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H Lücke  W Haase    H Murer 《The Biochemical journal》1977,168(3):529-532
Uptake of L-alanine and L-phenylalanine by purified bursh-border-membrane vesicles isolated from human small intestine was investigated by using a rapid-filtration technique. L-Alanine entered the same osmotically reactive space as D-glucose, indicating that transport into the vesicle rather than binding to the membranes was being observed. The uptake rate for L-alanine was higher in the presence of a Na+ gradient than in the presence of a K+ gradient. In the presence of a Na+ gradient, the lipophilic anion SCN- caused an increase in L-alanine transport, whereas the nearly impermeant SO42- anion decreased the uptake of L-alanine compared with its uptake in the presence of Cl-. The uptake of L-phenylalanine into the brush-border-membrane vesicle was also stimulated by Na+. The results indicate co-transport of Na+ and neutral amino acids inthe human intestinal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake in isolated brush-border vesicles from rat small intestine.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ca2+ uptake in brush-border vesicles isolated from rat duodena was studied by a rapid-filtration technique. Ca2+ uptake showed saturation kinetics, was dependent on the pH and ionic strength of the medium and was independent of metabolic energy. Uptake activity was readily inhibited by Ruthenium Red, La3+, tetracaine, EGTA, choline chloride and Na+ or K+. The effect of variations in medium osmolarity on Ca2+ uptake and the ionophore A23187-induced efflux of the cation from preloaded vesicles indicated that the Ca2+-uptake process involved binding to membrane components, as well as transport into an osmotically active space. Scatchard-plot analyses of the binding data suggested at least two classes of Ca2+-binding sites. The high-affinity sites, Ka = (2.7 +/- 1.1) x 10(4) M-1 (mean +/- S.D.) bound 3.2 +/- 0.8 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein, whereas the low-affinity sites (Ka = 60 +/- 6 M-1) bound 110 +/- 17 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein. In the presence of 100 mM-NaCl, 1.7 and 53 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein were bound to the high- and low-affinity sites respectively. Decreased Ca2+-uptake activity was observed in vesicles isolated from vitamin D-deficient as compared with vitamin D-replete animals and intraperitoneal administration of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol to vitamin D-deficient rats 16 h before membrane isolation stimulated the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake significantly. The data indicated that Ca2+ entry and/or binding was passive and may involve a carrier-mediated Ca2+-uptake component that is associated with the brush-border membrane. Altering the electrochemical potential difference across the membrane by using anions of various permeability and selected ionophores appeared to increase primarily binding to the membrane rather than transport into the intravesicular space. Since there is considerable binding of Ca2+ to the vesicle interior, a comprehensive analysis of the transport properties of the brush-border membrane remains difficult at present.  相似文献   

Brush border membrane vesicles from rat small intestine were isolated by a Mg/EGTA precipitation method. Further fractionation either by free flow electrophoresis or by sucrose density gradient centrifugation leads to subfractions which differ with respect to enzyme enrichment factors, transport properties for D-glucose and protein pattern analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A relative enrichment of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is found in one fraction, whereas in another fraction maltase, aminopeptidase M and alkaline phosphatase are relatively enriched. The fractions show different properties of D-glucose transport under tracer exchange conditions and a different inhibition of D-glucose transport by phlorizin and phloretin. These results indicate that the vesicles obtained from rat small intestine by this cation precipitation method are not homogeneous. The inhomogeneity cannot be due to a crosscontamination by membranes other than from the cell envelopment, as none of the fractions show a significant enrichment of succinate--cytochrome c oxidoreductase, KCN-resistant NADH oxidoreductase or glucosaminidase. The inhomogeneity might be due either to a crosscontamination by basal-lateral membranes or to membranes derived from epithelial cells not yet fully differentiated.  相似文献   

W Berner  R Kinne    H Murer 《The Biochemical journal》1976,160(3):467-474
Uptake of Pi into brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat small intestine was investigated by a rapid filtration technique. The following results were obtained. 1. At pH 7.4 in the presence of a NaCl gradient across the membrane (sodium concentration in the medium higher than sodium concentration in the vesicles), phosphate was taken up by a saturable transport system, which was competitively inhibited by arsenate. Phosphate entered the same osmotically reactive space as D-glucose, which indicates that transport into the vesicles rather than binding to the membranes was determined. 2. The amount of phosphate taken up initially was increased about fourfold by lowering the pH from 7.4 to 6.0.3. When Na+ was replaced by K+, Rb+ or Cs+, the initial rate of uptake decreased at pH 7.4 but was not altered at pH 6.0.4. Experiments with different anions (SCN-,Cl-, SO42-) and with ionophores (valinomycin, monactin) showed that at pH 7.4 phosphate transport in the presence of a Na+ gradient is almost independent of the electrical potential across the vesicle membrane, whereas at pH 6.0 phosphate transport involves the transfer of negative charge. It is concluded that intestinal brush-border membranes contain a Na+/phosphate co-transport system, which catalyses under physiological conditions an electroneutral entry of Pi and Na+ into the intestinal epithelial cell. In contrast with the kidney, probably univalent phosphate and one Na+ ion instead of bivalent phosphate and two Na+ ions are transported together.  相似文献   

Uptake of L-lactate into rabbit jejunal brush-border-membrane vesicles prepared by a Ca2+-precipitation procedure was studied by a rapid filtration technique with L-[14C]-lactate as tracer. Transport of L-lactate into an intravesicular (osmotically reactive) space could be established. An inwardly directed NaCl gradient (outside 21 mM/inside 0mM) stimulated the uptake of L-lactate at 15 s 2-4-fold compared with that observed with an equal KCl gradient. A transient accumulation of L-lactate inside the vesicles (overshoot) was observed in the presence of an NaCl gradient. Gradients of LiCl, RbCl, CsCl or choline chloride were not able to replace NaCl in the stimulation of L-lactate uptake. L-Lactate uptake was saturable only in the presence of Na+. D-Lactate, DL-thiolactate (2-DL-mercaptopropionate), pyruvate and propionate inhibited the Na+-stimulated L-lactate uptake; D-lactate, thiolactate and pyruvate provoked trans-stimulation of L-lactate uptake. Artificially imposed diffusion potentials (inside negative) did not exert any effect on the Na+-dependent L-lactate uptake. The results are consistent with the existence of an electroneutral Na+/L-lactate co-transport system in the brush border of rabbit small intestine.  相似文献   

Sodium-proton antiport in isolated membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Li T  Tomimatsu T  Ito K  Horie T 《Life sciences》2003,73(20):2631-2639
The transport characteristics of fluorescein-methotrexate (F-MTX) in isolated brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) from rat small intestine were studied. F-MTX uptake in BBMVs was measured by a rapid filtration technique. Our results demonstrated that F-MTX uptake into vesicles was 1) significantly increased under the experimental conditions of an outwardly directed OH(-) gradient or an inwardly directed H(+)gradient, 2) sensitive to temperature, 3) increased with decreasing pH of the incubation buffer, 4) significantly inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS) at the early stage of the uptake, and 5) significantly inhibited by methotrexate (MTX). Thus, the transport of F-MTX in BBMVs was shown to be mediated in part by the reduced folate transporter (RFC) which was known to transport MTX through the epithelium of small intestine.  相似文献   

The uptake of selenite, selenate and selenomethionine (SeMet) was performed with brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) prepared from rats fed selenium-deficient and supplemented diets. At equilibrium (60 min), the uptake of 75Se from [75Se]selenite ranged from 16.5 to 18.9 nmol mg-1 protein. There was a curvilinear relationship in the uptake of selenite over a concentration range of 10–1000 m. About 2 nmol mg-1 protein was obtained with selenomethionine (SeMet) which occurred between 90 and 180 s. In contrast to selenite, there was a linear relationship in the initial uptake of SeMet over a concentration range of 10–1000 m. The uptake of selenate was approximately 50-fold lower than selenite, reaching 350 pmol mg-1 protein. Dietary selenium level had no effect on the rate of 75Se accumulation by BBMV. Dramatic differences are found in the uptake and binding of selenium by BBMV incubated with different selenocompounds.  相似文献   

Uptake of SO(4) (2-) into brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat kindey cortex by a Ca(2+)-precipitation method was investigated by using a rapid-filtration technique. Uptake of SO(4) (2-) by the vesicles was osmotically sensitive and represented transport into an intra-vesicular space. Transport of SO(4) (2-) by brush-border membranes was stimulated in the presence of Na(+), compared with the presence of K(+) or other univalent cations. A typical ;overshoot' phenomenon was observed in the presence of an NaCl gradient (100mm-Na(+) outside/zero mm-Na(+) inside). Radioactive-SO(4) (2-) exchange was faster in the presence of Na(+) than in the presence of K(+). Addition of gramicidin-D, an ionophore for univalent cations, decreased the Na(+)-gradient-driven SO(4) (2-) uptake. SO(4) (2-) uptake was only saturable in the presence of Na(+). Counter-transport of Na(+)-dependent SO(4) (2-) transport was shown with MoO(4) (2-) and S(2)O(3) (2-), but not with PO(4) (2-). Changing the electrical potential difference across the vesicle membrane by establishing different diffusion potentials (anion replacement; K(+) gradient+/-valinomycin) was not able to alter Na(+)-dependent SO(4) (2-) uptake. The experiments indicate the presence of an electroneutral Na(+)/SO(4) (2-)-co-transport system in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex.  相似文献   

Permeability properties of isolated enterocytes from rat small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolic and permeability properties of enterocytes isolated by treatment of rat small intestine with hyaluronidase or EDTA were compared. No significant difference was observed in the ability of the two types of cell to produce lactate from glucose. However, while cells obtained with hyaluronidase accumulate alpha-methylglucoside, cells obtained with EDTA were unable to accumulate the sugar above the medium concentrations. When resuspended in a medium designed to resemble the intracellular medium, potentiometric measurements showed that cells obtained with hyaluronidase released Ca2+ to the medium while cells obtained with EDTA accumulated it. Using 45Ca transport assays, this was shown to be an ATP-dependent process, the accumulated 45Ca being totally released by the addition of the ionophore A23187. When cells obtained with EDTA were resuspended in a medium containing concentrations of free Ca2+ higher that 10 microM, the uptake was partially inhibited by sodium orthovanadate and also by oligomycin and antimycin. At free Ca2+ concentrations lower than 1 microM, the accumulation was inhibited up to 87% by sodium orthovanadate while mitochondrial inhibitors inhibited only 5%. Thus, it appears that during their preparation cells obtained with hyaluronidase retain their integrity while cells obtained with EDTA become permeable to Ca2+ and other ions. The usefulness of both types of preparation in metabolic and transport studies is discussed.  相似文献   

M Kitada  K Onda    K Horikoshi 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(4):1879-1884
The pH homeostasis and the sodium/proton antiport system have been studied in the newly isolated alkalophilic Bacillus sp. strain N-6, which could grow on media in a pH range from 7 to 10, and in its nonalkalophilic mutant. After a quick shift in external pH from 8 to 10 by the addition of Na2CO3, the delta pH (inside acid) in the cells of strain N-6 was immediately established, and the pH homeostatic state was maintained for more than 20 min in an alkaline environment. However, under the same conditions, the pH homeostasis was not observed in the cells of nonalkalophilic mutant, and the cytoplasmic pH immediately rose to pH 10. On the other hand, the results of the rapid acidification from pH 9 to 7 showed that the internal pH was maintained as more basic than the external pH in a neutral medium in both strains. The Na+/H+ antiport system has been characterized by either the effect of Na+ on delta pH formation or 22Na+ efflux in Na+-loaded right-side-out membrane vesicles of strain N-6. Na+- or Li+-loaded vesicles exhibited a reversed delta pH (inside acid) after the addition of electron donors (ascorbate plus tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine) at both pH 7 and 9, whereas choline-loaded vesicles generated delta pHs of the conventional orientation (inside alkaline). 22Na+ was actively extruded from 22Na+-loaded vesicles whose potential was negative at pH 7 and 9. The inclusion of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone inhibited 22Na+ efflux in the presence of electron donors. These results indicate that the Na+/H+ antiport system in this strain operates electrogenically over a range of external pHs from 7 to 10 and plays a role in pH homeostasis at the alkaline pH range. The pH homeostasis at neutral ph was studied in more detail. K+ -depleted cells showed no delta pH (acid out) in the neutral conditions in the absence of K+, whereas these cells generated a delta pH if K+ was present in the medium. This increase of internal pH was accompanied by K+ uptake from the medium. These results suggest that electrogenic K+ entry allows extrusion of H+ from cells by the primary proton pump at neutral pH.  相似文献   

Zinc transport into brush-border membrane vesicles was investigated by measuring uptake rates at a very short incubation time (2 seconds), during the initial linear uptake. A divalent cation chelator (EGTA) was added to the stop and washout solutions in order to remove the zinc bound to the external surface of the vesicles. Under these conditions, we showed that zinc enters the vesicles by (1) a saturable carrier-mediated process, and (2) an unsaturable pathway. The kinetic parameters we calculated were an affinity of 0.215 +/- 0.039 mM, a Jmax of 17.2 +/- 1.7 nmol.min-1.(mg protein)-1 and an unsaturable constant of 0.025 +/- 0.006 (n = 6). The imposition of an outwardly directed K+ gradient (negative inside) did not affect the Jmax value of the zinc uptake but increased the Km value significantly. This suggests that, at least a portion of zinc which crosses the membrane does not do so in a cationic form. Zinc uptake was decreased or increased according to the nature of accompanying anions (Cl-, SO4(2)-, SCN-) in the absence of any membrane potential. With highly permeant anions such as thiocyanates, zinc uptake was considerably augmented, suggesting a movement of zinc in a complexed form involving the presence of negative species. We also showed that cadmium competitively inhibited the zinc uptake; we measured a Ki value of 0.21 mM, indicating a similar affinity of cadmium for the carrier as zinc itself. By contrast, the presence of calcium had little effect on zinc entry into vesicles. The calcium ionophore A23187 had only a slight stimulating effect on zinc uptake. These results indicate that zinc and calcium transports are probably independent of each other.  相似文献   

Cation/proton antiport systems in Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Three distinct systems which function as proton/cation antiports have been identified in E.coli by the ability of the ions to dissipate the ΔpH component of the protonmotive force in everted vesicles. System I exchanges H+ for K+, Rb+ or Na+; System II has Na+ and Li+ as substrates; and System III catalyzes proton exchange for Ca2+, Mn2+ or Sr2+.  相似文献   

The mechanism for the cellular extrusion of organic anions across the intestinal basolateral membrane was examined using isolated membrane vesicles from rat jejunum, ileum, and colon. It was found that 17beta-estradiol 17beta-D-glucuronide (E217betaG) is taken up in an ATP-dependent manner into the basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMVs) but not into the brush-border or microsomal counterparts. The ATP-dependent uptake of E217betaG into BLMVs from jejunum and ileum was described by a single component with a Km value of 23.5 and 8.31 microM, respectively, whereas that into the BLMVs from colon was described by assuming the presence of high (Km=0.82 microM)- and low-affinity (Km=35.4 microM) components. Taurocholate, 6-hydroxy-5,7-dimethyl-2-methylamino-4-(3-pyridylmethyl) benzothiazole glucuronide and taurolithocholate sulfate, but not leukotriene C4, were significantly taken up by the BLMVs. In addition to such substrate specificity, the inhibitor sensitivity of the ATP-dependent transport in BLMVs was similar to that of rat multidrug resistance-associated protein 3 (Mrp3), which is located on the basolateral membrane of enterocytes. Together with the fact that the rank order of the extent of the expression of Mrp3 (jejunum < ileum < colon) is in parallel with that of the extent of the transport of ligands, these results suggest that the ATP-dependent uptake of organic anions into isolated intestinal BLMVs is at least partly mediated by Mrp3.  相似文献   

Addition of 446 μM prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) to the serosal medium of isolated short-circuited bullfrog small intestine elicited small increases in transmural potential difference and short-circuit current while addition of PGE1 to the mucosal medium caused no change in the electrical parameters. Addition of 100 μM indomethacin to the mucosal medium inhibited both potential difference and short-circuit current with a resultant increase in steady-state tissue resistance. In the presence of mucosal 100 μM indomethacin, serosal 60 μM PGE1 markedly stimulated transmural potential difference and short-circuit current with a resultant decrease in steady-state tissue resistance. Serosal arachidonic acid (330μM) stimulated transmural potential difference and short-circuit current and this effect was abolished by the addition of 100 μM indomethacin to the mucosal medium. Serosal 60 μM PGE1 only stimulated the M (mucosa) → S (serosa) unidirectional flux of sodium. These results strongly suggest that the PGE1 action is mediated either via a series of metabolic reactions which possibly increase the permeability of the mucosal membrane to sodium or via direct stimulation of rheogenic sodium pump activity.  相似文献   

Addition of 446 micron prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) to the serosal medium of isolated short-circuited bullfrog small intestine elicited small increases transmural potential difference and short-circuit current while addition of PGE1 to the mucosal medium caused no change in the electrical parameters. Addition of 100 micron indomethacin to the mucosal medium inhibited both potential difference and short-circuit current with a resultant increase in steady-state tissue resistance. In the presence of mucosal 100 micron indomethacin, serosal 60 micron PGE1 markedly stimulated transmural potential difference and short-circuit current with a resultant decrease in steady-state tissue resistance. Serosal arachidonic acid (330 micron) stimulated transmural potential difference and short-circuit current and this effect was abolished by the addition of 100 micron indomethacin to the mucosal medium. Serosal 60 micron PGE1 only stimulated the M (mucosa) leads to S (serosa) unidirectional flux of sodium. These results strongly suggest that the PGE1 action is mediated either via a series of metabolic reactions which possibly increase the permeability of the mucosal membrane to sodium or via direct stimulation of rheogenic sodium pump activity.  相似文献   

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