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RNA-protein interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent discoveries have revealed that there is a myriad of RNAs and associated RNA-binding proteins that spatially and temporally appear in the cells of all organisms. The structures of these RNA-protein complexes are providing valuable insights into the binding modes and functional implications of these interactions. Even the common RNA-binding domains (RBDs) and the double stranded RNA binding motifs (dsRBMs) have been shown to exhibit a plethora of binding modes.  相似文献   

RNA-protein interactions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M P Wickens  J E Dahlberg 《Cell》1987,51(3):339-342

RNA-protein interactions.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A D Frankel  I W Mattaj  D C Rio 《Cell》1991,67(6):1041-1046

The RNA folding trajectory features numerous off-pathway folding traps, which represent conformations that are often equally as stable as the native functional ones. Therefore, the conversion between these off-pathway structures and the native correctly folded ones is the critical step in RNA folding. This process, referred to as RNA refolding, is slow, and is represented by a transition state that has a characteristic high free energy. Because this kinetically limiting process occurs in vivo, proteins (called RNA chaperones) have evolved that facilitate the (re)folding of RNA molecules. Here, we present an overview of how proteins interact with RNA molecules in order to achieve properly folded states. In this respect, the discrimination between static and transient interactions is crucial, as different proteins have evolved a multitude of mechanisms for RNA remodeling. For RNA chaperones that act in a sequence-unspecific manner and without the use of external sources of energy, such as ATP, transient RNA-protein interactions represent the basis of the mode of action. By presenting stretches of positively charged amino acids that are positioned in defined spatial configurations, RNA chaperones enable the RNA backbone, via transient electrostatic interactions, to sample a wider conformational space that opens the route for efficient refolding reactions.  相似文献   

Telomerase is an enzyme that is essential for the replication and maintenance of chromosomal termini. It is a ribonucleoprotein consisting of a catalytic subunit, one or more associated proteins, and an integral RNA subunit that serves as a template for the synthesisof telomeric repeats. We identified a Tetrahymena telomerase RNA-protein complex by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, using telomerase partially purified from whole cell extracts and radiolabeled, in vitro transcribed wild-type Tetrahymena telomerase RNA. Complex formation was specific as unlabeled Tetra-hymena telomerase RNA, but not Escherichia coli ribo-somal RNAs, competitively inhibited complex formation. Binding required concentrations of MgCl2of at least 10 mM and occurred over a wide range of potassium glutamate concentrations (20-220 mM). The RNA-protein complex was optimally reconstituted with a 30 degrees C preincubation for 相似文献   

In the past few years, the number of RNA-binding proteins (RBP) and RNA-RBP interactions has increased significantly. Here, we review recent developments in the methodology for protein-RNA and protein–protein complex structure modeling with deep learning and co-evolution, as well as discuss the challenges and opportunities for building a reliable approach for protein-RNA complex structure modelling. Protein Data bank (PDB) and Cross-linking immunoprecipitation (CLIP) data could be combined together and used to infer 2D geometry of protein-RNA interactions by deep learning.  相似文献   

Mixed infections of plant viruses are common in nature, and a number of important virus diseases of plants are the outcomes of interactions between causative agents. Multiple infections lead to a variety of intrahost virus-virus interactions, many of which may result in the generation of variants showing novel genetic features, and thus change the genetic structure of the viral population. Hence, virus-virus interactions in plants may be of crucial significance for the understanding of viral pathogenesis and evolution, and consequently for the development of efficient and stable control strategies. The interactions between plant viruses in mixed infections are generally categorized as synergistic or antagonistic. Moreover, mixtures of synergistic and antagonistic interactions, creating usually unpredictable biological and epidemiological consequences, are likely to occur in plants. The mechanisms of some of these are still unknown. This review aims to bring together the current knowledge on the most commonly occurring facilitative and antagonistic interactions between related or unrelated viruses infecting the same host plant. The best characterized implications of these interactions for virus-vector-host relationships are included. The terms 'synergism' and 'helper dependence' for facilitative virus-virus interactions, and 'cross-protection' and 'mutual exclusion' for antagonistic interactions, are applied in this article.  相似文献   

For the purpose of attempting to generalize the rules concerning morphogenesis of helical viruses, the in vitro reconstitution of the CAM strain of TRV was studied. The conditions for reconstitution and the importance of the aggregation state of the protein for initiation and elongation are compared with those of TMV. The initiation step consisting of the binding of RNA with the 36S disk of protein was easily accomplished. The polarity and the specificity of encapsidation of TRV RNA by homologous and heterologous viral protein is discussed.  相似文献   

R Brimacombe 《Biochimie》1991,73(7-8):927-936
Over the last two decades essentially three different approaches have been used to study the topography of RNA-protein interactions in the ribosome. These are: (a) the analysis of binding sites for individual ribosomal proteins or groups of proteins on the RNA; (b) the determination of protein footprint sites on the RNA by the application of higher order structure analytical techniques; and (c) the localisation of RNA-protein cross-link sites on the RNA. This article compares and contrasts the types of data that the three different approaches provide, and gives a brief and highly simplified summary of the results that have been obtained for both the 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA from E coli.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) impact every process in the cell; they act as splicing and polyadenylation factors, transport and localization factors, stabilizers and destabilizers, modifiers, and chaperones. RNA-binding capacity can be attributed to numerous protein domains that bind a limited repertoire of short RNA sequences. How is specificity achieved in cells? Here we focus on recent advances in determining the RNA-binding properties of proteins in vivo and compare these to in vitro determinations, highlighting insights into how endogenous RNA molecules are recognized and regulated. We also discuss the crucial contribution of structural determinations for understanding RNA-binding specificity and mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nuclear RNA-protein interactions and messenger RNA processing   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1321-1326
Eucaryotic messenger RNA precursors are processed in nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (hnRNP). Here recent work on the structure of hnRNP is reviewed, with emphasis on function. Detailed analysis of a specific case, the altered assembly of hnRNP in heat-shocked Drosophila and mammalian cells, leads to a general hypothesis linking hnRNP structure and messenger RNA processing.  相似文献   

Konzervaci vir? jsme prováděli v oddělených listech infek?ních rostlin, které byly pono?eny do roztoku sacharózy. Nejlep?ího výsledku jsme dosáhli s 3molálním roztokem. Takto byly úspě?ně konzervovány: oby?ejný a nekrotický kmen Y viru bramboru, X virus bramboru, 2 zelené kmeny viru mozaiky okurky, virus ?erné krou?kovitosti zelí, komplex viru mozaiky okurky a viru ?erné krou?kovitosti zelí, virus mozaiky ?epy a virus nekrotické kade?avosti tabáku. Pr?měrná doba ulo?ení list? v roztoku sacharózy byla 7 - 8 měsíc?. Tímto zp?sobem se v?ak nepoda?ilo konzervovat ?lutý kmen viru mozaiky okurky.  相似文献   

Conservation of RNA-protein interactions among picornaviruses.   总被引:3,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Picornavirus genomes encode unique 5' noncoding regions (5' NCRs) which are approximately 600 to 1,300 nucleotides in length, contain multiple upstream AUG codons, and display the ability to form extensive secondary structures. A number of recent reports have shown that picornavirus 5' NCRs are able to facilitate cap-independent internal initiation of translation. This mechanism of translation occurs in the absence of viral gene products, suggesting that the host cell contains the necessary components for the cap-independent internal initiation of translation of picornavirus RNAs as well as cellular mRNAs. In an attempt to identify some of the perhaps novel cellular proteins involved in this newly discovered mechanism of translation, we utilized RNA mobility shifts assays to identify and characterize interactions that occur between the 5'NCR of poliovirus type 1 (PV1) and cellular proteins. In this report, we describe two separate interactions between RNA structures from the 5' NCR of PV1 and proteins present in extracts from HeLa cells as well as other cell types. We describe the interaction between nucleotides 186 to 220 (stem-loop D) and a cellular protein(s) present in HeLa cell extracts. Mutational analysis of this stem-loop structure suggests that maintenance of a base-paired structure in the lower stem is necessary to present the sequences which directly interact with the protein(s). We also describe the interaction between nucleotides 220 to 460 (stem-loop E) and a cellular protein present in HeLa cell extracts. This RNA binding activity fractionates to a specific ammonium sulfate fraction (A cut) of a ribosomal salt wash. Mutational analysis of the stem-loop E structure suggests that the preservation of an extensive RNA structure is necessary for a strong interaction with the cellular protein(s), although smaller RNAs derived from this region of the 5' NCR can interact to lesser extents. Finally, we show that both of these RNA-protein interactions are conserved among the closely related enteroviruses PV1 and coxsackievirus type B3, human rhinovirus type 14, and the more distantly related cardiovirus Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, suggesting that such RNA-protein interactions serve basic functions which are conserved and utilized by each of these picornaviruses.  相似文献   

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