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Summary A list of 24 species of lépidoptères is presented, showing the comparative sensibility towardsBacillus thuringiensis b. Theses species have been approved only in preliminary tests in the Laboratory of La Minière. Therefore, the results have an indicative and provisional character. The list completes an important documentation gathered bySteinhaus in a polycopied recollection, that has been transmitted to specialists in 1957.   相似文献   

Résumé 45 Anguilles sont maintenues (32 h. à 46 jours) en eau déminéralisée (désionisée ou distillée). On note un assombrissement de la pigmentation, une hypertrophie importante de la vésicule biliaire et des modifications du système hypothalamo-hypophysaire.Dans la pars distalis rostrale, les cellules à prolactine subissent une régression, ne semblant plus élaborer de granulations. Les cellules corticotropes sont faiblement stimulées, partiellement dégranulées, en accord avec la légère activation de l'interrénal. Les cellules thyréotropes apparaissent souvent peu actives après 46 jours; cependant, l'examen préliminaire des thyroïdes ne montre pas d'hypoactivité. Dans la pars distalis proximale, les cellules gonadotropes ne sont pas modifiées; les cellules somatotropes sont stimulées: hypertrophie nucléaire et nucléolaire, développement de l'ergastoplasme, sans dégranulation complète. Leur rôle dans l'osmorégulation est discuté. Dans le lobe intermédiaire, les cellules du type 1, hématoxyline au plomb positives, prédominent chez les témoins; elles subissent une stimulation avec dégranulation partielle correspondant peut-être à l'assombrissement de la pigmentation. Le type 2, PAS positif, s'hypertrophie et s'hyperplasie rapidement en eau déminéralisée. Cette hyperactivité indiquerait un rôle dans l'osmorégulation. Le neuroséorétat s'accumule, puis tend à diminuer, la neurohypophyse étant de volume réduit. Le noyau préoptique paraît peu actif. L'hypothèse d'une faible utilisation des produits élaborés par l'axe hypothalamo-neurohypophysaire est envisagée. En plus de l'interrénal et des corpuscules de Stannius, l'hypothalamus et l'hypophyse interviennent donc dans la réponse de l'Anguille à une déminéralisation du milieu ambiant.
Summary 45 male silver eels were kept from 32 hours to 46 days in demineralized (distilled or deionized) water. They show a darkening of the skin, a hypertrophy of the gall-bladder and some modifications of the hypothalamo-neuro-adenohypophysial system.In the rostral pars distalis, the prolactin cells regressed and appeared chromophobic. The corticotrophic cells are slightly stimulated and partly degranulated, in correlation with some activation of the interrenal, previously described. The thyrotrophic cells do not appear active at the end of the experiment, however the thyroid glands are not often inactive.In the proximal pars distalis, the gonadotrophic cells remain undifferentiated. The somatotrophic cells are strongly stimulated: a cellular, nuclear and nucleolar hyperactivity, without degranulation and a development of the ergastoplasm are observed. Their role in osmoregulation and metabolism of potassium is discussed.The pars intermedia is composed of two cell types: one of which is predominant, leadhematoxylin positive. It could elaborate the MSH (intermedin). In demineralized water, it is partly degranulated and progressively stimulated, perhaps in correlation with the darkening of the pigmentation. The other cell type is PAS positive, and not abundant in the control fish. In the treated fish, rapid hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur, with cytoplasmic degranulation and mitotic activity, so that it becomes predominant in this lobe after a month or more in demineralized water. Cytologic criteria indicate a great hyperactivity which seems to play a role in the processes of the osmoregulation; this hypothesis is discussed.The neurosecretory material tends to increase, as a storage, then to decrease in the neurohypophysis which is of a reduced volume. The preoptic nucleus does not appear active. In addition to the modifications of the interrenal and the corpuscles of Stannius previously described, the changes in the hypothalamus and the pituitary constitute evidence of their important role in the reaction of the eel to a demineralized environment.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle Jacqueline Olivereau, du C.N.R.S., que nous remercions bien vivement: elle nous a beaucoup aidée au cours de ces expériences, en particulier lors des changements quotidiens de l'eau distillée ou désionisée, et a réalisé toutes les préparations histologiques et les microphotographies illustrant cet article.  相似文献   

Two fertile ferns from the Stephanian of the Massif Central (France) are described in detail. One has been found in the Blanzy basin and is assigned to Oligocarpia (Sphenopteris) leptophylla (Bunbury) nov. comb., according to the morphology of the sterile pinnae and of the fructifications. Its spores agree with the «sporae dispersae Granulatisporites parvus (Ibr.) Potonié and Kremp. The other fern has been collected in the St Etienne basin and is assigned to Senftenbergia plumosa (Artis) Radforth var. ligerensis nov. var. Its spores agree with the morphographic genus Raistrickia (S., W. and B.) Potonié and Kremp but do not look like any described species; therefore the new species name R. polymorpha nov. sp. has been given to that spore.  相似文献   

Intact sediment-water columns from a flowing cypress swamp receiving primary wastewater effluent were used to evaluate inorganic N removal and to determine the fate of 15NH inf4 sup+ -N added to the floodwater. Treatments represented wetland sites which had received 0 (initial application), 2, and 50 years of primary wastewater application. The rate of inorganic-N decrease in the floodwater was greatest for the initial application columns, primarily due to sediment adsorption of NH inf4 sup+ , followed by 2-year and 50-yr-columns. Maximum removal rates were 318, 296, and 148 mg N m–2 day–1, respectively. At the end of the 21-day study period, only 0.5 to 2.3% of applied 15N was recovered in the floodwater and 11.4 to 17.3% was recovered in the sediment, with the remaining 82.2 to 86.3% being lost from the sediment-water system. Results of the study indicated that N removal efficiency did not decrease with prolonged wastewater application, despite reduced sediment adsorption capacity, because of the significance of gaseous N losses (nitrification-denitrification, NH3 volatilization) as an N sink in the sediment-water system.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 7712  相似文献   

enAn Upper Cenomanian Ostracode assemblage has been identified near Premantura, South Istria (Yougoslavia), in an internal carbonate platform deposit. This appears of peculiar interest because of lack of datas concerning this area during the Cretaceous. Systematical studies are proposed and two new species erected: Rehacythereis apulicus nov.sp and Perissocytheridea istriana nov.sp. Some attempts are given upon paleoenvironments and paleobiogeographical signification.  相似文献   

F. Ducret 《Zoomorphology》1978,91(2):201-215
Résumé L'étude ultrastructurale de l'oeil, chez deux ChaetognathesS. tasmanica etE. hamata, a permis de mettre en évidence diverses particularités dans le phylum. Il existe deux types de vision: directe et indirecte. Le cil de la cellule sensorielle, d'une part crée un système photosensible (rhabdomes ou lamelles) approprié à chacun d'eux, d'autre part, dans le cas de la vision directe, participe à l'élaboration d'un cristallin.Sur le plan phylogénétique, l'hypothèse d'un retournement de la cellule visuelle a été envisagé, et la structure de l'oeil confirme l'individualisation du groupe au sein du règne animal.
Structural particularities of two chaetognaths optic system (Sagitta tasmanica andEukrohnia hamata) and phylogenetic incidences
Summary The ultrastructural study of two Chaetognaths' eyeS. tasmanica andE. hamata) pointed out various particularities in the phylum. There is two types of vision: direct and indirect. The sensory cell cilium (for each type of vision) creates a light sensitive system (rhabdomeres or lamellae). Especially in the direct vision it plays a great part in the crystalline lens elaboration.In a phylogenetic way, we have considered the hypothesis of a visual cell turning over. This study confirm the Chaetognaths' group individualisation amidst the animal kingdom.

Liste des abréviations c cordons courts - Cc corps conique - Cp cellule pigmentée - cr cristallin - Cs cellule sensorielle - e zone en empreinte - g granules - la lamelles - m mitochondrie - mc membrane cellulaire - mt microtubules - mv microvilli - pc pièce connectrice - rc racine ciliaire - re réticulum endoplasmique - rh rhabdomères Nous exprimons notre gratitude à Mme M.-L. Furnestin, Profr. à l'Université de Provence, Marseille, qui est à l'origine de ce travail et y a largement contribué, ainsi qu'à M.M. Moulins, Responsable du Département de Neurobiologie (Institut de Neurophysiologie, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Marseille), pour son concours dans l'interprétation des données ultrastructurales.Nous sommes redevable d'une part importante du matériel au Centre National pour l'Exploitation des Océans et à la Station Zoologique de Villefranche/Mer, dont nous remercions le Directeur, le Profr. P. Bougis  相似文献   

Potential cold resistance of non-diapause eggs and first instar larvae of Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Trichiinae) during embryogenesis and post-embryonic growth was assessed by measuring individual supercooling points (SCP): sterile eggs had a mean SCP of −24.3 ± 2.0 °C; fertilized newly laid eggs a mean SCP of −23.4 ± 3.2 °C and eggs about to hatch a mean SCP of −9.2 ± 2.9 °C. Water absorption by fertilized eggs is a necessary requirement for the development of the embryo and results in an increase in weight and water content: fertilized newly laid eggs had a mean fresh weight of 10.687 ± 1.072 mg and a mean water content (expressed as a percentage of the dry weight) of 79.5 ± 10.83%; eggs about to hatch had a mean fresh weight of 19.127 ± 3.183 mg and a mean water content of 250.10 ± 74.15%. The ex-ovo larvae, hatched 30 days after oviposition, had a mean SCP of −10.1 ± 3.6 °C (no significant difference with eggs about to hatch) and had gained in weight (24.845 ± 3.911 mg) and in water content (499.72 ± 55.49%). Feeding 1st instar larvae had a decreased supercooling ability (mean SCP = −5.7 ± 0.4 °C) whereas their mean fresh weight (99.858 ± 53.091 mg) and mean water content (665.83 ± 82.74%) increased. The eggs and larvae of O. eremita are freezing intolerant. Before overwintering, all larvae switch to being freezing tolerant and can survive ice formation in their tissues and body fluids, whereas their mean SCP stays at around −5 °C. However, recent experiments in the winter of 1996 have shown that frozen larva mortality does occur at temperatures lower than about −12 °C.  相似文献   

Pourriot  R.  Benest  D.  Rougier  C.  Clement  P. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,112(1):41-44
A comparative analysis of eight characters in two clones ofA. brightwelli and a clone ofA. intermedia, fed withParamecium orBrachionus, is made to determine the intraclonal, interclonal and interspecific variations in this complex of species.The trophi morphology appears the most species specific criterium whereas the other features (size of males, diameter and ornamentation of resting eggs, nuclear number in syncytial glands) show variability, either genetic or related to environmental conditions. The variation observed in the ornamentation of resting eggs and in the nuclear number of vitellogen was distributed along a continuous gradient.

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):211-220
New Giraffidae specimens discovered from the Late Miocene fossiliferous sector of Toros-Menalla (northern Chad) are described. These specimens are assigned to Bohlinia, a genus known so far only in some Late Miocene localities of Eurasia. This is the first occurrence of the genus in Africa. Analysis of the material allows us to describe a new species of giraffid, Bohlinia adoumi n. sp., probably close to the Eurasian forms.  相似文献   

Sans résuméStagiaire de Recherche, au Centre de Recherches Hydrobiologiques du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the microfauna of small benthonic and planktonic Foraminifera from the Burdigalian stratotype of Aquitaine basin (France) and from a few outcrops in the stratotype vicinity showing the upper or lower boundary of the stratotype.Benthonic fauna is rich: more than 250 species divided in 92 genera have been collected. The most frequent are hyaline Foraminifera (Pararotalia, Elphidium, Asterigerina, Florilus, Virgulopsis, Bolivina). The miocene feature is more pronounced than in the Aquitanian stratotype.Planktonic Foraminifera are much less abundant:only 20 species. However, some of them authorize to place the stratotype (or its equivalent l. s.) in N5 Blow's zone and perhaps in the basel N6 zone.The figurations of many species are made withthe scanning electronic microscope.  相似文献   

Desperrier  N.  Baccou  J. C.  Sauvaire  Y. 《Plant and Soil》1986,92(2):189-199
Plant and Soil - L'activité nitrogénase (réduction de l'acétylènein situ) et l'activité nitrate réductasein vivo ont été...  相似文献   

A mountain butterfly species, Parnassius apollo is protected by the CITES convention of Washington and is threatened or extinct in many European massifs. The definition of the ecological factors which can affect its survival, in particular its relations with its larval foodplants, are important to design conservation policies. The larva of P. apollo is oligophagous and feeds on various species of Crassulaceae. The results of observations and experiments on the female laying preferences and on the efficiency of some of these plants for larval development are exposed here. The two species most cited as foodplants in literature, Sedum album and S. maximum, appeared to be the most efficient. Other species, although frequently mentioned, were rejected and another one performed poorly. A comparison with other cases of foodplant specificity in butterflies is presented and the implications of these results for conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Résumé LesFormica polyctena qui ont reçu un radio-isotope (or radio-actif) l'ingèrent rapidement et peuvent le transmettre aux fourmilières voisines deFormica rufa. La radio-activité se localise dans l'abdomen des Fourmis. Il est probable qu'il s'agit d'un échange par voie buccale. Les fourmilières présentent souvent,avant tout marquage, une certaine radio-activité très faible, et due sans doute d'après des recherches en cours, à la présence naturelle de potassium dont l'isotope 40 est naturellement radio-actif.
Summary When a radioisotope is given toF. polyctena field nests the ants become active after a few hours; the activity is localized in abdomen only; it can be transmitted torufa nests in the neighbourhood. An oral exchange from polyctena to rufa is considered as a probable hypothesis. Ants nests show in many occasions,before radio-active tracer is given to, a small degree of activity, still unexplained.

Zusammenfassung Die Ameisen (Formica polyctena) die man mit einem Radioisotop (Radio-Gold) gefüttert hat zeigen nach kurzer Zeit eine messbare Radioaktivität welche an Nachbar-Völker derFormica rufa Art übertragen wird. Die Radioaktivität liegt am Abdomen der Ameisen. Es handelt sich wahrscheinlich um einen Futteraustausch. Die Ameisenvölker zeigen oft, auch vor der Fütterung mit Radioisotopen, eine schwache natürliche Radioaktivität dessen Ursache noch ungeklärt bleibt.

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