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Selenoprotein P (SELENOP) is a serum glycoprotein that is required for proper selenium distribution in mammals, particularly in supplying selenium to the brain and testes. As the sole mechanism for providing essential selenium to developing spermatozoa, SELENOP metabolism is central to male fertility in all mammals. In addition, this process is important for proper brain function, especially under conditions of limited dietary selenium. Several specific and nonspecific mechanisms for SELENOP uptake in target tissues have been described, but the utilization of SELENOP as a source of selenium for intracellular selenoprotein production has not been systematically characterized. In this report, we examine the process of SELENOP uptake using a robust selenium uptake assay that measures selenium utilization in cells fed 75Se-SELENOP. Using a series of inhibitors and modulators we have identified specific regulators of the process and found that SELENOP must be in an oxidized state for uptake. This assay also demonstrates that SELENOP uptake is not highly sequence specific as the zebrafish protein is recognized and processed by mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to screen intestinal lactobacilli strains for their advantageous properties to select those that could be used for the development of novel gastrointestinal probiotics. Ninety-three isolates were subjected to screening procedures. Fifty-nine percent of the examined lactobacilli showed the ability to auto-aggregate, 97% tolerated a high concentration of bile (2% w/v), 50% survived for 4 h at pH 3.0, and all strains were unaffected by a high concentration of pancreatin (0.5% w/v). One Lactobacillus buchneri strain was resistant to tetracycline. None of the tested strains caused lysis of human erythrocytes. Six potential probiotic strains were selected for safety evaluation in a mouse model. Five of 6 strains caused no translocation, and were considered safe. In conclusion, several strains belonging to different species and fermentation groups were found that have properties required for a potential probiotic strain. This study was the first phase of a multi-phase study aimed to develop a novel, safe and efficient prophylactic and therapeutic treatment system against gastrointestinal infections using genetically modified probiotic lactobacilli.  相似文献   

ERREDE  L. A. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(6):839-847
Water uptake in systems consisting of a potted plant and twoembedded reservoirs, which had been fitted with microporousbottoms, were monitored daily over test intervals that rangedfrom 1 to 3 years. When both reservoirs contained aqueous solutionsof the same chemical composition, plants took water from thealternate sources without bias, but when one reservoir containedtap water and the other a strong aqueous nutrient solution,an initially fluctuating bias developed. Eventually the systemre-stabilized at an equilibrium state in which total uptakeof water (in 1 day–1) to nutrient salt (in g day–1)was about 16 to 1 independent of the concentration in the nutrientsolution. This equilibrium ratio was altered sharply wheneverthe plant was damaged severely, or whenever the quality of thewater in one of the reservoirs was impaired by addition of atoxicant. The equilibrium state was re-established within 6months following plant damage, and within a few weeks followingelimination of the toxicant. The above results demonstrate thatmultireservoir systems, which can be assembled easily from inexpensivecomponents, provide a reliable means for studying water uptakeby a single plant from two or more independent sources, andthat these systems are very sensitive to changes that affectthe physiology of the plant. water uptake, selective uptake, potometry, membranes, permeability, root growth, split-root growth, hydroponic  相似文献   

Study on the Relationship between Soil Selenium and Plant Selenium Uptake   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Various extraction methods have been used to determine selenium (Se) concentrations in soils and plants in the second seleniferous regions of China. Our results show tea Se contents in the study area range from 1.009 to 2.6 mg/kg, which reveal that the tea areas in Ziyang County are in seleniferous regions. The four extraction methods evaluated in this study provide different information concerning soil and plant Se levels. The quality control/quality assurance program for this project indicated there is excellent agreement between total soil Se and extractable Se. For example, phosphate extractable Se results from the field investigation and greenhouse study were found to be highly correlated (R 2 > 0.91) by linear regression analyses. Results from rye seedling experiments further show phosphate extractable Se has significant correlations with plant Se uptake and that a 0.1 M solution of KH2PO4 can be used as the extractant of soil available Se. In the acid soil, the Brassica campestris yield could be significantly reduced when the content of Se6+–Se ≥ 0.5 mg/kg, and the influence on the yield was not as obvious when the content of Se6+–Se reached up to 2.0 mg/kg. The uptake by Brassica campestris of Se6+–Se is higher than that of Se4+–Se. The main factors influencing the biological availability of soil Se, in order of their importance are CaCO3, the presence of silt grains, organic matter and the presence of clay grains. pH could affect KH2PO4 extractable Se through CaCO3.  相似文献   

A 6-week trial was conducted to compare the effect of selenium (Se) from hydroponically produced Se-enriched kale sprout (HPSeKS), sodium selenite (SS), and Se-enriched yeast (SeY) in laying hens. A total of 144 40-week-old hens were randomly divided into four groups, according to a completely randomized design. Each group consisted of four replicates with nine hens per replicate. The dietary treatments were T1 (basal diet) and T2, T3, and T4 (basal diets supplemented with 0.30 mg Se/kg from SS, SeY, and HPSeKS, respectively). Results showed that Se supplement did not affect (p > 0.05) productivity and egg quality. Hens fed Se from HPSeKS and SeY exhibited higher (p < 0.05) Se bioavailability than hens fed Se from SS. Whole egg Se concentration of hens fed Se from HPSeKS was similar (p > 0.05) to that of hens fed Se from SeY, but higher (p < 0.05) than that of hens fed Se from SS. However, the breast muscle and heart tissue Se concentrations of hens fed Se from SS, SeY, and HPSeKS were not different (p > 0.05). The results of this trial demonstrated that Se from HPSeKS and SeY was more efficient than Se from SS on Se bioavailability and whole egg Se concentration in laying hens.  相似文献   

铝超积累植物和铝排斥植物吸收和累积铝的机理   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
谢正苗  黄铭洪  叶志鸿 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1653-1659
研究了香港茶园天然生态系统中铝超积累植物和铝排斥植物包括茶树(Camellia sinensis L.)、多花野牡丹(Melastoma affine L.)、假苹婆(Sterculia lanceolata L.)、大罗伞紫金牛(Ardisia crenata L.)、相思树(Acacia formosa L.)和红楠(Machilus thunbergii Machilus thunbergii L.)对铝吸收和累积的机理。6种植物新鲜根和茎的pH值变化范围为3-6,不同部位全铝含量变化幅度为13-12810mg/kg(干重,下同)。新鲜植物组织的pH值是控制植物对铝吸收、转运和累积的最重要的因素。植物中的铝浓度随其pH值降低而显著增加。供试6种植物可分为两组:一组是铝排斥植物,其pH值大约6,叶中含铝量范围为17-151mg/kg,包括假苹婆、大罗伞紫金牛、相思树和红楠;另一组是铝超积累植物,其pH值为3和4.5,叶中含铝量范围为7820-12810mg/kg,包括茶树和多花野牡丹。铝超积累植物新鲜根中水溶性铝与全铝的比例(0.11-0.88)高于铝排斥植物根中的比例(0.04-0.07)。相同趋势可见于茎和叶中,特别在多花野牡丹茎叶中。结果表明:新鲜根、茎和叶中水溶性铝与全铝的比例高可以增加植物从土壤-植物系统中铝的迁移速率,导致较高的铝吸收累积。根际和非根际土壤的pH值有显著差异。通常,象多花野牡丹一样的铝超积累植物,其组织pH值低,降低了根限pH,使土壤中铝更容易吸收。铝排斥植物增根际土壤的pH值,以避免根对铝的高量吸收。  相似文献   

钝顶螺旋藻富集转化硒及硒在藻体中的分布   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
钝顶螺旋藻在4℃、避光、隔离空气条件下,对硒的吸附量死体显著高于活体。藻体对硒的最大富集量为627.4μg.g^-1(DW),培养基中硒浓度在300μg.ml^-1以下时有机硒转化率大于80%。藻体中的硒主要分布在水溶性组化率大于80%。藻体中的硒主要分布在水溶性组分中,占总硒的65%以上,蛋白质硒占有机硒的71.9%,多糖、核酸也有一定量硒分布。  相似文献   

介绍了硒元素对生物体的健康功效及不合理摄入硒对人体造成的危害,从硒在人体的吸收、转运角度解释了硒的生物利用率的含义,总结了硒在人体的吸收代谢情况、生物利用率的测定方法及当前研究现状、硒生物利用率的影响因素,初步得出补硒关键控制点,为提高硒的生物利用率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Probiotic microorganisms are ingested as food or supplements and impart positive health benefits to consumers. Previous studies have indicated that probiotics transiently reside in the gastrointestinal tract and, in addition to modulating commensal species diversity, increase the expression of genes for carbohydrate metabolism in resident commensal bacterial species. In this study, it is demonstrated that the human gut commensal species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron efficiently metabolizes fructan exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesized by probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri strain 121 while only partially degrading reuteran and isomalto/malto-polysaccharide (IMMP) α-glucan EPS polymers. B. thetaiotaomicron metabolized these EPS molecules via the activation of enzymes and transport systems encoded by dedicated polysaccharide utilization loci specific for β-fructans and α-glucans. Reduced metabolism of reuteran and IMMP α-glucan EPS molecules may be due to reduced substrate binding by components of the starch utilization system (sus). This study reveals that microbial EPS substrates activate genes for carbohydrate metabolism in B. thetaiotaomicron and suggests that microbially derived carbohydrates provide a carbohydrate-rich reservoir for B. thetaiotaomicron nutrient acquisition in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

植物对土壤中铀的吸收与富集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核工业发展导致重金属铀排放和扩散,并造成了地表土壤的污染,对人类的生存环境产生了极其不利的影响。如何修复铀污染土壤成为亟待解决的问题。近年来发展起来的植物修复技术以其成本低廉、安全和环保的特点成为修复铀污染土壤的新选择。寻找理想的铀富集植物是这一技术的基础和关键。该文通过实验模拟铀污染的土壤(土壤中铀的浓度为100 mg.kg–1),进行一次和二次铀污染土壤的植物修复后,从4个方面对植物修复铀污染土壤效果进行评估,即富集铀的浓度、生物提取量、生物富集系数(BFS)和转运系数(TFS)。实验结果表明:第1次修复时,四季香油麦菜(Lactuca dolichophylla)地上部富集铀的浓度为1.67×103 mg.kg–1,生物富集系数和转移系数均大于3;第2次修复时,麦冬(Ophiopogon japoni-cus)富集铀的浓度与第1次修复相比变化不大,而吊兰(Chlorophytum comosum)、四季豆(Phaseolus vulgaris)和艾蒿(Artemisia lavandulaefolia)富集铀的浓度与第1次修复相比均减少4–8倍;施加土壤改良剂鸡粪肥、海藻肥和柠檬酸后发现海藻肥和柠檬酸能够增强植物对铀污染土壤的修复;对两次修复土壤中铀的形态进行对比分析,发现二次修复时土壤中生物有效态铀的含量降低,造成第2次修复的难度增加。  相似文献   

Methods and procedures are described for the identification of aerobic pseudomonads isolated from clinical specimens. Fluorescence is used as a means of primary differentiation. Final identification is based on the observation of characteristics such as flagellation, storage of intracellular fat, growth at 4 C and at 41 C, denitrification, gelatin hydrolysis, arginine dihydrolase activity, and oxidase activity. The value of this schema to the diagnostic laboratory is discussed.  相似文献   

Pathways of Uptake and Accumulation of Sugars in Tomato Fruit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The route of sucrose unloading from the conducting tissue, theregulation of sucrose hydrolysis and the uptake and subsequentmetabolism of sugars were investigated in the rapidly growingtomato fruit. During the first two weeks of fruit enlargement, the vacuoleaccounted for more than 85% of the protoplast volume and theintercellular space accounted for 20% of the fruit placentaltissue. The plasmodesmatal frequency was highest between phloemparenchyma cells and lowest between phloem sieve cells and phloemparenchyma. The total invertase activity was about 8 µmolglucose g–1 d. wt min–1 during the rapid growingperiod and increased six-fold at ripening. The wall-bound invertaseaccounted for less than 11% of the total activity. Invertaseactivity increased with increasing sucrose concentrations (upto 50 mM) in the incubation medium, but decreased at higherconcentrations. Sucrose synthase activity could only be detectedwhen fruit was older than 19 d. The uptake and metabolism of sugars by fruit cells were investigatedby incubation of fruit slices with 14C-sugars for 3 h. The uptakeof sucrose increased with the sucrose concentration up to 200mM. The rate of glucose uptake and its conversion to the ethanol-insolublefraction were higher than those of sucrose. The uptake of sucrosedid not compete with that of glucose or vice versa, providedthe osmotic potential of the incubation solution was maintainedconstant. The uptake of sucrose was not inhibited by metabolicinhibitors such as PCMBS, CCCP, sodium azide or vanadate. TheATPase activity in the fruit tissue was low. These findings did not identify conclusively the mode of sucroseunloading. However, the uptake of sugars by fruit cells is non-specificand does not appear to require a membrane carrier or plasmalemmaATPase to provide energy for sucrose uptake. Fruit, invertase, Lycopersicon esculentum, phloem unloading, plasmodesmata, sucrose  相似文献   

Uptake and Accumulation of Inorganic Carbon by a Freshwater Diatom   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Colman, B. and Rotatore, C. 1988. Uptake and accumulation ofinorganic carbon by a freshwater diatom.—J. exp Bot 39:1025–1032. The mechanism of uptake of inorganic carbon and its accumulationhas been studied in the freshwater diatom Navicula pelliculosa.No external carbonic anhydrase could be detected, although itwas detected in cell extracts. The rate of photosynthetic O2evolution, in media in the range pH 7.5–8.5, exceededthe calculated rate of CO2 supply 2- to 5-fold, indicating thatHCO3 was taken up by the cells. At an external pH of7.5, the internal pH, measured by 14C-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione distribution between the cells and the medium, was pH7.6 in the light and pH 7.4 in the dark. Accumulation of inorganiccarbon was determined by the silicone oil centrifugation methodand inorganic carbon pools of 23.5 mol m–3 were found,a concentration 21.6-fold that in the external medium. The resultsindicate an active accumulation of inorganic carbon againstpH and concentration gradients in this diatom, probably by activeHCO3 uptake. Key words: Bicarbonate transport, carbon dioxide, carbonic anhydrase, CO2 affinity, CO2 concentrating mechanism, internal pH, Navicula pelliculosa  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) has chemical properties similar to sulfur, but slight differences can lead to altered tertiary structure and dysfunction of proteins and enzymes, if selenocysteine is incorporated into proteins in place of cysteine. In some areas of California with irrigation agriculture elevated Se concentration in drainage and shallow groundwaters caused bioaccumulation of Se in wetlands and Se toxicity to wildlife. Among higher plants Se accumulators are tolerant to high Se concentrations whereas non-accumulators are Se-sensitive. Algae show a requirement of Se for growth and development, but no Se essentiality has been demonstrated for higher plants, possibly with the exception of Se accumulators. Higher plants take up Se preferentially as selenate via the high affinity sulfate permease. Contents of Se in agricultural crops are usually below 1 mg kg?1 DW, and hence such crops are considered safe for human and animal consumption even when grown on moderately high Se soils. Sulfate salinity inhibits uptake of selenate by many plant species. Assimilation of selenate by non-accumulators leads to synthesis of selenocysteine and selenomethionine; Se-cysteine is readily incorporated into proteins. High Se can interfere with S and N metabolism in non-accumulators. In contrast, Se accumulators sequester Se mainly in non-protein selenoamino acids. Among several selenoenzymes identified in bacteria and mammals, Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase which catalyses the reduction of organic peroxides and H2O2 has been demonstrated convincingly in algae; in higher plants, however, the experimental evidence regarding its occurrence is controversial. All organisms including higher plants contain Se-cysteyl-tRNAs that decode UGA. Selenocysteine is proposed to function as 21st proteinaceous amino acid and thus is suggested to have a biological role in higher plants. Biogeochemical cycling of Se involves significant volatilization of methylated selenides such as dimethyl selenide to the atmosphere from higher plants as well as freshwater algae, but Se exchange between oceans and the atmosphere appears to proceed as net flux to the oceans.  相似文献   

植物对重金属的吸收和分布   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:68  
植物修复是利用植物来清除污染土壤中重金属的一项技术。该技术成功与否取决于植物从土壤中吸取金属以及向地上部运输金属的能力。植物对金属的吸收主要取决于自由态离子活度。许多螯合剂能诱导植物对重金属的吸收。金属离子在液泡中的区域化分布是植物耐重金属的主要原因。同时,细胞内的金属硫蛋白、植物螯合脓等蛋白质以及有机酸、氨基酸等在金属贮存和解毒方面也起重要作用。本文还论述了重金属在植物体内运输的生理及分子方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物对重金属的吸收和分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物修复是利用植物来清除污染土壤中重金属的一项技术。该技术成功与否取决于植 物从土壤中吸取金属以及向地上部运输金属的能力。植物对金属的吸收主要取决于自由态离子活度。许多螯合剂能诱导植物对重金属的吸收。金属离子在液泡中的区域化分布是植物耐 重金属的主要原因。同时,细胞内的金属硫蛋白、植物螯合肽等蛋白质以及有机酸、氨基酸等在金属贮存和解毒方面也起重要作用。本文还论述了重金属在植物体内运输的生理及分子 方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物硒代谢和积累及相关酶的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了植物硒代谢的基本途径及其积累的分子机制,详细介绍了几种参与硒代谢的关键性酶的分子生物学特性。并展望了有关植物硒代谢的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are diverse organic contaminants released into the environment by both natural and anthropogenic activities. These compounds have negative impacts on plants growth and development. Although there are many reports on their existence in different parts of plant, their uptake and translocation pathways and mechanisms are not well understood yet. This paper highlights the uptake, translocation and accumulation of PAHs by wheat, sunflower and alfalfa through an experimental study under controlled conditions. Seeds were cultivated in a soil containing 50 mg/kg of phenanthrene and fluorene and their concentrations in plants roots and shoots were determined using a gas chromatograph after 7 and 14 days. The results showed that phenanthrene and fluorene concentrations in the treated plants were increased over the time. PAHs bioavailability was time and species dependent and generally, phenanthrene uptake and translocation was faster than that of fluorene, probably due to their higher Kow. Fluorene tended to accumulate in roots, but phenanthrene was transported to aerial parts of plants.  相似文献   

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