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The population of P. filamentosus around the periphery of the Mahe Plateau was studied using data derived from commercial handline fishing operations between November 1989 and December 1990. Sex ratio was close to one. Fork length was in the range 25.6–79.8 cm: at first sexual maturity, 36–38 cm for females and 40–42 cm for males. Spawning occurred from October to April peaking between February and April and in November.
The length ( f.l. , cm)–weight (kg) relationship was W =0.00005353 × f.l. 2.7004. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters, estimated from length frequency data, were K =0.2875 and L inf=81.7 cm. Mortality rates, estimated from length converted catch curve analysis, were Z =0.811, F =0.277 with M =0.534 derived from Pauly's empirical formula. Jones' length cohort analysis gave an estimate of F= 0.294 for the fully exploited part of the stock, and a density of 2.59 t km−2 for the periphery of the plateau from 75 to 150 m depth. The Lesley constant catchability model, applied to the results of intensive fishing around isolated banks, derived a mean density estimate of 2.99t km−2. The sustainable yield was estimated to be 233–268 tonnes per annum and the catch in 1990 was 200 tonnes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in earth ponds (242–1260m2) to evaluate the Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.) as a predator for recruitment control and the production of marketable Oreochromis niloticus L. in the Sudan. Supply of the predatory fish was maintained by induced spawning of L. niloticus brooders by raising the water level in a 1–0 ha earth pond. Lates niloticus fingerlings (7–5 cm total length) were then stocked with same size O. niloticus at the ratios 1:5, 1:10 and 1:15, Lates:Oreochromis , respectively. Over a period of 7 months Lates niloticus reduced young 50g) Oreochromis population and enhanced the production of preferred-size ( 200 g) Oreochromis. The ratio 1:5 Lates:Oreochromis was established to be the most desirable for Lates -with a total production of 0.2428 kg/m2 of O. niloticus with 55.7% (by weight) at the target size averaging 287.5g. The ratios 1:10 and 1:15 produced 0.2106 and 0.2153 kg m2 of O. niloticus , with 49.4% and 16.9% averaging 235.0 and 210.0 g, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the history of commercial exploitation of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris in the North Atlantic. Length frequencies of C. rupestris in 1993, from 400 to 1200 m on the slopes of the Rockall trough indicate a reduction since the 1970s in the modal length of fish found at 700–1000 m. Ages ranged from 2 to 50 years for males and 2 to 60 years for females, with most between 10–38 years. Females attained a greater asymptotic pre-anus length ( L =19.5 cm) than males ( L =15.5 cm) and had a greater weight for a given age (male W =761g, female W =1132g). This species may have a protracted spawning period. Using pre-anus lengths, 50% of male fish were mature at 10 cm (ages 8–10) while 50% of female fish were mature at 12 cm (ages 9–11). At the greatest depths sampled the length frequency of fish was bimodal with a hiatus between 9 and 11 cm (ages 8–12). Highest catch rates occurred on the Donegal slope in September at a depth of 800–1000 m.  相似文献   

The dynamics of increase of the mosaic muscle in hatchery reared rainbow trout (2·3 to 61·3 cm fork length) are investigated. In trout <5 cm, all fibres are <40 μm in diameter; from 5 to 20 cm the diameter mode remains in the 0–39·9 μm class and there is some extension in range of diameter, thereby suggesting that mosaic muscle increase up to 20 cm is mainly by recruitment of new (small) fibres. When trout exceed 20 cm, mode of fibre diameter shifts to the 40–79·9 um class and fibres of larger diameter (> 100 μrn) appear but the subsequent overall fibre diameter frequency distribution changes little until 50 cm. Increase in muscle during the phase 20–50 cm seems partly attributable to increase in fibre diameter, but remains largely the result of recruitment of small fibres, although the mechanism of the latter process appears less clear than in fish of <20 cm. The recruitment of new fibres stops at 55 cm and further increase in mosaic muscle evidently depends upon the ability of existing fibres to increase in diameter. Possible means by which increasing muscle fibre diameter may limit the ultimate size which trout may achieve are discussed. A phenomenon of apparent reduction in fibre diameter in winter among fish 20–39·9 cm long is noted and its significance is considered.  相似文献   

A study of eel catches from Lesina (444 specimens) and Varano lagoons (325 specimens), in southern Adriatic, Italy, was made. Male silver eels in Lesina ranged from 33.4–51.5 cm in length, with a mean of 42.6 cm; from 50–240 g in weight, with a mean of 141 g and were 1.5–6.5 years old with a mean of 2.5 years. The average length of male silver eels in Varano lagoon was 40.5 cm (range 31–48.5 cm); the average weight was 122 g (range 80–220 g)and a mean age of 2.6 years (range 1.5–7.5 years).
The females are bigger, heavier and older than the males with, in Lesina, a mean length of 61 cm (range 50.9–74.3 cm), a mean weight of 438 g (range 240–730 g) and a mean age of 3.4 years (range 1.5–6.5). The average length of Varano female silver eels was 58 cm (range 50.8–72.5 cm), and the average weight was 383 g (range 225–840 g). They were 1.5–7.5 years old, with an average of 3.8 years. Female silver eels were only 20% of the population at Lesina and 10% at Varano.
In comparison with the silver eel populations of the North Adriatic lagoons, the North Sea or the Atlantic Ocean, the silver eels of Lesina and Varano show a greater growth rate, are younger and have a sex ratio in favour of the males.
The water temperature, higher than in other countries, could be an important factor affecting the differences in age and growth rates between Lesina and Varano silver eels and those of other waters.  相似文献   

Growth dynamics of white fibres from axial muscle has been investigated in Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi , discriminating between sexes for the first time. The frequency distributions of fibre diameters are remarkably different in both sexes at sizes between 42 and 63·9 cm total length (T.l.). Males have a much lower proportion of newly recruited fibres (0–10 μm) than females; at 52–53·9 cm T.l., females have 4% of fibres in that category and males 0·5%. It appears that, from this size interval onwards, the increase in muscle mass is due only to the increase in diameter of individual fibres, which may exceed 300 μm. The lower recruitment rate of new fibres in males, and its relationship to lower growth rates and smaller final sizes, are discussed, and possible effects of reproductive activity are considered.  相似文献   

The attachment of dummy, ultrasonic, acoustic tags, of the Stirling Mk. VI design, to pre-smolt Atlantic salmon parr significantly affected fish growth rates. Fish less than 160 mm in length lost weight and showed no change in length. Fish over 160 mm in length put on weight, though at a rate significantly lower than that of untagged controls. For fish between 160 and 180mm in length, the increase in length was significantly smaller in tagged fish than in untagged controls. Over 180 mm in length, no difference could be detected in the length gains of tagged and untagged fish.
Smaller tagged fish gave up maintaining station and showed signs of distress at an earlier stage in the experiment than larger tagged fish. Tag-related mortality was inversely related to fish size. All but two of the control fish survived the experiment and continued to maintain station throughout.
The results suggest that the minimum length of Atlantic salmon parr on which this design of acoustic tag could be employed is 160 mm, and that caution is needed in the interpretation of track lengths longer than l0 daysof parr in the size range 160–180 mm.  相似文献   

The population structure and growth rate of Rhabdosargus holubi (Steindachner) in the closed West Kleinemond estuary in south east Africa, from 1971–973, are described. Juvenile R. holubi invade the estuary at a length of 1–2 cm but migrate back to the sea at a length of about 14 cm without attaining maturity in the estuary. Adult R. holubi are rarely encountered in estuaries. The annual growth increment of O group R. holubi was 6 cm, almost all occurring in summer. The growth of Lithognathus lithognathus (Cuvier) was also measured in the same closed estuary and O group fish of this species also grew 6 cm per annum although 1 + fish grew 8 cm per annum.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The relationship was examined between four measures of lake productivity [total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations, zooplankton density and biomass] and growth in length and weight of age-0 yellow perch in ten central Alberta lakes.
2. In these lakes, average summer TP and Chl a levels were in the range 11–51 and 1.4–19.5 μg1−1, respectively. The interaction of TP and Chl a could explain 61% and 57% of the variance in total length and wet weight, respectively, of age-0 yellow perch sampled at the end of August.
3. The ability to predict first year fish growth from lake productivity is strongest at low levels of productivity (TP<35μgl−1). In the lakes studied, fish community structure is more complex at high levels of productivity (TP>35μg1−1), and more data on complex community level interactions seem necessary to predict fish growth in these systems.  相似文献   

Effects of angling exploitation on brown trout populations were assessed by comparing fished sections with close ones unfished for at least 20 years, in mountain streams of Asturias (Northern Spain). Both the fish size and age structure significantly differed among sections in the expected direction according to their exploitation status. The main effects were a significant decrease in age structure complexity (diversity), life span, and percent individuals above the legal limit size in the exploited stocks versus the unexploited ones. Trout above the minimum length limit for fishing (18 cm) averaged 19.47% of the fish caught in the unfished sections (sd = 4.01; n = 5), and 4.72% (sd = 3.46; n = 4) in those subjected to angling. Furthermore, fish older than 4 years represented 39.84% (sd = 8.53) and 1.19% (sd = 1.60) of the catch, respectively. Effects on recruitment (density of young fishes) and growth rates (length at age 1 + to 3 +) were not absolutely consistent, though maximum values were associated with fished sections.  相似文献   

The ovaries of anadromous arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), captured during 1973 from four high arctic rivers on Baffin Island started to increase in weight early in July and were at their heaviest in mid-September just before spawning. At this time, 40 cm (615 g) char from two rivers contained ovaries weighing 17.0 g (dry) which differed significantly from the 22.5 g gonads of comparable char from the other two areas. Gonadal development in male fish began in June and the diameter of testes at full maturity (3.0–4.0 cm) was similar regardless of river system. Fecundity of comparable fish varied significantly among the rivers with char 40 cm in length containing 1400–2400 eggs while the corresponding values for 60 cm (i.e. 2050 g) char ranged from 4000–5500. The diameter of both immature and mature eggs was similar regardless of system. Values for immature eggs averaged 0.64 mm in 40 cm fish and 1.60 mm in 60 cm specimens. Diameter of mature eggs, on the other hand, was considerably greater (3.2 and 4.3 mm, respectively). Maturity was first reached at age 10 (i.e. 35 cm) in both males and females and maturing fish of both sexes were not always restricted to fresh water. Redd construction occurred at a depth of one to at least 11 m at a temperature of 0.5–4.0° C. The percentage of eggs retained in the body cavity after spawning varied from 0.22–1.50 and the mortality rate of spawned eggs was extremely low.  相似文献   

Growth of captive juvenile Pacific halibut was linearly related to energy consumption (J g−1 day−1) at 4°C by the following equation: growth (% body weight (b.w.) day−1)=0–007 (consumption J g−1 day−1)– 0.192; r2 =0.81. Weight gain was independent of size for fish between 9 and 7000 g when growth was expressed as a function of consumption in J g−1 day−1. Maintenance ration determined in feeding–growth experiments averaged 27.4 J g−1 day−1 at 4–0°C. Small halibut ate significantly more food than large fish. Single meals following 2 day fasts averaged 4.1% b.w. for halibut under 100 g, 1.72% b.w. for 1.2 kg fish and 1.1% B.W. for 6.8 kg fish. Both large and small size categories of halibut tended to evacuate their meal in about 3 days even though small fish ate relatively larger meals. Minimum estimates for daily ration to achieve growth rates observed in the Gulf of Alaska were approximately 0.5 to 2.4% b.w. day−1 depending on fish size and whether northern shrimp or yellowfin sole were their prey.  相似文献   

Newly recruited Ctenochaetus striatus were monitored over a 16-month period in American Samoa, 2002–2003. During this period, a mass recruitment of age-0 C. striatus occurred in March 2002 with numbers reaching 22.9 recruits m?2. This program provided an invaluable opportunity to (1) analyze the dynamics of a mass recruitment episode and to assess its significance with respect to more typical patterns of recruitment and (2) establish the pattern of recruit growth during their first year of life. Age-based analysis indicated that the mass recruitment generated about 90 % of annual recruitment, but recruit mortality was high; thus, most recruitment was provided by continuous settlement throughout the year. The mass event appeared to be a short-lived pulse with recruits residing on the reef an average of 14.1 d compared with 161.1 d for other recruits. Recruits grew rapidly, achieving 90 % of their adult size during their first year, and they formed their first otolith annulus after 1 yr, thereby providing a firm basis for otolith interpretation of fish ages during the early life history phase of this species. The extensive age-based documentation of their first year growth in this study validates the distinctive “square” growth pattern exhibited by acanthurids as described in the literature (i.e., long life span with rapid initial growth that quickly reaches an asymptotic size), and it demonstrates the impact that the presence of age-0 fish has when generating growth parameters for populations exhibiting square growth. We found that the parameters from the re-parameterized von Bertalanffy growth function have preferred characteristics when modeling square growth in fish and that fixing age-at-length zero to pelagic larval duration is a preferable method to constrain growth models when lacking age-0 fish.  相似文献   

The growth rate, food, reproduction and mortality rates of the red bass, Lutjanus bohar , are described for fish associated with coral reefs in the Tigak Islands of Papua New Guinea. Spawning intensity by month was investigated by examination of gonad maturation stages. The length–at–maturity of female L. bohar was estimated from the relationship between changes in gonad index with increasing size. Female fish matured at about 45–0 cm fork length. The Petersen method was used to obtain age–at–length data from length frequency data of L. bohar captured by hook–and–line fishing. The growth of L. bohar was described by a von Bertalanffy growth curve with the parameters AT=0.27 and L = 81.7 cm. There was a positive correlation between water depth (D) and the length of L. bohar (L) that was described by L = 318–8+ 3.050 D . The mortality rates ( Z ) of L. bohar from shallow (≤30m) and deep (≤80m) water were estimated from length converted catch curves and were 1–181 and 0–64 respectively. The high Z value for the shallow water population of L. bohar was ascribed to the migration of larger specimens into deeper water. The deep water population of L. bohar remains unfished and the estimate of Z was believed to be equivalent to the natural mortality rate ( M ). An empirical method of calculating M gave an estimate of 0.59. Lutjanus bohar is a carnivorous piscivore that feeds throughout the water column.  相似文献   

The growth of Hawaiian taape, Lutjanus kasmira , was studied by examining otoliths and by analysing length-frequency distribution. Annual hyaline and opaque markings were visible in whole mounts of sagittae, which were verified by enumeration of daily increments with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and through marginal increment analysis. The von Bertalanffy growth curve was fitted to the data, resulting in: where t. l . is total length (cm) and t is age (years). SEM observations revealed that the slowgrowth hyaline zones were composed of daily increments too small (0.4–0.8 μm) to be resolved optically. Thus, age estimates derived by numerically integrating otolith growth rate data obtained with a light microscope showed a negative bias, resulting in overestimation of growth rates. Parameter estimates obtained from three different types of length-frequency analysis were also unstable. This was due, at least in part, to differences in the size composition of fish sampled with different fishing gears and from different depths.
The growth rate registered in Hawaii falls within the reported growth coefficients of lutjanids, whereas it is one of the highest in the Pacific and clearly higher than a deep-water lutjanid species growth in Hawaii. Probably, this high growth rate may have been enhanced by the relative lack of competitors in the depauperate Hawaiian marine fish community.  相似文献   

The c-AMP content has been found to double when Acetabularia develop from 5–10 mm long to grown or almost full-grown algae.
The biological significance of this fact has been approached by studying the effects of drugs known to influence the intracellular c-AMP content on the development of Acetabularia. When grown in the presence of theophyllin or papaverin, inhibitors of phosphodiesterase, the Acetabularia display a striking response during the exponential growth period; the final length, however, is not affected. Both substances increase the c-AMP content of the algea. Isoproterenol, which activates adenylate cyclase in many systems, also influences Acetabularia during the exponential growth period and, in addition, slightly affects cap formation.
The change in c-AMP content in the course of development and the effects of drugs influencing (theophyllin and papaverin) or likely to influence (isoproterenol) the c-AMP content of the algae suggest that this nucleotide plays a role at the time of intense growth.
The same phosphodiesterase activity has been found in the 5–10 mm and the 19–25 mm long algae, whereas two enzymes were found in cap-bearing Acetabularia.
The results are discussed as well as the involvement of c-AMP in the development of this alga.  相似文献   

This is a study of the reproductive biology and morphology of the pituitary gland of the osteoglossid fish Scleropages formosus (Müller & Schlegel). The fish spawn in the Tasek Bera waterways of Pahang, Malaysia during the rainy season beginning in August. Young fish are incubated in the mouth of the male parent until free-swimming. Males mature in their 2+ year, when 30–45 cm in length. In mature specimens the testis is small, and little sperm is produced. Some females mature in their 2+ year, although at that time, most have only reached the stage of secondary oocyte production. The chorion and follicular granulosa of secondary oocytes are deeply invaginated into the cytoplasm. All fish spawn in their 3+ year, when 45–60 cm in length. The single ripe ovary contains 20–30 ova, each 1.9 cm in diameter. No fish of 4+ years were caught, which may be the result of mortality or emigration, or due to extraneous causes such as selectivity in the fishing techniques used.
The pituitary gland accords with the generalized teleost pattern and embryonic development. There is no saccus vasculosus. Adrenocorticotropic cells predominate in the proadenohypophysis, and somatotropic and luteotropic cells occur here. The mesoadenohypophysis contains gonadotropic and somatotropic cells; the former grow large in ripe specimens, so that the mesoadenohypophysis becomes much enlarged. The metaadenohypophysis contains relatively few cells, much neurohypophyseal ramification, and is deeply penetrated by the third ventricle of the brain.  相似文献   

John A.  Williams 《Journal of Zoology》1978,184(2):231-244
The reproductive cycle and breeding biology of Talitrus saltator (Montagu), a supralittoral talitrid amphipod, were investigated over a 15 month period on a sandy beach in the Isle of Man. The species is shown to have an annual, univoltine reproductive cycle with a period of high reproductive activity between May and late August. Two generations are present throughout most of the year and the life spans of female and male T. saltator were calculated to be approximately 18 months and 21 months respectively. Initial juvenile growth was rapid, juveniles attaining sexual differentiation within three to four months of hatching. Juvenile growth rates averaged 5–5 mm in 100 days decreasing to 1–3 mm in 100 days after sexual differentiation at around 8.0 mm.
The relative brood size of incubating females was shown to be dependent on at least two factors, the length of the female and the stage of embryological development of the brood.
It is suggested that photoperiod is the major exogenous factor controlling gonadal maturation and the duration of reproductive activity in T. saltator.  相似文献   

R. W. FURNESS 《Ibis》1990,132(2):205-217
Shetland holds a very high concentration of seabirds that feed to a large extent on sandeels Ammodytes marinus . The available data allow an assessment of the quantity of sandeels consumed by seabirds each year 1981–83, and sensitivity analysis suggests that this figure is accurate to about ±30%. Only very approximate estimates of sandeel consumption by seals and by predatory fish can be made.
From 1981 to 1983 the Shetland fishery catch averaged 45,000 tonnes of sandeels, with an estimated natural consumption of 47,000 tonnes by seabirds (predominantly Guillemots Uria aalge and Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis ). Based on sensible guesses and the little data available, consumption may have been about 25,000 tonnes by predatory fish and 9,000 tonnes by seals. The figures suggest that natural mortality of the Shetland sandeel stock in 1981–83 was considerably in excess of the figure used in VPA stock assessments. Further information is required for key variables in order to permit better estimates of sandeel stock dynamics. In particular, we need better data on numbers and diets of seals in Shetland, numbers and diets of predatory fish, diets and foraging distributions of Fulmars, especially out with the chick-rearing period. In future, sandeel biomass assessments for Shetland should incorporate estimates of predation by seabirds as this is clearly an important part of total mortality for the stock.  相似文献   

Effects of age and body size on gonadal development of Atlantic sturgeon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three hundred and five Atlantic sturgeon caught in the Hudson River and Hudson Bight were examined for age, body size and gonadal development (histology). Sampled fish ranged in age from 1·5 to 43 years and fork length (LF) 48–244 cm, and included 144 females and 161 males. All young sturgeon (age 1·5–4 years) caught in the river had sexually differentiated gonads. Age and size distributions of subadults and adults at different stages of gametogenesis were sex-specific and conformed with von Bertalanffy growth curves. Males mature faster and at a younger age compared to the females. Females with mid-vitellogenic ovaries were not found and their absence may be related to fishing gear selectivity or out-migration into the ocean during ovarian recrudescence. Mature males and females caught during the spring spawning migration into the Hudson River, ranged in age from 12 to 19 and from 14 to 43 years, and LF 117–185 and 173–244 cm, respectively. Individual fecundity and diameter of fully grown ovarian follicles increased with age and body size, but this increase was dampened in older females. Three hermaphroditic fish were found and all exhibited sparse pre-vitellogenic ovarian follicles embedded in normally developing testicular tissue.  相似文献   

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