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Despite growing evidence that biotic interactions limit the distribution of species and their potential redistribution under climate change, the recent surge of interest in niche conservatism has predominantly focused on the Grinellian (abiotic) niche, whereas few studies have attempted to quantify potential lability in the Eltonian (biotic or trophic) niche. Here, we test for conservatism in the Eltonian niche of 32 freshwater fish species between their introduced and native ranges from 435 populations across the globe. We used stable isotope data to quantify niche shifts along the horizontal (δ13C: indicating the origin of the resources consumed) and vertical (δ15N: describing the trophic position) dimensions of the isotopic niche, as well as shifts in overall isotopic niche breadth. Using an assemblage centroid standardized isotope vector analysis and controlling for phylogenetic relatedness among species, we demonstrated that introduced freshwater fishes exhibited flexibility in both resource use and trophic position that was beyond levels of natural variability observed in their native ranges. By contrast, niche breadth showed variability only within the limits recorded in native populations and varied independently from shifts in mean isotopic niche positions. Across all species and introduction histories, we found a consistent shift towards more balanced acquisition of resources with mixed origins and at intermediate trophic positions, suggesting a general mechanism by which fish species successfully establish into recipient communities. The mechanisms that promote or inhibit species from shifting their Eltonian niche remains unknown, but trophic flexibility is likely to contribute to both the success and the ecological impacts of invasive species and range shifts of native species under future global change.  相似文献   

In a discussion it is often easier to staunchly reject or offer resolute support for an idea. This third paper on the niche concept aims to develop a balanced argument by exploring general principles for determining an appropriate level for pitching the niche concept that will guide better use and less abuse of niche concepts. To do this we first have to accept that niche concepts are not necessarily essential for ecology. Rather than to improve niche concepts, our aim should then be to pitch the niche in terms of ecology. This aim helps us develop an ‘ultimate goal of the niche’ by which we can evaluate the concepts we use. For species distribution modelling, there has been a focus on the niche as an equilibrium outcome that perhaps has less relevance for disequilibrium situations (e.g. climate change projections). As is the case for much of ecology, more causal explanations of species' distributions use alternative terminologies and less frequently use the word ‘niche’. We suggest that niche concepts that are better aligned with the rest of ecology could arise from taking more responsibility for our own implementations, and by explaining our models with terms other than niche. A general, holistic niche concept promotes this view and promotes practical thinking about what we are modelling and how we interpret those models, which in turn should help inspire and support innovative modelling approaches in species distribution modelling.  相似文献   

Functional diversity is increasingly recognized by microbial ecologists as the essential link between biodiversity patterns and ecosystem functioning, determining the trophic relationships and interactions between microorganisms, their participation in biogeochemical cycles, and their responses to environmental changes. Consequently, its definition and quantification have practical and theoretical implications. In this opinion paper, we present a synthesis on the concept of microbial functional diversity from its definition to its application. Initially, we revisit to the original definition of functional diversity, highlighting two fundamental aspects, the ecological unit under study and the functional traits used to characterize it. Then, we discuss how the particularities of the microbial world disallow the direct application of the concepts and tools developed for macroorganisms. Next, we provide a synthesis of the literature on the types of ecological units and functional traits available in microbial functional ecology. We also provide a list of more than 400 traits covering a wide array of environmentally relevant functions. Lastly, we provide examples of the use of functional diversity in microbial systems based on the different units and traits discussed herein. It is our hope that this paper will stimulate discussions and help the growing field of microbial functional ecology to realize a potential that thus far has only been attained in macrobial ecology.  相似文献   

Historical (phylogenetic) biogeography and community ecology were once integrated as part of the broader study of organismal diversity, but in recent decades have become largely separate disciplines. This is unfortunate because many patterns studied by community ecologists may originate through processes studied by historical biogeographers and vice versa. In this study, we explore the causes of a geographic pattern of community structure (habitat use) in the emydid turtle assemblages of eastern North America, with more semi-terrestrial species of the subfamily Emydinae in the north and more aquatic species of Deirochelyinae in the south. Specifically, we address the factors that prevent northern emydines from invading southern communities. We test for competitive exclusion by examining patterns of range overlap, and test for the role of niche conservatism using analyses of climatic and physiological data based on a multilocus molecular phylogeny. We find no support for competitive exclusion, whereas several lines of evidence support the idea that niche conservatism has prevented northern emydines from dispersing into southern communities. Our results show how understanding the causes of patterns of historical biogeography may help explain patterns of community structure.  相似文献   

Earlier, the author published two books and some papers, in which he described conceptual foundations of new scientific disciplines — biochemical ecology and biochemical hydrobiology. These trends in research include studies of the role of chemical substances in interorganismal interactions, in communication and regulation of supraorganismal systems. Another part of biochemical ecology concerns studies of the destiny and transformation of external chemical substances when they interact with the organisms. Both natural and man-made compounds are interesting for biochemical ecology. The basic concepts of biochemical ecology include ecological chemomediators and ecological chemoregulators that have already been included in the body of modern conceptions and are used in modern ecological literature. Application of biochemical ecology to aquatic ecosystems creates the basis for development of biochemical hydrobiology.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have often suggested that ecology is important in speciation, in that natural selection may drive adaptive divergence between lineages that inhabit different environments. I suggest that it is the tendency of lineages to maintain their ancestral ecological niche (phylogenetic niche conservatism) and their failure to adapt to new environments which frequently isolates incipient species and begins the process of speciation. Niche conservatism may be an important and widespread component of allopatric speciation but is largely unstudied. The perspective outlined here suggests roles for key microevolutionary processes (i.e., natural selection, adaptation) that are strikingly different from those proposed in previous literature on ecology and speciation. Yet, this perspective is complementary to the traditional view because it focuses on a different temporal stage of the speciation process.  相似文献   

The pace of on‐going climate change calls for reliable plant biodiversity scenarios. Traditional dynamic vegetation models use plant functional types that are summarized to such an extent that they become meaningless for biodiversity scenarios. Hybrid dynamic vegetation models of intermediate complexity (hybrid‐DVMs) have recently been developed to address this issue. These models, at the crossroads between phenomenological and process‐based models, are able to involve an intermediate number of well‐chosen plant functional groups (PFGs). The challenge is to build meaningful PFGs that are representative of plant biodiversity, and consistent with the parameters and processes of hybrid‐DVMs. Here, we propose and test a framework based on few selected traits to define a limited number of PFGs, which are both representative of the diversity (functional and taxonomic) of the flora in the Ecrins National Park, and adapted to hybrid‐DVMs. This new classification scheme, together with recent advances in vegetation modeling, constitutes a step forward for mechanistic biodiversity modeling.  相似文献   

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Our understanding of the community assembly processes acting on non-indigenous species (NIS), as well as the relationship with native species is limited, especially in marine ecosystems. To overcome this knowledge gap we here develop a trait-based approach based on the functional distinctiveness metric to assess niche overlap between NIS and native species, using high-resolution data on benthic invertebrate communities in the Baltic Sea. Our results show that NIS retain a certain degree of similarity with native species, but display one or a few singular unique traits (e.g., bioturbation ability). Furthermore, we demonstrate that community assembly processes, including both environmental filtering and limiting similarity affect NIS establishment, but that their effects may be highly context dependent, as illustrated by pronounced spatial patterns in distinctiveness. Finally, our trait-based approach provides a generic framework applicable to other areas and organisms, to better understand and address biological invasions.  相似文献   

Linking competitive outcomes to environmental conditions is necessary for understanding species'' distributions and responses to environmental change. Despite this importance, generalizable approaches for predicting competitive outcomes across abiotic gradients are lacking, driven largely by the highly complex and context-dependent nature of biotic interactions. Here, we present and empirically test a novel niche model that uses functional traits to model the niche space of organisms and predict competitive outcomes of co-occurring populations across multiple resource gradients. The model makes no assumptions about the underlying mode of competition and instead applies to those settings where relative competitive ability across environments correlates with a quantifiable performance metric. To test the model, a series of controlled microcosm experiments were conducted using genetically related strains of a widespread microbe. The model identified trait microevolution and performance differences among strains, with the predicted competitive ability of each organism mapped across a two-dimensional carbon and nitrogen resource space. Areas of coexistence and competitive dominance between strains were identified, and the predicted competitive outcomes were validated in approximately 95% of the pairings. By linking trait variation to competitive ability, our work demonstrates a generalizable approach for predicting and modelling competitive outcomes across changing environmental contexts.  相似文献   

Physiological ecology of rocky intertidal organisms: a synergy of concepts   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The rocky intertidal zone is among the most physically harshenvironments on earth. Marine invertebrates and algae livingin this habitat are alternatively pounded by waves and exposedto thermal extremes during low tide periods (Denny and Wethey,2001). Additionally, they must deal with strong selective pressuresrelated to predation and competition for space (Connell, 1961).As a result, the steep physical gradient and spatially condensedcommunity has made the rocky intertidal zone an ideal "naturallaboratory" to study the coupled role of physical and biologicalfactors in determining the abundance and distribution of organismsin nature (Connell, 1961; Paine, 1966, 1994).  相似文献   

Conservation physiology (CP) and nutritional ecology (NE) are both integrative sciences that share the fundamental aim of understanding the patterns, mechanisms and consequences of animal responses to changing environments. Here, we explore the high-level similarities and differences between CP and NE, identifying as central themes to both fields the multiple timescales over which animals adapt (and fail to adapt) to their environments, and the need for integrative models to study these processes. At one extreme are the short-term regulatory responses that modulate the state of animals in relation to the environment, which are variously considered under the concepts of homeostasis, homeorhesis, enantiostasis, heterostasis and allostasis. In the longer term are developmental responses, including phenotypic plasticity and transgenerational effects mediated by non-genomic influences such as parental physiology, epigenetic effects and cultural learning. Over a longer timescale still are the cumulative genetic changes that take place in Darwinian evolution. We present examples showing how the adaptive responses of animals across these timescales have been represented in an integrative framework from NE, the geometric framework (GF) for nutrition, and close with an illustration of how GF can be applied to the central issue in CP, animal conservation.  相似文献   

生态学中的尺度问题:内涵与分析方法   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:27  
张娜 《生态学报》2006,26(7):2340-2355
尺度问题已成为现代生态学的核心问题之一.尺度问题主要涉及3个方面:尺度概念、尺度分析和尺度推绎.主要评述前两个方面.生态学尺度有三重概念:维数、种类和组分,其中每重概念又包含了多个定义,有必要进行澄清、分类和统一.尺度分析涉及尺度效应分析和多尺度空间格局分析.格局、过程及它们之间的关系,以及某些景观特性均表现出尺度效应,因此多尺度研究非常必要和重要.多尺度空间格局分析(尤其是特征尺度的识别)是进行尺度效应分析和跨尺度推绎的基础.多尺度分析需要特定的方法,景观指数法是最常用和最简单的方法,但也常产生误导;空间统计学方法(如半方差分析法、尺度方差分析法、空隙度指数法和小波分析法等)和分维分析法在最近十几年发展起来,并逐渐应用于生态学,在尺度分析上具有很大的应用潜力.各种方法在尺度分析上各有优势和不足,有必要同时使用两种或两种以上方法进行比较和评估.总之,有关尺度分析的研究需要进一步加强,从而为下一步的尺度推绎提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

Research on xeromorphic and sclerophyllous (the literal meanings of which are "dry-form" and "hard-leaved") plants offers a case-history illustrating the nature of "progress" in one branch of science. The story runs from about 1890–1970, beginning with the birth of ecological concepts, including Warming's 1895 classification of plants into hydrophytes, xerophytes and meso-phytes, Schimper's pioneer work on the sclerophylls, and with the conceptions that lay behind this work; and so on through the main lines of research, concluding with an account of work on the "anomalous" distribution of the sclerophylls in Australia. This case-history shows how the problems of classification and categorization may be linked to conceptual and empirical problems of substance, and hence are not "merely" classificatory. Indeed, the hypotheses under test are not formulated explicitly, but are encapsulated in the terminology, as is so often the case in the biological sciences.  相似文献   

中小学生物学课程中生态学重要概念的筛选及其表述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对概念教学进行研究是科学教育领域中的一项重要内容,我国中学生物学课程标准明确提出“让学生深入理解生物学的核心概念”。然而如何落实课程标准的这一要求是改革实践中所面临的挑战之一。通过分析27个国家或地区的课程标准文件,筛选出生态学主题的概念和核心概念并以命题的形式表述,对生物学新课程标准的修订、提高生物学概念教学的水平具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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