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V79 Chinese hamster cells were exposed to X-rays at various times through the two cell cycles required to obtain harlequin-stained chromosomes. A two-fold SCE enhancement was found between the first and the second G1 phase when BrdUrd was incorporated during the first S phase only. This BrdUrd effect was not found when MNNG was used. Furthermore, the kinetics of SCE and aberrations were different, suggesting two separate mechanisms for their formation: SCE activity takes place when DNA damage occurs before the DNA replication, and aberration activity when the DNA damage occurs chiefly after the DNA replication.  相似文献   

In contrast with earlier report on the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by SH compounds in cell lines of the Chinese hamster, cysteine, cysteamine and cystamine did not cause an increase of the SCE frequency in human lymphocyte cultures. Differences in the treatment protocols or variations of the Brd Urd concentration had no effect on the induction of SCEs by these substances. The inclusion of H2O2 and comparative investigations with V79 cells of the Chinese hamster showed that the probable reason for the SCE induction by SH compounds is the inability of the cells to degrade H2O2.Furthermore, for cystamine it became clear that additional effects must exist besides the induction of SCEs through H2O2.The present study underlines the fact that the examination of a substance within one cell system does not necessarily permit a reliable statement about the DNA-damaging property of this substance.  相似文献   

Ascorbate caused a dose-dependent increase in sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and in human lymphocytes. Moreover, in the DNA synthesis inhibition test with HeLa cells, ascorbate gave results typical of DNA-damaging chemicals. Catalase reduced SCE induction by ascorbate, prevented its cytotoxicity in CHO cells, and prevented its effect on HeLa DNA synthesis. Ascorbate reduced induction of SCE in CHO cells by N-methylN′-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) by direct inactivation of MNNG.  相似文献   

B K Vig 《Mutation research》1979,61(2):309-317
Chinese hamster cells, M-3, were treated with BLM (1--4 micrograms/ml) for 30 min to 1 h at 37 degrees or 43 degrees C. After treatment, the cells were reincubated at 37 degrees until recovery. The material treated at 43 degrees showed increased damage expressed as chromosome and chromatid-type breaks and exchanges. Since the amount of BLM entering the cell at 37 degrees is supposedly similar to that which enters the cell at 43 degrees, the enhanced damage is the result of true synergism, and not the facilitation of the drug's entry into the cell.  相似文献   

Newly developed techniques for the detection of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) require the substitution of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for thymidine in DNA. We investigated the possibility of interactions between BrdU and one mutagen--carcinogen, mitomycin C (MMC) for the induction of both chromosomal aberrations and SCE in human peripheral lymphocytes in culture. No effect on aberration yield was found. Neither comparisons between the yields of SCE by BrdU substitution and differential staining and those detected by tritiated thymidine incorporation and autoradiography nor between the yields of SCE for different levels of BrdU incorporation provided any evidence of synergism. It was found, however, that MMC persists in cultures and continues to increase SCE frequencies for about 30 h. It was also observed that some MMC-induced DNA lesions persist long enough so that some of those present prior to S phase of the first cell cycle cause additional SCE in the third cycle.  相似文献   

Samples of two human livers taken during operation of kidney donor patients were processed for microsome fractions and used for metabolization of cyclophosphamide (CP) and dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) in combination with the NADPH-generating system. Rat-liver microsomes were checked for comparison. Induction of chromatid aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges in a newly isolated clone of Chinese hamster fibroblasts served as indicators of activity. Human S-9 fractions standardized on protein content showed strong variations of CP and DMN activation. Whereas liver microsomes of one patient (who also suffered from Gaucher's disease) were highly active for both pre-carcinogens and metabolized DMN at the same level as the uninduced rat-liver microsomes, the S-9 fraction from the second patient failed to activate CP, but was distinctly positive for DMN. It is suggested that samples of liver and other organs of renal transplant donors might be a practicable source of freshly prepared human microsome fractions usable in biochemical, genetic and carcinogenetic studies. Problems concerning the extrapolation of results are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of classical chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCES) suggest independent mechanisms for the two events despite some common features. Examination of chromosome breakage caused by X-rays, visible light, and viruses has shown that few chromatid breaks are accompanied by SCEs at the sites of breaks. No similar observations were available for chemically induced breaks, but it has been reported that rat chromosomes exposed to dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) contained a preponderance of both aberrations and SCEs in certain specific regions, implicating a common process in their formation. These conclusions were drawn from a comparison of breaks induced in vivo with SCEs induced in vitro. However, we used 7 chemical mutagens to induce both chromatid breaks and SCEs in "harlequin" chromosomes of cultured rat and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and found that 25% of the 914 breaks scored were associated with SCEs. The proportion of breaks accompanied by SCEs is related to the overall SCE frequency and falls into the range predicted on the basis that breaks and SCEs occur independently. The reported association between sites for SCEs and aberrations also reflects secondary factors, such as induction of SCEs and aberrations during DNA synthesis in late replicating regions of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) induced by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and viability after UV irradiation were studied in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from 7 patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) and 6 normal donors. UV irradiation caused significant increases of SCEs in both XP and normal cells. In 3 XP cell lines, which were deficient in unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) and sensitive to the killing effect of UV, very high SCE frequencies were observed after UV irradiation. Cells from a patient with the De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome were the most sensitive to UV in terms of both SCE induction and cell killing. In 2 of 4 UDS-proficient XP cell lines tested, the incidences of UV-induced SCEs were similar to those in normal cell lines, but in 2 other UDS-proficient lines from 2 XP patients with skin cancer, the frequencies of UV-induced SCEs were significantly higher than in normal cells.Continuous post-UV treatment with 1 mM caffeine markedly enhanced UV-induced SCEs in 3 of 4 UDS-proficient XP cell lines but had only slight effects on cells from the 4th UDS-proficient XP patient and from normal individuals.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a given dosage of visible light in inducing increased yields of SCEs was studied in Allium cepa L. meristems. Cells were first grown for one cycle time in the presence of BrdUrd and then irradiated at different times throughout the second cell cycle. The effectiveness of this treatment in provoking the formation of SCEs increases the closer the irradiation time is to the beginning of the S phase, and then decreases rapidly as cells progress through the S period. The largest increase in SCEs is obtained when irradiation coincides with early S phase. These results strongly suggest that SCEs arise at the time of DNA replication due to the presence of unrepaired lesions. Since repair appears to be a time-dependent process, the shorter the interval between damage induction and DNA replication, the greater the number of lesions that remain unrepaired, and as a consequence, the higher the effectiveness of the damaging treatment in provoking the formation of SCEs.  相似文献   

We have utilized monoclonal antibody against BrdUrd to detect sister-chromatid exchanges in CHO cells. This technique allows detection of SCEs at very low levels of BrdUrd incorporation. At incorporation level of 0.5%, a frequency of about 2 SCEs/cell/cycle was found. In a UV-sensitive mutant (43-3B) which has an increased spontaneous frequency of SCEs, it is found that this increase is due to incorporated BrdUrd. In MMS- and MMC-treated cells, an influence of BrdUrd on the frequencies of induced SCEs was found only when high concentrations of mutagens were employed.  相似文献   

B Kaina  O Aurich 《Mutation research》1985,149(3):451-461
Chinese hamster V79 cells were pulse-treated (for 60 min) with various mutagens three, two or one cell cycles before fixation (treatment variants A, B and C, respectively) and the frequencies of induced SCEs were analysed and compared. The degree of increase in frequency of SCEs with dose in the treatment variants depended on the mutagen used. For the methylating agents MNU, MNNG and DMPNU, high yields of SCEs were obtained in the treatment variants A and B, and there was no difference in the efficiency with which these agents induced SCEs in these treatment variants. In the treatment variant C, however, no SCEs were induced with mutagen doses yielding a linear increase in SCE frequency in treatment variants A and B. A slight increase in SCE frequency in treatment variant C was observed only when relatively high doses of MNU or MNNG were applied. Like the above agents, EMS, ENU and MMS induced more SCEs in treatment variants A and B than in C, but for these agents treatment variant B was most effective and SCEs were induced over the entire dose range, also in treatment variant C. As opposed to the methylating and ethylating agents, MMC induced SCEs with high efficiency when treatment occurred one or two generations prior to fixation. There was no difference in SCE frequency between these treatment variants. MMC was completely ineffective for the induction of SCEs when treatment occurred three generations before fixation. The unexpectedly low SCE frequencies induced by the methylating and ethylating agents when treatment occurred one generation before fixation were not due to the exposure of cells to BrdU prior to mutagen treatment. From the results obtained, it is concluded that DNA methylation and ethylation lesions give rise to SCEs only with very low probability during the replication cycle after the lesion's induction, and that subsequent lesions produced during or after replication of the methylated or ethylated template (secondary lesions) are of prime importance for SCE formation after alkylation. For MMC, however, primary lesions seem to be most important for SCE induction.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to induce mutations in Haemophilus influenzae with the base analogues 5-bromodeoxyuridine and 2-aminopurine. These attempts were unsuccessful. Incorporation studies with BrdUrd showed, in agreement with earlier studies on Escherichia coli, that BrdUrd was discriminated against when dThd was also present but was incorporated to essentially the same extent as dThd when only BrdUrd was present. In this latter case, strands fully substituted with BrdUrd was produced, but survival data suggest that bacteria deriving their DNA by replication on such fully substituted templates were inviable. However, bacteria with about 20% of the thymine substituted with bromouracil were usually viable. No mutations could be detected in the descendants of such bacteria. The reasons for this are discussed and it is concluded that in all probability the replication system in species rarely if every treats incorporated bromouracil as anything except a thymine analogue. The alternative possibility, that the negative results are a consequence of the absence of the reclex (SOS) error-prone repair system in this species, is considered much less likely.  相似文献   

We have allowed synchronized V79B Chinese hamster tissue culture cells to incorporate 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) during one DNA synthetic (S) period of the cell cycle and then determined chromosomal aberration yields induced by illumination of the cells with visible light during the succeeding pre- and post-DNA-synthetic (G1and G2) phases of the cell cycle. At the level used, BUdR by itself induces no aberrations. Illumination during the G1 phase following incorporation induces aberrations of the chromatid type, but none of the chromosome type. All types of chromatid aberrations are induced, including isochromatid deletions and exchange types. In contrast, when cells are illuminated during the immediately following G2 phase, large numbers of achromatic lesions and chromatic deletions are seen at the first post-illumination mitosis, but no isochromatid deletions and few exchange-type aberrations occur. When G2-illuminated cells are examined in their second mitosis, however, chromatid aberrations of all types are again seen.

These results are interpreted within the “repair” model of chromosomal aberration production by UV light presented earlier3. The model assumes that the vertebrate chromosome is mononeme, consisting of but a single DNA double helix during the prereplication G1 phase. The initial lesions induced by illumination of BUdR-containing DNA are believed to be single-chain breaks, and the observation that G1 illumination produces only chromatid-type aberrations is taken as additional evidence for the mononeme chromosome. Conversion of single-chain breaks into double chain breaks through the action of a single-strand nuclease is postulated to account for the production of chromatid deletions at the first mitosis of G2-illuminated cells. The action of this enzyme, plus a recombinational or post-replication repair mechanism, are postulated to account for the production of isochromatid deletions in G1-illuminated cells. A rapid decline in achromatic lesion frequency with increasing time between G2 illumination and fixation of the cells is considered evidence for rapid rejoining of most of the initial chain breaks.  相似文献   

A staining technique that detects sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) has been used to examine the response of human lymphocyte chromosomes to various dosages of X-irradiation. The SCE frequency was markedly increased following irradiation. However, the increase was of a significantly smaller magnitude when irradiation occurred in the presence of an antimutagenic agent. Scoring SCEs may provide a useful technique for assaying the mutagenic effects of environmental carcinogens as well as the protective effects of antimutagenic agents.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed to investigate whether BrdUrd- and CldUrd-substituted DNA contains lesions causing a delay in cell-cycle progression and induction of chromosomal aberrations. The presence of lesions has been determined directly by alkaline sucrose gradient and nucleoid sedimentation analysis and indirectly by screening for induced chromosomal aberrations. The influence of inhibitors of DNA repair (caffeine and 3-aminobenzamide) or DNA synthesis (hydroxyurea) on the frequencies of such aberrations has been estimated. It is found that BrdUrd and CldUrd are cytotoxic when present in DNA. No randomly located DNA breaks could be detected under neutral conditions, but BrdUrd-substituted DNA was found to contain numerous alkali-labile sites. CldUrd at high concentrations causes G2 delay, similar to the action of known DNA-damaging agents. The extent of delay depends on the pattern of incorporation of the analogue, i.e., incorporation for two cell cycles causes the longest delay, growth for 12 h in CldUrd followed by 12 h in dThd-containing medium causes a lesser delay and the delay is not significant when the cells are incubated in the analogue for only 12 h prior to fixation. Numerous chromatid type aberrations are present in cells incubated at the highest CldUrd concentration, and their induction follows the pattern of induction of G2 delay, indicating the sharing of a common lesion. Caffeine, 3-aminobenzamide and hydroxyurea increase the number of chromosomal aberrations when added 2 h before fixation. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The repair of X-ray induced DNA single strand breaks and DNA—protein cross-links was investigated in stationary phase, contact-inhibited mouse cells by the alkaline-elution technique. Approx. 90% of X-ray induced single strand breaks were rejoined during the first hour of repair, whereas most of the remaining breaks were rejoined more slowly during the next 5 h. At early repair times, the number of residual non-rejoined sungle strand breaks was approx. proportional to the X-ray dose. DNA—protein cross-links were removed at a slower rate (T1/2 approx. 10–12 h). Cells were held in stationary growth for various periods of time after irradiation before subculture at low density to score for colony survival (potentially lethal damage repair), chromosome aberrations in the first mitosis, and sister-chromatid exchanges in the second mitosis. Both cell killing and the frequency of chromosome aberrations decreased during the first several hours of recovery, reaching a minimum level by 6 h; this decrease correlated temporally with the repair of the slowly rejoining DNA-strand breaks. Relatively few sister-chromatid exchanges were observed when the cells were subcultured immediately after X-ray. The exchange frequency rose to maximum levels after a 4-h recovery interval, and returned to control levels after 12 h of recovery. The possible relationship of DNA repair to these changes in survival, chromosome aberrations, and sister-chromatid exchanges during liquid-holding recovery is discussed.  相似文献   

C57B1/6 and DBA/2 mice, strains in which there is marked induction of hepatic monooxygenase activity by phenobarbital, were tested for in vivo sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) formation in response to cyclophosphamide, an agent metabolized by this inducible enzyme system. Baseline SCE frequencies were between 4 and 6 SCEs/cell in regerating liver and bone marrow of both strains of mice. Administration of cyclophosphamide (5 mg/kg) led to an increase of nearly 8 SCEs/cell in both tissues of C57B1/6 mice and an increase of more than 10 SCEs/cell in DBA/2 mice. Prior exposure to phenobarbital induced p-chloromethylaniline demethylase activity in regenerating liver of both mouse strains approx. 6-fold, but the changes in measured SCE frequencies were not significantly different from those obtained in the absence of enzyme induction. These results, together with our previous observation that induction of by 3-methylcholanthrene of benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase activity in the same mouse strains was not accompanied by a comparable change in benzo[a]pyrene-induced SCE formation, reinforce the impression that simple assays of differences in mixed function oxidase activities may not necessarily be good predictors of hereditary differences in the response to genetic damage by procarcinogens which are presumed to be metabolized by these enzymes.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells V79 were cultured in diffusion chambers (DC) and implanted into mice. An exponential growth was observed from the 2nd to 4th day after implantation. The maximum growth was reached on the 6th day. After that, cell growth and viable cell counts decreased. Three days after implantation of DC with V79 cells, the hosts received 6 hourly injections of 0.2 ml of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) solution at concentrations of 0.125 to 1.0 x 10(-2) M. DC were removed for chromosome and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) analyses 24 h after the first BUdR injection. The frequency of metaphases with differentially stained chromatids, with aberrations, and the number of SCE per cell increased with BUdR dose. The frequency of metaphases with differentially stained chromatids was also positively correlated with the duration of BUdR exposure or the number of hourly injections of BUdR-solution. The effects of cyclophosphamide (CY) in V79 cells in DC in mice were studied. Injections of CY at 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 microgram per gram of body weight to the hosts caused an increase in the number of SCE per cell in a linear manner. The results from this study indicate that V79 cells cultured in DC in mice may provide a potential test system for mutagenicity.  相似文献   

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