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The dimeric ring-shaped sliding clamp of E. coli DNA polymerase III (beta subunit, homolog of eukaryotic PCNA) is loaded onto DNA by the clamp loader gamma complex (homolog of eukaryotic Replication Factor C, RFC). The delta subunit of the gamma complex binds to the beta ring and opens it. The crystal structure of a beta:delta complex shows that delta, which is structurally related to the delta' and gamma subunits of the gamma complex, is a molecular wrench that induces or traps a conformational change in beta such that one of its dimer interfaces is destabilized. Structural comparisons and molecular dynamics simulations suggest a spring-loaded mechanism in which the beta ring opens spontaneously once a dimer interface is perturbed by the delta wrench.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli chromosomal replicase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, is highly processive during DNA synthesis. Underlying high processivity is a ring-shaped protein, the beta clamp, that encircles DNA and slides along it, thereby tethering the enzyme to the template. The beta clamp is assembled onto DNA by the multiprotein gamma complex clamp loader that opens and closes the beta ring around DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. This study examines the DNA structure required for clamp loading action. We found that the gamma complex assembles beta onto supercoiled DNA (replicative form I), but only at very low ionic strength, where regions of unwound DNA may exist in the duplex. Consistent with this, the gamma complex does not assemble beta onto relaxed closed circular DNA even at low ionic strength. Hence, a 3'-end is not required for clamp loading, but a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)/double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) junction can be utilized as a substrate, a result confirmed using synthetic oligonucleotides that form forked ssDNA/dsDNA junctions on M13 ssDNA. On a flush primed template, the gamma complex exhibits polarity; it acts specifically at the 3'-ssDNA/dsDNA junction to assemble beta onto the DNA. The gamma complex can assemble beta onto a primed site as short as 10 nucleotides, corresponding to the width of the beta ring. However, a protein block placed closer than 14 base pairs (bp) upstream from the primer 3' terminus prevents the clamp loading reaction, indicating that the gamma complex and its associated beta clamp interact with approximately 14-16 bp at a ssDNA/dsDNA junction during the clamp loading operation. A protein block positioned closer than 20-22 bp from the 3' terminus prevents use of the clamp by the polymerase in chain elongation, indicating that the polymerase has an even greater spatial requirement than the gamma complex on the duplex portion of the primed site for function with beta. Interestingly, DNA secondary structure elements placed near the 3' terminus impose similar steric limits on the gamma complex and polymerase action with beta. The possible biological significance of these structural constraints is discussed.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are loaded onto DNA by ATP-dependent clamp loader complexes. A recent crystal structure of a clamp loader-clamp complex suggested an unexpected mechanism for DNA recognition, in which the ATPase subunits of the loader spiral around primed DNA. We report the results of fluorescence-based assays that probe the mechanism of the Escherichia coli clamp loader and show that conserved residues clustered within the inner surface of the modeled clamp loader spiral are critical for DNA recognition, DNA-dependent ATPase activity and clamp release. Duplex DNA with a 5'-overhang single-stranded region (corresponding to correctly primed DNA) stimulates clamp release, as does blunt-ended duplex DNA, whereas duplex DNA with a 3' overhang and single-stranded DNA are ineffective. These results provide evidence for the recognition of DNA within an inner chamber formed by the spiral organization of the ATPase domains of the clamp loader.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps and clamp loaders are processivity factors required for efficient DNA replication. Sliding clamps are ring-shaped complexes that tether DNA polymerases to DNA to increase the processivity of synthesis. Clamp loaders assemble these ring-shaped clamps onto DNA in an ATP-dependent reaction. The overall process of clamp loading is dynamic in that protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions must actively change in a coordinated fashion to complete the mechanical clamp-loading reaction cycle. The clamp loader must initially have a high affinity for both the clamp and DNA to bring these macromolecules together, but then must release the clamp on DNA for synthesis to begin. Evidence is presented for a mechanism in which the clamp-loading reaction comprises a series of binding reactions to ATP, the clamp, DNA, and ADP, each of which promotes some change in the conformation of the clamp loader that alters interactions with the next component of the pathway. These changes in interactions must be rapid enough to allow the clamp loader to keep pace with replication fork movement. This review focuses on the measurement of dynamic and transient interactions required to assemble the Escherichia coli sliding clamp on DNA.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli clamp loader, γ complex (γ3δδ′λψ), catalyzes ATP-driven assembly of β clamps onto primer-template DNA (p/tDNA), enabling processive replication. The mechanism by which γ complex targets p/tDNA for clamp assembly is not resolved. According to previous studies, charged/polar amino acids inside the clamp loader chamber interact with the double-stranded (ds) portion of p/tDNA. We find that dsDNA, not ssDNA, can trigger a burst of ATP hydrolysis by γ complex and clamp assembly, but only at far higher concentrations than p/tDNA. Thus, contact between γ complex and dsDNA is necessary and sufficient, but not optimal, for the reaction, and additional contacts with p/tDNA likely facilitate its selection as the optimal substrate for clamp assembly. We investigated whether a conserved sequence—HRVW279QNRR—in δ subunit contributes to such interactions, since Tryptophan-279 specifically cross-links to the primer-template junction. Mutation of δ-W279 weakens γ complex binding to p/tDNA, hampering its ability to load clamps and promote proccessive DNA replication, and additional mutations in the sequence (δ-R277, δ-R283) worsen the interaction. These data reveal a novel location in the C-terminal domain of the E. coli clamp loader that contributes to DNA binding and helps define p/tDNA as the preferred substrate for the reaction.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli beta dimer is a ring-shaped protein that encircles DNA and acts as a sliding clamp to tether the replicase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, to DNA. The gamma complex (gammadeltadelta'chipsi) clamp loader couples ATP to the opening and closing of beta in assembly of the ring onto DNA. These proteins are functionally and structurally conserved in all cells. The eukaryotic equivalents are the replication factor C (RFC) clamp loader and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clamp. The delta subunit of the E. coli gamma complex clamp loader is known to bind beta and open it by parting one of the dimer interfaces. This study demonstrates that other subunits of gamma complex also bind beta, although weaker than delta. The gamma subunit like delta, affects the opening of beta, but with a lower efficiency than delta. The delta' subunit regulates both gamma and delta ring opening activities in a fashion that is modulated by ATP interaction with gamma. The implications of these actions for the workings of the E. coli clamp loading machinery and for eukaryotic RFC and PCNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III (Pol III) is one of the best studied replicative DNA polymerases. Here we report the properties of an E. coli mutant that lacks one of the subunits of the Pol III clamp loader complex, Psi (psi), as a result of the complete inactivation of the holD gene. We show that, in this mutant, chronic induction of the SOS response in a RecFOR-dependent way leads to lethality at high temperature. The SOS-induced proteins that are lethal in the holD mutant are the specialized DNA polymerases Pol II and Pol IV, combined with the division inhibitor SfiA. Prevention of SOS induction or inactivation of Pol II, Pol IV and SfiA encoding genes allows growth of the holD mutant, although at a reduced rate compared to a wild-type cell. In contrast, the SOS-induced Pol V DNA polymerase does not participate to the lethality of the holD mutant. We conclude that: (i) Psi is essential for efficient replication of the E. coli chromosome; (ii) SOS-induction of specialized DNA polymerases can be lethal in cells in which the replicative polymerase is defective, and (iii) specialized DNA polymerases differ in respect to their access to inactivated replication forks.  相似文献   

Lamers MH  Georgescu RE  Lee SG  O'Donnell M  Kuriyan J 《Cell》2006,126(5):881-892
Bacterial replicative DNA polymerases such as Polymerase III (Pol III) share no sequence similarity with other polymerases. The crystal structure, determined at 2.3 A resolution, of a large fragment of Pol III (residues 1-917), reveals a unique chain fold with localized similarity in the catalytic domain to DNA polymerase beta and related nucleotidyltransferases. The structure of Pol III is strikingly different from those of members of the canonical DNA polymerase families, which include eukaryotic replicative polymerases, suggesting that the DNA replication machinery in bacteria arose independently. A structural element near the active site in Pol III that is not present in nucleotidyltransferases but which resembles an element at the active sites of some canonical DNA polymerases suggests that, at a more distant level, all DNA polymerases may share a common ancestor. The structure also suggests a model for interaction of Pol III with the sliding clamp and DNA.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are loaded onto DNA by ATP-driven clamp loader complexes. The structure of the E. coli clamp loader in a nucleotide-free state has been determined previously. We now report crystal structures of a truncated form of the isolated gamma-ATPase subunit, gamma(1-243), of the E. coli clamp loader, in nucleotide-free and bound forms. The gamma subunit adopts a defined conformation when empty, in which the nucleotide binding site is blocked. The binding of either ATPgammaS or ADP, which are shown to bind with equal affinity to gamma(1-243), induces a change in the relative orientation of the two domains such that nucleotides can be accommodated. This change would break one of the gamma:gamma interfaces seen in the empty clamp loader complex, and may represent one step in the activation process.  相似文献   

X P Kong  R Onrust  M O'Donnell  J Kuriyan 《Cell》1992,69(3):425-437
The crystal structure of the beta subunit (processivity factor) of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme has been determined at 2.5 A resolution. A dimer of the beta subunit (M(r) = 2 x 40.6 kd, 2 x 366 amino acid residues) forms a ring-shaped structure lined by 12 alpha helices that can encircle duplex DNA. The structure is highly symmetrical, with each monomer containing three domains of identical topology. The charge distribution and orientation of the helices indicate that the molecule functions by forming a tight clamp that can slide on DNA, as shown biochemically. A potential structural relationship is suggested between the beta subunit and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA, the eukaryotic polymerase delta [and epsilon] processivity factor), and the gene 45 protein of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

The gamma complex of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme assembles the beta sliding clamp onto DNA in an ATP hydrolysis-driven reaction. Interactions between gamma complex and primer/template DNA are investigated using fluorescence depolarization to measure binding of gamma complex to different DNA substrates under steady-state and presteady-state conditions. Surprisingly, gamma complex has a much higher affinity for single-stranded DNA (K(d) in the nM range) than for a primed template (K(d) in the microM range) under steady-state conditions. However, when examined on a millisecond time scale, we find that gamma complex initially binds very rapidly and with high affinity to primer/template DNA but is converted subsequently to a much lower affinity DNA binding state. Presteady-state data reveals an effective dissociation constant of 1.5 nM for the initial binding of gamma complex to DNA and a dissociation constant of 5.7 microM for the low affinity DNA binding state. Experiments using nonhydrolyzable ATPgammaS show that ATP binding converts gamma complex from a low affinity "inactive" to high affinity "active" DNA binding state while ATP hydrolysis has the reverse effect, thus allowing cycling between active and inactive DNA binding forms at steady-state. We propose that a DNA-triggered switch between active and inactive states of gamma complex provides a two-tiered mechanism enabling gamma complex to recognize primed template sites and load beta, while preventing gamma complex from competing with DNA polymerase III core for binding a newly loaded beta.DNA complex.  相似文献   

Li F  Liu Q  Chen YY  Yu ZN  Zhang ZP  Zhou YF  Deng JY  Bi LJ  Zhang XE 《Mutation research》2008,637(1-2):101-110
It has been hypothesized that DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is coupled with DNA replication; however, the involvement of DNA polymerase III subunits in bacterial DNA MMR has not been clearly elucidated. In an effort to better understand the relationship between these 2 systems, the potential interactions between the Escherichia coli MMR protein and the clamp loader subunits of E. coli DNA polymerase III were analyzed by far western blotting and then confirmed and characterized by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging. The results showed that the MMR key protein MutL could directly interact with both the individual subunits delta, delta', and gamma and the complex of these subunits (clamp loader). Kinetic parameters revealed that the interactions are strong and stable, suggesting that MutL might be involved in the recruitment of the clamp loader during the resynthesis step in MMR. The interactions between MutL, the delta and gamma subunits, and the clamp loader were observed to be modulated by ATP. Deletion analysis demonstrated that both the N-terminal residues (1-293) and C-terminal residues (556-613) of MutL are required for interacting with the subunits delta and delta'. Based on these findings and the available information, the network of interactions between the MMR components and the DNA polymerase III subunits was established; this network provides strong evidence to support the notion that DNA replication and MMR are highly associated with each other.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are ring-shaped proteins that tether DNA polymerases to their templates during processive DNA replication. The action of ATP-dependent clamp loader complexes is required to open the circular clamps and to load them onto DNA. The crystal structure of the pentameric clamp loader complex from Escherichia coli (the gamma complex), determined in the absence of nucleotides, revealed a highly asymmetric and extended form of the clamp loader. Consideration of this structure suggested that a compact and more symmetrical inactive form may predominate in solution in the absence of crystal packing forces. This model has the N-terminal domains of the delta and delta' subunits of the clamp loader close to each other in the inactive state, with the clamp loader opening in a crab-claw-like fashion upon ATP-binding. We have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to investigate the structural changes in the E.coli clamp loader complex that result from ATP-binding and interactions between the clamp loader and the beta clamp. FRET measurements using fluorophores placed in the N-terminal domains of the delta and delta' subunits indicate that the distances between these subunits in solution are consistent with the previously crystallized extended form of the clamp loader. Furthermore, the addition of nucleotide and clamp to the labeled clamp loader does not appreciably alter these FRET distances. Our results suggest that the changes that occur in the relative positioning of the delta and delta' subunits when ATP binds to and activates the complex are subtle, and that crab-claw-like movements are not a significant component of the clamp loader mechanism.  相似文献   

Duzen JM  Walker GC  Sutton MD 《DNA Repair》2004,3(3):301-312
Variants of a pentapeptide sequence (QL[S/F]LF), referred to as the eubacterial clamp-binding motif, appear to be required for certain proteins to bind specifically to the Escherichia coli beta sliding clamp, apparently by making contact with a hydrophobic pocket located at the base of the C-terminal tail of each beta protomer. Although both UmuC (DNA pol V) and the alpha catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase III (pol III) each bear a reasonable match to this motif, which appears to be required for their respective interactions with the clamp, neither UmuD not UmuD' do. As part of an ongoing effort to understand how interactions involving the different E. coli umuDC gene products and components of DNA polymerase III help to coordinate DNA replication with a DNA damage checkpoint control and translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) following DNA damage, we characterized the surfaces on beta important for its interactions with the two forms of the umuD gene product. We also characterized the surface of beta important for its interaction with the alpha catalytic subunit of pol III. Our results indicate that although UmuD, UmuD' and alpha share some common contacts with beta, each also makes unique contacts with the clamp. These findings suggest that differential interactions of UmuD and UmuD' with beta impose a DNA damage-responsive conditionality on how beta interacts with the translesion DNA polymerase UmuC. This is formally analogous to how post-translational modification of the eukaryotic PCNA clamp influences mutagenesis. We discuss the implications of our findings in terms of how E. coli might coordinate the actions of the umuDC gene products with those of pol III, as well as for how organisms in general might manage the actions of their multiple DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps tether DNA polymerases to DNA to increase the processivity of synthesis. The Escherichia coli gamma complex loads the beta sliding clamp onto DNA in an ATP-dependent reaction in which ATP binding and hydrolysis modulate the affinity of the gamma complex for beta and DNA. This is the second of two reports (Williams, C. R., Snyder, A. K., Kuzmic, P., O'Donnell, M., and Bloom, L. B. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 4376-4385) addressing the question of how ATP binding and hydrolysis regulate specific interactions with DNA and beta. Mutations were made to an Arg residue in a conserved SRC motif in the delta' and gamma subunits that interacts with the ATP site of the neighboring gamma subunit. Mutation of the delta' subunit reduced the ATP-dependent beta binding activity, whereas mutation of the gamma subunits reduced the DNA binding activity of the gamma complex. The gamma complex containing the delta' mutation gave a pre-steady-state burst of ATP hydrolysis, but at a reduced rate and amplitude relative to the wild-type gamma complex. A pre-steady-state burst of ATP hydrolysis was not observed for the complex containing the gamma mutations, consistent with the reduced DNA binding activity of this complex. The differential effects of these mutations suggest that ATP binding at the gamma1 site may be coupled to conformational changes that largely modulate interactions with beta, whereas ATP binding at the gamma2 and/or gamma3 site may be coupled to conformational changes that have a major role in interactions with DNA. Additionally, these results show that the "arginine fingers" play a structural role in facilitating the formation of a conformation that has high affinity for beta and DNA.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by gene 45 of T4 bacteriophage (gene 45 protein or gp45), is responsible for tethering the catalytic subunit of T4 DNA Polymerase to DNA during high-speed replication. Also referred to as a sliding DNA clamp, gp45 is similar in its function to the processivity factors of bacterial and eukaryotic DNA polymerases, the beta-clamp and PCNA, respectively. Crystallographic analysis has shown that the beta-clamp and PCNA form highly symmetrical ring-shaped structures through which duplex DNA can be threaded. Gp45 shares no sequence similarity with beta-clamp or PCNA, and sequence comparisons have not been able to establish whether it adopts a similar structure. We have determined the crystal structure of gp45 from T4 bacteriophage at 2.4 A resolution, using multiple isomorphous replacement. The protein forms a trimeric ring-shaped assembly with overall dimensions that are similar to those of the bacterial and eukaryotic processivity factors. Each monomer of gp45 contains two domains that are very similar in chain fold to those of beta-clamp and PCNA. Despite an overall negative charge, the inner surface of the ring is in a region of positive electrostatic potential, consistent with a mechanism in which DNA is threaded through the ring.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III gamma complex clamp loader assembles the ring-shaped beta sliding clamp onto DNA. The core polymerase is tethered to the template by beta, enabling processive replication of the genome. Here we investigate the DNA substrate specificity of the clamp-loading reaction by measuring the pre-steady-state kinetics of DNA binding and ATP hydrolysis using elongation-proficient and deficient primer/template DNA. The ATP-bound clamp loader binds both elongation-proficient and deficient DNA substrates either in the presence or absence of beta. However, elongation-proficient DNA preferentially triggers gamma complex to release beta onto DNA with concomitant hydrolysis of ATP. Binding to elongation-proficient DNA converts the gamma complex from a high affinity ATP-bound state to an ADP-bound state having a 10(5)-fold lower affinity for DNA. Steady-state binding assays are misleading, suggesting that gamma complex binds much more avidly to non-extendable primer/template DNA because recycling to the high affinity binding state is rate-limiting. Pre-steady-state rotational anisotropy data reveal a dynamic association-dissociation of gamma complex with extendable primer/templates leading to the diametrically opposite conclusion. The strongly favored dynamic recognition of extendable DNA does not require the presence of beta. Thus, the gamma complex uses ATP binding and hydrolysis as a mechanism for modulating its interaction with DNA in which the ATP-bound form binds with high affinity to DNA but elongation-proficient DNA substrates preferentially trigger hydrolysis of ATP and conversion to a low affinity state.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III gamma complex loads the beta clamp onto DNA, and the clamp tethers the core polymerase to DNA to increase the processivity of synthesis. ATP binding and hydrolysis promote conformational changes within the gamma complex that modulate its affinity for the clamp and DNA, allowing it to accomplish the mechanical task of assembling clamps on DNA. This is the first of two reports (Snyder, A. K., Williams, C. R., Johnson, A., O'Donnell, M., and Bloom, L. B. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 4386-4393) addressing the question of how ATP binding and hydrolysis modulate specific interactions with DNA and beta. Pre-steady-state rates of ATP hydrolysis were slower when reactions were initiated by addition of ATP than when the gamma complex was equilibrated with ATP and were limited by the rate of an intramolecular reaction, possibly ATP-induced conformational changes. Kinetic modeling of assays in which the gamma complex was incubated with ATP for different periods of time prior to adding DNA to trigger hydrolysis suggests a mechanism in which a relatively slow conformational change step (kforward = 6.5 s(-1)) produces a species of the gamma complex that is activated for DNA (and beta) binding. In the absence of beta, 2 of the 3 molecules of ATP are hydrolyzed rapidly prior to releasing DNA, and the 3rd molecule is hydrolyzed slowly. In the presence of beta, all 3 molecules of ATP are hydrolyzed rapidly. These results suggest that hydrolysis of 2 molecules of ATP may be coupled to conformational changes that reduce interactions with DNA, whereas hydrolysis of the 3rd is coupled to changes that result in release of beta.  相似文献   

M Okada  J Vergne    J Brahms 《Nucleic acids research》1978,5(6):1845-1862
E. Coli RNA polymerase binding to different DNAs (from E. Coli, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) substituted DNA and poly [d(BrU-A)] was induced with ultraviolet (U.V.) light to form protein-DNA crosslinked complexes. Two independent methods of analysis, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS and chloroform extraction indicated the formation of a stable complex between the enzyme and DNA. The complexes were formed under different ionic strength conditions, at low enzyme to DNA ratios in order to approach the conditions of specific binding. In contrast there was no crosslinking of the complex in 1 M KCl solution which dissociates the enzyme from DNA. The efficiency of formation of strongly bound complex was found to be much higher with holoenzyme than with core enzyme. The following results were obtained : 1) The large subunits beta and beta' were found to be bound to DNA. 2) Relatively small amount of sigma subunit were bound to DNA while alpha subunits were essentially not attached to DNA. The high binding affinity of beta and beta' subunits was also observed in the studies of isolated subunits. These results lead to a model of enzyme-DNA complex in which the large beta and beta' subunits provide the contacts between the RNA polymerase and the DNA.  相似文献   

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