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Although PKD is broadly expressed and involved in numerous cellular processes, its function in osteoclasts has not been previously reported. In this study, we found that PKD2 is the main PKD isoform expressed in osteoclastic cells. PKD phosphorylation, indicative of the activated state, increased after 2–3 days of treatment of bone marrow macrophages with M-CSF and RANKL, corresponding to the onset of preosteoclast fusion. RNAi against PKD2 and treatment with the PKD inhibitor CID755673 showed that PKD activity is dispensable for induction of bone marrow macrophages into tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive preosteoclasts in culture but is required for the transition from mononucleated preosteoclasts to multinucleated osteoclasts. Loss of PKD activity reduced expression of DC-STAMP in RANKL-stimulated cultures. Overexpression of DC-STAMP was sufficient to rescue treatment with CID755673 and restore fusion into multinucleated osteoclasts. From these data, we conclude that PKD activity promotes differentiation of osteoclast progenitors through increased expression of DC-STAMP.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular degradation pathway and is considered to be an essential cell survival mechanism. Defects in autophagy are implicated in many pathological processes, including inflammatory bowel disease. Among the innate defense mechanisms of intestinal mucosa, a defective tight junction (TJ) barrier has been postulated as a key pathogenic factor in the causation and progression of inflammatory bowel disease by allowing increased antigenic permeation. The cross-talk between autophagy and the TJ barrier has not yet been described. In this study, we present the novel finding that autophagy enhances TJ barrier function in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. Nutrient starvation-induced autophagy significantly increased transepithelial electrical resistance and reduced the ratio of sodium/chloride paracellular permeability. Nutrient starvation reduced the paracellular permeability of small-sized urea but not larger molecules. The role of autophagy in the modulation of paracellular permeability was confirmed by pharmacological induction as well as pharmacological and genetic inhibition of autophagy. Consistent with the autophagy-induced reduction in paracellular permeability, a marked decrease in the level of the cation-selective, pore-forming TJ protein claudin-2 was observed after cell starvation. Starvation reduced the membrane presence of claudin-2 and increased its cytoplasmic, lysosomal localization. Therefore, our data show that autophagy selectively reduces epithelial TJ permeability of ions and small molecules by lysosomal degradation of the TJ protein claudin-2.  相似文献   

Neuregulin (NRG; heregulin) is overexpressed in ∼30% of breast cancers and mediates various processes involved in tumor progression, including tumor cell migration and invasion. Here, we show that NRG mediates its effects on tumor cell migration via PKD1. Downstream of RhoA, PKD1 can prevent directed cell migration through phosphorylation of its substrate SSH1L. NRG exerts its inhibitory effects on PKD1 through Rac1/NADPH oxidase, leading to decreased PKD1 activation loop phosphorylation and decreased activity toward SSH1L. The consequence of PKD1 inhibition by NRG is decreased binding of 14-3-3 to SSH1L, localization of SSH1L to F-actin at the leading edge, and increased cofilin activity, resulting in increased reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and cell motility. Our data provide a mechanism through which the Rho GTPase Rac1 cross-talks with PKD1 signaling pathways to facilitate directed cell migration.  相似文献   

Enabled/Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) protein family members link actin dynamics and cellular signaling pathways. VASP localizes to regions of dynamic actin reorganization such as the focal adhesion contacts, the leading edge or filopodia, where it contributes to F-actin filament elongation. Here we identify VASP as a novel substrate for protein kinase D1 (PKD1). We show that PKD1 directly phosphorylates VASP at two serine residues, Ser-157 and Ser-322. These phosphorylations occur in response to RhoA activation and mediate VASP re-localization from focal contacts to the leading edge region. The net result of this PKD1-mediated phosphorylation switch in VASP is increased filopodia formation and length at the leading edge. However, such signaling when persistent induced membrane ruffling and decreased cell motility.  相似文献   

Although commitment to epidermal differentiation is generally considered to be irreversible, differentiated keratinocytes (KCs) have been shown to maintain a regenerative potential and to reform skin epithelia when placed in a suitable environment. To obtain insights into the mechanism of reinitiation of this proliferative response in differentiated KCs, we examined the reversibility of commitment to Ca2+-induced differentiation. Lowering Ca2+ concentration to micromolar levels triggered culture-wide morphological and biochemical changes, as indicated by derepression of cyclin D1, reinitiation of DNA synthesis, and acquisition of basal cell-like characteristics. These responses were inhibited by Goedecke 6976, an inhibitor of protein kinase D (PKD) and PKCα, but not with GF109203X, a general inhibitor of PKCs, suggesting PKD activation by a PKC-independent mechanism. PKD activation followed complex kinetics with a biphasic early transient phosphorylation within the first 6 h, followed by a sustained and progressive phosphorylation beginning at 24 h. The second phase of PKD activation was followed by prolonged ERK1/2 signaling and progression to DNA synthesis in response to the low Ca2+ switch. Specific knockdown of PKD-1 by RNA interference or expression of a dominant negative form of PKD-1 did not have a significant effect on normal KC proliferation and differentiation but did inhibit Ca2+-mediated reinitiation of proliferation and reversion in differentiated cultures. The present study identifies PKD as a major regulator of a proliferative response in differentiated KCs, probably through sustained activation of the ERK-MAPK pathway, and provides new insights into the process of epidermal regeneration and wound healing.  相似文献   

Bipolar mitotic spindle organization is fundamental to faithful chromosome segregation. Furry (Fry) is an evolutionarily conserved protein implicated in cell division and morphology. In human cells, Fry localizes to centrosomes and spindle microtubules in early mitosis, and depletion of Fry causes multipolar spindle formation. However, it remains unknown how Fry controls bipolar spindle organization. This study demonstrates that Fry binds to polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) through the polo-box domain of Plk1 in a manner dependent on the cyclin-dependent kinase 1-mediated Fry phosphorylation at Thr-2516. Fry also binds to Aurora A and promotes Plk1 activity by binding to the polo-box domain of Plk1 and by facilitating Aurora A-mediated Plk1 phosphorylation at Thr-210. Depletion of Fry causes centrosome and centriole splitting in mitotic spindles and reduces the kinase activity of Plk1 in mitotic cells and the accumulation of Thr-210-phosphorylated Plk1 at the spindle poles. Our results suggest that Fry plays a crucial role in the structural integrity of mitotic centrosomes and in the maintenance of spindle bipolarity by promoting Plk1 activity at the spindle poles in early mitosis.  相似文献   

Cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) are critical protein kinases in regulating cell cycle progression. Among them, cyclin D1/Cdk4 exerts its function mainly in the G1 phase. By using the tandem affinity purification tag approach, we identified a set of proteins interacting with Cdk4, including NDR1/2. Interestingly, confirming the interactions between NDR1/2 and cyclin D1/Cdk4, we observed that NDR1/2 interacted with cyclin D1 independent of Cdk4, but NDR1/2 and cyclin D1/Cdk4 did not phosphorylate each other. In addition, we found that NDR1/2 did not affect the kinase activity of cyclin D1/Cdk4 upon phosphorylation of GST-Rb. However, cyclin D1 but not Cdk4 promoted the kinase activity of NDR1/2. We also demonstrated that cyclin D1 K112E, which could not bind Cdk4, enhanced the kinase activity of NDR1/2. To test whether cyclin D1 promotes G1/S transition though enhancing NDR1/2 kinase activity, we performed flow cytometry analysis using cyclin D1 and cyclin D1 K112E Tet-On inducible cell lines. The data show that both cyclin D1 and cyclin D1 K112E promoted G1/S transition. Importantly, knockdown of NDR1/2 almost completely abolished the function of cyclin D1 K112E in promoting G1/S transition. Consistently, we found that the protein level of p21 was reduced in cells overexpressing cyclin D1 K112E but not when NDR1/2 was knocked down. Taken together, these results reveal a novel function of cyclin D1 in promoting cell cycle progression by enhancing NDR kinase activity independent of Cdk4.  相似文献   

Here, we show that the expression of the Golgi-localized serine-threonine kinase protein kinase D3 (PKD3) is elevated in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Using an antibody array, we identified PKD3 to trigger the activation of S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), a main downstream target of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling pathway. Accordingly, PKD3 knockdown in TNBC cells led to reduced S6K1 phosphorylation, which was associated with impaired activation of mTORC1 at endolysosomal membranes, the accumulation of the mannose 6-phosphate receptor in and the recruitment of the autophagy marker light chain 3 to enlarged acidic vesicles. We further show that PKD3 depletion strongly inhibited cell spreading and proliferation of TNBC cells, identifying this kinase as a potential novel molecular therapeutic target in TNBC. Together, our data suggest that PKD3 in TNBC cells provides a molecular connection between the Golgi and endolysosomal compartments to enhance proliferative mTORC1-S6K1 signaling.  相似文献   

The members of the protein kinase D (PKD) family of serine/threonine kinases are major targets for tumor-promoting phorbol esters, G protein-coupled receptors, and activated protein kinase C isoforms (PKCs). The expanding list of cellular processes in which PKDs exert their function via phosphorylation of various substrates include proliferation, apoptosis, migration, angiogenesis, and vesicle trafficking. Therefore, identification of novel PKD substrates is necessary to understand the profound role of this kinase family in signal transduction. Here, we show that rhotekin, an effector of RhoA GTPase, is a novel substrate of PKD. We identified Ser-435 in rhotekin as the potential site targeted by PKD in vivo. Expression of a phosphomimetic S435E rhotekin mutant resulted in an increase of endogenous active RhoA GTPase levels. Phosphorylation of rhotekin by PKD2 modulates the anchoring of the RhoA in the plasma membrane. Consequently, the S435E rhotekin mutant displayed enhanced stress fiber formation when expressed in serum-starved fibroblasts. Our data thus identify a novel role of PKD as a regulator of RhoA activity and actin stress fiber formation through phosphorylation of rhotekin.  相似文献   

Tight junctions are multiprotein complexes that form the fundamental physiologic and anatomic barrier between epithelial and endothelial cells, yet little information is available about their molecular organization. To begin to understand how the transmembrane proteins of the tight junction are organized into multiprotein complexes, we used blue native-PAGE (BN-PAGE) and cross-linking techniques to identify complexes extracted from MDCK II cells and mouse liver. In nonionic detergent extracts from MDCK II cells, the tight junction integral membrane protein claudin-2 was preferentially isolated as a homodimer, whereas claudin-4 was monomeric. Analysis of the interactions between chimeras of claudin-2 and -4 are consistent with the transmembrane domains of claudin-2 being responsible for dimerization, and mutational analysis followed by cross-linking indicated that the second transmembrane domains were arranged in close proximity in homodimers. BN-PAGE of mouse liver membrane identified a relatively discrete high molecular weight complex containing at least claudin-1, claudin-2, and occludin; the difference in the protein complex sizes between cultured cells and tissues may reflect differences in tight junction protein or lipid composition or post-translational modifications. Our results suggest that BN-PAGE may be a useful tool in understanding tight junction structure.  相似文献   

Syx is a Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that localizes at cell-cell junctions and promotes junction stability by activating RhoA and the downstream effector Diaphanous homolog 1 (Dia1). Previously, we identified several molecules, including 14-3-3 proteins, as Syx-interacting partners. In the present study, we show that 14-3-3 isoforms interact with Syx at both its N- and C-terminal regions in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. We identify the protein kinase D-mediated phosphorylation of serine 92 on Syx, and additional phosphorylation at serine 938, as critical sites for 14-3-3 association. Our data indicate that the binding of 14-3-3 proteins inhibits the GEF activity of Syx. Furthermore, we show that phosphorylation-deficient, 14-3-3-uncoupled Syx exhibits increased junctional targeting and increased GEF activity, resulting in the strengthening of the circumferential junctional actin ring in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. These findings reveal a novel means of regulating junctional Syx localization and function by phosphorylation-induced 14-3-3 binding and further support the importance of Syx function in maintaining stable cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

The Eph receptors and their membrane-bound ligands, ephrins, play important roles in various biological processes such as cell adhesion and movement. The transmembrane ephrinBs transduce reverse signaling in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent or -independent, as well as PDZ-dependent manner. Here, we show that ephrinB1 interacts with Connector Enhancer of KSR1 (CNK1) in an EphB receptor-independent manner. In cultured cells, cotransfection of ephrinB1 with CNK1 increases JNK phosphorylation. EphrinB1/CNK1-mediated JNK activation is reduced by overexpression of dominant-negative RhoA. Overexpression of CNK1 alone is sufficient for activation of RhoA; however, both ephrinB1 and CNK1 are required for JNK phosphorylation. Co-immunoprecipitation data showed that ephrinB1 and CNK1 act as scaffold proteins that connect RhoA and JNK signaling components, such as p115RhoGEF and MKK4. Furthermore, adhesion to fibronectin or active Src overexpression increases ephrinB1/CNK1 binding, whereas blocking Src activity by a pharmacological inhibitor decreases not only ephrinB1/CNK1 binding, but also JNK activation. EphrinB1 overexpression increases cell motility, however, CNK1 depletion by siRNA abrogates ephrinB1-mediated cell migration and JNK activation. Moreover, Rho kinase inhibitor or JNK inhibitor treatment suppresses ephrinB1-mediated cell migration. Taken together, our findings suggest that CNK1 is required for ephrinB1-induced JNK activation and cell migration.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke (CigS) exposure is associated with increased bronchial epithelial permeability and impaired barrier function. Primary cultures of normal human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to CigS exhibit decreased E-cadherin expression and reduced transepithelial electrical resistance. These effects were mediated by hyaluronan (HA) because inhibition of its synthesis with 4-methylumbelliferone prevented these effects, and exposure to HA fragments of <70 kDa mimicked these effects. We show that the HA receptor layilin is expressed apically in human airway epithelium and that cells infected with lentivirus expressing layilin siRNAs were protected against increased permeability triggered by both CigS and HA. We identified RhoA/Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) as the signaling effectors downstream layilin. We conclude that HA fragments generated by CigS bind to layilin and signal through Rho/ROCK to inhibit the E-cadherin gene and protein expression, leading to a loss of epithelial cell-cell contact. These studies suggest that HA functions as a master switch protecting or disrupting the epithelial barrier in its high versus low molecular weight form and that its depolymerization is a first and necessary step triggering the inflammatory response to CigS.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical sensor of energy sufficiency, acts as central metabolic switch in cell metabolism. Once activated by low energy status, AMPK phosphorylates key regulatory substrates and turns off anabolic biosynthetic pathways. In contrast, the mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is active when there are sufficient nutrients for anabolic reactions. A critical factor regulating mTOR is phosphatidic acid (PA), a central metabolite of membrane lipid biosynthesis and the product of the phospholipase D (PLD)-catalyzed hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. PLD is a downstream target of the GTPase Rheb, which is turned off in response to AMPK via the tuberous sclerosis complex. Although many studies have linked AMPK with mTOR, very little is known about the connection between AMPK and PLD. In this report, we provide evidence for reciprocal regulation of PLD by AMPK and regulation of AMPK by PLD and PA. Suppression of AMPK activity led to an increase in PLD activity, and conversely, activation of AMPK suppressed PLD activity. Suppression of PLD activity resulted in elevated AMPK activity. Exogenously supplied PA abolished the inhibitory effects of elevated AMPK activity on mTOR signaling. In contrast, exogenously supplied PA could not overcome the effect AMPK activation if either mTOR or Raptor was suppressed, indicating that the inhibitory effects of PLD and PA on AMPK activity are mediated by mTOR. These data suggest a reciprocal feedback mechanism involving AMPK and the PLD/mTOR signaling node in cancer cells with therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Acute lung injury is characterized by injury to the lung epithelium that leads to impaired resolution of pulmonary edema and also facilitates accumulation of protein-rich edema fluid and inflammatory cells in the distal airspaces of the lung. Recent in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) may have therapeutic value for the treatment of acute lung injury. Here we tested the ability of human allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells to restore epithelial permeability to protein across primary cultures of polarized human alveolar epithelial type II cells after an inflammatory insult. Alveolar epithelial type II cells were grown on a Transwell plate with an air-liquid interface and injured by cytomix, a combination of IL-1β, TNFα, and IFNγ. Protein permeability measured by 131I-labeled albumin flux was increased by 5-fold over 24 h after cytokine-induced injury. Co-culture of human MSC restored type II cell epithelial permeability to protein to control levels. Using siRNA knockdown of potential paracrine soluble factors, we found that angiopoietin-1 secretion was responsible for this beneficial effect in part by preventing actin stress fiber formation and claudin 18 disorganization through suppression of NFκB activity. This study provides novel evidence for a beneficial effect of MSC on alveolar epithelial permeability to protein.  相似文献   

Extracellular Ca(2+) is essential for the development of stable epithelial tight junctions. We find that in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β inhibition independently induce the localization of epithelial tight junction components to the plasma membrane. The Ca(2+)-independent deposition of junctional proteins induced by AMPK activation and GSK-3β inhibition is independent of E-cadherin. Furthermore, the nectin-afadin system is required for the deposition of tight junction components induced by AMPK activation, but it is not required for that induced by GSK-3β inhibition. Phosphorylation studies demonstrate that afadin is a substrate for AMPK. These data demonstrate that two kinases involved in regulating cell growth and metabolism act through distinct pathways to influence the deposition of the components of epithelial tight junctions.  相似文献   

Many extracellular signals act via the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade in which kinetics, cell-cell variability, and sensitivity of the ERK response can all influence cell fate. Here we used automated microscopy to explore the effects of ERK-mediated negative feedback on these attributes in cells expressing endogenous ERK or ERK2-GFP reporters. We studied acute rather than chronic stimulation with either epidermal growth factor (ErbB1 activation) or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PKC activation). In unstimulated cells, ERK-mediated negative feedback reduced the population-average and cell-cell variability of the level of activated ppERK and increased its robustness to changes in ERK expression. In stimulated cells, negative feedback (evident between 5 min and 4 h) also reduced average levels and variability of phosphorylated ERK (ppERK) without altering the “gradedness” or sensitivity of the response. Binning cells according to total ERK expression revealed, strikingly, that maximal ppERK responses initially occur at submaximal ERK levels and that this non-monotonic relationship changes to an increasing, monotonic one within 15 min. These phenomena occur in HeLa cells and MCF7 breast cancer cells and in the presence and absence of ERK-mediated negative feedback. They were best modeled assuming distributive (rather than processive) activation. Thus, we have uncovered a novel, time-dependent change in the relationship between total ERK and ppERK levels that persists without negative feedback. This change makes acute response kinetics dependent on ERK level and provides a “gating” or control mechanism in which the interplay between stimulus duration and the distribution of ERK expression across cells could modulate the proportion of cells that respond to stimulation.  相似文献   

The continuous assembly and disassembly of focal adhesions is required for efficient cell spreading and migration. The G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein 1 (GIT1) is a multidomain protein whose dynamic localization to sites of cytoskeletal remodeling is critically involved in the regulation of these processes. Here we provide evidence that the subcellular localization of GIT1 is regulated by protein kinase D3 (PKD3) through direct phosphorylation on serine 46. GIT1 phosphorylation on serine 46 was abrograted by PKD3 depletion, thereby identifying GIT1 as the first specific substrate for this kinase. A GIT1 S46D phosphomimetic mutant localized to motile, paxillin-positive cytoplasmic complexes, whereas the phosphorylation-deficient GIT1 S46A was enriched in focal adhesions. We propose that phosphorylation of GIT1 on serine 46 by PKD3 represents a molecular switch by which GIT1 localization, paxillin trafficking, and cellular protrusive activity are regulated.  相似文献   

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