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A Ahmed 《Gene》1989,75(2):315-321
An improved vector (pAA113M) has been constructed for sequencing long (40-kb) DNA fragments. The DNA fragment is cloned in the tet gene of the cosmid and subdivided into numerous overlapping segments by IS1-promoted deletions. Plasmids bearing these deletions are fractionated by gel electrophoresis, and shortened further from the opposite end by treatment with specific restriction endonucleases. Thus, a series of short overlapping segments, spread across the entire length of the fragment, become fused to IS1. Each segment can then be sequenced by the dideoxy method using an IS1 primer. The plasmids can replicate either from their normal origin or, in the presence of a filamentous helper phage, from the M13 origin. Hence, each segment can be sequenced as either double-stranded DNA or single-stranded DNA. Sequences of IS1-promoted and restriction enzyme-generated deletions contain overlaps that can be used to assemble the complete 40-kb sequence.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid assay for quantitative determinations of DNA in crude homogenates is described. The method is based on the enhancement of fluorescence seen when bisbenzimidazole (Hoechst 33258) binds to DNA. Crude homogenates in which chromatin has been dissociated with high salt buffer can be assayed directly and reliably in a few minutes. The dissociation of chromatin is critical to accurate determinations of DNA in biological materials using this method. The assay can detect as little as 10 ng of DNA with rather unsophisticated instrumentation.  相似文献   

A Ahmed 《Gene》1985,39(2-3):305-310
A simple procedure has been developed for sequencing long fragments of DNA. The fragment (which can be several kb in length) is cloned in pAA3.7X, and subdivided into many overlapping segments by Tn9-promoted deletions. The deletions are isolated by positive selection for galactose resistance. A rapid plasmid preparation from several hundred galactose-resistant colonies is fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis to pick a series of deletions terminating at approx. 200-bp intervals across the entire length of the fragment. Selected plasmids are purified by rapid alkaline extraction, and used directly for supercoil sequencing with a primer derived from IS1. Sequences of adjacent deletions contain overlaps which are used to connect individual sequences to give the complete sequence.  相似文献   

We describe an in vitro protocol for quickly generating overlapping terminal-labeled restriction fragments for DNA sequence analysis via the Maxam-Gilbert technique. The protocol involves introducing mercurated nucleotides into one end of a region to be sequenced, partial digestion with several restriction enzymes and terminal-labeling, separation of the mercurated restriction enzymes and terminal-labeling, separation of the mercurated restriction fragments from non-mercurated ones on a thiol column and resolution of the different mercurated fragments on one preparative agarose gel. The protocol was used to determine the nucleotide sequence of a 980 base pair cDNA that contains the coding region for a variable surface glycoprotein of Trypanosoma brucei. It could just as quickly and easily be used to obtain many terminal-labeled overlapping restriction fragments covering a region of several kilobases.  相似文献   

Several electrophoretic and chromatographic systems have been investigated and compared for sequence analysis of oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Three systems were found to be useful for the separation of a series of sequential degradation products resulting from a labeled oligonucleotide: (I) 2-D electrophoresis†; (II) 2-D PEI-cellulose; and (III) 2-D homochromatography. System (III) proved generally most informative regardless of base composition and sequence. Furthermore, only in this system will the omission of an oligonucleotide in a series of oligonucleotides be self-evident from the two-dimensional map. The sequence of up to fifteen nucleotides can be determined solely by the characteristic mobility shifts of its sequential degradation products distributed on the two-dimensional map. With this method, ten nucleotides from the double-stranded region adjacent to the left-hand 3′-terminus and seven from the right-hand 3′-terminus of bacteriophage λ DNA have been sequenced. Similarly, nine nucleotides from the double-stranded region adjacent to the left-hand 3′-terminus and five nucleotides from the right-hand terminus of bacteriophage 80 DNA have also been sequenced. The advantages and disadvantages of each separation system with respect to sequence analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work we describe a simple two step separation procedure for the separation and purification of short DNA fragments. The first step involves precipitating the DNA using the cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide. Dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, unlike cetyltrimethylammonium bromide will not precipitate DNA before complexation is complete thus providing a high purity DNA. The second step involves dissolution of the DNA-dodecyltrimethylammonium complex in 75% ethanol, followed by precipitation of the Sodium-DNA salt, by titrating in a salt solution. This method is particularly suited to purification of short fragments as it does not require high salt concentrations in the ethanol precipitation step, which can be damaging for short DNA. The ability of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide to remove ethidium bromide from intercalation sites on the DNA is also discussed  相似文献   

B R Cullen 《Gene》1986,43(3):305-310

This report describes a new method for labeling PCR-generated short length (60-120 bp) double-stranded DNA fragments for use as hybridization probes. The method utilizes gene-specific primers identical to those for PCR generation of non-radioactive DNA fragments. Radioactive probes are synthesized by Taq DNA polymerase without using PCR. Single-stranded (sense or antisense) and double-stranded probes can be individually prepared by selection of the appropriate primers. The labeling reaction reached maximum incorporation within 30 min with mean specific activities of 1.05 x 10(9) dpm/microgram (antisense single-stranded), and 1.62 x 10(9) dpm/microgram (double-stranded) were obtained using templates 69-117 of nucleotides. This method offers a simple and rapid means of generating antisense probes for Northern blot analyses and double-stranded probes for Southern blot analyses that provide highly intense signals with low background.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid solid-phase RNA sequencing method has been developed based on Peattie's direct chemical method. 3'-Terminally labeled RNA was immobilized on DEAE-cellulose sheets and followed by specific modification with dimethyl sulfate, diethylpyrocarbonate, hydroxylamine (at pH 10 for the uridine and pH 5.5 for the cytidine reaction), and cleavage reaction with aniline. RNA fragments were washed from the DEAE-cellulose sheets using salt solutions, precipitated with ethanol, and separated by 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Due to the complete removal of the impurities normally present in the solution method, the higher resolution of the sequencing bands and lower background on the autoradiograph make this solid-phase technique more efficient. This solid-phase technique is much faster and more convenient than the original method.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for sequencing large genomes is to obtain 30- to 150-kb genomic DNA fragments in adequate quantity. Previously, we developed a system which enables one to excise and amplify in vivo such segments directly from the Escherichia coli genome. This system, which employed the yeast Flp/FRTelements for excision and the plasmid R6K-based replication machinery for DNA amplification, permits one to bypass conventional cloning [Pósfai et al. (1994) Nucleic Acids Res. 22, 2392–2398]. To extend the applicability of such a system to many species, we describe here a broad-host-range (bhr) system in which the amplification of the excised DNA fragment depends on the oriV element and the Rep (TrfA) protein from the promiscuous RK2/RP4 plasmid.We have constructed insertion plasmids which carry the FRT and oriV sites. To introduce such plasmids into the appropriate position in the host genome, a short genomic sequence homologous to this position was cloned into the multiple cloning site (MCS) of the FRT/oriVinsertion plasmid and then recombined into this position in the genome by RecA-mediated recombination. In such a manner, many strains with single FRT/oriV insertions at various positions could be generated. Subsequent genetic crosses or phage transduction allow two neighboring FRT/oriVsites (less than 150 kb apart) to be brought into a single genome. In the present report, the lacZ and phoB sites, which are 51 kb apart in the E. coli genome, were used for the introduction of the FRT/oriV sites.To deliver the Flp (excision) and Rep (amplification) functions in trans, the yeast FLP and RK2 plasmid trfA genes were placed under the control of the Ptet promoter/operator which is tightly regulated by the TetR repressor. The addition of heated chlortetracycline (cTc) inactivates TetR, turning on the synthesis of Flp and TrfA, which respectively, execute (i) excision of the 51-kb genomic segment between the two FRTsites (in lacZ and in phoB), and (ii) its amplification.  相似文献   



While conventional cloning methods using restriction enzymes and polynucleotide ligase are adequate for most DNAs, fragments made by the polymerase chain reaction are difficult to clone because the amplifying DNA polymerase tends to add untemplated nucleotides to the 3'-termini of the amplified strands. Conservative site-specific recombinases offer an efficient alternative to conventional cloning methods.  相似文献   

A simple method for direct automated sequencing of PCR fragments.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple and rapid method for direct sequencing of PCR-generated fragments has been developed for use on Applied Biosystems 373A Automated DNA Sequencer utilizing the DyeDeoxy terminator chemistry. Standard PCR conditions are used to generate a DNA fragment, which is subsequently gel-purified to remove excess primers and unwanted PCR products. The sequencing reactions are carried out in a thermal cycler using the purified product as template DNA and the Dye-Deoxy terminators. The sequence of 500-bp region in the bacteriophage lambda genome and a 320-bp fragment of the human genomic erythropoietin gene were sequenced with greater than 99% accuracy using this method.  相似文献   

A method is described which allows the rapid isolation and purification of intact rod outer segments (ROS) from cattle eyes. It requires very fresh retinal material and can be completed within less than 2 h of the death of the animals. Cattle eyes are dissected in the usual manner, the retinae are isolated and the ROS are separated from the rest of the retina by gentle vortexing and filtration through a nylon mesh. The resulting crude ROS suspension is purified on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. Two fractions are obtained, the major one consisting of mostly intact ROS, the minor one of RIS-ROS, i.e. of ROS which are still connected to part of their inner segment. The ROS are washed once and can be stored on ice for several days without loosing their intact plasma membrane. They can be transformed to leaky ROS by a quick freeze/thawing cycle or, if one wants unobstructed access to the interdiskal space, they can be subjected to a mild lysis treatment. The resulting ROS material is characterised using light microscopy, electron microscopy, light scattering, gel electrophoresis and absorption spectroscopy. It contains unusually low levels of 48k-protein and very high levels of G-protein. The latter cannot be washed out in the presence of GTP-gamma-S, even in the case of leaky ROS.  相似文献   

A method for cloning and sequencing long palindromic DNA junctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A new procedure for T specific cleavage of DNA fragments utilizing photoreaction with spermine has been described. Irradiation of 3'-[32P]-end-labeled DNA fragments for 10-20 min with a germicidal lamp emitting mainly 254-nm light in the presence of 1 M spermine in distilled water resulted in a T specific cleavage of the DNA chains. This method does not require piperidine treatment. By contrast, when the DNA fragments were irradiated in the presence of methylamine under similar conditions, both G and T bands with the intensity of G greater than T have appeared. A similar but less selective T cleavage has also been observed in the irradiation of 5'-[32P]-end-labeled DNA fragments in the presence of spermine followed by brief heating of the photolysate in a loading buffer for gel electrophoresis. The T specific photoreaction with spermine and the G greater than T reaction with methylamine described here may be conveniently used in combination with the standard Maxam-Gilbert's reactions to provide independent confirmatory readings.  相似文献   

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