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Plants are able to deal with variable environmental conditions; when exposed to strong illumination, they safely dissipate excess energy as heat and increase their capacity for scavenging reacting oxygen species. Both these protection mechanisms involve activation of the xanthophyll cycle, in which the carotenoid violaxanthin is converted to zeaxanthin by violaxanthin de-epoxidase, using ascorbate as the source of reducing power. In this work, following determination of the three-dimensional structure of the violaxanthin de-epoxidase catalytic domain, we identified the putative binding sites for violaxanthin and ascorbate by in silico docking. Amino acid residues lying in close contact with the two substrates were analyzed for their involvement in the catalytic mechanism. Experimental results supported the proposed substrate-binding sites and point to two residues, Asp-177 and Tyr-198, which are suggested to participate in the catalytic mechanism, based on complete loss of activity in mutant proteins. The role of other residues and the mechanistic similarity to aspartic proteases and epoxide hydrolases are discussed.  相似文献   

Brittleness culm is an important agronomic trait that has a potential usefulness in agricultural activity as animal forage although the developmental mechanism is not clear yet. In the present study, the anatomical and chemical characteristics as well as some ecophysiological features in the brittleness culm mutation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were investigated. Compared with the wild type (WT), the brittleness culm mutant (bcm) exhibited higher culm vascular bundle distance and lower culm wall thickness, leaf interveinal distance and leaf thickness. Ratio of bundle sheath cell/whole bundle and areas of whole vascular bundles and bundle sheath of leaves were reduced while ratios of xylem and phloem to whole bundles were elevated in bcm. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy analysis and further histochemical and physiological measurements revealed that the different contents and depositions of cell wall components such as pectins, lignin, suberin and cellulose all participated in the mutation of brittleness. However, the mutant presented no significant changes in leaf photosynthetic dynamics and apoplastic transport ability. These results strongly indicate that the alterations in anatomical and chemical characteristics, rather than changes in major ecophysiological features such as photosynthesis and apoplastic transport were involved in the brittleness mutation of rice.  相似文献   

目的:研究一例具有超经典型临床特征的FOP患者,并对其ACVR1/ALK2基因进行分析。方法:根据患者的大踇趾畸形和进行性异位骨化等表现进行临床诊断,确诊为FOP。经患者及家属同意,采集患者、父母外周血,提取DNA,通过PCR扩增并直接测序测定ACVR1基因全部外显子序列,以此来确定突变位点。结果:患者具有超经典型FOP的临床表现:先天性大踇趾畸形,先天性双手拇指、食指远端关节僵直和进行性异位骨化,父母无FOP的相关临床表现。基因测序分析示该患者在ACVR1第七外显子发现存在c.1067G>A(p.G356D)杂合错义突变,而其父母无此杂合突变。结论:该患者在ACVR1的c.1067G>A(p.G356D)发生杂合错义突变,这有助于我们更好地理解认识中国FOP患者的临床表现和发病机制。  相似文献   

Ethionine-resistant mutants, mapping at the locus eth2-the product of which is involved in pleiotropic regulation of methionine biosynthesis-have been isolated in a strain carrying five ochre nonsense mutations. Selection for nonsense suppressors in such a strain led to characterization of several allele-specific but gene non-specific suppressors which are active on the recessive heteroallele eth2-2 (resulting in partial recovery of sensitivity toward ethionine) as well as on the five other suppressible alleles. Two of these suppressors are unlinked to the eth2 gene and either dominant or semi-dominant. It is concluded that the mutation eth2-2 resulted in a nonsense codon. Enzyme studies indicate that this mutation results in a complete absence of an active product of gene eth2, in contrast with the effect of a former mutation eth2-1 which was interpreted as leading to a modified product of this gene (Cherest, Surdin-Kerjan and de Robichon-Szulmajster 1971). This conclusion is based on the absence of repressibility of methionine group I enzymes and the observation that in a heteroallelic diploid, eth2-1 expression is not masked by eth2-2. The nonsense suppressors studied lead to at least partial recovery of repressibility of methionine group I enzymes. All these results support the idea that the product of gene ETH2 is an aporepressor protein.  相似文献   

Although measles virus is an antigenically monotypic virus, nucleotide sequence analysis of the hemagglutinin and nucleoprotein genes has permitted the differentiation of a number of genotypes. In contrast, the fusion (F) protein is highly conserved; only three amino acid changes have been reported over a 40-year period. We have isolated a measles virus strain which did not react with an anti-F monoclonal antibody (MAb) which we had previously shown to be directed against a dominant antigenic site. This virus strain, Lys-1, had seven amino acid changes compared with the Edmonston strain. We have shown that a single amino acid at position 73 is responsible for its nonreactivity with the anti-F MAb. With the same MAb, antibody-resistant mutants were prepared from the vaccine strain. A single amino acid change at position 73 (R→W) was observed. The possibility of selecting measles virus variants in vaccinated populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Tectorial membrane, an extracellular matrix of the cochlea, plays a crucial role in the transmission of sound to the sensory hair cells. Alpha-tectorin is the most important noncollagenous component of the tectorial membrane and the otolith membrane in the maculae of the vestibular system. Defects in TECTA, the gene encodes alpha-tectorin, are cause of both dominant (DFNA8/12) and recessive (DFNB21) forms of deafness. Here, we report a three-generation Chinese family characterized by prelingual progressive sensorineural hearing impairment. We mapped the disease locus to chromosome 11q23-24 region, overlapping with the DFNA8/12 locus. Sequencing of candidate gene TECTA revealed a heterozygous c.5945C>A substitution in exon 19, causing amino acid substitution of Ala to Asp at a conservative position 1982. The A1982D substitution is consistent with hearing loss in this Chinese family and has not been found in 200 random control chromosomes. To our knowledge, this is the first TECTA mutation identified in Chinese population. Our data provides additional molecular and clinical information for establishing a better genotype–phenotype understanding of DFNA8/12.  相似文献   

Familial progressive hyperpigmentation (FPH) is an autosomal-dominantly inherited disorder characterized by hyperpigmented patches in the skin, present in early infancy and increasing in size and number with age. The genetic basis for FPH remains unknown. In this study, a six-generation Chinese family with FPH was subjected to a genome-wide scan for linkage analysis. Two-point linkage analysis mapped the locus for FPH at chromosome 12q21.31-q23.1, with a maximum two-point LOD score of 4.35 (Ø = 0.00) at D12S81. Haplotype analysis confined the locus within an interval of 9.09 cM, flanked by the markers D12S1667 and D12S2081. Mutation profiling of positional candidate genes detected a heterozygous transversion (c. 107A→G) in exon 2 of the KIT ligand (KITLG) gene, predicted to result in the substitution of a serine residue for an asparagine residue at codon 36 (p.N→S). This mutant “G” allele cosegregated perfectly with affected, but not with unaffected, members of the FPH family. Function analysis of the soluble form of sKITLG revealed that mutant sKITLGN36S increased the content of the melanin by 109% compared with the wild-type sKITLG in human A375 melanoma cells. Consistent with this result, the tyrosinase activity was significantly increased by mutant sKITLGN36S compared to wild-type control. To our knowledge, these data provided the first genetic evidence that the FPH disease is caused by the KITLGN36S mutation, which has a gain-of-function effect on the melanin synthesis and opens a new avenue for exploration of the genetic mechanism of FPH.  相似文献   

In this study, we used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and culture-dependent methodology to characterize bacterial populations and mineral-dissolving bacteria in a mineral-rich soil profile. DGGE and sequencing revealed 13 known bacterial families and 7 unknown populations for the soil profile. Seventy-one isolates could solubilize feldspar. Weathering effectiveness and pattern of the isolates differed among the horizons. The 71 mineral-dissolving isolates were affiliated with 32 bacterial species within 14 genera, among which Bacillus, Burkholderia, and Arthrobacter were dominant. Distinct mineral-dissolving populations were observed between the surface and subsurface horizons. Notably, the deepest horizon showed maximum diversity of the mineral-dissolving bacteria. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of the high efficiency mineral-dissolving bacteria was observed in the deeper horizons than in the upper horizons. The results suggested that the soil profile harboured diverse mineral-dissolving populations and the dissolving potential and pattern and the community of the mineral-dissolving bacteria changed with depth.  相似文献   

Li  Z. J.  Fu  B. C.  Wang  Y. S.  Lu  Y. M. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2019,66(5):725-737
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Hemerocallis is a valuable commercial perennial with prominent flowers. In this study, a wild variety of Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L. cv. Licheng 7 (H....  相似文献   

<正>MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是普遍存在的、调控基因表达的短非编码(≈22nt)小分子调节RNAs,是由具有发夹结构的约70~90个碱基大小的单链RNA前体经过Dicer酶加工后生成。1993年,miRNAs在秀丽隐杆线虫  相似文献   

The HERC gene family encodes proteins with two characteristic domains: HECT and RCC1-like. Proteins with HECT domains have been described to function as ubiquitin ligases, and those that contain RCC1-like domains have been reported to function as GTPases regulators. These two activities are essential in a number of important cellular processes such as cell cycle, cell signaling, and membrane trafficking. Mutations affecting these domains have been found associated with retinitis pigmentosa, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and cancer. In humans, six HERC genes have been reported which encode two subgroups of HERC proteins: large (HERC1-2) and small (HERC3-6). The giant HERC1 protein was the first to be identified. It has been involved in membrane trafficking and cell proliferation/growth through its interactions with clathrin, M2-pyruvate kinase, and TSC2 proteins. Mutations affecting other members of the HERC family have been found to be associated with sterility and growth retardation. Here, we report the characterization of a recessive mutation named tambaleante, which causes progressive Purkinje cell degeneration leading to severe ataxia with reduced growth and lifespan in homozygous mice aged over two months. We mapped this mutation in mouse chromosome 9 and then performed positional cloning. We found a G⇔A transition at position 1448, causing a Gly to Glu substitution (Gly483Glu) in the highly conserved N-terminal RCC1-like domain of the HERC1 protein. Successful transgenic rescue, with either a mouse BAC containing the normal copy of Herc1 or with the human HERC1 cDNA, validated our findings. Histological and biochemical studies revealed extensive autophagy associated with an increase of the mutant protein level and a decrease of mTOR activity. Our observations concerning this first mutation in the Herc1 gene contribute to the functional annotation of the encoded E3 ubiquitin ligase and underline the crucial and unexpected role of this protein in Purkinje cell physiology.  相似文献   

The occurrence frequencies of nucleotide bases are biased to those of T and A bases even at third codon positions for conserved amino acid residues with fourfold degeneracy in the chloroplasts of land plants. Regarding this bias as the result of selection, the base changes at these positions are fully analyzed theoretically in terms of mutation and selection. Although the degree of bias is considerably different depending on the lineages of land plants, the theoretical curves considering the influence of selection in the respective lineages provide a reasonable set of evolutionary distances for the relative base change probabilities estimated empirically from base changes enumerated in the comparison of rbcL genes. By using the fossil records of earliest seed plants in the Late Devonian and of uniaperturate and triaperturate pollen types in the early stage of the Cretaceous as calibration points, the divergence of Marchantiidae and a common ancestor of other land plants is estimated to have occurred 509 Mya, together with the estimation of a mutation rate of 1.45 × 10–9 year–1 per site. The other bryophytes such as Bryopsida, Anthocerotopsida, and Jungermanniidae are sister groups to tracheophytes, the divergence of bryophytes and tracheophytes being estimated to have occurred 483 Mya. The evolutionary distance of Gnetopsida from Coniferopsida and Magnoliophyta is concluded to be decisively longer than the distance between Coniferopsida and Magnoliophyta, i.e., the former divergence corresponds to 286 Mya and the latter to 211 Mya.  相似文献   

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