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Hu-K4 is a human protein homologous to the K4L protein of vaccinia virus. Due to the presence of two HKD motifs, Hu-K4 was assigned to the family of Phospholipase D proteins although so far no catalytic activity has been shown. The Hu-K4 mRNA is found in many human organs with highest expression levels in the central nervous system. We extended the ORF of Hu-K4 to the 5' direction. As a consequence the protein is 53 amino acids larger than originally predicted, now harbouring a putative transmembrane domain. The exon/intron structure of the Hu-K4 gene reveals extensive alternative splicing in the 5' untranslated region. Due to the absence of G/C-rich regions and upstream ATG codons, the mRNA isoform in brain may be translated with higher efficacy leading to a high Hu-K4 protein concentration in this tissue. Using a specific antiserum produced against Hu-K4 we found that Hu-K4 is a membrane-bound protein colocalizing with protein disulfide isomerase, a marker of the endoplasmic reticulum. Glycosylation of Hu-K4 as shown by treatment with peptide N-glycosidase F or tunicamycin indicates that Hu-K4 has a type 2 transmembrane topology.  相似文献   

Goder V  Spiess M 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(14):3645-3653
We have analyzed in vivo how model signal sequences are inserted and oriented in the membrane during cotranslational integration into the endoplasmic reticulum. The results are incompatible with the current models of retention of positive flanking charges or loop insertion of the polypeptide into the translocon. Instead they indicate that these N-terminal signals initially insert head-on with a cytoplasmic C-terminus before they invert their orientation to translocate the C-terminus. The rate of inversion increases with more positive N-terminal charge and is reduced with increasing hydrophobicity of the signal. Inversion may proceed for up to approximately 50 s, when it is terminated by a signal-independent process. These findings provide a mechanism for the topogenic effects of flanking charges as well as of signal hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Tail-anchored membrane protein insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane proteins are inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by two highly conserved parallel pathways. The well-studied co-translational pathway uses signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor for targeting and the SEC61 translocon for membrane integration. A recently discovered post-translational pathway uses an entirely different set of factors involving transmembrane domain (TMD)-selective cytosolic chaperones and an accompanying receptor at the ER. Elucidation of the structural and mechanistic basis of this post-translational membrane protein insertion pathway highlights general principles shared between the two pathways and key distinctions unique to each.  相似文献   

Purified Signal Recognition Protein (SRP) has previously been shown to be required for the translocation of secretory proteins across the microsomal membrane (Walter and Blobel, 1980. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 77:7, 112-7, 116) and to function in the early events of this process (Walter and Blobel, 1981. J. Cell Biol. 91:557-561). We demonstrate here that the delta subunit of acetylcholine receptor (AChR- delta), a transmembrane glycoprotein, likewise requires SRP for its asymmetric integration into microsomal membranes. We further demonstrate by partial sequence analysis that AChR-delta is synthesized with a transient NH2-terminal signal sequence of 21 residues that is cleaved off during integration into microsomal membranes. Integration of AChR-delta into the microsomal membrane vesicles proceeded asymmetrically, yielding a large (44 kdalton) core-glycosylated domain, inaccessible to externally added proteolytic enzymes and a smaller (approximately 16 kdalton) domain exposed on the outside of the vesicles and accessible to externally added proteolytic enzymes. The NH2 terminus of the molecule is contained in the 44-kdalton domain.  相似文献   

An azidophenacyl derivative of a chemically synthesized consensus signal peptide has been prepared. The peptide, when photoactivated in the presence of rough or high-salt-stripped microsomes from pancreas, leads to inhibition of their activity in cotranslational processing of secretory pre-proteins translated from their mRNA in vitro. The peptide binds specifically with high affinity to components in the microsomal membranes from pancreas and liver, and photoreaction of a radioactive form of the azidophenacyl derivative leads to covalent linkage to yield two closely related radiolabelled proteins of Mr about 45,000. These proteins are integrated into the membrane, with large 30,000-Mr domains embedded into the phospholipid bilayer to which the signal peptide binds. A smaller, endopeptidase-sensitive, domain is exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of the microsomal vesicles. The specificity and selectivity of the binding of azidophenacyl-derivatized consensus signal peptide was demonstrated by concentration-dependent inhibition of photolabelling by the 'cold' synthetic consensus signal peptide and by a natural internal signal sequence cleaved and isolated from ovalbumin. The properties of the labelled 45,000-Mr protein-signal peptide complexes, i.e. mass, pI, ease of dissociation from the membrane by detergent or salts and immunological properties, distinguish them from other proteins, e.g. subunits of signal recognition particle, docking protein and signal peptidase, already known to be involved in targetting and processing of nascent secretory proteins at the rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Although the 45,000-Mr signal peptide binding protein displays properties similar to those of the signal peptidase, a component of the endoplasmic reticulum, the azido-derivatized consensus signal peptide does not interact with it. It is proposed that the endoplasmic reticulum proteins with which the azidophenacyl-derivatized consensus signal peptide interacts to yield the 45,000-Mr adducts may act as receptors for signals in nascent secretory pre-proteins in transduction of changes in the endoplasmic reticulum which bring about translocation of secretory protein across the membrane.  相似文献   

The lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from the cytosol in its content of ions and other small molecules, but it is unclear whether the ER membrane is as impermeable as other membranes in the cell. Here, we have tested the permeability of the ER membrane to small, nonphysiological molecules. We report that isolated ER vesicles allow different chemical modification reagents to pass from the outside into the lumen with little hindrance. In permeabilized cells, the ER membrane allows the passage of a small, charged modification reagent that is unable to cross the plasma membrane or the lysosomal and trans-Golgi membranes. A larger polar reagent of approximately 5 kDa is unable to pass through the ER membrane. Permeation of the small molecules is passive because it occurs at low temperature in the absence of energy. These data indicate that the ER membrane is significantly more leaky than other cellular membranes, a property that may be required for protein folding and other functions of the ER.  相似文献   

We have been studying the insertion of the seven transmembrane domain (TM) protein opsin to gain insights into how the multiple TMs of polytopic proteins are integrated at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We find that the ER components associated with the first and second TMs of the nascent opsin polypeptide chain are clearly distinct. The first TM (TM1) is adjacent to the alpha and beta subunits of the Sec61 complex, and a novel component, a protein associated with the ER translocon of 10 kDa (PAT-10). The most striking characteristic of PAT-10 is that it remains adjacent to TM1 throughout the biogenesis and membrane integration of the full-length opsin polypeptide. TM2 is also found to be adjacent to Sec61alpha and Sec61beta during its membrane integration. However, TM2 does not form any adducts with PAT-10; rather, a transient association with the TRAM protein is observed. We show that the association of PAT-10 with opsin TM1 does not require the N-glycosylation of the nascent chain and occurs irrespective of the amino acid sequence and transmembrane topology of TM1. We conclude that the precise makeup of the ER membrane insertion site can be distinct for the different transmembrane domains of a polytopic protein. We find that the environment of a particular TM can be influenced by both the "stage" of nascent chain biosynthesis reached, and the TM's relative location within the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Integration of cytochrome b(5) (b5), a tail-anchored protein located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane, into the membrane was studied. Mutation of three amino acids, -Leu-Met-Tyr, at the carboxy-terminal end of the transmembrane segment of b5 to alanines resulted in localization of the mutated protein, b5LMY/AAA, in the cytosol as well as in the ER membrane. When an N-glycosylation site was introduced at the carboxy-terminal end of b5LMY/AAA, a substantial amount of the glycosylated form of the mutant protein was recovered in the cytosol fraction. A portion of the mutant protein recovered in the ER was released from the membrane by incubation with the cytosol fraction, but no further release was observed in the second incubation, suggesting that b5 is present in two different states, loosely-bound and firmly-integrated forms, in the ER membrane. These results suggest that b5 is integrated into the ER membrane via the loosely bound state, in which the carboxy-terminal end of the molecule is inserted into the luminal side of the vesicle but is easily translocated back to the cytosol, and that the three amino acids are important for conversion of the loosely-bound state to the firmly-integrated state.  相似文献   

Signal sequences for insertion of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum induce translocation of either the C- or the N-terminal sequence across the membrane. The end that is translocated is primarily determined by the flanking charges and the hydrophobic domain of the signal. To characterize the hydrophobic contribution to topogenesis, we have challenged the translocation machinery in vivo in transfected COS cells with model proteins differing exclusively in the apolar segment of the signal. Homo-oligomers of hydrophobic amino acids as different in size and shape as Val(19), Trp(19), and Tyr(22) generated functional signal sequences with similar topologies in the membrane. The longer a homo-oligomeric sequence of a given residue, the more N-terminal translocation was obtained. To determine the topogenic contribution of all uncharged amino acids in the context of a hydrophobic signal sequence, two residues in a generic oligoleucine signal were exchanged for all uncharged amino acids. The resulting scale resembles a hydrophobicity scale with the more hydrophobic residues promoting N-terminal translocation. In addition, the helix breakers glycine and proline showed a position-dependent effect, which raises the possibility of a conformational contribution to topogenesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the membrane insertion of ProW, an Escherichia coli inner membrane protein with seven transmembrane segments and a large periplasmic N-terminal tail, into endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived dog pancreas microsomes. Strikingly, significant levels of N-tail translocation is seen only when a minimum of four of the transmembrane segments are present; for constructs with fewer transmembrane segments, the N-tail remains mostly nontranslocated and the majority of the molecules adopt an "inverted" topology where normally nontranslocated parts are translocated and vice versa. N-tail translocation can also be promoted by shortening of the N-tail and by the addition of positively charged residues immediately downstream of the first trasnmembrane segment. We conclude that as many as four consecutive transmembrane segments may be collectively involved in determining membrane protein topology in the ER and that the effects of downstream sequence determinants may vary depending on the size and charge of the N-tail. We also provide evidence to suggest that the ProW N-tail is translocated across the ER membrane in a C-to-N-terminal direction.  相似文献   

Integration of membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum requires GTP   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
We have examined the requirement for ribonucleotides and ribonucleotide triphosphate hydrolysis during early events in the membrane integration of two membrane proteins: the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus and the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein of Newcastle disease virus. Both proteins contain a single transmembrane-spanning segment but are integrated in the membrane with opposite orientations. The G protein has an amino-terminal signal sequence and a stop-transfer sequence located near the carboxy terminus. The HN glycoprotein has a single sequence near the amino terminus that functions as both a signal-sequence and a transmembrane-spanning segment. Membrane insertion was explored using a cell-free system directed by transcribed mRNAs encoding amino-terminal segments of the two proteins. Ribosome-bound nascent polypeptides were assembled, ribonucleotides were removed by gel filtration chromatography, and the ribosomes were incubated with microsomal membranes under conditions of defined ribonucleotide content. Nascent chain insertion into the membrane required the presence of both the signal recognition particle and a functional signal recognition particle receptor. In the absence of ribonucleotides, insertion of nascent membrane proteins was not detected. GTP or nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues promoted efficient insertion, while ATP was comparatively ineffective. Surprisingly, the majority of the HN nascent chain remained ribosome associated after puromycin treatment. Ribosome-associated HN nascent chains remained competent for membrane insertion, while free HN chains were not competent. We conclude that a GTP binding protein performs an essential function during ribosome-dependent insertion of membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum that is unrelated to protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In this work five peptides with Cys-Xaa-Cys motif were studied including Ac-Cys-Gly-Cys-NH(2), Ac-Cys-Pro-Cys-Pro-NH(2), their N-unprotected analogues and the N-terminal fragment of metallothionein-3, Met-Asp-Pro-Glu-Thr-Cys-Pro-Cys-Pro-NH(2). All these peptides were found to be very effective ligands for Ni(2+), Zn(2+) and Cd(2+) ions. Potentiometric and spectroscopic (UV-Vis, CD and MCD) studies have proved that sulfur atoms are critical donors for the metal ions coordination. The amide nitrogen may participate in the metal ion binding only in the case when Gly is adjacent to Cys residues. Ac-Cys-Gly-Cys-NH(2) may serve as a low molecular weight model for cluster A, which is a binding unit of nickel ion in acetyl coenzyme A synthase. This bifunctional enzyme from anaerobic microorganisms catalyzes the formation of acetyl coenzyme A from CO, a methyl group donated by the corrinoid-iron-sulfur protein and coenzyme A. Other peptides studied in this work were Ac-Cys-Pro-Cys-Pro-NH(2) and Met-Asp-Pro-Glu-Thr-Cys-Pro-Cys-NH(2) originating from metallothionein sequence. These motifs are characteristic for the sequence of cysteine rich metallothionein-3 (MT-3) called also neuronal growth inhibitory factor (GIF). Cys-Pro-Cys-Pro fragment of protein was demonstrated to be crucial for the inhibitory activity of the protein.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle receptor (SR) is required for the cotranslational targeting of both secretory and membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. During targeting, the SR interacts with the signal recognition particle (SRP) which is bound to the signal sequence of the nascent protein chain. This interaction catalyzes the GTP-dependent transfer of the nascent chain from SRP to the protein translocation apparatus in the ER membrane. The SR is a heterodimeric protein comprised of a 69-kD subunit (SR alpha) and a 30- kD subunit (SR beta) which are associated with the ER membrane in an unknown manner. SR alpha and the 54-kD subunits of SRP (SRP54) each contain related GTPase domains which are required for SR and SRP function. Molecular cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding SR beta revealed that SR beta is a transmembrane protein and, like SR alpha and SRP54, is a member of the GTPase superfamily. Although SR beta defines its own GTPase subfamily, it is distantly related to ARF and Sar1. Using UV cross-linking, we confirm that SR beta binds GTP specifically. Proteolytic digestion experiments show that SR alpha is required for the interaction of SRP with SR. SR alpha appears to be peripherally associated with the ER membrane, and we suggest that SR beta, as an integral membrane protein, mediates the membrane association of SR alpha. The discovery of its guanine nucleotide-binding domain, however, makes it likely that its role is more complex than that of a passive anchor for SR alpha. These findings suggest that a cascade of three directly interacting GTPases functions during protein targeting to the ER membrane.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum of most cell types mainly consists of an extensive network of narrow sheets and tubules. It is well known that an excessive increase of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration induces a slow but extensive swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum into a vesicular morphology. We observed that a similar extensive transition to a vesicular morphology may also occur independently of a change of cytosolic Ca2+ and that the change may occur at a time scale of seconds. Exposure of various types of cultured cells to saponin selectively permeabilized the plasma membrane and resulted in a rapid swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum even before a loss of permeability barrier was detectable with a low-molecular mass dye. The structural alteration was reversible provided the exposure to saponin was not too long. Mechanical damage of the plasma membrane resulted in a large-scale transition of the endoplasmic reticulum from a tubular to a vesicular morphology within seconds, also in Ca2+-depleted cells. The rapid onset of the phenomenon suggests that it could perform a physiological function. Various mechanisms are discussed whereby endoplasmic reticulum vesicularization could assist in protection against cytosolic Ca2+ overload in cellular stress situations like plasma membrane injury.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell movement of beet yellows closterovirus requires four structural proteins and a 6-kDa protein (p6) that is a conventional, nonstructural movement protein. Here we demonstrate that either virus infection or p6 overexpression results in association of p6 with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The p6 protein possesses a single-span, transmembrane, N-terminal domain and a hydrophilic, C-terminal domain that is localized on the cytoplasmic face of the endoplasmic reticulum. In the infected cells, p6 forms a disulfide bridge via a cysteine residue located near the protein's N terminus. Mutagenic analyses indicated that each of the p6 domains, as well as protein dimerization, is essential for p6 function in virus movement.  相似文献   

The signal sequence receptor (SSR), an integral membrane glycoprotein of 34 kDa, has previously been shown to be a component of the molecular environment which nascent polypeptide chains meet in passage through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. We have used antibodies directed against the SSR and both immunocytochemistry and cell fractionation to determine its distribution in rat liver cells. SSR was found largely restricted to the rough ER. Only small amounts of the protein were detected in smooth ER. These results provide further evidence for a functional differentiation of rough and smooth ER and for a role of SSR in protein translocation across the ER membrane.  相似文献   

Prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs) act on collagens (C-P4Hs) and the oxygen-dependent degradation domains (ODDDs) of hypoxia-inducible factor alpha subunits (HIF-P4Hs) leading to degradation of the latter. We report data on a human P4H possessing a transmembrane domain (P4H-TM). Its gene is also found in zebrafish but not in flies and nematodes. Its sequence more closely resembles those of the C-P4Hs than the HIF-P4Hs, but it lacks the peptide substrate-binding domain of the C-P4Hs. P4H-TM levels in cultured cells are increased by hypoxia, and P4H-TM is N-glycosylated and is located in endoplasmic reticulum membranes with its catalytic site inside the lumen, a location differing from those of the HIF-P4Hs. Despite this, P4H-TM overexpression in cultured neuroblastoma cells reduced HIF-alpha ODDD reporter construct levels, and its small interfering RNA increased HIF-1alpha protein level, in the same way as those of HIF-P4Hs. Furthermore, recombinant P4H-TM hydroxylated the two critical prolines in HIF-1alpha ODDD in vitro, with a preference for the C-terminal proline, whereas it did not hydroxylate any prolines in recombinant type I procollagen chains.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a multifunctional organelle responsible for production of both lumenal and membrane components of secretory pathway compartments. Secretory proteins are folded, processed, and sorted in the ER lumen and lipid synthesis occurs on the ER membrane itself. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, synthesis of ER components is highly regulated: the ER-resident proteins by the unfolded protein response and membrane lipid synthesis by the inositol response. We demonstrate that these two responses are intimately linked, forming different branches of the same pathway. Furthermore, we present evidence indicating that this coordinate regulation plays a role in ER biogenesis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450b is an integral membrane protein of the rat hepatocyte endoplasmic reticulum (ER) which is cotranslationally inserted into the membrane but remains largely exposed on its cytoplasmic surface. The extreme hydrophobicity of the amino-terminal portion of P450b suggests that it not only serves to initiate the cotranslational insertion of the nascent polypeptide but that it also halts translocation of downstream portions into the lumen of the ER and anchors the mature protein in the membrane. In an in vitro system, we studied the cotranslational insertion into ER membranes of the normal P450b polypeptide and of various deletion variants and chimeric proteins that contain portion of P450b linked to segments of pregrowth hormone or bovine opsin. The results directly established that the amino-terminal 20 residues of P450b function as a combined insertion-halt-transfer signal. Evidence was also obtained that suggests that during the early stages of insertion, this signal enters the membrane in a loop configuration since, when the amino-terminal hydrophobic segment was placed immediately before a signal peptide cleavage site, cleavage by the luminally located signal peptidase took place. After entering the membrane, the P450b signal, however, appeared to be capable of reorienting within the membrane since a bovine opsin peptide segment linked to the amino terminus of the signal became translocated into the microsomal lumen. It was also found that, in addition to the amino-terminal combined insertion-halt-transfer signal, only one other segment within the P450b polypeptide, located between residues 167 and 185, could serve as a halt-transfer signal and membrane-anchoring domain. This segment was shown to prevent translocation of downstream sequences when the amino-terminal combined signal was replaced by the conventional cleavable insertion signal of a secretory protein.  相似文献   

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