems such as proteins. RESULTS: MES Monte Carlo simulations of small proteins have been carried out using a united-residue force field. The proteins at several temperatures from the unfolded to the folded states were simulated in a single MC run at a time and their equilibrium thermodynamic properties were calculated correctly. The distributions of sampled conformations clearly indicate that, when going through states of energy local minima, the MES simulation did not get trapped in them but escaped from them so quickly that all the relevant parts of conformation space could be sampled properly. A two-step folding process consisting of a collapse transition followed by a folding transition is observed. This study demonstrates that the use of MES alleviates the multiple-minima problem greatly. AVAILABILITY: Available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Previously, we identified the protein BBL as a downhill folder. This conclusion was based on the statistical mechanical analysis of equilibrium experiments performed in two variants of BBL, one with a fluorescent label at the N-terminus, and another one labeled at both ends. A recent report has claimed that our results are an artifact of label-induced aggregation and that BBL with no fluorescent labels and a longer N-terminal tail folds in a two-state fashion. Here, we show that singly and doubly labeled BBL do not aggregate, unfold reversibly, and have the same thermodynamic properties when studied under appropriate experimental conditions (e.g., our original conditions (1)). With an elementary analysis of the available data on the nonlabeled BBL (2), we also show that this slightly more stable BBL variant is not a two-state folder. We discuss the problems that led to its previous misclassification and how they can be avoided. Finally, we investigate the equilibrium unfolding of the singly labeled BBL with both ends protected by acetylation and amidation. This variant has the same thermodynamic stability of the nonlabeled BBL and displays all the equilibrium signatures of downhill folding. From all these observations, we conclude that fluorescent labels do not perturb the thermodynamic properties of BBL, which consistently folds downhill regardless of its stability and specific protein tails. The work on BBL illustrates the shortcomings of applying conventional procedures intended to distinguish between two-state and three-state folding models to small fast-folding proteins.  相似文献   

Investigators have recently turned to studies of protein families to shed light on the mechanism of protein folding. In small proteins for which detailed analysis has been performed, recent studies show that transition-state structure is generally conserved. The number and structures of populated folding intermediates have been found to vary in homologous families of larger (greater than 100-residue) proteins, reflecting a balance of local and global interactions.  相似文献   

Although they are widely distributed across kingdoms and are involved in a myriad of essential processes, until recently, repeat proteins have received little attention in comparison to globular proteins. As the name indicates, repeat proteins contain strings of tandem repeats of a basic structural element. In this respect, their construction is quite different from that of globular proteins, in which sequentially distant elements coalesce to form the protein. The different families of repeat proteins use their diverse scaffolds to present highly specific binding surfaces through which protein-protein interactions are mediated. Recent studies seek to understand the stability, folding and design of this important class of proteins.  相似文献   

TPR proteins: the versatile helix   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Tetratrico peptide repeat (TPR) proteins have several interesting properties, including their folding characteristics, modular architecture and range of binding specificities. In the past five years, many 3D structures of TPR domains have been solved, revealing at a molecular level the versatility of this basic fold. Here, we discuss the structure of TPRs and highlight the diversity of arrangements and functions that are associated with these ubiquitous domains. Genomic analyses of the distribution of TPR domains are presented along with implications for protein engineering.  相似文献   

The family of small leucine-rich repeat proteins and proteoglycans (SLRPs) contains several extracellular matrix molecules that are structurally related by a protein core composed of leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) flanked by two conserved cysteine-rich regions. The small proteoglycan decorin is the archetypal SLRP. Decorin is present in a variety of connective tissues, typically "decorating" collagen fibrils, and is involved in important biological functions, including the regulation of the assembly of fibrillar collagens and modulation of cell adhesion. Several SLRPs are known to regulate collagen fibrillogenesis and there is evidence that they may share other biological functions. We have recently determined the crystal structure of the protein core of decorin, the first such determination of a member of the SLRP family. This structure has highlighted several correlations: (1) SLRPs have similar internal repeat structures; (2) SLRP molecules are far less curved than an early model of decorin based on the three-dimensional structure of ribonuclease inhibitor; (3) the N-terminal and C-terminal cysteine-rich regions are conserved capping motifs. Furthermore, the structure shows that decorin dimerizes through the concave surface of its LRR domain, which has been implicated previously in its interaction with collagen. We have established that both decorin and opticin, another SLRP, form stable dimers in solution. Conservation of residues involved in decorin dimerization suggests that the mode of dimerization for other SLRPs will be similar. Taken together these results suggest the need for reevaluation of currently accepted models of SLRP interaction with their ligands.  相似文献   

The Notch ankyrin domain is a repeat protein whose folding has been characterized through equilibrium and kinetic measurements. In previous work, equilibrium folding free energies of truncated constructs were used to generate an experimentally determined folding energy landscape (Mello and Barrick, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:14102–14107). Here, this folding energy landscape is used to parameterize a kinetic model in which local transition probabilities between partly folded states are based on energy values from the landscape. The landscape‐based model correctly predicts highly diverse experimentally determined folding kinetics of the Notch ankyrin domain and sequence variants. These predictions include monophasic folding and biphasic unfolding, curvature in the unfolding limb of the chevron plot, population of a transient unfolding intermediate, relative folding rates of 19 variants spanning three orders of magnitude, and a change in the folding pathway that results from C‐terminal stabilization. These findings indicate that the folding pathway(s) of the Notch ankyrin domain are thermodynamically selected: the primary determinants of kinetic behavior can be simply deduced from the local stability of individual repeats.  相似文献   

Proteins of the cyclophilin family display two intriguing properties. On the one hand, they are the intracellular receptors for the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA); on the other hand, they function in vitro as enzymes that catalyse slow steps in protein folding. A dissection of the role of CsA in mediating immunosuppression, together with recent studies on the biology of cyclophilins in the absence of this ligand, is providing fundamental insight into the cellular function of this protein family.  相似文献   

Repeat proteins are ubiquitous and are involved in a myriad of essential processes. They are typically non-globular structures that act as diverse scaffolds for the mediation of protein-protein interactions. These excitingly different structures, which arise from tandem arrays of a repeated structural motif, have generated significant interest with respect to protein engineering and design. Recent advances have been made in the design and characterisation of repeat proteins. The highlights include re-engineering of binding specificity, quantitative models of repeat protein stability and kinetic studies of repeat protein folding.  相似文献   

Two structures of cyclophilin 40: folding and fidelity in the TPR domains   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
BACKGROUND: The "large immunophilin" family consists of domains of cyclophilin or FK506 binding protein linked to a tetratricopeptide (TPR) domain. They are intimately associated with steroid receptor complexes and bind to the C-terminal domain of Hsp90 via the TPR domain. The competitive binding of specific large immunophilins and other TPR-Hsp90 proteins provides a regulatory mechanism for Hsp90 chaperone activity. RESULTS: We have solved the X-ray structures of monoclinic and tetragonal forms of Cyp40. In the monoclinic form, the TPR domain consists of seven helices of variable length incorporating three TPR motifs, which provide a convincing binding surface for the Hsp90 C-terminal MEEVD sequence. The C-terminal residues of Cyp40 protrude out beyond the body of the TPR domain to form a charged helix-the putative calmodulin binding site. However, in the tetragonal form, two of the TPR helices have straightened out to form one extended helix, providing a dramatically different conformation of the molecule. CONCLUSIONS: The X-ray structures are consistent with the role of Cyclophilin 40 as a multifunctional signaling protein involved in a variety of protein-protein interactions. The intermolecular helix-helix interactions in the tetragonal form mimic the intramolecular interactions found in the fully folded monoclinic form. These conserved intra- and intermolecular TPR-TPR interactions are illustrative of a high-fidelity recognition mechanism. The two structures also open up the possibility that partially folded forms of TPR may be important in domain swapping and protein recognition.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to design repeat proteins of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family for the generation of libraries of intracellular binding molecules. From an analysis of naturally occurring LRR proteins, we derived the concept to assemble repeat proteins with randomized surface positions from libraries of consensus repeat modules. As a guiding principle, we used the mammalian ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) family, which comprises cytosolic LRR proteins known for their extraordinary affinities to many RNases. By aligning the amino acid sequences of the internal repeats of human, pig, rat, and mouse RI, we derived a first consensus sequence for the characteristic alternating 28 and 29 amino acid residue A-type and B-type repeats. Structural considerations were used to replace all conserved cysteine residues, to define less conserved positions, and to decide where to introduce randomized amino acid residues. The so devised consensus RI repeat library was generated at the DNA level and assembled by stepwise ligation to give libraries of 2-12 repeats. Terminal capping repeats, known to shield the continuous hydrophobic core of the LRR domain from the surrounding solvent, were adapted from human RI. In this way, designed LRR protein libraries of 4-14 LRRs (equivalent to 130-415 amino acid residues) were obtained. The biophysical analysis of randomly chosen library members showed high levels of soluble expression in the Escherichia coli cytosol, monomeric behavior as characterized by gel-filtration, and alpha-helical CD spectra, confirming the success of our design approach.  相似文献   

The majority of known tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains consist of three copies of the helix-turn-helix TPR motif, together with a seventh C-terminal helix. TPR domains function as protein-protein recognition modules in intracellular signalling. This function is exemplified by the TPR domain of protein phosphatase 5 (PP5), which binds to the C terminus of the chaperone protein Hsp90. Here, we report NMR and CD spectroscopic studies that reveal that this domain is largely unfolded at physiological temperatures, and that interaction with an MEEVD pentapeptide derived from Hsp90 stabilises a folded structure. This complex, coupled folding-binding mechanism is characterised further by its observed enthalpy change on binding (determined by isothermal titration calorimetry), which displays a markedly non-linear relationship with temperature. A nested Gibbs-Helmholtz model is used in a novel combined analysis of the CD and ITC data to determine separately the thermodynamic contributions of the intrinsic folding and binding events to the overall coupled process. The analysis shows that, despite the expected large entropic opposition to the folding process, a nearly equal favourable folding enthalpy means the net effect of coupled folding on the observed affinity is small across a broad range of temperature. We hypothesise that a coupled folding-binding mechanism is common in this class of domains.  相似文献   

Davies TH  Ning YM  Sánchez ER 《Biochemistry》2005,44(6):2030-2038
Many laboratories have documented the existence of tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) proteins (also known as immunophilins) in hormone-free steroid receptor complexes. Yet, the distinct roles of these proteins in steroid receptor action are poorly understood. In this work, we have investigated the effects of four TPR proteins (FKBP52, FKBP51, Cyp40, and PP5) on hormone-binding function of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) endogenously expressed in mammalian L929 cells. As a first step, we treated L929 cells with select immunophilin ligands [FK506, rapamycin, cyclosporin A (CsA), and cyclosporin H (CsH)], which are commonly thought to increase the GR response to hormone by inhibiting membrane-based steroid exporters. As expected, all four immunophilin ligands increased both the intracellular concentration of dexamethasone and GR activity at the MMTV-CAT reporter. To determine whether these ligands could target GR function independent of steroid export mechanisms, we performed GR reporter gene assays under conditions of immunophilin ligand and dexamethasone treatment that yielded equal intracellular hormone concentrations. FK506 was found to stimulate GR transactivity beyond the effect of this ligand on hormone retention. In contrast, CsA only affected the GR through upregulation of hormone retention. By Scatchard analysis, FK506 was found to increase GR hormone-binding affinity while decreasing total binding sites for hormone. This result correlated with loss of GR-associated FKBP51 and replacement with PP5. Interestingly, no GR-associated Cyp40 was found in these cells, consistent with the ability of CsA ligand to only affect GR through the hormone export mechanism. To test the role of FKBP52 independent of FK506, FKBP52 was placed under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter. Upregulation of FKBP52 caused an increase in both GR hormone-binding affinity and transactivity, even in the absence of FK506. These results show that immunosuppressive ligands can alter GR hormone-binding function by changing the TPR protein composition of receptor complexes and that TPR proteins exert a hierarchical effect on this GR function in the following order: FKBP52 > PP5 > FKBP51.  相似文献   

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