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Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotypes at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus have been determined in 60 German families with PAH deficiency. Similar to the Danish population, about 90% of the mutant alleles are confined to four distinct haplotypes. There are however, differences in the frequency distributiion of these haplotypes among the mutant alleles between the two populations. Using an oligonucleotide probe for the splicing mutation associated with mutant haplotype 3 in the Danish population, a tight association between the mutation and the RFLP haplotype has also been observed in Germany. The results provide strong evidence that the splicing mutation occurred on a haplotype 3 chromosome and that the mutant allele has spread into different populations smong Caucasians.  相似文献   

Summary We used the following polymorphic markers: APOC2 (BanI, BglI, TaqI), CKMM (NcoI, TaqI), and D19S63 (PstI) to haplotype 33 Spanish myotonic dystrophy (DM) families. We analysed the allele and haplotype frequencies of our sample, and the possible association of alleles or haplotypes with the disease. We found a slight linkage disequilibrium between APOC2 (BanI) and DM, but no disequilibrium when using all other APOC2 and CKMM RFLPs; this agrees with data previously reported. In addition, we found a very strong linkage disequilibrium when using D19S63 (PstI), the + allele being associated with the DM locus. This disequilibrium in the Spanish population indicates that D19S63 is very close to the DM locus.  相似文献   

We have studied diversity in Arabidopsis lyrata of sequences orthologous to the ARK3 gene of A. thaliana. Our main goal was to test for recombination in the S-locus region. In A. thaliana, the single-copy ARK3 gene is closely linked to the non-functional copies of the self-incompatibility loci, and the ortholog in A. lyrata (a self-incompatible species) is in the homologous genome region and is known as Aly8. It is thus of interest to test whether Aly8 sequence diversity is elevated due to close linkage to the highly polymorphic incompatibility locus, as is theoretically predicted. However, Aly8 is not a single-copy gene, and the presence of paralogs could also lead to the appearance of elevated diversity. We established a typing approach based on different lengths of Aly8 PCR products and show that most A. lyrata haplotypes have a single copy, but some have two gene copies, both closely linked to the incompatibility locus, one being a pseudogene. We determined the phase of multiple haplotypes in families of plants from Icelandic and other populations. Different Aly8 sequence types are associated with different SRK alleles, while haplotypes with the same SRK sequences tend to have the same Aly8 sequence. There is evidence of some exchange of sequences between different Aly8 sequences, making it difficult to determine which ones are allelic or to estimate the diversity. However, the homogeneity of the Aly8 sequences of each S-haplotype suggests that recombination between the loci has been very infrequent over the evolutionary history of these populations. Overall, the results suggest that recombination rarely occurs in the interval between the S-loci and Aly8 and that linkage to the S-loci can probably account for the observed high Aly8 diversity.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium in the North American Holstein population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Linkage disequilibrium was estimated using 7119 single nucleotide polymorphism markers across the genome and 200 animals from the North American Holstein cattle population. The analysis of maternally inherited haplotypes revealed strong linkage disequilibrium ( r 2   >   0.8) in genomic regions of ∼50 kb or less. While linkage disequilibrium decays as a function of genomic distance, genomic regions within genes showed greater linkage disequilibrium and greater variation in linkage disequilibrium compared with intergenic regions. Identification of haplotype blocks could characterize the most common haplotypes. Although maximum haplotype block size was over 1 Mb, mean block size was 26–113 kb by various definitions, which was larger than that observed in humans (∼10 kb). Effective population size of the dairy cattle population was estimated from linkage disequilibrium between single nucleotide polymorphism marker pairs in various haplotype ranges. Rapid reduction of effective population size of dairy cattle was inferred from linkage disequilibrium in recent generations. This result implies a loss of genetic diversity because of the high rate of inbreeding and high selection intensity in dairy cattle. The pattern observed in this study indicated linkage disequilibrium in the current dairy cattle population could be exploited to refine mapping resolution. Changes in effective population size during past generations imply a necessity of plans to maintain polymorphism in the Holstein population.  相似文献   

Summary RFLPs of 36 normal and 41 mutant alleles at the phenylalanine hydroxylase locus were determined in 31 Portuguese kindreds. A total of 14 haplotypes including 10 normal and 7 mutant alleles were observed. Almost 75% of all mutant alleles were confined within only two haplotypes, namely haplotype 9 (17.1%) and haplotype 1 (56.1%). This frequency of mutant haplotype 1 in Portugal is, to our knowledge, the highest for this mutant haplotype in all studies reported to date. Other mutant haplotypes were either rare (haplotype 2, 9.7%) or totally absent (haplotype 3, 0%). Only 24.5% of all mutant alleles were found to consistently carry identified mutations, particularly R261Q (9.8%), R252W (3.3%), R408W (1.6%) and I94 (3.3%). A new mutation, L249F, located in the seventh exon of the gene, accounted for 6.5% of all mutant alleles in our series. Interestingly, this mutant genotype was consistently associated with mutant haplotype 1 (P<0.01), as also observed for the R261Q mutation. It appears, therefore, that mutant haplotype 1 is genotypically heterogeneous in Portugal and that more than two mutations account for its prevalence in this country.  相似文献   

Allele frequency differences between sexes and an excess of heterozygotes in males had suggested that the PEPB-1 locus is sex-linked in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We here estimate less than 1% recombination between PEPB-1 and a growth hormone pseudogene known to be in the sex-determining region (SEX) in 374 progeny from eight experimental matings. We present modified maximum likelihood methods for estimating haplotype frequencies from population samples at a sex-linked locus in which functional alleles occur on both the X and Y chromosomes (pseudoautosomal loci). We find nearly complete linkage disequilibrium between PEPB-1 and SEX in 20 population samples from the Puget Sound region of Washington and southern British Columbia. However, allele frequencies at PEPB-1 were similar in males and females in 35 population samples from the coast of Washington and the Columbia River basin. Pseudoautosomal regions have been described in a broad taxonomic array of vertebrates and invertebrates, and they are likely candidate regions to find genes associated with differences in life history, morphology, or behavior between males and females.  相似文献   

Many genomic methodologies rely on the presence and extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between markers and genetic variants underlying traits of interest, but the extent of LD in the horse has yet to be comprehensively characterized. In this study, we evaluate the extent and decay of LD in a sample of 817 Thoroughbreds. Horses were genotyped for over 50,000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers across the genome, with 34,848 autosomal SNPs used in the final analysis. Linkage disequilibrium, as measured by the squared correlation coefficient (r(2)), was found to be relatively high between closely linked markers (>0.6 at 5 kb) and to extend over long distances, with average r(2) maintained above non-syntenic levels for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) up to 20 Mb apart. Using formulae which relate expected LD to effective population size (N(e)), and assuming a constant actual population size, N(e) was estimated to be 100 in our population. Values of historical N(e), calculated assuming linear population growth, suggested a decrease in N(e) since the distant past, reaching a minimum twenty generations ago, followed by a subsequent increase until the present time. The qualitative trends observed in N(e) can be rationalized by current knowledge of the history of the Thoroughbred breed, and inbreeding statistics obtained from published pedigree analyses are in agreement with observed values of N(e). Given the high LD observed and the small estimated N(e), genomic methodologies such as genomic selection could feasibly be applied to this population using the existing SNP marker set.  相似文献   

Norfolk Island is a human genetic isolate, possessing unique population characteristics that could be utilized for complex disease gene localization. Our intention was to evaluate the extent and strength of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the Norfolk isolate by investigating markers within Xq13.3 and the NOS2A gene encoding the inducible nitric oxide synthase. A total of six microsatellite markers spanning approximately 11 Mb were assessed on chromosome Xq13.3 in a group of 56 men from Norfolk Island. Additionally, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) localizing to the NOS2A gene were analyzed in a subset of the complex Norfolk pedigree. With the exception of two of the marker pairs, one of which is the most distantly spaced marker, all the Xq13.3 marker pairs were found to be in significant LD indicating that LD extends up to 9.5-11.5 Mb in the Norfolk Island population. Also, all SNPs studied showed significant LD in both Norfolk Islanders and Australian Caucasians, with two of the marker pairs in complete LD in the Norfolk population only. The Norfolk Island study population possesses a unique set of characteristics including founder effect, geographical isolation, exhaustive genealogical information and phenotypic data of use to cardiovascular disease risk traits. With LD extending up to 9.5-11 Mb, the Norfolk isolate should be a powerful resource for the localization of complex disease genes.  相似文献   

Glacial and interglacial cycles are considered to have caused the fragmentation and admixture of populations in many organisms. A simple model incorporating such periodic changes of the population structure is analysed in order to investigate the behaviour of neutral genetic variation at one and two loci. The equilibrium is reached very quickly in terms of cycles if the length of a cycle is long, as would be expected of the glaciation cycles. Heterozygosity and linkage disequilibrium are shown to depend on the length of time of the fragmented and admixed phases, population sizes, and number (n) of subpopulations in the fragmented phase. If the population size is small in the fragmented phase and its duration is long, the squared correlation coefficient of two loci (a measure of linkage disequilibrium) just after the admixture is approximated by 1/(n-1) for n > 1. After admixture, the correlation decays at a rate of approximately twice the recombination rate. Therefore, if post-glaciation admixture created linkage disequilibrium, we expect to observe linkage disequilibrium even between moderately linked loci, and its decay pattern along the chromosome is very different from that in a random mating population at equilibrium. This is especially true in organisms with long generation times such as trees.  相似文献   

Golding GB  Strobeck C 《Genetics》1980,94(3):777-789
The linkage disequilibrium expected in a finite, partially selfing population is analyzed, assuming the infinite allele model. Formulas for the expected sum of squares of the linkage disequilibria and the squared standard linkage disequilibrium are derived from the equilibrium values of sixteen inbreeding coefficients required to describe the behavior of the system. These formulas are identical to those obtained with random mating if the effective population size Ne = (1-½S)N and the effective recombination value re = (1-S)r/(1-½S), where S is the proportion of selfing, are substituted for the population size and the recombination value. Therefore, the effect of partial selfing at equilibrium is to reduce the population size by a factor 1-½S and the recombination value by a factor (1-S)/(1-½S).  相似文献   

Patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) reveal the action of evolutionary processes and provide crucial information for association mapping of disease genes. Although recent studies have described the landscape of LD among single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from across the human genome, associations involving other classes of molecular variation remain poorly understood. In addition to recombination and population history, mutation rate and process are expected to shape LD. To test this idea, we measured associations between short-tandem-repeat polymorphisms (STRPs), which can mutate rapidly and recurrently, and SNPs in 721 regions across the human genome. We directly compared STRP-SNP LD with SNP-SNP LD from the same genomic regions in the human HapMap populations. The intensity of STRP-SNP LD, measured by the average of D', was reduced, consistent with the action of recurrent mutation. Nevertheless, a higher fraction of STRP-SNP pairs than SNP-SNP pairs showed significant LD, on both short (up to 50 kb) and long (cM) scales. These results reveal the substantial effects of mutational processes on LD at STRPs and provide important measures of the potential of STRPs for association mapping of disease genes.  相似文献   

Car-R (carcinogenesis-resistant) and Car-S (carcinogenesis-susceptible) outbred mice, obtained by phenotypic selection from an initial intercross of eight inbred strains, show a >100-fold difference in their susceptibility to two-stage skin tumorigenesis. We found that the lines carry a high degree of genetic polymorphism, with an average heterozygosity of 0.39. This polymorphism allowed the use of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype analysis for the mapping of a skin cancer modifier locus on Chr 7, in a short region of 6 cM, around the Tyr gene. Car-S mice inherited the susceptibility allele at this locus from the A/J, BALB/c, SJL/J, and SWR/J strains. Our results demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of mapping disease genes by LD in phenotypically selected, genetically heterogeneous animals. Received: 16 March 2000 / Accepted: 9 June 2000  相似文献   

Microsatellite haplotypes were determined for 117 chromosomes carrying the four most frequent mutations in the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene identified in the Breton population of Celtic origin, as well as for 83 normal chromosomes (noncarriers of a CF mutation). Each of the three non-ΔF508 mutations was associated with a single haplotype: 1078delT with 16-31-13, G551D with 16-7-17, and W846X with 16-32-13. Although these results suggest identity-by-descent for each mutation, recurrent mutations, although unlikely, could not be completely ruled out. The four most frequent haplotypes on normal chromosomes and the three most frequent haplotypes on ΔF508 chromosomes are the same as those found in Ireland, Spain, and Italy. This suggests that some haplotypes, associated or not with the ΔF508 mutation, were present in an ancestral population from which all four populations descended. Received: 27 November 1995 / Revised: 1 February 1996  相似文献   

Eldon B  Wakeley J 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1517-1532
Correlations in coalescence times between two loci are derived under selectively neutral population models in which the offspring of an individual can number on the order of the population size. The correlations depend on the rates of recombination and random drift and are shown to be functions of the parameters controlling the size and frequency of these large reproduction events. Since a prediction of linkage disequilibrium can be written in terms of correlations in coalescence times, it follows that the prediction of linkage disequilibrium is a function not only of the rate of recombination but also of the reproduction parameters. Low linkage disequilibrium is predicted if the offspring of a single individual frequently replace almost the entire population. However, high linkage disequilibrium can be predicted if the offspring of a single individual replace an intermediate fraction of the population. In some cases the model reproduces the standard Wright-Fisher predictions. Contrary to common intuition, high linkage disequilibrium can be predicted despite frequent recombination, and low linkage disequilibrium under infrequent recombination. Simulations support the analytical results but show that the variance of linkage disequilibrium is very large.  相似文献   

We herein demonstrate that in the Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle population, microsatellites are as polymorphic on the X chromosome as on the autosomes but that the level of linkage disequilibrium between these markers is higher on the X chromosome than on the autosomes. The latter observation is not compatible with the small male-to-female ratio that prevails in this population and results in a higher gonosomal than autosomal effective population size. It suggests that the X chromosome undergoes distinct selective or mutational forces. We describe and characterize a novel Markovian approach to exploit this linkage disequilibrium to compute the probability that two chromosomes are identical-by-descent conditional on flanking marker data. We use the ensuing probabilities in a restricted maximum-likelihood approach to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting 48 traits of importance to the dairy industry and provide evidence for the presence of QTL affecting 5 of these traits on the bovine X chromosome.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium in the domesticated pig   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nsengimana J  Baret P  Haley CS  Visscher PM 《Genetics》2004,166(3):1395-1404
This study investigated the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in two genomic regions (on chromosomes 4 and 7) in five populations of domesticated pigs. LD was measured with D' and tested for significance with the Fisher exact test. Effects of genetic (linkage) distance, chromosome, population, and their interactions on D' were tested both through a linear model analysis of covariance and by a theoretical nonlinear model. The overall result was that (1) the distance explained most of the variability of D', (2) the effect of chromosome was significant, and (3) the effect of population was significant. The significance of the chromosome effect may have resulted from selection and the significance of the population effect illustrates the effects of population structures and effective population sizes on LD. These results suggest that mapping methods based on LD may be valuable even with only moderately dense marker spacing in pigs.  相似文献   

We have analyzed linkage disequilibrium between haplotypes and allelic incompatibilities betweenTaqI RELPs concerning the probe 49f, located on the Y chromosome. For most (but one) observed haplotypes, discrepancies between observed and expected frequencies can be easily explained allowing a small number of incompatibilities beetween alleles.  相似文献   

Summary Three polymorphic DNA marker loci (INT1L1, D7S23 and D7S399) map to a chromosomal region that is very close to the cystic fibrosis (CF) locus in terms of genetic distance. These marker loci have been used to analyse the linkage disequilibrium in 137CF families from two South European countries (Italy and Spain). The markers can be analysed for differences in linkage disequilibrium more easily in these populations than in North Europeans, in whom the disequilibrium between the allelic systems defined by the probes and CF is much greater and on a plateau through the genetic region. The different levels of disequilibrium found in the studied populations suggest that D7S399 and D7S23 are both closer to CF than INT1L1, and provide additional information on the origins and homogeneity of the CF defect.  相似文献   

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