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Summary A novel approach to the production of a human glucagon in E. coli is described. The 29 amino acids of human glucagon and pentapeptide linker containing enzyme processing site were fused at the amino terminus to a 57 residue N-terminal portion of the human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (hTNF-). The fusion protein was expressed in the E. coli cytoplasm at levels up to 30% of the total cell protein. Precipitation of the fusion protein near its isoelectric point, specific enterokinase cleavage at the linker site and subsequent HPLC purification makes this approach suitable for the production of glucagon as well as other relatively small peptides with therapeutic interests.  相似文献   

Chemico-enzymatic synthesis and cloning in Esherichia coli of an artificial gene coding human glucagon was performed. Recombinant plasmid containing hybrid glucagons gene and intein Ssp dnaB from Synechocestis sp. was designed. Expression of the obtained hybrid gene in E. coli, properties of the formed hybrid protein, and conditions of its autocatalytic cleavage leading to glucagon formation were studied.  相似文献   

Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is a forty-two amino acid hormone that stimulates the secretion of insulin from the pancreatic B-cells in the presence of elevated glucose concentrations. The human GIP gene with the human A-fibrinopeptide sequence was synthesized and linked to the Staphylococcus aureus protein A gene in the vector pRIT2T. This plasmid was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the resulting fusion protein consisted of three domains: protein A for ease of purification, fibrinopeptide sequence for thrombin cleavage and human GIP. The GIP was subsequently cleaved from the fusion protein with -thrombin. The identity of the recombinant human GIP was confirmed by SDS-PAGE, ELISA, HPLC and amino-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. This recombinant product was shown to have comparable insulinotropic activity to porcine GIP in the isolated perfused pancreas.  相似文献   

Three DNA constructs, pETB-40, 41, and 42, encoding human big endothelin-1 (ET-1) preceded by the specific recognition sequence (Ile-Glu-Gly-Arg) for the activated blood coagulation factor Xa (FXa), fused in frame to the N-terminal portion of beta Gal, were expressed in Escherichia coli. The fusion proteins, pETB-40P, 41P, or 42P, consisted of the 55-, 51-, or 42-aa N-terminal peptide of beta Gal and the 38-aa of big ET-1, and had 1, 0, or 0 Cys residues and 5, 5, or 1 Arg residues in the N-terminal peptide of beta Gal, respectively. Enzymatic cleavage of the purified fusion proteins by FXa or trypsin allowed the recovery of authentic human big ET-1. The rates of conversion of pETB-40P, 41P, and 42P to big ET-1 by FXa digestion were 5.6, 11.2, and 30.0%, respectively. pETB-40P with a deletion of one Cys residue and four Arg residues in the N-terminal part was a better substrate than the other two for FXa or trypsin in the production of big ET-1.  相似文献   

In order to improve the cultivation properties of a traditional continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), we introduced a circulation unit made of four inorganic membranes in stainless steel tubes in parallel configuration, the so-called Tubular Bioreactor (TBR). Furthermore, the TBR outlet tube, which has a restriction nozzle at the end, was installed on top of the fermentor vessel, thereby creating a strong jet flow into the reactor and thus improving the mixing and the oxygen transfer rate. The k La could be increased by approximately 50%. This setup was used for cultivations of recombinant Escherichia coli in a minimal medium and high cell density. More than 50 g dry cell mass/dm3 was obtained. Simultaneously, we have produced an elongated form of human insulin-like growth factor II, which was a secreted fusion protein utilizing the E. coli secretion system based on staphylococcus protein A. The product could be recovered continuously through the TBR-membrane.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of dopamine and is tightly regulated. Previous studies have shown it to be covalently modified and potently inhibited by 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL), an endogenous neurotoxin via dopamine catabolism which is relevant to Parkinson's disease. In order to elucidate the mechanism of enzyme inhibition, a source of pure, active tyrosine hydroxylase was necessary. The cloning and novel purification of human recombinant TH from Escherichia coli is described here. This procedure led to the recovery of ~23 mg of pure, active and stable enzyme exhibiting a specific activity of ~17 nmol/min/mg. The enzyme produced with this procedure can be used to delineate the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition by DOPAL and its relationship to Parkinson's disease. This procedure improves upon previous methods because the fusion protein gives rise to high expression and convenient affinity-capture, and the cleaved and highly purified hTH makes the product useful for a wider variety of applications.  相似文献   

The plasmid DNA pERilox4 containing the gene of the recombinant protein, which included the leader sequence and the oxytocinoyl lysine tetramer, was constructed. The high level of gene expression in E. coli was achieved. The method for purification of the recombinant protein and its isolation in the soluble form was developed. The conditions for digestion of the hybrid protein by trypsin and carboxypeptidase B were matched. The effective method for transformation of oxytocinic acid to oxytocin was worked out. The scheme suggested allowed obtaining oxytocin in high yield.  相似文献   

Programmed death-1 (PD-1) is a costimulatory molecule of CD28 family expressed onactivated T, B and myeloid cells. The engagement of PD-1 with its two ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, inhibitsproliferation of T cell and production of a series of its cytokines. The blockade of PD-1 pathway is involvedin antiviral and antitumoral immunity. In this study, human PD-1 cDNA encoding extracellular domain wasamplified and cloned into expression plasmid pGEX-Sx-3. The fusion protein GST-PD-1 was effectivelyexpressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) as inclusion bodies and a denaturation and refolding procedure was per-formed to obtain bioactive soluble GST-PD-I. Fusion protein of above 95% purity was acquired by a conve-nient two-step purification using GST affinity and size exclusion columns. Furthermore, a PD-L1-dependentin vitro bioassay method was set up to characterize GST-PD-1 bioactivity. The results suggested that GST-PD-1 could competently block the interaction between PD-Ll and PD-l and increase the production of IL-2 and IFN-γ of phytohemagglutinin-activated T cells.  相似文献   

Secretion expression of recombinant glucagon in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel approach for the preparation of recombinant human glucagon was described. An expression vector pAGluT, containing phoA promoter, phoA signal peptide and glucagon gene, was constructed by means of genetic engineering. Escherichia coli strain YK537 was transformed with pAGluT. High-level secretory expression of recombinant human glucagon was achieved. The expression yield of recombinant human glucagon was found to be 80 mg/L, approximately 30% of the total proteins in supernatant. The biological activities and the physicochemical properties of the purified recombinant human glucagon were found to be the same as that of native glucagon. In addition, our results suggested that phoA expression system may be suitable for the expression of other small peptides.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles (VLPs) are formed by the self-assembly of envelope and/or capsid proteins from many viruses. Some VLPs have been proven successful as vaccines, and others have recently found applications as carriers for foreign antigens or as scaffolds in nanoparticle biotechnology. However, production of VLP was usually impeded due to low water-solubility of recombinant virus capsid proteins. Previous studies revealed that virus capsid and envelope proteins were often posttranslationally modified by SUMO in vivo, leading into a hypothesis that SUMO modification might be a common mechanism for virus proteins to retain water-solubility or prevent improper self-aggregation before virus assembly. We then propose a simple approach to produce VLPs of viruses, e.g., foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). An improved SUMO fusion protein system we developed recently was applied to the simultaneous expression of three capsid proteins of FMDV in E. coli. The three SUMO fusion proteins formed a stable heterotrimeric complex. Proteolytic removal of SUMO moieties from the ternary complexes resulted in VLPs with size and shape resembling the authentic FMDV. The method described here can also apply to produce capsid/envelope protein complexes or VLPs of other disease-causing viruses.  相似文献   

A modified purification method, thermoosmotic shock (osmotic shock coupled with heat-treatment) for heat-stable proteins, was devised in the purification of Trx-hPTH (1-84) (human parathyroid hormone coupled with thioredoxin as a fusion partner) from E. coli. Thermoosmotic shock can integrate the functions of extraction and crude separation of fusion protein Trx-hPTH (1-84). To improve the purification efficiency, thermoosmotic shock conditions were optimized and achieved as follows: the optimized high osmotic solution containing 20mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0), 1mM EDTA, and 25% sucrose; the low osmotic solution containing 20mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0), 1mM EDTA, and the heat-treatment temperature of 100 degrees C for 10 min. Using this method, the purity of Trx-hPTH (1-84) was up to 73% and the yield was up to 72%, respectively. In addition, the two separation methods of both thermoosmotic shock and affinity chromatography have been compared, indicating that thermoosmotic shock is an economical and feasible way for the fusion protein separation. Besides, the thermoosmotic shock method may be used for the purification of some proteins of thermal stability without N-terminal His-tag.  相似文献   

When considering worldwide demand for biopharmaceuticals, it becomes necessary to consider alternative process strategies to improve the economics of manufacturing such molecules. To address this issue, the current study investigates precipitation to selectively isolate the product or remove contaminants and thus assist the initial purification of a intracellular protein. The hypothesis tested was that the combination of two or more precipitating agents will alter the solubility profile of the product through synergistic or antagonistic effects. This principle was investigated through several combinations of ammonium sulfate and sodium citrate at different ratios. A synergistic effect mediated by a known electrostatic interaction of citrate ions with Fab' in addition to the typical salting-out effects was observed. On the basis of the results of the solubility studies, a two step primary recovery route was investigated. In the first step termed conditioning, post-homogenization and before clarification, addition of 0.8 M ammonium sulfate extracted 30% additional product. Clarification performance measured using a scale-down disc stack centrifugation mimic determined a four-fold reduction in centrifuge size requirements. Dual salt precipitation in the second step resulted in >98% recovery of Fab' while removing 36% of the contaminant proteins simultaneously.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene for human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) was fused to the coding sequence for the amino-terminal 135 amino acid residues of human interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) by interposing a methionine codon sequence, and the resulting hybrid gene was efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Recombinant human PSTI (rHu-PSTI) was separated from the IFN-gamma/PSTI fused protein by cleavage at the methionine residue with cyanogen bromide. Finally, rHu-PSTI was purified by affinity chromatography on a bovine trypsin-CH-Sepharose 4B column. The amino acid composition, partial amino-terminal sequence, disulfide formation, human trypsin inhibitory activity, and immunoreactivity against rabbit anti-human PSTI serum of rHu-PSTI corresponded to those of the natural form.  相似文献   

Chemerin is a novel chemokine that binds to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) ChemR23, also known as chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1). It is secreted as a precursor and executes pro-inflammatory functions when the last six amino acids are removed from its C-terminus by serine proteases. After maturation, Chemerin attracts dendritic cells and macrophages through binding to ChemR23. We report a new method for expression and purification of mature recombinant human Chemerin (rhChemerin) using a prokaryotic system. After being expressed in bacteria, rhChemerin in inclusion bodies was denatured using 6 M guanidine chloride. Soluble rhChemerin was prepared by the protein-specific renaturation solution under defined conditions. It was subsequently purified using ion-exchange columns to more than 95% purity with endotoxin level <1.0 EU/μg. We further demonstrated its biological activities for attracting migration of human dendritic cells and murine macrophages in vitro using established chemotaxis assays.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(8):1401-1405
Human insulin-like growth factor 1 (hIGF-1) is one kind of growth factor with clinical significance in medicine. The expression of TrxA-hIGF-1 fusion protein was rationally compared in three different Escherichia coli hosts (BL21 (DE3), Rosetta (DE3) and Rosetta-gami (DE3)) with the transformation of plasmid pET32-hIGF-1. The highest productivity of soluble hIGF-1 fusion protein was achieved in E. coli Rosetta-gami (DE3). Moreover, the effects of different expression conditions in this E. coli Rosetta-gami (DE3)/pET32-hIGF-1 host were systematically investigated to improve the expression level of the fusion protein. Under the optimized conditions, a high percent of the target fusion protein (96%) was expressed as soluble form with the volumetric production of soluble fusion protein reaching up to 2.06 g/L. After cell disruption, the soluble fusion protein was separated effectively by affinity chromatography and cleaved by enterokinase, with the concentration of mature hIGF-1 reaching up to 0.42 g/L in the mixture. The present work should be useful for the enhanced production of soluble protein with multiple disulfide bonds in E. coli.  相似文献   

Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), has drawn substantial attention after its reemergence causing massive outbreaks in tropical regions of Asia and Africa. The recombinant envelope 2 (rE2) protein of CHIKV is a potential diagnostic as well as vaccine candidate. Development of cost-effective cultivation media and appropriate culture conditions are generally favorable for large-scale production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. The effects of medium composition and cultivation conditions on the production of recombinant Chikungunya virus E2 (rCHIKV E2) protein were investigated in shake flask culture as well as batch cultivation of Escherichia coli. Further, the fed-batch process was also carried out for high cell density cultivation of E. coli expressing rE2 protein. Expression of rCHIKV E2 protein in E. coli was induced with 1 mM isopropyl-beta-thiogalactoside (IPTG) at ~23 g dry cell weight (DCW) per liter of culture and yielded an insoluble protein aggregating to form inclusion bodies. The final DCW after fed-batch cultivation was ~35 g/l. The inclusion bodies were isolated, solubilized in 8 M urea and purified through affinity chromatography to give a final product yield of ~190 mg/l. The reactivity of purified E2 protein was confirmed by Western blotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. These results show that rE2 protein of CHIKV may be used as a diagnostic reagent or for further prophylactic studies. This approach of producing rE2 protein in E. coli with high yield may also offer a promising method for production of other viral recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli BL21 strains were found to excrete a large amount of outer membrane protein F (OmpF) into culture medium during high-cell-density cultivation. From this interesting phenomenon, a novel and efficient OmpF fusion system was developed for the excretion of recombinant proteins by E. coli. The ompF gene of E. coli BL21(DE3) was first knocked out by using the red operon of bacteriophage lambda to construct E. coli MBEL-BL101. For the excretion of human beta-endorphin as a model protein, the beta-endorphin gene was fused to the C terminus of the E. coli ompF gene by using a linker containing the Factor Xa recognition site. To develop a fed-batch culture condition that allows efficient production of OmpF-beta-endorphin fusion protein, three different feeding strategies, an exponential feeding strategy and two pH-stat strategies with defined and complex nutrient feeding solutions, were examined. Among these, the pH-stat feeding strategy with the complex nutrient feeding solution resulted in the highest productivity (0.33 g of protein per liter per h). Under this condition, up to 5.6 g of OmpF-beta-endorphin fusion protein per liter was excreted into culture medium. The fusion protein was purified by anion-exchange chromatography and cleaved by Factor Xa to yield beta-endorphin, which was finally purified by reverse-phase chromatography. From 2.7 liters of culture supernatant, 545.4 mg of beta-endorphin was obtained.  相似文献   

Synthesis of two recombinant proteins (human glucagon and human growth hormone) was investigated in fed-batch cultures at high cell concentrations of recombinant Escherichia coli. The glucose-limited growth was achieved without accumulation of metabolic by-products and hence the cellular environment is presumed invariable during growth and recombinant protein synthesis. Via exponential feeding in the two-phase fed-batch operation, the specific cell growth rate was successfully controlled at the desired rates and the fed-batch mode employed is considered appropriate for examining the correlation between the specific growth rate and the efficiency of recombinant product formation in the recombinant E. coli strains. The two recombinant proteins were expressed as fusion proteins and the concentration in the culture broth was increased to 15 g fusion growth hormone l−1 and 7 g fusion glucagon l−1. The fusion growth hormone was initially expressed as soluble protein but seemed to be gradually aggregated into inclusion bodies as the expression level increased, whereas the synthesized fusion glucagon existed as a cytoplasmic soluble protein during the whole induction period. The stressful conditions of cultivation employed (i.e. high-cell-density cultivation at low growth rate) may induce the increased production of various host-derived chaperones and thereby enhance the folding efficiency of synthesized heterologous proteins. The synthesis of the recombinant fusion proteins was strongly growth-dependent and more efficient at a higher specific growth rate. The mechanism linking specific growth rate with recombinant protein productivity is likely to be related to the change in cellular ribosomal content. Received: 27 May 1997 / Received last revision: 31 October 1997 / Accepted: 21 November 1997  相似文献   

Genetically engineered E. coli K12 BMH-71-18 with plasmid PBV-867 was used for constitutive expression of human interferon-alpha 1 (IFN) with a defined medium. A manual, time-based, fed-batch cultivation process produced a cell density of 26.3 g l-1 (OD550 89), an IFN activity of 1.55 x 10(8) IU l-1 and a specific IFN productivity of 0.65 x 10(6) IU g-1. An analysis was conducted to characterize the problems involved in the high density microbial processes of recombinant protein production. The strategy suggested by the analysis is to establish a nutrient feeding profile that improves both the plasmid stability and the overall productivity of IFN. The nutrient feeding procedure developed here was based on the growth dynamics and a glucose consumption model. By using this procedure to continuously supply nutrients during cultivations, cell density reached 58 to 80 g l-1 and the specific IFN productivities of these runs were increased over that of the manual process. Nutrient feeding rates were found to affect the specific IFN productivity substantially. The optimized process achieved an IFN activity of 1.26 x 10(9) IU l-1, a cell density of 58 g l-1 and a specific IFN productivity of 2.2 x 10(7) IU g-1. More significantly, the overall productivity IU l-1 h-1 of the optimized, computer-controlled cultivation process was increased 12.9-fold over that of the manual cultivation process.  相似文献   

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