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The gene encoding human phenol-preferring phenol sulfotransferase (STP) has been cloned and mapped to chromosome 16p. A HindIII RFLP in this gene is described.  相似文献   

An RFLP was found in the DNA of 25 unrelated persons, two families, and five cell lines that correlated with their membrane cofactor protein phenotype. If restricted with HindIII, DNA derived from upper band predominant protein (U) phenotypes had a band at 2 kb, whereas DNA of lower band predominant (L) phenotypes had a 4-kb band. The equal band protein phenotype, in which equal quantities of the two species are expressed, had bands at both 4 and 2 kb. The polymorphic HindIII site was localized to an intron within the membrane cofactor protein gene between exon 1 (codes for 5'UT/signal peptide) and exon 2 (codes for the first short consensus repeat). Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequences around this site were amplified and a single band of 260 bp was produced. In the U phenotype, the PCR product was restricted with HindIII into 200- and 60-bp fragments. In the L phenotype, there was no change in the size of 260 bp upon restriction with HindIII. For the equal band protein phenotype, the PCR product was partially cleaved. The 260-bp PCR product was subcloned and sequenced. DNA from the U phenotype demonstrated an intact HindIII site (AAGCTT), whereas in the DNA of the L phenotype, this site was altered because a "G" was substituted for a "C" (AAGGTT).  相似文献   

Anaerobic nitrogen-fixing consortia consisting of N2-fixing clostridia and diverse nondiazotrophic bacteria were previously isolated from various gramineous plants (K. Minamisawa, K. Nishioka, T. Miyaki, B. Ye, T. Miyamoto, M. You, A. Saito, M. Saito, W. Barraquio, N. Teaumroong, T. Sein, and T. Tadashi, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70:3096-3102, 2004). For this work, clostridial populations and their phylogenetic structures in a stand of the grass Miscanthus sinensis in Japan were assessed by a 16S rRNA gene-targeted terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis combined with most-probable-number (MPN) counts. PCR primers and restriction enzymes were optimized for analyses of the plant clostridia. Clostridia were detected in strongly surface-sterilized leaves, stems, and roots of the plants at approximately 10(4) to 10(5) cells/g of fresh weight; they made up a large proportion of N2-fixing bacterial populations, as determined by MPN counts associated with an acetylene reduction assay. Phylogenetic grouping by MPN-TRFLP analysis revealed that the clostridial populations belonged to group II of cluster XIVa and groups IV and V of cluster I; this result was supported by a culture-independent TRFLP analysis using direct DNA extraction from plants. When phylogenetic populations from M. sinensis and the soil around the plants were compared, group II clostridia were found to exist exclusively in M. sinensis.  相似文献   

Summary An EcoR1 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was detected in the 3 end of the locus of the c-erb-A proto-oncogene. The frequency of the rarer allele was around 3.0% in a normal population of 107 unrelated individuals. This frequency did not significantly differ in DNA samples from patients with breast tumors or acute leukemias.  相似文献   

The golden era of microbiology during early 1900s was based on the isolation and characterization of purified single cultures. However, since the understanding of limitations of culturing methods to decipher the majority of the microbial diversity, microbiologists have been keen to assess the abundance and distribution of microbial diversity by alternative methods1. The quest has been further fueled by the idea of relating such information about the community structure to the ecosystem function. Therefore, the goal of new cohort of modern day microbiologists is to understand microbial community structure and dynamics within their natural habitats. Consequently, a wide variety of culture independent approaches and methods for microbial community structure determination have been developed and applied to varied ecosystems. By far the majority of such methods use direct isolation of genetic content from the environmental samples and PCR amplification of genes of interest for bypassing the culturing biases. Existing methods include Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA), Single Stranded Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP), Thermal and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (TGGE and DGGE), Amplified Length Heterogeneity (ALH) analysis and Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis2.  相似文献   

Summary The incidence of allotypes of the genes of the fourth component (C4) and factor B of the complement system was compared in 252 persons under 45 years of fage (young group) with 482 people between 61 and 90 years of age (old group). One hundred people older than 90 years of age (nonagenarians) were also investigated. A striking difference was found between the young and old groups in the incidence (16.1% and 5.4%, respectively) of a silent gene of the C4B allele (C4BQ0). This difference was even more marked among young and old men (17.6% vs 3.4%). The incidence of the C4BQ0 allele in women dropped to the level of the men only in the nonagenarian group. The most probable explanation for this finding is that people carrying the C4BQO allele die from as yet unidentified disease(s) in their middle-age. Therefore, male (and to a lesser extent female) carriers of this allele may have a considerably shorter life expectancy than individuals without a silent gene in the C4B locus.  相似文献   

Summary A systematic search for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) on the human Y chromosome was performed. DNA samples from 16–34 individuals were screened with five restriction enzymes and 12 Y-chromosomal probes, 3 of which detect lowly repetitive sequences and 9 of which are apparently single copy in genomic DNA. None of the single-copy probes revealed any variation. The repetitive sequence probe p21A1 (DYZ?) revealed a TaqI RFLP with q = 0.05. The frequency of fixed point mutations in Y-chromosomal DNA outside the pseudoautosomal region is probably less than 1 in 18000 bp.  相似文献   

A new restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) detected for the human glutathione S-transferase-pi (GST3) gene with the restriction endonuclease,BamHI (GGATCC) is described. Because of the association of GST isozymes with certain human diseases, the data on involvement of different GST loci, their chromosomal location and information on RFLPs are of potential diagnostic value.  相似文献   

AIMS: To subtype Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 isolates by using recA genotyping. METHODS AND RESULTS: Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis using a primer ERIC2 of 76 isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 obtained in Northern Ireland in 1998 and in 1999 demonstrated the presence of five genotypes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, using a degenerate primer pair designed to amplify a segment (about 640 bp in length) of the recA gene from several members of the Enterobacteriaceae with restriction enzymes, HhaI and Sau3AI, showed that the resulting fragments could differentiate the isolates into three groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: recA gene amplification and HhaI and Sau3AI restriction digestion was demonstrated to increase the differentiating power between isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 by combining the patterns of the random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis procedure using a primer ERIC2. Significance and Impact of the Study: A novel restriction fragment length polymorphism assay for isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4, based on the amplification of the recA gene was attained and its comparison and its combination with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was provided.  相似文献   

Duckweeds (Lemnaceae) are extremely reduced in morphology, which made their taxonomy a challenge for a long time. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker technique was applied to solve this problem. 84 clones of the genus Lemna were investigated representing all 13 accepted Lemna species. By neighbour-joining (NJ) analysis, 10 out of these 13 species were clearly recognized: L. minor, L. obscura, L. turionifera, L. japonica, L. disperma, L. aequinoctialis, L. perpusilla, L. trisulca, L. tenera, and L. minuta. However, L. valdiviana and L. yungensis could be distinguished neither by NJ cluster analysis nor by structure analysis. Moreover, the 16 analysed clones of L. gibba were assembled into four genetically differentiated groups. Only one of these groups, which includes the standard clones 7107 (G1) and 7741 (G3), represents obviously the “true” L. gibba. At least four of the clones investigated, so far considered as L. gibba (clones 8655a, 9481, 9436b, and Tra05-L), represent evidently close relatives to L. turionifera but do not form turions under any of the conditions tested. Another group of clones (6745, 6751, and 7922) corresponds to putative hybrids and may be identical with L. parodiana, a species not accepted until now because of the difficulties of delineation on morphology alone. In conclusion, AFLP analysis offers a solid base for the identification of Lemna clones, which is particularly important in view of Lemnaceae application in biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Summary Direct gene analysis of the haptoglobin gene region was carried out by Southern blotting using an Hp cDNA as probe. Two types of polymorphism were observed: one due to intragenic duplication, is characterized by a constant fragment length difference of 1700bp observed with several enzymes and by complete correspondence with the protein molecular weight polymorphism; the second type, due to point mutation, was represented by two additional restriction sites for Eco RI and Pst I, with a frequency comparable to that of other genes. These two mutations segregated together in families, suggesting that the recently described Hp related gene is closely linked to the Hp gene. Moreover, they were completely associated with each other. The evolutionary significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Common groundsel, Senecio vulgaris (Asteraceae), is a highly selfing semelparous ephemeral weed that belongs to the few plant species in central Europe capable of growing, flowering and fruiting all year round. In temperate climates, flowering S. vulgaris cohorts were found to appear up to three times per year. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular markers we examined temporal genetic differentiation among spring, summer and autumn cohorts at each of seven sites located in two regions in Switzerland. Strong genetic differentiation among cohorts may indicate the existence of seasonal races of S. vulgaris, reproductively isolated by nonoverlapping flowering phenologies. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) revealed that < 2.5% of the AFLP variation resided among cohorts within sites, whereas there was significant genetic differentiation among plants from different sites (15.6%) and among individuals within cohorts (81.9%). Significant genetic differentiation was also observed between the two regions. Isolation-by-distance was found on a regional scale, but not on a local scale. Gene flow was estimated to be approximately 15-fold higher among cohorts within sites than among sites. We further found, on average, similar levels of genetic diversity within the three seasonal cohorts. The results of this study demonstrate that season of growth represents a weak barrier for genetic exchange among S. vulgaris populations and does not affect molecular variance. Therefore, there is no evidence for the existence of seasonally specialized races of S. vulgaris. We discuss some implications of the results for the biological control of S. vulgaris using a native rust fungus.  相似文献   

Dryas iulia appears to have undergone a mode of evolution different from that of other members of its subfamily (Heliconiinae). While other species constitute highly subdivided and inbred populations, those ofD. iulia are thought to be large and uniform. Analyzing six samples from Southern Brazil (state of Rio Grande do Sul) in relation to three enzyme systems (EST, LAP, and PGM) and their mtDNA RFLP patterns, we found that they are very similar at the molecular level. TheF statistics for enzyme polymorphism data revealed that inbreeding makes a great contribution to the population homozygosity, sinceF IS equals 0.1322 andF ST equals 0.0023. Since the chi-square test showed thatF ST is not significant, we conclude that all localities belong to the same population. The mtDNA differentiation was about 12 times greater than for nuclear genes;F ST was equivalent to 0.0265. We suggest that this difference is due to a higher dispersal of males, in relation to females.  相似文献   

The maturation of murine cecal microbiota was determined by terminal restriction fragment polymorphism (T-RFLP) and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Cecal microbiota in specific pathogen free (SPF) mice aged four to 10 weeks were collected. The cluster of samples in 4-week-old mice was different from those of other ages based on T-RFLP profiles. The majority of clones obtained in this study belonged to the Clostridium coccoides (C. coccoides) group, the Bacteroides group or the Lactobacillus group. Phylogenetic analysis showed characteristic clusters composed of new operational taxonomic unit (OTU) of the C. coccoides and Bacteroides groups. The existence of a large number of yet unidentified bacteria inhabiting the murine cecum was demonstrated by 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. T-RFLP analysis data were more complex and more sensitive than the patterns generated by computer simulation of 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis data. T-RFLP revealed development with maturation of cecal microbiota including unidentified bacteria of SPF mice.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein (Cpgp40/15)-encoding gene of Cryptosporidium parvum was analyzed to reveal intraspecies polymorphism within C. parvum isolates. Forty-one isolates were collected from different geographical origins (Japan, Italy, and Nepal) and hosts (humans, calves, and a goat). These isolates were characterized by means of DNA sequencing, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), and RFLP-single-strand conformational polymorphism (RFLP-SSCP) analyses of the gene for Cpgp40/15. The sequence analysis indicated that there was DNA polymorphism between genotype I and II, as well as within genotype I, isolates. The DNA and amino acid sequence identities between genotypes I and II differed, depending on the isolates, ranging from 73.3 to 82.9% and 62.4 to 80.1%, respectively. Those among genotype I isolates differed, depending on the isolates, ranging from 69.0 to 85.4% and 54.8 to 79.2%, respectively. Because of the high resolution generated by PCR-RFLP and RFLP-SSCP, the isolates of genotype I could be subtyped as genotypes Ia1, Ia2, Ib, and Ie. The isolates of genotype II could be subtyped as genotypes IIa, IIb, and IIc. The isolates from calves, a goat, and one Japanese human were identified as genotype II. Within genotype II, the isolates from Japan were identified as genotype IIa, those from calves in Italy were identified as genotype IIb, and the goat isolate was identified as genotype IIc. All of the genotype I isolates were from humans. The Japanese isolate (code no. HJ3) and all of the Nepalese isolates were identified as genotypes Ia1 and Ia2, respectively. The Italian isolates were identified as genotype Ib, and the Japanese isolate (code no. HJ2) was identified as genotype Ie. Thus, the PCR-RFLP-SSCP analysis of this glycoprotein Cpgp40/15 gene generated a high resolution that has not been achieved by previous methods of genotypic differentiation of C. parvum.  相似文献   

Human HLA-linked complement C4 gene products, C4A and C4B, show extensive genetic polymorphism. In both loci, an allele without a gene product, C4 null, is also observed. We have performed a restriction enzyme analysis of genomic DNA samples from individuals having all common (frequency over 1%) C4 protein allotypes observed in the Finnish population. Only one allotype-specific RFLP marker was observed. With some enzymes a DNA polymorphism was observed, which was not detectable by C4 protein typing. Analysis of 10 different C4B null haplotypes and 4 C4A null haplotypes suggested that only one haplotype, HLA-B8 C4A0 B1, carried a C4A gene deletion. This was observed in all 4 unrelated individuals homozygous for this haplotype.  相似文献   

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