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The theory of sexual selection predicts that females should be discriminatory in the choice of sexual partners. Females can express their choice in two ways. In direct mate choice, they show preferences for certain partners. In indirect mate choice, they select partners by displaying sexually attractive traits, thus eliciting contest competition between males. We focused on a primate species in which females advertise the timing of their ovulation and studied the balance between these two choice strategies. We tested predictions related to three hypotheses about direct and indirect female choice, namely the best‐male, graded‐signal and weak‐selectivity hypotheses. We investigated the sexual and agonistic interactions occurring during oestrous periods in five captive groups of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana). The results showed that dominant males used mate guarding to monopolise sexual access to parous females that were in the fertile stage of their reproductive cycle, while lower‐ranking males monitored only nulliparous females. The distribution of sexual presentations indicated that females accepted different types of partners, supporting the weak‐selectivity hypothesis regarding direct mate choice. The analysis of behavioural sequences revealed that mate‐guarding males used mild coercive behaviours to prevent females from mating with other males at conception time. The distribution of mounts showed that females mainly mated with dominant males, which leads us to argue that the best‐male hypothesis provides the most parsimonious explanation regarding indirect mate choice in Tonkean macaques. At the individual level, it may be concluded that male competitive strategies prevented females from exercising direct mate choice. At the evolutionary level, however, female sexual advertising and thus indirect choice promoted competition between males. The outcome is that indirect mate choice appears more important than direct mate choice in female Tonkean macaques.  相似文献   

When benefits exceed costs, natural selection may favor adults that develop the ability to recognize and preferentially direct care toward their own offspring to maximize their fitness. Investigations into the ability of adults to recognize offspring in offspring's early development period may help to understand when the ability of kin recognition starts to develop. In birds, studies of offspring recognition have mainly been conducted on bi‐parental breeding species, but relatively seldom on cooperative breeding species, despite that kin recognition may be of particular importance for cooperative breeders. The silver‐throated tit Aegithalos glaucogularis is a small passerine in which some nests have helpers during breeding. We tested whether silver‐throated tit parents and helpers were able to distinguish between their own and alien nestlings 2–5 d before fledging when recognition mechanisms were likely to have been developed. Through two forced choice experiments, of which one was conducted right beside the experimental nests (<0.8 m) and the other far away from the experimental nests (~6 m), we found that neither parents nor helpers discriminatively fed their own and alien nestlings, which suggested that at least during the experimental nestling age, and within the 6‐m‐radius area around the nests, they might not have the ability to recognize offspring. The possibility that silver‐throated tits use a larger area (>6 m radius) around their nests as a location‐based cue for offspring recognition, or would develop an offspring recognition ability at an older nestling age and/or even after fledging, warrants future studies.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that primate female copulation calls are a form of postcopulatory female choice. We collected data on female sexual swellings, sexual and agonistic behavior, copulation calls and postcopulatory behavioral interactions in a multimale-multifemale captive group of Guinea baboons over a 3-mo period. Males copulated with only a few females, and females copulated with only 1 or 2 different males in the group, suggesting a harem-like mating system similar to that of hamadryas and gelada baboons. Female copulations were most likely to occur at peak sexual swellings and male copulatory success was accounted for by dominance rank and age. Variation in female tendencies to call after copulation is best explained by the copulatory success of the male with which each female copulated the most and by the number of copulating partners. The findings are consistent with predictions that calls are likely to be associated with copulation with preferred males and the risk of sperm competition. The prediction that copulation calls increased the probability of postcopulatory mate guarding is also supported. Taken together, the findings suggest that female copulation calls may play an important role in postcopulatory sexual selection and in particular in the expression of postcopulatory female choice in primate species in which females have little opportunity to choose their mates or female mate choice is costly or both.  相似文献   



Archaeopteryx is the oldest and most primitive known bird (Avialae). It is believed that the growth and energetic physiology of basalmost birds such as Archaeopteryx were inherited in their entirety from non-avialan dinosaurs. This hypothesis predicts that the long bones in these birds formed using rapidly growing, well-vascularized woven tissue typical of non-avialan dinosaurs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report that Archaeopteryx long bones are composed of nearly avascular parallel-fibered bone. This is among the slowest growing osseous tissues and is common in ectothermic reptiles. These findings dispute the hypothesis that non-avialan dinosaur growth and physiology were inherited in totality by the first birds. Examining these findings in a phylogenetic context required intensive sampling of outgroup dinosaurs and basalmost birds. Our results demonstrate the presence of a scale-dependent maniraptoran histological continuum that Archaeopteryx and other basalmost birds follow. Growth analysis for Archaeopteryx suggests that these animals showed exponential growth rates like non-avialan dinosaurs, three times slower than living precocial birds, but still within the lowermost range for all endothermic vertebrates.


The unexpected histology of Archaeopteryx and other basalmost birds is actually consistent with retention of the phylogenetically earlier paravian dinosaur condition when size is considered. The first birds were simply feathered dinosaurs with respect to growth and energetic physiology. The evolution of the novel pattern in modern forms occurred later in the group''s history.  相似文献   



Health spending by the Chinese government has declined and traditional social health insurance collapsed after economic reforms in the early 1980s; accordingly, the low-income population is exposed to potentially significant healthcare costs. Financing an equitable healthcare system represents a major policy objective in China’s current healthcare reform efforts. The current research presents an examination of the distribution of healthcare financing in a north-eastern Chinese province to compare equity status between urban and rural areas at two different times.


To analyze the progressivity of healthcare financing in terms of ability-to-pay, the Kakwani index was used to assess four healthcare financing channels: general taxes, social and commercial health insurance, and out-of-pocket payments. Two rounds of surveys were conducted in 2003 (11,572 individuals in 3841 households) and 2008 (15,817 individuals in 5530 households). Household socioeconomic status, healthcare payment, and utilization information were recorded using household interviews.


China’s healthcare financing equity is unsound. Kakwani indices for general taxation were -0.0212 (urban) and -0.0297 (rural) in 2002, and -0.0097 (urban) and -0.0112 (rural) in 2007. Social health insurance coverage has expanded, however different financing distributions were found with respect to urban (0.0969 in 2002 vs. 0.0984 in 2007) and rural (0.0283 in 2002 vs. -0.3119 in 2007) areas. While progressivity of out-of-pocket payments decreased in both areas, the equity of financing was found to have improved among poorer respondents.


Overall, China’s healthcare financing distribution is unequal. Given the inequity of general taxes, decreasing the proportion of indirect taxes would considerably improve healthcare financing equity. Financial contribution mechanisms to social health insurance are equally significant to coverage extension. The use of flat rate contributions for healthcare funding places a disproportionate pressure upon the poor. Out-of-pocket payments have become equitable, but progressivity has decreased.  相似文献   

The mating success of larger male Drosophila melanogaster in the laboratory and the wild has been traditionally been explained by female choice, even though the reasons are generally hard to reconcile. Female choice can explain this success by virtue of females taking less time to mate with preferred males, but so can the more aggressive or persistent courtships efforts of large males. Since mating is a negotiation between the two sexes, the behaviors of both are likely to interact and influence mating outcomes. Using a series of assays, we explored these negotiations by testing for the relative influence of male behaviors and its effect on influencing female courtship arousal threshold, which is the time taken for females to accept copulation. Our results show that large males indeed have higher copulation success compared to smaller males. Competition between two males or an increasing number of males had no influence on female sexual arousal threshold;—females therefore may have a relatively fixed ‘arousal threshold’ that must be reached before they are ready to mate, and larger males appear to be able to manipulate this threshold sooner. On the other hand, the females’ physiological and behavioral state drastically influences mating; once females have crossed the courtship arousal threshold they take less time to mate and mate indiscriminately with large and small males. Mating quicker with larger males may be misconstrued to be due to female choice; our results suggest that the mating advantage of larger males may be more a result of heightened male activity and relatively less of female choice. Body size per se may not be a trait under selection by female choice, but size likely amplifies male activity and signal outputs in courtship, allowing them to influence female arousal threshold faster.  相似文献   

The cognitive demands of a social existence favour the evolution of relatively large brains and neocortices in primates. Comparable tests of sociality and brain size/structure in birds have not been performed, despite marked similarities in the social systems of birds and mammals. Here, we test whether one aspect of avian sociality, cooperative breeding, is associated with an increase in brain size across 155 species of the passeriform parvorder Corvida. Using conventional and phylogeny‐corrected statistics, we examined the correlated evolution of relative brain size and: the presence/absence of cooperative breeding, percentage of nests that are cooperative and cooperatively breeding group size. Most of the comparisons yielded non‐significant results, which suggests that cooperative breeding is not related to relative brain size in this parvorder. There are a number of potential explanations for our findings. First, changes in brain region size may be correlated with cooperative breeding without affecting overall brain size. Secondly, cooperatively breeding birds might not possess more complex social behaviour than non‐cooperatively breeding birds. Thirdly, relatively large brains might be ancestral in this parvorder. This may predispose them to evolve the range of complex behaviours found in this group, including extreme sociality. Finally, ecological and/or developmental factors might play a more significant role than social behaviour in the diversification of avian brain size. Assessing these alternatives requires more information on the neural and cognitive differences between bird species.  相似文献   

Critics of the college-for-all ethos argue that it encourages low-achieving adolescents to develop unrealistically high expectations. This argument posits that low-achievers waste time and money, and risk disappointment and self-recrimination, pursuing college when they are unlikely to complete it. The present study uses two national data sets—Add Health and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979—to test the proposition that expecting to earn a bachelor's degree (BA) puts low-achieving students at risk of disadvantageous early adult outcomes. Youth reported their educational expectations in high school, and their income-to-needs ratios and depressive symptoms were measured approximately a decade later. Results in both data sets suggest that the expectation of a BA was advantageous for all students, regardless of achievement level. Low-achievers who expected to earn a BA had higher educational attainment, higher income-to-needs ratios, and fewer depressive symptoms than low-achievers who did not expect to earn a BA.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatic disease damages the liver, and the resulting wound-healing process leads to liver fibrosis and the subsequent development of cirrhosis. The leading cause of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis is infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV), and of the patients with HCV-induced cirrhosis, 2% to 5% develop hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with a survival rate of 7%. HCC is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death worldwide, and the poor survival rate is largely due to late-stage diagnosis, which makes successful intervention difficult, if not impossible. The lack of sensitive and specific diagnostic tools and the urgent need for early-stage diagnosis prompted us to discover new candidate biomarkers for HCV and HCC. We used aptamer-based fractionation technology to reduce serum complexity, differentially labeled samples (six HCV and six HCC) with fluorescent dyes, and resolved proteins in pairwise two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis. DeCyder software was used to identify differentially expressed proteins and spots picked, and MALDI-MS/MS was used to determine that ApoA1 was down-regulated by 22% (p < 0.004) in HCC relative to HCV. Differential expression quantified via two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis was confirmed by means of 18O/16O stable isotope differential labeling with LC-MS/MS zoom scans. Technically independent confirmation was demonstrated by triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS selected reaction monitoring (SRM) assays with three peptides specific to human ApoA1 (DLATVYVDVLK, WQEEMELYR, and VSFLSALEEYTK) using 18O/16O-labeled samples and further verified with AQUA peptides as internal standards for quantification. In 50 patient samples (24 HCV and 26 HCC), all three SRM assays yielded highly similar differential expression of ApoA1 in HCC and HCV patients. These results validated the SRM assays, which were independently confirmed by Western blotting. Thus, ApoA1 is a candidate member of an SRM biomarker panel for early diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of HCC. Future multiplexing of SRM assays for other candidate biomarkers is envisioned to develop a biomarker panel for subsequent verification and validation studies.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)1 is the most common type of primary liver cancer and ranks third among cancers as a cause of death worldwide. With a five-year survival rate of less than 7% (1), it is responsible for more than a million deaths annually (2). Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major risk factor for the development of HCC, and an estimated 3 to 4 million people are infected with HCV annually (3).The projected rise in new HCC cases in the United States is due mainly to latent HCV infections (4) in the general population, with the onset of HCC coming several decades after initial infection. The poor prognosis associated with HCC is primarily due to the disease being diagnosed at a late stage, making successful therapeutic intervention difficult, if not impossible. Early diagnosis is important for successful treatment by means of ablation, resection, and/or transplant. Although α-fetoprotein (AFP) is routinely used for screening, it is often normal or indeterminate in early cancer cases. AFP is a low-sensitivity biomarker that is normal in up to 40% of patients with HCC, particularly during the early stages (5). AFP is also a low-specificity biomarker, as it is seen in patients with cirrhosis or exacerbations of chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis (6, 7). These limitations generate anxiety for patients and physicians alike. Other screening modalities for early HCC detection are variously inaccurate, expensive (computed tomography or MRI), or potentially dangerous (biopsy). These concerns present the urgent need for a sensitive, specific, and facile screening modality for early detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of HCC that would provide significant clinical benefit. Thus, there is a critical unmet medical need to discover and validate novel specific biomarkers for the early detection of HCC.Progression from chronic infection to cirrhosis and then to HCC usually results in changes in proteins found in hepatic tissues and peripheral blood (8). Accordingly, the exploration of serum to discover clinically useful protein and peptide biomarkers is promising. Serum provides a rich sample for diagnostic analyses because of the expression and release of proteins (potential biomarkers) into the bloodstream in response to specific physiological states. The proteomic characterization of human serum for the identification of disease-specific biomarkers promises to be a powerful diagnostic tool for defining the onset, progression, and prognosis of human diseases. Indeed, much of our current understanding of the serum proteome has come from the use of techniques such as two-dimensional PAGE and LC/MS, which have proven to be exceptionally useful for separating and identifying individual protein and peptide constituents in serum. Although the easily obtainable nature and high protein content of serum make it a valuable specimen for biomarker determination (9), there are still numerous hurdles to overcome when analyzing human serum, one of the most complex proteomes known. Serum contains ∼20 highly abundant proteins, which account for greater than 95% of the total protein mass, and a large number of medium- and low-abundance proteins that span some 12 orders of magnitude in concentration and represent an extremely formidable analytical challenge (10, 11). Thus the reliable proteomic characterization of serum and identification of biomarkers would be dramatically improved if the complexity of the serum proteome were reduced. Many fractionation techniques have been used to address this challenge; we used aptamer-based technology to reduce abundant proteins, thereby enriching lower abundance proteins with minimal or no loss of serum proteome information.In this study, several analytical approaches were used to discover and confirm ApoA1 as a candidate serum-based biomarker for early HCC detection. We applied two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) together with nanoflow liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (nano-LC-MS/MS) to detect proteins that are differentially expressed between HCV and HCC. Although many serum biomarker candidates have been discovered, verification and validation of these candidates are the rate-limiting steps in a biomarker pipeline (12) because conventional methods using antibodies (e.g. Western blotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) are not suitable for large-scale analysis because of their poor throughput and antibody availability (13). To overcome these challenges, we used selective reaction monitoring (SRM) to quantitatively verify and validate ApoA1 as a candidate biomarker in HCC and HCV.  相似文献   

Avian and mammalian endothermy results from elevated rates of resting, or routine, metabolism and enables these animals to maintain high and stable body temperatures in the face of variable ambient temperatures. Endothermy is also associated with enhanced stamina and elevated capacity for aerobic metabolism during periods of prolonged activity. These attributes of birds and mammals have greatly contributed to their widespread distribution and ecological success. Unfortunately, since few anatomical/physiological attributes linked to endothermy are preserved in fossils, the origin of endothermy among the ancestors of mammals and birds has long remained obscure. Two recent approaches provide new insight into the metabolic physiology of extinct forms. One addresses chronic (resting) metabolic rates and emphasizes the presence of nasal respiratory turbinates in virtually all extant endotherms. These structures are associated with recovery of respiratory heat and moisture in animals with high resting metabolic rates. The fossil record of nonmammalian synapsids suggests that at least two Late Permian lineages possessed incipient respiratory turbinates. In contrast, these structures appear to have been absent in dinosaurs and nonornithurine birds. Instead, nasal morphology suggests that in the avian lineage, respiratory turbinates first appeared in Cretaceous ornithurines. The other approach addresses the capacity for maximal aerobic activity and examines lung structure and ventilatory mechanisms. There is no positive evidence to support the reconstruction of a derived, avian-like parabronchial lung/air sac system in dinosaurs or nonornithurine birds. Dinosaur lungs were likely heterogenous, multicameral septate lungs with conventional, tidal ventilation, although evidence from some theropods suggests that at least this group may have had a hepatic piston mechanism of supplementary lung ventilation. This suggests that dinosaurs and nonornithurine birds generally lacked the capacity for high, avian-like levels of sustained activity, although the aerobic capacity of theropods may have exceeded that of extant ectotherms. The avian parabronchial lung/air sac system appears to be an attribute limited to ornithurine birds.  相似文献   

Female European robins beg for food from their mates throughoutthe breeding season using far-carrying "seep" calls which resemblethe begging calls of fledglings. We investigated the possibilitythat these calls are eavesdropped by neighboring males andused as cues to target intrusions during the fertile period.Female seep calling and male courtship feeding peaked in thefertile period, and males appeared to modify provisioning rate in relation to seep calling rate. Further, there was a positivecorrelation between rate of courtship feeding and clutch size,both of which tended to be inversely related to seep callingrates. These observations imply that the seep call is a hungersignal directed at pair males. As the signal is loud and givenmost frequently during the fertile period, it must also contain information about fertility and location. Playback experimentssuggested that this information is eavesdropped by neighboringmales, who responded to rapid rates of seep calling more readilythan slow rates and to calls broadcast at the edge of territoriesrather than their center, presumably in search of extrapaircopulations. Pair males can reduce the intensity of the female's signal by courtship feeding, and thus male provisioning mayprotect paternity.  相似文献   

Female–female competition over mates is often considered of minor importance, particularly in polygynous species. In red deer (Cervus elaphus), female–female aggression within harems during the breeding season has not been studied to date. Herein, we examined if oestrous female red deer in harems show elevated aggression rates, compared to when they are in harems but not in oestrous, and also when they are in foraging groups outside of the breeding season. Any increased levels of aggression involving oestrous females, could indicate the potential for female–female competition for mates in this species. We found that aggressive interactions among female red deer were clearly evident. The most common forms of aggression were displacements, nose threats and kicking. Biting and ear threats occurred less frequently, and chases were rare. There were no differences in the proportion of the different aggression types in the three social contexts. More importantly, we found that the highest overall rates of aggression were for oestrous females in harems, and for females in foraging groups. The lowest rates of aggression were found in harems (when the focal female was not in oestrous). If high rates of aggression also occur when several females are simultaneously in oestrous within single harems, then it is possible that this aggression could affect either mate choice or mating order. These results suggest that female–female competition over mates could play a role in the mating behaviour of red deer.  相似文献   

The UK population of the Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata has declined markedly in the last 30 years but there have been few recent studies of the species. This study examined the relationship between nest success and the predominant habitat type around Spotted Flycatcher nests in two contrasting areas of England. A breeding population in eastern England, a region where numbers of Spotted Flycatchers are known to have decreased dramatically in recent decades, was compared with another in southwest England, where numbers have remained stable or even increased. Whilst there was no difference in breeding success between the two study areas, there were significant differences between habitats, with garden nests more successful than those in farmland or woodland, at both egg and chick stages. Estimates of productivity per nesting attempt were also lower in farmland and woodland, with nests in gardens fledging twice as many chicks as those in either woodland or farmland. The proximate cause of lower success in farmland and woodland was higher nest predation rates during both egg and chick stages. In terms of nesting success, farmland and woodland appear to be similar in quality for this species, but both appear to be suboptimal habitats when compared with gardens, providing evidence of a problem on the breeding grounds for this species, in at least these two habitats.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Myrmarachne are described (Myrmarachne acutidens sp. n., Myrmarachne epigealis sp. n.), and Myrmarachne macrognatha and Myrmarachne melanocephala are redescribed from Flores specimens. The females of Myrmarachne macrognatha are recorded for the first time.  相似文献   

Light-dependent inorganic C (Ci) transport and accumulation in air-grown cells of Synechococcus UTEX 625 were examined with a mass spectrometer in the presence of inhibitors or artificial electron acceptors of photosynthesis in an attempt to drive CO2 or HCO3 uptake separately by the cyclic or linear electron transport chains. In the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, the cells were able to accumulate an intracellular Ci pool of 20 mm, even though CO2 fixation was completely inhibited, indicating that cyclic electron flow was involved in the Ci-concentrating mechanism. When 200 μm N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline was used to drain electrons from ferredoxin, a similar Ci accumulation was observed, suggesting that linear electron flow could support the transport of Ci. When carbonic anhydrase was not present, initial CO2 uptake was greatly reduced and the extracellular [CO2] eventually increased to a level higher than equilibrium, strongly suggesting that CO2 transport was inhibited and that Ci accumulation was the result of active HCO3 transport. With 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea-treated cells, Ci transport and accumulation were inhibited by inhibitors of CO2 transport, such as COS and Na2S, whereas Li+, an HCO3-transport inhibitor, had little effect. In the presence of N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline, Ci transport and accumulation were not inhibited by COS and Na2S but were inhibited by Li+. These results suggest that CO2 transport is supported by cyclic electron transport and that HCO3 transport is supported by linear electron transport.  相似文献   

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