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Mody NA  King MR 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(5):2556-2574
A three-dimensional multiscale computational model, platelet adhesive dynamics (PAD), is developed and applied in Part I and Part II articles to characterize and quantify key biophysical aspects of GPIbα-von-Willebrand-factor (vWF)-mediated interplatelet binding at high shear rates, a necessary and enabling step that initiates shear-induced platelet aggregation. In this article, an adhesive dynamics model of the transient aggregation of two unactivated platelets via GPIbα-vWF-GPIbα bridging is developed and integrated with the three-dimensional hydrodynamic flow model discussed in Part I. Platelet binding efficiencies predicted by PAD are in good agreement with platelet aggregation behavior observed experimentally, as documented in the literature. Deviations from average vWF ligand size or healthy GPIbα-vWF-A1 binding kinetics are observed in simulations to have significant effects on the dynamics of transient platelet aggregation, i.e., the efficiency of platelet aggregation and characteristics of bond failure, in ways that typify diseased conditions. The GPIbα-vWF-A1 bond formation rate is predicted to have piecewise linear dependence on the prevailing fluid shear rate, with a sharp transition in fluid shear dependency at 7200 s−1. Interplatelet bond force-loading is found to be complex and highly nonlinear. These results demonstrate PAD as a powerful predictive modeling tool for elucidating platelet adhesive phenomena under flow.  相似文献   

Traditional particle-based simulation strategies are impractical for the study of lipid bilayers and biological membranes over the longest length and time scales (microns, seconds and longer) relevant to cellular biology. Continuum-based models developed within the frameworks of elasticity theory, fluid dynamics and statistical mechanics provide a framework for studying membrane biophysics over a range of mesoscopic to macroscopic length and time regimes, but the application of such ideas to simulation studies has occurred only relatively recently. We review some of our efforts in this direction with emphasis on the dynamics in model membrane systems. Several examples are presented that highlight the prominent role of hydrodynamics in membrane dynamics and we argue that careful consideration of fluid dynamics is key to understanding membrane biophysics at the cellular scale.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impedance characteristics of a 5 MHz quartz crystal resonator oscillating in a thickness-shear mode for utilization as a biosensor. An impedance analyzer measured the impedance of the quartz crystal, which determined all mechanical properties of the oscillating quartz and its immediate environment. In this study, the impedance behavior of the oscillating crystal was characterized in air, in potassium phosphate buffer solution, and with immobilization of antibodies using protein-A. The potassium phosphate buffer behaved like a Newtonian liquid. The series resonance frequency shifted down about 900 Hz on contact with the buffer. An immobilized-antibody layer on the quartz surface behaved like a rigid mass when immersed in the buffer solution. The impedance curve following immobilization of antibodies was shifted down in frequency by about 200 Hz compared with its value when the bare crystal was immersed in the buffer solution.  相似文献   

Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy has been used to investigate the energy transfer and trapping processes in both intact membranes and purified detergent-isolated particles from a photosystem II deletion mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, which contains only the photosystem I reaction center. Processes with similar lifetimes and spectra are observed in both the membrane fragments and the detergent-isolated particles, suggesting little disruption of the core antenna resulting from the detergent treatment. For the detergent-isolated particles, three different excitation wavelengths were used to excite different distributions of pigments in the spectrally heterogeneous core antenna. Only two lifetimes of 2.7-4.3 ps and 24-28 ps, and a nondecaying component are required to describe all the data. The 24-28 ps component is associated with trapping. The trapping process gives rise to a nondecaying spectrum that is due to oxidation of the primary electron donor. The lifetimes and spectra associated with trapping and radical pair formation are independent of excitation wavelength, suggesting that trapping proceeds from an equilibrated excited state. The 2.7-4.3 ps component characterizes the evolution from the initially excited distribution of pigments to the equilibrated excited state distribution. The spectrum associated with the 2.7-4.3 ps component is therefore strongly excitation wavelength dependent. Comparison of the difference spectra associated with the spectrally equilibrated state and the radical pair state suggests that the pigments in the photosystem I core antenna display some degree of excitonic coupling.  相似文献   

Health risks due to exposure to high-linear energy transfer (LET) charged particles remain unclear. The major goal of this study was to confirm and further characterize the acute effects of high-LET radiation ((56)Fe(26)) on erythrocyte, thrombocyte and leukocyte populations in three body compartments after total-body exposure. Adult female C57BL/6 mice were irradiated with total doses of 0, 0.5, 2 and 3 Gy and killed humanely 4 days later. Body and organ masses were determined and blood, spleen and bone marrow leukocytes were evaluated using a hematology analyzer and flow cytometry. Spleen and thymus (but not body, liver and lung) masses were significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner. In general, red blood cell (RBC) counts and most other RBC parameters were depressed with increasing dose (P < 0.05); the major exception was an increase in cell size at 0.5 Gy. Platelet numbers and volume, total white blood cell counts, and all three major types of leukocytes also decreased (P < 0.05). Lymphocyte populations in blood and spleen exhibited variable degrees of susceptibility to (56)Fe-particle radiation (B > T > NK and T cytotoxic > T helper cells). In the bone marrow, leukocytes with granulocytic, lymphocytic ("dim" and "bright"), and monocytic characteristics exhibited proportional variations at the higher radiation doses in the expression of CD34 and/or Ly-6A/E. The data are discussed in relation to our previous investigations with iron ions, other forms of radiation, and space flight in this same animal model.  相似文献   

Neutrophils unexpectedly display flow-enhanced adhesion (hydrodynamic thresholding) to L-selectin in rolling or aggregation assays. We report that the primary collision efficiency (epsilon) of flowing neutrophils with preadhered neutrophils on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) or fibrinogen also displayed a maximum of epsilon approximately 0.4-0.45 at a wall shear rate of 100 s(-1), an example of thresholding. Primary collision lifetime with no detectable bonding decreased from 130 to 10 ms as wall shear rate increased from 30 to 300 s(-1), whereas collision lifetimes with bonding decreased from 300 to 100 ms over this shear range using preadhered neutrophils on ICAM-1, with similar results for fibrinogen. Antibodies against L-selectin, but not against CD11a, CD11b, or CD18, reduced epsilon at 100 s(-1) by >85%. High resolution imaging detected large scale deformation of the flowing neutrophil during the collision at 100 s(-1) with the apparent contact area increasing up to approximately 40 microm(2). We observed the formation of long linear string assemblies of neutrophils downstream of neutrophils preadhered to ICAM-1, but not fibrinogen, with a maximum in string formation at 100 s(-1). Secondary capture events to the ICAM-1 or fibrinogen coated surfaces after primary collisions were infrequent and short lived, typically lasting from 500 to 3500 ms. Between 5 and 20% of neutrophil interactions with ICAM-1 substrate converted to firm arrest (>3500 ms) and greatly exceeded that observed for fibrinogen, thus defining the root cause of poor string formation on fibrinogen at all shear rates. Additionally, neutrophils mobilized calcium after incorporation into strings. Static adhesion also caused calcium mobilization, as did the subsequent onset of flow. To our knowledge, this is the first report of 1). hydrodynamic thresholding in neutrophil string formation; 2). string formation on ICAM-1 but not on fibrinogen; 3). large cellular deformation due to collisions at a venous shear rate; and 4), mechanosensing through neutrophil beta(2)-integrin/adhesion. The increased contact area during deformation was likely responsible for the hydrodynamic threshold observed in the primary collision efficiency since no increase in primary collision lifetime was detected as shear forces were increased (for either surface coating).  相似文献   

The adsorption of procyanidins on cell wall material were quantified by bringing into contact a solution of procyanidins and a suspension of cell wall material. The influence of structural features such as degree of polymerisation (DP) and percentage of galloylation (% gall), and of physico-chemical parameters such as pH, ionic strength, temperature and presence of ethanol were investigated. The amount of procyanidins bound to the cell wall increased with the DP, the % gall, and the proportion of (+)-catechin, the last indicating an effect of the stereochemistry of the flavan-3-ols. Complex formation between procyanidins and cell wall material was not affected by pH in the range 2.2-7 but it was decreased by urea, dioxane and ethanol. Adsorption increased with increasing ionic strength and decreased with increasing temperature. This indicated that the bonds which governed the interaction between procyanidins and cell wall material were weak energy bonds of the type hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction.  相似文献   

In the present research effort, production of crude sericin extracts from Bombyx mori silk cocoons was attempted using two different approaches. Sericin was extracted from cocoons by high-temperature autoclaving followed either by lyophilization or freezing-thawing precipitation, to obtain a crude sericin powder. The physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the crude sericin extracts were evaluated in detail, via FTIR, XRD, XRF, XRT, UV–vis scanning, TGA and DSC, protein quantification, antimicrobial activity, free radical scavenging activity, cytotoxic activity, potential for inducing chromosomal aberrations via Allium cepa assays, and genotoxicity via Comet™ analyses. The molecular weight distribution of the crude sericin extracts was also investigated, via sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE), and the results duly compared to standard sericin. The results gathered clearly suggest that the crude sericin extracts had both obvious radical scavenging effects with the 2.2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) assay, and antibacterial activity, further suggesting that this protein might be a valuable addition for either food and biopharmaceutical applications.  相似文献   

The demand for enantiopure substances, e.g. for pharmaceutical applications or fine chemical production, continues to increase. This has led to the development of numerous stereoselective synthesis methods. Nevertheless a large number of chemical syntheses still result in racemic mixtures making a subsequent enantioseparation step necessary and thus are restricted to a maximum yield of 50%. Our work focuses on strategies to overcome this limitation by combining physicochemical separation processes with enzymatic racemization of the unwanted enantiomer in order to produce enantiopure amino acids. This paper deals with the production and characterization of a suitable amino acid racemase with broad substrate specificity (EC from Pseudomonas putida which we cloned into Escherichia coli. Two enzyme lyophilizates of different purity were obtained from which the crude (CL) was sufficient for the racemization of methionine (Met) and the pure (PL) was used for asparagine (Asn). Racemization reactions of D-/L-Asn in H2O and D-/L-Met in 95 vol.% 100 mM KPi-buffer, 5 vol.% methanol (MeOH) at different pH values and temperatures were characterized. The studied range of reaction parameters was chosen in dependency on planned enantioseparation processes. We found increasing Vmax values when temperature was risen stepwise from 20 to 40 °C for both systems and when pH was shifted from 6 to 8 for the Met system. The presented results provide the basis for engineering enzyme-assisted physicochemical enantioseparation processes.  相似文献   

The sampling and assay of bioaerosols are important ina number of industrial and health-care applications. Airborne microorganisms are notoriously difficult toenumerate accurately under such conditions and nosingle procedure is suitable for all applications. Problems are compounded by the differences in assaymethod or sampler type selected, making theinterpretation of results difficult.Understanding the airborne behaviour of microorganismsover a range of environmental conditions is vital ifprocedures are to be defined and recommended for theassessment of bioaerosols. Microorganisms that arerobust over a wide range of conditions are ideal astracer particles. Unfortunately, the large majorityof non-fungal bioaerosols are susceptible to damage. A predictable assessment procedure is required whichwill not affect the viability of the collectedsample.This paper examines how aerosolisation may affect the characteristics of two speciesof microorganism (Pseudomonas fluorescens andMS2 coliphage). It forms part of a larger programmeto develop standards for the assessment of biologicalparticles. The aim of the work was to develop procedures toexamine the effects of aerosolisation onmicroorganisms, with particular reference topre-aerosolisation protocol (spray suspension age) andpost-sampling handling protocol (aerosol age incollection solution). These procedures were then usedto examine the effect of recovery agents, addedto the spray suspension prior to aerosolisation, onthe culturability of E.coli.Aerosolisation reduces the culturability of P. fluorescensand the viability of viability of MS2coliphage. Pre-sampling and post-collection handlingand storage of these aerosolised microorganisms werealso found to have an effect. This and earlierstudies have shown that the culturable fraction ofmicroorganisms can be affected by the same factorsdescribed above. Of five microorganisms tested so farin the main programme, only Penicillium expansumspores were shown to be robust and stable with aconstant culturable fraction. Therefore, recommendinga particular microorganism (apart from P. expansum) as an airborne biological standard foraerosol studies is not advised. It is recommendedthat a microorganism, representative of the envisagedapplication, be characterised it in terms of theaerosolisation parameters, storage time and conditionsin the manner reported in this study. This can beachieved using the experimental equipment described.The addition of 0.1 mM concentrations of the sugarsinositol, trehalose and raffinose to spray suspensionsof Escherichia coli, prior to aerosolisation,made no significant difference to the culturablefraction of the aerosol.  相似文献   

Platelet - vessel wall interaction: influence of diet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interaction of platelets with the vessel wall is influenced by the diet. Of major importance is the dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Epidemiological evidence from Greenland Eskimos with low incidences of acute myocardial infarction has drawn attention to the role of the n - 3 PUFA family. Experiments in vitro have demonstrated an anti-aggregatory effect of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). However, EPA does not inhibit vascular prostacyclin production. Antiaggregatory substances generated from EPA have not yet been demonstrated in vivo. Studies in vivo in both animals and humans have demonstrated an antithrombotic effect of EPA. In a study where volunteers were given 6 g EPA per day for 3 weeks, moderate decreases in collagen-induced and ADP-induced platelet aggregation, lower thromboxane B2 (TXB2) synthesis and prolongation of bleeding time were found. These observations indicate the dietary factors modulate the interaction of platelets and the vessel wall. Dietary advice aiming at lowering the incidence of ischaemic diseases must include this aspect. This necessitates a re-evaluation of advice hitherto given to the population in general.  相似文献   

Freshly prepared platelets were shown to contain glycosaminoglycans equivalent to 530 micrograms of hexuronate/10(11) platelets. When the platelets were extracted with 4 M-guanidinium chloride containing proteinase inhibitors, and the extract was dialysed extensively against 7 M-urea solution, almost all of proteoglycan was recovered in the urea-soluble fraction. The proteoglycan was purified from the urea-soluble fraction with a yield of 47% by DEAE-Sephacel chromatography, CsCl-density-gradient centrifugation, Bio-Gel A-15m gel filtration and then rechromatography on DEAE-Sephacel. The purified proteoglycan contained 30% glucuronic acid, 32% N-acetylgalactosamine, 14% sulphate and 15% protein. Serine, glutamic acid, glycine, aspartic acid and leucine accounted for 64% of the total amino acids. The Mr of the proteoglycan was assessed to be approx. 136000 by sedimentation-equilibrium methods. The galactosaminoglycan released by alkaline-borohydride treatment of the proteoglycan was converted stoichiometrically into 4-sulphated unsaturated disaccharide by digestion with chondroitinase AC-II, indicating that the galactosaminoglycan was fully sulphated chondroitin 4-sulphate. The apparent Mr of the chondroitin sulphate was assessed to be 28000 by gel filtration on Bio-Gel A-0.5m (KD 0.18). On two-dimensional electrophoresis on a cellulose acetate membrane, the chondroitin sulphate gave a single compact spot co-migrating with a reference chondroitin sulphate, indicating that the chondroitin sulphate chains were homogeneous in both length and charge density. On the basis of these results, the proteoglycan in human platelets was concluded to be a macromolecule of Mr 136000 containing four chondroitin 4-sulphate chains each with the apparent Mr of 28000.  相似文献   

D S Beardsley 《Blut》1989,59(1):47-51
Antiplatelet autoantibodies are important in the etiology of idiopathic (or immune) thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Studies using immunoblotting techniques have been helpful in identifying the antigenic target proteins for the antibodies. Antibodies against the glycoprotein (GP) IIIa portion of the GPIIb/IIIa complex were the first to be demonstrated by this approach. Similar GPIIIa autoantigens have also been found to be the most frequent targets of ITP antibodies. Not all anti-GPIIIa antibodies are directed against the same epitope on GPIIIa. A subset of anti-GPIIIa antibodies found in patients with an acquired qualitative platelet dysfunction actually interfere with fibrinogen binding to normal platelets. Antibodies directed against targets on GPV have been found in patients with acute ITP of childhood. In patients with ITP associated with lupus erythematosus, antibodies which bind to intracellular proteins of apparent molecular weights of 66 and 108 kDa have been detected. Thus, ITP antibodies can have a variety of target antigens. Study of larger series of patients will determine whether identification of platelet autoantigens correlates with clinical course of ITP.  相似文献   

A three-phase multi-species electro–chemo-mechanical model of articular cartilage is developed that accounts for the effect of two water compartments, namely intrafibrillar water stored in between collagen fibrils and extrafibrillar water covering proteoglycans. The collagen fibers constitute the solid phase while intrafibrillar water and dissolved NaCl and CaCl2 on one hand and extrafibrillar water, ions Na+, Ca2+ and Cl? and proteoglycans on the other hand, form the two fluid phases. The complete picture that includes time-dependent mass transfers between the two fluid phases, diffusion of water and ions and electrical flow emerges from the Clausius–Duhem inequality but it is deferred to further study. The analysis is restricted to equilibrium states. The present work complements the mechanical model developed in Loret and Simões (Mech Material 36(5-6): 515-541, 2004a) where the presence of the sole NaCl was considered. In its current version, the model can handle mechanical and chemical loadings and unloadings involving the two salts, NaCl and CaCl2. In order to reproduce experimental data, the shielding effects are made cation-dependent. Strong orientation of collagen fibers parallel to the joint surface implies anisotropic mechanical properties. Electro–chemo-mechanical couplings result in a chemistry-dependent apparent tensile Poisson’s ratio, that increases to large values as the solution gets fresher. The model captures these aspects as well. The features of the model are first exposed in an infinitesimal strain context. Subsequently, large strains that typically occur in uniaxial traction under deionized water are accounted for, and a nonlinear anisotropic hyperelastic behavior is developed. Parametric identification and simulations of actual loading processes are described in a companion paper, Loret and Simões (Biomech Model Mechanobiol, in press, DOI 10.1007/s10237-004-0063-6).  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms governing collagen interaction with blood platelets, the effects of side-chain modifications on collagen-induced platelet aggregation and release of serotonin were studied. Since many chemical modifications alter the ability of collagen to form fibers that, according to current theory, may complicate interpretation of data, we eliminated this possibility by using collagen stabilized in a native-type fibrillar structure by treatment with either glutaraldehyde or ultraviolet irradiation. Acetylation, methylation, succinylation, treatment with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene, 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid or 1,2-cyclohexanedione, and deguanidination with hypobromite were used to modify collagen side-chain reactive groups: amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl and guanidino. Both unmodified monomeric dispersed and fibrillar collagen preparations initiated platelet aggregation and release, although the kinetics and magnitude of the response were different. Monomeric collagen which had been modified by deguanidination, methylation or succinylation, failed to polymerize in physiological conditions and did not induce platelet aggregation and release. However, none of the chemical modifications of stabilized native-type collagen fibers, except treatment with hypobromite or cyclohexanedione, had an effect on collagen-induced platelet aggregation and release. Both hypobromite and cyclohexanedione modified guanidino groups of arginyl residues. Results showed that the ability of a collagen sample to induce platelet aggregation and release of serotonin is dependent on the arginine content of fibrillar collagen.These data demonstrate that manipulation of amino, carboxyl and hydroxyl groups is unimportant as long as the native-type fibrillar structure is maintained, and that arginyl residues are directly involved in collagen-platelet interaction. Moreover, the data suggest that only the arginyl residues in the Y position of the tripeptide unit Gly-X-Y of collagen are responsible.  相似文献   

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