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We developed an ELISA-based method for rapid optimization of various tissue processing parameters in immunogold labeling for electron microscopy. The effects of aldehyde fixation, tannic acid, postfixation, dehydration, temperature, and antigen retrieval on antibody binding activity of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (VHb) expressed in E. coli cells were assayed by ELISA and the results confirmed by quantitative immunogold labeling transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our results demonstrated that low concentrations (0.2%) of glutaraldehyde fixation caused minimal loss in total binding compared to higher concentrations. Dehydration in up to 70% ethanol resulted in some distortion of cellular ultrastructure but better antibody binding activity compared to dehydration up to 100%. Postfixation or incorporation of tannic acid in the primary fixative caused almost total loss of activity, whereas antigen retrieval of osmium-postfixed material resulted in approximately 90-100% recovery. The sensitivity of detection of proteins by immunogold labeling electron microscopy depends on the retention of antibody binding activity during tissue processing steps, e.g., fixation and dehydration. Our study indicated that an ELISA-based screening method of various tissue processing procedures could help in rapid selection and optimization of a suitable protocol for immunogold localization and quantification of antigen by TEM.  相似文献   

In order to observe the antigenic localization in the tissues of the adult Clonorchis sinensis, immunogold labeling method was applied using serum immunoglobulins (IgG) of either worm-infected rabbits (group I) or antigen-immunized rabbits (group II) (by the body fluid obtained from the adult worms). The electron micrographs of the sectioned worm tissue antigens, embedded in Lowicryl HM 20 medium and stained with protein A-gold complex (particle size: 12 nm), were compared between the group I and group II. The gold particles were observed in the interstitial matrix of the worm parenchyma, the epithelial lamellae of the cecum, and the cecal lumen both in group I and II. But the particles were in general more concentrated in group II. The gold particles were not observed on the basal lamina of the tegument or on vitelline glands in group I, while they were highly concentrated on those areas in group II. There were also differences in the antigenicity of interstitial matrix(reacted with group I IgG) and head part(reacted with group II IgG) of the sperm cells in the seminal receptacle. Conclusively, it is suggested that the substances comprising the basal lamina of the tegument or vitelline glands act as specific antigens reacting with antigen(body fluid) immunized rabbit IgG. On the other hand, the substances in the cecal lumen and cecal epithelial lamellae are thought to be the specific antigen that react with the worm-infected rabbit IgG.  相似文献   

O-GlcNAcylation is a dynamic, reversible, post-translational modification that regulates many cellular processes. O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) is the sole enzyme transferring N-acetylglucosamine from uridine diphosphate (UDP)-GlcNAc to selected serine/threonine residues of cytoplasm and nucleus proteins. Aberrant of OGT activity is associated with several diseases, suggesting OGT as a novel therapeutic target. In this study, we created a new enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)-based method for detection of OGT activity. First, casein kinase II (CKII), a well-known OGT substrate, was coated onto ELISA plate. Second, the GlcNAc transferred by OGT from UDP-GlcNAc to CKII was detected using an antibody to O-GlcNAc and then the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled secondary antibody. At last, 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), the substrate of HRP, was used to detect the O-GlcNAcylation level of CKII which reflected the activity of OGT. Based on a series of optimization experiments, the RL2 antibody was selected for O-GlcNAc detection and the concentrations of CKII, OGT, and UDP-GlcNAc were determined in this study. ST045849, a commercial OGT inhibitor, was used to verify the functionality of the system. Altogether, this study showed a method that could be applied to detect OGT activity and screen OGT inhibitors.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ mobilization effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, the second messenger generated via receptor-stimulated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, is mediated by binding to intracellular receptors, which are expressed in high concentration in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Partially conflicting previous reports localized the receptor to various subcellular structures: elements of ER, both rough and smooth-surfaced, the nuclear envelope, and even the plasma membrane. We have now reinvestigated the problem quantitatively by using cryosections of rat cerebellar tissue immunolabeled with polyclonal monospecific antibodies against the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. By immunofluorescence the receptor was detected only in Purkinje cells, whereas the other cells of the cerebellar cortex remained negative. In immunogold-decorated ultrathin cryosections of the Purkinje cell body, the receptor was concentrated in cisternal stacks (piles of up to 12 parallel cisternae separated by regularly spaced bridges, located both in the deep cytoplasm and beneath the plasma membrane; average density, greater than 5 particles/micron of membrane profile); in cisternal singlets and doublets adjacent to the plasma membrane (average density, approximately 2.5 particles/micron); and in other apparently smooth-surfaced vesicular and tubular profiles. Additional smooth-surfaced elements were unlabeled. Perinuclear and rough-surfaced ER cisternae were labeled much less by themselves (approximately 0.5 particles/micron, two- to threefold the background), but were often in direct membrane continuity with heavily labeled, smooth-surfaced tubules and cisternal stacks. Finally, mitochondria, Golgi cisternae, multivesicular bodies, and the plasma membrane were unlabeled. In dendrites, approximately half of the nonmitochondrial, membrane-bound structures (cisternae, tubules, and vesicles), as well as small cisternal stacks, were labeled. Dendritic spines always contained immunolabeled cisternae and vesicles. The dendritic plasma membrane, of both shaft and spines, was consistently unlabeled. These results identify a large, smooth-surfaced ER subcompartment that appears equipped to play a key role in the control of Ca2+ homeostasis: in particular, in the generation of [Ca2+]i transients triggered by activation of specific receptors, such as the quisqualate-preferring trans(+/-)-1-amino-1,3-cyclopentamedicarboxylic acid glutamatergic receptors, which are largely expressed by Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

An indirect competitive immunoenzyme method for the quantitative estimation of microcystins (MCs) in water (MC-ELISA) using prepared MC-specific polyclonal antibodies was developed. The threshold concentration of the most widespread and highly toxic MC-LR, which was reliably detected using MC-ELISA, was 0.05 ± 0.01 ng/mL; the 50% inhibition concentration was 0.41 ± 0.05 ng/mL; and the concentration range for the quantitative estimation of MC-LR was 0.1–5.0 ng/mL. The MC-ELISA made it possible to detect MC-LR in water at concentrations 10–20 times lower than the World Health Organization guideline level for drinking water and 100–200 times lower than the allowable MC concentrations in water bodies. A group of cross-reacting MCs and nodularin was detected using MC-ELISA. This method can be applied for monitoring MC concentrations in water bodies and drinking water.  相似文献   

Due to ease of manipulation, metabolic isotope coding of samples for proteomic analysis is typically performed in cell culture, thus preventing an accurate in vivo quantitative analysis, which is only achievable in intact organisms. To address this issue in plant biology, we developed SILIP (stable isotope labeling in planta) using tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rutgers) as a method that allows soil-grown plants to be efficiently labeled using a 14N/15N isotope coding strategy. After 2 months of growth on 14N- and 15N-enriched nitrogen sources, proteins were extracted from four distinct tomato tissues (roots, stems, leaves and flowers), digested, and analyzed by LC/MS/MS (data-dependent acquisition, DDA) and alternating low- and elevated-energy MS scans (data-independent acquisition, MS(E)). Using a derived relationship to generate a theoretical standard curve, the measured ratio of the M (monoisotopic) and M-1 isotopologues of 70 identified 15N-labeled peptides from 16 different proteins indicated that 15N incorporation was almost 99%, which is in excellent agreement with the 99.3% 15N-enriched nitrate used in the soil-based medium. Values for the various tissues ranged from 98.2 +/- 0.3% 15N incorporation in leaves to 98.8 2 +/- 0.2% in stems, demonstrating uniform labeling throughout the plant. In addition, SILIP is compatible with root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) development, and thus provides a new quantitative proteomics tool to study both plant and plant-microorganism systems.  相似文献   

Sulfur containing neuropeptides could be demonstrated in semithin sections of invertebrate nervous tissue, especially of gastropods, by using the bromobimanes as fluorescent labeling agents for thiol groups. Semithin sections showed a brilliant fluorescence of labeled peptides and should be used if an excellent resolution is important. The three bromobimanes (MB: monobromobimane, DB: dibromobimane, MQ: monobromotrimethylammoniobimane) gave positive results under our experimental conditions. Dibromobimane (DB) was selected because the application is more convenient. In gastropods, the bromobimane technique seems to be the most specific and sensitive one compared to the classical neurosecretory staining methods. Neuropeptides with sulfur containing amino acids could be demonstrated in perikarya, axons, and axon swellings easily. We suppose that there are neurons--not stainable by the classical methods--which can be identified as peptidergic ones by the bromobimane technique. A slight reduction of fluorescence intensity (fading) was observed. So, the fading rate was determined for dibromobimane reaction products; a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of 50% was only reached after 1 h using a Neofluar objective 10/0.30. Nevertheless, we suppose that a comparative quantification of the labeled neuropeptides should be possible if special parameters are considered.  相似文献   

A method for quantitating esophagus sensibility by an electric stimulation test is described. Square stimulus waveform at different voltages and durations were transmitted to the esophagus, three series of electric stimuli being used in successive durations (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 ms); in each series the voltage discharge was increased progressively from 0 mV, until the subject noted the first sensation. This procedure was carried out at all esophageal levels. The following parameters were analyzed: sensitive threshold along the esophagus; the relation of threshold sensibility (mV) duration of stimulus (ms), and reobase and cronaxia for each esophageal level. At all esophageal levels, the sensitive threshold was regular and coherent; in the middle esophagus a zone was found having higher sensitive threshold than the proximal and distal esophageal zones. The relationship between sensitive threshold and inverse of the stimulus duration indicated that esophageal sensibility follows the basic law of excitation of WEISS, at least with this type of stimulus, reobase and cronaxia being representative of the sensibility threshold along the esophagus. Quantitative esophageal sensibility, therefore is concluded to be particularly suited to evaluation by electric stimulation.  相似文献   

The best available approach of biological sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy currently includes cryoimmobilization by high-pressure freezing (HPF) followed by freeze-substitution (FS). This method has been well established for interphase cells; however, a reliable and easy procedure is still missing for mitotic cells especially because of their fragility and sensitivity to treatments. Here, we present a fast and effective method for HPF/automated FS and LR White embedding of mitotic cells which allows for their controlled and reproducible quality processing. It should be useful in various ultrastructural studies on mitotic cells especially in combination with immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

A conjugate, prepared by covalently coupling Lucifer Yellow carbohydrazide (LYCH) to monkey anti-measles IgG, was used to detect measles antigen in infected cell monolayers and in nasopharyngeal swabs from children. Compared with fluorescein isothiocyanate, LYCH is not only easier to couple to antibodies but also produces better fluorescence.The authors are with Laboratoire de Biotechnologie Microbienne, Faculté des Seances, Nkolbisson, Yaoundé, Cameroon M. Njayou is also with the Laboratoire de Biochimie Microbienne at the same address.  相似文献   

A method is described for efficiently concentrating enteroviruses from soil. Viruses were eluted from soil by mechanical agitation in high pH glycine buffer containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. The eluted viruses were concentrated on a floc that formed de novo upon adjustment of the soil eluate to 0.06 M aluminum chloride and pH 3.5. Viruses not pelleted with the floc were concentrated by adsorption to and elution from membrane filters. This method yielded an average efficiency of 66% recovery from loamy sand soil for four enteroviruses. Virus recovery from soil was consistently high, with samples ranging in size from 25 to 500 g. The method was used successfully to isolate naturally occurring viruses from soil beneath a wastewater land treatment site. Recovery of enteroviruses by this method form different types of soil was dependent on percentage of clay, surface area, and cation exchange capacity. Recovery was not dependent on soil saturation pH or on percentage of organic matter. This method should prove useful for studying enterovirus migration and survival during the land application of domestic sewage.  相似文献   

A method is described for efficiently concentrating enteroviruses from soil. Viruses were eluted from soil by mechanical agitation in high pH glycine buffer containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. The eluted viruses were concentrated on a floc that formed de novo upon adjustment of the soil eluate to 0.06 M aluminum chloride and pH 3.5. Viruses not pelleted with the floc were concentrated by adsorption to and elution from membrane filters. This method yielded an average efficiency of 66% recovery from loamy sand soil for four enteroviruses. Virus recovery from soil was consistently high, with samples ranging in size from 25 to 500 g. The method was used successfully to isolate naturally occurring viruses from soil beneath a wastewater land treatment site. Recovery of enteroviruses by this method form different types of soil was dependent on percentage of clay, surface area, and cation exchange capacity. Recovery was not dependent on soil saturation pH or on percentage of organic matter. This method should prove useful for studying enterovirus migration and survival during the land application of domestic sewage.  相似文献   

A simple and easily accessible cockroach nerve preparation is described. Afferent potentials elicited by electric stimulation of the cercus showed remarkable stability, providing a fairly adequate background for pharmacological experimentation. Type I and type II pyrethroids were tested on the nerve preparation, and the results were compared with toxicity data obtained on the same species. Blockade of nerve conduction showed positive correlation (r = 0.804) with lethal effects. The preparation would be useful for determining neuronal point of attack of test compounds and the study of pyrethroids.  相似文献   

TIndian-ink grains coated with commercial gamma globulin (immune-Indian-ink) were agglutinated by 3 percent of sera from healthy volunteer blood donors; by 4 percent of those from hospital staff in contact with patients suffering from hepatitis; and by 10 percent of those from patients with viral diseases other than hepatitis, In contrast, the rate of positive reactions was 86 percent in the case of sera taken from patients in the acute phase of an illness diagnosed as hepatitis A on the basis of epidemiological and clinical data. Investigation of serum samples taken serially from patients positive in the acute phase of illness revealed that the immune-Indian-ink agglutinating factor does not persist for long in majority of cases. Two months after discharge from the hospital it was present in 18 percent of the patients only. The reaction proved negative when a limited number of cases diagnosed as hepatitis B were investigated. The immune-Indian-ink agglutinating factor was inhibited by all but one of 36 sera taken in the convalescent phase from patients with a diagnosis of hepatitis A. Some sera displaying agglutination with immune-Indian-ink gave a reaction with uncoated Indian-ink, too. Efforts to free the sera from non-specific agglutinating factor by starch-block electrophoresis have led to partial success. Fractionation on Sephadex G-200 columns suggested that in molecular weight (or particle size) the immune-Indian-ink agglutinating factor is smaller than HBsAg and larger than the non-specific agglutinating factor. On the basis of these results it is assumed that the immune-tindian-ink reaction is suitable for detecting an antigen tentatively called IH chi Ag and its antibody (IH chi Ab) specific to hepatitis A.  相似文献   

S Nicosia  G Galli 《Prostaglandins》1975,9(3):397-403
A method for the evaluation of PGF-2alpha and PGE-2 biosynthesis in rat cerebral cortex is described. Tissue slices were incubated without any added precursor for different lengths of time. The analytical procedure involves prostaglandin extraction, purification and quantitative determination by mass fragmentography. Significant amounts of both prostaglandins were synthesized. The biosynthesis reached a plateau after 30 minutes and the ratio of PGF-2alpha to PGE-2 was approximately 3.  相似文献   

Summary Sulfur containing neuropeptides could be demonstrated in semithin sections of invertebrate nervous tissue, especially of gastropods, by using the bromobimanes as fluorescent labeling agents for thiol groups. Semithin sections showed a brilliant fluorescence of labeled peptides and should be used if an excellent resolution is important. The three bromobimanes (MB: monobromobimane, DB: dibromobimane, MQ: monobromotrimethylammoniobimane) gave positive results under our experimental conditions. Dibromobimane (DB) was selected because the application is more convenient.In gastropods, the bromobimane technique seems to be the most specific and sensitive one compared to the classical neurosecretory staining methods. Neuropeptides with sulfur containing amino acids could be demonstrated in perikarya, axons, and axon swellings easily. We suppose that there are neurons—not stainable by the classical methods—which can be identified as peptidergic ones by the bromobimane technique.A slight reduction of fluorescence intensity (fading) was observed. So, the fading rate was determined for dibromobimane reaction products; a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of 50% was only reached after 1 h using a Neofluar objective 10/0.30. Nevertheless, we suppose that a comparative quantification of the labeled neuropeptides should be possible if special parameters are considered.  相似文献   

A crucial issue in comparative proteomics is the accurate quantification of differences in protein expression levels. To achieve this, several methods have been developed in which proteins are labeled with stable isotopes either in vivo via metabolic labeling or in vitro by protein derivatization. Although metabolic labeling is the only way to obtain labeling of all proteins, it has thus far only been applied to single- celled organisms and cells in culture. Here we describe quantitative 15N metabolic labeling of the multicellular organisms Caenorhabditis elegans, a nematode, and Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, achieved by feeding them on 15N-labeled Escherichia coli and yeast, respectively. The relative abundance of individual proteins obtained from different samples can then be determined by mass spectrometry (MS). The applicability of the method is exemplified by the comparison of protein expression levels in two C. elegans strains, one with and one without a germ line. The methodology described provides tools for accurate quantitative proteomic studies in these model organisms.  相似文献   

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