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The elementary events of excitation-contraction coupling in heart muscle are Ca2+ sparks, which arise from one or more ryanodine receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Here a simple numerical model is constructed to explore Ca2+ spark formation, detection, and interpretation in cardiac myocytes. This model includes Ca2+ release, cytosolic diffusion, resequestration by SR Ca2+-ATPases, and the association and dissociation of Ca2+ with endogenous Ca2+-binding sites and a diffusible indicator dye (fluo-3). Simulations in a homogeneous, isotropic cytosol reproduce the brightness and the time course of a typical cardiac Ca2+ spark, but underestimate its spatial size (approximately 1.1 micron vs. approximately 2.0 micron). Back-calculating [Ca2+]i by assuming equilibrium with indicator fails to provide a good estimate of the free Ca2+ concentration even when using blur-free fluorescence data. A parameter sensitivity study reveals that the mobility, kinetics, and concentration of the indicator are essential determinants of the shape of Ca2+ sparks, whereas the stationary buffers and pumps are less influential. Using a geometrically more complex version of the model, we show that the asymmetric shape of Ca2+ sparks is better explained by anisotropic diffusion of Ca2+ ions and indicator dye rather than by subsarcomeric inhomogeneities of the Ca2+ buffer and transport system. In addition, we examine the contribution of off-center confocal sampling to the variance of spark statistics.  相似文献   

The interpretation of confocal line-scan images of local [Ca2+]i transients (such as Ca2+ sparks in cardiac muscle) is complicated by uncertainties in the position of the origin of the Ca2+ spark (relative to the scan line) and by the dynamics of Ca(2+)-dye interactions. An investigation of the effects of these complications modeled the release, diffusion, binding, and uptake of Ca2+ in cardiac cells (producing a theoretical Ca2+ spark) and image formation in a confocal microscope (after measurement of its point-spread function) and simulated line-scan images of a theoretical Ca2+ spark (when it was viewed from all possible positions relative to the scan line). In line-scan images, Ca2+ sparks that arose in a different optical section or with the site of origin displaced laterally from the scan line appeared attenuated, whereas their rise times slowed down only slightly. These results indicate that even if all Ca2+ sparks are perfectly identical events, except for their site of origin, there will be an apparent variation in the amplitude and other characteristics of Ca2+ sparks as measured from confocal line-scan images. The frequency distributions of the kinetic parameters (i.e., peak amplitude, rise time, fall time) of Ca2+ sparks were calculated for repetitive registration of stereotyped Ca2+ sparks in two experimental situations: 1) random position of the scan line relative to possible SR Ca(2+)-release sites and 2) fixed position of the scan line going through a set of possible SR Ca(2+)-release sites. The effects of noise were incorporated into the model, and a visibility function was proposed to account for the subjective factors that may be involved in the evaluation of Ca(2+)-spark image parameters from noisy experimental recordings. The mean value of the resulting amplitude distributions underestimates the brightness of in-focus Ca2+ sparks because large numbers of out-of-focus Ca2+ sparks are detected (as small Ca2+ sparks). The distribution of peak amplitudes may split into more than one subpopulation even when one is viewing stereotyped Ca2+ sparks because of the discrete locations of possible SR Ca(2+)-release sites in mammalian ventricular heart cells.  相似文献   

The contribution of intracellular calcium to ventricular fibrillation (VF) was investigated using chronically instrumented dogs with healed myocardial infarctions. A 2-minute coronary occlusion was initiated during the last minute of exercise. Fourteen animals developed ventricular fibrillation (susceptible) whereas the remaining 12 did not (resistant) during this exercise plus ischemia test. The test was then repeated for the susceptible animals after pretreatment with the intracellular calcium chelator BAPTA-AM (1.0 mg/kg). BAPTA-AM significantly reduced left ventricular dp/dt max and prevented VF in 8 of 12 susceptible animals. Conversely, myocardial cytosolic calcium levels were increased in resistant animals using the calcium channel agonist Bay K 8644 (30 micrograms/kg) or phenylephrine (10 micrograms.kg-1.min-1 3-5 min before occlusion). Bay K 8644 induced VF in all 5 resistant animals tested whereas phenylephrine induced VF in 8 of 12 resistant animals. BAPTA-AM pretreatment attenuated the hemodynamic effects of Bay K 8644 or phenylephrine and prevented VF in five of five Bay K 8644- and four of seven phenylephrine-treated animals. Finally, the endogenous level of calcium/calmodulin (Ca-CaM)-dependent phosphorylation of 170- and 55-kDa substrate proteins was measured (as an index of intracellular free calcium concentration). In the susceptible dog heart, the endogenous level of Ca-CaM-dependent phosphorylation was estimated to be two- to threefold higher than that observed in resistant dog heart. Treatment of resistant dog tissue with the calcium ionophore A23187 increased the level of Ca-CaM-dependent phosphorylation of these two proteins to the level observed in susceptible dog heart. These data suggest that elevated cytosolic calcium facilitates development of malignant arrhythmias and that elevated cytosolic calcium levels may be present in animals particularly susceptible to ventricular fibrillation.  相似文献   

BiP is the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Hsp70 orthologue that plays a major role in all functions of this organelle including the seemingly opposing functions of aiding the maturation of unfolded nascent proteins and identifying and targeting chronically unfolded proteins for degradation. The recent identification of mammalian BiP co-factors combined with delineation of the ER degradation machinery and data suggesting that the ER is subdivided into unique regions helps explain how these different functions can occur in the same organelle and raises some unresolved issues.  相似文献   

We propose a simple experiment to study delocalization and extinction in inhomogeneous biological systems. The nonlinear steady state for, say, a bacteria colony living on and near a patch of nutrient or favorable illumination (“oasis”) in the presence of a drift term (“wind”) is computed. The bacteria, described by a simple generalization of the Fisher equation, diffuse, divide AA + A, die A→ 0, and annihilate A + A→ 0. At high wind velocities all bacteria are blown into an unfavorable region (“desert”), and the colony dies out. At low velocity a steady state concentration survives near the oasis. In between these two regimes there is a critical velocity at which bacteria first survive. If the “desert” supports a small nonzero population, this extinction transition is replaced by a delocalization transition with increasing velocity. Predictions for the behavior as a function of wind velocity are made for one and two dimensions. Received: 3 August 1998 / Revised version: 17 July 1999 / Published online: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

The strict link between life and death of an organism should be discussed and compared to the life cycles of molecules and cells that allow the organism's development and survival. Indeed, a brief consideration of the main features of biological functions reveals that they occur at widely different levels of organization, ranging from molecules to species and ecological systems, and occupying widely different spatio-temporal domains. Biological functions are characterized by the integrated motion of their constitutive parts, and operate in cyclic fashions that comprise on and off phases. The birth and death of molecules, cells, organisms or species represent a special class of cycling functions that support the life cycles of the entities that include them. Under this perspective, the life cycles of past, present and future human beings may be viewed as necessary support to the longer lasting and more widely spreading life cycles of families, nations, and civilizations. If due consideration is given to our deep mental nature, one may cherish the conclusion that past, present and future human beings may be all supporting the life cycle of a superior mental entity that includes us in the same way we include our own cellular and molecular components.  相似文献   

SparkMaster: automated calcium spark analysis with ImageJ   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ca sparks are elementary Ca-release events from intracellular Ca stores that are observed in virtually all types of muscle. Typically, Ca sparks are measured in the line-scan mode with confocal laser-scanning microscopes, yielding two-dimensional images (distance vs. time). The manual analysis of these images is time consuming and prone to errors as well as investigator bias. Therefore, we developed SparkMaster, an automated analysis program that allows rapid and reliable spark analysis. The underlying analysis algorithm is adapted from the threshold-based standard method of spark analysis developed by Cheng et al. (Biophys J 76: 606–617, 1999) and is implemented here in the freely available image-processing software ImageJ. SparkMaster offers a graphical user interface through which all analysis parameters and output options are selected. The analysis includes general image parameters (number of detected sparks, spark frequency) and individual spark parameters (amplitude, full width at half-maximum amplitude, full duration at half-maximum amplitude, full width, full duration, time to peak, maximum steepness of spark upstroke, time constant of spark decay). We validated the algorithm using images with synthetic sparks embedded into backgrounds with different signal-to-noise ratios to determine an analysis criteria at which a high sensitivity is combined with a low frequency of false-positive detections. Finally, we applied SparkMaster to analyze experimental data of sparks measured in intact and permeabilized ventricular cardiomyocytes, permeabilized mammalian skeletal muscle, and intact smooth muscle cells. We found that SparkMaster provides a reliable, easy to use, and fast way of analyzing Ca sparks in a wide variety of experimental conditions. myocytes; sarcoplasmic reticulum; confocal microscopy  相似文献   

Human aging is associated with progressive decline in immune functions, increased frequency of infections. Among immune functions, a decline in T cell functions during aging predominates. In this review, we will discuss the molecular signaling in two major pathways of apoptosis, namely death receptor pathway and mitochondrial pathway, and their alterations in both T and B lymphocytes in human aging with a special emphasis on naïve and different memory subsets of CD8+ T cells. We will also discuss a possible role of lymphocyte apoptosis in immune senescence.  相似文献   

The loss of cell volume, termed apoptotic volume decrease (AVD) has been a hallmark feature of apoptosis. However the role of this characteristic attribute of programmed cell death has always been questioned as to whether it plays an active or passive factor during apoptosis. Here we review studies that suggest that AVD plays an active role during apoptosis and the underlying flux of ions that results in this morphological event regulates the programmed cell death process.  相似文献   

The diffusion of Ca as it converges to the external mouth of a Ca channel is examined. Diffusional limitation on Ca ions entering Ca channels during current flow, cause local extracellular Ca depletions. Such extracellular Ca depletions have been reported in cardiac muscle. The cardiac sarcolemma has a large number of low-affinity Ca binding sites that can buffer these local Ca depletions. For a hemisphere of extracellular space (of radius less than 0.33 microns) centered on the external mouth of a Ca channel the amount of Ca bound at the membrane surface exceeds that which is free within the associated hemisphere. The ratio of bound Ca/free Ca increases as r decreases, such that the [Ca] nearest the Ca channel is the most strongly buffered by sarcolemmal bound Ca. It is demonstrated that Ca ions coming from these sarcolemmal Ca binding sites contribute quantitatively to the integrated Ca current. The electric field generated by the local depletion of Ca near the channel mouth has little impact on the extent of Ca depletion, but if an additional electric field exists at the mouth of the channel, Ca depletion can be significantly altered. Other low-affinity Ca binding sites in the interstitium may also contribute to the buffering of extracellular Ca. The complex geometry of the extracellular space in cardiac muscle (e.g., transverse tubules and restrictions of extracellular space between cells) increases both the predicted Ca depletions (in the absence of binding) and the bound/free ratio. Thus, the impact of this surface Ca binding is greatly increased. By considering arrays of Ca channels in transverse tubules or in parallel planes (e.g., membranes of neighboring cells), extracellular Ca depletions are predicted which agree with those measured experimentally. Membrane Ca binding may also be expected to buffer increases in [Ca] around the inner mouth of Ca channels. It is demonstrated that in the absence of other intracellular systems most of the Ca entering the cell via Ca channels might be expected to be bound to the inner sarcolemmal surface. It is concluded that surface Ca binding may have a substantial impact on the processes of extracellular Ca depletion (and intracellular Ca accumulation).  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1967,4(5581):693-694

The secreted glycoprotein Sonic hedgehog (SHH), a vertebrate homologue of the Drosophila segment polarity gene Hedgehog, is essential for the development of diverse tissues during embryogenesis. Studies of SHH function during neural tube and somite development have focused on its role in specifying the dorsoventral polarity of these structures, but a recent report by Ahlgren and Bronner-Fraser(1) supports the possibility that SHH has additional functions in cell survival and cell proliferation. Perturbation of SHH signaling after the early dorsoventral specification of the cranial neural tube leads to increased cell death in both the neural tube and the neural crest. This implies that SHH is continually required as a trophic and/or mitogenic factor during brain development, and expands the variety of cellular responses to SHH signaling. BioEssays 22:499-502, 2000.  相似文献   

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