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Ceboid origins were reviewed from the standpoint of immunodiffusion systematics. Computer processing of spur size data from several thousand trefoil Ouchterlony plate comparisons using rabbit antisera to proteins of various primate, tree shrew and elephant shrew species depicted antigenic distances among the various species. A least squares procedure (executed by a new computer program AJUST) corrected for nonreciprocity in the raw antigenic distance matrix. Another computer program (UWPGM) then produced a cladogram from the normalized antigenic distance matrix. Within the cladogram, tree shrews are closer to undisputed primates than to non-primates. The undisputed primates appear as a monophyletic assemblage, consisting of two major lineages: the Strepsirhini, including lorisoid and lemuroid branches, and the Haplorhini. Haplorhini divides into a tarsioid branch and Anthropoidea. The latter consists of two sister groups, Catarrhini (Hominoidea and Cercopithecoidea) and Platyrrhini (Ceboidea). Thus, this cladogram supports those hypotheses of ceboid origins which depict the phyletic line ancestral to the extant Anthropoidea as first separating from strepsirhine and tarsioid lineages before splitting apart into Platyrrhini and Catarrhini. Present evidence does not reveal if the most recent common ancestor of platyrrhines and catarrhines was morphologically still a prosimian or if it existed late enough in the Tertiary to have reached the simian grade.  相似文献   

Prosociality is a fundamental theme in all branches of the human behavioral sciences. Evolutionary theory sets an even broader stage by examining prosociality in all species, including the distinctive human capacity to cooperate in large groups of unrelated individuals. We use evolutionary theory to investigate human prosociality at the scale of a small city (Binghamton, NY), based on survey data and a direct measure of prosocial behavior. In a survey of public school students (Grades 6–12), individual prosociality correlates strongly with social support, which is a basic requirement for prosociality to succeed as a behavioral strategy in Darwinian terms. The most prosocial individuals receive social support from multiple sources (e.g., family, school, neighborhood, religion and extracurricular activities). Neighborhood social support is significant as a group-level variable in addition to an individual-level variable. The median income of a neighborhood does not directly influence individual prosociality, but only indirectly through forms of social support. Variation in neighborhood quality, as measured by the survey, corresponds to the likelihood that a stamped addressed letter dropped on the sidewalk of a given neighborhood will be mailed. We discuss the results in relation to evolutionary theory, the experimental economics literature and the social capital literature in an effort to integrate the study of human prosociality across disciplines.  相似文献   

The goals of this review are to classify the patterns of copulatory behavior displayed by various species of primates, to compare them to the patterns of nonprimate mammalian species, and to search for correlates of the various patterns. Copulatory patterns are classified in relation to the presence or absence of four defining attributes: a lock, thrusting during intromissions, multiple intromissions, and multiple ejaculations. Literature on copulation in 67 primate species is reviewed, and a tentative classification is proposed for 33 primate species. Although neither social organization nor genital morphology provides a fully satisfactory relationship, there are indications that variations in copulatory behavior are related to variations in genital morphology.  相似文献   

A placebo is a treatment which is not effective through its direct action on the body, but works because of its effect on the patient's beliefs. From an evolutionary perspective, it is initially puzzling why, if people are capable of recovering, they need a placebo to do so. Based on an argument put forward by Humphrey [Great expectations: the evolutionary psychology of faith-healing and the placebo effect. In: Humphrey, N (2002). The mind made flesh. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 255–285], we present simple mathematical models of the placebo effect that involve a trade-off between the costs and benefits of allocating resources to a current problem. These models show why the effect occurs and how its magnitude and timing can depend on different factors. We identify a particular aspect of belief which may govern the effect and conclude that a deeper understanding of why the placebo effect exists may allow it to be invoked more easily in the future.  相似文献   

Cellular morphogenesis is a complex process and molecular studies in the last few decades have amassed a large amount of information that is difficult to grasp in any completeness. Fungal systems, in particular the budding and fission yeasts, have been important players in unravelling the basic structural and regulatory elements involved in a wide array of cellular processes. In this article, we address the design principles underlying the various processes of yeast and fungal morphogenesis. We attempt to explain the apparent molecular complexity from the perspective of the evolutionary theory of "facilitated variation". Following a summary of some of the most studied morphogenetic phenomena, we discuss, using recent examples, the underlying core processes and their associated "weak" regulatory linkages that bring about variation in morphogenetic phenotypes.  相似文献   

Individuals diagnosed with morbid jealousy have hypersensitive jealousy mechanisms that cause them to have irrational thoughts about their partner's fidelity and to exhibit extreme behaviors. Using a newly constructed database of 398 cases of morbid jealousy reported in the literature from 1940 to 2002, we tested four evolutionarily informed hypotheses about normally functioning jealousy mechanisms and applied them to this novel population of individuals diagnosed with morbid jealousy. We hypothesized that a greater percentage of men than women diagnosed with morbid jealousy would be focused on a partner's sexual infidelity and on indicators of a rival's status and resources and that a greater percentage of women than men diagnosed with morbid jealousy would be focused on a partner's emotional infidelity and on indicators of a rival's youth and physical attractiveness. All four hypotheses were supported. The results suggest continuity between normal jealousy and morbid jealousy and highlight the heuristic value of using archival databases to test evolutionarily informed hypotheses.  相似文献   

Eph family functions from an evolutionary perspective   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and ephrins have been identified in organisms ranging from sponges to flies and worms to chick, mice and humans, thus allowing their function to be approached also from an evolutionary perspective. The structural analysis of Eph/ephrin crystals is providing hints for the existence of Eph and ephrin folds in plants and suggests a mechanism for triggering bi-directional signalling.  相似文献   

Stibor H  Sommer U 《Protist》2003,154(1):91-98
Mixotrophy, a combination of phototrophic and phagotrophic nutrition, has been found in several classes of phytoplankton (Booras et al. 1988, Jones 2000) and appears to be a successful evolutionary strategy. Heterotrophic nutrition of phytoplankton has been suggested to be an important source of mineral nutrients (Nygaard and Tobiesen 1993). Potentially limiting mineral nutrients, particularly phosphorus (P), are often several orders of magnitude more concentrated in the biomass of food organisms of mixotrophs (e.g. in bacteria) than in the dissolved phase (Vadstein 2000). We used radioactive tracer experiments to show that the simultaneous uptake of P from dissolved inorganic and particular P sources by the marine phytoflagellate Chrysochromulina polylepis followed basic predictions of optimal foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 1986). Chrysochromulina takes up its P rather unselectively from both bacterial P and dissolved P sources at low dissolved P concentrations, while it becomes more selective at higher dissolved inorganic P (DIP) concentrations. The onset of mixotrophic processes was dependent on DIP concentrations. These findings support the view of mixotrophy as a strategy of nutrient uptake in nutrient poor (oligotrophic) pelagic environments (Nygaard and Tobiesen 1993) and show that ideas of optimal foraging can be applied to unicellular organisms.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of mammalian cutaneous glands is considered based on the analysis of the literature and our own original data with the focus on the issues of gland polymorphism and specific features in postnatal development (from the case study of circumanal hepatoid glands of newborn domestic dogs), including the features reflecting the evolutionary relationships of various types of cutaneous glands. The hepatoid glands are a component of the glandular complex of the hair follicle, which also includes sebaceous and sweat glands; have a specific structure; and produce protein secretion by a merocrine pathway. Characteristic of these glands are wide polymorphism, sex- and age-related differences in the degree of development, occurrence in only a few phylogenetically related mammalian taxa (even-toed ungulates and carnivores); and a signaling type of their secretion. The data support the “generative concept,” relying on the idea of a separate and independent origination of diverse derivatives of the external integuments.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Duplications of Hox gene clusters have been suggested as a mechanism whereby new Hox functions can be developed while preserving critical ancestral roles. However, in tetrapods, particularly in mammals, there is great variability in limb structure morphologies that are known to be affected by Hox genes without further Hox cluster duplications. The lack of further duplications suggests that if Hox genes have played a direct role in the morphological elaboration of tetrapod limbs, the changes must have come about from Hox protein sequence changes or from changes regarding the amount, time, and place of Hox gene expression. To investigate whether such changes to Hox genes could play a role in limb elaboration, we examined the HoxD locus in bats, which have both highly elaborated fore‐ and hindlimbs. We found that while the Chiropteran HoxD13 protein was highly conserved, there was an expansion of HoxD13 expression in the posterior portion of the Chiropteran forelimb and into the leading edge of the wing membrane. We were also able to uncover a number of unique lineage‐specific sequence changes to a known HoxD limb enhancer, the Global Control Region (GCR). Further, mouse transgenic assays showed that the Chiropteran GCR has new limb enhancer activity domains beyond that reported for the Human GCR. These results suggest that modulation of Hox gene expression may be a mechanism for effecting morphological change in lineage‐specific manner while maintaining ancestral constraints and cluster integrity.  相似文献   

Canids and felids are compared regarding evolutionary history, distribution, habitat preferences, morphology and behaviour. Factors permitting and promoting sociality in both families are discussed, and communication mechanisms within each sensory modality compared. A solitary existence is compatible with felid specializations, the mother and young being the basic social unit. Canid specializations have permitted the development of a pair bond and male provisioning of young. As an adaptation to hunting large herbivorous prey, an increase in size occurred in the felids, but canids developed sophisticated pack-hunting techniques. Group structure in canids is based on long-term affiliations between a pair and matured offspring, while in the lion, the only truly social felid, it is based on a mother and maturing daughters.  相似文献   

Ethnic populations of India as seen from an evolutionary perspective   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is now widely accepted that (i) modern humans,Homo sapiens sapiens, evolved in Africa, (ii) migrated out of Africa and replaced archaic humans in other parts of the world, and (iii) one of the first waves of out-of-Africa migration came into India. India, therefore, served as a major corridor for dispersal of modern humans. By studying variation at DNA level in contemporary human populations of India, we have provided evidence that mitochondrial DNA haplotypes based on RFLPs are strikingly similar across ethnic groups of India, consistent with the hypothesis that a small number of females entered India during the initial process of the peopling of India. We have also provided evidence that there may have been dispersal of humans from India to southeast Asia. In conjunction with haplotype data, nucleotide sequence data of a hypervariable segment (HVS-1) of the mitochondrial genome indicate that the ancestors of the present austro-asiatic tribal populations may have been the most ancient inhabitants of India. Based on Y-chromosomal RFLP and STRP data, we have also been able to trace footprints of human movements from west and central Asia into India.  相似文献   

In Australia, populations of mice occasionally irrupt into plagues, mainly in the southern and eastern grain-growing regions. Mus domesticus was the only member of the subgenus Mus identified from a genetic survey of animals collected from four states. Little is known of the origin of these mice but they probably came from Europe where plagues do not occur. We examined whether mice have evolved the ability to plague since their colonization by comparing some population parameters of Australian, European and North American mice. Their helminth fauna were contrasted to gauge the importance of founder effects on the evolution of mice in Australia.
Australian mice share 52% (12 of 23) of the helminths found in mice in Europe and North America. Those not shared mainly had indirect life cycles. The absence of species could be explained by a strong founder effect or the lack of suitable intermediate hosts near Australian ports. There was no evidence that population structure or diet had evolved differently. Population abundance was different in field populations especially during the build-up and irruption of plagues. These differences were related to better breeding by mice in Australia in field environments; average number of embryos per litter was substantially higher and breeding seasons longer. Genetic change is not the only explanation for this increased productivity–a combination of lack of interspecific competition from other granivores and more favourable climatic conditions may be responsible.
All things considered, there was no compelling evidence that Australian mice have evolved the ability to plague. Their ability to respond to good conditions by increasing litter size beyond that recorded elsewhere supports the notion that control of mouse productivity is an appropriate management option for plague prevention.  相似文献   

Middle and long distance athletics races behave as power-laws when time (or average speed) and distance are related, thus suggesting the presence of critical phenomena. Power-laws as a function of the athlete's position in the all-time world ranking allows us to define a Performance Index that reveals the existence of possible multifractal structures associated to the natural barriers to that the athletes tend in their evolution towards better results and in pursuit of world records. The new theories of self-organized critical phenomena provide an explanation for the power-law and fractal structures in systems at, or near, their critical points. In this paper we analyse the athletic races using these theories and as a result of this study a new variety of interpretations are posited.  相似文献   

Circulatory transport of neutral lipids (fat) in animals relies on members of the large lipid transfer protein (LLTP) superfamily, including mammalian apolipoprotein B (apoB) and insect apolipophorin II/I (apoLp-II/I). Latter proteins, which constitute the structural basis for the assembly of various lipoproteins, acquire lipids through microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP)—another LLTP family member—and bind them by means of amphipathic structures. Comparative research reveals that LLTPs have evolved from the earliest animals and additionally highlights the structural and functional adaptations in these lipid carriers. For instance, in contrast to mammalian apoB, the insect apoB homologue, apoLp-II/I, is post-translationally cleaved by a furin, resulting in their appearance of two non-exchangeable apolipoproteins in the insect low-density lipoprotein (LDL) homologue, high-density lipophorin (HDLp). An important difference between mammalian and insect lipoproteins relates to the mechanism of lipid delivery. Whereas in mammals, endocytic uptake of lipoprotein particles, mediated via members of the LDL receptor (LDLR) family, results in their degradation in lysosomes, the insect HDLp was shown to act as a reusable lipid shuttle which is capable of reloading lipid. Although the recent identification of a lipophorin receptor (LpR), a homologue of LDLR, reveals that endocytic uptake of HDLp may constitute an additional mechanism of lipid delivery, the endocytosed lipoprotein appears to be recycled in a transferrin-like manner. Binding studies indicate that the HDLp–LpR complex, in contrast to the LDL–LDLR complex, is resistant to dissociation at endosomal pH as well as by treatment with EDTA mimicking the drop in Ca2+ concentration in the endosome. This remarkable stability of the ligand–receptor complex may provide a crucial key to the recycling mechanism. Based on the binding and dissociation capacities of mutant and hybrid receptors, the specific binding interaction of the ligand-binding domain of the receptor with HDLp was characterized. These structural similarities and functional adaptations of the lipid transport systems operative in mammals and insects are discussed from an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Niche division and abundance: an evolutionary perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In recent years, biodiversity has become an issue of broad academic interest, and its assessment and maintenance are now recognized as an important area of ecological research. While the concept of biodiversity encompasses, first and foremost, the total number of species co-occurring in a locality, it has increasingly been realized that information on the relative abundances of co-occurring species is also required for a better understanding of the patterns and dynamics of biodiversity. In many areas of ecological research, “abundance” constitutes a key variable that characterizes populations and communities. The relative abundances of species in natural communities reflect evolutionary and contemporary processes occurring on different spatiotemporal scales. The idea of niche apportionment has been developed to provide an integrated conceptual framework for the study of species abundance patterns in communities. This article reviews a number of important issues surrounding the concept of niche apportionment, including some aspects that have received very little or no consideration in previous ecological literature. The main emphasis here is on possible evolutionary implications and backgrounds. Further, as a universal factor which affects species abundance in one way or another, body size is highlighted and its relationship with abundance (“density–body-size relation”) is considered, referring in particular to a recent comprehensive analysis of freshwater benthic data. Consideration of this and other studies has led to the formulation of the biomass equivalence rule, that suggests the independence of the biomass measure of abundance from body size, which strengthens the logical basis of niche apportionment models. It is suggested that, compared with Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity, niche apportionment with the biomass equivalence rule represents a conceptually more sound and widely applicable approach to elucidating species abundance patterns. Received: February 4, 2002 / Accepted: October 25, 2002 Correspondence to:M. Tokeshi  相似文献   

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