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A novel mode of crosstalk between the EGFR-Ras-MAPK and LIN-12/Notch pathways occurs during the patterning of a row of vulval precursor cells (VPCs) in Caenorhabditis elegans: activation of the EGFR-Ras-MAPK pathway in the central VPC promotes endocytosis and degradation of LIN-12 protein. LIN-12 downregulation in the central VPC is a prerequisite for the activity of the lateral signal, which activates LIN-12 in neighboring VPCs. Here we characterize cis-acting targeting sequences in the LIN-12 intracellular domain and find that in addition to a di-leucine motif, serine/threonine residues are important for internalization and lysine residues are important for post-internalization trafficking and degradation. We also identify two trans-acting factors that are required for post-internalization trafficking and degradation: ALX-1, a homolog of yeast Bro1p and mammalian Alix and the WWP-1/Su(dx)/Itch ubiquitin ligase. By examining the effects of mutated forms of LIN-12 and reduced wwp-1 or alx-1 activity on subcellular localization and activity of LIN-12, we provide evidence that the lateral signal-inhibiting activity of LIN-12 resides in the extracellular domain and occurs at the apical surface of the VPCs.  相似文献   

By controlling the subcellular localization of growth factor receptors, cells can modulate the activity of intracellular signal transduction pathways. During Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development, a ternary complex consisting of the LIN-7, LIN-2 and LIN-10 PDZ domain proteins localizes the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) to the basolateral compartment of the vulval precursor cells (VPCs) to allow efficient receptor activation by the inductive EGF signal from the anchor cell. We have identified EGFR substrate protein-8 (EPS-8) as a novel component of the EGFR localization complex that links receptor trafficking to cell fate specification. EPS-8 expression is upregulated in the primary VPCs, where it creates a positive feedback loop in the EGFR/RAS/MAPK pathway. The membrane-associated guanylate kinase LIN-2 recruits EPS-8 into the receptor localization complex to retain the EGFR on the basolateral plasma membrane, and thus allow maximal receptor activation in the primary cell lineage. Low levels of EPS-8 in the neighboring secondary VPCs result in the rapid degradation of the EGFR, allowing these cells to adopt the secondary cell fate. Extracellular signals thus regulate EGFR trafficking in a cell type-specific manner to control pattern formation during organogenesis.  相似文献   

The C. elegans intestine is a simple tube consisting of a monolayer of epithelial cells. During embryogenesis, cells in the anterior of the intestinal primordium undergo reproducible movements that lead to an invariant, asymmetrical 'twist' in the intestine. We have analyzed the development of twist to determine how left-right and anterior-posterior asymmetries are generated within the intestinal primordium. The twist requires the LIN-12/Notch-like signaling pathway of C. elegans. All cells within the intestinal primordium initially express LIN-12, a receptor related to Notch; however, only cells in the left half of the primordium contact external, nonintestinal cells that express LAG-2, a ligand related to delta. LIN-12 and LAG-2 mediated interactions result in the left primordial cells expressing lower levels of LIN-12 than the right primordial cells. We propose that this asymmetrical pattern of LIN-12 expression is the basis for asymmetry in later cell-cell interactions within the primordium that lead directly to intestinal twist. Like the interactions that initially establish LIN-12 asymmetry, the later interactions are mediated by LIN-12. The later interactions, however, involve a different ligand related to delta, called APX-1. We show that the anterior-posterior asymmetry in intestinal twist involves the kinase LIT-1, which is part of a signaling pathway in early embryogenesis that generates anterior-posterior differences between sister cells.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development provides an important paradigm for studying the process of cell fate determination and pattern formation during animal development. Although many genes controlling vulval cell fate specification have been identified, how they orchestrate themselves to generate a robust and invariant pattern of cell fates is not yet completely understood. Here, we have developed a dynamic computational model incorporating the current mechanistic understanding of gene interactions during this patterning process. A key feature of our model is the inclusion of multiple modes of crosstalk between the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and LIN-12/Notch signaling pathways, which together determine the fates of the six vulval precursor cells (VPCs). Computational analysis, using the model-checking technique, provides new biological insights into the regulatory network governing VPC fate specification and predicts novel negative feedback loops. In addition, our analysis shows that most mutations affecting vulval development lead to stable fate patterns in spite of variations in synchronicity between VPCs. Computational searches for the basis of this robustness show that a sequential activation of the EGFR-mediated inductive signaling and LIN-12 / Notch-mediated lateral signaling pathways is key to achieve a stable cell fate pattern. We demonstrate experimentally a time-delay between the activation of the inductive and lateral signaling pathways in wild-type animals and the loss of sequential signaling in mutants showing unstable fate patterns; thus, validating two key predictions provided by our modeling work. The insights gained by our modeling study further substantiate the usefulness of executing and analyzing mechanistic models to investigate complex biological behaviors.  相似文献   

Li J  Greenwald I 《Current biology : CB》2010,20(20):1875-1879
Studies of C. elegans vulval development have illuminated mechanisms underlying cell fate specification and elucidated intercellular signaling pathways [1]. The vulval precursor cells (VPCs) are spatially patterned during the L3 stage by the EGFR-Ras-MAPK-mediated inductive signal and the LIN-12/Notch-mediated lateral signal. The pattern is both precise and robust [2] because of crosstalk between these pathways [3]. Signaling is also regulated temporally, because constitutive activation of the spatial patterning pathways does not alter the timing of VPC fate specification [4, 5]. The heterochronic genes, including the microRNA lin-4 and its target lin-14, constitute a temporal control mechanism used in different contexts [6-8]. We find that lin-4 specifically controls the activity of LIN-12/Notch through lin-14, but not other known targets, and that persistent lin-14 blocks LIN-12 activity without interfering with the key events of LIN-12/Notch signal transduction. In the L2 stage, there is sufficient lin-14 activity to inhibit constitutive lin-12. Our results suggest that lin-4 and lin-14 contribute to spatial patterning through temporal gating of LIN-12. We propose that in the L2 stage, lin-14 sets a high threshold for LIN-12 activation to help prevent premature activation of LIN-12 by ligands expressed in other cells in the vicinity, thereby contributing to the precision and robustness of VPC fate patterning.  相似文献   

The heparin binding molecules MK and HB-GAM are involved in the regulation of growth and differentiation of many tissues and organs. Here we analyzed the expression of MK and HB-GAM in the developing mouse incisors, which are continuously growing organs with a stem cell compartment. Overlapping but distinct expression patterns for MK and HB-GAM were observed during all stages of incisor development (initiation, morphogenesis, cytodifferentiation). Both proteins were detected in the enamel knot, a transient epithelial signaling structure that is important for tooth morphogenesis, and the cervical loop where the stem cell niche is located. The functions of MK and HB-GAM were studied in dental explants and organotypic cultures in vitro. In mesenchymal explants, MK stimulated HB-GAM expression and, vice-versa, HB-GAM upregulated MK expression, thus indicating a regulatory loop between these proteins. BMP and FGF molecules also activated expression of both cytokines in mesenchyme. The proliferative effects of MK and HB-GAM varied according to the mesenchymal or epithelial origin of the tissue. Growth, cytodifferentiation and mineralization were inhibited in incisor germs cultured in the presence of MK neutralizing antibodies. These results demonstrate that MK and HB-GAM are involved in stem cells maintenance, cytodifferentiation and mineralization processes during mouse incisor development.  相似文献   

For a nonessential diminutive organ comprised of only 22 nuclei, the Caenorhabditis elegans vulva has done very well for itself. The status of the vulva as an overachiever is in part due to its inherent structural simplicity as well as to the intricate regulation of its induction and development. Studies over the past twenty years have shown the vulva to be a microcosm for organogenesis and a model for the integration of complex signaling pathways. Furthermore, many of these signaling molecules are themselves associated with cancer in mammals. This review focuses on what is perhaps the most intriguing and complex story to emerge from these studies thus far, the role of the Synthetic Multivulval (SynMuv) genes in controlling vulval cell-fate adoption. Recent advances have led to a greater mechanistic understanding of how these genes function during vulval development and have also identified roles for these genes in diverse developmental processes.  相似文献   

We have molecularly characterized the lin-49 and lin-59 genes in C. elegans, and found their products are related to Drosophila trithorax group (trx-G) proteins and other proteins implicated in chromatin remodelling. LIN-49 is structurally most similar to the human bromodomain protein BR140, and LIN-59 is most similar to the Drosophila trx-G protein ASH1. In C. elegans, lin-49 and lin-59 are required for the normal development of the mating structures of the adult male tail, for the normal morphology and function of hindgut (rectum) cells in both males and hermaphrodites and for the maintenance of structural integrity in the hindgut and egg-laying system in adults. Expression of the Hox genes egl-5 and mab-5 is reduced in lin-49 and lin-59 mutants, suggesting lin-49 and lin-59 regulate HOM-C gene expression in C. elegans as the trx-G genes do in Drosophila. lin-49 and lin-59 transgenes are expressed widely throughout C. elegans animals. Thus, in contrast to the C. elegans Polycomb group (Pc-G)-related genes mes-2 and mes-6 that function primarily in the germline, we propose lin-49 and lin-59 function in somatic development similar to the Drosophila trx-G genes.  相似文献   

Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) regulate the activity of small GTP-binding proteins in a variety of biological processes. We have identified a gain-of-function mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans GEF ect-2, the homologue of the mammalian ect2 proto-oncogene that has an essential role during cytokinesis. Here, we report that, in addition to its known function during mitosis, ECT-2 promotes the specification of the primary vulval cell fate by activating RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling before the end of the S-phase. Epistasis analysis indicates that ECT-2 crosstalks to the canonical RAS/MAPK cascade upstream of the RAS GEF SOS-1 by means of a RHO-1 signalling pathway. Our results raise the possibility that the transforming activity of the mammalian ect-2 oncogene could be due to hyperactivation of the RAS/MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

The analysis of cell fate patterning during the vulval development of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied mostly on the direct observation of cell divisions and cell movements (cell lineage analysis). However, reconstruction of the developing vulva from EM serial sections has suggested seven different cell types (vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, vulD, vulE, and vulF), many of which cannot be distinguished based on such observations. Here we report the vulval expression of seven genes, egl-17, cdh-3, ceh-2, zmp-1, B0034.1, T04B2.6 and F47B8.6 based on gfp, cfp and yfp (green fluorescent protein and color variants) reporter fusions. Each gene expresses in a specific subset of vulval cells, and is therefore useful as a marker for vulval cell fates. Together, expressions of markers distinguish six cell types, and reveal a strict temporal control of gene expression in the developing vulva.  相似文献   

The analysis of cell fate patterning during the vulval development of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied mostly on the direct observation of cell divisions and cell movements (cell lineage analysis). However, reconstruction of the developing vulva from EM serial sections has suggested seven different cell types (vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, vulD, vulE, and vulF), many of which cannot be distinguished based on such observations. Here we report the vulval expression of seven genes, egl-17, cdh-3, ceh-2, zmp-1, B0034.1, T04B2.6 and F47B8.6 based on gfp, cfp and yfp (green fluorescent protein and color variants) reporter fusions. Each gene expresses in a specific subset of vulval cells, and is therefore useful as a marker for vulval cell fates. Together, expressions of markers distinguish six cell types, and reveal a strict temporal control of gene expression in the developing vulva.  相似文献   

Zinovyeva AY  Yamamoto Y  Sawa H  Forrester WC 《Genetics》2008,179(3):1357-1371
Members of the Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins regulate many developmental processes, including cell migration. We and others have previously shown that the Wnts egl-20, cwn-1, and cwn-2 are required for cell migration and axon guidance. However, the roles in cell migration of all of the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt genes and their candidate receptors have not been explored fully. We have extended our analysis to include all C. elegans Wnts and six candidate Wnt receptors: four Frizzleds, the sole Ryk family receptor LIN-18, and the Ror receptor tyrosine kinase CAM-1. We show that three of the Wnts, CWN-1, CWN-2, and EGL-20, play major roles in directing cell migrations and that all five Wnts direct specific cell migrations either by acting redundantly or by antagonizing each other's function. We report that all four Frizzleds function to direct Q-descendant cell migrations, but only a subset of the putative Wnt receptors function in directing migrations of other cells. Finally, we find striking differences between the phenotypes of the Wnt quintuple and Frizzled quadruple mutants.  相似文献   

We have identified in Caenorhabditis elegans a homologue of the vertebrate Crim1, crm-1, which encodes a putative transmembrane protein with multiple cysteine-rich (CR) domains known to have bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) binding activity. Using the body morphology of C. elegans as an indicator, we showed that attenuation of crm-1 activity leads to a small body phenotype reminiscent of that of BMP pathway mutants. We showed that the crm-1 loss-of-function phenotype can be rescued by constitutive supply of sma-4 activity. crm-1 can enhance BMP signaling and this activity is dependent on the presence of the DBL-1 ligand and its receptors. crm-1 is expressed in neurons at the ventral nerve cord, where the DBL-1 ligand is produced. However, ectopic expression experiments reveal that crm-1 gene products act outside the DBL-1 producing cells and function non-autonomously to facilitate dbl/sma pathway signaling to control body size.  相似文献   

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