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R.W. OSBORNE AND T.A. DURKIN. 1991. The considerable refinements necessary to enable Class I and II microbiological safety cabinets to operate in a force-ventilated laboratory and to meet appropriate safety criteria have been reported previously. The continued successful operation of such cabinets without a deterioration of operator protection is described. The performance of two Class II units, one meeting and one failing the current British Standard applied to four head KI-Discus testing, is compared and discussed. In addition, some further potential difficulties within the environment, which could compromise cabinet containment, are highlighted.  相似文献   

The performance of class I and II microbiological safety cabinets over 7 years, employed in a force-ventilated containment level 3 (CL-3) laboratory, is described. Operator Protection (OP) provided by the cabinets, assessed by still and latterly limited 'in-use' KI-Discus tests, showed no overall deterioration during the review period. Comparisons show that a selected class II unit, but not a second, and a new class II MSC in a recently commissioned, similar CL-3 facility, provide the same order of OP as a class I cabinet. From the experiences described, it is strongly recommended that OP tests (OPTs) should be part of the routine servicing regime to ensure that cabinets meet required performance levels, and additionally to allow detection and rectification of poor containment, particularly where induced by environmental factors. The value of OPTs is discussed with reference to certain national standards.  相似文献   

Evaluation of laminar flow microbiological safety cabinets   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The microbiological control efficiency of two class 100 laminar down-flow hoods was determined by using aerosols of Bacillus subtilis var. niger spores. The first unit challenged utilized a slanted eyelid to partially enclose the front work opening. This hood showed nearly perfect control of ambient organisms in the work area. It also gave a 10(6) or greater drop in the number of organisms passing out of the exhaust system. However, when the interior work area of the hood was challenged, significant numbers of spores penetrated the air barrier and escaped into the ambient air. A redesigned laminar flow hood was built incorporating a vertical eyelid and a reduced opening to the work area. This hood showed the same excellent characteristics for controlling ambient contamination. Exhaust system leakage was also extremely low. Air barrier efficiency for the newer hood was increased with lower amounts of spore penetration into the ambient air.  相似文献   

Aims: To test a performance of the microbiological safety cabinets (MSCs) according to the type of MSCs in microbial laboratories. Methods and Results: Tests were carried out to assess the performance of 31 MSCs in 14 different facilities, including six different biological test laboratories in six hospitals and eight different laboratories in three universities. The following tests were performed on the MSCs: the downflow test, intake velocity test, high‐efficiency particulate air filter leak test and the airflow smoke pattern test. These performance tests were carried out in accordance with the standard procedures. Only 23% of Class II A1 (8), A2 (19) and unknown MSCs (4) passed these performance tests. The main reasons for the failure of MSCs were inappropriate intake velocity (65%), leakage in the HEPA filter sealing (50%), unbalanced airflow smoke pattern in the cabinets (39%) and inappropriate downflow (27%). Conclusions: This study showed that routine checks of MSCs are important to detect and strengthen the weak spots that frequently develop, as observed during the evaluation of the MSCs of various institutions. Significance and Impact of the Study: Routine evaluation and maintenance of MSCs are critical for optimizing performance.  相似文献   

A recent resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe (No. 986–1992) emphasizes that technical innovation is an important and continuing feature of modern society and that it will act as the driving force in commercial and industrial competition for a long while to come. The public draws substantial benefits from this technological progress but has also developed a keen awareness of the supposed effects of certain technologies on the ethical values on which society is based, on health and on the environment.
In this context, the issue of risks (particularly those present in certain new technologies) becomes more complex. Despite a general improvement in safety levels and a substantial reduction in traditional risks, new types of risks, far more difficult to calculate and predict, are emerging. This is especially true in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries where these difficulties have been recognized and where safe systems of work and equipment are therefore being developed that can effectively contain potentially hazardous material.
Of particular significance over the last 10 years in this area has been the marked improvement in the design and performance of safety cabinets and related containment systems for microbiological use. In the UK this has been due to a number of factors including the implementation of the requirements of BS 5726 1979 (Microbiological safety cabinets) (Anon. 1979) which have been complimentary to the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations (Anon. 1988) which themselves reinforced the Health and Safety at Work Act (Anon. 1974). Taken together, this framework has been responsible for significant improvements to the manufacturing technologies for safety systems, the management of containment systems within laboratories and the awareness by users of the functional requirements that all containment systems must now have.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency of the Waring blender, the Stomacher 400, and the Stomacher 3500 for preparing food samples for microbiological analysis was studied. Comparative aerobic plate count (APC) values were determined on 671 samples, representing 30 categories of foods. Of the 26 categories of nonfatty foods, the blender gave significantly higher geometric mean APC values than those given by the Stomacher 400 and the Stomacher 3500 in 65 and 69 percent of the categories, respectively. In a comparison of the two Stomacher models, the Stomacher 400 gave significantly higher geometric mean APC values than these given by the Stomacher 3500 in 73 percent of the food categories. Addition of Tween 80 to four categories of fatty foods at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 percent did not raise the APC values given by either model of stomacher to the levels given by the Waring blender. Overall, the efficiency of both models of Stomacher, relative to the blender and to each other, was specific and depended upon the particular food being analyzed.  相似文献   

Open fronted safety cabinets in ventilated laboratories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Open fronted Class I and II microbiological safety cabinets (MSCs) are required by the British Standard 5726 to provide similar levels of operator protection (viz. 105). In laboratories that are naturally ventilated large numbers of both types of cabinets have been shown to exceed this requirement consistently over a number of years. The designs of some mechanically ventilated laboratories, however, produce excessive turbulence and draughts that can prejudice containment at the front aperture. On-site commissioning tests to determine operator protection factor are now well established and are recognized as being essential to the setting up of all open fronted cabinets in both ventilated and unventilated laboratories. This paper shows that where environmental conditions induce unsatisfactory cabinet containment, adjustments to air supply and exhaust systems can be made which will enable both Class I and II cabinets to produce operator protection factors in excess of 105. When compatibility is achieved between the local environment and the cabinets it is demonstrated that disturbances at the front aperture, caused by operator working procedures or by disturbances due to personnel movement within the room, have similar effects on both Class I and II cabinets. Once performance levels have been satisfactorily achieved, regular containment testing has shown that consistent performance can be maintained. These aspects of open fronted safety cabinet performance are discussed in relation to ventilated laboratories suitable for work with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Of paramount importance in the future is the necessity to design laboratory air systems that will be compatible with satisfactory safety cabinet performance—a relatively new requirement in ventilation system specifications.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency of the Waring blender, the Stomacher 400, and the Stomacher 3500 for preparing food samples for microbiological analysis was studied. Comparative aerobic plate count (APC) values were determined on 671 samples, representing 30 categories of foods. Of the 26 categories of nonfatty foods, the blender gave significantly higher geometric mean APC values than those given by the Stomacher 400 and the Stomacher 3500 in 65 and 69 percent of the categories, respectively. In a comparison of the two Stomacher models, the Stomacher 400 gave significantly higher geometric mean APC values than these given by the Stomacher 3500 in 73 percent of the food categories. Addition of Tween 80 to four categories of fatty foods at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 percent did not raise the APC values given by either model of stomacher to the levels given by the Waring blender. Overall, the efficiency of both models of Stomacher, relative to the blender and to each other, was specific and depended upon the particular food being analyzed.  相似文献   

A steam sterilizer (autoclave) was tested to determine the operating parameters that affected sterilization of microbiological waste. Tests involved standardized loads (5, 10 ad 15 lb [ca. 2.27, 4.54, and 6.80 kg, respectively]) contaminated petri plates in autoclave bags placed in polypropylene or stainless steel containers. Thermal and biological data were obtained by using a digital potentiometer and a biological indicator containing spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus, respectively. The transfer of heat was more efficient when smaller loads of microbiological waste were tested and stainless steel rather than polypropylene containers were used. A single bag with the sides rolled down to expose the top layer of petri plates allowed heat to pass better than did a single bag with the top constricted by a twist-tie. The presence of water in the autoclave bag did not significantly improve heat-up time in stainless steel or polypropylene containers. The results of biological tests substantiated the temperature data. When 10 or 15 lb of microbiological waste was exposed to various test conditions, the only condition that ensured the destruction of B. stearothermophilus involved the use of a stainless steel container (with or without water) for 90 min. Autoclaving for 45 min resulted in the destruction of bacteria included in 10 lb (136 +/- 3 plates) or 15 lb (205 +/- 6 plates) of microbiological waste when stainless steel containers with or without water or polypropylene containers with water used, whereas 60 min was required to kill all bacteria if polypropylene containers without water were used.  相似文献   

Hino S 《Uirusu》2006,56(2):193-199
The most critical point for the biosafety is not sophisticated devices or facilities, but education of workers and their compliance to the regulation. Appropriate devices should be carefully selected in the introduction of new devices, and they should be properly maintained. The class II biosafety cabinet is one of the delicate safety equipments. It should be kept adequately maintained throughout the lifetime of the cabinet to insure safety of the laboratory. For the maintenance, appropriate measuring equipments should be used by trained technicians. The recently enforced law for control of recombinant DNA researches should be applied for the handling of pathogens even in non-recombinant DNA researches after proper modifications.  相似文献   

Type 1 coliphage dried onto a glass surface was used as an indicator to monitor decontamination of biological safety cabinets. When desiccated virus was treated with formaldehyde vapor (5,000 or 10,000 ppm) adjusted to 70 to 90% relative humidity immediately before testing, viral inactivation was slow for the first 50 min but then accelerated, being complete in the next 10 min. However, when virus was incubated in an atmosphere containing 70% humidity for 1 h before formaldehyde was added, inactivation was complete within 3 min, indicating that careful attention must be paid to relative humidity in decontamination of safety cabinets.  相似文献   

A modified microbiological safety cabinet which can be used as a class II and a class III safety cabinet has been bacteriologically tested. This cabinet makes use of a high-speed down-flow air curtain in the front opening to minimize the amount of air escaping over the arms of the operator. By using artificial aerosols and a dummy or a test person placing his arms into the working opening of the cabinet, a transfer from the inside to the environment was detected only when the highest concentration of the test aerosol was used. Since the number of bacteria detected was very low, this is considered to be acceptable. when the cabinet was used as a class III type, with a glove panel mounted in the front opening, leakage from the environment occurred. This could be completely prevented by fixing tape over the hinge of the front panel.The conclusion is drawn that this type of biohazard hood can be safely used as a class II and a class III microbiological safety cabinet, provided the construction of the hinge of the front panel will be adapted to prevent transfer from the environment to the working area.  相似文献   

Three variations of the amoxycillin-based triple therapy (amoxycillin, metronidazole and bismuth) were administered in the diet, by oral gavage or in the diet in conjunction with cross-fostering on to Helicobacter-free foster mothers to mice naturally infected with H. hepaticus and/or H. bilis. The presence of Helicobacter species was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of faecal pellets. Helicobacter infection was eliminated in 50% of strains of mice treated by oral gavage; 57% of strains of mice treated by medicated diet alone and 100% of strains of mice treated with the medicated diet in conjunction with cross-fostering on to Helicobacter-free foster mothers. Eight strains of mice were successfully treated for Helicobacter infection over a two-year period. The mouse colony has been maintained Helicobacter free, as determined by PCR analysis and has remained off treatment from December 2002 to March 2005.  相似文献   

This paper describes a system for the microbiological quantitative risk assessment for food products and their production processes. The system applies a stepwise risk assessment, allowing the main problems to be addressed before focusing on less important problems. First, risks are assessed broadly, using order of magnitude estimates. Characteristic numbers are used to quantitatively characterize microbial behaviour during the production process. These numbers help to highlight the major risk-determining phenomena, and to find negligible aspects. Second, the risk-determining phenomena are studied in more detail. Both general and/or specific models can be used for this and varying situations can be simulated to quantitatively describe the risk-determining phenomena. Third, even more detailed studies can be performed where necessary, for instance by using stochastic variables. The system for quantitative risk assessment has been implemented as a decision supporting expert system called SIEFE: Stepwise and Interactive Evaluation of Food safety by an Expert System. SIEFE performs bacterial risk assessments in a structured manner, using various information sources. Because all steps are transparent, every step can easily be scrutinized. In the current study the effectiveness of SIEFE is shown for a cheese spread. With this product, quantitative data concerning the major risk-determining factors were not completely available to carry out a full detailed assessment. However, this did not necessarily hamper adequate risk estimation. Using ranges of values instead helped identifying the quantitatively most important parameters and the magnitude of their impact. This example shows that SIEFE provides quantitative insights into production processes and their risk-determining factors to both risk assessors and decision makers, and highlights critical gaps in knowledge.  相似文献   

Abstract. Partially engorged female ticks were used as laboratory animals in microbiological research. The ticks, which were inoculated intracoelomally, became a convenient substrate for the detection of viruses, rickettsiae and protozoal parasites. This research concerned the isolation of newly recovered micro-organisms, the study of development, structure and distribution of microbial agents in ticks, and the study of their interaction with other pathogens or symbionts during mixed infection in a tick body. The isolation and maintenance of Rickettsiella phytoseiuli , the organism not of tick-borne origin, was achieved. For use in Central Europe the tick Dermacentor reticulatus is recommended for the above investigations.  相似文献   

A case of long-standing venous stasis ulcer after thrombophlebitis of the deep vein system is reported that was treated successfully by transferring a pedicled greater saphenous vein and its branches from the healthy side.  相似文献   

Burger SR 《Cytotherapy》2000,2(2):111-122
Medical centers and biotechnology companies active in cellular and gene therapy increasingly are working to design and build clinical laboratories capable of performing cellular engineering and vector production using current good manufacturing practices (cGMPs). Because cell engineering is a rapidly changing field, and definitions for cell engineering cGMPs are still being established, a cGMP cell-engineering laboratory most often should be designed with a broad range of potential applications in mind. While the laboratory facility is the most tangible aspect of cGMP, it represents only part of a larger process, which it must be designed and built to support.  相似文献   

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