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CD83 expression influences CD4+ T cell development in the thymus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fujimoto Y  Tu L  Miller AS  Bock C  Fujimoto M  Doyle C  Steeber DA  Tedder TF 《Cell》2002,108(6):755-767
T lymphocyte selection and lineage commitment in the thymus requires multiple signals. Herein, CD4+ T cell generation required engagement of CD83, a surface molecule expressed by thymic epithelial and dendritic cells. CD83-deficient (CD83-/-) mice had a specific block in CD4+ single-positive thymocyte development without increased CD4+CD8+ double- or CD8+ single-positive thymocytes. This resulted in a selective 75%-90% reduction in peripheral CD4+ T cells, predominantly within the naive subset. Wild-type thymocytes and bone marrow stem cells failed to differentiate into mature CD4+ T cells when transferred into CD83-/- mice, while CD83-/- thymocytes and stem cells developed normally in wild-type mice. Thereby, CD83 expression represents an additional regulatory component for CD4+ T cell development in the thymus.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that depending on their maturation state, dendritic cells (DC) could either induce T cell tolerance (immature and semimature DC) or T cell activation (mature DC). Pretreatment of C57BL/6 mice with encephalitogenic myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)(35-55) peptide-loaded semimature DC protected from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. This protection was mediated by IL-10-producing CD4 T cells specific for the self Ag. Here we show that semimature DC loaded with the MHC class II-restricted nonself peptide Ag (OVA) induce an identical regulatory T cell cytokine pattern. However, semimature DC loaded simultaneously with MHC class II- and MHC class I-restricted peptides, could efficiently initiate CD8 T cell responses leading to autoimmune diabetes in a TCR-transgenic adoptive transfer model. Double-peptide-loaded semimature DC also induced simultaneously in the same animal partially activated CD8 T cells with cytolytic function as well as protection from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Our study suggests that the decision between tolerance and immunity not only depends on the DC, but also on the type and activation requirements of the responding T cell.  相似文献   

Murine CD4+CD8- (CD4SP) thymocyte subset is a heterogeneous population, in which the Qa-2- cells are less functional, whereas the Qa-2+ cells are fully functional. Evidence is provided here that the transition from Qa-2- to Qa-2+ CD4SP thymocytes is an intrathymic process of differentiation induced by thymic medullary-type epithelial cells. The separated Qa-2-CD4SP could be induced to express Qa-2 molecules up to 84%- 89% of the total viable celb after cocultured for 3d with MTEC1 cells, a murine thymic medullary type epithelial cell line established in our laboratory. Kinetic study showed that both the percentage of Qa-2+ cells and the density of the expressed Qa-2 molecules on CD4SP thymocytes induced by MTEC1 were progressively increasing in 72-h cultures. The MTECl-induced Qa-2+CD4SP thymocytes were fully functional, which exhibited capabilities of proliferation and cytokine secretion in response to Con A stimulation as high as those of freshly isolated Qa-2+CD4SP thymocytes. The profile of cytokine  相似文献   

Dendritic cells have been known as a member of strong innate immune cells against infectious organelles. In this study, we evaluated the cytokine expression of splenic dendritic cells in chronic mouse toxoplasmosis by tissue cyst-forming Me49 strain and demonstrated the distribution of lymphoid dendritic cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10 increased rapidly at week 1 post-infection (PI) and peaked at week 3 PI. Serum IL-10 level followed the similar patterns. FACS analysis showed that the number of CD8α(+)/CD11c(+) splenic dendritic cells increased at week 1 and peaked at week 3 PI. In conclusion, mouse splenic dendritic cells showed early and rapid cytokine changes and may have important protective roles in early phases of murine toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

The MTEC1 cell line,established in our laboratory,is a normal epithelial cell line derived from thymus medulla of Balb/c mice and these cells constituteively produce multiple cytokines.The selection of thymic microenvironment on developing T cells was investigated in an in vitro system.Unseparated fresh thymocytes from Balb/c mice were cocultured with MTEC1 cells or/and MTEC1-SN,then,the viability,proliferation and phenotypes of cultured thymocytes were assessed.Without any exogenous stimulus,both MTEC1 cells and MTEC1-SN were able to maintain the viability of thymocytes,while only the MTEC1 cells,not the MTEC1-SN,could directly activate thymocytes to exhibit moderate proliferation,indicating that the proliferative signal is delivered through cell surface interatcions of MTEC1 cells and thymocytes.Phenotype analysis on FACS of viable thymocytes after coculture revealed that MTEC1 cells preferentially activate the subsets of CD4^ CD8^-,CD4^ CD^8 and CD^4- CD^8- thymocytes;whereas MTEC1-SN preferentially maintained the viability of CD4^ CD^8- and CD4^-CD8^ thymocyte subsets.For the Con A-activated thymocytes.both MTEC1 cells and MTEC1-SN provided accessory signal(s) to significantly increase the number of viable cells and to markedly enhance the proliferation of thymocytes with virtually equal potency,phenotyped as CD4^ CD8^-,CD4^-CD8^ ,and CD^4-CD8^-subests,In summary,MTEC1 cells displayed Selection of thymic epithelial cells on thymocyte subsets. selective support to the different thymocyte subsets,and the selectivity is dependent on the status of thymocytes.  相似文献   

Murine T cell surface antigens, CD4 and CD8 are phosphorylated in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, a protein kinase C activator, but not phosphorylated after concanavalin A, Ca2+ ionophore or dibutyryl-cAMP treatment. We examined the cell surface expression of both antigens and show that surface CD4 on CD4+CD8+ and CD4+CD8- thymocytes is rapidly decreased after PMA treatment, while CD8 expression is unaffected. Prolonged PMA treatment, which down-regulates protein kinase C, allows CD4 reexpression only in the CD4+CD8- population, suggesting that different mechanisms of cell surface antigen expression are operating in the two thymocyte subpopulations.  相似文献   

Cancer immunosurveillance failure is largely attributed to insufficient activation signals and dominant inhibitory stimuli for tumor Ag (TAg)-specific CD8 T cells. CD4 T cells have been shown to license dendritic cells (DC), thereby having the potential for converting CD8 T cell responses from tolerance to activation. To understand the potential cooperation of TAg-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells, we have characterized the responses of naive TCR transgenic CD8 and CD4 T cells to poorly immunogenic murine tumors. We found that whereas CD8 T cells sensed TAg and were tolerized, the CD4 T cells remained ignorant throughout tumor growth and did not provide help. This disparity in responses was due to normal TAg MHC class I cross-presentation by immature CD8alpha+ DC in the draining lymph node, but poor MHC class II presentation on all DC subsets due to selective inhibition by the tumor microenvironment. Thus, these results reveal a novel mechanism of cancer immunosubversion, in which inhibition of MHC-II TAg presentation on DC prevents CD4 T cell priming, thereby blocking any potential for licensing CD8alpha+ DC and helping tolerized CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

Activation of invariant NK T (iNKT) cells with the glycolipid alpha-galactosylceramide promotes CD8(+) cytotoxic T cell responses, a property that has been used to enhance the efficacy of antitumor vaccines. Using chimeric mice, we now show that the adjuvant properties of iNKT cells require that CD40 triggering and Ag presentation to CD8(+) T cells occur on the same APCs. We demonstrate that injection of alpha-galactosylceramide triggers CD70 expression on splenic T cell zone dendritic cells and that this is dependent on CD40 signaling. Importantly, we show that blocking the interaction between CD70 and CD27, its costimulatory receptor on T cells, abrogates the ability of iNKT cells to promote a CD8(+) T cell response and abolishes the efficacy of alpha-GalCer as an adjuvant for antitumor vaccines. These results define a key role for CD70 in linking the innate response of iNKT cells to the activation of CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate that a minimal self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral vector (LV) that does not encode any human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) genes is able to induce HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses after transduction of dendritic cells (DCs). The LV-DC-primed T cells displayed HIV-specific lytic degranulation, as illustrated by acquisition of CD107a/b expression on the cell surface and up-regulation of active caspase 3. HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response was consistently detected using different assays, and T cell receptors specific to three prominent HIV epitopes, SL9 (Gag peptide: SLYNTVATL), IV9 (Pol peptide: ILKEPVHGV), and MA10 (In peptide: MASDFNLPPV) were detected using HLA-A0201 peptide-tetramers. These results demonstrate that DCs transduced with the minimal SIN-LV can efficiently induce HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses. Since LVs are popular gene transfer tools, our results have fundamental implications for future LV applications and DC vaccine development.  相似文献   

Naive T cells undergo robust proliferation in lymphopenic conditions, whereas they remain quiescent in steady-state conditions. However, a mechanism by which naive T cells are kept from proliferating under steady-state conditions remains unclear. In this study, we report that memory CD4 T cells are able to limit naive T cell proliferation within lymphopenic hosts by modulating stimulatory functions of dendritic cells (DC). The inhibition was mediated by IL-27, which was primarily expressed in CD8(+) DC subsets as the result of memory CD4 T cell-DC interaction. IL-27 appeared to be the major mediator of inhibition, as naive T cells deficient in IL-27R were resistant to memory CD4 T cell-mediated inhibition. Finally, IL-27-mediated regulation of T cell proliferation was also observed in steady-state conditions as well as during Ag-mediated immune responses. We propose a new model for maintaining peripheral T cell homeostasis via memory CD4 T cells and CD8(+) DC-derived IL-27 in vivo.  相似文献   

Receptors encoded by the V beta 8 gene family and identified by the F23.1 antibody are commonly expressed amongst the CD4-CD8-T cell lines isolated from spleen cells infected in vitro with the RadLV retrovirus. All but one out of 12 cell lines showed between 50 and 85% F23.1+ cells in the uncloned cell population which is noticably higher than the approximately 13% level amongst the Ig- normal spleen cell population. There was a high frequency (approximately 50%) of F23.1+ clones from five of these cell lines. The frequency of F23.1 binding cells in the Ig-, CD4/CD8-depleted spleen population is only 0.2%, which gives a precursor frequency in spleen of less than 0.002%. This reflects selective isolation of CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ cells which express V beta 8 gene products by this culture scheme. The requirement for RadLV in induction of these cell lines has been established, suggesting that this retrovirus may selectively stimulate CD4-CD8-F23.1+ T cells. These cells may represent an autoimmune subset present in peripheral lymphoid tissue.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen contains three distinct mature dendritic cell (DC) populations (CD4(+)8(-), CD4(-)8(-), and CD4(-)8(+)) which retain a capacity to take up particulate and soluble AGS: Although the three splenic DC subtypes showed similar uptake of injected soluble OVA, they differed markedly in their capacity to present this Ag and activate proliferation in OVA-specific CD4 or CD8 T cells. For class II MHC-restricted presentation to CD4 T cells, the CD8(-) DC subtypes were more efficient, but for class I MHC-restricted presentation to CD8 T cells, the CD8(+) DC subtype was far more effective. This differential persisted when the DC were activated with LPS. The CD8(+) DC are therefore specialized for in vivo cross-presentation of exogenous soluble Ags into the class I MHC presentation pathway.  相似文献   

Mouse and human dendritic cell subtypes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dendritic cells (DCs) collect and process antigens for presentation to T cells, but there are many variations on this basic theme. DCs differ in the regulatory signals they transmit, directing T cells to different types of immune response or to tolerance. Although many DC subtypes arise from separate developmental pathways, their development and function are modulated by exogenous factors. Therefore, we must study the dynamics of the DC network in response to microbial invasion. Despite the difficulty of comparing the DC systems of humans and mice, recent work has revealed much common ground.  相似文献   

Subsets of murine dendritic cells (DCs) from the spleen differ in their ability to induce proliferative responses in both primary and secondary CD4(+) T cells. Recent evidence indicates that lymphoid-related CD8(+) DCs fail to provide appropriate signals to freshly isolated secondary CD4(+) T cells to sustain their proliferation in vitro. In the present study, we examined peptide-pulsed CD8(-) and CD8(+) DCs for ability to stimulate Th1 and Th2 cell clones with the same Ag specificity. Defective ability to induce proliferation was selectively shown by CD8(+) DCs presenting Ag to the Th1 clone. The deficiency in CD8(+) DCs was overcome by CD40 triggering before peptide pulsing. When exposed to CD8(+) DCs in the absence of CD40 activation, the Th1 clone expressed low levels of CD40 ligand and high levels of surface CTLA-4. Neutralization of CTLA-4 during the DC/T cell coculture resulted in increased CD40 ligand expression and proliferation of T cells. Remarkably, the activation of CD40 on DCs under conditions that would increase Th1 cell proliferation, also resulted in down-regulation of surface CTLA-4. These results confirm differential effects of CD8(+) and CD8(-) DCs in the stimulation of Ag-primed Th cells. In addition, they suggest that reciprocal regulation of CD40 ligand and CTLA-4 expression occurs in Th1 cells exposed to CD8(+) DCs.  相似文献   

Enteroviruses such as coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) are able to induce lethal acute and chronic myocarditis. In resistant C57BL/6 mice, CVB3 myocarditis is abrogated by T-cell-dependent mechanisms, whereas major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-matched permissive A.BY/SnJ mice develop chronic myocarditis based on virus persistence. To define the role of T-cell-priming dendritic cells (DCs) in the outcome of CVB3 myocarditis, DCs were analyzed in this animal model in the course of CVB3 infection. In both mouse strains, DCs were found to be infectible with CVB3; however, formation of infectious virions was impaired. In DCs derived from C57BL/6 mice, significantly higher quantities of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha were measured compared to those from A.BY/SnJ mice. Additionally, the chemokines interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) and RANTES were secreted by DCs from resistant C57BL/6 mice earlier in infection and at significantly higher levels. The protective role of IP-10 in CVB3 myocarditis was confirmed in IP-10−/− mice, which had increased myocardial injury compared to the immunocompetent control animals. Also, major differences in resistant and permissive mice were found in DC subsets, with C57BL/6 mice harboring more cross-priming CD4 CD8+ DCs. As CD4 CD8+ DCs are known to express 10 times more Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) than other DC subsets, we followed the course of CVB3 infection in TLR3−/− mice. These mice developed a fulminant acute myocarditis and secreted sustained low amounts of type I interferons; secretion of IP-10 and RANTES was nearly abrogated in DCs. We conclude that MHC-independent genetic factors involving DC-related IP-10 secretion and TLR3 expression are beneficial in the prevention of chronic coxsackievirus myocarditis.  相似文献   

The effect of a supernatant (SN-A) obtained from PMA-stimulated IL-2 producing EL-4 cells on cytotoxic cell induction in thymocyte and splenocyte cultures was evaluated. SN-A, but not recombinant IL-2 alone, induced cytotoxic cell differentiation in thymus cell cultures, thus indicating that factors distinct from IL-2 are required for effector cell generation. INF-gamma takes part in the process, and Ia+ accessory cell presence is also strictly required in thymus cultures for lymphokine-induced cytotoxic cell generation. Cytotoxic activity in thymocyte cultures was due only to Thy 1+ Lyt 2+ cells having a broad spectrum of target cell specificity, while in spleen cell cultures an effector population with NK activity was also generated.  相似文献   

CD8 CTLs have been accountable for the major effector cells responsible for the rejection of tumor cells. And CD40 signaling and IL-12 have been shown to be the essential pathways involved in the activation process. Immunizing mice with dendritic cells transduced with an adenovirus expressing the human melanoma antigen gp100, an immunization strategy of xenoimmunization, stimulated potent tumor protection dependent on effective CD4 T cells in the absence of CD8 T cells. Further studies revealed that neither CD40 signaling nor IL-12 was indispensable for the activation of dendritic and CD4 T cells in this model. Stimulation of effective antitumor immunity targeting the self-antigen did not elicit autoimmunity. The implications of this study were discussed.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) play an essential role in the induction of immune responses to pathogen infections. Native DCs are difficult to obtain in large numbers and consequently the vast majority of DCs employed in all experiments are derived from bone marrow progenitors. In an attempt to solve this problem, we have established a novel CD8alpha(+) DC line (H-2(k)) from spleen, which we have named SRDC line, and which is easy to culture in vitro. These cells display similar morphology, phenotype and activity to CD4(-)CD8alpha(+)CD205(+)CD11b(-) DCs purified ex vivo. Toxoplasma gondii antigen was shown to be taken up by these cells and to increase class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC), CD40, CD80 and CD86 surface expression. We report that vaccination with T. gondii antigen-pulsed SRDCs, which synthesize large amounts of interleukin-12, induced protective immune responses against this intracellular pathogen in syngeneic CBA/J mice. This protection was associated with strong cellular and humoral immune responses at systemic and intestinal levels. Spleen and mesenteric lymph node cell proliferations were correlated with a Th1/Th2-type response and a specific SRDC homing to spleen and intestine was observed. The SRDC or CD4(-)CD8alpha(+)CD205(+)CD11b(-) DC line can be expected to be a very useful tool for immunobiology studies of DC.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are pivotal antigen-presenting cells for generating adaptive T-cell responses. Here, we show that dendritic cells belonging to either the myeloid-related or lymphoid-related subset are permissive for infection by mouse polyomavirus and, when loaded with a peptide corresponding to the immunodominant anti-polyomavirus CD8(+) T-cell epitope or infected by polyomavirus, are each capable of driving expansion of primary polyomavirus-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses in vivo.  相似文献   

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