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To analyze somatosensory neuron diversity in larval zebrafish, we identified several enhancers from the zebrafish and pufferfish genomes and used them to create five new reporter transgenes. Sequential deletions of three of these enhancers identified small sequence elements sufficient to drive expression in zebrafish trigeminal and Rohon‐Beard (RB) neurons. One of these reporters, using the Fru.p2x3‐2 enhancer, highlighted a somatosensory neuron subtype that expressed both the p2rx3a and pkcα genes. Comparison with a previously described trpA1b reporter revealed that it highlighted the same neurons as the Fru.p2x3‐2 reporter. To determine whether neurons of this subtype possess characteristic peripheral branching morphologies or central axon projection patterns, we analyzed the morphology of single neurons. Surprisingly, although these analyses revealed diversity in peripheral axon branching and central axon projection, PKCα/p2rx3a/trpA1b‐expressing RB cells did not possess obvious characteristic morphological features, suggesting that even within this molecularly defined subtype, individual neurons may possess distinct properties. The new transgenes created in this study will be powerful tools for further characterizing the molecular, morphological, and developmental diversity of larval somatosensory neurons. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2013  相似文献   

Cadherins are initially synthesized bearing a prodomain that is thought to limit adhesion during early stages of biosynthesis. Functional cadherins lack this prodomain, raising the intriguing possibility that cells may utilize prodomain cleavage as a means to temporally or spatially regulate adhesion after delivery of cadherin to the cell surface. In support of this idea, immunostaining for the prodomain of zebrafish N‐cadherin revealed enriched labeling at neuronal surfaces at the soma and along axonal processes. To determine whether post‐translational cleavage of the prodomain affects synapse formation, we imaged Rohon‐Beard cells in zebrafish embryos expressing GFP‐tagged wild‐type N‐cadherin (NCAD‐GFP) or a GFP‐tagged N‐cadherin mutant expressing an uncleavable prodomain (PRON‐GFP) rendering it nonadhesive. NCAD‐GFP accumulated at synaptic microdomains in a developmentally regulated manner, and its overexpression transiently accelerated synapse formation. PRON‐GFP was much more diffusely distributed along the axon and its overexpression delayed synapse formation. Our results support the notion that N‐cadherin serves to stabilize pre‐ to postsynaptic contacts early in synapse development and suggests that regulated cleavage of the N‐cadherin prodomain may be a mechanism by which the kinetics of synaptogenesis are regulated. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2009  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein Van gogh‐like 2 (Vangl2) is a component of the noncanonical Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, and is required for tangential migration of facial branchiomotor neurons (FBMNs) from rhombomere 4 (r4) to r5‐r7 in the vertebrate hindbrain. Since vangl2 is expressed throughout the zebrafish hindbrain, it might also regulate motor neuron migration in other rhombomeres. We tested this hypothesis by examining whether migration of motor neurons out of r2 following ectopic hoxb1b expression was affected in vangl2? (trilobite) mutants. Hoxb1b specifies r4 identity, and when ectopically expressed transforms r2 to an “r4‐like” compartment. Using time‐lapse imaging, we show that GFP‐expressing motor neurons in the r2/r3 region of a hoxb1b‐overexpressing wild‐type embryo migrate along the anterior‐posterior (AP) axis. Furthermore, these cells express prickle1b (pk1b), a Wnt/PCP gene that is specifically expressed in FBMNs and is essential for their migration. Importantly, GFP‐expressing motor neurons in the r2/r3 region of hoxb1b‐overexpressing trilobite mutants and pk1b morphants often migrate, even though FBMNs in r4 of the same embryos fail to migrate longitudinally (tangentially) into r6 and r7. These observations suggest that tangentially migrating motor neurons in the anterior hindbrain (r1‐r3) can use mechanisms that are independent of vangl2 and pk1b functions. Interestingly, analysis of tri; val double mutants also suggests a role for vangl2‐independent factors in neuronal migration, since the valentino mutation partially suppresses the trilobite mutant migration defect. Together, the hoxb1b and val experiments suggest that multiple mechanisms regulate motor neuron migration along the AP axis of the zebrafish hindbrain. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2010  相似文献   

Neurofilament light chain (NEFL), a subunit of neurofilament, has been shown to play an important role in pathogenic neurodegenerative disease and in radial axonal growth. However, information remains largely lacking regarding the function of NEFL in early development to date. In this study, we demonstrated the presence of two nefl genes, nefla and neflb, in zebrafish, generated by fish-specific third round genome duplication. These duplicated nefl genes were predominantly expressed in the nervous system with an overlapping and distinct expression pattern. Both gene knockdown and rescue experiments show that it was neflb rather than nefla that played an indispensable role in nervous system development. It was also found that neflb knockdown resulted in striking apoptosis of the neurons in the brain and spinal cord, leading to morphological defects such as brain structure disorder and trunk bending. Thus, we report a previously uncharacterized role of NEFL that NEFLb impairs the early development of zebrafish nervous system via regulation of the neuron apoptosis in the brain and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Notch receptors are a family of cell‐surface proteins that regulate cell fate decisions and growth control. Human NOTCH1 gain‐of‐function mutations–deletions have been found in c. 60% of patients with T‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T‐ALL). Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms by which dysregulated Notch‐signalling induces leukaemia is of importance and may reveal novel targets for the development of more effective therapies. Zebrafish, Danio rerio, is an ideal model system to use for forward genetic screens to uncover pathways critical for transformation. Danio rerio also have the capacity for small molecule screening for drug discovery. rag2‐ICN1‐EGFP transgenic fish have been created that develop a T‐cell leukaemia, and these fish are now being used in genetic modifier screens.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the developing zebrafish spinal cord is relatively simple but, despite this simplicity, it generates a sequence of three patterns of locomotive behaviors. The first behavior exhibited is spontaneous movement, then touch‐evoked coiling, and finally swimming. Previous studies in zebrafish have suggested that spontaneous movements occur independent of supraspinal input and do not require chemical neurotransmission, while touch‐evoked coiling and swimming depend on glycinergic neurotransmission as well as supraspinal input. In contrast, studies in other vertebrate preparations have shown that spontaneous movement requires glycine and other neurotransmitters and that later behaviors do not require supraspinal input. Here, we use lesion analysis combined with high‐speed kinematic analysis to re‐examine the role of glycine and supraspinal input in each of the three behaviors. We find that, similar to other vertebrate preparations, supraspinal input is not essential for spontaneous movement, touch‐evoked coiling, or swimming behavior. Moreover, we find that blockade of glycinergic neurotransmission decreases the rate of spontaneous movement and impairs touch‐evoked coiling and swimming, suggesting that glycinergic neurotransmission plays critical yet distinct roles for individual patterns of locomotive behaviors. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

黄玉斌  邹苏琪  殷梧  王昆  王晗  胡兵 《遗传》2012,34(9):1193-1201
作为视功能检测和与视觉有关突变体筛选的方法, 眼动(Optokinetic response, OKR)和视动(Optomoter response, OMR)行为学是简单有效的视功能检测手段, 广泛用于幼年斑马鱼研究中, 而成年斑马鱼OKR的分析方法却很少有报道。文章介绍了成年斑马鱼眼动反应诱导方式, 以及使用模板匹配(Pattern match)的方法程序跟踪眼部运动, 实现了成年斑马鱼OKR的定量分析。使用该方法, 检测到斑马鱼双眼视觉区对OKR行为的产生具有一定的贡献作用, 并且成年斑马鱼单眼对运动光栅表现出一定的方向敏感性。同样的方法也可适用于幼年斑马鱼的OKR行为学分析。利用此方法初步检测到了钟基因period1b突变体幼鱼的OKR异常。  相似文献   

The PSD‐95 family of membrane‐ associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) are thought to act as molecular scaffolds that regulate the assembly and function of the multiprotein signaling complex found at the postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses. Genetic analysis of PSD‐95 family members in the mammalian nervous system has so far been difficult, but the zebrafish is emerging as an ideal vertebrate system for studying the role of particular genes in the developing and mature nervous system. Here we describe the cloning of the zebrafish orthologs of PSD‐95, PSD‐93, and two isoforms of SAP‐97. Using in situ hybridization analysis we show that these zebrafish MAGUKs have overlapping but distinct patterns of expression in the developing nervous system and craniofacial skeleton. Using a pan‐MAGUK antibody we show that MAGUK proteins localize to neurons within the developing hindbrain, cerebellum, visual and olfactory systems, and to skin epithelial cells. In the olfactory and visual systems MAGUK proteins are expressed strongly in synaptic regions, and the onset of expression in these areas coincides with periods of synapse formation. These data are consistent with the idea that PSD‐95 family members are involved in synapse assembly and function, and provide a platform for future functional studies in vivo in a highly tractable model organism. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

This article presents the use of continuous dynamic models in the form of differential equations to describe and predict temporal changes in biological processes and discusses several of its important advantages over discontinuous bistable ones, exemplified on the stick insect walking system. In this system, coordinated locomotion is produced by concerted joint dynamics and interactions on different dynamical scales, which is therefore difficult to understand. Modeling using differential equations possesses, in general, the potential for the inclusion of biological detail, the suitability for simulation, and most importantly, parameter manipulation to make predictions about the system behavior. We will show in this review article how, in case of the stick insect walking system, continuous dynamical system models can help to understand coordinated locomotion.  相似文献   

Aplysia kurodai distributed along Japan feeds well on Ulva pertusa but rejects Gelidium amansii with distinctive patterned movements of the jaws and radula. On the ventral side of the cerebral M cluster, four cell bodies of higher order neurons that send axons to the buccal ganglia are distributed (CBM neurons). We have previously shown that the dopaminergic CBM 1 modulates basic feeding circuits in the buccal ganglia for rejection by firing at higher frequency after application of the aversive taste of seaweed such as Gelidium amansii. In the present experiments immunohistochemical techniques showed that the CBM 3 exhibited γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)‐like immunoreactivity. The CBM 3 may be equivalent to the CBI‐3 involved in changing the motor programs from rejection to ingestion in Aplysia californica. The responses of the CBM 3 to taste stimulation of the lips with seaweed extracts were investigated by the use of calcium imaging. The calcium‐sensitive dye, Calcium Green‐1, was iontophoretically introduced into a cell body of the CBM 3 using a microelectrode. Application of Ulva pertusa or Gelidium amansii extract induced different changes in fluorescence in the CBM 3 cell body, indicating that taste of Ulva pertusa initially induced longer‐lasting continuous spike responses at slightly higher frequency compared with that of Gelidium amansii. Considering a role of the CBM 3 in the pattern selection, these results suggest that elongation of the initial firing response may be a major factor for the CBM 3 to switch the buccal motor programs from rejection to ingestion after application of different tastes of seaweeds in Aplysia kurodai. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

The Roundabout (Robo) family of receptors and their Slit ligands play well-established roles in axonal guidance, including in humans where horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis (HGPPS) is caused by mutations in the robo3 gene. Although significant progress has been made toward understanding the mechanism by which Robo receptors establish commissural projections in the central nervous system, less is known about how these projections contribute to neural circuits mediating behavior. In this study, we report cloning of the zebrafish behavioral mutant twitch twice and show that twitch twice encodes robo3 . We show that in mutant hindbrains the axons of an identified pair of neurons, the Mauthner cells, fail to cross the midline. The Mauthner neurons are essential for the startle response, and in twitch twice / robo3 mutants misguidance of the Mauthner axons results in a unidirectional startle response. Moreover, we show that twitch twice mutants exhibit normal visual acuity but display defects in horizontal eye movements, suggesting a specific and critical role for twitch twice / robo3 in sensory-guided behavior.  相似文献   

Addiction is a complex maladaptive behavior involving alterations in several neurotransmitter networks. In mammals, psychostimulants trigger elevated extracellular levels of dopamine, which can be modulated by central cholinergic transmission. Which elements of the cholinergic system might be targeted for drug addiction therapies remains unknown. The rewarding properties of drugs of abuse are central for the development of addictive behavior and are most commonly measured by means of the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. We demonstrate here that adult zebrafish show robust CPP induced by the psychostimulant D‐amphetamine. We further show that this behavior is dramatically reduced upon genetic impairment of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) function in ache/+ mutants, without involvement of concomitant defects in exploratory activity, learning, and visual performance. Our observations demonstrate that the cholinergic system modulates drug‐induced reward in zebrafish, and identify genetically AChE as a promising target for systemic therapies against addiction to psychostimulants. More generally, they validate the zebrafish model to study the effect of developmental mutations on the molecular neurobiology of addiction in vertebrates. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Organogenesis is a dynamic process involving multiple phases of pattern formation and morphogenesis. For example, heart formation involves the specification and differentiation of cardiac precursors, the integration of precursors into a tube, and the remodeling of the embryonic tube to create a fully functional organ. Recently, the zebrafish has emerged as a powerful model organism for the analysis of cardiac development. In particular, zebrafish mutations have revealed specific genetic requirements for cardiac fate determination, migration, fusion, tube assembly, looping, and remodeling. These processes ensure proper cardiac function; likewise, cardiac function may influence aspects of cardiac morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Zebrafish has in recent years emerged as a popular vertebrate model for use in pharmacological and toxicological studies. While there have been sporadic studies on the zebrafish glutathione S‐transferases (GSTs), the zebrafish GST gene superfamily still awaits to be fully elucidated. We report here the identification of 15 zebrafish cytosolic GST genes in NCBI GenBank database and the expression, purification, and enzymatic characterization of the zebrafish cytosolic GST Pi‐1 (GSTP1). The cDNA encoding the zebrafish GSTP1 was cloned from a 3‐month‐old female zebrafish, expressed in Eschelichia coli host cells, and purified. Purified GSTP1 displayed glutathione‐conjugating activity toward 1‐chloro‐2,4‐dinitrobenzene as a representative substrate. The enzymatic characteristics of the zebrafish GSTP1, including pH‐dependency, effects of metal cations, and kinetic parameters, were studied. Moreover, the expression of zebrafish GSTP1 at different developmental stages during embryogenesis, throughout larval development, onto maturity was examined.  相似文献   

Visualizing biological processes in neuroscience requires in vivo functional imaging at single‐neuron resolution, high image acquisition speed and strong optical sectioning ability. However, due to light scattering of in tissue, very often conventional wide‐field fluorescence microscopes are unable to resolve cells in the presence of a strong out‐of‐focus background. Line‐scan focal modulation microscopy enables high temporal resolution and good optical sectioning ability at the same time. Here we demonstrate a quadrature demodulation method to extract the focal information with an extended frequency bandwidth and therefore higher spatial resolution. The performance of the demodulation scheme in line‐scan focal modulation microscope has been evaluated by performing imaging experiments with fluorescence beads and zebrafish neural structure. Reduced background, reduced artifacts and more detailed morphological information are evident in the obtained images.   相似文献   

Claudins serve essential roles in regulating paracellular permeability properties within occluding junctions. Recent studies have begun to elucidate developmental roles of claudins within immature tissues. This work has uncovered an involvement of several claudins in determining tight junction properties that have an effect on embryonic morphogenesis and physiology. During zebrafish brain morphogenesis, Claudin‐5a determines the paracellular permeability of tight junctions within a transient neuroepithelial‐ventricular barrier that maintains the hydrostatic fluid pressure required for brain ventricular lumen expansion. However, the roles of Claudins in development may well extend beyond being mere junctional components. Several post‐translational modifications of Claudins have been characterized that indicate a direct regulation by developmental signals. This review focuses on the involvement of Claudin‐5a in cerebral barrier formation in the zebrafish embryo and includes some speculations about possible modes of regulation.  相似文献   

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