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Recent intervention studies revealed that supplementation with retinoids resulted in a higher incidence of lung cancer. Recently the causal mechanism has begun to be clarified. We report here that retinol caused cellular oxidative stress and modulated superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities. Retinol (7 μM) significantly increased TBARS, conjugated dienes, and hydroperoxide-initiated chemiluminescence in cultured Sertoli cells. In response to retinol treatment superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities increased. TBARS content and catalase activities were decreased by a free radical scavenger. These findings suggest that retinol may induce oxidative stress and modulate antioxidant enzyme activities in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Effects of sugars on the development of hypothermia-induced oxidative stress were studied in leaves of two potato genotypes (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Désirée): with normal carbohydrate metabolism and a genotype with increased sugar content modified by insertion of yeast-derived invertase gene. It was found that generation of proceeds more actively in transformed plants than in control plants. On the contrary H2O2 concentration and the catalese and peroxidase activities were lower. At the same time, the activities of superoxide dismutase were similar in plants of both genotypes. A short-term incubation of plants at ?7°C confirmed that a higher freezing tolerance of transformed plants was due to low-molecular-weight components of antioxidant protection system rather than to enzymatic component. Literature data and experimental results suggest that the protective effect of sugars is caused by their ability to scavenge ROS nonspecifically under stress conditions  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease may arise from or produce oxidative damage in the brain. To assess the responses of the Alzheimer's brain to possible oxidative challenges, we assayed for glutathione, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, catalase and superoxide dismutase in twelve regions of Alzheimer's disease and aged control brains. In addition, we determined levels of malondialdehyde to evaluate lipid peroxidation in these brain regions. Most brain regions showed evidence of a response to an oxidative challenge, but the cellular response to this challenge differed among brain regions. These data suggest that the entire Alzheimer's brain may be subject to an oxidative challenge, but that some brain areas may be more vulnerable than others to the consequent neural damage that characterizes the disease.  相似文献   

The adaptive response of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to the oxidative stress induced by the oxidants hydrogen peroxide, menadione, and juglone has been studied. H2O2, menadione, and juglone completely inhibited yeast growth at concentrations higher than 120, 0.5, and 0.03 mM, respectively. The stationary-phase yeast cells were found to be more resistant to the oxidants than the exponential-phase cells. The 60-min pretreatment of logarithmic-phase cells with nonlethal concentrations of H2O2 (0.3 mM), menadione (0.05 mM), and juglone (0.005 mM) made the cells more resistant to high concentrations of these oxidants. The adaptation of yeast cells to H2O2, menadione, and juglone was associated with an increase in the activity of cellular catalase, superoxide dismutase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glutathione reductase, the main enzymes involved in cell defense against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress induced by ciprofloxacin and pyoverdin, a leukotoxic pigment, was studied by comparing their effect in bacteria and leukocytes. Chemiluminescence (CL) assays with lucigenin or luminol were adapted to measure the stimuli of superoxide anion (O2?) and other reactive species of oxygen (ROS) in bacteria. Ciprofloxacin principally induced the production of O2? in the three species studied: Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli. Lucigenin CL assay showed high oxidative stress in S. aureus due to its low superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, whereas E. coli exhibited important SOD activity, responsible for little production of O2? in absence or presence of ciprofloxacin. Reduction of nitroblue of tetrazolium (NBT) was applied. This assay indicated that there was higher oxidative stress in S. aureus and E. faecalis than in E. coli. The comparison of oxidative stress generated in bacteria and leukocytes was used to check the selective toxicity of ciprofloxacin in comparison with pyoverdin. Ciprofloxacin did not generate significant stimuli of O2? in neutrophils, while pyoverdin duplicated the production of O2?. CL and NBT were useful to study the leukotoxicity of ciprofloxacin. Oxidative stress caused by the antibiotic and the leukotoxic pigment was similar in bacteria. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify, in the lichen Ramalina lacera, antioxidants that could provide indications of air pollution stress, and respond earlier than traditionally used structural/physiological parameters. The pollution-sensitive lichen R. lacera was transplanted from its relatively unpolluted natural habitat to two air-polluted sites for a period of up to 6 months. The superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, total water- and lipid-soluble low-molecular-weight antioxidant capacities and chlorophyll b/chlorophyll a ratios were assessed every 6 weeks. The earliest signs of oxidative stress were detected in the activities of fungal copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase, algal iron-superoxide dismutase and water-soluble low-molecular-weight antioxidants, which increased significantly as early as 42 days after exposure to pollution. Catalase activity increased in lichens transplanted to the polluted sites after 90 days. All activities decreased towards the end of the experiment. The impact of air pollution on R. lacera, using the traditionally employed parameter of chlorophyll b/chlorophyll a ratio, was only detected after 6 months of exposure to air pollution. Our results indicate that antioxidant parameters may serve as improved early-warning indicators of air pollution stress in lichens.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a damaging process resulting from an imbalance between excessive generation of oxidant compounds and insufficient antioxidant defence mechanisms. Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the initiation and progression of cigarette smoke-induced lung injury, deterioration in lung functions, and development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In smokers and in patients with COPD, the increased oxidant burden derives from cigarette smoke per se, and from activated inflammatory cells releasing enhanced amounts of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS, RNS, respectively). Although mild oxidative stress resulting from cigarette smoking leads to the upregulation of the antioxidative enzymes synthesis in the lungs, high levels of ROS and RNS observed in patients with COPD overwhelm the antioxidant enzymes capacities, resulting in oxidant-mediated lung injury and cell death. In addition, depletion of antioxidative systems in the systemic circulation was consistently observed in such patients. The imbalance between the generation of ROS/RNS and antioxidant capacities — the state of “oxidative stress” — is one of the major pathophysiologic hallmarks in the development of COPD. Detrimental effects of oxidative stress include impairment of membrane functions, inactivation of membrane-bound receptors and enzymes, and increased tissue permeability. In addition, oxidative stress aggravates the inflammatory processes in the lungs, and contributes to the worsening of the protease-antiprotease imbalance. Several markers of oxidative stress, such as increases in lipid peroxidation products and reductions in glutathione peroxidase activity, have been shown to be related to the reductions in pulmonary functions. In the present article we review the current knowledge about the vicious cycle of cigarette smoking, oxidative stress, and inflammation in the pathogenesis of COPD.  相似文献   

Effect of stress on the antioxidant enzymes and gastric ulceration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effect of cold-restraint stress on the antioxidant enzymes of the rat gastric mucosa was studied with a view to finding out their role in stress induced gastric ulceration. Histological examination revealed stress induced extensive damage of the surface epithelial cell with lesions extending upto submucosa in some cases. Stress causes time-dependent increase in histamine and pepsin content but decrease in acid content of the gastric fluid with the progress of ulceration (ulcer index) for two hours. The tissue lipid peroxidation was significantly increased as evidenced by accumulation of malondialdehyde. Since lipid peroxidation results from the generation of reactive oxygen species, stress effect was studied on some antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidases and prostaglandin synthetase as a function of time. The time dependent increase in stress ulcer correlates well with the concomitant increase in superoxide dismutase activity and decrease in peroxidase and prostaglandin synthetase activity. This creates a favourable condition for accumulation of endogenous H2O2 and more reactive hydroxyl radical (OH·). Administration of antioxidants such as reduced glutathione or sodium benzoate prior to stress causes significant decrease in ulcer index and lipid peroxidation and protection of gastric peroxidase activity suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species in stress induced gastric ulceration. This is supported by thein vitro observation that OH· can also inactivate peroxidase and induce lipid peroxidation. As prostaglandin is known to offer cytoprotection, stress-induced loss of prostaglandin synthetase activity appears to aggravate the oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species.Abbreviations ROS reactive oxygen species - GPO gastric peroxidase - SOD superoxide dismutase - MDA malondialdehyde - GSH reduced glutathione - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

In aerobic metabolism, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed during the fermentation that can cause oxidative stress in microorganisms. Microbial cells possess both enzymatic and non-enzymatic defensive systems that may protect cells from oxidative damage. The antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase are the two key defensive enzymes to oxidative stress. The factors that induce oxidative stress in microorganisms include butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), hydrogen peroxide, metal ions, dissolved oxygen tension, elevated temperature, menadione, junglone, paraquat, liquid paraffin, introduction to bioreactors of shake flask inocula and synthetic medium sterilized at initial pH 11.0. Carotenes are highly unsaturated isoprene derivatives. They are used as antioxidants and as coloring agents for food products. In fungi, carotenes are derived via the mevalonate biosynthesis pathway. The key genes in carotene biosynthesis are hmgR, ipi, isoA, carG, carRA and carB. Among microorganisms, Βlakeslea trispora is the main microorganism used for the production of carotenes on the industrial scale. Currently, the synthetic medium is considered the superior substrate for the production of carotenes in a pilot plant scale. The fermentation systems used for the production of carotenes include shake flasks, stirred tank fermentor, bubble column reactor and flat panel photobioreactor. This review summarizes the oxidative stresses in microorganisms and it is focused on the current status of carotene production by B. trispora including oxidative stress induced by BHT, enhanced dissolved oxygen levels, iron ions, liquid paraffin and synthetic medium sterilized at an initial pH 11.0. The oxidative stress induced by the above factors increases significantly the production of carotenes. However, to further reduce the cost of carotene production, new biotechnological methods with higher productivity still need to be explored.  相似文献   

The phosphoglucose isomerase mutant of the respiratory yeast Kluyveromyces lactis (rag2) is forced to metabolize glucose through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and shows an increased respiratory chain activity and reactive oxygen species production. We have proved that the K. lactis rag2 mutant is more resistant to oxidative stress (OS) than the wild type, and higher activities of glutathione reductase (GLR) and catalase contribute to this phenotype. Resistance to OS of the rag2 mutant is reduced when the gene encoding GLR is deleted. The reduction is higher when, in addition, catalase activity is inhibited. In K. lactis, catalase activity is induced by peroxide-mediated OS but GLR is not. We have found that the increase of GLR activity is correlated with that of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity that produces NADPH. G6PDH is positively regulated by an active respiratory chain and GLR plays a role in the reoxidation of the NADPH from the pentose phosphate pathway in these conditions. Cytosolic NADPH is also used by mitochondrial external alternative dehydrogenases. Neither GLR overexpression nor induction of the OS response restores growth on glucose of the rag2 mutant when the mitochondrial reoxidation of cytosolic NADPH is blocked.  相似文献   

The human c10orf10 gene product, also known as decidual protein induced by progesterone (DEPP), is known to be differentially regulated in mouse tissues in response to hypoxia and oxidative stress, however its biological function remains unknown. We found that mice lacking extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) show attenuated expression of DEPP in response to acute hypoxia. DEPP mRNA levels, as well as the activity of a reporter gene expressed under the control of the DEPP 5′-flanking region, were significantly upregulated in Hep3B and Vero cells overexpressing EC-SOD. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescent microscopy indicated that overexpressed DEPP is co-localized with both protein aggregates and aggresomes. Further biochemical characterization indicates that DEPP protein is unstable and undergoes rapid degradation. Inhibition of proteasome activities significantly increases DEPP protein levels in soluble and insoluble cytosolic fractions. Attenuation of autophagosomal activity by 3-methyladenine increases DEPP protein levels while activation of autophagy by rapamycin reduced DEPP protein levels. In addition, ectopic overexpression of DEPP leads to autophagy activation, while silencing of DEPP attenuates autophagy. Collectively, these results indicate that DEPP is a major hypoxia-inducible gene involved in the activation of autophagy and whose expression is regulated by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The present experiment was performed to assess if hypomagnesemia can influence antioxidant status in mice heart. The results could explain possibly a free radical theory of heart damage in magnesium deficiency. We used a rodent model of hypomagnesemia. The magnesium sufficient group received a standard diet whereas a magnesium deficient group received the diet containing a trace amount of magnesium. The activities of the most important antioxidant enzymes – catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were assessed in mice heart and liver in a time dependent manner, on the 10th and the 20th day of experiment. The level of magnesium in plasma of animals receiving the magnesium deficient diet dropped twice after the 8th day and four times after the 13th day and then reached a plateau value. The activity of catalase in heart in the magnesium deficient group increased gradually and was significantly (P<0.05) elevated by 27% on the 20th day of experiment whereas the superoxide dismutase activity was significantly decreased by 17% on the 20th day. Glutathione peroxidase activity was insignificantly elevated. The alterations of antioxidant enzyme activities in the heart indicate cardiomyocytes's exposure to oxidative stress, which can be responsible for the cardiac lesions observed during hypomagnesemia.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(2):204-213
Both oxidative stress and endotoxins mediated immunological reactions play a major role in the progression of alcoholic hepatic fibrosis. Ascorbic acid has been reported to reduce alcohol-induced toxicity and ascorbic acid levels are reduced in alcoholics. Hence, we investigated the hepatoprotective action of ascorbic acid in the reversal of alcohol-induced hepatic fibrosis in male guinea pigs (n = 36), and it was compared with the animals abstenting from alcohol treatment. In comparison with the alcohol abstention group, there was a reduction in the activities of toxicity markers and levels of lipid and protein peroxidation products, expression of α-SMA, caspase-3 activity and mRNA levels of CYP2E1, TGF-β1, TNF-α and α1(I) collagen in liver of the ascorbic acid-supplemented group. The ascorbic acid content in liver was significantly reduced in the alcohol-treated guinea pigs. But it was reversed to normal level in the ascorbic acid-supplemented group. The anti-fibrotic action of ascorbic acid in the rapid regression of alcoholic liver fibrosis may be attributed to decrease in the oxidative stress, hepatic stellate cells activation, cytotoxicity and mRNA expression of fibrotic genes CYP2E1, TGF-β1, TNF-α and α1 (I) collagen in hepatic tissues.  相似文献   

Objectives: Mitochondrial oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease. The objective of our study is to identify the mechanisms of renal mitochondrial oxidative stress, focusing on Sirt3, which is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+; oxidized NAD)-dependent deacetylase in mitochondria.

Methods: Renal mitochondrial oxidative stress and Sirt3 activity, using Zucker diabetic fatty rats (ZDFRs) and cultured proximal tubular cells under high-glucose condition were evaluated.

Results: At 28 weeks of age, ZDFRs exhibited the increased urinary albumin/liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP)/8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) excretion, histological tubular cell damage, compared to non-diabetic Zucker Lean rats. In renal mitochondria, acetylated isocitrate dehydrogenase2 (IDH2) and superoxide dismutase2 (SOD2), accompanied with mitochondrial oxidative stress and mitochondrial morphologic alterations, were increased in ZDFRs, indicating inactivation of Sirt3. Additionally, expression of the NAD-degrading enzyme, CD38, was increased, and the NAD+/NADH (reduced NAD) ratio was reduced in the renal cortex of ZDFRs. High-glucose stimulation in cultured proximal tubular cells also resulted in an increase in acetylated IDH2/SOD2, CD38 overexpression and a reduction in the NAD+/NADH ratio.

Conclusions: Enhancement of mitochondrial oxidative stress in the diabetic kidney was mediated by the reduction of Sirt3 activity. CD38 overexpression may be related to a reduction in the NAD+/NADH ratio in the diabetic kidney.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of treatment with antioxidant stobadine (ST) on the activities of enzymes related with pentose phosphate pathway and glutathione-dependent metabolism and the other markers of oxidative stress in brain and peripheral organs of diabetic rats, and to compare the effects of ST treatment alone with the effects of treatments with another antioxidant vitamin E and ST plus vitamin E. Rats were made diabetic by the injection of streptozotocin (STZ; 55 mg/kg IP), and, 2 days later, some control and diabetic rats were left untreated or treated with ST (24.7 mg/kg/day, orally), vitamin E (400–500 U/kg/day, orally), or both substances together. In the brain, although 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity (6-PGD) did not change, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity (G-6PD) was markedly increased in diabetic rats compared with controls; only combined treatment with ST and vitamin E produced a partial prevention on this alteration. The aorta G-6PD and 6-PGD of diabetic rats were 52% and 36% of control values, respectively. Neither single treatments with each antioxidant nor their combination altered the G-6PD and 6-PGD in aorta of diabetic rats. Glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity was increased by STZ-diabetes in brain, heart, and kidney. In diabetic brain, vitamin E alone or combination with ST kept GSHPx at normal levels. Diabetes-induced stimulation in GSHPx did not decrease in response to the treatment with vitamin E in heart and kidney, but was greatly prevented by ST alone. The activity of glutathione reductase (GR) was decreased in brain and heart of diabetic rats. The treatment with each antioxidant or with a combination of both agents completely prevented this deficiency and resulted in further activation of GR in diabetic tissues. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity did not significantly change in diabetic brain and aorta. GST was stimulated by all treatment protocols in the brain of diabetic rats and was depressed in aorta of control rats. Catalase (CAT) was activated in diabetic heart but depressed in diabetic kidney. Diabetes-induced abnormalities in CAT activity did not respond to vitamin E alone in heart, was moderately ameliorated by the treatment with this vitamin in kidney, and was completely prevented by ST alone in both tissues. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of brain and heart was unchanged by the diabetes but inhibited in diabetic kidney after the treatment ST alone or ST plus vitamin E. The lipid peroxidation (MDA) was increased in diabetic brain and heart. ST or vitamin E alone partly prevented diabetes-induced increase in MDA in brain and heart; however, antioxidant combination achieved a completely amelioration in MDA of these tissues of diabetic rats. Kidney MDA levels were similar in control and untreated diabetic animals. ST and vitamin E treatments, when applied separately or together, significantly reduced kidney MDA in both control and diabetic rats; and the combined effect of antioxidants was greater than that of each alone. These results are consistent with the degenerative role of hyperglycemia on cellular reducing equivalent homeostasis and antioxidant defense, and provide further evidence that pharmacological intervention of different antioxidants may have significant implications in the prevention of the prooxidant feature of diabetes and protects redox status of the cells.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are important for the survival of insects under environmental and biological stresses; however, little attention has been devoted to the functional characterization of SODs in whitefly. In this study, an intracellular copper/zinc superoxide dismutase of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) (Bt-CuZnSOD) was cloned. Sequence analysis indicated that the full length cDNA of Bt-CuZnSOD is of 907 bp with a 471 bp open reading frame encoding 157 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence shares common consensus patterns with the CuZnSODs of various vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Bt-CuZnSOD is grouped together with intracellular CuZnSODs. Bt-CuZnSOD was then over-expressed in E. coli and purified using GST purification system. The enzymatic activity of purified Bt-CuZnSOD was assayed under various temperatures. When whiteflies were exposed to low (4°C) and high (40°C) temperatures, the in vivo activity of Bt-CuZnSOD was significantly increased. Furthermore, we measured the activities of several antioxidant enzymes, including SOD, catalase and peroxidase, in the whitefly after transferring the whitefly from cotton to tobacco (an unfavorable host plant). We found that the activity of SOD increased rapidly on tobacco plant. Taken together, these results suggest that the Bt-CuZnSOD plays a major role in protecting the whitefly against various stress conditions.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3):340-355

The present study was carried out to investigate whether taurine plays any beneficial role in acetaminophen (APAP)-induced acute hepatotoxicity. APAP exposure increased the plasma levels of ALT, ALP, LDH, TNF-α and NO production. Moreover, APAP treatment reduced the glutathione level and antioxidant enzyme activities, increased lipid peroxidation and caused hepatic DNA fragmentation which ultimately leads to cellular necrosis. Also, incubation of hepatocytes with APAP reduced cell viability, enhanced ROS generation and increased CYP2E1 activity. APAP overdose caused injury in the hepatic tissue and hepatocytes via the upregulation of CYP2E1 and JNK. Taurine treatment was effective in counteracting APAP-induced hepatic damages, oxidative stress and cellular necrosis. Results indicate that APAP overdose caused hepatic injury due to its metabolism to hepatotoxic NAPQI (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine), usually catalysed by CYP2E1, and via the direct activation of JNK-dependent cell death pathway. Taurine possesses prophylactic as well as therapeutic potentials against APAP-induced hepatic injury.  相似文献   

Mutations in Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are associated with some cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We overexpressed Bcl-2, wild-type SOD1 or mutant SOD1s (G37R and G85R) in NT-2 and SK-N-MC cells. Overexpression of Bcl-2 rendered cells more resistant to apoptosis induced by serum withdrawal, H2O2 or 4-hydroxy-2-trans-nonenal (HNE). Overexpression of Bcl-2 had little effect on levels of protein carbonyls, lipid peroxidation, 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OHG) or 3-nitrotyrosine. Serum withdrawal or H2O2 raised levels of protein carbonyls, lipid peroxidation, 8-OHG and 3-nitrotyrosine, changes that were attenuated in cells overexpressing Bcl-2. Overexpression of either SOD1 mutant tended to increase levels of lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls, and 3-nitrotyrosine and accelerated viability loss induced by serum withdrawal, H2O2 or HNE, accompanied by greater rises in oxidative damage parameters. The effects of mutant SOD1s were attenuated by Bcl-2. By contrast, expression of wild-type SOD1 rendered cells more resistant to loss of viability induced by serum deprivation, HNE or H2O2. The levels of lipid peroxidation in wild-type SOD1 transfectants were elevated. Overexpression of mutant SOD1s makes cells more predisposed to undergo apoptosis in response to several insults. Our cellular systems appear to mimic events in patients with ALS or transgenic mice overexpressing mutant SOD1.  相似文献   

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