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Recent work suggests that mammalian retinal ganglion cells may become more like developing ganglion cells in form while regenerating through a peripheral nerve graft. We have injected Lucifer Yellow into regenerating ganglion cells of goldfish to look for similar changes. Within three weeks of injury, we saw dye-coupling to nearby cells, which is a common developmental feature in many species. Dendrites and axons, which in most mature ganglion cells are smooth, became varicose and hairy, like those examined in mammalian development. Secondary axons arose later, not only as side-branches of the primary axon but also from the soma, as in mammalian development and regeneration. Since, in fish, these responses are clearly an intrinsic part of functional regeneration, their equivalence in fish and mammals strengthens the view that a similar regenerative competence may exist in the retinal ganglion cells of all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Intraocular injection of colchicine in doses which do not affect the protein synthesis in the retina has profound effects on the axonal transport of protein in the retinal ganglion cells of the rabbit. Rapid axonal transport in these cells is completely inhibited after treatment with relatively low amounts of colchicine. In contrast to this, a certain fraction of the slow axonal transport is resistant to colchicine treatment. Colchicine in doses which completely inhibits fast axonal transport caused discrete morphological changes in the perikaryon and in the axon of the retinal ganglion cell. No disappearance of microtubules and no general proliferation of neurofilaments was observed in the perikaryon of the retinal ganglion cells. There was a slight or moderate increase in the number of filaments in the intra-retinal part of the axons of the retinal ganglion cells.This work has been supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B71-12X-2543-03, B71-13X-2226-05A) and the Swedish National Cancer Society (265-B70-02X).  相似文献   

Like other neurons of the central nervous system (CNS), retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are normally unable to regenerate injured axons and instead undergo apoptotic cell death. This regenerative failure leads to lifelong visual deficits after optic nerve damage and is partially attributable to factors located in the inhibitory environment of the forming glial scar and myelin as well as to an insufficient intrinsic ability for axonal regrowth. In addition to its ophthalmological relevance, the optic nerve has long been used as a favorable paradigm for studying regenerative failure in the CNS as a whole. Findings over the last 15 years have shown that, under certain circumstances, mature RGCs can be transformed into an active regenerative state enabling these neurons to survive axotomy and to regenerate axons in the optic nerve. Moreover, combinatorial treatments overcoming the inhibitory environment of the glial scar and optic nerve myelin, together with approaches activating the intrinsic growth program, can further enhance the amount of regeneration in vivo. These findings are encouraging and open the possibility that clinically meaningful regenerationmay become achievable in the future.  相似文献   

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Tyrosinase is a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Mice that are homozygous for the albino allele at the tyrosinase locus have fewer retinal ganglion cells with uncrossed projections at the optic chiasm. To determine the site of the albino gene action we studied the projections of retinal ganglion cells in two types of pigmentation mosaic mice. First, we generated mosaic mice that contain a translocated allele of the wild-type tyrosinase on one X chromosome but that also have the lacZ reporter transgene on the opposite X chromosome. In these lacZ/tyrosinase mice, which are homozygous for the albino allele on chromosome 7, X-inactivation ensures that tyrosinase cannot be functional within 50% of the retinal ganglion cells and that these individual cells can be identified by their expression of the lacZ reporter gene product, beta-galactosidase. The proportion of uncrossed retinal ganglion cells expressing beta-galactosidase was found to be identical to the proportion that did not express it, indicating that the albino mutation associated with axonal behavior at the optic chiasm must affect ganglion cells in a cell-extrinsic manner. Second, to determine whether the RPE is the source of the extrinsic signal, we generated aggregation chimeras between pigmented and albino mice. In these mosaic mice, the extent of the uncrossed projection corresponded with the amount of pigmented cells within the RPE, but did not correspond with the genotypes of neural retinal cells. These studies demonstrate that the albino mutation acts indirectly upon retinal ganglion cells, which in turn respond by making axonal guidance errors at the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

Intrinsically photosensitive melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) control important physiological processes, including the circadian rhythm, the pupillary reflex, and the suppression of locomotor behavior (reviewed in [1]). ipRGCs are also activated by classical photoreceptors, the rods and cones, through local retinal circuits [2, 3]. ipRGCs can be transsynaptically labeled through the pupillary-reflex circuit with the derivatives of the Bartha strain of the alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus(PRV) [4, 5] that express GFP [6-12]. Bartha-strain derivatives spread only in the retrograde direction [13]. There is evidence that infected cells function normally for a while during GFP expression [7]. Here we combine transsynaptic PRV labeling, two-photon laser microscopy, and electrophysiological techniques to trace the local circuit of different ipRGC subtypes in the mouse retina and record light-evoked activity from the transsynaptically labeled ganglion cells. First, we show that ipRGCs are connected by monostratified amacrine cells that provide strong inhibition from classical-photoreceptor-driven circuits. Second, we show evidence that dopaminergic interplexiform cells are synaptically connected to ipRGCs. The latter finding provides a circuitry link between light-dark adaptation and ipRGC function.  相似文献   

The constituent proteins of the fast (110–150 mm/day) and slow (1.5–2 mm/day) components of axonal transport in the retinal ganglion cells of the rabbit were investigated. The fast and slow components were labelled by intraocular injection of (3H)- and (14C)-leucine, respectively. Subcellular fractionation of the optic nerve and tract and subsequent gel electrophoresis of the fractions showed that most of the soluble proteins moved with the slow phase of axonal transport, whereas only some of the soluble proteins were transported with the rapid phase. Extraction of the microsomal fraction with triton X-100 resulted in the solubilization of highly labelled proteins belonging to the rapid phase. These proteins showed a relatively low electrophoretic mobility.  相似文献   

The relationship between the type of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) and the retinoreceptive layer of the tectum is investigated by the immunostaining of RGCs with nicotinic acetylcholine receptorβ2 (nAChRβ2) antibody and intracellular staining by DiI and also by anterograde degeneration and biotinylated dextran amine labeling of retinotectal fibers in chicks. The results strongly suggest that many of the RGCs that express immunoreactivity to nAChRβ2 send axons to tectal layer 7 and are mainly classified into the simple-type of Groups II and III, which contain the cells providing middle-sized to large dendritic fields with simple dendritic arborization. These nAChRβ2-immunoreactive RGCs receive visual information via the multiple sublayers of the inner plexiform layer.  相似文献   

The carbocyanine dye, DiI, has been used to study the retinal origin of the uncrossed retinofugal component of the mouse and to show the course taken by these fibres through the optic nerve and chiasm during development. Optic axons first arrive at the chiasm at embryonic day 13 (E13) but do not cross the midline until E14. After this stage, fibres taking an uncrossed course can be selectively labelled by unilateral tract implants of DiI. The earliest ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells are located in the dorsal central retina. The first sign of the adult pattern of distribution of ganglion cells with uncrossed axons located mainly in the ventrotemporal retina is seen on embryonic day 16.5, thus showing that the adult line of decussation forms early in development. A small number of labelled cells continue to be found in nasal and dorsal retina at all later stages. At early stages (E14-15), retrogradely labelled uncrossed fibres are found in virtually all fascicles of the developing nerve, intermingling with crossed axons throughout the length of the nerve. At later stages of development (E16-17), although uncrossed fibres pass predominantly within the temporal part of the stalk, they remain intermingled with crossed axons. A significant number of uncrossed axons also lie within the nasal part of the optic stalk. The position of uncrossed fibres throughout the nerve in the later developmental stages is comparable to that seen in the adult rodent (Baker and Jeffery, 1989). The distribution of uncrossed axons thus indicates that positional cues are not sufficient to account for the choice made by axons when they reach the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

(-)-Deprenyl ( L-deprenyl, selegiline hydrochloride), a selective monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitor employed in the pharmacological therapy of Parkinson's disease, increases neuronal survival in both animal models of neurodegenerative disorders and acute CNS lesions. Despite intensive investigations, the mechanisms of (-)-deprenyl-mediated neuroprotection remain poorly understood. To test the hypothesis that (-)-deprenyl might have a beneficial effect not only on neuronal survival, but also on axonal regeneration, we describe here experiments performed in vitro and in vivo which clearly demonstrate that (-)-deprenyl fails to promote axonal regeneration of severed rat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Furthermore, (-)-deprenyl was not able to overcome free-radical-induced RGC axon degeneration. These results challenge the notion that (-)-deprenyl might be useful as a monotherapy for acute CNS lesions and give rise to a more critical viewpoint of the trophic-like function of this widely used therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

The failure of CNS regeneration and subsequent motor and sensory loss remain major unsolved questions despite massive accumulation of experimental observations and results. The sheer volume of data and the variety of resources from which these data are generated make it difficult to integrate prior work to build new hypotheses. To address these challenges we developed a prototypic suite of computer programs to extract protein names from relevant publications and databases and associated each of them with several general categories of biological functions in nerve regeneration. To illustrate the usefulness of our data mining approach, we utilized the program output to generate a hypothesis for a biological function of CD44 interaction with osteopontin (OPN) and laminin in axon outgrowth of CNS neurons. We identified CD44 expression in retinal ganglion cells and when these neurons were plated on poly- l -lysine 3% of them initiated axon growth, on OPN 15%, on laminin-111 (1×) 41%, on laminin-111 (0.5×) 56%, and on a mixture of OPN and laminin (1×) 67% of neurons generated axon growth. With the aid of a deoxyribozyme (DNA enzyme) to CD44 that digests the target mRNA, we demonstrated that a reduction of CD44 expression led to reduced axon initiation of retinal ganglion cells on all substrates. We suggest that such an integrative, applied systems biology approach to CNS trauma will be critical to understand and ultimately overcome the failure of CNS regeneration.  相似文献   

Runx1-deficient mice die around embryonic day 11.5 due to impaired hematopoiesis. This early death prevents the analysis of the role of Runx1 in the development of sensory ganglia. To overcome the early embryonic lethality, we adopted a new approach to utilize transgenic Runx1-deficient mice in which hematopoietic cells are selectively rescued by Runx1 expression under the control of GATA-1 promoter. In Runx1-deficient mice, the total number of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons was increased, probably because of an increased proliferative activity of DRG progenitor cells and decreased apoptosis. In the mutant DRG, TrkA-positive neurons and peptidergic neurons were increased, while c-ret-positive neurons were decreased. Axonal projections were also altered, in that both central and peripheral projections of CGRP-positive axons were increased. In the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, projections of CGRP-positive axons expanded to the deeper layer, IIi, from the normal terminal area, I/IIo. Our results suggest that Runx1 is involved in the cell fate specification of cutaneous neurons, as well as their projections to central and peripheral targets.  相似文献   

Olfactory bulb ensheathing glia (OEG) have attracted special attention during the last few years because of their unique properties in promoting regeneration of adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) components. However the molecular and cellular characteristics responsible for this capacity remain to be revealed. Such studies are presently hindered by the lack of a plentiful source of homogenous OEG. Thus the availability of immortalized OEG lines maintaining the regenerative characteristics of the primary cultures would represent an unlimited source of OEG for use not only in biochemical analyses of neuroregenerative mechanisms but also to characterize their regenerative properties in models in culture and in vivo. We have immortalized primary rat OEG using the SV40 large T antigen expressed from a constitutive cellular promotor, and report here the isolation and characterization of clonal lines. These OEG clonal lines were comparable to primary OEG and Schwann cells in the promotion of axonal regeneration of mature rat retinal ganglion neurons (RGN) but, significantly, this culture assay system more closely reflects the in vivo reparative properties of OEG on transected nerves than other assays of neuritogenesis in that it revealed OEG cells to promote the growth of a larger number of long axons than Schwann cells. Using this assay we were able to grade our OEG lines for their neuroregenerative capacity, opening the possibility of identifying molecules with correlative expression levels in these cells. Our preliminary characterization revealed that the expression level of a classical OEG marker, the p75-NGF receptor, does not correlate with neuroregenerative capacity.  相似文献   

The optic chiasm is an important choice point at which retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons either cross the midline to innervate the contralateral brain or turn back to innervate the ipsilateral brain. Guidance cues that regulate this decision, particularly those directing the midline crossing of contralateral axons, are still not well understood. Here we show that Sema3d, a secreted semaphorin expressed at the midline, guides the crossing of RGC axons in zebrafish. Both Sema3d knockdown and ubiquitous overexpression induced aberrant ipsilateral projections, suggesting that Sema3d normally guides axons into the contralateral optic tract. Live imaging in vivo showed that RGC growth cones responded to ubiquitous Sema3d overexpression by pausing for extended periods and increasing their exploratory behavior at the midline, suggesting that Sema3d overexpression causes the midline environment to become less favorable for RGC axon extension. Interestingly, Sema3d overexpression did not affect growth cone behaviors before the midline, suggesting that RGC axons normally respond to Sema3d only upon reaching the midline. After Sema3d knockdown, growth cones grew across the midline but then paused or repeatedly retracted, impairing their ability to leave the midline region. Our results indicate that a proper balance of Sema3d is needed at the midline for the progression of RGC axons from the chiasm midline into the contralateral optic tract.  相似文献   

Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) axons are the signal carriers of visual information between retina and brain. Therefore, they play one of the important roles affected in many optic neurodegenerative diseases like glaucoma. Among the genetic risks associated with glaucoma, the E50K mutation in the Optineurin (OPTN) gene are known to result in glaucoma in the absence of increased intraocular pressure (IOP), whereas the relevant pathological mechanism and neurological issues remain to be further investigated. In this study, the OPTN (E50K) mutant mouse model was established through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing, and aging-related RGCs loss and the visual dysfunction were identified. In E50K mice 16 months old, the axonal transport decreased comparing to wild-type (WT) mice at the same age. Furthermore, results of electron microscopy demonstrated significant morphological anomaly of mitochondria in RGCs axons of young E50K mice 3 months old, and these changes were aggravated with age. These indicated that the damaged mitochondria-associated dysfunction of RGCs axon should play an etiological role in glaucoma as an age-related outcome of OPTN (E50K) mutation. The findings of this study have potential implications for the targeted prevention and treatment of NTG.Subject terms: Neuroscience, Medical research  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is known to promote the survival and foster neuritic outgrowth of different subpopulations of CNS neurons during development. Together with its corresponding receptor c-mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor (Met), it is expressed in the developing and the adult murine, rat and human CNS. We have studied the role of HGF in paradigms of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) regeneration and cell death in vitro and in vivo. After application of recombinant HGF in vitro, survival of serum-deprived RGC-5 cells and of growth factor-deprived primary RGC was significantly increased. This was shown to be correlated to the phosphorylation of c-Met and subsequent activation of serine/threonine protein kinase Akt and MAPK downstream signalling pathways involved in neuronal survival. Furthermore, neurite outgrowth of primary RGC was stimulated by HGF. In vivo, c-Met expression in RGC was up-regulated after optic nerve axotomy lesion. Here, treatment with HGF significantly improved survival of axotomized RGC and enhanced axonal regeneration after optic nerve crush. Our data demonstrates that exogenously applied HGF has a neuroprotective and regeneration-promoting function for lesioned CNS neurons. We provide strong evidence that HGF may represent a trophic factor for adult CNS neurons, which may play a role as therapeutic target in the treatment of neurotraumatic and neurodegenerative CNS disorders.  相似文献   

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