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We generated mutants of the transporter associated with antigen-processing subunits TAP1 and TAP2 that were altered at the conserved lysine residue in the Walker A motifs of the nucleotide binding domains (NBD). In other ATP binding cassette transporters, mutations of the lysine have been shown to reduce or abrogate the ATP hydrolysis activity and in some cases impair nucleotide binding. Mutants TAP1(K544M) and TAP2(K509M) were expressed in insect cells, and the effects of the mutations on nucleotide binding, peptide binding, and peptide translocation were assessed. The mutant TAP1 subunit is significantly impaired for nucleotide binding relative to wild type TAP1. The identical mutation in TAP2 does not significantly impair nucleotide binding relative to wild type TAP2. Using fluorescence quenching assays to measure the binding of fluorescent peptides, we show that both mutants, in combination with their wild type partners, can bind peptides. Since the mutant TAP1 is significantly impaired for nucleotide binding, these results indicate that nucleotide binding to TAP1 is not a requirement for peptide binding to TAP complexes. Peptide translocation is undetectable for TAP1.TAP2(K509M) complexes, but low levels of translocation are detectable with TAP1(K544M).TAP2 complexes. These results suggest an impairment in nucleotide hydrolysis by TAP complexes containing either mutant TAP subunit and indicate that the presence of one intact TAP NBD is insufficient for efficient catalysis of peptide translocation. Taken together, these results also suggest the possibility of distinct functions for TAP1 and TAP2 NBD during a single translocation cycle.  相似文献   

The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is essential for the delivery of antigenic peptides from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they are loaded onto major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. TAP is a heterodimeric transmembrane protein that comprises the homologous subunits TAP1 and TAP2. As for many other oligomeric protein complexes, which are synthesized in the ER, the process of subunit assembly is essential for TAP to attain a native functional state. Here, we have analyzed the individual requirements of TAP1 and TAP2 for the formation of a functional TAP complex. Unlike TAP1, TAP2 is very unstable when expressed in isolation. We show that heterodimerization of TAP subunits is required for maintaining a stable level of TAP2. By using an in vitro expression system we demonstrate that the biogenesis of functional TAP depends on the assembly of preexisting TAP1 with newly synthesized TAP2, but not vice versa. The pore forming core transmembrane domain (core TMD) of in vitro expressed TAP2 is necessary and sufficient to allow functional complex formation with pre-existing TAP1. We propose that the observed assembly mechanism of TAP protects newly synthesized TAP2 from rapid degradation and controls the number of transport active transporter molecules. Our findings open up new possibilities to investigate functional and structural properties of TAP and provide a powerful model system to address the biosynthetic assembly of oligomeric transmembrane proteins in the ER.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric peptide transporter TAP belongs to the ABC transporter family. Sequence comparisons with the P-glycoprotein and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and the functional properties of selective amino acids in these ABC transporters postulated that the glutamic acid at position 263 and the phenylalanine at position 265 of the TAP1 subunit could affect peptide transporter function. To define the role of both amino acids, TAP1 mutants containing a deletion or a substitution to alanine at position 263 or 265 were generated and stably expressed in murine and human TAP1(-/-) cells. The different TAP1 mutants were characterized in terms of expression and function of TAP, MHC class I surface expression, immune recognition, and species-specific differences. The phenotype of murine and human cells expressing human TAP1 mutants with a deletion or substitution of Glu(263) was comparable to that of TAP1(-/-) cells. In contrast, murine and human TAP1 mutant cells containing a deletion or mutation of Phe(265) of the TAP1 subunit exhibit wild-type TAP function. This was associated with high levels of MHC class I surface expression and recognition by specific CTL, which was comparable to that of wild-type TAP1-transfected control cells. Thus, biochemical and functional evidence is presented that the Glu(263) of the TAP1 protein, but not the Phe(265), is critical for proper TAP function.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter TAP plays an essential role in antigen processing and immune response to infected or malignant cells. TAP translocates proteasomal degradation products from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum, where MHC class I molecules are loaded with these peptides. Kinetically stable peptide-MHC complexes are transported to the cell surface for inspection by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The transport cycle of TAP is initiated by peptide binding, which is responsible for peptide selection and for stimulation of ATP-hydrolysis and subsequent translocation. Here we have analysed the driving forces for the formation of the peptide-TAP complex by kinetic and thermodynamic methods. First, the apparent peptide association and dissociation rates were determined at various temperatures. Strikingly, very high activation energies for apparent association (E(a)(ass)=106 kJmol(-1)) and dissociation (E(a)(diss)=80 kJmol(-1)) of the peptide-TAP complex were found. Next, the temperature-dependence of the peptide affinity constants was investigated by equilibrium-binding assays. Along with calculations of free enthalpy deltaG, enthalpy deltaH and entropy deltaS, a large positive change in heat capacity was resolved (deltaC degrees =23 kJmol(-1)K(-1)), indicating a fundamental structural reorganization of the TAP complex upon peptide binding. The inspection of the conformational entropy reveals that approximately one-fourth of all TAP residues is rearranged. These thermodynamic studies indicate that at physiological temperature, peptide binding is endothermic and driven by entropy.  相似文献   

The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) plays a pivotal role in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I mediated immune response against infected or malignantly transformed cells. It belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily and consists of TAP1 (ABCB2) and TAP2 (ABCB3), each of which possesses a transmembrane and a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). Here we describe the generation of recombinant Fv and Fab antibody fragments to human TAP from a hybridoma cell line expressing the TAP1-specific monoclonal antibody mAb148.3. The epitope of the antibody was mapped to the very last five C-terminal amino acid residues of TAP1 on solid-supported peptide arrays. The recombinant antibody fragments were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity from periplasmic extracts by affinity chromatography. The monoclonal and recombinant antibodies bind with nanomolar affinity to the last five C-terminal amino acid residues of TAP1 as demonstrated by ELISA and surface plasmon resonance. Strikingly, the recombinant antibody fragments confer thermal stability to the heterodimeric TAP complex. At the same time TAP is arrested in a peptide transport incompetent conformation, although ATP and peptide binding to TAP are not affected. Based on our results we suggest that the C terminus of TAP1 modulates TAP function presumably as part of the dimer interface of the NBDs.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that increased Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca content ([Ca](SRT)) in phospholamban knockout mice (PLB-KO) is because of increased SR Ca pump efficiency defined by the steady-state SR [Ca] gradient. The time course of thapsigargin-sensitive ATP-dependent (45)Ca influx into and efflux out of cardiac SR vesicles from PLB-KO and wild-type (WT) mice was measured at 100 nm free [Ca]. We found that PLB decreased the initial SR Ca uptake rate (0.13 versus 0.31 nmol/mg/s) and decreased steady-state (45)Ca content (0.9 versus 4.1 nmol/mg protein). Furthermore, at similar total SR [Ca], the pump-mediated Ca efflux rate was higher in WT (0.065 versus 0.037 nmol/mg/s). The pump-independent leak rate constant (k(leak)) was also measured at 100 nm free [Ca]. The results indicate that k(leak) was < 1% of pump-mediated backflux and was not different among nonpentameric mutant PLB (PLB-C41F), WT pentameric PLB (same expression level), and PLB-KO. Therefore differences in passive SR Ca leak cannot be the cause of the higher thapsigargin-sensitive Ca efflux from the WT membranes. We conclude that the decreased total SR [Ca] in WT mice is caused by decreased SR Ca influx rate, an increased Ca-pump backflux, and unaltered leak. Based upon both thermodynamic and kinetic analysis, we conclude that PLB decreases the energetic efficiency of the SR Ca pump.  相似文献   

The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) proteins are involved in transport of peptides from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum. Two subunits, TAP1 and TAP2, are necessary and sufficient for peptide binding and peptide translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. TAP1 and TAP2 contain an N-terminal hydrophobic membrane-spanning region and a C-terminal nucleotide binding domain. Tapasin is an endoplasmic reticulum resident protein that has been found associated with the TAP subunits and shown to increase expression levels of TAP. Here we investigated TAP-tapasin interactions and their effects on TAP function in insect cells. We show tapasin binding to both TAP1 and TAP2 and to the corresponding nucleotide binding domain-exchanged chimeras as well as to a truncated TAP1.TAP2 complex containing just the membrane-spanning regions of TAP1 and TAP2. However, tapasin interactions with either the truncated TAP construct containing just the nucleotide binding domain are not observed. Tapasin is not required for high affinity peptide binding to TAP1.TAP2 complexes, and in fact, the presence of tapasin slightly reduces the affinity of TAP complexes for peptides. However, at near physiological temperatures, both tapasin and nucleotides stabilize the peptide binding site of TAP1.TAP2 complexes against inactivation, and enhanced thermostability of both TAP subunits is observed in the presence of tapasin. The enhanced structural stability of TAP1.TAP2 complexes in the presence of tapasin might explain the observations that tapasin increases TAP protein expression levels in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A central role of brain mitochondria in regulating and influencing social behaviour is emerging. In addition to its important roles as the “powerhouses” of the cell, mitochondria possess a plethora of cellular functions, such as regulating ion homeostasis, neurotransmitter levels, and lipid metabolism. Findings in the last decade are revealing an integral role for mitochondria in the regulation of behaviours, including those from the social domain. Here, we discuss recent evidence linking mitochondrial functions and dynamics to social behaviour and deficits, including examples in which social behaviours are modulated by stress in the context of mitochondrial changes, as well as potential therapeutic strategies and outstanding questions in the field.  相似文献   

Assembly of antigen-presenting complexes between class I MHC molecules and peptide requires formation of a complex between the 'ABC' peptide transporter, TAP, and newly synthesized class I molecules. Recent studies have provided new insights into the role of ATP in peptide binding, transport and release.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》1999,9(18):999-S1
Background: Newly synthesised peptide-receptive major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules form a transient loading complex in the endoplasmic reticulum with the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and a set of accessory proteins. Binding of peptide to the MHC class I molecule is necessary for dissociation of the MHC class I molecule from the complex with TAP, but other components of the complex might also be involved. To investigate the role of TAP in this process, mutations that block nucleotide binding were introduced into the ATP-binding site of TAP.Results: Mutant TAP formed apparently normal loading complexes with MHC class I molecules and accessory components, but had no nucleotide-binding or peptide-transport activity. Nevertheless, whereas wild-type loading complexes in detergent lysates could be dissociated by addition of peptides that bind MHC class I molecules, mutant complexes could not be dissociated in this way. Depletion of nucleotide diphosphates or triphosphates from wild-type lysates blocked peptide-mediated dissociation of MHC class I molecules, which could be reversed by readdition of nucleotide diphosphates or triphosphates. Complexes between mutant TAP and MHC class I molecules remained associated in vivo until they were degraded. Disruption of nucleotide binding also eliminated TAP's peptide-binding activity.Conclusions: Peptide-mediated dissociation of the MHC class I molecule from the loading complex depends on conformational signals arising from TAP. Integrity of the nucleotide-binding site is required not only for transmission of this conformational signal to the loading complex, but also for binding of peptide to TAP. Thus, the dynamic activity of the loading complex is synchronised with the nucleotide-mediated peptide-binding and transport cycle of TAP.  相似文献   

H2-M3 is a MHC class Ib molecule with a high propensity to bind N-formylated peptides. Due to the paucity of endogenous Ag, the majority of M3 is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Upon addition of exogenous N-formylated peptides, M3 trafficks rapidly to the cell surface. To understand the mechanism underlying Ag presentation by M3, we examined the role of molecular chaperones in M3 assembly, particularly TAP and tapasin. M3-specific CTLs fail to recognize cells isolated from both TAP-deficient (TAP(o)) and tapasin-deficient mice, suggesting that TAP and tapasin are required for M3-restricted Ag presentation. Impaired M3 expression in TAP(o) mice is due to instability of the intracellular pool of M3. Addition of N-formylated peptides to TAP(o) cells stabilizes M3 in the ER and partially restores surface expression. Surprisingly, significant amounts of M3 are retained in the ER in tapasin-deficient mice, even in the presence of N-formylated peptides. Our results define the role of TAP and tapasin in the assembly of M3-peptide complexes. TAP is essential for stabilization of M3 in the ER, whereas tapasin is critical for loading of N-formylated peptides onto the intracellular pool of M3. However, neither TAP nor tapasin is required for ER retention of empty M3.  相似文献   

【背景】EB病毒是一个常见的病原,它能引起霍奇金淋巴瘤、伯基特淋巴瘤以及胃癌、鼻咽癌。该病毒编码的膜蛋白BNLF2a抑制抗原转运蛋白TAP (Transporter associated with antigen processing)从而逃逸T细胞的清除。TAP属于ABC(ATP-bindingcassette)转运蛋白超家族,是由TAP1和TAP2两个亚基构成的。TAP通过ATP提供能量,跨膜转运抗原多肽,这一过程伴随着构象变化。【目的】旨在揭示BNLF2a是否影响TAP的构象变化。【方法】TAP蛋白核酸结合结构域的二聚体界面的D-loop进行点突变,引入半胱氨酸。在表达和不表达BNLF2a情况下,采用氧化性的二价铜离子交联半胱氨酸,并通过Westernblot对比TAP的半胱氨酸形成二硫键的比例。【结果】BNLF2a表达使TAP被交联的比例增高。【结论】BNLF2a可能将TAP稳定在核苷酸结合结构域二聚化的构象,从而同时抑制ATP和抗原多肽结合到TAP上来。  相似文献   

The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) plays a key role in the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mediated immune surveillance. It translocates peptides generated by the proteasome complex into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for loading onto MHC class I molecules. At the cell surface these MHC complexes are monitored for their antigenic cargo by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. Peptide binding to TAP is the essential step for peptide selection and for subsequent ATP-dependent translocation into the ER lumen. To examine the pathway of substrate recognition by TAP, we employed peptide epitopes, which were labeled with an environmentally sensitive fluorophore. Upon binding to TAP, a drastic fluorescence quenching of the fluorescent substrate was detected. This allowed us to analyze TAP function in real-time by using a homogeneous assay. Formation of the peptide-TAP complex is composed of a fast association step followed by a slow isomerization of the transport complex. Proton donor groups moving in proximity to the fluorescence label cause fluorescence quenching. Taken together, this peptide-induced structural reorganization may reflect the crosstalk of structural information between the peptide binding site and both nucleotide-binding domains within the TAP complex.  相似文献   

In contrast to many other viruses that escape the cellular immune response by downregulating major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, flavivirus infection can upregulate their cell surface expression. Previously we have presented evidence that during flavivirus infection, peptide supply to the endoplasmic reticulum is increased (A. Müllbacher and M. Lobigs, Immunity 3:207-214, 1995). Here we show that during the early phase of infection with different flaviviruses, the transport activity of the peptide transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is augmented by up to 50%. TAP expression is unaltered during infection, and viral but not host macromolecular synthesis is required for enhanced peptide transport. This study is the first demonstration of transient enhancement of TAP-dependent peptide import into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum as a consequence of a viral infection. We suggest that the increased supply of peptides for assembly with MHC class I molecules in flavivirus-infected cells accounts for the upregulation of MHC class I cell surface expression with the biological consequence of viral evasion of natural killer cell recognition.  相似文献   

The type I endoplasmic reticulum (ER) glycoprotein tapasin (Tpn) is essential for loading of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules with an optimal spectrum of antigenic peptides and for stable expression of the heterodimeric, polytopic TAP peptide transporter. In a detailed mutational analysis, the transmembrane domain (TMD) and ER-luminal connecting peptide (CP) of mouse Tpn were analyzed for their capacity to stabilize the TAP2 subunit. Replacement of the TMD of Tpn by TMDs from calnexin or the Tpn-related protein, respectively, completely abolished TAP2 stabilization after transfection of Tpn-deficient cells, whereas TMDs derived from distantly related Tpn molecules (chicken and fish) were functional. A detailed mutational analysis of the TMD and adjacent residues in the ER-luminal CP of mouse Tpn was performed to elucidate amino acids that control the stabilization of TAP2. Single amino acid substitutions, including a conserved Lys residue in the center of the putative TMD, did not affect TAP2 expression levels. Mutation of this Lys plus four additional residues, predicted to be neighbors in an assumed alpha-helical TMD arrangement, abrogated the TAP2-stabilizing capacity of Tpn. In the presence of a wild-type TMD, also the substitution of a highly conserved Glu residue in the CP of Tpn strongly affected TAP2 stabilization. Defective TAP2 stabilization resulted in impaired cell surface expression of MHC-I molecules. This study thus defines a novel, spatially arranged motif in the TMD of Tpn essential for stable expression of the TAP2 protein and a novel protein interaction mode involving an ER-luminal Glu residue close to the membrane.  相似文献   

Natriuretic peptide receptors A (NPR-A) and B (NPR-B) mediate most effects of natriuretic peptides by synthesizing cGMP. ATP increases the activity of these receptors by an unknown mechanism. We recently reported that a nonhydrolyzable form of ATP, adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMPPNP), stabilizes but is not required for the activation of NPR-A and NPR-B in membranes from highly overexpressing cells. Here, we repeated these studies on receptors expressed in endogenous settings. Kinetic analysis indicated that both AMPPNP and ATP dramatically decrease the apparent K(m) of both receptors for GTP but had little effect on the V(max). The EC(50) for AMPPNP decreased as substrate concentration increased whereas the magnitude of the effect was greater at lower GTP concentrations. ATP increased the activity of a mutant receptor containing glutamates substituted for all known phosphorylation sites similarly to the wild-type receptor, consistent with a phosphorylation independent mechanism. Finally, the putative ATP binding sites were investigated. Mutation of the ATP modulatory domain region had no effect, but mutation of K535A dramatically diminished ANP-dependent cyclase activity in a manner that was unresponsive to ATP. Mutation of the highly conserved 630-KSS to AAA (all alanines) resulted in an expressed receptor that had no detectable guanylyl cyclase activity. We conclude that ATP is not required for the initial activation of NPRs but does increase activity over time by reducing the apparent K(m) for GTP.  相似文献   

Yang XJ  Seto E 《Molecular cell》2008,31(4):449-461

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