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1. Acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase from lactating rat mammary gland has been purified to apparent homogeneity. 2. The purified enzyme has the following characteristics: (a) its specific activity approaches 15 units/mg of protein, (b) the sedimentation constants of the protomeric and polymeric forms of the enzyme are 12 to 13 S and greater than or equal to 40 S, respectively, (c) the polymeric form of the enzyme shows filamentous structures in the electron microscope, and (d) the polypeptide(s) arising from its dissociation reveals a single major component of Mr = 240,000 to 260,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 3. The enzyme contains 1 mol of biotin and approximately 6 mol of phosphate/240,000 g of protein.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthetase (FAS) preparations from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells grown at either 35 or 10 degrees C produced the same products at different temperatures and showed quite similar temperature-dependencies in Arrhenius plots, with break points at 25 degrees C. This break point does not appear to reflect a phase transition of phospholipids present in the purified FAS preparations but rather is associated with protein conformational changes. S. cerevisiae cells grown at 35 degrees C and then shifted to 10 degrees C produced fatty acids with a shorter average chain length than those fatty acids synthesized at 10 degrees C by cells already adapted to 10 degrees C (hyper response). Acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity was relatively higher in the cells grown at 35 degrees C than in the cells grown at 10 degrees C; moreover, fatty acids with longer average chain lengths were synthesized in vitro at higher malonyl-CoA concentrations, which was consistent with the difference in the average chain lengths of newly synthesized fatty acids in cells grown at 35 and 10 degrees C. However, the activity levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase alone did not account for the hyper response phenomena.  相似文献   

The genes encoding two subunits of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase, biotin carboxyl carrier protein, and biotin carboxylase have been cloned from Bacillus subtilis. DNA sequencing and RNA blot hybridization studies indicated that the B. subtilis accB homolog which encodes biotin carboxyl carrier protein, is part of an operon that includes accC, the gene encoding the biotin carboxylase subunit of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuole functions both as a degradative organelle and as a storage depot for small molecules and ions. Vacuoles are dynamic reticular structures that appear to alternately fuse and fragment as a function of growth stage and environment. Vac8p, an armadillo repeat-containing protein, has previously been shown to function both in vacuolar inheritance and in protein targeting from the cytoplasm to the vacuole. Both myristoylation and palmitoylation of Vac8p are required for its efficient localization to the vacuolar membrane (Y.-X. Wang, N. L. Catlett, and L. S. Weisman, J. Cell Biol. 140:1063-1074, 1998). We report that mutants with conditional defects in the rate-limiting enzyme of fatty acid synthesis, acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC1), display unusually multilobed vacuoles, similar to those observed in vac8 mutant cells. This vacuolar phenotype of acc1 mutant cells was shown biochemically to be accompanied by a reduced acylation of Vac8p which was alleviated by fatty acid supplementation. Consistent with the proposed defect of acc1 mutant cells in acylation of Vac8p, vacuolar membrane localization of Vac8p was impaired upon shifting acc1 mutant cells to nonpermissive condition. The function of Vac8p in protein targeting, on the other hand, was not affected under these conditions. These observations link fatty acid synthesis and availability to direct morphological alterations of an organellar membrane.  相似文献   

The reaction pathway of enzyme-catalyzed acetylation of the acyl-accepting sites of the yeast synthase, a Ser-OH at the acetyl transacylase site, a Cys-SH at the beta-ketoacyl synthase site, and the acyl carrier protein 4'-phosphopantetheine-SH (Pant-SH), has been investigated using the chromophoric substrate, p-nitrophenyl thioacetate. The stoichiometry of acetylation of the native enzyme was 3 mol of acetate bound per mol of synthase unit, alpha beta (Mr 430,000). The acetylation process is biexponential; the rate constant of acetylation of the first 2 mol is 5.0 s-1 and the third mol is 0.2 s-1. The pathway by which acetyl moiety is added to the enzyme was determined by selectively blocking the acyl-accepting sites and subsequently determining the kinetics and stoichiometry of acetylation. The dibromopropanone-treated enzyme, in which the Pant-SH and Cys-SH are alkylated, exhibited an exponential burst of approximately 1 mol/mol of synthase unit with a rate constant of 11.0 s-1. The iodoacetamide-treated enzyme, in which Cys-SH is alkylated, had a biexponential burst with a total stoichiometry of approximately 2 mol/mol of synthase unit, with rate constants of 9 and 0.2 s-1, respectively. The kinetically competent acetylation to the extent of 2 and approximately 1 mol/mol of synthase unit for both Cys-SH and Cys-SH and Pant-SH-blocked enzymes, respectively, indicated that the route of acetyl transfer in the yeast synthase is obligatorily Ser-OH----Cys-SH. The acetylation of Pant-SH (0.2 s-1) occurs with a rate insignificant to the process of fatty acid synthesis (turnover rate constant of 1.5 s-1). These conclusions are supported by experiments involving end point radiolabeling of the synthase with [1-14C]acetyl moieties using the substrate, p-nitrophenyl thio[1-14C]acetate. Native, dibromopropanone-treated, and iodoacetamide-treated enzymes bind about 3, 1, and 2 mol of acetyl/mol of synthase unit, respectively. Performic acid oxidation studies of the acetyl-labeled enzyme indicate that there is one Ser-O-acetyl formed in the native and alkylated enzymes and one Cys-S-acetyl and one Pant-S-acetyl formed in the native enzyme. Altogether, these results support our contention that the acetylation of the Pant-SH is kinetically incompetent. Thus, the yeast synthase transacetylation reactions occur by a novel process of acetyl transfer from CoA to Ser-OH----Cys-SH, which is in contrast to the transfer from CoA to Ser-OH----Pant-SH----Cys-SH catalyzed by the prokaryotic synthases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two fission yeast temperature-sensitive mutants, cut6 and lsd1, show a defect in nuclear division. The daughter nuclei differ dramatically in size (the phenotype designated lsd, large and small daughter). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that sister chromatids were separated in the lsd cells, but appeared highly compact in one of the two daughter nuclei. EM showed asymmetric nuclear elongation followed by unequal separation of nonchromosomal nuclear structures in these mutant nuclei. The small nuclei lacked electron- dense nuclear materials and contained highly compacted chromatin. The cut6+ and lsd1+ genes are essential for viability and encode, respectively, acetyl CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase, the key enzymes for fatty acid synthesis. Gene disruption of lsd1+ led to the lsd phenotype. Palmitate in medium fully suppressed the phenotypes of lsd1. Cerulenin, an inhibitor for fatty acid synthesis, produced the lsd phenotype in wild type. The drug caused cell inviability during mitosis but not during the G2-arrest induced by the cdc25 mutation. A reduced level of fatty acid thus led to impaired separation of non- chromosomal nuclear components. We propose that fatty acid is directly or indirectly required for separating the mother nucleus into two equal daughters.  相似文献   

E Ryder  G Campos 《Enzyme》1977,22(3):145-150
It has been suggested that the carbohydrate-rich diet of chicks after hatching is responsible for the emergence of hepatic enzymes involved in lipogenesis; the injection of glucose to newly hatched chicks gives rise to an appreciable elvation on the activities of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase. The present study shows that during the first hours after hatching, there is a natural elevation of glycemia which parallels the increase in acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase activity. However, the administration of hormones which alter the blood glucose levels considerably (insulin, tolbutamide, glucagon and hydrocortisone) did not influence the enzyme activity. The administration of thyroxine, estradiol and cyclic AMP, was also without effect. These results do not support the theory that the increased amount of blood glucose is the natural effector of the induction acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase. They also show that different lipogenic enzymes are not regulated via the same 'operon' since thyroxine or glucagon which alter the level of some enzymes on this pathway did not modify that of the acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase.  相似文献   

The activities of hepatic acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase undergo two distinct types of development in the perinatal chick. The first increase begins prior to hatching, continues after hatching in the starved chick, and is independent of feeding. The second increase is caused by feeding and is reversed by starvation (A. G. Goodridge (1973) J. Biol. Chem.248, 1932–1938). We have purified these enzymes to homogeneity and raised antibodies to them in rabbits. Using immunochemical techniques we have established that the activity changes in both types of development were a function of changes in the concentrations of enzyme proteins. All activity changes were accompanied by similar changes in the relative rates of synthesis of the two enzymes. Regulation of the activities of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase was further characterized in liver cells from 19-day-old embryos maintained in culture in a chemically defined medium. After 3 days in culture in the absence of hormones, the activities of the enzymes increased significantly with respect to the activities of the freshly prepared cells. Addition of either insulin or triiodothyronine alone caused additional small increases. Insulin plus triiodothyronine caused 8- and 15-fold increases in acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase, respectively, relative to cells incubated without hormones. In the presence of insulin alone glucagon had no effect on the activity of either enzyme. In the presence of insulin plus triiodothyronine, glucagon inhibited the increase in enzyme activities by about 75%. The results of quantitative immunoprecipitin tests indicated that activity changes caused by the various hormones were functions of changes in the concentrations of the enzyme proteins. The effects of the hormones on enzyme activities were accompanied by comparable or larger changes in the relative rates of synthesis of the enzymes. Under a wide variety of experimental conditions, both in vivo and in culture, the relative rates of synthesis of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase are regulated coordinately. Under some of these conditions, synthesis of malic enzyme also is regulated coordinately with the syntheses of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase. The common intracellular mechanisms underlying the coordinate control remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

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