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The effect of 120-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia on human physical working capacity and functional state was studied. The study revealed two adaptation phases: the first phase is characterized by a significant decrease in working capacity and the second by relative readaptation. However, the unfavorable effect of 120-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia was evident as a decrease in the effectiveness of function of the cardiorespiratory system that increased the physiological cost of physical work.  相似文献   

The skin electrical activity of the gastrointestinal tract in the stomach and small intestine frequency ranges was studied for four months in 13 men under the conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia (AOH). On an empty stomach, both the gastric and small intestine electrical activities increased to a level comparable with that of the increase detectable after eating under the conditions of normal motor activity, whereas the response to food stimulation was inhibited. The ratios between the parameters of spectral analysis testified to a higher tonic component in the stomach and a higher peristaltic component in the intestine under the conditions of AOH. The observed changes in the gastric and intestinal electrical activities were observed against a background of a hypersecretory state of the stomach and an increase in the intestinal contents. During the readaptation period, both the gastric and intestinal electrical activities increased significantly, whereas the response to food stimulation was inhibited.  相似文献   

Nine volunteers aged 27 to 42 participated in an experiment with 370-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia at–5°C, and their blood serum samples were tested for the concentrations of lipid peroxidation (LPO) derivatives, including diene conjugates (DCs), malonic dialdehyde (MDA), and Schiff bases (SBs), and indices of the antioxidant defense system, including the tocopherol (TP) concentration and total antioxidant activity (AOA). The subjects were divided into two groups, which differed in physical training regimen and prophylaxis measures. Initial LPO steps were inhibited in both of the groups by 54–73% from day 50, while the level of SBs, which are final LPO products, decreased by 50–61% by day 230 and remained much the same up to the end of the experiment. The MDA and SB concentrations decreased by a factor of 1.6–2.3 during recovery. Total AOA decreased as an aftereffect during recovery to a level far lower than physiologically normal. Based on the significant inhibition of free-radical LPO throughout the experiment, long-term adaptation to simulated hypogravity was accompanied by a pronounced decrease in biological oxidation and caused severe stress. Substantial long-term readaptation stress developed during recovery after 370-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia, as was evident from the facts that the LPO activity was almost halved, TP concentration significantly increased, and the functional reserves of water-soluble antioxidants were exhausted. Lack of LPO activation was assumed to reflect adequate compensation in the subjects.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the glycemic curve profile was investigated in 8 healthy women during performance of the glucose tolerance test (GТТ) in 120-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia (–6°) (АNОH) simulating the effects of weightlessness. Glycemic profiles were characterized by more marked hyperglycemic response at 30 min of GТТ in the first month of stay under ANOH conditions and had a flattened appearance three months later. Glycemic profiles characteristic of delayed restoration of the blood glucose concentration appeared in the fourth month, which persisted over the first week after the end of АNОH. The glycemic profile changes developed against the background of the signs of progressive congestion of blood in the venous system of the abdominal cavity. The expansion of diameters of the main veins of the abdominal cavity was noted at the beginning of АNОH; an increase in the size of the organs and the signs of expansion of venous plexuses at the site of portocaval anastomoses, after three months; the occurrence of the signs of transudation and free fluid in the abdominal cavity was revealed at the end of hypokinesia. The countermeasures against hypodynamia did not prevent transformation of the glycemic profile nor did they influence the progression of blood flow congestion in the venous system of the abdominal cavity whose features determined the character changes in the glycemic profile in different periods of ANOH.  相似文献   

Changes in the water and sodium balances and in the states of the fluid compartments of the human body observed in experiments performed with healthy subjects exposed to long-term (120 days) antiorthostatic hypokinesia (ANOH) were analyzed. A hypothesis was suggested that the normal dietary consumption of sodium could be associated with the accumulation of osmotically inactive sodium in the body of a healthy person (independently of changes in the total water content). The results agree with the assumption that considerable amounts of osmotically inactive sodium may be stored in the human body. This hypothesis was confirmed by the inversion of the correlation between the cumulative sodium balance and the total water content of the body found both in the group-averaged data and in individual data. This nonsmotic sodium accumulation may take place not only during deviations from its normal consumption, but also during its regular dietary supply. Accumulation of sodium in these stores and its depletion are not associated with any significant changes in the volumes of body fluids. Infradian rhythmic changes in the sodium balance observed in some subjects exposed to the long-term ANOH, which were not caused by any periodic external influences, indicated the existence of a specific mechanism regulating the sodium content of the body. This mechanism must be significantly more inert and less precise than the fast regulation of the volume, osmolality, and ionic composition of extracellular fluids.  相似文献   

EXEMSI'92 was a 60-day isolation and confinement experiment with an international crew. During this second experiment of the European Space Agency (the first one was a 28-day confinement with 6 men: ISEMSI'90), blood volume regulating hormones and water balance were studied. During ISEMSI'90, stress level was elevated as shown by specific markers and we observed some interesting results which have been already observed before, during bed-rest experiments. Thus, our conclusion was that some of the physiological effects observed during bed rest could be the consequence of the "confinement effect" and/or stress imposed to the subjects during such experiments. The aim of the present physiological study was: 1/to define the origin of the blood pressure increase seen during ISEMSI'90; 2/ to study the blood volume regulating hormones (ANP, renin, aldosterone) variations; 3/ to determine the dehydration level by measuring the total body water with the doubly labeled water (DLW) method and fluid balance in general.  相似文献   

To date the hindlimb suspension model utilizing rats has a wide application to simulate weightlessness. In our previous study we have examined the cardiovascular responses in the tail suspension model using the radiolabeled microspheres technique. We have reported increases of cardiac output (CO) and decreases of total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR) after 24 hours of head-down tilt (HDT). However, there is no comparison of arterial and venous systems parameters with blood flow changes in organs and tissues. Apart from the preliminary HDT training influence on these parameters is unknown. Thus we aimed to evaluate the role of HDT training in central circulation responses, venous tone and regional blood flow.  相似文献   

The structure of motor behaviour in response to environmental tests--"open field" and "with-a-partner" situation (according to P. V. Simonov)--was studied in rats after 1, 3 and 6 weeks of hypokinesis, (to K. Hecht), as compared to the control. In control animals a relatively low level of orienting-investigation reactions and of grooming was observed as well as a low alimentary activity, which is considered as a manifestation of innate passive defensive reactions in the above situations. Disappearance of these reactions in the course of hypokinesia has two stages: predominant increase in orienting-investigating reactions (1-3 weeks); their subsequent decrease and an increase in the grooming (after 6 weeks). The relation between innate and conditioned behavioural changes is discussed as well as stability of alimentary behaviour in rats.  相似文献   

Microgravity-induced changes in body composition (decrease in muscle mass and increase in fat mass) and energy metabolism were studied in seven healthy male subjects during a 42-day bed-rest in a head-down tilt (HDT) position. Resting energy expenditure (REE), fat and glucose oxidation were estimated by indirect calorimetry on days 0, +8 and +40 of the HDT period. Assessments were performed both in post-absorptive conditions and following two identical test meals given at 3-h intervals. Body composition (dual x-ray absorptiometry) was measured on days 0, +27, +42. Mean post-absorptive lipid oxidation decreased from 53 (SEM 8) mg · min−1 (day 0) to 32 (SEM 10) mg · min−1 (day 8, P=0.04) and 36 (SEM 8) mg · min−1 (day 40, P=0.06). Mean post-absorptive glucose oxidation rose from 126 (SEM 15) mg · min−1 (day 0) to 164 (SEM 14) mg · min−1 (day 8, P=0.04) and 160 (SEM 20) mg · min−1 (day 40, P=0.07). Mean fat-free mass (FFM) decreased between days 0 and 42 [58.0 (SEM 1.8) kg and 55.3 (SEM 1.7) kg, P<0.01] while fat mass increased without reaching statistical significance. The mean REE decreased from 1688 (SEM 50) kcal · day−1 to 1589 (SEM 42) kcal · day−1 (P=0.056). Changes in REE were accounted for by changes in FFM. Mean energy intake decreased from 2532 (SEM 43) kcal · day−1 to 2237 (SEM 50) kcal · day−1 (day 40, P<0.01) with only a minor decrease in the proportion of fat. We concluded that changes in fat oxidation at the whole body level can be found during HDT experiments. These changes were related to the decrease in FFM and could have promoted positive fat balance hence an increase in fat mass. Accepted: 26 March 1998  相似文献   

The protein composition (proteome) of the body fluids is rather flexible; it can change, responding to various factors of the external environment and changes in the internal environment. In order to study the variability of the proteome profile in healthy humans under the conditions of total control of vital rhythm, physical activity, and diet, urine samples were collected from subjects who had been selected according to special criteria and qualified as healthy by a special physical evaluation board. The subjects took part in an experiment with a 105-day-long isolation in a pressurized compartment, carried out by using an autonomous life-support system at the Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. The purification and concentration of proteins from the urine samples were carried out using a MB-HIC C8 magnetic bead set (Bruker Daltonics). The mass spectra have been obtained using an Autoflex III time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) in the positive lineal mode. One hundred and seventeen peaks were obtained for each urine sample; technological errors of the method have been studied. The high variability of the urine proteome profile (36 protein MC peaks on average) was shown in healthy humans under the conditions of isolation and controlled vital activity.  相似文献   

Exposure to microgravity or simulated microgravity is known to affect regulatory function in autonomic nervous system. With regard to thermoregulation, simulated microgravity impairs sweating and induces lower skin and higher internal temperatures during physical work. During supine rest after HDT bed rest, the internal temperatures were reported to be higher than those of pre-HDT bed rest in some studies but not in others. There is no report about the dynamic changes of skin blood flow during 14-day HDT bed rest. The process of HDT bed-rest deconditioning on the function of the thermoregulatory system is virtually unknown. The HDT induces an immediate cephalad fluid shift which would inhibit the sympathetic outflow through the arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflexes, which may increase the skin blood flow. On the other hand, prolonged HDT bed rest induces dehydration, which will increase sympathetic outflow through cardiopulmonary baroreceptor modulation. Both sympathetic activation and dehydration itself will decrease skin blood flow. It seems probable that the general effect on skin blood flow may reverse along the HDT bed rest. However, the dynamic characters of skin blood flow and body temperature during the HDT bed rest have not been studied thoroughly. Therefore, the purpose of present study was to investigate the changes of skin blood flow and body temperature during 14 days HDT bed rest.  相似文献   

Hypokinesia (diminished movement) induces significant calcium (Ca) changes, but little is known about the effect of hypokinesia (HK) on Ca deficiency. Measuring Ca changes during and after HK the aim of this study was to determine Ca deficiency during prolonged HK. Studies were done on 12 male Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkeys) aged 3–5 yr (5.58–6.42 kg) during a 90-d pre-HK period, a 90-d HK period, and a 15-d post-HK period. Monkeys were equally divided into two groups: vivarium control monkeys (VCM) and hypokinetic monkeys (HKM). Hypokinetic monkeys were kept in small individual cages that restricted their movements in all directions without hindering food and water intakes. Urinary, fecal, and serum Ca, urinary and serum magnesium (Mg) and phosphate (P), serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), and calcitonin (CT) concentration, body weight, food intake, fluid consumed and eliminated in urine were measured. During the HK period, fecal Ca loss, urinary Ca, P, and Mg excretion, fluid elimination, and serum P, Ca, and Mg concentration increased significantly (p≤0.01), whereas serum iPTH and CT concentration, food and fluid intakes, and body weight decreased significantly (p≤0.01) in the HKM group when compared with the VCM group. During the initial days of the post-HK period, serum Ca, Mg, and P concentration, fecal Ca loss, urinary Ca, Mg, and P excretion, and fluid elimination decreased significantly (p≤0.01), whereas fluid intake increased significantly (p≤0.01) in the HKM group when compared with the VCM group. Food intake, body weight, and serum iPTH and CT concentrations remained significantly (p≤0.01) depressed in the HKP group when compared with the VCM; however, they increased as the duration of the post-HK period increased. By contrast, the corresponding parameters remained stable in the VCM group when compared with the baseline control values. It was shown that fecal and urinary Ca loss and serum Ca concentration increases significantly during HK, whereas during post-HK fecal, urinary, and serum Ca decreases significantly. It was concluded that significant decrease of serum, urinary, and fecal Ca during post-HK may suggest the presence of Ca deficiency during prolonged HK.  相似文献   

Hypokinesia (diminished movement) induces muscle mineral depletion. However, the mechanism of muscle mineral depletion during hypokinesia (HK) remains unknown. Measuring electrolyte retention and electrolyte values in muscle, plasma, and urine during and after HK, the aim of this study was to discover if HK could depress mineral retention and lead to muscle mineral depletion. Studies were done on 204 13-wk-old male Wistar rats (370–390 g) during 10 d pre-HK period, 98 d HK period, and 15 d post-HK period. Rats were equally divided into two groups: vivarium control rats (VCR) and hypokinetic rats (HKR). All hypokinetic rats were kept for 98 d in small individual cages, which restricted their movements in all directions without hindering food and water intakes. All control rats were housed for 98 d in individual cages under vivarium control conditions. Both groups of rats were pair-fed. During the HK period skeletal muscle sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and water content and electrolyte retention decreased significantly (p < 0.05), while urinary and plasma electrolyte levels increased significantly (p < 0.05) in HKR compared with their pre-HK values and their respective VCR. During the initial days of the post-HK period, mineral retention increased significantly (p < 0.05), plasma and urinary electrolyte level decreased significantly (p < 0.05), while muscle electrolyte and water content remained significantly (p < 0.05) depressed in HKR compared with VCR. Muscle mineral and water content, electrolyte retention, plasma, and urinary electrolyte values did not change in VCR compared with their pre-HK values. It was concluded that during HK decreased muscle mineral content may suggest muscle mineral depletion, while increased urinary electrolyte loss and muscle mineral depletion may demonstrate reduced mineral retention. Reduced electrolyte excretion and depressed muscle mineral content during post-HK may indicate skeletal muscle mineral depletion during HK. Dissociation between electrolyte retention and muscle mineral depletion may demonstrate the presence of decreased electrolyte retention as the mechanism of muscle electrolyte depletion during prolonged HK.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the search of permanent proteins of the urinary proteome during a 520-day isolation experiment at the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) Ground-Based Test Facility in controlled conditions, using an autonomous life support system. The object of the study was urine sampled from 6 normal male subjects aged 25 to 37. The biological material samples (the second morning urine fractions) were collected for proteomic investigations against the background, on the 50th, 93rd, 124th, 153rd, 180th, 251st, 274th, 303rd, 330th, 371st, 400th, and 427th days of isolation, and on the 7th day after its completion. The samples were analyzed using chromatography–mass spectrometry, while the obtained results were analyzed using bioinformatics resources. The following seven permanent proteins were identified and observed during the entire period of urine investigations: epidermal growth factor, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, plasma serine protease inhibitor, Alpha 1 microglobulin/bikunin precursor (AMBP), keratin (type II cytoskeletal 1), collagen alpha-1 (VI) chain, and serum albumin.  相似文献   

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