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Contraceptive failure rates for modern methods including sterilization are reported to be high in China, but little is known about the consequence of contraceptive failure and characteristics of women who decide to have an abortion if a contraceptive failure occurs. Using 6225 contraceptive failures from the 1988 Chinese Two-per-Thousand Fertility Survey, this study examines the resolution of contraceptive failure and assesses the impact of some women's sociodemographic characteristics on the decision to terminate contraceptive failure in abortion. This study has three important findings: (1) The abortion rate was 50.1%, 75.3% and 80.2% for IUD, condom and pill failures, respectively; (2) The abortion rates differed by contraceptive method and women's social and demographic characteristics. In particular, a woman with just one child was most likely to have the contraceptive failure aborted; (3) Some women experienced repeated abortions because of contraceptive failure. The results suggest that abortion was a backup method if contraception failed in China and the correlates of aborting an unwanted pregnancy reflect the strong impact of the Chinese family planning programme.  相似文献   



In Papua New Guinea abortion is restricted under the Criminal Code Act. While safe abortions should available in certain situations, frequently they are not available to the majority of women. Sepsis from unsafe abortion is a leading cause of maternal mortality. Our findings form part of a wider, mixed methods study designed to identify complications requiring hospital treatment for post abortion care and to explore the circumstances surrounding unsafe abortion.


Through a six month prospective study we identified all women presenting to the Eastern Highlands Provincial Hospital following spontaneous and induced abortions. We undertook semi-structured interviews with women and reviewed individual case notes, extracting demographic and clinical information.


Case notes were reviewed for 56% (67/119) of women presenting for post abortion care. At least 24% (28/119) of these admissions were due to induced abortion. Women presenting following induced abortions were significantly more likely to be younger, single, in education at the time of the abortion and report that the baby was unplanned and unwanted, compared to those reporting spontaneous abortion. Obtained illegally, misoprostol was the method most frequently used to end the pregnancy. Physical and mechanical means and traditional herbs were also widely reported.


In a country with a low contraceptive prevalence rate and high unmet need for family planning, all reproductive age women need access to contraceptive information and services to avoid, postpone or space pregnancies. In the absence of this, women are resorting to unsafe means to end an unwanted pregnancy, putting their lives at risk and putting an increased strain on an already struggling health system. Women in this setting need access to safe, effective means of abortion.  相似文献   

Hospital admissions for complications of abortion have been increasing in Africa, indicating a rise in the incidence of abortion. In all pregnant women ever admitted to Korle-Bu hospital in Accra, Ghana, the chance that the outcome of their last pregnancy was an induced abortion decreased as the number of previous pregnancies increased. Women with higher levels of education were more likely to have their 1st pregnancy terminated in an induced abortion. Younger women were more likely than older women at each level of education to have an induced abortion terminate a 1st pregnancy. The use of contraceptives during the last pregnancy interval increased with the level of education of the woman and the number of previous pregnancies. Contraceptive use was also highest among women whose last pregnancy outcome was an induced abortion. The mean pregnancy interval decreased with increasing number of previous pregnancies for both women who used and who did not use contraceptives during their last pregnancy interval. But the mean pregnancy interval was higher among women who used contraceptives. It appears that the abortion experience in this region of Africa is most common in lower parity young women with high levels of education who desire to delay a 1st birth or to space births. This is in contrast in Latin America and other developing countries in which abortion is used mainly by older, married, urban women to limit family size. Contraceptive use in this region of Africa is low, indicating the need for more family planning programs and increasing use of existing programs.  相似文献   

目的:了解早期妊娠行人工流产妇女的人群特征,探讨导致妇女人工流产的相关因素,为减少非意愿妊娠提供干预依据。方法:采用整群抽样方法,对丰台区四家二级医院计划生育门诊同期行人工流产的妇女进行问卷调查。结果:共回收调查问卷4381份。调查对象中,平均年龄26岁(16.54岁),本市户籍占26.8%,外地户籍73.2%;已婚65.33%,未婚34.67%;文化程度初、高中占62.5%;职业列前三位的分别是服务员23.5%、公司职员18.2%、个体工商户10.5%;重复流产为37-3%。非意愿妊娠占83.24%,,非意愿妊娠的原因,39.53%是未避孕,43.71%为避孕失败,而避孕失败的原因中又以避孕套避孕失败居首;意愿妊娠占Ⅲ6.7鹞%,最终选择终止妊娠的原因分别为个人工作因素、情感因素及优生考虑。结论i为降低l妇女非意愿妊娠及重复流产率,对育龄妇女,尤其是流动、未婚人群,需广泛开展性健康教育及避孕方式知情选择,加强避孕知识以及人工流产危害的宣教,指导避孕方法的正确使用,同时,各级医院亟待开展流产后服务。  相似文献   

Data from the 1982 Sri Lanka Contraceptive Prevalence Survey are used to identify women who wish to stop childbearing; they differ in socioeconomic status from their counterparts who want more children. Educated women are more likely to be motivated to cease childbearing than non-educated women; Christian or Sinhalese/Buddhist women are more willing to stop childbearing than Moor/Muslim or Tamil/Hindu women. The relationships between sex composition of existing children and women's fertility desires indicate that although moderate son preference exists it does not affect their contraceptive behaviour. Among those who want no more children, 15% are at risk of unwanted pregnancy because they do not practise contraception. Again better education and being Christian or Sinhalese/Buddhist reduced the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Women whose husbands disapproved of contraception had over four times higher risk of unwanted pregnancy than women whose husbands approved.  相似文献   

Using a 50 ml syringe and a Karman-type cannula-curette, outpatient therapeutic abortions were done in 543 women who were not more than eight weeks pregnant. All patients received paracervical block analgesia and atropine was given intravenously to minimize vagal reactions. In five women (0.9 percent) pregnancies were missed by the procedure, and in 13 women (2.4 percent) abortions were incomplete. In only one patient did a significant postoperative pelvic infection occur. Twenty-seven women (4.9 percent) were not pregnant; the initiation of routine urine pregnancy testing reduced the percentage of those who were nongravid. The procedure using syringe and plastic cannula is safe, well tolerated and has reduced therapeutic abortion costs.  相似文献   

This article deconstructs previous notions of pregnancy. Using empirical data from French women's experience with RU486 for medical abortion, I demonstrate that very early and unwanted conceptions have an ambiguous quality. I illustrate an understanding of pregnancy as a reproductive continuum: these women understand pregnancy to include a stage where "eggs," and not fetuses, are present. I discuss how the use of RU486 creates new ways of knowing about the fetus, and I compare an understanding of the fetus by women using RU486 with previous understandings from ultrasound images, in utero photography, and the imagination. I demonstrate that women's embodied knowledge can expand the parameters of fetal discourse. [RU486, fetal discourse, embodied knowledge, abortion, reproductive technology]  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether pituitary suppression before induction of ovulation reduces the rate of spontaneous abortion in women with polycystic ovarian disease and primary recurrent spontaneous abortions. DESIGN--Closed, randomised, sequential trial. Pairs of women were allocated to each treatment by the toss of a coin. SETTING--Supraregional clinic for women who had had recurrent spontaneous abortions. SUBJECTS--Forty two women with polycystic ovarian disease and primary recurrent spontaneous abortions. INTERVENTIONS--Ovulation was induced by clomiphene or pituitary suppression with buserelin followed by pure follicle stimulating hormone. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Preference for a particular treatment was noted. A preference occurred when one woman in a pair had a successful pregnancy (defined as one of over 12 weeks'' gestation) and one had a spontaneous abortion; the preference was for the treatment resulting in the successful pregnancy. RESULTS--Spontaneous abortions occurred in 11 of 20 women given clomiphene compared with two of 20 who had pituitary suppression. Eleven preferences were found for buserelin and two for clomiphene. In seven pairs both women had successful pregnancies. One pair was discarded because one of the women did not become pregnant. The ratio of luteinising hormone concentration to follicular diameter was found to be a possible diagnostic indicator of spontaneous abortion. CONCLUSION--Pituitary suppression before induction of ovulation significantly reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion in women with polycystic ovarian disease and primary recurrent spontaneous abortions.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn Uganda, abortion is permitted only when the life of a woman is in danger. This restriction compels the perpetuation of the practice in secrecy and often under unsafe conditions. In 2003, 294,000 induced abortions were estimated to occur each year in Uganda. Since then, no other research on abortion incidence has been conducted in the country.MethodsData from 418 health facilities were used to estimate the number and rate of induced abortion in 2013. An indirect estimation methodology was used to calculate the annual incidence of induced abortions ─ nationally and by major regions. The use of a comparable methodology in an earlier study permits assessment of trends between 2003 and 2013.ResultsIn 2013, an estimated 128,682 women were treated for abortion complications and an estimated 314,304 induced abortions occurred, both slightly up from 110,000 and 294,000 in 2003, respectively. The national abortion rate was 39 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–49, down from 51 in 2003. Regional variation in abortion rates is very large, from as high as an estimated 77 per 1,000 women 15–49 in Kampala region, to as low as 18 per 1,000 women in Western region. The overall pregnancy rate also declined from 326 to 288; however the proportion of pregnancies that were unintended increased slightly, from 49% to 52%.ConclusionUnsafe abortion remains a major problem confronting Ugandan women. Although the overall pregnancy rate and the abortion rate declined in the past decade, the majority of pregnancies to Ugandan women are still unintended. These findings reflect the increase in the use of modern contraception but also suggest that a large proportion of women are still having difficulty practicing contraception effectively. Improved access to contraceptive services and abortion-related care are still needed.  相似文献   

H. Grauer 《CMAJ》1972,107(8):739-741
A study was made of 150 women requesting therapeutic abortion. Mechanical failure of the contraceptive method used accounted for unwanted pregnancy in 89 (59%) women. In the remainder no method of contraception was used by either partner. Among women requesting abortion, failure to use contraceptives was commoner in the younger and unmarried than in older and married women.The data obtained were analyzed in an attempt to explain the failure and avoidance of contraception. Suggestions are made as to how to discourage the use of abortion as a method of contraception.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diseases (AID) predominantly affect women of reproductive age. While basic molecular studies have implicated persisting fetal cells in the mother in some AID, supportive epidemiological evidence is limited. We investigated the effect of vaginal delivery, caesarean section (CS) and induced abortion on the risk of subsequent maternal AID. Using the Danish Civil Registration System (CRS) we identified women who were born between 1960 and1992. We performed data linkage between the CRS other Danish national registers to identify women who had a pregnancy and those who developed AID. Women were categorised into 4 groups; nulligravida (control group), women who had 1st child by vaginal delivery, whose 1st delivery was by CS and who had abortions. Log-linear Poisson regression with person-years was used for data analysis adjusting for several potential confounders. There were 1,035,639 women aged >14 years and 25,570 developed AID: 43.4% nulligravida, 44.3% had their first pregnancy delivered vaginally, 7.6% CS and 4.1% abortions. The risk of AID was significantly higher in the 1st year after vaginal delivery (RR = 1.1[1.0, 1.2]) and CS (RR = 1.3[1.1, 1.5]) but significantly lower in the 1st year following abortion (RR = 0.7[0.6, 0.9]). These results suggest an association between pregnancy and the risk of subsequent maternal AID. Increased risks of AID after CS may be explained by amplified fetal cell traffic at delivery, while decreased risks after abortion may be due to the transfer of more primitive fetal stem cells. The increased risk of AID in the first year after delivery may also be related to greater testing during pregnancy.  相似文献   

E. R. Greenglass 《CMAJ》1975,113(8):754-757
Approximately 9 months after a legal therapeutic abortion, 188 Canadian women were interviewed. One half were single and the rest were married, separated or divorced. They were matched closely for a number of demographic variables with control women who had not had abortions. Neurotic disturbance in several areas of personality functioning was assessed from questionnaire responses. Out of 27 psychological scales, differences between the abortion and control groups were found on only 3: in general, women who had had abortions were more rebellious than control women, abortion tended to be associated with somewhat greater depression in married women, and single women who had had abortions scored higher on the shallow-affect scale. However, all the personality scores were well within the normal range. Perceived social support was strongly associated with favourable psychological reactions after abortion. Use of contraceptives improved greatly after the abortion, when over 90% of women reported using contraceptives regularly.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eleven patients who had undergone vaginal termination and were pregnant again were investigated; 43-2% had become pregnant within one year of termination. The overall fetal loss in the 211 patients was 17-5% compared with 7-5% in a group matched for parity but consisting of patients who were pregnant after a spontaneous abortion. Altogether 4-3% of pregnancies after legal abortion ended as first trimester abortions, 8-5% as second trimester abortions, and 13-7% in premature delivery. Among 11 women whose cervices had been lacerated at the time of legal termination the fetal loss in subsequent pregnancy was 45-5%, and only one pregnancy went beyond 36 weeks. Routine Shirodkar suture may be beneficial when the cervix is known to have been damaged at legal abortion. Several patients had asked that their general practitioner should not be told of their termination, and such patients may not admit their termination during a subsequent pregnancy, which could thus be jeopardised. No evidence was found to suggest that infants of patients with a history of legal termination are small for dates.  相似文献   

Information on abortion is limited and inaccurate, especially in the developing world, which has led to speculation on the prevalence of abortion in these regions. A rise in prevalence of abortion is mostly counted in terms of increase in the prevalence of induced abortions which reflects on the reproductive health of women. With the growing concern for the reproductive health of women, the study of abortion has drawn the attention of researchers world-wide. This paper is an attempt to assess the induced abortion potential among Indian women by utilizing information on proportion of unwanted and ill-timed pregnancies obtained through National Family Health Survey, India. This exercise may facilitate a better understanding of the exact prevalence of induced abortion, which necessarily should be less than the estimated potential depending on the levels of unwanted and ill-timed fertility.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors that influence the practice of induced abortion in a very low fertility society, with particular emphasis on son preference and three distinct religions: Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity. Using multivariate logistic regression models fitted by the generalized estimating equation (GEE) method, this paper analysed the data collected by the 2000 Korea National Fertility and Family Health Survey of 6348 married women aged 15-49 years with a total of 1217 pregnancy outcomes. The results showed that the likelihood of induced abortions in women with two or more children, compared with those with one child, was significantly influenced by the sex composition of the previous children: odds ratio (OR)=12.71 (95% CI=5.49, 29.42) for women with only son(s), and OR=3.91 (95% CI=1.67, 9.14) for women with only daughter(s). At parity two, women with two sons were much more likely to have induced abortions than women with two daughters (OR=5.88, 95% CI=2.70, 12.85). Although Buddhist women were not significantly different from Confucian women in induced abortion practice, Christian women were much less likely than Confucian women to have an induced abortion (OR=0.39, 95% CI=0.18, 0.88 for women with only sons and OR=0.44, 95% CI=0.24, 0.81 for women with two children). This suggests that even in this very low fertility society, son preference and religious affiliation are significant predictors of women's practice of induced abortion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with increased risk of immediate complications from induced abortion. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of a provincial database. SETTING: All Ontario general hospitals in which abortions are performed and all free-standing abortion clinics in Ontario. POPULATION: Women in Ontario aged 15 to 44 years who underwent an induced abortion in the province (without concurrent sterilization) between Jan. 1, 1992, and Dec. 31, 1993. OUTCOME MEASURES: Recording of complications at the time of the procedure, gestational age, type of procedure, place of abortion (hospital or clinic), and patient''s age, parity and history of previous abortion (spontaneous or induced). RESULTS: During the study period 83 469 abortions were performed that met our inclusion criteria. Immediate complications were reported in 571 cases (0.7%). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that, after other variables were controlled for, the patient''s age, parity and history of previous abortions (spontaneous or induced) were not significant risk factors for immediate complications; however, gestational age, method of abortion and place of abortion were significant risk factors (p < 0.001). The odds ratio (OR) for having a complication from abortion was 1.3 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02 to 1.63) between 9 and 12 weeks, compared with having one after abortion at 9 weeks or earlier, and increased to 3.3 (95% CI 2.23 to 5.00) after abortion between 17 and 20 weeks. Compared with surgical dilatation and curettage (D&C), instillation of saline and instillation of prostaglandins were more likely to be associated with immediate complications (OR 24.0, 95% CI 13.22 to 43.70, and OR 11.7, 95% CI 6.43 to 21.18, respectively), whereas both suction D&C and insertion of a laminaria tent were less likely to be associated with immediate complications (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.67, and OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.52, respectively). Compared with women who had an abortion in a free-standing clinic, the risk for immediate complications was greater among those who had an abortion in a hospital, especially a teaching hospital (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.38 to 2.58), a nonteaching hospital with 200 to 399 acute care beds (OR 3.1, 95% CI 2.27 to 4.21) and a nonteaching hospital with fewer than 200 acute care beds (OR 5.9, 95% CI 4.04 to 8.64). CONCLUSION: The risk of immediate complications from induced abortion is very low. Unlike in previous studies, the woman''s age, parity and history of previous spontaneous or induced abortions were not found to be risk factors. However, advancing gestational age and procedures involving instillation of saline or prostaglandins were predictive factors of immediate complications.  相似文献   

During the period August 1957 to December 1966, the Committee on Maternal and Child Care of the California Medical Association and the State Department of Public Health studied 1,219 deaths of women who died during or within 90 days of termination of pregnancy. Twenty-two percent of the deaths reviewed were considered unavoidable. Seventy percent had one or more avoidable factors; of these, 46 percent were attributed to errors in professional judgment, and 16 percent to inadequate prenatal care by the patient herself.Nearly one-third (383) of the 1,219 cases reviewed were deaths from non-obstetric causes. Of the 836 deaths from obstetric causes, 260 were attributed to abortion. Preliminary figures suggest a reduction in criminal abortion deaths corresponding to the increase in therapeutic abortions since 1968.Over one-third of the deaths occurred in Mexican and Negro mothers. Death rate for Negro was triple that for white mothers. Despite the presence of four medical schools in District II (Los Angeles County), maternal death rates were 30 to 50 percent higher than in other districts due to the large urban black and Chicano population. One rural district with a large migratory agricultural population also had high rates.  相似文献   

At a university hospital, 642 women seeking induced abortion for an unwanted pregnancy were surveyed before the procedure regarding their perception of what psychological and behavioral factors, if any, played a role in their becoming pregnant: 35 percent said they had had intercourse during what they believed was a “safe period”; 33 percent believed that they had experienced a contraceptive failure; 29 percent indicated fear of side effects influenced their use of a contraceptive method; 27 percent and 21 percent, respectively, indicated that they had thought pregnancy “couldn''t happen to me” or had “put the thought of pregnancy out of my mind.” The women''s responses indicated that a number of additional attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors were also important and that for any individual woman at least three or four factors had often combined in a dynamic sequence to greatly increase her risk of pregnancy. The implications of the findings for educational and counseling programs are discussed.  相似文献   



Tanzania has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world, and unsafe abortion is one of its leading causes. Yet little is known about its incidence.


To provide the first ever estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion in Tanzania, at the national level and for each of the 8 geopolitical zones (7 in Mainland plus Zanzibar).


A nationally representative survey of health facilities was conducted to determine the number of induced abortion complications treated in facilities. A survey of experts on abortion was conducted to estimate the likelihood of women experiencing complications and obtaining treatment. These surveys were complemented with population and fertility data to obtain abortion numbers, rates and ratios, using the Abortion Incidence Complications Methodology.


In Tanzania, women obtained just over 405,000 induced abortions in 2013, for a national rate of 36 abortions per 1,000 women age 15–49 and a ratio of 21 abortions per 100 live births. For each woman treated in a facility for induced abortion complications, 6 times as many women had an abortion but did not receive care. Abortion rates vary widely by zone, from 10.7 in Zanzibar to 50.7 in the Lake zone.


The abortion rate is similar to that of other countries in the region. Variations by zone are explained mainly by differences in fertility and contraceptive prevalence. Measures to reduce the incidence of unsafe abortion and associated maternal mortality include expanding access to post-abortion care and contraceptive services to prevent unintended pregnancies.  相似文献   

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