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Zhao ZG  Jiang L  Zhang WW  Yu CY  Zhu SS  Xie K  Tian H  Liu LL  Ikehashi H  Wan JM 《Planta》2007,226(5):1087-1096
Partial abortion of female gametes and the resulting semi-sterility of indica × japonica inter-subspecific rice hybrids have been ascribed to an allelic interaction, which can be avoided by the use of wide compatibility varieties. To further understand the genetic mechanism of hybrid sterility, we have constructed two sets of hybrids, using as male parent either the typical japonica variety Asominori, or the wide compatibility variety 02428; and as female, a set of 66 chromosome segment substitution lines in which various chromosomal segments from the indica variety IR24 have been introduced into a common genetic background of Asominori. Spikelet semi-sterility was observed in hybrid between CSSL34 and Asominori, which is known to carry the sterility gene S31 (Zhao et al. in Euphytica 151:331–337, 2006). Cytological analysis revealed that the semi-sterility of the CSSL34 × Asominori hybrid was caused primarily by partial abortion of the embryo sac at the stage of the mitosis of the functional megaspore. A population of 1,630 progeny of the three-way cross (CSSL34 × 02428) × Asominori was developed to map S31. Based on the physical location of linked molecular markers, S31 was thereby delimited to a 54-kb region on rice chromsome 5. This fragment contains eight predicted open reading frames, four of which encode known proteins and four putative proteins. These results are relevant to the map-based cloning of S31, and the development of marker-assisted transfer of non-sterility allele inducing alleles to breeding germplasm, to allow for a more efficient exploitation of heterosis in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

Yang Q  Liang C  Zhuang W  Li J  Deng H  Deng Q  Wang B 《Planta》2007,225(2):321-330
Previous research has demonstrated that the thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile (TGMS) gene in rice was regulated by temperature. TGMS rice is important to hybrid rice production because the application of the TGMS system in two-line breeding is cost-effective, simple, efficient and overcomes the limitations of the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system. AnnongS is the first discovered and deeply studied TGMS rice line in China. Previous studies have suggested that AnnongS-1 and Y58S, two derivative TGMS lines of AnnongS, were both controlled by a single recessive gene named tms5, which was genetically mapped on chromosome 2. In the current study, three populations (AnnongS-1 × Nanjing11, Y58S × Q611, and Y58S × Guanghui122) were developed to investigate the tms5 gene molecular map. Analysis of recombination events of sterile samples, utilizing 125 probes covering the tms5 region, suggested that the tms5 gene was physically mapped to a 19 kb DNA fragment between two markers, 4039-1 and 4039-2, located on the BAC clone AP004039. Following the construction of a physical map between the two markers, ONAC023, a member of the NAC (NAM-ATAF-CUC-related) gene family, was identified as the candidate of the tms5 gene.  相似文献   

The chromogen gene C is critical for anthocyanin regulation in rice, and apiculus color is an important agronomic trait in selective breeding and variety purification. Mapbased cloning and in-depth functional analysis of the C gene will be useful for understanding the molecular mechanism of anthocyanin biosynthesis and for rice breeding. Japonica landrace Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH) has red apiculi and purple stigmas. Genetic analysis showed that red apiculus and purple stigma in LTH co-segregated indicating control by a single dominant gene, or by two completely linked genes. Using 1,851 recessive individuals from two F2 populations, the target gene OsC was delimited to a 70.8 kb interval on chromosome 6 that contains the rice homologue of the maize anthocyanin regulatory gene C1. When the entire OsC gene and its full-length cDNA cloned from LTH were transformed into japonica cultivar Kitaake with colorless apiculi and stigmas all positive transformants had red apiculi but non-colored stigmas, validating that OsC alone was responsible for the apiculus color and represented the functional C gene. OsC was constitutively expressed in all tissues examined, with strongest expression in leaf blades. These results set a foundation to clarify the regulatory mechanisms of OsC in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures (≤15°C) and under prolonged or repeated exposure, yellowing and stunting are commonly observed. Damage to seedlings results in poor stand establishment and delayed maturation, which can cause significant reductions in yield. In general, japonica rice varieties exhibit more cold tolerance than indica varieties. Earlier genetic analysis of the California rice variety M202 revealed several quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contribute to its tolerance to low temperatures in comparison to the indica rice variety IR50. Among these QTL, qCTS4 is associated with tolerance to yellowing and stunting of rice seedlings and accounts for 40% of the phenotypic variation. Here we report on the fine mapping of qCTS4 to a 128 kb region of chromosome 4, which is highly suppressed for recombination in our mapping populations. Our results provide the necessary foundation for identifying the gene(s) underlying qCTS4 and the markers developed here may be used to introgress this region into indica varieties to improve seedling tolerance to low temperatures. The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Spotted leaf 5 (spl5), a lesion mimic mutant, was first identified in rice (Oryza sativa L.) japonica cv. Norin8 in 1978. This mutant exhibits spontaneous disease-like lesions in the absence of any pathogens and resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight; however, the target gene has not yet been isolated. In the present study, we employed a map-based cloning strategy to finely map the spl5 gene. In an initial mapping with 100 F2 individuals (spl5/spl5) derived from a cross between the spl5 mutant and indica cv. 93-11, the spl5 gene was located in a 3.3-cM region on chromosome 7 using six simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In a high-resolution genetic mapping, two F2 populations with 3,149 individuals (spl5/spl5) were derived from two crosses between spl5 mutant and two indica cvs. 93-11 and Zhefu802 and six sequence-tagged site (STS) markers were newly developed. Finally, the spl5 gene was mapped to a region of 0.048 cM between two markers SSR7 and RM7121. One BAC/PAC contig map covering these markers’ loci and the spl5 gene was constructed through Pairwise BLAST analysis. Our bioinformatics analysis shows that the spl5 gene is located in the 80-kb region between two markers SSR7 and RM7121 with a high average ratio of physical to genetic distance (1.67 Mb/cM) and eighteen candidate genes. The analysis of these candidate genes indicates that the spl5 gene represents a novel class of regulators controlling cell death and resistance response in plants.  相似文献   

Plant height is one of the most important agronomic traits of plant architecture, and also affects grain yield in rice. In this study, we obtained a novel dwarf rice mutant of japonica variety Shennong9816, designated Shennong9816d. Compared with wild-type, the Shennong9816d plant height was significantly reduced, and the tiller number significantly increased. Additionally, the mutant yield component, and the number of large and small vascular bundles were significantly decreased compared with wild-type. Genetic analysis indicated that the Shennong9816d dwarf phenotype was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene, while the plant was shown to be sensitive to gibberellic acid. Using a large F2 population derived from a cross between Shennong9816d and the indica rice variety Habataki, the osh15(t) gene was fine mapped between RM20891 and RM20898, within a physical distance of 73.78 kb. Sequencing analysis showed that Shennong9816d carries a 1 bp mutation and a 30 bp insertion in the OSH15 region. These results suggest that osh15(t) is a novel allelic mutant originally derived from japonica variety Shennong9816, which may be useful for introducing the semi-dwarf phenotype to improve plant architecture in rice breeding practice.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is a serious disease in rice production worldwide. To understand the genetic diversity of bacterial blight resistance a population consisting of 175 indica accessions from nine countries was collected and detected their association between SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers and resistance to six bacterial races. The resistance phenotypes of various rice accessions were evaluated through artificial inoculation under controlled conditions in 2013 and 2014. Association analysis showed that 17 SSR markers were significantly associated with resistance to four bacterial races and the phenotypic variations explained (PVE) ranged from 7.43 to 15.05%. Among the 17 associated SSR markers, two SSR markers located in previously reported genes regions, and 15 SSR markers were newly identified in this study. These results validated a new approach to map resistance genes of rice to bacterial blight. These markers could be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in rice bacterial blight resistance breeding programs.  相似文献   

AnnongS-1, a thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile (TGMS) rice line, has a new TGMS gene. Genetic analysis indicated that the sterility of AnnongS-1 was controlled by a single resessive gene named tms5. In our previous studies based on an F2 population from the cross between AnnongS-1 and Nanjing11, tms5 was mapped on chromosome 2. Recently, a RIL (recombinant inbred line) population from the same cross was developed and used for the fine mapping of the tms5 gene. Molecular marker techniques combined with BSA (bulked segregant analysis) were used. As a result, two AFLP markers (AF10, AF8), one RAPD marker (RA4), one STS marker (C365-1), one CAPs marker (G227-1) and four SSR markers (RM279, RM492, RM327, RM324) were found to be closely linked to tms5 gene. The DNA sequences of the RFLP marker of C365 and G227 were found in GenBank, and on the basis of these sequences, many primers were designed to amplify the two parents and their RIL population plants. Finally, the tms5 gene was mapped between STS marker C365-1 and CAPs marker G227-1 at a distance of 1.04 cM from C365-1 and 2.08 cM from G227-1.Communicated by H.F. LinskensY.G. Wang and Q.H. Xing contributed equally to this contribution.  相似文献   

Ryoo N  Yu C  Park CS  Baik MY  Park IM  Cho MH  Bhoo SH  An G  Hahn TR  Jeon JS 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(7):1083-1095
To elucidate the role of SSIIIa during starch synthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm, we characterized null mutants of this gene, generated by T-DNA insertions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis revealed that the starch granules in these mutants are smaller and rounder compared with the wild type controls, and that the mutant endosperm is characterized by a loosely packed central portion exhibiting a floury-like phenotype. Hence, the OsSSIIIa (Oryza sativa SSIIIa) mutations are referred to as white-core floury endosperm 5-1 (flo5-1) and flo5-2. Based upon their X-ray diffraction patterns, the crystallinity of the starch in the flo5 mutant endosperm is decreased compared with wild type. Through determination of the chain-length distribution of the mutant endosperm starch, we found that flo5-1 and flo5-2 mutants have reduced the content of long chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 30 or greater compared with the controls. This suggests that OsSSIIIa/Flo5 plays an important role in generating relatively long chains in rice endosperm. In addition, DP 6 to 8 and DP 16 to 20 appeared to be reduced in endosperm starch of flo5-1 and flo5-2, whereas DP 9 to 15 and DP 22 to 29 were increased in these mutants. By the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the gelatinization temperatures of endosperm starch were found to be 1–5°C lower than those of the control. We propose a distinct role for OsSSIIIa/Flo5 and the coordinated action of other SS isoforms during starch synthesis in the seed endosperm of rice.  相似文献   

Lin Z  Griffith ME  Li X  Zhu Z  Tan L  Fu Y  Zhang W  Wang X  Xie D  Sun C 《Planta》2007,226(1):11-20

The Brassica napus oilseed rape line, 7-7365AB, is a recessive epistatic genic male sterile (RGMS) two-type line system. The sterility is controlled by two pairs of recessive duplicate genes (Bnms3 and Bnms4) and one pair of recessive epistatic inhibitor gene (Bnrf). Homozygosity at the Bnrf locus (Bnrfrf) inhibits the expression of the two recessive male sterility genes in homozygous Bnms3ms3ms4ms4 plants and produces a male fertile phenotype. This line has a good potential for heterosis utilization but it is difficult to breed heterotic hybrids without molecular markers. To develop markers linked to the BnMs3 gene, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technology was applied to screen the bulks of sterile and fertile individuals selected randomly from a population of near-isogenic lines (NIL) consisting of 2,000 plants. From a survey of 1,024 primer combinations, we identified 17 AFLP markers linked to the BnMs3 gene. By integrating the previous markers linked to the BnMs3 gene into the genetic map of the NIL population, two markers, EA01MC12 and EA09P06, were located on either side of the BnMs3 gene at a distance of 0.1 and 0.3 cM, respectively. In order to use the markers for male sterile line breeding, five AFLP markers, P05MG05, P03MG04, P11MG02, P05MC11250, and EA09P06, were successfully converted into sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Two of these, P06MG04 and sR12384, were subsequently mapped on to linkage group N19 using two doubled-haploid mapping populations available at our laboratory derived from the crosses Tapidor × Ningyou7 and Quantum × No2127-17. The markers found in the present study should improve our knowledge of recessive genic male sterility (RGMS), and accelerate the development of male sterile line breeding and map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) have a significant impact on the evolution of gene function and genome structures. An endogenous nonautonomous transposable element nDart was discovered in an albino mutant that had an insertion in the Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase gene in rice. In this study, we elucidated the transposition behavior of nDart, the frequency of nDart transposition and characterized the footprint of nDart. Novel independent nDart insertions in backcrossed progenies were detected by DNA blotting analysis. In addition, germinal excision of nDart occurred at very low frequency compared with that of somatic excision, 0–13.3%, in the nDart1-4(3-2) and nDart1-A loci by a locus-specific PCR strategy. A total of 253 clones from somatic excision at five nDart loci in 10 varieties were determined. nDart rarely caused deletions beyond target site duplication (TSD). The footprint of nDart contained few transversions of nucleotides flanking to both sides of the TSD. The predominant footprint of nDart was an 8-bp addition. Precise excision of nDart was detected at a rate of only 2.2%, which occurred at two loci among the five loci examined. Furthermore, the results in this study revealed that a highly conserved mechanism of transposition is involved between maize Ac/Ds and rice Dart/nDart, which are two-component transposon systems of the hAT superfamily transposons in plant species.  相似文献   

Three-line japonica hybrids have been developed mainly on Chinsurah Boro II (BT)-type cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines of Oryza sativa L., but the unstable sterility of some BT-type CMS lines, and the threat of genetic vulnerability when using a single cytoplasm source, have inhibited their use in rice cultivation. Previously, the sterility of Honglian (HL)-type japonica CMS lines derived from common red-awned wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) has been proven to be more stable than that of BT-type japonica CMS lines. Here, we genetically characterized HL-type japonica CMS lines and the restorer-of-fertility (Rf) gene for breeding HL-type japonica hybrids. HL-type japonica CMS lines displayed stained abortive pollen grains, unlike HL-type indica CMS lines. The BT-type japonica restorer lines, which contain Rf, had different capabilities to restore HL-LiuqianxinA (HL-LqxA), an HL-type japonica CMS line, and the restorers for the HL-type japonica CMS lines could be selected from the preexisting BT-type japonica restorers in rice production. A genetic analysis showed that the restoration of normal fertility to HL-LqxA was controlled by a major gene and was affected by minor effector genes and/or modifiers. The major Rf in SiR2982, a BT-type japonica restorer, was mapped to a ~100-kb physical region on chromosome 10, and was demonstrated to be Rf5 (Rf1a) by sequencing. Furthermore, Rf5 partially restored fertility and had a dosage effect on HL-type japonica CMS lines. These results will be helpful for the development of HL-type japonica hybrids.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight of rice, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) (Ishyama) Dye, is one of the serious diseases prevalent throughout Asia. In a previous study, a resistance (R) locus was transferred from the tetraploid wild rice Oryza minuta to the cultivated rice species, Oryza sativa L. Here, we report the fine genetic mapping of the R locus, tentatively designated as Xa27(t). We performed disease evaluation with an Xa27(t) near-isogenic line, IRBB27, testing 35 Xoo strains collected from 11 countries. The Xa27(t) locus conferred a high level of resistance to 27 strains and moderate resistance to three strains. Resistance of the Xa27(t) gene was developmentally regulated in IRBB27 and showed semi-dominant or a dosage effect in the cv. CO39 genetic background. As a prelude to cloning Xa27(t), a molecular mapping strategy was employed with a large mapping population consisting of 3,875 gametes. Three molecular markers, M336, M1081, and M1059, closely linked to Xa27(t), were identified to facilitate the mapping of Xa27(t) to the long arm of chromosome 6. The Xa27(t) locus was confirmed by chromosome landing of M1081 and M1095 markers on the rice genome. Markers derived from the genomic sequence of O. sativa cv. Nipponbare were used to further saturate the Xa27(t) genomic region. Xa27(t) was finally located within a genetic interval of 0.052 cM, flanked by markers M964 and M1197, and co-segregated with markers M631, M1230, and M449.Communicated by D.J. Mackill  相似文献   

Resistance to the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stål, a devastating sucking insect pest of rice, is an important breeding objective in rice improvement programs. Bph15, one of the 17 major BPH resistance genes so far identified in both cultivated and wild rice, has been identified in an introgression line, B5, and mapped on chromosome 4 flanked by restriction fragment length polymorphism markers C820 and S11182. In order to pave the way for positional cloning of this gene, we have developed a high-resolution genetic map of Bph15 by positioning 21 DNA markers in the target chromosomal region. Mapping was based on a PCR-based screening of 9,472 F2 individuals derived from a cross between RI93, a selected recombinant inbred line of B5 bearing the resistance gene Bph15, and a susceptible variety, Taichung Native 1, in order to identify recombinant plants within the Bph15 region. Recombinant F2 individuals with the Bph15 genotype were determined by phenotype evaluation. Analysis of recombination events in the Bph15 region delimited the gene locus to an interval between markers RG1 and RG2 that co-segregated with the M1 marker. A genomic library of B5 was screened using these markers, and bacterial artificial chromosome clones spanning the Bph15 chromosome region were obtained. An assay of the recombinants using the sub-clones of these clones in combination with sequence analysis delimited the Bph15 gene to a genomic segment of approximately 47 kb. This result should serve as the basis for eventual isolation of the Bph15 resistance gene.  相似文献   

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