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Many invasive ant species, such as the Argentine ant or the red imported fire ant, have huge colonies with thousands of mass-foraging workers, which quickly monopolise resources and therefore represent a considerable threat to the native ant fauna. Cardiocondyla obscurior and several other species of this myrmicine genus have similarly been transferred throughout the tropics by human activities. However, because their colonies are tiny and workers forage solitarily, Cardiocondyla are often not recognized as successful invaders. Here, we document that the life history of Cardiocondyla closely resembles that of the more conspicuous tramp species, with polygyny, intranidal mating, budding, worker sterility, low genetic variability, and possibly also unicoloniality. Given that introduced Cardiocondyla may locally reach a very high population density, the effects of these stealthy invaders on the native arthropod fauna should receive more attention. Received 18 May 2005; revised 23 September 2005; accepted 29 September 2005.  相似文献   

Summary. A new type of ant male dimorphism, consisting of wingless (ergatoid) and short-winged (brachypterous) males, was found in a species of the “Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi”- complex from Malaysia. The ergatoid males show the typical morphological and behavioral characteristics of those of many other Cardiocondyla species. The brachypterous males are morphologically intermediate between ergatoid males and typical winged males of other taxa in this genus. On one hand, they share a number of morphological and behavioral features with ergatoid males that might be adaptations to the loss of flight and intranidal mating: aggressive behavior towards rival males, a prolonged spermatogenesis, which is unique in winged males, paler body coloration, smaller compound eyes, shorter antennal funiculi, more rounded heads – perhaps due to the increased development of mandibular muscles, and an angular pronotum, probably for neck protection. Their short wings appear to protect the petiolar joints during fighting. On the other hand, the brachypterous males have not become as specialized as the ergatoids and to some extent keep the nature of the winged males of other species, i.e., they escape from the nest with a higher probability and with less injuries and do not show a reduction of the ocelli. In the sexual production season, the ergatoid males emerged first in small numbers and then both male morphs emerged in large numbers. The sex ratio was extremely female-biased in the earlier stage of sexual production, probably due to local mate competition.Received 13 December 2004; revised 17 February 2005; accepted 22 February 2005.  相似文献   

The mating behaviour of a quasi‐gregarious egg parasitoid Telenomus triptus Nixon (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), which exploits egg masses of a stink bug Piezodorus hybneri (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), is examined in the laboratory. In this parasitoid wasp, male adults that emerge earlier stay at the natal egg mass and mate with subsequently emerging females. In the present study, a male adult that encounters the emergence of another male always waits for it to egress, and then mounts the newly emerging male. To examine why males of T. triptus show same‐sex sexual behaviour, male adults are presented with a parasitized host egg mass or a freshly killed wasp. Male adults are observed to remain at host egg masses from which only male wasp(s) had emerged. In addition, male adults attempt to copulate with freshly killed young male wasps. It is suggested that newly emerging male wasps are targets of same‐sex sexual behaviour because they possess cues for male sexual behaviour similar to the cues of females. Both the sex and age of freshly killed wasps affect the frequency of the sexual behaviour of male adults: females are more attractive than males, although their attractiveness declines with age. When the mating opportunity is restricted to the natal egg mass, the costs of failing to notice newly emerging female adults should be extremely high. Therefore, males are forced not to discriminate the sex, resulting in same‐sex sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

In insect parasitoids, mating strategy depends on mate availability and is influenced by the spatial and temporal emergence patterns of adults. For quasi-gregarious species, simultaneous emergence favors local mating and reduces search costs for partners while increasing the risk of inbreeding, particularly when only one female parasitizes the initial host patch. Consequently, in inbreeding sensitive species, mating on the place of adult emergence (patch mating) between siblings should be counter selected. In practice, the timing of male and female emergence and of their dispersal influences mate availability and can limit on patch mating. To test the role of these two factors, we analyzed the daily distribution of emergence and patch residence time of a cohort in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius matricariae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). We observed that adult emergence is concentrated on the morning with males emerging on average before females with some overlaps. A more precise evaluation of emergence pattern within a brood suggests that brothers and sisters rarely emerge at the same time and rapid dispersal of males and females favors off-patch mating. The relationships between timing of emergence including differences between sex and consequences on inbreeding probability in these species are thus discussed.  相似文献   

Wingless males of the ant genus Cardiocondyla exhibit a remarkable range of intrasexual competition, from mutual tolerance among males in the colonies of some species to regular lethal fighting in the nests of others. Here, we describe male–male antagonism in Cardiocondyla thoracica (Smith, 1859) from Northern Australia. Males appear to widely ignore adult competitors, but grab defenseless, young rivals during or immediately after emergence and daub them with hindgut secretion. This fluid elicits fatal worker aggression against the besmeared individual. Besmearing and subsequent worker aggression is known from other species of Cardiocondyla but is usually directed towards adult contenders, whereas males kill freshly eclosing males by biting or dismembering. The behavior of C. thoracica males thus constitutes a novel nuance of rival elimination.  相似文献   

Male reproductive tactics vary widely across the species of the ant genus Cardiocondyla, from obligatory lethal combat among co‐occurring males to complete mutual tolerance. The African species C. venustula Wheeler, 1908 has an intermediate phylogenetic position between taxa with fighting males and taxa with tolerant males and also shows an intermediate male behavior. Males from 2 native populations in South Africa and a population introduced to Puerto Rico attacked and killed freshly eclosing rivals but rarely engaged in deadly fights with adult competitors. Instead, several males per colony established small “territories” in their natal nests and defended them against other males. Males with a stable territory had more contact with female sexuals than nonterritorial males and more frequently engaged in mating attempts. In controlled choice experiments, female sexuals did not show any preference for particular males. We suggest that male territoriality in C. venustula is an adaptation to the seasonal production of large numbers of female sexuals by multiple mothers.  相似文献   

Summary Wingless (ergatoid) males of the tramp ant Cardiocondyla minutior attack and kill their young ergatoid rivals and thus attempt to monopolize mating with female sexuals reared in the colony. Because of the different strength of local mate competition in colonies with one or several reproductive queens, we expected the production of new ergatoid males to vary with queen number. Sex ratios were mostly female-biased, but in contrast to the sympatric species C. obscurior (Cremer and Heinze, 2002) neither the percentage of ergatoid males nor of female sexuals among the first 20 sexuals produced varied considerably with queen number. As in C. obscurior, experimental colony fragmentation led to the production of winged males, whereas in unfragmented control colonies only ergatoid males eclosed.Received 3 December 2003; revised 20 February 2004; accepted 23 February 2004.  相似文献   

Optimal timing of the production of sexuals in bumblebee colonies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonies of annual eusocial insects often produce only workers until they switch to the production of sexuals (queens and males). This switch from the ergonomic phase to the reproductive phase has been modelled by Macevicz & Oster (1976). Their model predicts that the production of sexuals should take place approximately one generation (one brood developmental period) before resources are depleted in order to maximise the number of sexuals. Bumblebees, however, produce sexuals early (relative to colony lifetime) when resources are still abundant and thus the model of Macevicz & Oster does not hold for these insects.Here we show that Macevicz & Oster's prediction hinges critically on their assumption that the egg laying rate of the queen is a function of the foraging effort of the workers. This assumption does not hold for bumblebees, where queens lay eggs at a constant rate. Taking this feature of bumblebees into account the model predicts early production of sexuals, since it does not pay to produce more workers and collect more resources than needed to raise sexuals.  相似文献   

Ants are social, and their metabolism should be measured on at least two levels: (i) the individual workers and brood of which the colony is composed and (ii) the colony in its entirety. Whole colony respiration, tempo (size‐free running speed in body lengths per second) and whole colony activity were simultaneously measured for 15 species of ants in four subfamilies, and these data are related to average worker and whole‐colony weight, activity, percentage brood and percentage fat. Across all 15 species, whole colony respiration rate (μL CO2 h?1) is linearly related to whole colony live weight (log–log slope = 1.0). Colonies composed of large workers respire less than colonies composed of an equal live weight of small workers, and colonies with high tempos respire more than lower tempo colonies of equal weight. The tempos and respiration rates of smaller ants tend to be higher, and a higher tempo exacts a cost in higher respiration independent of the effect of small body size. Individual worker respiration (μL CO2 h?1) scales to worker live weight with an exponent of 0.76. Whole colony specific respiration rate (μL CO2 g?1 h?1) is unrelated to colony live weight. The regressions of respiration rates against colony and worker dry weight, lean weight and metabolic weight have similar slopes to those of live weight but different intercepts. Respiration is not related to worker percentage fat, percentage brood or activity. Ant ecology, tempo, body size, polymorphism and colony size are discussed in relation to respiration.  相似文献   

Fishes as models in studies of sexual selection and parental care   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fishes are by far the most diverse group of vertebrates. This fact is in no way, however, reflected in their use as model organisms for understanding sexual selection or parental care. Why is this so? Is it because fishes are actually poor models? The usefulness of fishes as models for sexual selection and parental care is discussed by emphasizing some problems inherent in fish studies, along with a number of reasons why fishes are indeed excellently suited. The pros and cons of fishes as models are discussed mainly by comparison with birds, the most popular model organisms in animal behaviour. Difficulties include a lack of background knowledge for many species, and the problems of marking and observing fishes in their natural environment. Positive attributes include the diversity of lifestyles among fishes, and the ease with which they can be studied experimentally in the laboratory. How useful fish models can be is briefly illustrated by the impressive and broadly relevant advances derived from studies of guppies Poecilia reticulata and three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus . A selection of topics is highlighted where fish studies have either advanced or could greatly enhance, the understanding of processes fundamental to animal reproductive dynamics. Such topics include sex role dynamics, the evolution of female ornamentation and mate choice copying. Finally, a number of potential pitfalls in the future use of fish as models for sexual selection and parental care are discussed. Researchers interested in these issues are recommended to make much more extensive use of fish models, but also to adopt a wider range of models among fishes.  相似文献   

Genotype‐by‐environment interactions (GxEs) in naturally selected traits have been extensively studied, but the impact of GxEs on sexual selection has only recently begun to receive attention. Here, we review recent models and consider how GxEs might affect the evolution of sexual traits through influencing sexual signal reliability and also how GxEs may influence variation in sexually selected traits and the process of reproductive isolation. We then assess the current empirical literature on GxEs in sexual selection and conclude by highlighting areas that need additional work. Research on GxEs and sexual selection is an important new area of study for the discipline, which has largely focused on relatively simple mate choice/competition scenarios to date. Investigators now need to apply this knowledge to more complex, but realistic, situations, to more fully explore the evolution of sexual traits, and in this review we suggest potentially useful directions for future research.  相似文献   

We previously reviewed the effects of gonadal hormones on the sexual and aggressive behavior of macaques as observed in field, outdoor colony, and laboratory studies. There were consistent similarities between findings from different observational settings, but there were also noteworthy differences which suggested the importance of social and environmental factors in modulating the effects of hormones. We now examine the role of these factors further and consider the extent to which partner preferences, familiarity between individuals, and also dominance rank can affect the behavior of male-female pairs and thereby modify the influences of hormones. The evidence suggests that all these factors are important. Hormone-dependent short-term partner preferences appear to be critical for the formation of consort bonds and to facilitate mating between unfamiliar partners. Socially based partner preferences tend to dampen hormonal influences and may lead to long-term familiarity. Long-term familiarity decreases sexual interactions and may be a proximate mechanism underlying incest avoidance and periodic male troop transfers. Both males and females exhibit mate competition under certain conditions, and their dominance rank can modify sexual and aggressive behavior by either optimizing or reducing hormone-dependent changes. These interaction effects between social and hormonal variables also have relevance for the design and interpretation of laboratory experiments. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The density and distributions of nests of the subterranean ants were studied by excavation of thirty 1‐m2 quadrats in an evergreen broadleaf forest in central Japan. A total of 20 ant species were collected and the densities of Amblyopone silvestrii and Paratrechina flavipes were highest (both 0.83 nests/m2). The distribution patterns were analyzed by the Standardized Morisita Index (Ip) for the five species that had mean densities of more than 0.5 nests/m2. Of them, A. silvestrii and Hypoponera sauteri showed random distributions, while nests of Paratrechina flavipes were significantly overdispersed and those of Carebara yamatonis and Myrmecina nipponica were weakly clumped. These distributional patterns were discussed in connection with the ecology of the ants. In particular, the social organization of A. silvestrii was investigated based on the distributional pattern and the composition of collected colonies.  相似文献   

There are many ways to include stochastic effects in models of sex allocation evolution. These include variability in the number of mating partners and fecundity in a rich literature that goes back 20 years. The effects of variance in the fecundity and number of mating partners have typically been considered separately from the stochastic effects of mortality. However, I show that these processes produce mathematically equivalent models with subtly different biological details. These scenarios differ in the way that information becomes available to individuals because the parents often have information on mating partners while they are making sex allocation decisions, but must make these decisions before brood mortality takes place. This makes it possible to test which mechanism, stochastic mortality or variation in mating partners, is responsible for observed sex ratios. Alternatively, asymmetric variance between sexual functions can cause skewed sex allocation, even in the absence of local mate competition. This allows the evolution of either female- or male-biased sex ratios depending on which sexual function is more variable.  相似文献   

1. The fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a globally distributed invasive ant that is largely restricted to disturbed habitats in its introduced range. For more than half a century, biologists have believed its success results from superior competitive abilities relative to native ant species, as well as an escape from their natural enemies. 2. We used large volumes of hot water to kill fire ant colonies, and only fire ant colonies, on experimental plots in pastures, and found that populations and diversity of co-occurring ants did not subsequently increase. 3. These results are contrary to classical predictions and indicate that S. invicta is not a superior competitor that suppresses native ants, and that the low diversity and abundance of native ants in degraded ecosystems does not result from interaction with fire ants. Instead, other factors such as prior disturbance and recruitment limitation may be the primary limiting factors for native species in these habitats.  相似文献   

The sex ratio of the local population influences mating-related behaviours in many species. Recent experiments show that male-biased sex ratios increase the amount of financial resources men will invest in potential mates, suggesting that sex ratios influence allocation of mating effort in humans. To investigate this issue further, we tested for effects of cues to the sex ratio of the local population on the motivational salience of attractiveness in own-sex and opposite-sex faces. We did this using an effort-based key-press task, in which the motivational salience of facial attractiveness was assessed in samples of faces in which the ratio of male to female images was manipulated. The motivational salience of attractive opposite-sex, but not own-sex, faces was greater in the own-sex-biased (high competition for mates) than in the opposite-sex-biased (low competition for mates) condition. Moreover, this effect was not modulated by participant sex. These results present new evidence that sex ratio influences human mating-related behaviours. They also present the first evidence that the perceived sex ratio of the local population may modulate allocation of mating effort in women, as well as men.  相似文献   

张媛  彭艳琼  杨大荣 《昆虫学报》2014,57(5):587-593
【目的】对性比的研究有助于我们理解自然界生物的选择压力及其所产生的原因和结果,榕树和榕小蜂之间的互惠共生关系以及生物学和生态学特性使其成为研究性比和局域配偶竞争模型(local mate competition)的理想材料。本研究旨在探明榕小蜂性比调节和进化机制。【方法】对分布于西双版纳地区的鸡嗉子榕Ficus semicordata进行了人工控制性放蜂实验。测定了母代雌蜂数量及其进果时间间隔、非传粉小蜂Sycoscapter trifemmensis数量对传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen gravelyi后代数量(成蜂数量)和性比的影响,并分析了小蜂后代数量和性比的相关性。【结果】在榕果发育期一致的前提下,随着母代雌蜂数量的增加,每头雌蜂的平均后代数量明显下降(P<0.001),后代性比显著升高(P<0.001),后代数量和性比呈显著负相关(P<0.05);随着雌蜂进果间隔的延长,后代数量亦呈现下降趋势,且性比增大,放2头雌蜂和3头雌蜂的处理呈同样趋势,但差异均不显著(P=0.87; P=0.49),小蜂后代数量与性比无显著相关性(P=0.86)。此外,非传粉小蜂数量与传粉小蜂后代数量呈显著负相关(P<0.001),与传粉小蜂性比呈正相关(P<0.001),小蜂后代数量和性比同样呈现显著负相关(P<0.001)。【结论】本实验模拟了自然界中榕 蜂的相互作用,所得结果有助于我们理解自然状态下榕小蜂性比调节模式和机制,以及榕 蜂互利共生系统的进化机制。  相似文献   

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