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Elevated CO2 decreases seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The impact of elevated [CO2] on seed germination was studied in different genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana from natural populations. Two generations of seeds were studied: the maternal generation was produced in the greenhouse (present-day conditions), the offspring generation was produced in two chambers where the CO2 concentration was either the present atmospheric concentration (about 350 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm). The seeds were tested for proportion of germinated seeds and mean germination time in both chambers to study the impact of elevated [CO2] during seed production and germination. Elevated [CO2] during maturation of seeds on the mother-plants decreased the proportion of germinated seeds, while elevated [CO2] during germination had no effect on the proportion of germinated seeds. However, when seeds were both produced and germinated under elevated [CO2] (situation expected by the end of next century), germination was slow and low. Moreover, the effect of the [CO2] treatment differs among genotypes of Arabidopsis: there is a strong treatment × genotype interaction. This means that there is ample genetic variance for a selective response modiying the effects of high levels of [CO2] in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. The outcome at the community level will depend on what seeds are available, when they germinate and the resulting competition following germination.  相似文献   

Native tallgrass prairie in NE Kansas was exposed to elevated (twice ambient) or ambient atmospheric CO2 levels in open-top chambers. Within chambers or in adjacent unchambered plots, the dominant C4 grass, Andropogon gerardii, was subjected to fluctuations in sunlight similar to that produced by clouds or within canopy shading (full sun > 1500 μmol m−2 s−1 versus 350 μmol m−2 s−1 shade) and responses in gas exchange were measured. These field experiments demonstrated that stomatal conductance in A. gerardii achieved new steady state levels more rapidly after abrupt changes in sunlight at elevated CO2 when compared to plants at ambient CO2. This was due primarily to the 50% reduction in stomatal conductance at elevated CO2, but was also a result of more rapid stomatal responses. Time constants describing stomatal responses were significantly reduced (29–33%) at elevated CO2. As a result, water loss was decreased by as much as 57% (6.5% due to more rapid stomatal responses). Concurrent increases in leaf xylem pressure potential during periods of sunlight variability provided additional evidence that more rapid stomatal responses at elevated CO2 enhanced plant water status. CO2-induced alterations in the kinetics of stomatal responses to variable sunlight will likely enhance direct effects of elevated CO2 on plant water relations in all ecosystems.  相似文献   

We lack information on how elevated CO2, and its interaction with other factors like herbivory, affect levels and patterns of trait integration in plants. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 disrupts and restructures functional associations among plant traits, in the selfing annual, Arabidopsis thaliana. We tested for these effects both in the presence and absence of herbivory by larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. Elevated CO2, both alone and combined with moth herbivory, modified integrated trait responses. In addition, integration under different environments was genotype‐specific. These results imply that global changes in CO2 are likely to cause divergent evolutionary outcomes among populations of plants that differ in the initial structure of their quantitative genetic variation.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 partial pressure may have been as low as 18 Pa during the Pleistocene and is expected to increase from 35 to 70 Pa before the end of the next century. Low CO2 reduces the growth and reproduction of C3 plants, whereas elevated CO2 often increases growth and reproduction. Plants at high elevation are exposed to reduced CO2 partial pressure and may be better adapted to the low CO2 of the Pleistocene. We examined genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana from different elevations for variation in growth and reproduction at the CO2 levels of the Pleistocene, the present and the future. Genotypes exhibited limited genetic variation in the response of the production of biomass to changes in CO2, but showed significant variation in reproductive characters. We found evidence that plants from high elevations may be better adapted to low CO2 when considering seed number, which is an important component of fitness. Genotypes showed greater variation in the response of seed number between 35 and 20 Pa CO2 compared to 35 and 70 Pa CO2. We conclude that present-day C3 annuals may have greater potential for evolution in response to the low CO2 of the Pleistocene relative to the elevated CO2 predicted for the future.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two nonallelic, nuclear recessive mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. which become chlorotic when grown in an atmosphere enriched to 20000 cm3 CO2 m-3 have been isolated. For one of the mutants, chlorosis begins at the veins and gradually spreads to the interveinal regions. A minimum photon flux density of ca 50 μmol m-2 s-1 is required for this response. For the other mutant, the yellowing is independent of the light intensity and begins at the basal regions of the leaves and spreads to the tips. The injurious effects of CO2 seem to be restricted to photosynthetic tissues, since root elongation and callus growth were not inhibited by a high atmospheric CO2 concentration for either mutant. Neither mutant became chlorotic in a low O2 atmosphere that suppressed photorespiration as effectively as the elevated CO2 does. Thus, the mutations do not impose a requirement for photorespiration. The possibilities that the high CO2-sensitive phenotypes are caused by an effect of CO2 in stomata, on ethylene synthesis, or on mineral uptake are discussed but are considered unlikely.  相似文献   

Stomatal density (SD) and stomatal conductance ( g s) can be affected by an increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration. This study was conducted on 17 species growing in a naturally enriched CO2 spring and belonging to three plant communities. Stomatal conductance, stomatal density and stomatal index (SI) of plants from the spring, which were assumed to have been exposed for generations to elevated [CO2], and of plants of the same species collected in a nearby control site, were compared. Stomatal conductance was significantly lower in most of the species collected in the CO2 spring and this indicated that CO2 effects on g s are not of a transitory nature but persist in the long term and through plant generations. Such a decrease was, however, not associated with changes in the anatomy of leaves: SD was unaffected in the majority of species (the decrease was only significant in three out of the 17 species examined), and also SI values did not vary between the two sites with the exception of two species that showed increased SI in plants grown in the CO2-enriched area. These results did not support the hypothesis that long-term exposure to elevated [CO2] may cause adaptive modification in stomatal number and in their distribution.  相似文献   

Scaling up evolutionary responses to elevated CO2: lessons from Arabidopsis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Results from norm of reaction studies and selection experiments indicate that elevated CO2 will act as a selective agent on natural plant populations, especially for C3 species that are most sensitive to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Evolutionary responses to CO2 may alter plant physiology, development rate, growth, and reproduction in ways that cannot be predicted from single generation studies. Moreover, ecological and evolutionary changes in plant communities will have a range of consequences at higher spatial scales and may cause substantial deviations from ecosystem level predictions based on short‐term responses to elevated CO2. Therefore, steps need to be taken to identify the plant traits that are most likely to evolve at elevated CO2, and to understand how these changes may affect net primary productivity within ecosystems. These processes may range in scale from molecular and physiological changes that occur among genotypes at the individual and population levels, to changes in community‐ and ecosystem‐level productivity that result from the integrative effects of different plant species evolving simultaneously. In this review, we (1) synthesize recent studies investigating the role of atmospheric CO2 as a selective agent on plants, (2) discuss possible control points during plant development that may change in response to selection at elevated CO2 with an emphasis at the primary molecular level, and (3) provide a quantitative framework for scaling the evolutionary effects of CO2 on plants in order to determine changes in community and ecosystem productivity. Furthermore, this review points out that studies integrating the effects of plant evolution in response to elevated CO2 are lacking, and therefore more attention needs be devoted to this issue among the global change research community.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) regulate stomatal closure, preventing pathogen invasion into plants. However, to what extent abscisic acid (ABA), SA and JA interact, and what the roles of SA and JA are in stomatal responses to environmental cues, remains unclear. Here, by using intact plant gas-exchange measurements in JA and SA single and double mutants, we show that stomatal responsiveness to CO2, light intensity, ABA, high vapor pressure deficit and ozone either did not or, for some stimuli only, very slightly depended upon JA and SA biosynthesis and signaling mutants, including dde2, sid2, coi1, jai1, myc2 and npr1 alleles. Although the stomata in the mutants studied clearly responded to ABA, CO2, light and ozone, ABA-triggered stomatal closure in npr1-1 was slightly accelerated compared with the wild type. Stomatal reopening after ozone pulses was quicker in the coi1-16 mutant than in the wild type. In intact Arabidopsis plants, spraying with methyl-JA led to only a modest reduction in stomatal conductance 80 min after treatment, whereas ABA and CO2 induced pronounced stomatal closure within minutes. We could not document a reduction of stomatal conductance after spraying with SA. Coronatine-induced stomatal opening was initiated slowly after 1.5–2.0 h, and reached a maximum by 3 h after spraying intact plants. Our results suggest that ABA, CO2 and light are major regulators of rapid guard cell signaling, whereas JA and SA could play only minor roles in the whole-plant stomatal response to environmental cues in Arabidopsis and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato).  相似文献   

MAP kinases have been linked to guard cell signalling. Arabidopsis thaliana MAP Kinase 3 (MPK3) is known to be activated by abscisic acid (ABA) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), which also control stomatal movements. We therefore studied the possible role of MPK3 in guard cell signalling through guard cell-specific antisense inhibition of MPK3 expression. Such transgenic plants contained reduced levels of MPK3 mRNA in the guard cells and displayed partial insensitivity to ABA in inhibition of stomatal opening, but responded normally to this hormone in stomatal closure. However, ABA-induced stomatal closure was reduced compared with controls when cytoplasmic alkalinization was prevented with sodium butyrate. MPK3 antisense plants were less sensitive to exogenous H(2)O(2), both in inhibition of stomatal opening and in promotion of stomatal closure, thus MPK3 is required for the signalling of this compound. ABA-induced H(2)O(2) synthesis was normal in these plants, indicating that MPK3 probably acts in signalling downstream of H(2)O(2). These results provide clear evidence for the important role of MPK3 in the perception of ABA and H(2)O(2) in guard cells.  相似文献   

Arbutus unedo is a sclerophyllous evergreen, characteristic of Mediterranean coastal scrub vegetation. In Italy, trees of A. unedo have been found close to natural CO2 vents where the mean atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is about 2200 μmol mol?1. Comparisons were made between trees growing in elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations to test for evidence of adaptation to long-term exposure to elevated CO2. Leaves formed at elevated CO2 have a lower stomatal density and stomatal index and higher specific leaf area than those formed at ambient CO2, but there was no change in carbon to nitrogen ratios of the leaf tissue. Stomatal conductance was lower at elevated CO2 during rapid growth in the spring. In mid-summer, under drought stress, stomatal closure of all leaves occurred and in the autumn, when stress was relieved, the conductance of leaves at both elevated and ambient CO2 increased. In the spring, the stomatal conductance of the new flush of leaves at ambient CO2 was higher than the leaves at elevated CO2, increasing instantaneous water use efficiency at elevated CO2. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements suggested that elevated CO2 provided some protection against photoinhibition in mid-summer. Analysis of A/Ci curves showed that there was no evidence of either upward or downward regulation of photosynthesis at elevated CO2. It is therefore anticipated that A. unedo will have higher growth rates as the ambient CO2 concentrations increase.  相似文献   

Hylocereus undatus (Haworth) Britton and Rose growing in controlled environment chambers at 370 and 740 μmol CO2 mol?1 air showed a Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pattern of CO2 uptake, with 34% more total daily CO2 uptake under the doubled CO2 concentration and most of the increase occurring in the late afternoon. For both CO2 concentrations, 90% of the maximal daily CO2 uptake occurred at a total daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of only 10 mol m?2 day?1 and the best day/night air temperatures were 25/15°C. Enhancement of the daily net CO2 uptake by doubling the CO2 concentration was greater under the highest PPFD (30 mol m?2 day?1) and extreme day/night air temperatures (15/5 and 45/35°C). After 24 days of drought, daily CO2 uptake under 370 μmol CO2 mol?1 was 25% of that under 740 μmol CO2 mol?1. The ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fy/Fm) decreased as the PPFD was raised above 5 mol m?2 day?1, at extreme day/night temperatures and during drought, suggesting that stress occurred under these conditions. Fv/Fm was higher under the doubled CO2 concentration, indicating that the current CO2 concentration was apparently limiting for photosynthesis. Thus net CO2 uptake by the shade-tolerant H. undatus, the photosynthetic efficiency of which was greatest at low PPFDs. showed a positive response to doubling the CO2 concentration, especially under stressful environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) controls numerous physiological traits: dormancy and germination of seeds, senescence and resistance to abiotic stresses. In order to get more insight into the role of protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) in ABA signalling, we obtained eight homozygous T-DNA insertion lines in Arabidopsis thaliana PTP genes. One mutant, named phs1-3, exhibited a strong ABA-induced inhibition of germination as only 26% of its seeds germinated after 3 days instead of 92% for the Columbia (Col-0) line. Genetic and molecular analyses of phs1-3 showed that it bears a unique T-DNA insertion in the promoter of the gene and that the mutation is recessive. PHS1 expression in the mutant is about half that of the Col-0 line. The upregulation of two ABA-induced genes (At5g06760, RAB18) and the downregulation of two ABA-repressed genes (AtCLC-A, ACL) are enhanced in the phs1-3 mutant compared with the wild-type. The 'in planta' aperture of phs1-3 stomata is reduced and the inhibition of the light-induced opening of stomata by ABA is stronger in phs1-3 leaves than in Col-0 leaves. Finally, PHS1 expression is upregulated in the presence of ABA in both phs1-3 and Col-0 but more intensively in the mutant. Thus, phs1-3 is hypersensitive to ABA. Taken together, these results show that PHS1, which encodes a dual-specificity PTP, is a negative regulator of ABA signalling.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of stomata and water use efficiency to high CO2   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:8  
Abstract The observed responses of stomata to carbon dioxide are reviewed, and the interaction of other known factors on the sensitivity to CO2 are summarized. The role of stomatal response to CO2 is discussed, and it is argued that while the effect of the CO2 response in normal daily stomatal behaviour is presently poorly understood the stomatal response to CO2 will have major impact in improving water use efficiency in future CO2 atmospheres. However, the attenuation of this increase is emphasized so that increases at the crop level will probably be much smaller than those observed at the single leaf assimilation level.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspension,abscisic acid (aBa) induces changes in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) which are the trigger for aBa-induced plasma membrane anion current activation, H+-aTPase inhibition, and subsequent plasma membrane depolarization. In the present study, we took advantage of this model to analyze the implication of intracellular Ca2+ stores in aBa signal transduction through electrophysiological current measurements, cytosolic Ca2+ activity measurements with the apoaequorin Ca2+ reporter protein and external pH measurement. Intracellular Ca2+ stores involvement was determined by using specific inhibitors of CICR channels: the cADP-ribose/ryanodine receptor (Br-cADPR and dantrolene) and of the inositol trisphosphate receptor (U73122). In addition experiments were performed on epidermal strips of A. thaliana leaves to monitor stomatal closure in response to ABA in presence of the same pharmacology. Our data provide evidence that ryanodine receptor and inositol trisphosphate receptor could be involved in ABA-induced (1) Ca2+ release in the cytosol, (2) anion channel activation and H+-ATPase inhibition leading to plasma membrane depolarization and (3) stomatal closure. Intracellular Ca2+ release could thus contribute to the control of early events in the ABA signal transduction pathway in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), aged 28–30 years old, were grown in open-top chambers and subjected in situ to three ozone (O3) regimes, two concentrations of CO2, and a combination of O3 and CO2 treatments From 15 April to 15 September for two growing seasons (1994 and 1995). The gas exchanges of current-year and 1-year-old shoots were measured, along with the nitrogen content of needles. In order to investigate the factors underlying modifications in photosynthesis, five parameters linked to photosynthetic performance and three to stomatal conductance were determined. Elevated O3 concentrations led to a significant decline in the CO2 compensation point (Г*), maximum RuP2-saturated rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), maximum stomatal conductance (gsmax), and sensitivity of stomatal conductance to changes in leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (?gs/?Dv) in both shoot-age classes. However, the effect of elevated O3 concentrations on the respiration rate in light (Rd) was dependent on shoot age. Elevated CO2(700 μmol mol?1) significantly decreased Jmax and gsmax but increased Rd in 1-year-old shoots and the ?gs/?Dv in both shoot-age classes. The interactive effects of O3 and CO2 on some key parameters (e.g. Vcmax and Jmax) were significant. This may be closely related to regulation of the maximum stomatal conductance and stomatal sensitivity induced by elevated CO2. As a consequence, the injury induced by O3 was reduced through decreased ozone uptake in 1-year-old shoots, but not in the current-year shoots. Compared to ambient O3 concentration, reduced O3 concentrations (charcoal-filtered air) did not lead to significant changes in any of the measured parameters. Compared to the control treatment, calculations showed that elevated O3 concentrations decreased the apparent quantum yield by 15% and by 18%, and the maximum rate of photosynthesis by 21% and by 29% in the current-year and 1-year-old shoots, respectively. Changes in the nitrogen content of needles resulting from the various treatments were associated with modifications in photosynthetic components.  相似文献   

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