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Endoglucanase (Egl)-producing bacteria from soil samples were screened using insoluble cellulosic substrates as sole carbon sources at alkaline pH (pH 9-10). Four Egls with Avicelase activity at alkaline pH were found in the culture broth of each isolate. The Egl genes of the isolates (all Paenibacillus spp.) were shotgun cloned and sequenced-all had a 1752bp open reading frame (584 amino acids) with a putative signal sequence (33 amino acids), and encoded mature enzymes of 551 amino acids (58,360-58,672Da). The mature enzymes showed a high degree of similarity to each other (>93% identity), with the next closest similarity to Egl3a of a patented strain of Paenibacillus lautus NCIMB 40250 (81.5-87.3% identity). These enzymes showed low similarity to other known Egls with less than 50% identity. A representative recombinant enzyme degraded lichenan, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), glucomannan, acid or alkaline swollen celluloses, and microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel). The optimal pH and temperature of the recombinant enzyme for degrading CMC and Avicel were pH 6.0-8.5 and 45-55 degrees C, respectively. Egls belong to glycoside hydrolase family 5 and form a distinct clan based on the phylogenetic analysis of their amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

Although both the alpha-amylase super-family, i.e. the glycoside hydrolase (GH) clan GH-H (the GH families 13, 70 and 77), and family GH31 share some characteristics, their different catalytic machinery prevents classification of GH31 in clan GH-H. A significant but remote evolutionary relatedness is, however, proposed for clan GH-H with GH31. A sequence alignment, based on the idea that residues equivalent in the primordial catalytic GH-H/GH31 (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel may not be found in the present-day GH-H and GH31 structures at strictly equivalent positions, shows remote sequence homologies covering beta3, beta4, beta7 and beta8 of the GH-H and GH31 (beta/alpha)(8)-barrels. Structure comparison of GH13 alpha-amylase and GH31 alpha-xylosidase guided alignment of GH-H and GH31 members for construction of evolutionary trees. The closest sequence relationship displayed by GH31 is to GH77 of clan GH-H.  相似文献   

1,4-beta-D-Xylan is the major component of plant cell-wall hemicelluloses. beta-D-Xylosidases are involved in the breakdown of xylans into xylose and belong to families 3, 39, 43, 52, and 54 of glycoside hydrolases. Here, we report the first crystal structure of a member of family 39 glycoside hydrolase, i.e. beta-D-xylosidase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum strain B6A-RI. This study also represents the first structure of any beta-xylosidase of the above five glycoside hydrolase families. Each monomer of T. saccharolyticum beta-xylosidase comprises three distinct domains; a catalytic domain of the canonical (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel fold, a beta-sandwich domain, and a small alpha-helical domain. We have determined the structure in two forms: D-xylose-bound enzyme and a covalent 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-alpha-D-xylosyl-enzyme intermediate complex, thus providing two snapshots in the reaction pathway. This study provides structural evidence for the proposed double displacement mechanism that involves a covalent intermediate. Furthermore, it reveals possible functional roles for His228 as the auxiliary acid/base and Glu323 as a key residue in substrate recognition.  相似文献   

An isopullulanase (IPU) from Aspergillus niger ATCC9642 hydrolyzes α-1,4-glucosidic linkages of pullulan to produce isopanose. Although IPU does not hydrolyze dextran, it is classified into glycoside hydrolase family 49 (GH49), major members of which are dextran-hydrolyzing enzymes. IPU is highly glycosylated, making it difficult to obtain its crystal. We used endoglycosidase Hf to cleave the N-linked oligosaccharides of IPU, and we here determined the unliganded and isopanose-complexed forms of IPU, both solved at 1.7-Å resolution. IPU is composed of domains N and C joined by a short linker, with electron density maps for 11 or 12 N-acetylglucosamine residues per molecule. Domain N consists of 13 β-strands and forms a β-sandwich. Domain C, where the active site is located, forms a right-handed β-helix, and the lengths of the pitches of each coil of the β-helix are similar to those of GH49 dextranase and GH28 polygalacturonase. The entire structure of IPU resembles that of a GH49 enzyme, Penicillium minioluteum dextranase (Dex49A), despite a difference in substrate specificity. Compared with the active sites of IPU and Dex49A, the amino acid residues participating in subsites + 2 and + 3 are not conserved, and the glucose residues of isopanose bound to IPU completely differ in orientation from the corresponding glucose residues of isomaltose bound to Dex49A. The shape of the catalytic cleft characterized by the seventh coil of the β-helix and a loop from domain N appears to be critical in determining the specificity of IPU for pullulan.  相似文献   

Family 28 glycoside hydrolases (polygalacturonases) are found in organisms across the plant, fungal and bacterial kingdoms, where they are central to diverse biological functions such as fruit ripening, biomass recycling and plant pathogenesis. The structures of several polygalacturonases have been reported; however, all of these enzymes utilize an endo-mode of digestion, which generates a spectrum of oligosaccharide products with varying degrees of polymerization. The structure of a complementary exo-acting polygalacturonase and an accompanying explanation of the molecular determinants for its specialized activity have been noticeably lacking. We present the structure of an exopolygalacturonase from Yersinia enterocolitica, YeGH28 in a native form (solved to 2.19 A resolution) and a digalacturonic acid product complex (solved to 2.10 A resolution). The activity of YeGH28 is due to inserted stretches of amino acid residues that transform the active site from the open-ended channel observed in the endopolygalacturonases to a closed pocket that restricts the enzyme to the exclusive attack of the non-reducing end of oligogalacturonide substrates. In addition, YeGH28 possesses a fused FN3 domain with unknown function, the first such structure described in pectin active enzymes.  相似文献   

The genomes of myonecrotic strains of Clostridium perfringens encode a large number of secreted glycoside hydrolases. The activities of these enzymes are consistent with degradation of the mucosal layer of the human gastrointestinal tract, glycosaminoglycans and other cellular glycans found throughout the body. In many cases this is thought to aid in the propagation of the major toxins produced by C. perfringens. One such example is the family 84 glycoside hydrolases, which contains five C. perfringens members (CpGH84A-E), each displaying a unique modular architecture. The smallest and most extensively studied member, CpGH84C, comprises an N-terminal catalytic domain with β-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity, a family 32 carbohydrate-binding module, a family 82 X-module (X82) of unknown function, and a fibronectin type-III-like module. Here we present the structure of the X82 module from CpGH84C, determined by both NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. CpGH84C X82 adopts a jell-roll fold comprising two β-sheets formed by nine β-strands. CpGH84C X82 displays distant amino acid sequence identity yet close structural similarity to the cohesin modules of cellulolytic anaerobic bacteria. Cohesin modules are responsible for the assembly of numerous hydrolytic enzymes in a cellulose-degrading multi-enzyme complex, termed the cellulosome, through a high-affinity interaction with the calcium-binding dockerin module. A planar surface is located on the face of the CpGH84 X82 structure that corresponds to the dockerin-binding region of cellulolytic cohesin modules and has the approximate dimensions to accommodate a dockerin module. The presence of cohesin-like X82 modules in glycoside hydrolases of C. perfringens is an indication that the formation of novel X82-dockerin mediated multi-enzyme complexes, with potential roles in pathogenesis, is possible.  相似文献   

The room-temperature structure of xylanase (EC from the bacterial plant pathogen Erwinia chrysanthemi expressed in Escherichia coli, a 45 kDa, 413-amino acid protein belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 5, has been determined by multiple isomorphous replacement and refined to a resolution of 1.42 A. This represents the first structure of a xylanase not belonging to either glycoside hydrolase family 10 or family 11. The enzyme is composed of two domains similar to most family 10 xylanases and the alpha-amylases. The catalytic domain (residues 46-315) has a (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel motif with a binding cleft along the C-terminal side of the beta-barrel. The catalytic residues, Glu165 and Glu253, determined by correspondence to other family 5 and family 10 glycoside hydrolases, lie inside this cleft on the C-terminal ends of beta-strands 4 and 7, respectively, with an O(epsilon)2...O(epsilon)1 distance of 4.22 A. The smaller domain (residues 31-43 and 323-413) has a beta(9)-barrel motif with five of the strands interfacing with alpha-helices 7 and 8 of the catalytic domain. The first 13 N-terminal residues form one beta-strand of this domain. Residues 44, 45, and 316-322 form the linkers between this domain and the catalytic domain.  相似文献   

An intracellular mannanase was identified from the thermoacidophile Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius Tc-12-31. This enzyme is particularly interesting, because it shows no significant sequence similarity to any known glycoside hydrolase. Gene cloning, biochemical characterization, and structural studies of this novel mannanase are reported in this paper. The gene consists of 963 bp and encodes a 320-amino acid protein, AaManA. Based on its substrate specificity and product profile, AaManA is classified as an endo-beta-1,4-mannanase that is capable of transglycosylation. Kinetic analysis studies revealed that the enzyme required at least five subsites for efficient hydrolysis. The crystal structure at 1.9 angstroms resolution showed that AaManA adopted a (beta/alpha)8-barrel fold. Two catalytic residues were identified: Glu151 at the C terminus of beta-stand beta4 and Glu231 at the C terminus of beta7. Based on the structure of the enzyme and evidence of its transglycosylation activity, AaManA is placed in clan GH-A. Superpositioning of its structure with that of other clan GH-A enzymes revealed that six of the eight GH-A key residues were functionally conserved in AaManA, with the exceptions being residues Thr95 and Cys150. We propose a model of substrate binding in AaManA in which Glu282 interacts with the axial OH-C(2) in-2 subsites. Based on sequence comparisons, the enzyme was assigned to a new glycoside hydrolase family (GH113) that belongs to clan GH-A.  相似文献   

Human cytosolic beta-glucosidase (hCBG) is a xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme that hydrolyses certain flavonoid glucosides, with specificity depending on the aglycone moiety, the type of sugar and the linkage between them. In this study, the substrate preference of this enzyme was investigated by mutational analysis, X-ray crystallography and homology modelling. The crystal structure of hCBG was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined at 2.7 A resolution. The main-chain fold of the enzyme belongs to the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel structure, which is common to family 1 glycoside hydrolases. The active site is located at the bottom of a pocket (about 16 A deep) formed by large surface loops, surrounding the C termini of the barrel of beta-strands. As for all the clan of GH-A enzymes, the two catalytic glutamate residues are located on strand 4 (the acid/base Glu165) and on strand 7 (the nucleophile Glu373). Although many features of hCBG were shown to be very similar to previously described enzymes from this family, crucial differences were observed in the surface loops surrounding the aglycone binding site, and these are likely to strongly influence the substrate specificity. The positioning of a substrate molecule (quercetin-4'-glucoside) by homology modelling revealed that hydrophobic interactions dominate the binding of the aglycone moiety. In particular, Val168, Trp345, Phe225, Phe179, Phe334 and Phe433 were identified as likely to be important in determining substrate specificity in hCBG, and site-directed mutagenesis supported a key role for some of these residues.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a complete Hypocrea jecorina glucoamylase has been determined at 1.8 A resolution. The presented structure model includes the catalytic and starch binding domains and traces the course of the 37-residue linker segment. While the structures of other fungal and yeast glucoamylase catalytic and starch binding domains have been determined separately, this is the first intact structure that allows visualization of the juxtaposition of the starch binding domain relative to the catalytic domain. The detailed interactions we see between the catalytic and starch binding domains are confirmed in a second independent structure determination of the enzyme in a second crystal form. This second structure model exhibits an identical conformation compared to the first structure model, which suggests that the H. jecorina glucoamylase structure we report is independent of crystal lattice contact restraints and represents the three-dimensional structure found in solution. The proposed starch binding regions for the starch binding domain are aligned with the catalytic domain in the three-dimensional structure in a manner that supports the hypothesis that the starch binding domain serves to target the glucoamylase at sites where the starch granular matrix is disrupted and where the enzyme might most effectively function.  相似文献   

Plant pattern recognition receptors(PRRs) are sentinels at the cell surface sensing microbial invasion and activating innate immune responses. During infection, certain microbial apoplastic effectors can be recognized by plant PRRs, culminating in immune responses accompanied by cell death. However, the intricated relationships between the activation of immune responses and cell death are unclear.Here, we studied the glycoside hydrolase family12(GH12) protein, Ps109281, secreted by Phytophthora ...  相似文献   

Hill AD  Reilly PJ 《Biopolymers》2008,89(11):1021-1031
Glycoside hydrolase family 1 consists of beta-glucosidases, beta-galactosidases, 6-phospho-beta-galactosidases, myrosinases, and other enzymes having similar primary and tertiary structures but diverse specificities. Among these enzymes, beta-glucosidases hydrolyze cellobiose to glucose, and therefore they are key players in any cellulose to glucose process. All family members attack beta-glycosidic bonds between a pyranosyl glycon and an aglycon, but most have little specificity for the aglycon or for the bond configuration. Furthermore, glycon specificity is not absolute. Sixteen family members (six beta-glucosidases, two cyanogenic beta-glucosidases, one 6-phospho-beta-galactosidase, two myrosinases, and five beta-glycosidases) have known tertiary structures. We have used automated docking to computationally bind disaccharides with allopyranosyl, galactopyranosyl, glucopyranosyl, mannopyranosyl, 6-phosphogalactopyranosyl, and 6-phosphoglucopyranosyl glycons, all linked by beta-(1,2), beta-(1,3), beta-(1,4), and beta-(1,6)-glycosidic bonds to beta-glucopyranoside aglycons, along with beta-(1,1-thio)-allopyranosyl, -galactopyranosyl, -glucopyranosyl, and -mannopyranosyl) beta-glucopyranosides, into all of these structures to investigate the structural determinants of their enzyme specificities. The following are the eight active-site residues: Glu191, Thr194, Phe205, Asn285, Arg336, Asn376, Trp378, and Trp465 (Zea mays beta-glucosidase numbering), that control a significant amount of glycon specificity. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 89: 1021-1031, 2008.This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Cel44A, which is one of the enzymatic components of the cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum, was solved at a resolution of 0.96 A. This enzyme belongs to glycoside hydrolase family (GH family) 44. The structure reveals that Cel44A consists of a TIM-like barrel domain and a beta-sandwich domain. The wild-type and the E186Q mutant structures complexed with substrates suggest that two glutamic acid residues, Glu(186) and Glu(359), are the active residues of the enzyme. Biochemical experiments were performed to confirm this idea. The structural features indicate that GH family 44 belongs to clan GH-A and that the reaction catalyzed by Cel44A is retaining type hydrolysis. The stereochemical course of hydrolysis was confirmed by a (1)H NMR experiment using the reduced cellooligosaccharide as a substrate.  相似文献   

α-L-Rhamnosidase (EC catalyzes the hydrolytic release of rhamnose from polysaccharides and glycosides. Bacillus sp. GL1 α-L-rhamnosidase (RhaB), a member of glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 78, is responsible for degrading the bacterial biofilm gellan, and also functions as a debittering agent for citrus fruit in the food and beverage industries through the release of rhamnose from plant glycoside, naringin. The X-ray crystal structure of RhaB was determined by single-wavelength anomalous diffraction using a selenomethionine derivative and refined at 1.9 Å resolution with a final R-factor of 18.2%. As is seen in the homodimeric form of the active enzyme, the structure of RhaB in crystal packing is a homodimer containing 1908 amino acids (residues 3-956), 43 glycerol molecules, four calcium ions, and 1755 water molecules. The overall structure consists of five domains, four of which are β-sandwich structures designated as domains N, D1, D2, and C, and an (α/α)6-barrel structure designated as domain A. Structural comparison by DALI showed that RhaB shares its highest level of structural similarity with chitobiose phosphorylase (Z score of 25.3). The structure of RhaB in complex with the reaction product rhamnose (inhibitor constant, Ki = 1.8 mM) was also determined and refined at 2.1 Å with a final R-factor of 19.5%. Rhamnose is bound to the deep cleft of the (α/α)6-barrel domain, as is seen in the clan-L GHs. Several negatively charged residues, such as Asp567, Glu572, Asp579, and Glu841, conserved in GH family 78 enzymes, interact with rhamnose, and RhaB mutants of these residues have drastically reduced enzyme activity, indicating that the residues are crucial for enzyme catalysis and/or substrate binding. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of the crystal structure of α-L-rhamnosidase and identification of its clan-L (α/α)6-barrel as a catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Algal polysaccharides of diverse structures are one of the most abundant carbon resources for heterotrophic, marine bacteria with coevolved digestive enzymes. A putative sulfo‐mannan polysaccharide utilization locus, which is conserved in marine flavobacteria, contains an unusual GH99‐like protein that lacks the conserved catalytic residues of glycoside hydrolase family 99. Using X‐ray crystallography, we structurally characterized this protein from the marine flavobacterium Ochrovirga pacifica to help elucidate its molecular function. The structure reveals the absence of potential catalytic residues for polysaccharide hydrolysis, which—together with additional structural features—suggests this protein may be noncatalytic and involved in carbohydrate binding.  相似文献   

YteR, a hypothetical protein with unknown functions, is derived from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 and has an overall structure similar to that of bacterial unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase (UGL), although it exhibits little amino acid sequence identity with UGL. UGL releases unsaturated glucuronic acid from glycosaminoglycan treated with glycosaminoglycan lyases. The amino acid sequence of YteR shows a significant homology (26% identity) with the hypothetical protein YesR also from B. subtilis strain 168. To clarify the intrinsic functions of YteR and YesR, both proteins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. Based on their gene arrangements in genome and enzyme properties, YteR and YesR were found to constitute a novel enzyme activity, "unsaturated rhamnogalacturonyl hydrolase," classified as new glycoside hydrolase family 105. This enzyme acts specifically on unsaturated rhamnogalacturonan (RG) obtained from RG type-I treated with RG lyases and releases an unsaturated galacturonic acid. The crystal structure of YteR complexed with unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide (UGL substrate) was obtained and compared to the structure of UGL complexed with the same disaccharide. The UGL substrate is sterically hindered with the active pocket of YteR. The protruding loop of YteR prevents the UGL substrate from being bound effectively. The most likely candidate catalytic residues for general acid/base are Asp143 in YteR and Asp135 in YesR. This is supported by three-dimensional structural and site-directed mutagenesis studies. These findings provide molecular insights into novel enzyme catalysis and sequential reaction mechanisms involved in RG-I depolymerization by bacteria.  相似文献   

The glycoside hydrolase family 61 endoglucanase from Aspergillus kawachii (AkCel61) is a modular enzyme that consists of a catalytic domain and a carbohydrate-binding module belonging to family 1 (CBM1) that are connected by a Ser-Thr linker region longer than 100 amino acids. We expressed the recombinant AkCel61, wild-type enzyme (rAkCel61), and a truncated enzyme consisting of the catalytic domain (rAkCel61ΔCBM) in Pichia pastoris and analyzed their biochemical properties. Purified rAkCel61 and rAkCel61ΔCBM migrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and were demonstrated to have apparent molecular masses of 81,000 and 34,000 Da, respectively. After treatment with endoglycosidase H, both proteins showed an increase in mobility, thus, demonstrating estimated molecular masses of 78,000 and 28,000 Da, respectively. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that rAkCel61 and rAkCel61ΔCBM expressed in P. pastoris are heterogeneous due to protein glycosylation. The rAkCel61 protein bound to crystalline cellulose but not to arabinoxylan. The rAkCel61 and rAkCel61ΔCBM proteins produced small amounts of oligosaccharides from soluble carboxymethylcellulose. They also exhibited a slight hydrolytic activity toward laminarin. However, they showed no detectable activity toward microcrystalline cellulose, arabinoxylan, and pectin. Both recombinant enzymes also showed no detectable activity toward p-nitrophenyl β-d-glucoside, p-nitrophenyl β-d-cellobioside, and p-nitrophenyl β-d-cellotrioside. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The xylanase inhibitor protein I (XIP-I), recently identified in wheat, inhibits xylanases belonging to glycoside hydrolase families 10 (GH10) and 11 (GH11). Sequence and structural similarities indicate that XIP-I is related to chitinases of family GH18, despite its lack of enzymatic activity. Here we report the identification and biochemical characterization of a XIP-type inhibitor from rice. Despite its initial classification as a chitinase, the rice inhibitor does not exhibit chitinolytic activity but shows specificities towards fungal GH11 xylanases similar to that of its wheat counterpart. This, together, with an analysis of approximately 150 plant members of glycosidase family GH18 provides compelling evidence that xylanase inhibitors are largely represented in this family, and that this novel function has recently emerged based on a common scaffold. The plurifunctionality of GH18 members has major implications for genomic annotations and predicted gene function. This study provides new information which will lead to a better understanding of the biological significance of a number of GH18 'inactivated' chitinases.  相似文献   

Maize ChitA chitinase is composed of a small, hevein‐like domain attached to a carboxy‐terminal chitinase domain. During fungal ear rot, the hevein‐like domain is cleaved by secreted fungal proteases to produce truncated forms of ChitA. Here, we report a structural and biochemical characterization of truncated ChitA (ChitA ΔN), which lacks the hevein‐like domain. ChitA ΔN and a mutant form (ChitA ΔN‐EQ) were expressed and purified; enzyme assays showed that ChitA ΔN activity was comparable to the full‐length enzyme. Mutation of Glu62 to Gln (ChitA ΔN‐EQ) abolished chitinase activity without disrupting substrate binding, demonstrating that Glu62 is directly involved in catalysis. A crystal structure of ChitA ΔN‐EQ provided strong support for key roles for Glu62, Arg177, and Glu165 in hydrolysis, and for Ser103 and Tyr106 in substrate binding. These findings demonstrate that the hevein‐like domain is not needed for enzyme activity. Moreover, comparison of the crystal structure of this plant class IV chitinase with structures from larger class I and II enzymes suggest that class IV chitinases have evolved to accommodate shorter substrates.  相似文献   

Long-chain base phosphates (LCBPs) such as sphingosine-1-phosphate and phytosphingosine-1-phosphate function as abscisic acid (ABA)-mediated signaling molecules that regulate stomatal closure in plants. Recently, a glycoside hydrolase family 1 (GH1) β-glucosidase, Os3BGlu6, was found to improve drought tolerance by stomatal closure in rice, but the biochemical functions of Os3BGlu6 have remained unclear. Here we identified Os3BGlu6 as a novel GH1 glucocerebrosidase (GCase) that catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide to ceramide. Phylogenetic and enzymatic analyses showed that GH1 GCases are widely distributed in seed plants and that pollen or anthers of all seed plants tested had high GCase activity, but activity was very low in ferns and mosses. Os3BGlu6 had high activity for glucosylceramides containing (4E,8Z)-sphingadienine, and GCase activity in leaves, stems, roots, pistils, and anthers of Os3BGlu6-deficient rice mutants was completely absent relative to that of wild-type rice. The levels of ceramides containing sphingadienine were correlated with GCase activity in each rice organ and were significantly lower in Os3BGlu6-deficient rice mutants than in the wild type. The levels of LCBPs synthesized from ceramides, especially the levels of sphingadienine-1-phosphate, were also correlated with GCase activity in each rice organ and were significantly lower in Os3BGlu6-deficient rice mutants than in the wild type. These results indicate that Os3BGlu6 regulates the level of ceramides containing sphingadienine, influencing the regulation of sphingadienine-1-phosphate levels and subsequent improvement of drought tolerance via stomatal closure in rice.  相似文献   

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