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Translesion DNA synthesis is a mechanism of DNA damage tolerance, and mono-ubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is considered to play a key role in regulating the switch from replicative to translesion DNA polymerases (pols). In this study, we analyzed effects of a replicative pol δ on PCNA mono-ubiquitination with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme and ligase UBE2A/HHR6A/RAD6A-RAD18. The results revealed that PCNA interacting with pol δ is a better target for ubiquitination, and PCNA mono-ubiquitination could be coupled with DNA replication. Consequently, we could reconstitute replication-coupled switching between pol δ and a translesion pol, pol η, on an ultraviolet-light-irradiated template. With this system, we obtained direct evidence that polymerase switching reactions are stimulated by mono-ubiquitination of PCNA, depending on a function of the ubiquitin binding zinc finger domain of pol η. This study provides a framework for detailed analyses of molecular mechanisms of human pol switching and regulation of translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

A glycine-rich motif described as being involved in human polymerase δ proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) binding has also been identified in all euryarchaeal DNA polymerase D (Pol D) family members. We redefined the motif as the (G)-PYF box. In the present study, Pol D (G)-PYF box motif mutants from Pyrococcus abyssi were generated to investigate its role in functional interactions with the cognate PCNA. We demonstrated that this motif is not essential for interactions between PabPol D (P. abyssi Pol D) and PCNA, using surface plasmon resonance and primer extension studies. Interestingly, the (G)-PYF box is located in a hydrophobic region close to the active site. The (G)-PYF box mutants exhibited altered DNA binding properties. In addition, the thermal stability of all mutants was reduced compared to that of wild type, and this effect could be attributed to increased exposure of the hydrophobic region. These studies suggest that the (G)-PYF box motif mediates intersubunit interactions and that it may be crucial for the thermostability of PabPol D.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad30 is the homolog of human DNA polymerase eta whose inactivation leads to the cancer-prone syndrome xeroderma pigmentosum variant. Both human and yeast polymerase eta are responsible for error-free bypass of UV-induced cis-syn pyrimidine dimers and several other DNA lesions. Here we show, using yeast strains expressing TAP-tagged Rad30, that the level of this protein is post-translationally regulated via ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation. The half-life of Rad30 is 20 min and it increases due to proteasomal defects. Mutations inactivating components of the Skp1/cullin/ F-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complex: Skp1 and the F-box protein Ufo1 stabilize Rad30. Our results indicate also that ultraviolet irradiation causes transient stabilization of Rad30, which leads, in turn, to temporary accumulation of this polymerase in the cell. We conclude that proteolysis plays an important role in regulating the cellular abundance of Rad30. These results are the first indication of a role for controlled proteasomal degradation in modulating cellular level of translesion DNA polymerase in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The expression of Escherichia coli umuD gene products is upregulated as part of the SOS response to DNA damage. UmuD is initially produced as a 139-amino-acid protein, which subsequently cleaves off its N-terminal 24 amino acids in a reaction dependent on RecA/single-stranded DNA, giving UmuD′. The two forms of the umuD gene products play different roles in the cell. UmuD is implicated in a primitive DNA damage checkpoint and prevents DNA polymerase IV-dependent − 1 frameshift mutagenesis, while the cleaved form facilitates UmuC-dependent mutagenesis via formation of DNA polymerase V (UmuD′2C). Thus, the cleavage of UmuD is a crucial switch that regulates replication and mutagenesis via numerous protein-protein interactions. A UmuD variant, UmuD3A, which is noncleavable but is a partial biological mimic of the cleaved form UmuD′, has been identified. We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HXMS) to probe the conformations of UmuD, UmuD′, and UmuD3A. In HXMS experiments, backbone amide hydrogens that are solvent accessible or not involved in hydrogen bonding become labeled with deuterium over time. Our HXMS results reveal that the N-terminal arm of UmuD, which is truncated in the cleaved form UmuD′, is dynamic. Residues that are likely to contact the N-terminal arm show more deuterium exchange in UmuD′ and UmuD3A than in UmuD. These observations suggest that noncleavable UmuD3A mimics the cleaved form UmuD′ because, in both cases, the arms are relatively unbound from the globular domain. Gas-phase hydrogen exchange experiments, which specifically probe the exchange of side-chain hydrogens and are carried out on shorter timescales than solution experiments, show that UmuD′ incorporates more deuterium than either UmuD or UmuD3A. This work indicates that these three forms of the UmuD gene products are highly flexible, which is of critical importance for their many protein interactions.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RPA) is a eukaryotic single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein that plays critical roles in most aspects of genome maintenance, including replication, recombination and repair. RPA binds ssDNA with high affinity, destabilizes DNA secondary structure and facilitates binding of other proteins to ssDNA. However, RPA must be removed from or redistributed along ssDNA during these processes. To probe the dynamics of RPA–DNA interactions, we combined ensemble and single-molecule fluorescence approaches to examine human RPA (hRPA) diffusion along ssDNA and find that an hRPA heterotrimer can diffuse rapidly along ssDNA. Diffusion of hRPA is functional in that it provides the mechanism by which hRPA can transiently disrupt DNA hairpins by diffusing in from ssDNA regions adjacent to the DNA hairpin. hRPA diffusion was also monitored by the fluctuations in fluorescence intensity of a Cy3 fluorophore attached to the end of ssDNA. Using a novel method to calibrate the Cy3 fluorescence intensity as a function of hRPA position on the ssDNA, we estimate a one-dimensional diffusion coefficient of hRPA on ssDNA of D1 ~ 5000 nt2 s− 1 at 37 °C. Diffusion of hRPA while bound to ssDNA enables it to be readily repositioned to allow other proteins access to ssDNA.  相似文献   

RecQ DNA helicases act in conjunction with heterologous partner proteins to catalyze DNA metabolic activities, including recombination initiation and stalled replication fork processing. For the prototypical Escherichia coli RecQ protein, direct interaction with single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) stimulates its DNA unwinding activity. Complex formation between RecQ and SSB is mediated by the RecQ winged-helix domain, which binds the nine C-terminal-most residues of SSB, a highly conserved sequence known as the SSB-Ct element. Using nuclear magnetic resonance and mutational analyses, we identify the SSB-Ct binding pocket on E. coli RecQ. The binding site shares a striking electrostatic similarity with the previously identified SSB-Ct binding site on E. coli exonuclease I, although the SSB binding domains in the two proteins are not otherwise related structurally. Substitutions that alter RecQ residues implicated in SSB-Ct binding impair RecQ binding to SSB and SSB/DNA nucleoprotein complexes. These substitutions also diminish SSB-stimulated DNA helicase activity in the variants, although additional biochemical changes in the RecQ variants indicate a role for the winged-helix domain in helicase activity beyond SSB protein binding. Sequence changes in the SSB-Ct element are sufficient to abolish interaction with RecQ in the absence of DNA and to diminish RecQ binding and helicase activity on SSB/DNA substrates. These results support a model in which RecQ has evolved an SSB-Ct binding site on its winged-helix domain as an adaptation that aids its cellular functions on SSB/DNA nucleoprotein substrates.  相似文献   

The model carcinogen N-2-acetylaminofluorene covalently binds to the C8 position of guanine to form two adducts, the N-(2′-deoxyguanosine-8-yl)-aminofluorene (G-AF) and the N-2-(2′-deoxyguanosine-8-yl)-acetylaminofluorene (G-AAF). Although they are chemically closely related, their biological effects are strongly different and they are processed by different damage tolerance pathways. G-AF is bypassed by replicative and high-fidelity polymerases, while specialized polymerases ensure synthesis past of G-AAF. We used the DNA polymerase I fragment of a Bacillus stearothermophilus strain as a model for a high-fidelity polymerase to study the kinetics of incorporation of deoxy-CTP (dCTP) opposite a single G-AF. Pre-steady-state kinetic experiments revealed a drastic reduction in dCTP incorporation performed by the G-AF-modified ternary complex. Two populations of these ternary complexes were identified: (i) a minor productive fraction (20%) that readily incorporates dCTP opposite the G-AF adduct with a rate similar to that measured for the adduct-free ternary complexes and (ii) a major fraction of unproductive complexes (80%) that slowly evolve into productive ones. In the light of structural data, we suggest that this slow rate reflects the translocation of the modified base within the active site, from the pre-insertion site into the insertion site. By making this translocation rate limiting, the G-AF lesion reveals a novel kinetic step occurring after dNTP binding and before chemistry.  相似文献   

The impact of DNA damage-induced replication blockage for early activation of stress kinases [stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)] is largely unknown. Here, we show that induction of dual phosphorylation of SAPK/JNK by the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin was not ameliorated by additional exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, indicating that overlapping mechanisms participate in signaling to SAPK/JNK triggered by both agents. UV-induced DNA replication blockage, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation and DNA strand break induction coincided with SAPK/JNK phosphorylation at early (≤ 30 min) but not late (≥ 2 h) time points after exposure. Genotoxin-stimulated SAPK/JNK activation was attenuated in nonproliferating cells, indicating that S phase-dependent mechanisms are involved in signaling to SAPK/JNK. Correspondingly, UV-induced phosphorylation of SAPK/JNK was higher in S-phase cells as compared with G1-phase cells. Activation of SAPK/JNK by genotoxins was below detection limit in nonproliferating human peripheral blood lymphocytes, whereas peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated to proliferation displayed clear SAPK/JNK activation. UV-induced phosphorylation of SAPK/JNK was attenuated in XPC-defective cells, ameliorated in BRCA2 mutated cells and not changed in cells lacking ATM, DNA-PK, CSB, XPA, p53, ERCC1 or PARP as compared with the corresponding wild types. Based on these data, we suggest that DNA replication blockage caused by genotoxin-induced DNA damage contributes to early activation of SAPK/JNK.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is an important pathway in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in all organisms. In mesophiles, single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are believed to be involved in the removal of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) secondary structure during the presynaptic step of homologous recombination, facilitating the formation of a contiguous Rad51/RecA nucleoprotein filament. Here we report a role for the thermophilic archaeal Sulfolobus solfataricus SSB (SsoSSB) in the presynaptic step of homologous recombination. We have identified multiple quaternary structural forms of this protein in vivo and examined the activity of SsoSSB with the strand-exchange protein S. solfataricus RadA (SsoRadA). Using gel-shift analysis, we found that the two major forms of SsoSSB have different DNA binding affinities and site sizes. Biochemical examination of the monomeric form of SsoSSB suggests that it has a minor role in presynapsis and may slightly inhibit the ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of SsoRadA. The tetrameric form of SsoSSB, however, significantly inhibits SsoRadA ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity under both saturating and subsaturating conditions. Order-of-addition experiments indicate that preincubation of tetrameric SsoSSB and SsoRadA prior to reaction initiation with ssDNA relieves the inhibition observed when SsoSSB is added either before or after SsoRadA. In addition, we demonstrate a direct interaction between SsoRadA and SsoSSB using coimmunoprecipitation. Taken together, these results suggest that a direct interaction between SsoSSB and SsoRadA may occur in vivo prior to the formation of the SsoRadA nucleoprotein filament.  相似文献   

Virulent lactococcal phages of the Siphoviridae family are responsible for the industrial milk fermentation failures worldwide. Lactococcus lactis, a Gram-positive bacterium widely used for the manufacture of fermented dairy products, is subjected to infections by virulent phages, predominantly those of the 936 group, including phage p2. Among the proteins coded by lactococcal phage genomes, of special interest are those expressed early, which are crucial to efficiently carry out the phage lytic cycle. We previously identified and solved the 3D structure of lactococcal phage p2 ORF34, a single stranded DNA binding protein (SSBp2). Here we investigated the molecular basis of ORF34 binding mechanism to DNA. DNA docking on SSBp2 and Molecular Dynamics simulations of the resulting complex identified R15 as a crucial residue for ssDNA binding. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) imaging revealed the inability of the Arg15Ala mutant to bind ssDNA, as compared to the native protein. Since R15 is highly conserved among lactococcal SSBs, we propose that its role in the SSBp2/DNA complex stabilization might be extended to all the members of this protein family.  相似文献   

Y-family DNA polymerases (DNAPs) are often required in cells to synthesize past DNA-containing lesions, such as [+ ta]-B[a]P-N2-dG, which is the major adduct of the potent mutagen/carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene. The current model for the non-mutagenic pathway in Escherichia coli involves DNAP IV inserting deoxycytidine triphosphate opposite [+ ta]-B[a]P-N2-dG and DNAP V doing the next step(s), extension. We are investigating what structural differences in these related Y-family DNAPs dictate their functional differences. X-ray structures of Y-family DNAPs reveal a number of interesting features in the vicinity of the active site, including (1) the “roof-amino acid” (roof-aa), which is the amino acid that lies above the nucleobase of the deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) and is expected to play a role in dNTP insertion efficiency, and (2) a cluster of three amino acids, including the roof-aa, which anchors the base of a loop, whose detailed structure dictates several important mechanistic functions. Since no X-ray structures existed for UmuC (the polymerase subunit of DNAP V) or DNAP IV, we previously built molecular models. Herein, we test the accuracy of our UmuC(V) model by investigating how amino acid replacement mutants affect lesion bypass efficiency. A ssM13 vector containing a single [+ ta]-B[a]P-N2-dG is transformed into E. coli carrying mutations at I38, which is the roof-aa in our UmuC(V) model, and output progeny vector yield is monitored as a measure of the relative efficiency of the non-mutagenic pathway. Findings show that (1) the roof-aa is almost certainly I38, whose β-carbon branching R-group is key for optimal activity, and (2) I38/A39/V29 form a hydrophobic cluster that anchors an important mechanistic loop, aa29-39. In addition, bypass efficiency is significantly lower both for the I38A mutation of the roof-aa and for the adjacent A39T mutation; however, the I38A/A39T double mutant is almost as active as wild-type UmuC(V), which probably reflects the following. Y-family DNAPs fall into several classes with respect to the [roof-aa/next amino acid]: one class has [isoleucine/alanine] and includes UmuC(V) and DNAP η (from many species), while the second class has [alanine (or serine)/threonine] and includes DNAP IV, DNAP κ (from many species), and Dpo4. Thus, the high activity of the I38A/A39T double mutant probably arises because UmuC(V) was converted from the V/η class to the IV/κ class with respect to the [roof-aa/next amino acid]. Structural and mechanistic aspects of these two classes of Y-family DNAPs are discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a vital cellular defense system against carcinogen-DNA adducts, which, if not repaired, can initiate cancer development. The structural features of bulky DNA lesions that account for differences in NER efficiencies in mammalian cells are not well understood. In vivo, the predominant DNA adduct derived from metabolically activated benzo[a]pyrene (BP), a prominent environmental carcinogen, is the 10S (+)-trans-anti-[BP]-N2-dG adduct (G*), which resides in the B-DNA minor groove 5′-oriented along the modified strand. We have compared the structural distortions in double-stranded DNA, imposed by this adduct, in the different sequence contexts 5′-…CGG*C…, 5′-…CG*GC…, 5′-…CIG*C… (I is 2′-deoxyinosine), and 5′-…CG*C…. On the basis of electrophoretic mobilities, all duplexes manifest moderate bends, except the 5′-…CGG*C…duplex, which exhibits an anomalous, slow mobility attributed to a pronounced flexible kink at the site of the lesion. This kink, resulting from steric hindrance between the 5′-flanking guanine amino group and the BP aromatic rings, both positioned in the minor groove, is abolished in the 5′-…CIG*C…duplex (the 2′-deoxyinosine group, I, lacks this amino group). In contrast, the sequence-isomeric 5′-…CG*GC…duplex exhibits only a moderate bend, but displays a remarkably increased opening rate at the 5′-flanking base pair of G*, indicating a significant destabilization of Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding. The NER dual incision product yields were compared for these different sequences embedded in otherwise identical 135-mer duplexes in cell-free human HeLa extracts. The yields of excision products varied by a factor of as much as ∼ 4 in the order 5′-...CG*GC…> 5′...CGG*C…≥ 5′...CIG*C…≥ 5′-…CG*C…. Overall, destabilized Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding, manifested in the 5′-...CG*GC...duplex, elicits the most significant NER response, while the flexible kink displayed in the sequence-isomeric 5′-...CGG*C...duplex represents a less significant signal in this series of substrates. These results demonstrate that the identical lesion can be repaired with markedly variable efficiency in different local sequence contexts that differentially alter the structural features of the DNA duplex around the lesion site.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-modified proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-modified PCNA regulate DNA damage tolerance pathways. X-ray crystal structures of these proteins suggested that they do not have much conformational flexibility because the modifiers have preferred binding sites on the surface of PCNA. By contrast, small-angle X-ray scattering analyses of these proteins suggested that they have different degrees of conformational flexibility, with SUMO-modified PCNA being more flexible. These conclusions were based on minimal-ensemble hybrid approaches, which produce unrealistic models by representing flexible proteins with only a few static structures. To overcome the limitations of minimal-ensemble hybrid approaches and to determine the degree of conformational flexibility of ubiquitin-modified PCNA and SUMO-modified PCNA, we utilized a novel full-ensemble hybrid approach. We carried out molecular simulations and small-angle X-ray scattering analyses of both proteins and obtained outstanding agreement between the full ensembles generated by the simulations and the experimental data. We found that both proteins have a high degree of conformational flexibility. The modifiers occupy many positions around the back and side of the PCNA ring. Moreover, we found no preferred ubiquitin-binding or SUMO-binding sites on PCNA. This conformational flexibility likely facilitates the recognition of downstream effector proteins and the formation of PCNA tool belts.  相似文献   

Leaf senescence is a complex and highly organized process resulting in numerous changes of gene expression and metabolic procedures. However, the exact mechanisms underlying these changes are not well understood. In this study, we reported a rice (Oryza sativa) T-DNA insertion mutant impaired in an Abc1 kinase family gene with a dwarf and pale-green phenotype. The mutant showed reduced pigment content and photosynthetic efficiency and increased superoxide dismutase activity in leaves. The mutated gene, designated OsABC1-2, is expressed primarily in green tissues and/or organs and encodes a protein localized in chloroplast envelope. Expression of the gene was drastically suppressed by dark treatment. Overexpression of the gene in rice enhanced tolerance to prolonged dark-induced stress. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the plant Abc1 proteins could be divided into three subgroups and OsAbc1-2 resides in a subgroup with potential chloroplast origin. Our results suggest that divergence has occurred among plant Abc1 family and chloroplast Abc1 kinases play potential roles in regulating dark-induced senescence of plants.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-like protein kinases, including ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated), ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3 related), and DNA-PKcs (DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit), are the main kinases activated following various assaults on DNA. Although ATM and DNA-PKcs kinases are activated upon DNA double-strand breaks, evidence suggests that these kinases are rapidly phosphorylated by ATR kinase upon UV irradiation; thus, these kinases may also participate in the response to replication stress. Using UV-induced replication stress, we further characterize whether ATM and DNA-PKcs kinase activities are also involved in the cellular response. Contrary to the rapid activation of the ATR-dependent pathway, ATM-dependent Chk2 and KAP-1 phosphorylations, as well as DNA-PKcs Ser2056 autophosphorylation, reach their peak level at 4 to 8 h after UV irradiation. The delayed kinetics of ATM- and DNA-PKcs-dependent phosphorylations also correlated with a surge in H2AX phosphorylation, suggesting that double-strand break formation resulting from collapse of replication forks is responsible for the activation of ATM and DNA-PKcs kinases. In addition, we observed that some phosphorylation events initiated by ATR kinase in the response to UV were mediated by ATM at a later phase of the response. Furthermore, the S-phase checkpoint after UV irradiation was defective in ATM-deficient cells. These results suggest that the late increase of ATM activity is needed to complement the decreasing ATR activity for maintaining a vigilant checkpoint regulation upon replication stress.  相似文献   

Perturbed DNA replication either activates a cell cycle checkpoint, which halts DNA replication, or decreases the rate of DNA synthesis without activating a checkpoint. Here we report that at low doses, replication inhibitors did not activate a cell cycle checkpoint, but they did activate a process that required functional Bloom's syndrome-associated (BLM) helicase, Mus81 nuclease and ataxia telangiectasia mutated and Rad3-related (ATR) kinase to induce transient double-stranded DNA breaks. The induction of transient DNA breaks was accompanied by dissociation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and DNA polymerase α from replication forks. In cells with functional BLM, Mus81 and ATR, the transient breaks were promptly repaired and DNA continued to replicate at a slow pace in the presence of replication inhibitors. In cells that lacked BLM, Mus81, or ATR, transient breaks did not form, DNA replication did not resume, and exposure to low doses of replication inhibitors was toxic. These observations suggest that BLM helicase, ATR kinase, and Mus81 nuclease are required to convert perturbed replication forks to DNA breaks when cells encounter conditions that decelerate DNA replication, thereby leading to the rapid repair of those breaks and resumption of DNA replication without incurring DNA damage and without activating a cell cycle checkpoint.  相似文献   

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