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生物入侵机制研究进展   总被引:97,自引:4,他引:97  
本文从外来种本身的生物学特性,外来种与新栖息地土著种之间的相互作用,群落生物多样性对入侵种的抵抗能力,新栖息地生态环境变化对入侵种的影响等方面综述了近年来有关生物入侵机制的研究进展,并探讨了研究方法的发展和亟待解决的问题,大量的研究表明生物入侵机制是极为多样的,可能没有一般的,通用的机制,阐明生物入侵的机制,对推动生态学理论的发展和控制有害外来种有重要意义。  相似文献   

龟类外来种的生物入侵隐患及其防治措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐婧  周婷  叶存奇  黄成 《四川动物》2006,25(2):420-422
本文在国家林业局“中国龟鳖市场调查”项目的基础上,查阅了相关文献及报道,考察了国内主要的大型龟鳖养殖场及10多个省份的观赏龟类和水产品龟类市场,针对龟类外来种的养殖现状和发展趋势及对生态系统潜在的危害进行了分析,探讨了龟类外来种成为入侵种的成因,并对龟类生物入侵的防治进行了讨论,旨在引起龟鳖行业对生物入侵的重视及防范.  相似文献   

Caprella mutica (Crustacea, Amphipoda) has been widely introduced to non-native regions in the last 40 years. Its native habitat is sub-boreal northeast Asia, but in the Northern Hemisphere, it is now found on both coasts of North America, and North Atlantic coastlines of Europe. Direct sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene) was used to compare genetic variation in native and non-native populations of C. mutica . These data were used to investigate the invasion history of C. mutica and to test potential source populations in Japan. High diversity (31 haplotypes from 49 individuals), but no phylogeographical structure, was identified in four populations in the putative native range. In contrast, non-native populations showed reduced genetic diversity (7 haplotypes from 249 individuals) and informative phylogeographical structure. Grouping of C. mutica populations into native, east Pacific, and Atlantic groups explained the most among-region variation (59%). This indicates independent introduction pathways for C. mutica to the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America. Two dominant haplotypes were identified in eastern and western Atlantic coastal populations, indicating several dispersal routes within the Atlantic. The analysis indicated that several introductions from multiple sources were likely to be responsible for the observed global distribution of C. mutica , but the pathways were least well defined among the Atlantic populations. The four sampled populations of C. mutica in Japan could not be identified as the direct source of the non-native populations examined in this study. The high diversity within the Japan populations indicates that the native range needs to be assessed at a far greater scale, both within and among populations, to accurately assess the source of the global spread of C. mutica .  相似文献   

Leptodactylus fuscus is a neotropical frog ranging from Panamá to Argentina, to the east of the Andes mountains, and also inhabiting Margarita, Trinidad, and the Tobago islands. We performed phylogenetic analyses of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNA-Leu, and ND1 mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences from specimens collected across the geographic distribution of L. fuscus to examine two alternative hypotheses: (i) L. fuscus is a single, widely distributed species, or (ii) L. fuscus is a species complex. We tested statistically for geographic association and partitioning of genetic variation among mtDNA clades. The mtDNA data supported the hypothesis of several cryptic species within L. fuscus. Unlinked mtDNA and nuclear markers supported independently the distinctness of a 'northern' phylogenetic unit. In addition, the mtDNA data divided the southern populations into two clades that showed no sister relationship to each other, consistent with high differentiation and lack of gene flow among southern populations as suggested by allozyme data. Concordance between mtDNA and allozyme patterns suggests that cryptic speciation has occurred in L. fuscus without morphological or call differentiation. This study illustrates a case in which lineage splitting during the speciation process took place without divergence in reproductive isolation mechanisms (e.g. advertisement call in frogs), contrary to expectations predicted using a biological species framework.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 325–341. No claim to original US government works.  相似文献   

外来种隐蔽入侵: 类型及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐蔽入侵(cryptic invasion)是指在形态上与土著种(或早期建群种)不能或难以区分的外来种在人们未觉察的状态下成功入侵的过程。人们对这类入侵方式往往视而不觉。本文综述了外来种隐蔽入侵的类型以及生态影响。隐蔽入侵的类型主要包括外来姊妹种形式的隐蔽入侵、 不同遗传支系的隐蔽入侵、 不同地理种群的隐蔽入侵以及“返传入”。其中, “返传入”目前还是一种假说。由于这类入侵外来种更容易与土著种(或早期建群种)杂交或基因渗透, 因而可对入侵种自身或土著种产生深远的生态影响。鉴于隐蔽入侵现象的广泛性, 建议进一步加强该方面的研究。  相似文献   

The red alga Polysiphonia morrowii, native to the North Pacific (Northeast Asia), has recently been reported worldwide. To determine the origin of the French and Argentine populations of this introduced species, we compared samples from these two areas with samples collected in Korea and at Hakodate, Japan, the type locality of the species. Combined analyses of chloroplastic (rbcL) and mitochondrial (cox1) DNA revealed that the French and Argentine populations are closely related and differ substantially from the Korean and Japanese populations. The genetic structure of P. morrowii populations from South Atlantic and North Atlantic, which showed high haplotype diversity compared with populations from the North Pacific, suggested the occurrence of multiple introduction events from areas outside of the so‐called native regions. Although similar, the French and Argentine populations are not genetically identical. Thus, the genetic structure of these two introduced areas may have been modified by cryptic and recurrent introduction events directly from Asia or from other introduced areas that act as introduction relays. In addition, the large number of private cytoplasmic types identified in the two introduced regions strongly suggests that local populations of P. morrowii existed before the recent detection of these invasions. Our results suggest that the most likely scenario is that the source population(s) of the French and Argentine populations was not located only in the North Pacific and/or that P. morrowii is a cryptogenic species.  相似文献   

In this study, records on the occurrence of the Japanese ginbuna Carassius langsdorfii from northern Germany, north‐western Italy and southern Bosnia and Herzegovina are presented. The new findings, in addition to former studies reported in the Czech Republic and Greece, show that C. langsdorfii is much more widespread in Europe than was previously believed.  相似文献   

The Drosophila serrata species complex from Australia and New Guinea has been widely used in evolutionary studies of speciation and climatic adaptation. It is believed to consist of D. serrata, D. birchii and D. dominicana, although knowledge of the latter is limited. Here we present evidence for a previously undescribed cryptic member of the D. serrata species complex. This new cryptic species is widespread in far north Queensland, Australia and is likely to have been previously mistaken for D. serrata. It shows complete reproductive isolation when crossed with both D. serrata and D. birchii. The cryptic species can be easily distinguished from D. serrata and D. birchii using either microsatellite loci or visual techniques. Although it occurs sympatrically with both D. serrata and D. birchii, it differs from these species in development time, viability, wing size and wing morphology. Its discovery explains patterns of recently described mitochondrial DNA divergence within D. serrata, and may also help to clarify some ambiguities evident in early evolutionary literature on reproductive incompatibility within the D. serrata species complex.  相似文献   

福建外来物种入侵现状及对经济社会和生态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
福建已成为中国遭受外来物种入侵最严重的省份之一。本文概述了福建主要入侵物种的数量、种类、地理起源、分布、引入途径和入侵特点,系统分析了福建外来物种入侵严重的原因和外来物种入侵对福建生态安全、经济及社会的影响,在此基础上提出了针对外来物种入侵的防控对策。  相似文献   

Non-native, invasive species are often characterized by being tolerant to environmental stressors, leaving them more fit relative to native species. The red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla originates from the NW Pacific but has recently spread along the coastlines of Western Europe, where it has become abundant in many shallow, soft-bottom estuaries. Salinity is important for the local and regional distribution of algae. The distribution of G. vermiculophylla in Europe suggests that it thrives well in hyposaline environments and that it may be more fit than some native algae under such conditions. Little, however, is known about the ecophysiology of G. vermiculophylla and it is therefore difficult to predict its spread and future distribution. Laboratory experiments with G. vermiculophylla showed that steady-state salinity above 15?psu was optimal for growth and that the growth rate was reduced at salinities below 15?psu. Variable salinity reduced the growth rate and larger oscillations were more stressful than small ones. Exposure to very low salinity (0–5?psu) was stressful for the alga and algae exposed to these low levels for 2–4 days were unable to recover fully. Gracilaria vermiculophylla did not seem to perform better in hyposaline conditions than many native, estuarine species. The present distribution of G. vermiculophylla in Scandinavia can be explained well by its response to salinity, but this may not explain its present success relative to many naturally occurring algal species.  相似文献   

Lee T  Foighil DO 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(11):3527-3542
The well-documented Floridian 'Gulf/Atlantic' marine genetic disjunction provides an influential example of vicariant cladogenesis along a continental coastline for major elements of a diverse nearshore fauna. We are engaged in a two-part study that aims to place this disjunction into a regional Caribbean Basin phylogenetic perspective using the scorched mussel Brachidontes exustus as an exemplar. Our first step, documented here, is to thoroughly characterize the genetic structure of Floridian scorched mussel populations using mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear markers. Both sets of markers recovered the expected disjunction involving sister clades distributed on alternate flanks of peninsular Florida and lineage-specific mt molecular clocks placed its origin in the Pliocene. The two sister clades had distinct population genetic profiles and the Atlantic clade appears to have experienced an evolutionarily recent bottleneck, although plots of the relative estimates of N through time are consistent with its local persistence through the last Ice Age Maximum. Our primary novel result, however, was the discovery that the Gulf/Atlantic disjunction represents but one of three cryptic, nested genetic discontinuities represented in Floridian scorched mussel populations. The most pronounced phylogenetic split distinguished the Gulf and Atlantic sister clades from two additional nested cryptic sister clades present in samples taken from the southern Florida tropical marine zone. Floridian populations of B. exustus are composed of four cryptic taxa, a result consistent with the hypothesis that the Gulf/Atlantic disjunction in this morphospecies is but one of multiple latent regional genetic breakpoints.  相似文献   

Cryptic invasions of the crab Carcinus detected by molecular phylogeography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coastal marine ecosystems world-wide are threatened by invasions of nonindigenous species. The ubiquity of marine sibling species identifiable only by genetic analysis suggests that many invasions are cryptic and therefore undetected, causing an underestimation of the actual number and impacts of invading species. We test this hypothesis with European crabs in the genus Carcinus that have invaded five regions globally. Partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences confirm sibling species status of morphologically similar Atlantic C. maenas and Mediterranean C. aestuarii . Based on 16S rRNA haplotypes, crabs from California, New England and Tasmania were all C. maenas . However, we report the cryptic multiple invasion of both species in Japan and South Africa, where only C. aestuarii and C. maenas , respectively, were previously recognized.  相似文献   

【背景】广东省是我国遭受外来生物入侵最严重的地区之一,许多外来水生动物在广东省的河流均有分布,但有关其具体分布和数量缺乏系统研究。【方法】通过野外调查的方式对广东省鉴江、韩江、潭江、西江、北江、东江等水系的外来水生动物的分布和数量进行了初步调查,并对调查到的外来水生动物的生态学特征和入侵机制进行了初步研究。【结果】共调查到13种外来水生动物,包括巴西龟、尼罗罗非鱼、莫桑比克罗非鱼、奥利亚罗非鱼、下口鲶、革胡子鲶、食蚊鱼、麦瑞加拉鲮、露斯塔野鲮、斑点叉尾鮰、大口黑鲈等11种脊椎动物和福寿螺、克氏原螯虾2种无脊椎动物;其中以福寿螺、巴西龟和3种罗非鱼的分布最为广泛。【结论与意义】几种外来水生生物主要通过水产养殖、观赏渔业和生物防治引种入侵;典型的"R"策略者、对环境具有较强耐受力的生物、杂食性鱼类更容易成功入侵。  相似文献   

A major area of current research is to understand how climate change will impact species interactions and ultimately biodiversity. A variety of environmental conditions are rapidly changing owing to climate warming, and these conditions often affect both the strength and outcome of species interactions. We used fish distributions and replicated fish introductions to investigate environmental conditions influencing the coexistence of two fishes in Swedish lakes: brown trout (Salmo trutta) and pike (Esox lucius). A logistic regression model of brown trout and pike coexistence showed that these species coexist in large lakes (more than 4.5 km2), but not in small, warm lakes (annual air temperature more than 0.9–1.5°C). We then explored how climate change will alter coexistence by substituting climate scenarios for 2091–2100 into our model. The model predicts that brown trout will be extirpated from approximately half of the lakes where they presently coexist with pike and from nearly all 9100 lakes where pike are predicted to invade. Context dependency was critical for understanding pike–brown trout interactions, and, given the widespread occurrence of context-dependent species interactions, this aspect will probably be critical for accurately predicting climate impacts on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Recently, the number of collection records of Pemphigus galls from Populus nigra has been increasing in Japan. To identify the galls on P. nigra, mitochondrial COI sequences were analyzed from galling aphid samples collected on P. nigra in Tokyo and Hokkaido. From the BLAST search and neighbor‐joining (NJ) analysis, the aphid samples were identified as Pemphigus bursarius, which has not been recorded from Japan. Two samples from Tokyo and Hokkaido showed a genetic difference of 0.30%. This result suggests that different strains of P. bursarius might have been introduced into the Japanese islands at least twice.  相似文献   

Flora diversity and abundance of epiphytes are specific to their basiphyte species and may relate to variations in the defensive abilities of basiphytes. Thus, investigating the interactions between epiphytes and basiphytes is useful for a better understanding of the biological impact of epiphytism and the survival strategies of basiphytes. We examined the epiphyte density on five sargassacean species at six locations between two study sites, which showed that the epiphytic red alga Neosiphonia harveyi was remarkably less abundant on Sargassum siliquastrum at all locations. To assess its defense mechanism against N. harveyi, we performed bioassays of phlorotannins, which are considered effective in deterring fouling, by culturing sargassacean blades with N. harveyi carpospores and observed the process by which sargassacean blades remove epiphytes. When the carpospores were incubated with various concentrations of dissolved phlorotannins, settlement and germination were inhibited only at the highest concentrations (>0.1 g · L?1), and this effect did not significantly differ among the five sargassacean species. When the carpospores were combined with blades from the five species, many of the spores attached and germinated on every blade. Because N. harveyi penetrated rhizoids into basiphyte tissues, cuticle peeling observed in all five sargassacean species could not remove this epiphyte after germination. However, in S. siliquastrum, the blade tissues around the germlings became swollen and disintegrative, and were removed together with the germlings. The spores normally grew on the dead blades, suggesting that the tissue degradation of S. siliquastrum is triggered by the infection of N. harveyi.  相似文献   

Identifying sources of genetic variation and reconstructing invasion routes for non‐native introduced species is central to understanding the circumstances under which they may evolve increased invasiveness. In this study, we used genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms to study the colonization history of Centaurea solstitialis in its native range in Eurasia and invasions into the Americas. We leveraged this information to pinpoint key evolutionary shifts in plant size, a focal trait associated with invasiveness in this species. Our analyses revealed clear population genomic structure of potential source populations in Eurasia, including deep differentiation of a lineage found in the southern Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas and divergence among populations in Asia, eastern Europe and western Europe. We found strongest support for an evolutionary scenario in which western European populations were derived from an ancient admixture event between populations from eastern Europe and Asia, and subsequently served as the main genetic ‘bridgehead’ for introductions to the Americas. Introductions to California appear to be from a single source region, and multiple, independent introductions of divergent genotypes likely occurred into the Pacific Northwest. Plant size has evolved significantly at three points during range expansion, including a large size increase in the lineage responsible for the aggressive invasion of the California interior. These results reveal a long history of colonization, admixture and trait evolution in C. solstitialis, and suggest routes for improving evidence‐based management decisions for one of the most ecologically and economically damaging invasive species in the western United States.  相似文献   

为了解黑、吉、辽、蒙归化植物分布格局及其驱动因素,本研究基于实地调查和资料收集,对黑、吉、辽、蒙4省(区) 48个地级市(盟)归化植物物种组成及时空分布进行了分析。结果表明:当前四省(区)共有归化植物70科239属370种,菊科、禾本科和豆科最多,约七成为人为有意引入,欧洲是最大原产地。不同地级城市归化植物多样性差异较大,整体呈东高西低趋势,省内存在"强省会"现象。沈阳、哈尔滨、呼和浩特等省会城市及大连等沿海发达城市归化植物分布较多。通辽市、松原市和鄂尔多斯市等平原或草原地区分布较少。GDP、土地利用程度和年均气温是造成该分布格局的主要因素。Logistic拟合显示,目前黑、吉、辽、蒙归化植物种数已趋于稳定,但随着"东北振兴",四省(区)经济必将出现新局面,归化植物累积速度很可能加快,相关部门仍需保持警惕。  相似文献   

The spread of nonindigenous species into new habitats is having a drastic effect on natural ecosystems and represents an increasing threat to global biodiversity. In the marine environment, where data on the movement of invasive species is scarce, the spread of alien seaweeds represents a particular problem. We have employed a combination of plastid microsatellite markers and DNA sequence data from three regions of the plastid genome to trace the invasive history of the green alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. Extremely low levels of genetic variation were detected, with only four haplotypes present in the species' native range in Japan and only two of these found in introduced populations. These invasive populations displayed a high level of geographical structuring of haplotypes, with one haplotype localized in the Mediterranean and the other found in Northwest Atlantic, northern European and South Pacific populations. Consequently, we postulate that there have been at least two separate introductions of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides from its native range in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

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