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Abstract The pathogenicity of enterobacteria often correlates with their production of neuraminidase (sialidase). Forty-nine Helicobacter pylori isolates have therefore been examined for their production of neuraminidase and other glycosidases. All 49 isolates produced considerable neuraminidase (median 228 IU/μgmg protein, interquartile range 121–370), pH optimum 7.5. Nine of the 49 also produced fucosidase (median 23 IU/μgmg protein, interquartile range 12–39), pH optimum 7.0. Production of these enzymes did not correlate with bacterial Cag A expression or duodenal ulceration. Neutrophils exposed to neuraminidase show increased adherence to endothelium so the neuraminidase production by H. pylori could partly explain the predominant neutrophil inflammatory infiltrate seen in H. pylori -associated gastritis. Inhibition of this enzyme by use of neuraminidase-inhibitors could be a useful therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Common themes in microbial pathogenicity.   总被引:135,自引:6,他引:129       下载免费PDF全文
A bacterial pathogen is a highly adapted microorganism which has the capacity to cause disease. The mechanisms used by pathogenic bacteria to cause infection and disease usually include an interactive group of virulence determinants, sometimes coregulated, which are suited for the interaction of a particular microorganism with a specific host. Because pathogens must overcome similar host barriers, common themes in microbial pathogenesis have evolved. However, these mechanisms are diverse between species and not necessarily conserved; instead, convergent evolution has developed several different mechanisms to overcome host barriers. The success of a bacterial pathogen can be measured by the degree with which it replicates after entering the host and reaching its specific niche. Successful microbial infection reflects persistence within a host and avoidance or neutralization of the specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms of the host. The degree of success of a pathogen is dependent upon the status of the host. As pathogens pass through a host, they are exposed to new environments. Highly adapted pathogenic organisms have developed biochemical sensors exquisitely designed to measure and respond to such environmental stimuli and accordingly to regulate a cascade of virulence determinants essential for life within the host. The pathogenic state is the product of dynamic selective pressures on microbial populations.  相似文献   

The distribution of kallikrein in dog kidneys was studied. It was found that kallikrein decreased from the outer to the inner cortex and that the medulla and papilla had very little kallikrein. The site of kallikrein secretion in the nephron was also studied by performing stop-flow techniques in dogs. The highest kallikrein concentration was found in the fractions with the lowest sodium concentration. It was concluded that kallikrein is secreted into the urine at the level of the distal tubule by either the tubule itself or by a structure related to this part of the nephron. In addition, the possible involvement of the kallikrein-kinin system in the regulation of sodium excretion was investigated. Circulating kinins and urinary kallikrein were increased in saline-loaded dogs. Urinary kallikrein also increased in dogs that have "escaped" the sodium-retaining effect of desoxycorticosterone. Experiments in rats with different sodium intake showed a relationship between water and sodium excretion and urinary kallikrein. These data suggest that the kallikrein-kinin system could participate in the regulation of the renal function at the level of the distal tubule or collecting duct.  相似文献   

Common themes in microbial pathogenicity revisited.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Bacterial pathogens employ a number of genetic strategies to cause infection and, occasionally, disease in their hosts. Many of these virulence factors and their regulatory elements can be divided into a smaller number of groups based on the conservation of similar mechanisms. These common themes are found throughout bacterial virulence factors. For example, there are only a few general types of toxins, despite a large number of host targets. Similarly, there are only a few conserved ways to build the bacterial pilus and nonpilus adhesins used by pathogens to adhere to host substrates. Bacterial entry into host cells (invasion) is a complex mechanism. However, several common invasion themes exist in diverse microorganisms. Similarly, once inside a host cell, pathogens have a limited number of ways to ensure their survival, whether remaining within a host vacuole or by escaping into the cytoplasm. Avoidance of the host immune defenses is key to the success of a pathogen. Several common themes again are employed, including antigenic variation, camouflage by binding host molecules, and enzymatic degradation of host immune components. Most virulence factors are found on the bacterial surface or secreted into their immediate environment, yet virulence factors operate through a relatively small number of microbial secretion systems. The expression of bacterial pathogenicity is dependent upon complex regulatory circuits. However, pathogens use only a small number of biochemical families to express distinct functional factors at the appropriate time that causes infection. Finally, virulence factors maintained on mobile genetic elements and pathogenicity islands ensure that new strains of pathogens evolve constantly. Comprehension of these common themes in microbial pathogenicity is critical to the understanding and study of bacterial virulence mechanisms and to the development of new "anti-virulence" agents, which are so desperately needed to replace antibiotics.  相似文献   

The effect of eight herbicides on the growth of six soil bacteria and three microscopic fungi, and on the amylase, cellulase and dehydrogenase activity in a Hungarian soil was determined. Herbicide decomposition rate in the soil was also assessed. Qualitative structure-activity relationship (principal component analysis, spectral mapping technique and stepwise regression) analysis showed that the overwhelming majority (about 80%) of the effect of herbicides can be explained by one background variable showing the similarity between their mode of action. The two-dimensional non-linear map of principal component loadings and spectral map characteristics suggested that the number of substituents may be important in the determination of the toxic effects. The inhibition of bacterial growth, inhibition of fungal growth, and effects on enzyme activity and decomposition rate all formed different clusters on the maps indicating that herbicides influence these processes differently. Of the nine physicochemical parameters considered, only the electron withdrawing capacity of substituents significantly influenced the biological activity of herbicides, suggesting that electrostatic interactions between the herbicide molecules and micro-organisms is important.  相似文献   

Moderate physical activity when performed on a regular basis presents a number of benefits to the whole organism, especially regarding immune system function, such as augmenting resistance to infections and to cancer growth. Although glutamine production by active muscle cells as well as neuroendocrine alterations mediated by the chronic adaptation to exercise may play a role, the entire mechanism by which exercise makes the immune system aware of challenges remains mostly uncovered. This is particularly true for the effects of an acute exercise session on immune function. In this work, circulating monocytes/macrophages from sedentary rats submitted to an acute (1 h) swimming session were tested for the ability of phagocytosing zymosan particles, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced hydrogen peroxide production, nitric oxide (NO) release (assessed by nitrate and nitrite production) and the expression of NO synthases (NOS-1, NOS-2 and NOS-3). The results showed that an exercise bout induced a 2.4-fold rise in macrophage phagocytic capacity (p = 0.0041), a 9.6-fold elevation in PMA-induced hydrogen peroxide release into the incubation media (1-h, p = 0.0022) and a 95.5%-augmentation in nitrite basal production (1-h incubation; p = 0.0220), which was associated with a marked expression of NOS-2 (the inducible NOS isoform; p = 0.0319), but not in other NOS gene products. Although NOS-2 expression is nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB)-dependent, no systemic oxidative stress was found, as inferred from the data of plasma TBARS and glutathione disulphide (GSSG) to glutathione (GSH) ratio in circulating blood erythrocytes which remained constant after the acute exercise. Also, no stressful situation seemed to be faced by monocytes/macrophages, since the expression of the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) remained unchanged. We conclude that NF-kappaB-dependent induction of NOS-2 and macrophage activation must be related to local factor(s) produced in the surroundings of monocytes/macrophages.  相似文献   

Non-infectious inhaled microbial particles can cause illness by triggering an inappropriate immunological response. From the pathogenic point of view these illnesses can be seen to be related to on one hand autoimmune diseases and on the other infectious diseases.In this review three such illnesses are discussed in some detail. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is the best known of these illnesses and it has also been widely studied in animal models and clinically. In contrast to HP Pulmonary mycotoxicosis (PM) is not considered to involve immunological memory, it is an acute self-limiting condition is caused by an immediate "toxic" effect. Damp building related illness (DBRI) is a controversial and from a diagnostic point poorly defined entity that is however causing, or attributed to cause, much more morbidity than the two other diseases.In the recent decade there has been a shift in the focus of immunology from the lymphocyte centered, adaptive immunity towards innate immunity. The archetypal cell in innate immunity is the macrophage although many other cell types participate. Innate immunity relies on a limited number of germline coded receptors for the recognition of pathogens and signs of cellular damage. The focus on innate immunity has opened new paths for the understanding of many chronic inflammatory diseases. The purpose of this review is to discuss the impact of some recent studies, that include aspects concerning innate immunity, on our understanding of the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases associated with exposure to inhaled microbial matter.  相似文献   

Globally, introductions of alien species are increasingly common, with invasive predators potentially having detrimental effects via predation on native species. However, native prey may avoid predation by adopting new behaviors. To determine whether invasive fish populations consume endemic shrimp in invaded Hawaiian anchialine habitats or if adopted patterns of diel migration prevents predation as previously hypothesized, a total of 183 invasive poeciliids (158 Gambusia affinis and 25 Poecilia reticulata) were collected for gut content analyses from four anchialine sites during wet and dry seasons on the islands of Hawai‘i and Maui. Predation on shrimp was not detected in habitats where they retreat exclusively into the underlying aquifer diurnally and only emerge nocturnally. However, low levels of predation were detected (7/65 fishes, only by Gambusia affinis) at Waianapanapa Cave, Maui, where shrimp retreat into both the aquifer and a cave during the day. Thus, adopted behavioral responses to invasive fishes generally, though not universally, prevent predation on endemic Hawaiian anchialine shrimps. However, non-consumptive effects resulting from behavioral modification of shrimps may have appreciable impacts on the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem and warrant further study.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure of rat pancreatic islets and INS-1 insulinoma cells to glucosamine (GlcN) produced a reduction of glucose-induced (22.2 mM) insulin release that was associated with a reduction of ATP levels and ATP/ADP ratio compared with control groups. To further evaluate mitochondrial function and ATP metabolism, we then studied uncoupling protein-2 (UCP2), F1-F0-ATP-synthase, and mitochondrial membrane potential, a marker of F1-F0-ATP-synthase activity. UCP2 protein levels were unchanged after chronic exposure to GlcN on both pancreatic islets and INS-1 beta-cells. Due to the high number of cells required to measure mitochondrial F1-F0-ATP-synthase protein levels and mitochondrial membrane potential, we used INS-1 cells, and we found that chronic culture with GlcN increased F1-F0-ATP-synthase protein levels but decreased glucose-stimulated changes of mitochondrial membrane potential. Moreover, F1-F0-ATP-synthase was highly glycosylated, as demonstrated by experiments with N-glycosidase F and glycoprotein staining. Tunicamycin (an inhibitor of protein N-glycosylation), when added with GlcN in the culture medium, was able to partially prevent all these negative effects on insulin secretion, adenine nucleotide content, mitochondrial membrane potential, and protein glycosylation. Thus we suggest that GlcN-induced pancreatic beta-cell toxicity might be mediated by reduced cell energy production. An excessive protein N-glycosylation of mitochondrial F1-F0-ATP-synthase might lead to cell damage and secretory alterations in pancreatic beta-cells.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a plant-pathogenic fungus that produces the disease known as grey mould in a wide variety of agriculturally important hosts in many countries. Ten strains from different locations collected on different years have been isolated and characterized by several methods (morphological, biochemical, genetical and molecular). Results showed that clear morphological differences exist between strains, and showing a relationship between the presence of sclerotia and pathogenicity. The conidial size and the nuclear number were highly variable between different strains. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed a unique karyotype for each strain, highly polymorphic between strains and with a number of bands ranging from 4 to 8. An efficient transformation system has been achieved through the plasmid pAMPF21, containing the region AMA1 of Aspergillus nidulans. Lastly, from a genomic library the gdhA gene has been cloned. This gene produces an RNAm of 1.7 Kb and complements the deficiency on glutamate dehydrogenase activity of A. nidulans.  相似文献   

The role of the enzyme neuraminidase in pathogenicity of the bacillus Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae was studied. Different substances with low and high molecular weight were tested as inducers of E. rhusiopathiae neuraminidase biosynthesis. It was found that macromolecular complexes induce the secretion of the enzyme. K(M) values for different substrates showed that the affinity of the E. rhusiopathiae neuraminidase increases in parallel with the enlargement of the molecular weight of glycoproteins. Results from the rabbits skin test confirmed the role of E. rhusiopathiae neuraminidase as a factor of pathogenicity with spreading functions.  相似文献   

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides such as beta-endorphin, ACTH, and MSHs were identified in the testis where they were exclusively localized in Leydig cells. Examination of testicular extracts by a variety of physicochemical and immunological techniques indicates that the processing of the POMC in the testis is very similar to that in the brain. By using a cDNA probe, the POMC-like mRNA present in total testis and cultured Leydig cells was 150-200 bases shorter than that in the hypothalamus and pituitary. In addition, POMC mRNA was localized to Leydig cells using in situ hybridization. The expression of the POMC-like gene and the accumulation of POMC-derived peptides in Leydig cell were shown to be under the control of gonadotropin. As the testis contains low concentrations of POMC-derived peptides, we suggested that they may be implicated in local regulatory events within this organ. This postulate was supported by results from in vivo and in vitro experiments suggesting that different portions of the POMC-molecule may have opposite effects on Sertoli cell functions. For example, MSHs increased cAMP accumulation and aromatase activity in these cells, while opioids inhibited Sertoli cell proliferation and androgen binding protein (ABP) secretion. Furthermore, following intratesticular administration of opiate antagonists, testosterone production was reduced, suggesting that Leydig cell function may be also modulated by beta-endorphin and/or other related peptides. Taken together, these studies support the hypothesis of a possible role of POMC-derived peptides in testicular function.  相似文献   

A review of the literature about the bacterial systems of regulation of expression of the genes controlled by signals generated by the bacteria themselves is given. Three types of presently known Quorum sensing systems contributing to the expression of the pathogenicity factors, infection process, and formation of biofilms by pathogenic bacteria are described. Possible mechanisms of enhanced resistance of bacteria in films to antibacterial preparations and factors of immune protection of human body are discussed. The perspectives of the development of new approaches to treatment of chronic diseases caused by the pathogens producing bacterial films are considered.  相似文献   

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