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Physical proximity between each pair of genomic loci in a nucleus is measured as a form of contact frequency in chromosome conformation capture-based methods. Complexity of chromosome structure in interphase can be characterized by measuring a statistical property of physical distance between genomic loci according to genomic separation along single chromatids. To find a relationship between the physical distance and the contact frequency, we propose a polymer model derived from the Langevin equation. The model is derived by considering a structure of a chromosome as a trajectory of a particle, where each consecutive segment in the chromosome corresponds to a transient position in the trajectory over time. Using chromosome conformation capture data, we demonstrate the functional relationship between the two quantities. The physical distances derived from the mean contact frequencies by the model show a good correlation with those from experimental data. From the model, we present that the mean contact frequency curve can be divided into three components that arise from different physical origins and show that the contact frequency is proportional to the contact surface area, not to the volume of segments suggested by the fractal globule model. The model explains both a decaying pattern of the contact frequency and the biphasic relationship between the physical distance and the genomic length.  相似文献   

对染色质三维结构的探究逐渐成为了解基因组功能与基因调控关系的必要手段.近年来,随着高通量染色体构象捕获(Hi-C)等技术的发展和高通量测序成本的降低,全基因组交互作用的数据量快速增长,交互作用图谱分辨率不断提高.这给三维基因组学发展带来机遇的同时,也给计算建模带来了挑战.当前,三维基因组数据的分析方法覆盖面广,包括了数据前期处理、标准化、可视化、特征提取、三维建模等环节,但是如何从中选择高效、准确的方法却成为制约研究者们开展研究的一项关键因素.本文根据这些方法的适用场景、原理及特点进行系统地归纳,并重点关注了针对新技术或新需求的分析方法,以期促进这一领域中信息学方法的应用和开发,助力三维基因组学的研究.  相似文献   

真核生物中远距离的调控元件往往通过相互作用形成复杂的染色体相互作用网络,对基因的表达进行三维调节,染色体构象俘获是研究染色体相互作用的有力工具。简要综述了染色体构象俘获技术的基本原理及其研究进展,并对相关技术存在的问题进行了分析,对发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Chromosome conformation capture (3C) and derivative experimental procedures are used to estimate the spatial proximity between different genomic elements, thus providing information about the 3D organization of genomic domains and whole genomes within the nucleus. All C-methods are based on the proximity ligation–the preferential ligation of joined DNA fragments obtained upon restriction enzyme digestion of in vivo cross-linked chromatin. Here, using the mouse beta-globin genes in erythroid cells as a model, we estimated the actual frequencies of ligation between the fragments bearing the promoter of the major beta-globin gene and its distant enhancers and showed that the number of ligation products produced does not exceed 1% of all fragments subjected to the ligation. Although this low yield of 3C ligation products may be explained entirely by technical issues, it may as well reflect a low frequency of interaction between DNA regulatory elements in vivo.  相似文献   

染色质的构象在基因表达调节方面起重要作用.介绍了染色质构象捕获、环状染色质构象捕获、3C碳拷贝、ChIP-loop、ChIA-PET和Hi-C等技术的基本原理及发展历程,对影响实验结果准确性的主要因素进行了分析.目的是为在三维层面研究基因的表达调控介绍新的研究手段,为功能研究提供新思路,也为相关技术的应用提供理论参考.  相似文献   

环形染色体构象捕获(4c)技术实现了在全基因组范围内捕获与4c靶位点发生相互作用的基因座位,因而通过4C相关技术可以进一步研究靶基因座位在细胞核内的空间组织形式。该文以ABclllb基因座位作为4C分析的靶位点,通过优化4C分析的反向巢式PCR扩增条件,实现4C分析PCR的高效扩增:并通过有限克隆筛选与普通测序分析相结合的方法,在全基因组范围内捕获到一些与BcHlb基因座位发生潜在相互作用的基因座位。这些基因座位与靶位点间的相互作用既有发生在相同染色体内的,也有发生在不同染色体之间的。这些基因座位间的相互作用表明了Bclllb基因座位在细胞核内复杂的空间组织形式。  相似文献   

Our present understanding of the origin and evolution of chromosomes differs considerably from current understanding of the origin and evolution of the cell itself. Chromosome origins have been less prominent in research, as the emphasis has not shifted so far appreciably from the phenomenon of primeval nucleic acid encapsulation to that of the origin of gene organization, expression, and regulation. In this work we discuss some reasons why preliminary steps in this direction are being taken. We have been led to examine properties that have contributed to raise the ancestral prokaryotic programmes to a level where we can appreciate in eukaryotes a clear departure from earlier themes in the evolution of the cell from the last common ancestor. We shift our point of view from evolution of cell morphology to the point of view of the genes. In particular, we focus attention on possible physical bases for the way transmission of information has evolved in eukaryotes, namely, the inactivation of whole chromosomes. The special case of the inactivation of the X chromosome in mammals is discussed, paying particular attention to the physical process of the spread of X inactivation in monotremes (platypus and echidna). When experimental data is unavailable some theoretical analysis is possible based on the idea that in certain cases collective phenomena in genetics, rather than chemical detail, are better correlates of complex chemical processes.  相似文献   

Janardan and Schaeffer (1977) suggested that the Lagrangian Poisson Distribution (LPD) could be used to estimate the net free energy for the production of induced chromosome aberrations. Using a Markov-chain model, a formal link between the LPD and the thermodynamic free energy is now provided. It is estimated that the free energy required to produce isochromatid breaks or dicentrics is about 3.67 KJ/mole/aberration and 18.4 KJ/mole, in good agreement with free energy estimates on the formation of DNA.  相似文献   

Chromosome size and morphology vary within and among species, but little is known about the proximate or ultimate causes of these differences. Cichlid fish species in the tribe Oreochromini share an unusual giant chromosome that is ∼3 times longer than the other chromosomes. This giant chromosome functions as a sex chromosome in some of these species. We test two hypotheses of how this giant sex chromosome may have evolved. The first hypothesis proposes that it evolved by accumulating repetitive elements as recombination was reduced around a dominant sex determination locus, as suggested by canonical models of sex chromosome evolution. An alternative hypothesis is that the giant sex chromosome originated via the fusion of an autosome with a highly repetitive B chromosome, one of which carried a sex determination locus. We test these hypotheses using comparative analysis of chromosome-scale cichlid and teleost genomes. We find that the giant sex chromosome consists of three distinct regions based on patterns of recombination, gene and transposable element content, and synteny to the ancestral autosome. The WZ sex determination locus encompasses the last ∼105 Mb of the 134-Mb giant chromosome. The last 47 Mb of the giant chromosome shares no obvious homology to any ancestral chromosome. Comparisons across 69 teleost genomes reveal that the giant sex chromosome contains unparalleled amounts of endogenous retroviral elements, immunoglobulin genes, and long noncoding RNAs. The results favor the B chromosome fusion hypothesis for the origin of the giant chromosome.  相似文献   

中国两栖动物染色体研究名录   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据20余年资料,对中国无足、有尾和无尾类两栖动物的染色体研究进行了整理总结。  相似文献   

中国爬行动物染色体研究名录   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
郭鹏 《动物学杂志》2000,35(2):37-43
我国在爬行动物染色体方面的研究已有20多年的历史,目前已积累了大量的资料.但是,由于资料零星而分散,迄今尚无人整理成文.而有关这类资料总结性工作,国外学者(尤其欧、美及日本)一直较为关注,先后有许多较为详细有关本地区的统计文献.为了反映我国爬行动物染色体的研究概况和进展,为该领域的研究者今后进一步研究提供一份较全面的参考文献,对我国已有的爬行动物染色体资料进行总结就显得十分必要.  相似文献   

Cultures of Escherichia coli 15T(-) and K-12 were labeled with (3)H-thymine before, during, and after amino acid starvation. The number of labeled segregating units was measured by autoradiography of microcolonies derived from the labeled cells. In both strains, labels inserted before starvation and during starvation appeared to segregate as if incorporated into the same polynucleotide strands. However, labels inserted during and after starvation segregated as if incorporated into different polynucleotide strands. In view of previous data, it was concluded that replication after amino acid starvation originates from the region of the chromosome which serves as the origin for replication during normal growth and division.  相似文献   

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