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Protein prenylation is an important lipid posttranslational modification of proteins. It includes protein farnesylation and geranylgeranylation, in which the 15-carbon farnesyl pyrophosphate or 20-carbon geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate is attached to the C-terminus of target proteins, catalyzed by farnesyl transferase or geranylgeranyl transferases, respectively. Protein prenylation facilitates the anchoring of proteins into the cell membrane and mediates protein–protein interactions. Among numerous proteins that undergo prenylation, small GTPases represent the largest group of prenylated proteins. Small GTPases are involved in regulating a plethora of cellular functions including synaptic plasticity. The prenylation status of small GTPases determines the subcellular locations and functions of the proteins. Dysregulation or dysfunction of small GTPases leads to the development of different types of disorders. Emerging evidence indicates that prenylated proteins, in particular small GTPases, may play important roles in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. This review focuses on the prenylation of Ras and Rho subfamilies of small GTPases and its relation to synaptic plasticity and Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

The impairment of hippocampal neurogenesis at the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is believed to support early cognitive decline. Converging studies sustain the idea that vitamin D might be linked to the pathophysiology of AD and to hippocampal neurogenesis. Nothing being known about the effects of vitamin D on hippocampal neurogenesis in AD, we assessed them in a mouse model of AD. In a previous study, we observed that dietary vitamin D supplementation in female AD-like mice reduced cognitive decline only when delivered during the symptomatic phase. With these data in hand, we wondered whether the consequences of vitamin D administration on hippocampal neurogenesis are stage-dependent. Male wild-type and transgenic AD-like mice (5XFAD model) were fed with a diet containing either no vitamin D (0VD) or a normal dose of vitamin D (NVD) or a high dose of vitamin D (HVD), from month 1 to month 6 (preventive arm) or from month 4 to month 9 (curative arm). Working memory was assessed using the Y-maze, while amyloid burden, astrocytosis, and neurogenesis were quantified using immunohistochemistry. In parallel, the effects of vitamin D on proliferation and differentiation were assayed on primary cultures of murine neural progenitor cells. Improved working memory and neurogenesis were observed when high vitamin D supplementation was administered during the early phases of the disease, while a normal dose of vitamin D increased neurogenesis during the late phases. Conversely, an early hypovitaminosis D increased the number of amyloid plaques in AD mice while a late hypovitaminosis D impaired neurogenesis in AD and WT mice. The observed in vivo vitamin D-associated increased neurogenesis was partially substantiated by an augmented in vitro proliferation but not an increased differentiation of neural progenitors into neurons. Finally, a sexual dimorphism was observed. Vitamin D supplementation improved the working memory of males and females, when delivered during the pre-symptomatic and symptomatic phases, respectively. Our study establishes that (i) neurogenesis is improved by vitamin D in a male mouse model of AD, in a time-dependent manner, and (ii) cognition is enhanced in a gender-associated way. Additional pre-clinical studies are required to further understand the gender- and time-specific mechanisms of action of vitamin D in AD. This may lead to an adaptation of vitamin D supplementation in relation to patient’s gender and age as well as to the stage of the disease.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by profound synapse loss and impairments of learning and memory. Magnesium affects many biochemical mechanisms that are vital for neuronal properties and synaptic plasticity. Recent studies have demonstrated that the serum and brain magnesium levels are decreased in AD patients; however, the exact role of magnesium in AD pathogenesis remains unclear. Here, we found that the intraperitoneal administration of magnesium sulfate increased the brain magnesium levels and protected learning and memory capacities in streptozotocin-induced sporadic AD model rats. We also found that magnesium sulfate reversed impairments in long-term potentiation (LTP), dendritic abnormalities, and the impaired recruitment of synaptic proteins. Magnesium sulfate treatment also decreased tau hyperphosphorylation by increasing the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK-3β at serine 9, thereby increasing the activity of Akt at Ser473 and PI3K at Tyr458/199, and improving insulin sensitivity. We conclude that magnesium treatment protects cognitive function and synaptic plasticity by inhibiting GSK-3β in sporadic AD model rats, which suggests a potential role for magnesium in AD therapy.  相似文献   

Amyloid-β (Aβ)-induced mitochondrial dysfunction has been recognized as a prominent, early event in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Therefore, therapeutics targeted to improve mitochondrial function could be beneficial. Quercetin, a bioflavanoid, has been reported to have potent neuro-protective effects, but its preventive effects on Aβ-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and cognitive impairment have not been well characterised. Three-month-old APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice were randomly assigned to a vehicle group, two quercetin (either 20 or 40 mg kg?1 day?1) groups, or an Aricept (2 mg kg?1 day?1) group. After 16 weeks of treatment, we observed beneficial effects of quercetin (40 mg kg?1 day?1), including lessening learning and memory deficits, reducing scattered senile plaques, and ameliorating mitochondrial dysfunction, as evidenced by restoration of mitochondrial membrane potential, reactive oxygen species and ATP levels in mitochondria isolated from the hippocampus compared to control. Furthermore, the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity significantly increased in the quercetin-treated (40 mg kg?1 day?1) group. These findings suggest that a reduction in plaque burden and mitochondrial dysfunction through the activation of AMPK may be one of the mechanisms by which quercetin improves cognitive functioning in the APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mouse model of AD.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is clinically characterized with progressive memory loss and cognitive decline. Synaptic dysfunction is an early pathological feature that occurs prior to neurodegeneration and memory dysfunction. Mounting evidence suggests that aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated tau leads to synaptic deficits and neurodegeneration, thereby to memory loss. Among the established genetic risk factors for AD, the ɛ4 allele of apolipoprotein E (APOE) is the strongest genetic risk factor. We and others previously demonstrated that apoE regulates Aβ aggregation and clearance in an isoform-dependent manner. While the effect of apoE on Aβ may explain how apoE isoforms differentially affect AD pathogenesis, there are also other underexplored pathogenic mechanisms. They include differential effects of apoE on cerebral energy metabolism, neuroinflammation, neurovascular function, neurogenesis, and synaptic plasticity. ApoE is a major carrier of cholesterols that are required for neuronal activity and injury repair in the brain. Although there are a few conflicting findings and the underlying mechanism is still unclear, several lines of studies demonstrated that apoE4 leads to synaptic deficits and impairment in long-term potentiation, memory and cognition. In this review, we summarize current understanding of apoE function in the brain, with a particular emphasis on its role in synaptic plasticity and the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms, involving low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1), syndecan, and LRP8/ApoER2.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence has shown that specificity protein 1 (Sp1) is abnormally increased in the brains of subjects with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and transgenic AD models. However, whether the Sp1 activation plays a critical role in the AD pathogenesis and selective inhibition of Sp1 activation may have a disease-modifying effect on the AD-like phenotypes remain elusive. In this study, we reported that Sp1 mRNA and protein expression were markedly increased in the brain of APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice, whereas chronic administration of mithramycin A (MTM), a selective Sp1 inhibitor, potently inhibited Sp1 activation in the APPswe/PS1dE9 mice down to the levels of wild-type mice. Specifically, we found that MTM treatment resulted in a significant improvement of learning and memory deficits, a dramatic reduction in cerebral Aβ levels and plaque burden, a profound reduction in tau hyperphosphorylation, and a marked increase in synaptic marker in the APPswe/PS1dE9 mice. In addition, MTM treatment was powerfully effective in inhibiting amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing via suppressing APP, beta-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1), and presenilin-1 (PS1) mRNA and protein expression to preclude Aβ production in the APPswe/PS1dE9 mice. Furthermore, MTM treatment strongly inhibited phosphorylated CDK5 and GSK3β signal pathways to reduce tau hyperphosphorylation in the APPswe/PS1dE9 mice. Collectively, our findings provide evidence that Sp1 activation may contribute to the AD pathogenesis and may serve as a novel therapeutic target in the treatment of AD. The present study highlights that selective Sp1 inhibitors may be considered as disease-modifying therapeutic agents for AD.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are implicated in the neurodegenerative process in Parkinson??s disease (PD). Moreover, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) plays an important role in dopaminergic neuronal death in substantia nigra pars compacta. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) acts as a mitochondrial stabilizer and anti-apoptotic agent in several models of neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we investigated the role of TUDCA in preventing 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced neurodegeneration in a mouse model of PD. We evaluated whether TUDCA modulates MPTP-induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal axis, and if that can be explained by regulation of JNK phosphorylation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, glutathione S-transferase (GST) catalytic activation, and Akt signaling, using C57BL/6 glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTP) null mice. TUDCA efficiently protected against MPTP-induced dopaminergic degeneration. We have previously demonstrated that exacerbated JNK activation in GSTP null mice resulted in increased susceptibility to MPTP neurotoxicity. Interestingly, pre-treatment with TUDCA prevented MPTP-induced JNK phosphorylation in mouse midbrain and striatum. Moreover, the anti-oxidative role of TUDCA was demonstrated in vivo by impairment of ROS production in the presence of MPTP. Finally, results herein suggest that the survival pathway activated by TUDCA involves Akt signaling, including downstream Bad phosphorylation and NF-??B activation. We conclude that TUDCA is neuroprotective in an in vivo model of PD, acting mainly by modulation of JNK activity and cellular redox thresholds, together with activation of the Akt pro-survival pathway. These results open new perspectives for the pharmacological use of TUDCA, as a modulator of neurodegeneration in PD.  相似文献   

The activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome signaling pathway plays an important role in the neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this study, we investigated the effects of JC-124, a rationally designed NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor, on AD-related deficits in CRND8 APP transgenic mice (TgCRND8). We first demonstrated increased formation and activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in TgCRND8 mice compared to non-transgenic littermate controls, which was inhibited by the treatment with JC-124. Importantly, JC-124 treatment led to decreased levels of Aβ deposition and decreased levels of soluble and insoluble Aβ1–42 in the brain of CRND8 mice which was accompanied by reduced β-cleavage of APP, reduced activation of microglia but enhanced astrocytosis. Oxidative stress was decreased and synaptophysin was increased in the CRND8 mice after JC-124 treatment, demonstrating a neuroprotective effect. Overall, these data demonstrated beneficial effects of JC-124 as a specific NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor in AD mouse model and supported the further development of NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitors as a viable option for AD therapeutics.  相似文献   

Synaptic loss induced by beta-amyloid (Aβ) plays a critical role in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the mechanisms underlying this process remain unknown. In this study, we found that oridonin (Ori) rescued synaptic loss induced by Aβ1–42in vivo and in vitro and attenuated the alterations in dendritic structure and spine density observed in the hippocampus of AD mice. In addition, Ori increased the expression of PSD-95 and synaptophysin and promoted mitochondrial activity in the synaptosomes of AD mice. Ori also activated the BDNF/TrkB/CREB signaling pathway in the hippocampus of AD mice. Furthermore, in the Morris water maze test, Ori reduced latency and searching distance and increased the number of platform crosses in AD mice. These data suggest that Ori might prevent synaptic loss and improve behavioral symptoms in Aβ1–42-induced AD mice.  相似文献   

Amyloid plaques composed of β-amyloid (Aβ) protein are a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. We here report the generation and characterization of a novel transgenic mouse model of Aβ toxicity. The rTg9191 mice harbor a transgene encoding the 695 amino-acid isoform of human amyloid precursor protein (APP) with the Swedish and London mutations (APPNLI) linked to familial Alzheimer’s disease, under the control of a tetracycline-response element, as well as a transgene encoding the tetracycline transactivator, under the control of the promoter for calcium-calmodulin kinase IIα. In these mice, APPNLI is expressed at a level four-fold that of endogenous mouse APP and its expression is restricted to forebrain regions. Transgene expression was suppressed by 87% after two months of doxycycline administration. Histologically, we showed that (1) Aβ plaques emerged in cerebral cortex and hippocampus as early as 8 and 10.5-12.5 months of age, respectively; (2) plaque deposition progressed in an age-dependent manner, occupying up to 19% of cortex at ~25 months of age; and (3) neuropathology—such as abnormal neuronal architecture, tau hyperphosphorylation and misfolding, and neuroinflammation—was observed in the vicinity of neuritic plaques. Biochemically, we determined total Aβ production at varied ages of mice, and we showed that mice produced primarily fibrillar Aβ assemblies recognized by conformation-selective OC antibodies, but few non-fibrillar oligomers (e.g., Aβ*56) detectable by A11 antibodies. Finally, we showed that expression of the tetracycline transactivator resulted in reduced brain weight and smaller dentate-gyrus size. Collectively, these data indicate that rTg9191 mice may serve as a model for studying the neurological effects of the fibrillar Aβ assemblies in situ.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a debilitating neurodegenerative disease is caused by aggregation and accumulation of a 39–43 amino acid peptide (amyloid β or Aβ) in brain parenchyma and cerebrovasculature. The rational approach would be to use drugs that interfere with Aβ–Aβ interaction and disrupt polymerization. Peptide ligands capable of binding to the KLVFF (amino acids 16–20) region in the Aβ molecule have been investigated as possible drug candidates. Retro-inverso (RI) peptide of this pentapeptide, ffvlk, has been shown to bind artificial fibrils made from Aβ with moderate affinity. We hypothesized that a ‘detox gel’, which is synthesized by covalently linking a tetrameric version of RI peptide ffvlk to poly(ethylene glycol) polymer chains will act like a ‘sink’ to capture Aβ peptides from the surrounding environment. We previously demonstrated that this hypothesis works in an in vitro system. The present study extended this hypothesis to an in vivo mouse model of AD and determined the therapeutic effect of our detox gel. We injected detox gel subcutaneously to AD model mice and analyzed brain levels of Aβ-42 and improvement in memory parameters. The results showed a reduction of brain amyloid burden in detox gel treated mice. Memory parameters in the treated mice improved. No undesirable immune response was observed. The data strongly suggest that our detox gel can be used as an effective therapy to deplete brain Aβ levels. Considering recent abandonment of failed antibody based therapies, our detox gel appears to have the advantage of being a non-immune based therapy.  相似文献   

Evidence from animal studies categorizes sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (sAD) as a metabolic syndrome with accompanying cognitive deficits. Given that glial cells act as “silent partners” to neurons by providing trophic support and defense, the present study investigated the role of glia in sAD pathology. A streptozotocin (STZ)-induced glial-neuronal co-culture model of sAD was used to study the metabolic status of the two cell types. Real time RT-PCR and Western blotting results indicated that amyloid precursor protein (APP) and β-secretase (BACE1) were highly expressed in co-cultured neurons than in monocultures. Increased amyloidogenesis was accompanied by decreased expression of mediators in insulin signaling pathway that included insulin receptor (IR), insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2), insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), total-glycogen synthase kinase 3β (t-GSK3β), and phosphorylated-GSK3βser9 (p-GSK3βser9), suggesting that neuronal cells are more prone to metabolic variability when cultured in the presence of glial cells. Findings from the sAD model induced by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of STZ revealed that increased amyloid beta (Aβ) load in the hippocampus was potentially responsible for the hyperphosphorylation of tau at ser396. Furthermore, impaired cognitive functions and decreased dendritic spine density and axonal thinning in CA1 region of hippocampus were associated with decreased IR and p-GSK3βser9/t-GSK3β expression. Taken together, the present study provides evidence that glia mediated response and insulin signaling defects drive pathological changes in sAD and represent potential targets for delaying sAD progression.  相似文献   

Dendritic Spine Loss and Synaptic Alterations in Alzheimer’s Disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dendritic spines are tiny protrusions along dendrites, which constitute major postsynaptic sites for excitatory synaptic transmission. These spines are highly motile and can undergo remodeling even in the adult nervous system. Spine remodeling and the formation of new synapses are activity-dependent processes that provide a basis for memory formation. A loss or alteration of these structures has been described in patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), and in mouse models for these disorders. Such alteration is thought to be responsible for cognitive deficits long before or even in the absence of neuronal loss, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. This review will describe recent findings and discoveries on the loss or alteration of dendritic spines induced by the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide in the context of AD.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating age-related neurodegenerative disease with no specific treatment at present. The APPsw/Tg2576 mice exhibit age-related deterioration in memory and learning as well as amyloid-beta (Aβ) accumulation, and this mouse strain is considered an effective model for studying the mechanism of accelerated brain aging and senescence. The present study was aimed to investigate the beneficial effects of dietary supplements pomegranate, figs, or the dates on suppressing inflammatory cytokines in APPsw/Tg2576 mice. Changes in the plasma cytokines and Aβ, ATP, and inflammatory cytokines were investigated in the brain of transgenic mice. Significantly enhanced levels of inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, TNF-α and Eotaxin activity were decreased by administration of the diet supplements containing pomegranates, figs, or dates. In addition, putative delays in the formation of senile plaques, as indicated by a decreasing tendency of brain Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42 contents, were observed. Thus, novel results mediated by reducing inflammatory cytokines during aging may represent one mechanism by which these supplements exert their beneficial effects against neurodegenerative diseases such as AD.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an essential and conserved lysosomal degradation pathway that controls the quality of cytoplasm by eliminating the intracellular aggregated proteins and damaged organelles. Autophagy works in mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent pathway or mTOR-independent pathway to keep the neuronal homeostasis. Mounting evidence has implicated the importance of defective autophagy in the pathogenesis of aging and neurodegenerative diseases, especially in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It has also demonstrated a neuroprotective role of autophagy in mediating the degradation of amyloid beta and tau which are major factors of AD. Amounts of molecules function in either mTOR-dependent pathway or mTOR-independent pathway to induce autophagy, which maybe a potential treatment for AD. In this review, we summarize the latest studies concerning the role of autophagy in AD and explore autophagy modulation as a potential therapeutic strategy for AD. However, to date, little of the researches on autophagy have been performed to investigate the modulation in AD; more investigations need to be confirmed in the future.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among the elderly. Neuritic plaques whose primary component is amyloid beta peptide (Aβ) and neurofibrillary tangles which are composed of hyperphosphorylated tau, are known to be the neuropathological hallmarks of AD. In addition, impaired synaptic plasticity in neuronal networks is thought to be important mechanism underlying for the cognitive deficits observed in AD. Although various causative factors, including excitotoxicity, mitochondrial dysregulation and oxidative damage caused by Aβ, are involved in early onset of AD, fundamental therapeutics that can modify the progression of this disease are not currently available. In the present study, we investigated whether phloroglucinol (1, 3, 5—trihydroxybenzene), a component of phlorotannins, which are plentiful in Ecklonia cava, a marine brown alga species, displays therapeutic activities in AD. We found that phloroglucinol attenuates the increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation induced by oligomeric Aβ1–42 (Aβ1–42) treatment in HT-22, hippocampal cell line. In addition, phloroglucinol was shown to ameliorate the reduction in dendritic spine density induced by Aβ1–42 treatment in rat primary hippocampal neuron cultures. We also found that the administration of phloroglucinol to the hippocampal region attenuated the impairments in cognitive dysfunction observed in 22-week-old 5XFAD (Tg6799) mice, which are used as an AD animal model. These results indicate that phloroglucinol displays therapeutic potential for AD by reducing the cellular ROS levels.  相似文献   

In the past years, major efforts have been made to understand the genetics and molecular pathogenesis of Alzheimer??s disease (AD), which has been translated into extensive experimental approaches aimed at slowing down or halting disease progression. Advances in transgenic (Tg) technologies allowed the engineering of different mouse models of AD recapitulating a range of AD-like features. These Tg models provided excellent opportunities to analyze the bases for the temporal evolution of the disease. Several lines of evidence point to synaptic dysfunction as a cause of AD and that synapse loss is a pathological correlate associated with cognitive decline. Therefore, the phenotypic characterization of these animals has included electrophysiological studies to analyze hippocampal synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation, a widely recognized cellular model for learning and memory. Transgenic mice, along with non-Tg models derived mainly from exogenous application of A??, have also been useful experimental tools to test the various therapeutic approaches. As a result, numerous pharmacological interventions have been reported to attenuate synaptic dysfunction and improve behavior in the different AD models. To date, however, very few of these findings have resulted in target validation or successful translation into disease-modifying compounds in humans. Here, we will briefly review the synaptic alterations across the different animal models and we will recapitulate the pharmacological strategies aimed at rescuing hippocampal plasticity phenotypes. Finally, we will highlight intrinsic limitations in the use of experimental systems and related challenges in translating preclinical studies into human clinical trials.  相似文献   

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