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Serum uric acid levels in humans are influenced by diet, cellular breakdown, and renal elimination, and correlate with blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, gout, and cardiovascular disease. Recent genome-wide association scans have found common genetic variants of SLC2A9 to be associated with increased serum urate level and gout. The SLC2A9 gene encodes a facilitative glucose transporter, and it has two splice variants that are highly expressed in the proximal nephron, a key site for urate handling in the kidney. We investigated whether SLC2A9 is a functional urate transporter that contributes to the longstanding association between urate and blood pressure in man.

Methods and Findings

We expressed both SLC2A9 splice variants in Xenopus laevis oocytes and found both isoforms mediate rapid urate fluxes at concentration ranges similar to physiological serum levels (200–500 μM). Because SLC2A9 is a known facilitative glucose transporter, we also tested whether glucose or fructose influenced urate transport. We found that urate is transported by SLC2A9 at rates 45- to 60-fold faster than glucose, and demonstrated that SLC2A9-mediated urate transport is facilitated by glucose and, to a lesser extent, fructose. In addition, transport is inhibited by the uricosuric benzbromarone in a dose-dependent manner (K i = 27 μM). Furthermore, we found urate uptake was at least 2-fold greater in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells overexpressing SLC2A9 splice variants than nontransfected kidney cells. To confirm that our findings were due to SLC2A9, and not another urate transporter, we showed that urate transport was diminished by SLC2A9-targeted siRNA in a second mammalian cell line. In a cohort of men we showed that genetic variants of SLC2A9 are associated with reduced urinary urate clearance, which fits with common variation at SLC2A9 leading to increased serum urate. We found no evidence of association with hypertension (odds ratio 0.98, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.9 to 1.05, p > 0.33) by meta-analysis of an SLC2A9 variant in six case–control studies including 11,897 participants. In a separate meta-analysis of four population studies including 11,629 participants we found no association of SLC2A9 with systolic (effect size −0.12 mm Hg, 95% CI −0.68 to 0.43, p = 0.664) or diastolic blood pressure (effect size −0.03 mm Hg, 95% CI −0.39 to 0.31, p = 0.82).


This study provides evidence that SLC2A9 splice variants act as high-capacity urate transporters and is one of the first functional characterisations of findings from genome-wide association scans. We did not find an association of the SLC2A9 gene with blood pressure in this study. Our findings suggest potential pathogenic mechanisms that could offer a new drug target for gout.  相似文献   



There is inconsistent association between urate transporters SLC22A11 (organic anion transporter 4 (OAT4)) and SLC22A12 (urate transporter 1 (URAT1)) and risk of gout. New Zealand (NZ) Māori and Pacific Island people have higher serum urate and more severe gout than European people. The aim of this study was to test genetic variation across the SLC22A11/SLC22A12 locus for association with risk of gout in NZ sample sets.


A total of 12 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variants in four haplotype blocks were genotyped using TaqMan® and Sequenom MassArray in 1003 gout cases and 1156 controls. All cases had gout according to the 1977 American Rheumatism Association criteria. Association analysis of single markers and haplotypes was performed using PLINK and Stata.


A haplotype block 1 SNP (rs17299124) (upstream of SLC22A11) was associated with gout in less admixed Polynesian sample sets, but not European Caucasian (odds ratio; OR = 3.38, P = 6.1 × 10-4; OR = 0.91, P = 0.40, respectively) sample sets. A protective block 1 haplotype caused the rs17299124 association (OR = 0.28, P = 6.0 × 10-4). Within haplotype block 2 (SLC22A11) we could not replicate previous reports of association of rs2078267 with gout in European Caucasian (OR = 0.98, P = 0.82) sample sets, however this SNP was associated with gout in Polynesian (OR = 1.51, P = 0.022) sample sets. Within haplotype block 3 (including SLC22A12) analysis of haplotypes revealed a haplotype with trans-ancestral protective effects (OR = 0.80, P = 0.004), and a second haplotype conferring protection in less admixed Polynesian sample sets (OR = 0.63, P = 0.028) but risk in European Caucasian samples (OR = 1.33, P = 0.039).


Our analysis provides evidence for multiple ancestral-specific effects across the SLC22A11/SLC22A12 locus that presumably influence the activity of OAT4 and URAT1 and risk of gout. Further fine mapping of the association signal is needed using trans-ancestral re-sequence data.  相似文献   

Human SLC2A9 (GLUT9) is a novel high-capacity urate transporter belonging to the facilitated glucose transporter family. In the present study, heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes has allowed us to undertake an in-depth radiotracer flux and electrophysiological study of urate transport mediated by both isoforms of SLC2A9 (a and b). Addition of urate to SLC2A9-producing oocytes generated outward currents, indicating electrogenic transport. Urate transport by SLC2A9 was voltage dependent and independent of the Na(+) transmembrane gradient. Urate-induced outward currents were affected by the extracellular concentration of Cl(-), but there was no evidence for exchange of the two anions. [(14)C]urate flux studies under non-voltage-clamped conditions demonstrated symmetry of influx and efflux, suggesting that SLC2A9 functions in urate efflux driven primarily by the electrochemical gradient of the cell. Urate uptake in the presence of intracellular hexoses showed marked differences between the two isoforms, suggesting functional differences between the two splice variants. Finally, the permeant selectivity of SLC2A9 was examined by testing the ability to transport a panel of radiolabeled purine and pyrimidine nucleobases. SLC2A9 mediated the uptake of adenine in addition to urate, but did not function as a generalized nucleobase transporter. The differential expression pattern of the two isoforms of SLC2A9 in the human kidney's proximal convoluted tubule and its electrogenic transport of urate suggest that these transporters play key roles in the regulation of plasma urate levels and are therefore potentially important participants in hyperuricemia and hypouricemia.  相似文献   

The orphan transporter hORCTL3 (human organic cation transporter like 3; SLC22A13) is highly expressed in kidneys and to a weaker extent in brain, heart, and intestine. hORCTL3-expressing Xenopus laevis oocytes showed uptake of [(3)H]nicotinate, [(3)H]p-aminohippurate, and [(14)C]urate. Hence, hORCTL3 is an organic anion transporter, and we renamed it hOAT10. [(3)H]Nicotinate transport by hOAT10 into X. laevis oocytes and into Caco-2 cells was saturable with Michaelis constants (K(m)) of 22 and 44 microm, respectively, suggesting that hOAT10 may be the molecular equivalent of the postulated high affinity nicotinate transporter in kidneys and intestine. The pH dependence of hOAT10 suggests p-aminohippurate(-)/OH(-), urate(-)/OH(-), and nicotinate(-)/OH(-) exchange as possible transport modes. Urate inhibited [(3)H]nicotinate transport by hOAT10 with an IC(50) value of 759 microm, assuming that hOAT10 represents a low affinity urate transporter. hOAT10-mediated [(14)C]urate uptake was elevated by an exchange with l -lactate, pyrazinoate, and nicotinate. Surprisingly, we have detected urate(-)/glutathione exchange by hOAT10, consistent with an involvement of hOAT10 in the renal glutathione cycle. Uricosurics, diuretics, and cyclosporine A showed substantial interactions with hOAT10, of which cyclosporine A enhanced [(14)C]urate uptake, providing the first molecular evidence for cyclosporine A-induced hyperuricemia.  相似文献   

The H+-coupled transporter hPepT1 (SLC15A1) mediates the transport of di/tripeptides and many orally-active drugs across the brush-border membrane of the small intestinal epithelium. Incubation of Caco-2 cell monolayers (15 min) with the dietary phosphodiesterase inhibitors caffeine and theophylline inhibited Gly-Sar uptake across the apical membrane. Pentoxifylline, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor given orally to treat intermittent claudication, also decreased Gly-Sar uptake through a reduction in capacity (Vmax) without any effect on affinity (Km). The reduction in dipeptide transport was dependent upon both extracellular Na+ and apical pH but was not observed in the presence of the selective Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 (SLC9A3) inhibitor S1611. Measurement of intracellular pH confirmed that caffeine was not directly inhibiting hPepT1 but rather having an indirect effect through inhibition of NHE3 activity. NHE3 maintains the H+-electrochemical gradient which, in turn, acts as the driving force for H+-coupled solute transport. Uptake of β-alanine, a substrate for the H+-coupled amino acid transporter hPAT1 (SLC36A1), was also inhibited by caffeine. The regulation of NHE3 by non-nutrient components of diet or orally-delivered drugs may alter the function of any solute carrier dependent upon the H+-electrochemical gradient and may, therefore, be a site for both nutrient-drug and drug-drug interactions in the small intestine.  相似文献   

The H(+)-coupled transporter hPepT1 (SLC15A1) mediates the transport of di/tripeptides and many orally-active drugs across the brush-border membrane of the small intestinal epithelium. Incubation of Caco-2 cell monolayers (15 min) with the dietary phosphodiesterase inhibitors caffeine and theophylline inhibited Gly-Sar uptake across the apical membrane. Pentoxifylline, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor given orally to treat intermittent claudication, also decreased Gly-Sar uptake through a reduction in capacity (V(max)) without any effect on affinity (K(m)). The reduction in dipeptide transport was dependent upon both extracellular Na(+) and apical pH but was not observed in the presence of the selective Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 (SLC9A3) inhibitor S1611. Measurement of intracellular pH confirmed that caffeine was not directly inhibiting hPepT1 but rather having an indirect effect through inhibition of NHE3 activity. NHE3 maintains the H(+)-electrochemical gradient which, in turn, acts as the driving force for H(+)-coupled solute transport. Uptake of beta-alanine, a substrate for the H(+)-coupled amino acid transporter hPAT1 (SLC36A1), was also inhibited by caffeine. The regulation of NHE3 by non-nutrient components of diet or orally-delivered drugs may alter the function of any solute carrier dependent upon the H(+)-electrochemical gradient and may, therefore, be a site for both nutrient-drug and drug-drug interactions in the small intestine.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G, member 2 (ABCG2/BCRP) gene encodes a well-known transporter, which exports various substrates including nucleotide analogs such as 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT). ABCG2 is also located in a gout-susceptibility locus (MIM 138900) on chromosome 4q, and has recently been identified by genome-wide association studies to relate to serum uric acid (SUA) and gout. Becuase urate is structurally similar to nucleotide analogs, we hypothesized that ABCG2 might be a urate exporter. To demonstrate our hypothesis, transport assays were performed with membrane vesicles prepared from ABCG2-overexpressing cells. Transport of estrone-3-sulfate (ES), a typical substrate of ABCG2, is inhibited by urate as well as AZT and ES. ATP-dependent transport of urate was then detected in ABCG2-expressing vesicles but not in control vesicles. Kinetic analysis revealed that ABCG2 is a high-capacity urate transporter that maintained its function even under high-urate concentration. The calculated parameters of ABCG2-mediated transport of urate were a Km of 8.24 ± 1.44 mM and a Vmax of 6.96 ± 0.89 nmol/min per mg of protein. Moreover, the quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis performed in 739 Japanese individuals revealed that a dysfunctional variant of ABCG2 increased SUA as the number of minor alleles of the variant increased (p = 6.60 × 10(-5)). Because ABCG2 is expressed on the apical membrane in several tissues, including kidney, intestine, and liver, these findings indicate that ABCG2, a high-capacity urate exporter, has a physiological role of urate homeostasis in the human body through both renal and extrarenal urate excretion.  相似文献   

Members of the SLC26 transporter family play an essential role in several epithelial functions, as revealed by diseases associated with mutations in members of the family. Several members were shown to function as Cl(-) and HCO(3)(-) transporters that likely play an important role in epithelial Cl(-) absorption and HCO(3)(-) secretion. However, the mechanism of most transporters is not well understood. SLC26A7 is a member of the SLC26 transporter family reported to be expressed in the basolateral membrane of the cortical collecting duct and parietal cells and functions as a coupled Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger. In the present work we examined the transport properties of SLC26A7 to determine its transport characteristics and electrogenicity. We found that when expressed in Xenopus oocytes or HEK293 cells SLC26A7 functions as a pH(i)-regulated Cl(-) channel with minimal OH(-)/HCO(3)(-) permeability. Expression of SLC26A7 in oocytes or HEK293 cells generated a Cl(-) current with linear I/V and an instantaneous current that was voltage- and time-independent. Based on measurement of reversal potential the selectivity of SLC26A7 is NO(3)(-)>Cl(-)=Br(-)=I(-)>SO(4)(2-)=Glu(-), although I(-) partially inhibited the current. Incubating the cells with HCO(3)(-) or butyrate acidified the cytosol and increased the selectivity of SLC26A7 for Cl(-). Measurement of membrane potential and pH(i) showed minimal OH(-) and HCO(3)(-) transport by SLC26A7 when the cells were incubated in Cl(-)-containing or Cl(-)-free media. The activity of SLC26A7 was inhibited by all inhibitors of anion transporters tested, 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid, and glybenclamide. These findings reveal that SLC26A7 functions as a unique Cl(-) channel that is regulated by intracellular H(+).  相似文献   

The SLC6 gene family comprises membrane proteins that transport neurotransmitters, amino acids, or osmolytes. We report the first functional characterization of the human SLC6A15 gene, which codes for a sodium-coupled branched-chain amino-acid transporter 1 (SBAT1). SBAT1 expression is specific to the brain. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, SBAT1 mediated Na+-coupled transport of hydrophobic, zwitterionic alpha-amino and imino acids. SBAT1 exhibited a strong preference for branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and methionine (K0.5 80-160 microM). SBAT1 excluded aromatic or charged amino acids, beta-amino acids, glycine, and GABA. SBAT1-mediated transport of amino or imino acids was extremely temperature-dependent (Q10=9) and was inhibited at acidic pH. PKC activation reduced the plasma-membrane population of SBAT1 protein. SBAT1-mediated transport of BCAA, particularly leucine, may be an important source of amino nitrogen for neurotransmitter synthesis in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

ABCA1, an ATP-binding cassette transporter mutated in Tangier disease, promotes cellular phospholipid and cholesterol efflux by loading free apoA-I with these lipids. This process involves binding of apoA-I to the cell surface and phospholipid translocation by ABCA1. The goals of this study were to examine the relationship between ABCA1-mediated lipid efflux and apolipoprotein binding and to determine whether phospholipid and cholesterol efflux are coupled. Inhibition of lipid efflux by glybenclamide treatment or by mutation of the ATP-binding cassette of ABCA1 showed a close correlation between lipid efflux, the binding of apoA-I to cells, and cross-linking of apoA-I to ABCA1. The data suggest that a functionally important apoA-I binding site exists on ABCA1 and that the binding site could also involve lipids. After using cyclodextrin preincubation to deplete cellular cholesterol, ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux was abolished but phospholipid efflux and the binding of apoA-I were unaffected. The conditioned media from cyclodextrin-pretreated, ABCA1-expressing cells readily promoted cholesterol efflux when added to fresh cells not expressing ABCA1, indicating that cholesterol efflux can be dissociated from phospholipid efflux. Further, using a photoactivatable cholesterol analog, we showed that ABCA1 did not bind cholesterol directly, even though several other cholesterol-binding proteins specifically bound the cholesterol analog. The data suggest that the binding of apoA-I to ABCA1 leads to the formation of phospholipid-apoA-I complexes, which subsequently promote cholesterol efflux in an autocrine or paracrine fashion.  相似文献   

Recent results suggest a role for topoIIalpha (topoisomerase IIalpha) in the fine-tuning of mitotic entry. Mitotic entry is accompanied by the formation of specific phosphoepitopes such as MPM-2 (mitotic protein monoclonal 2) that are believed to control mitotic processes. Surprisingly, the MPM-2 kinase of topoIIalpha was identified as protein kinase CK2, otherwise known as a constitutive interphase kinase. This suggested the existence of alternative pathways for the creation of mitotic phosphoepitopes, different from the classical pathway where the substrate is phosphorylated by a mitotic kinase. In the present paper, we report that topoIIalpha is co-localized with both CK2 and PP2A (protein phosphatase 2A) during interphase. Simultaneous incubation of purified topoIIalpha with CK2 and PP2A had minimal influence on the total phosphorylation levels of topoIIalpha, but resulted in complete disappearance of the MPM-2 phosphoepitope owing to opposite sequence preferences of CK2 and PP2A. Accordingly, short-term exposure of interphase cells to okadaic acid, a selective PP2A inhibitor, was accompanied by the specific appearance of the MPM-2 phosphoepitope on topoIIalpha. During early mitosis, PP2A was translocated from the nucleus, while CK2 remained in the nucleus until pro-metaphase thus permitting the formation of the MPM-2 phosphoepitope. These results underline the importance of protein phosphatases as an alternative way of creating cell-cycle-specific phosphoepitopes.  相似文献   

The system IMINO transporter plays an essential role in the transport of proline and hydroxyproline in the intestine and kidney. Its molecular correlate has been identified and named SIT1 or IMINO (SLC6A20). Initial characterization of the transporter showed it to be Na+ and Cl?-dependent, but the stoichiometry remained unresolved. Using homology modeling along the structure of the bacterial leucine transporter LeuT, we identified two highly conserved Na+-binding sites and a putative Cl?-binding site. Mutation of all residues in the two proposed Na+-binding sites revealed that most of them were essential for uptake and completely inactivated the transporter. However, mutants A22V (Na+-binding site 1) and mutants S20A, S20G, S20G/G405S (Na+-binding site 2) were partially active and characterized further. Flux studies suggested that mutations of Na+-binding site 1 caused a decrease of the Na+-K0.5, whereas mutations of site 2 increased the K0.5. Mutation of Na+-binding site 1 also changed the ion selectivity of the IMINO transporter. IMINO actively translocates 36Cl? demonstrating that the proposed chloride binding site is used in the transporter. Accumulation experiments and flux measurements at different holding potentials showed that the transporter can work as a 2Na+/1Cl?-proline cotransporter. The proposed homology model allows to study mutations in IMINO associated with iminoglycinuria.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose transporter (UGT) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter (NGT) form heterologous complexes in the Golgi apparatus (GA) membrane. We aimed to identify UGT region responsible for galactosylation of N-glycans. Chimeric proteins composed of human UGT and either NGT or CMP-sialic acid transporter (CST) localized to the GA, and all but UGT/CST chimera corrected galactosylation defect in UGT-deficient cell lines, although at different efficiency. Importantly, short N-terminal region composed of 35 N-terminal amino-acid residues of UGT was crucial for galactosylation of N-glycans. The remaining molecule must be derived from NGT not CST, confirming that the role played by UGT and NGT is coupled.  相似文献   

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