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We extend the theory of self-organizing neural fields in order to analyze the joint emergence of topography and feature selectivity in primary visual cortex through spontaneous symmetry breaking. We first show how a binocular one-dimensional topographic map can undergo a pattern forming instability that breaks the underlying symmetry between left and right eyes. This leads to the spatial segregation of eye specific activity bumps consistent with the emergence of ocular dominance columns. We then show how a 2-dimensional isotropic topographic map can undergo a pattern forming instability that breaks the underlying rotation symmetry. This leads to the formation of elongated activity bumps consistent with the emergence of orientation preference columns. A particularly interesting property of the latter symmetry breaking mechanism is that the linear equations describing the growth of the orientation columns exhibits a rotational shift-twist symmetry, in which there is a coupling between orientation and topography. Such coupling has been found in experimentally generated orientation preference maps  相似文献   

In rodent visual cortex, synaptic connections between orientation-selective neurons are unspecific at the time of eye opening, and become to some degree functionally specific only later during development. An explanation for this two-stage process was proposed in terms of Hebbian plasticity based on visual experience that would eventually enhance connections between neurons with similar response features. For this to work, however, two conditions must be satisfied: First, orientation selective neuronal responses must exist before specific recurrent synaptic connections can be established. Second, Hebbian learning must be compatible with the recurrent network dynamics contributing to orientation selectivity, and the resulting specific connectivity must remain stable for unspecific background activity. Previous studies have mainly focused on very simple models, where the receptive fields of neurons were essentially determined by feedforward mechanisms, and where the recurrent network was small, lacking the complex recurrent dynamics of large-scale networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Here we studied the emergence of functionally specific connectivity in large-scale recurrent networks with synaptic plasticity. Our results show that balanced random networks, which already exhibit highly selective responses at eye opening, can develop feature-specific connectivity if appropriate rules of synaptic plasticity are invoked within and between excitatory and inhibitory populations. If these conditions are met, the initial orientation selectivity guides the process of Hebbian learning and, as a result, functionally specific and a surplus of bidirectional connections emerge. Our results thus demonstrate the cooperation of synaptic plasticity and recurrent dynamics in large-scale functional networks with realistic receptive fields, highlight the role of inhibition as a critical element in this process, and paves the road for further computational studies of sensory processing in neocortical network models equipped with synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Chaos and synchrony in a model of a hypercolumn in visual cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neurons in cortical slices emit spikes or bursts of spikes regularly in response to a suprathreshold current injection. This behavior is in marked contrast to the behavior of cortical neurons in vivo, whose response to electrical or sensory input displays a strong degree of irregularity. Correlation measurements show a significant degree of synchrony in the temporal fluctuations of neuronal activities in cortex. We explore the hypothesis that these phenomena are the result of the synchronized chaos generated by the deterministic dynamics of local cortical networks. A model of a hypercolumn in the visual cortex is studied. It consists of two populations of neurons, one inhibitory and one excitatory. The dynamics of the neurons is based on a Hodgkin-Huxley type model of excitable voltage-clamped cells with several cellular and synaptic conductances. A slow potassium current is included in the dynamics of the excitatory population to reproduce the observed adaptation of the spike trains emitted by these neurons. The pattern of connectivity has a spatial structure which is correlated with the internal organization of hypercolumns in orientation columns. Numerical simulations of the model show that in an appropriate parameter range, the network settles in a synchronous chaotic state, characterized by a strong temporal variability of the neural activity which is correlated across the hypercolumn. Strong inhibitory feedback is essential for the stabilization of this state. These results show that the cooperative dynamics of large neuronal networks are capable of generating variability and synchrony similar to those observed in cortex. Auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions of neuronal spike trains are computed, and their temporal and spatial features are analyzed. In other parameter regimes, the network exhibits two additional states: synchronized oscillations and an asynchronous state. We use our model to study cortical mechanisms for orientation selectivity. It is shown that in a suitable parameter regime, when the input is not oriented, the network has a continuum of states, each representing an inhomogeneous population activity which is peaked at one of the orientation columns. As a result, when a weakly oriented input stimulates the network, it yields a sharp orientation tuning. The properties of the network in this regime, including the appearance of virtual rotations and broad stimulus-dependent cross-correlations, are investigated. The results agree with the predictions of the mean field theory which was previously derived for a simplified model of stochastic, two-state neurons. The relation between the results of the model and experiments in visual cortex are discussed.  相似文献   

A theory is presented of the way in which the hypercolumns in primary visual cortex (V1) are organized to detect important features of visual images, namely local orientation and spatial-frequency. Given the existence in V1 of dual maps for these features, both organized around orientation pinwheels, we constructed a model of a hypercolumn in which orientation and spatial-frequency preferences are represented by the two angular coordinates of a sphere. The two poles of this sphere are taken to correspond, respectively, to high and low spatial-frequency preferences. In Part I of the paper, we use mean-field methods to derive exact solutions for localized activity states on the sphere. We show how cortical amplification through recurrent interactions generates a sharply tuned, contrast-invariant population response to both local orientation and local spatial frequency, even in the case of a weakly biased input from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). A major prediction of our model is that this response is non-separable with respect to the local orientation and spatial frequency of a stimulus. That is, orientation tuning is weaker around the pinwheels, and there is a shift in spatial-frequency tuning towards that of the closest pinwheel at non-optimal orientations. In Part II of the paper, we demonstrate that a simple feed-forward model of spatial-frequency preference, unlike that for orientation preference, does not generate a faithful representation when amplified by recurrent interactions in V1. We then introduce the idea that cortico-geniculate feedback modulates LGN activity to generate a faithful representation, thus providing a new functional interpretation of the role of this feedback pathway. Using linear filter theory, we show that if the feedback from a cortical cell is taken to be approximately equal to the reciprocal of the corresponding feed-forward receptive field (in the two-dimensional Fourier domain), then the mismatch between the feed-forward and cortical frequency representations is eliminated. We therefore predict that cortico-geniculate feedback connections innervate the LGN in a pattern determined by the orientation and spatial-frequency biases of feed-forward receptive fields. Finally, we show how recurrent cortical interactions can generate cross-orientation suppression.  相似文献   

Recent experiments in the developing mammalian visual cortex have revealed that gap junctions couple excitatory cells and potentially influence the formation of chemical synapses. In particular, cells that were coupled by a gap junction during development tend to share an orientation preference and are preferentially coupled by a chemical synapse in the adult cortex, a property that is diminished when gap junctions are blocked. In this work, we construct a simplified model of the developing mouse visual cortex including spike-timing-dependent plasticity of both the feedforward synaptic inputs and recurrent cortical synapses. We use this model to show that synchrony among gap-junction-coupled cells underlies their preference to form strong recurrent synapses and develop similar orientation preference; this effect decreases with an increase in coupling density. Additionally, we demonstrate that gap-junction coupling works, together with the relative timing of synaptic development of the feedforward and recurrent synapses, to determine the resulting cortical map of orientation preference.  相似文献   

Many aspects of visual cortical functional architecture, such as orientation and ocular dominance columns, are present before animals have had any visual experience, indicating that the initial formation of cortical circuitry takes place without the influence of environmental cues. For this reason, it has been proposed that spontaneous activity within the developing visual pathway carries instructive information to guide the early establishment of cortical circuits. Recently developed recording and stimulation techniques are revealing new information about the in vivo organization of this spontaneous activity and its contribution to cortical development. Multielectrode recordings in the developing lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of ferrets demonstrate that retinal spontaneous activity is not simply relayed to the visual cortex, but is reshaped and transformed by a variety of mechanisms including cortical feedback and endogenous oscillatory activity. The resulting patterns are consistent with many of the predictions of correlation-based models of cortical development. In addition, the introduction of artificially correlated activity into the visual pathway disrupts some but not all aspects of orientation tuning development. Thus, while these results support an instructive role of spontaneous activity in shaping cortical development, there still appears to be a number of aspects of this process that cannot be accounted for by activity alone.  相似文献   

Recurrent connections play an important role in cortical function, yet their exact contribution to the network computation remains unknown. The principles guiding the long-term evolution of these connections are poorly understood as well. Therefore, gaining insight into their computational role and into the mechanism shaping their pattern would be of great importance. To that end, we studied the learning dynamics and emergent recurrent connectivity in a sensory network model based on a first-principle information theoretic approach. As a test case, we applied this framework to a model of a hypercolumn in the visual cortex and found that the evolved connections between orientation columns have a "Mexican hat" profile, consistent with empirical data and previous modeling work. Furthermore, we found that optimal information representation is achieved when the network operates near a critical point in its dynamics. Neuronal networks working near such a phase transition are most sensitive to their inputs and are thus optimal in terms of information representation. Nevertheless, a mild change in the pattern of interactions may cause such networks to undergo a transition into a different regime of behavior in which the network activity is dominated by its internal recurrent dynamics and does not reflect the objective input. We discuss several mechanisms by which the pattern of interactions can be driven into this supercritical regime and relate them to various neurological and neuropsychiatric phenomena.  相似文献   

The inhomogeneous distribution of the receptive fields of cortical neurons influences the cortical representation of the orientation of short lines seen in visual images. We construct a model of the response of populations of neurons in the human primary visual cortex by combining realistic response properties of individual neurons and cortical maps of orientation and location preferences. The encoding error, which characterizes the difference between the parameters of a visual stimulus and their cortical representation, is calculated using Fisher information as the square root of the variance of a statistically efficient estimator. The error of encoding orientation varies considerably with the location and orientation of the short line stimulus as modulated by the underlying orientation preference map. The average encoding error depends only weakly on the structure of the orientation preference map and is much smaller than the human error of estimating orientation measured psychophysically. From this comparison we conclude that the actual mechanism of orientation perception does not make efficient use of all the information available in the neuronal responses and that it is the decoding of visual information from neuronal responses that limits psychophysical performance. Action Editor: Terrence Sejnowski  相似文献   

Adaptation-induced plasticity of orientation tuning in adult visual cortex   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Dragoi V  Sharma J  Sur M 《Neuron》2000,28(1):287-298
A key emergent property of the primary visual cortex (V1) is the orientation selectivity of its neurons. The extent to which adult visual cortical neurons can exhibit changes in orientation selectivity is unknown. Here we use single-unit recording and intrinsic signal imaging in V1 of adult cats to demonstrate systematic repulsive shifts in orientation preference following short-term exposure (adaptation) to one stimulus orientation. In contrast to the common view of adaptation as a passive process by which responses around the adapting orientation are reduced, we show that changes in orientation tuning also occur due to response increases at orientations away from the adapting stimulus. Adaptation-induced orientation plasticity is thus an active time-dependent process that involves network interactions and includes both response depression and enhancement.  相似文献   

Perceptual learning has been used to probe the mechanisms of cortical plasticity in the adult brain. Feedback projections are ubiquitous in the cortex, but little is known about their role in cortical plasticity. Here we explore the hypothesis that learning visual orientation discrimination involves learning-dependent plasticity of top-down feedback inputs from higher cortical areas, serving a different function from plasticity due to changes in recurrent connections within a cortical area. In a Hodgkin-Huxley-based spiking neural network model of visual cortex, we show that modulation of feedback inputs to V1 from higher cortical areas results in shunting inhibition in V1 neurons, which changes the response properties of V1 neurons. The orientation selectivity of V1 neurons is enhanced without changing orientation preference, preserving the topographic organizations in V1. These results provide new insights to the mechanisms of plasticity in the adult brain, reconciling apparently inconsistent experiments and providing a new hypothesis for a functional role of the feedback connections.  相似文献   

A neural model is constructed based on the structure of a visual orientation hypercolumn in mammalian striate cortex. It is then assumed that the perceived orientation of visual contours is determined by the pattern of neuronal activity across orientation columns. Using statistical estimation theory, limits on the precision of orientation estimation and discrimination are calculated. These limits are functions of single unit response properties such as orientation tuning width, response amplitude and response variability, as well as the degree of organization in the neural network. It is shown that a network of modest size, consisting of broadly orientation selective units, can reliably discriminate orientation with a precision equivalent to human performance. Of the various network parameters, the discrimination threshold depends most critically on the number of cells in the hypercolumn. The form of the dependence on cell number correctly predicts the results of psychophysical studies of orientation discrimination. The model system's performance is also consistent with psychophysical data in two situations in which human performance is not optimal. First, interference with orientation discrimination occurs when multiple stimuli activate cells in the same hypercolumn. Second, systematic errors in the estimation of orientation can occur when a stimulus is composed of intersecting lines. The results demonstrate that it is possible to relate neural activity to visual performance by an examination of the pattern of activity across orientation columns. This provides support for the hypothesis that perceived orientation is determined by the distributed pattern of neural activity. The results also encourage the view of neural activity. The results also are determined by the responses of many neurons rather than the sensitivity of individual cells.  相似文献   

Visual cortical neurons exhibit a high degree of response selectivity and are grouped into small columns according to their response preferences. The columns are located at regularly spaced intervals covering the whole cortical representation of the visual field with a modular system of feature-selective neurons. The selectivity of these cells and their modular arrangement is thought to emerge from interactions in the network of specific intracortical and thalamocortical connections. Understanding the ontogenesis of this complex structure and contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic, experience-dependent mechanisms during cortical development can provide new insights into the way the visual cortex processes information about the environment. Available data about the development of connections and response properties in the visual cortex suggest that maturation proceeds in two distinct steps. In the first phase, mechanisms inherent to the cortex establish a crude framework of interconnected neural modules which exhibit the basic but still immature traits of the adult state. Relevant mechanisms in this phase are assumed to consist of molecular cues and patterns of spontaneous neural activity in cortical and corticothalamic interconnections. In a second phase, the primordial layout becomes refined under the control of visual experience establishing a fine-tuned network of connections and mature response properties.  相似文献   

Brain computation, in the early visual system, is often considered as a hierarchical process in which features extracted in a given sensory relay are not present in previous stages of integration. In particular, orientation preference and its fine tuning selectivity are functional properties shared by most cortical cells and they are not observed at the preceding geniculate stage. A classical problem is identifying the mechanisms and circuitry underlying these computations. Several organizational principles have been proposed, giving different weights to the feedforward thalamocortical drive or to intracortical recurrent architectures. Within this context, an important issue is whether intracortical inhibition is fundamental for the genesis of stimulus selectivity, or rather normalizes spike response tuning with respect to other features such as stimulus strength or contrast, without influencing the selectivity bias and preference expressed in the excitatory input alone. We review here experimental observations concerning the presence or absence of inhibitory input evoked by non-preferred orientation/directions. Intracellular current clamp and voltage clamp recordings are analyzed in the light of new methods allowing us (1) to increase the visibility of inhibitory input, and (2) to continuously measure the visually evoked dynamics of input conductances. We conclude that there exists a diversity of synaptic input combinations generating the same profile of spike-based orientation selectivity, and that this diversity most likely reflects anatomical non-homogeneities in input sampling provided by the local context of the columnar and lateral intracortical network in which the considered cortical cell is embedded.  相似文献   

In the primary visual cortex of primates and carnivores, functional architecture can be characterized by maps of various stimulus features such as orientation preference (OP), ocular dominance (OD), and spatial frequency. It is a long-standing question in theoretical neuroscience whether the observed maps should be interpreted as optima of a specific energy functional that summarizes the design principles of cortical functional architecture. A rigorous evaluation of this optimization hypothesis is particularly demanded by recent evidence that the functional architecture of orientation columns precisely follows species invariant quantitative laws. Because it would be desirable to infer the form of such an optimization principle from the biological data, the optimization approach to explain cortical functional architecture raises the following questions: i) What are the genuine ground states of candidate energy functionals and how can they be calculated with precision and rigor? ii) How do differences in candidate optimization principles impact on the predicted map structure and conversely what can be learned about a hypothetical underlying optimization principle from observations on map structure? iii) Is there a way to analyze the coordinated organization of cortical maps predicted by optimization principles in general? To answer these questions we developed a general dynamical systems approach to the combined optimization of visual cortical maps of OP and another scalar feature such as OD or spatial frequency preference. From basic symmetry assumptions we obtain a comprehensive phenomenological classification of possible inter-map coupling energies and examine representative examples. We show that each individual coupling energy leads to a different class of OP solutions with different correlations among the maps such that inferences about the optimization principle from map layout appear viable. We systematically assess whether quantitative laws resembling experimental observations can result from the coordinated optimization of orientation columns with other feature maps.  相似文献   

Coverage and the design of striate cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hubel and Wiesel (1977) suggested that ocular dominance and orientation columns in the macaque monkey striate cortex might be bands of uniform width that intersected orthogonally. They pointed out that if this were the case, there would be an equal allocation of cells of different orientation preference to each eye and to each point in visual space. However, orientation and ocular dominance columns have a more complex structural organization than is implied by this model: for example, iso-orientation domains do not intersect ocular dominance stripes at right angles and the two columnar systems have different periodicities. This raises the question as to how well the striate cortex manages to allocate equal numbers of neurons of different orientation preference to each eye and to each region of visual space, a factor referred to here as coverage. This paper defines a measure of uniformity of coverage, c, and investigates its dependence on several different parameters of columnar organisation. Calculations were done first using a simplified one-dimensional model of orientation and ocular dominance columns and were then repeated using more realistic two-dimensional models, generated with the algorithms described in the preceding paper (Swindale 1991). Factors investigated include the relative periodicities of the two columnar systems, the size of the cortical point image, the width of orientation tuning curves, whether columns are spatially anisotropic or not, and the role of the structural relationships between columns described by Blasdel and Salama (1986). The results demonstrate that coverage is most uniform when orientation hypercolumns are about half the size of ocular dominance hypercolumns. Coverage is most uneven when the hypercolumns are the same size, unless they are related in the way described by Blasdel and Salama, in which case coverage gets only slightly worse as the size ratio (ori/od) increases above 0.5. The minimum diameter of cortical point image that ensures reasonably uniform coverage is about twice the size of an ocular dominance hypercolumn i.e. about 1.5–2.0 mm.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of the shift-twist symmetry on pattern formation processes in the visual cortex. First, we describe a generic set of Riemannian metrics of the feature space of orientation preference that obeys properties of the shift-twist, translation, and reflection symmetries. Second, these metrics are embedded in a modified Swift-Hohenberg model. As a result we get a pattern formation process that resembles the pattern formation process in the visual cortex. We focus on the final stable patterns that are regular and periodic. In a third step we analyze the influences on pattern formation using weakly nonlinear theory and mode analysis. We compare the results of the present approach with earlier models.  相似文献   

Random network models have been a popular tool for investigating cortical network dynamics. On the scale of roughly a cubic millimeter of cortex, containing about 100,000 neurons, cortical anatomy suggests a more realistic architecture. In this locally connected random network, the connection probability decreases in a Gaussian fashion with the distance between neurons. Here we present three main results from a simulation study of the activity dynamics in such networks. First, for a broad range of parameters these dynamics exhibit a stationary state of asynchronous network activity with irregular single-neuron spiking. This state can be used as a realistic model of ongoing network activity. Parametric dependence of this state and the nature of the network dynamics in other regimes are described. Second, a synchronous excitatory stimulus to a fraction of the neurons results in a strong activity response that easily dominates the network dynamics. And third, due to that activity response an embedding of a divergent-convergent feed-forward subnetwork (as in synfire chains) does not naturally lead to a stable propagation of synchronous activity in the subnetwork; this is in contrast to our earlier findings in isolated subnetworks of that type. Possible mechanisms for stabilizing the interplay of volleys of synchronous spikes and network dynamics by specific learning rules or generalizations of the subnetworks are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex is organized into clusters of cells having similar receptive fields (RFs). A purely feedforward model has been shown to produce realistic simple cell receptive fields. The modeled cells capture a wide range of receptive field properties of orientation selective cortical cells. We have analyzed the responses of 78 nearby cell pairs to study which RF properties are clustered. Orientation preference shows strongest clustering. Orientation tuning width (hwhh) and tuning height (spikes/sec) at the preferred orientation are not as tightly clustered. Spatial frequency is also not as tightly clustered and RF phase has the least clustering. Clustering property of orientation preference, orientation tuning height and width depend on the location of cells in the orientation map. No such location dependence is observed for spatial frequency and RF phase. Our results agree well with experimental data.  相似文献   

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