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The paper compares different approaches for the genetic transformation of cauliflower (Agrobacterium-mediated, PEG-mediated and/or electroporation). Transient expression of the neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) gene could be detected after direct gene transfer. Stable transformation was achieved using both Agrobacterium-mediated and direct gene transfer. Expression as well as incorporation of the NPTII sequence could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Experiments on three autumn-heading cauliflower genotypes (2 hybrids and a genotype selected from a population) were conducted to study different factors affecting anther culture. Culture conditions of the donor plants proved to be important: the best results were obtained during spring in a greenhouse where the temperature was maintained between 10 and 20°C. Overall winter and spring seemed more suitable than summer and early autumn for culture establishment. The optimal bud development stage depended on the genotype: for the hybrid 702, the greatest number of embryos for 100 plated anthers was obtained at the uninucleate pollen stage of the microspores; for V23.2 and 703, the optimal stage of the buds corresponded to the first mitotic division. Sucrose proved to be the best carbon supply for embryogenesis with an optimal concentration of 140 g l-1. The addition of a cytokinin (BAP) in the medium led to lower embryo production, and this negative effect increased when the hormone concentration in the medium increased. The use of liquid medium and a dark incubation period immediately after the high temperature treatment were favourable for embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary. The Or mutation in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) leads to abnormal accumulations of -carotene in orange chromoplasts, in tissues in which leucoplasts are characteristic of wild-type plants. Or chromoplasts were investigated by light microscopy of fresh materials and electron microscopy of glutaraldehyde- and potassium permanganate-fixed materials. Carotenoid inclusions in Or chromoplasts resemble those found in carrot root chromoplasts in their optical activity and angular shape. Electron microscopy revealed that the inclusions are made up of parallel, membrane-bound compartments. These stacks of membranes are variously rolled and folded into three-dimensional objects. We classify Or chromoplasts as membranous chromoplasts. The Or mutation also limits plastid replication so that a single chromoplast constitutes the plastidome in most of the affected cells. There are one to two chromoplasts in each cell of a shoot apex. The ability of differentiated chromoplasts to divide in the apical meristems of Or mutant plants resembles the ability of proplastids to maintain plastid continuity from cell to cell in meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants in which plastid replication is drastically limited. The findings are used to discuss the number of levels of regulation involved in plastid replication.  相似文献   

Incorporation of AgNO3 (1–10 mg1-1) into the culture medium of Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera callus significantly improved growth and allowed long-term callus culture. In the absence of AgNO3, callus died shortly after removal from the hypocotyl explants. Regeneration of shoots from callus on low-hormone medium was also enhanced by AgNO3. Significant differences in shoot production were found between the three genotypes examined. Cv. Aries produced large numbers of shoots even in the absence of AgNO3. Investigation of callus production from the inbred parent lines of cv. Aries indicated that tissue culturability may be determined genetically.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Nearly 1000 plants have been regenerated from leaf protoplasts of two cauliflower (Brassica oleracea ssp.botrytis) alloplasmic inbred lines. One line (7642A) carried the Ogura (R1) cms cytoplasm derived from radish; the other line (7642B) carried a normalBrassica cytoplasm and was the fertile maintainer for the cms line. The majority of regenerated plants displayed normal vegetative morphology; they formed normal cauliflower heads and retained the floral characteristics of seed-grown plants from which they were derived. We found no change in either male sterility or in the low temperature-induced chlorosis associated with the 7642A line. Mitochondrial DNA analysis by hybridization with five cloned mtDNA probes revealed no apparent alteration in 75 regenerated plants of both lines. These results indicate that cytoplasmic traits inBrassica oleracea are stable after one cycle of in vitro culture and regeneration.  相似文献   

Embryo formation by cultured broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) anthers was best in the pH range of 5.5 to 5.8. Manipulation of the initial medium pH showed, however, that embryos could be recovered throughout the entire pH range tested. Experiments designed to test the influence of anther density on embryo production exhibited an apparent population effect. Comparison of anthers cultured with and without filaments showed a significantly lower level of embryo formation with filaments attached. The importance of anther orientation with the adaxial surface up was also demonstrated. Detailed studies of the effect of temperature on anther response showed the importance of 35°C treatments. Other temperatures and a variety of temperature manipulations were either comparatively ineffective or inhibitory. The duration of 35°C exposure required for optimal response varied widely between 18 and 48 h. Wide variation in plant to plant response was observed despite attempts to optimize the manipulation of physical parameters. Individual plants were identified that reliably formed many thousands of embryos, whereas other plants failed to form embryos under all tested conditions.  相似文献   

结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var.capitata)和青花菜(Brassica oleracea var.italica)小孢子胚再生植株频率低是目前影响游离小孢子培养技术有效应用的关键问题之一,研究其小孢子胚植株再生频率的影响因素,提高胚再生植株频率,对促进游离小孢子培养技术在甘蓝类蔬菜育种中更好地应用具有重要意义。该文以结球甘蓝中甘11和青花菜TI-111等基因型为试材,对影响游离小孢子胚再生成植株的固体培养基类型、琼脂浓度、胚的类型及胚在液体培养基中的滞留时间等因素进行了研究。结果表明:游离小孢子培养25天的子叶胚在琼脂浓度为1%–1.25%的B5培养基上植株再生频率最高。进一步通过8个不同基因型对上述实验结果进行了验证,结果显示,游离小孢子培养25天的子叶胚在1%琼脂浓度的B5培养基上植株再生频率达77.8%–97.2%。  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient and simpler method for genetic transformation and regeneration of cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis plants. Explants from 4-day old seedlings were inoculated and cocultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harbouring a binary vector with the neomycin phosphotransferase-II gene under the regulatory control of nopaline synthase promoter and terminator sequences, permitting transformed shoots to be selected on kanamycin containing medium. After three months rooted transformed plantlets were successfully transferred and grown under glasshouse conditions. Higher numbers of transformed plants were obtained from cotyledon than hypocotyl explants, presumably indicating cotyledons of cauliflower are more amenable to genetic transformation. Integration and expression of the introduced transgene were analysed by DNA gel blot and PCR analysis and NPT-II expression assay. Factors influencing transformation efficiency include explant age, concentration of bacterium used for infection, duration of infection and cocultivation with Agrobacterium. Transgenic plants of three commercial genotypes of cauliflower were produced using this method. We also show that introduction of antisense Bcp1 (pollen-specific gene) linked to a pollen-specific promoter (Lat52) resulted in the expected sterility of 50% pollen carrying this transgenic construct.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts ofBrassica nigra (L.) Koch were isolated from stem peels of bolting racemes and cultured in 1.5 ml of VN1 liquid medium. The protoplasts in the liquid medium were plated on top of half strength MS medium supplemented with 400 mg/liter glutamine, 15 mg/liter glutathione, 50 mg/literl-serine, 0.25 mg/liter 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.5 mg/liter 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1.5% sucrose, and 5% mannitol, pH, 5.7, solidified with 0.3% agarose. Ten percent of calli obtained from the protoplasts developed into plantlets within 4 wk after transfer onto 2N regeneration medium which contains MS salts plus 200 mg/liter casein hydrolysate, 0.625 mg/liter 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.625 mg/liter kinetin, 0.625 mg/liter 6-(γ,γ-dimethylallylamino)-purine, 0.625 mg/liter zeatin, 0.5 mg/liter 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, 1.5% sucrose, and 0.4% agarose. THis is the first report of plant regeneration fromB. nigra protoplasts.  相似文献   

Genetic similarity among 45 Brassica Oleracea genotypes was compared using two molecular markers, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The genotypes included 37 broccolis (var. italica), five cauliflowers (var. botrytis) and three cabbages (var. capitata) which represented a wide range of commercially-available germplasm, and included open-pollinated cultivars, commercial hybrids, and inbred parents of hybrid cultivars. Fifty-six polymorphic RFLP bands and 181 polymorphic RAPD bands were generated using 15 random cDNA probes and 62 10-mer primers, respectively. The objectives were to compare RFLP and RAPD markers with regard to their (1) sampling variance, (2) rank correlations of genetic distance among sub-samples, and (3) inheritance. A bootstrap procedure was used to generate 200 random samples of size n (n=2,3,5,... 55) independently from the RAPD and RFLP data sets. The coefficient of variance (CV) was estimated for each sample. Pooled regressions of the coefficient of variance on bootstrap sample size indicated that the rate of decrease in CV with increasing sample size was the same for RFLPs and RAPDs. The rank correlation between the Nei-Li genetic similarity values for all pairs of genotypes (990) based on RFLP and RAPD data was 0.745. Differences were observed between the RFLP and RAPD dendrograms of the 45 genotypes. Overlap in the distributions of rank correlations between independent sub-samples from the RAPD data set, compared to correlations between RFLP and RAPD sub-samples, suggest that observed differences in estimation of genetic similarity between RAPDs and RFLPs is largely due to sampling error rather than due to DNA-based differences in how RAPDs and RFLPs reveal polymorphisms. A crossing algorithm was used to generate hypothetical banding patterns of hybrids based on the genotypes of the parents. The results of this study indicate that RAPDs provide a level of resolution equivalent to RFLPs for detemination of the genetic relationships among genotypes.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of savoy cabbage (Brassica olleracea L. var. subauda), "SA61" (SV), were isolated from leaves and hypocotyls of seedlings grown in vitro, in enzyme mixture containing 2% cellulase (Onozuka R-10) and 0.8% macerozyme RI0. Good results of protoplast collection were obtained by using 18% and 17% sucrose solution floating leaf protoplasts and hypocotyl protoplasts respectively, and centrifugalizing with the rate of 500 r/min. All the collected protoplasts were cultured in 5 different liquid media from which the best results were observed on DPD1 medium for leaf protoplasts and on MS1 medium for hypocotyl protoplasts, with the highest cell division rate and planting efficiency. About 2 weeks of cultures, many cell clusters and a few embryo-like structures were visualized. The cell clusters developed into visible microcalli in 20-30 days and grew up to 1 mm or so in dimeter about 40 days of culture. For growth, the calli were transferred to 7 different agar media and from which two suitable media, MB2 and MB3, were selected. Cultured for 40-50 days, the calli grew up, and were transferred to 4 solid media for organ differentiation. Ideal results of shoot regeneration were obtained on MS, medium. About 2 weeks after rooted on the MS medium without any auxin, intact plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from both 7-day-old light-grown and 4-day-old dark/dim light-grown cotyledons of four Brassica campestris varieties (Arlo, Sonja, Bunyip and Wonk Bok) were cultured in three liquid media: modified K8P, modified MS and modified Pelletier's B to compare the capacities for cell division and plant regeneration. Following cell wall regeneration the cultured protoplasts from dark/dim light-grown cotyledons of four varieties showed rapid division and high frequency of cell division compared with those isolated from light-grown cotyledons. The frequencies of cell division were significantly influenced by varieties and culture media but only in cultured protoplasts isolated from dark/dim light-grown cotyledons. The interaction between varieties and media was also significant. Cell colonies formed within 7–14 days in protoplast cultures from dark/dim light-grown cotyledons, and calli subsequently grown on a solid medium developed shoots when transferred onto a regeneration medium. Three of four tested varieties (Arlo, Sonja and Bunyip) showed shoot regeneration within 2–3 months after protoplast isolation, with a high degree of reproducibility in Arlo and Bunyip. Regenerated shoots, which were induced to root on half-strength MS medium with 0.1 mg.l–1 IBA, survived in soil and grew to produce siliques and set viable seeds in the greenhouse. The present report is the first to document the production of regenerated plants that set seeds in Brassica campestris from cotyledonary protoplasts.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - CPW Composition of Protoplast Washing-solution - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - KT kinetin - FDA fluorescein diacetate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

The pollen development and androgenic ability of 18 kale (Brassica oleracea convar.acephala) genotypes was observed during an anther culture study. Anther culture was successful in 6 of the genotypes and the highest yield obtained was 17 embryos per 100 anthers plated. Two stages of anther development were identified as being responsive to anther culture. The first and most responsive was that corresponding to the late uninucleated stage and the second to the late binucleated stage. These stages correspond with the onset of mitotic events in the microspores. Pollen viability was studied and low viability was noted which declined to zero after 9 days of anther culture. The initial viability level however was not clearly related to androgenic ability. The significance of the production of haploid and dihaploid kale genotypes in the study and breeding of resistance to clubroot is discussed.  相似文献   

Row crops are often inefficient in utilizing soil resources. One reason for this appears to be inefficient rooting of the available soil volume. Five experiments were performed to study the temporal and spatial root development of cauliflower (cv. Plana). The crop was grown with 60 cm between rows, and root development was followed in minirhizotrons placed under the crop rows, 15 cm, and 30 cm from the crop rows. Soil was sampled and analyzed for nitrate content at the final harvest and once during growth. In two of the experiments N fertilizer rate was varied and in two of the other experiments two cultivars were compared (cv. Plana and Siria).The rooting depth of cauliflower was found to be linearly related to temperature sum, with a growth rate of 1.02 mm day-1 °C-1. Depending on duration of growth this leads to rooting depths at harvest of 85–115 cm. Soil analysis showed that the cauliflower was able to utilize soil nitrogen down to at least 100 cm.With Plana differences in root growth between row and interrow soil were only observed during early growth, but with Siria this difference was maintained until harvest. However, at harvest both cultivars had depleted row and interrow soil nitrate equally efficient. Nitrogen fertilizer did not affect overall root development significantly.The branching frequency of actively branching roots was increased in all soil layers from about 6 to 10 branches cm-1 by increasing N fertilizer additions from 130 to 290 kg N ha-1. Increasing N supply increased the number of actively branching roots in the topsoil and reduced it in the subsoil.The average growth rate of the roots was always highest in the newly rooted soil layers, but fell during time. At 74 days after planting very few roots were growing in the upper 60 cm of the soil whereas 70% of the root tips observed in the 80–100 cm soil layer were actively growing. Within each soil layer there was a large variation in growth rate of individual root tips.  相似文献   

Summary A hybrid Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) genome containing a selectable marker gene was constructed by replacing the gene VI coding region with the aminoglycoside (neomycin) phosphotransferase type II [APH(3)II] gene from Tn5. This modified viral genome was tested for its infectivity both in planta and in a protoplast transformation system of Brassica campestris var. rapa. Stable, genetically transformed cell lines of B. campestris var. rapa were obtained after transformation. DNA of the hybrid CaMV genome was found to be integrated into high molecular weight plant genomic DNA. Transformation was achieved only when the hybrid genome was supplied together with wild type viral DNA. A possible complementation of the modified CaMV genome with the wild type viral DNA as a helper molecule in planta and in the protoplast system is discussed.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from cotyledons of Brassica carinata, underwent sustained division when cultured at 5.0 × 104 ml-1 in modified 8p medium (KM8P) with 1.0% (w/v) Seaplaque agarose. Cell colonies produced callus when agarose droplets, in which the protoplasts were embedded, were transferred to K8 medium with 0.6% (w/v) Sigma Type I or Type VII agarose at day 16, giving a plating efficiency of 1.6%. Seventy percent of the protoplast derived-tissues produced shoot buds after subculture to MS medium containing 3.0% (w/v) sucrose, 1.125 mgl-1 BAP, 0.035 mgl-1 GA and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose, resulting in shoot formation from 1.1% of the protoplasts originally plated. Protoplast-derived colonies transferred to hormone-free MS medium with 1.0% (w/v) sucrose and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose produced roots. The latter gave rise to shoots after excision from the parent callus and culture on MS medium with 3.0% sucrose, 0.225 mgl-1 BAP, and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose. Shoots regenerated directly from protoplast-derived calli, or indirectly from roots, developed prolific root systems when placed on hormone-free MS medium with 1.0% (w/v) sucrose and 0.6% (w/v) Type I agarose.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CH casein hydrolysate - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellic acid - K kinetin - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - MES 2(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid, 2,iP-6(,-dimethylallyamino) purine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - Z zeatin - ZR zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is an important, nutritionally rich vegetable crop, but severely affected by environmental stresses, pests and diseases which cause massive yield and quality losses. Genetic manipulation is becoming an important method for broccoli improvement. In the present study, a reproducible and highly efficient protocol for obtaining organogenesis from hypocotyl, cotyledon, leaf and petiole explants of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica cv. Solan green head) has been developed. Hypocotyl and cotyledon explants were used from 10 to 12 days old aseptically grown seedlings whereas leaf and petiole explants were excised from 18 to 20 days old green house grown seedlings and surface sterilized. These explants were cultured on shoot induction medium containing different concentration and combination of BAP and NAA. High efficiency shoot regeneration has been achieved in hypocotyl (83.33 %), cotyledon (90.11 %), leaf (62.96 %) and petiole (91.10 %) explants on MS medium supplemented with 3.5 mg/l BAP + 0.019 mg/l NAA 2.5 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l NAA, 4.0 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l NAA and 4.5 mg/l BAP + 0.019 mg/l NAA respectively. Petiole explants showed maximum shoot regeneration response as compared to other explants. MS medium supplemented with 0.10 mg/l NAA was found best for root regeneration (100 %) from in vitro developed shoots. The regenerated complete plantlets were transferred to the pots containing cocopeat and successfully acclimatized. This optimized regeneration protocol can be efficiently used for genetic transformation in broccoli. This is the first comparative report on multiple shoot induction using four different types of explants viz. hypocotyl, cotyledon, leaf and petiole.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR技术是探索植物基因功能和调节机理的有效手段。选择合适的内参基因是获得实时荧光定量PCR准确性数据的必备条件。ACT基因高度保守且表达稳定,常作为内参基因被广泛应用。为了获得花椰菜ACT基因,以转录组测序和RT-PCR方法为手段克隆得到花椰菜肌动蛋白基因Actin。该基因等电点为5.395,理论分子量为41.77 kD;其cDNA开放阅读框长1134 bp,编码氨基酸377个,GenBank登录号为MG598643。Wolf Psort分析发现,BobActin蛋白亚细胞定位于细胞质基质中。Motif Scan分析显示,BobActin蛋白质的氨基酸序列4~377位为Actin保守结构域。进化分析表明,同源序列基因编码的蛋白质与同为十字花科的甘蓝、芜菁和油菜同源蛋白的相似性达到90%以上,具有高度的保守性。在此基础上,设计了1对荧光定量PCR引物,分析显示,该引物具有较高的特异性和扩增效率,在花椰菜根、茎、花、花球、叶片等不同组织和低温、高温、盐处理、干旱处理、ABA处理等胁迫处理下均能稳定表达,适合在花椰菜基因表达研究中作为内参基因,为开展花椰菜重要功能基因的挖掘、表达模式以及调控机理的研究提供参考。花椰菜在内参基因方面的研究还处于初步阶段,今后可继续克隆其他内参基因,丰富花椰菜的内参基因库,从而进一步提高花椰菜基因表达分析研究的稳定性、重复性和准确性。  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybridization between Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, 2n=18), carrying the Ogura (R1) male-sterile cytoplasm and B. napus (2n= 38), carrying a male-fertile, atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm, yielded three hybrids (2n=56) and six cauliflower cybrids (2n=18), which were selected for resistance to the herbicide in vitro. The hybrids and cybrids were male fertile and self-compatible. They contained both chloroplasts and mitochondria from the ATR cytoplasm. We found no evidence for mtDNA recombination in any of the regenerated plants. Selfed progeny of the B. oleracea atrazine-resistant cybrids were evaluated for tolerance to the herbicide in the field. Resistant plants exposed to 0.56–4.48 kg/ha (0.5–4.0 pounds/acre) atrazine in the soil showed no damage at any herbicide level, whereas plants of a susceptible alloplasmic line were severely damaged at the lowest level of herbicide application and killed at all higher levels. These atrazine-resistant cauliflower may have potential horticultural use, especially in fields where atrazine carry over is a serious problem.  相似文献   

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