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Eukaryotic members of the ClC family of chloride channels and transporters are composed of a transmembrane ion transport domain followed by a cytoplasmic domain, which is believed to be involved in the modulation of ClC function. In some family members this putative regulatory domain contains next to a well-folded structured part, long sequence stretches with low sequence complexity. These regions, a 96 residue long linker connecting two structured sub-domains, and 35 residues on the C teminus of the domain were found disordered in a recent crystal structure of this domain in ClC-0. Both regions have a large influence on the modulation of channel function in closely related family members. Here we describe a NMR study to characterize the structural and dynamic properties of these putatively unstructured stretches. Our study reveals that the two regions indeed show large conformational flexibility with dynamics on the nanosecond timescale. However, small islands of secondary structure are found interdispersed between the unfolded regions. This study characterizes for the first time the biophysical properties of these protein segments, which may become important for the understanding of novel regulatory mechanisms within the ClC family.  相似文献   

The AAA + (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) superfamily protein ClpC is a key regulator of cell development in Bacillus subtilis. As part of a large oligomeric complex, ClpC controls an array of cellular processes by recognizing, unfolding, and providing misfolded and aggregated proteins as substrates for the ClpP peptidase. ClpC is unique compared to other HSP100/Clp proteins, as it requires an adaptor protein for all fundamental activities. The NMR solution structure of the N-terminal repeat domain of ClpC (N-ClpCR) comprises two structural repeats of a four-helix motif. NMR experiments used to map the MecA adaptor protein interaction surface of N-ClpCR reveal that regions involved in the interaction possess conformational flexibility and conformational exchange on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale. The electrostatic surface of N-ClpCR differs substantially from the N-domain of Escherichia coli ClpA and ClpB, suggesting that the electrostatic surface characteristics of HSP100/Clp N-domains may play a role in adaptor protein and substrate interaction specificity, and perhaps contribute to the unique adaptor protein requirement of ClpC.  相似文献   

We have carried out a detailed structural and dynamical characterisation of the isolated fifth repeat of the gelation factor (ABP-120) from Dictyostelium discoideum (ddFLN5) by NMR spectroscopy to provide a basis for studies of co-translational folding on the ribosome of this immunoglobulin-like domain. The isolated ddFLN5 can fold autonomously in solution into a structure that resembles very closely the crystal structure of the domain in a construct in which the adjacent sixth repeat (ddFLN6) is covalently linked to its C-terminus in tandem but deviates locally from a second crystal structure in which ddFLN5 is flanked by ddFLN4 and ddFLN6 at both N- and C-termini. Conformational fluctuations were observed via 15N relaxation methods and are primarily localised in the interstrand loops that encompass the C-terminal hemisphere. These fluctuations are distinct in location from the region where line broadening is observed in ddFLN5 when attached to the ribosome as part of a nascent chain. This observation supports the conclusion that the broadening is associated with interactions with the ribosome surface [Hsu, S. T. D., Fucini, P., Cabrita, L. D., Launay, H., Dobson, C. M. & Christodoulou, J. (2007). Structure and dynamics of a ribosome-bound nascent chain by NMR spectroscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 16516-16521]. The unfolding of ddFLN5 induced by high concentrations of urea shows a low population of a folding intermediate, as inferred from an intensity-based analysis, a finding that differs from that of ddFLN5 as a ribosome-bound nascent chain. These results suggest that interesting differences in detail may exist between the structure of the domain in isolation and when linked to the ribosome and between protein folding in vitro and the folding of a nascent chain as it emerges from the ribosome.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells play a vital role in the detection and elimination of virally infected and tumor cells. The Ly49 family of NK receptors regulates NK cell function by sensing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on target cells. Previous crystal studies revealed that the Ly49A homodimer binds one MHC molecule in an asymmetric interaction, whereas the Ly49C homodimer binds two MHC in a symmetrical fashion. Moreover, the bound receptors adopt distinctly different homodimeric forms: a closed state for Ly49A and an open state for Ly49C. Steric clashes between MHC molecules would preclude the closed Ly49A dimer from engaging two MHC in the manner of the open Ly49C dimer. To determine whether individual Ly49 receptors can undergo a conformational switch enabling them to bind MHC in different ways, we carried out a solution NMR study of unbound Ly49A, aided by dipolar coupling technology. This study reveals that, in solution, unligated Ly49A adopts a symmetric, open-state, homodimer conformation similar to that seen previously for Ly49C. Hence, Ly49A can assume both closed and open states. To address whether the Ly49A dimer can bind two MHC molecules in solution, besides the binding of one MHC observed in the crystal, we carried out analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. Velocity sedimentation demonstrates that the Ly49A dimer can engage two MHC molecules in solution, in agreement with NMR results showing that unbound Ly49A exists predominantly in the open state.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TyrH) catalyzes the hydroxylation of tyrosine to form 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine in the biosynthesis of the catecholamine neurotransmitters. The activity of the enzyme is regulated by phosphorylation of serine residues in a regulatory domain and by binding of catecholamines to the active site. Available structures of TyrH lack the regulatory domain, limiting the understanding of the effect of regulation on structure. We report the use of NMR spectroscopy to analyze the solution structure of the isolated regulatory domain of rat TyrH. The protein is composed of a largely unstructured N-terminal region (residues 1–71) and a well-folded C-terminal portion (residues 72–159). The structure of a truncated version of the regulatory domain containing residues 65–159 has been determined and establishes that it is an ACT domain. The isolated domain is a homodimer in solution, with the structure of each monomer very similar to that of the core of the regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Two TyrH regulatory domain monomers form an ACT domain dimer composed of a sheet of eight strands with four α-helices on one side of the sheet. Backbone dynamic analyses were carried out to characterize the conformational flexibility of TyrH65–159. The results provide molecular details critical for understanding the regulatory mechanism of TyrH.  相似文献   

Lon ATP-dependent proteases are key components of the protein quality control systems of bacterial cells and eukaryotic organelles. Eubacterial Lon proteases contain an N-terminal domain, an ATPase domain, and a protease domain, all in one polypeptide chain. The N-terminal domain is thought to be involved in substrate recognition, the ATPase domain in substrate unfolding and translocation into the protease chamber, and the protease domain in the hydrolysis of polypeptides into small peptide fragments. Like other AAA+ ATPases and self-compartmentalising proteases, Lon functions as an oligomeric complex, although the subunit stoichiometry is currently unclear. Here, we present crystal structures of truncated versions of Lon protease from Bacillus subtilis (BsLon), which reveal previously unknown architectural features of Lon complexes. Our analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy show different oligomerisation of Lon proteases from two different bacterial species, Aquifex aeolicus and B. subtilis. The structure of BsLon-AP shows a hexameric complex consisting of a small part of the N-terminal domain, the ATPase, and protease domains. The structure shows the approximate arrangement of the three functional domains of Lon. It also reveals a resemblance between the architecture of Lon proteases and the bacterial proteasome-like protease HslUV. Our second structure, BsLon-N, represents the first 209 amino acids of the N-terminal domain of BsLon and consists of a globular domain, similar in structure to the E. coli Lon N-terminal domain, and an additional four-helix bundle, which is part of a predicted coiled-coil region. An unexpected dimeric interaction between BsLon-N monomers reveals the possibility that Lon complexes may be stabilised by coiled-coil interactions between neighbouring N-terminal domains. Together, BsLon-N and BsLon-AP are 36 amino acids short of offering a complete picture of a full-length Lon protease.  相似文献   

Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) is a powerful technique for studying transient tertiary organizations of unfolded and partially folded proteins. The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of disordered protein states, together with the r−6 dependence of PRE, presents significant challenges for reliable structural interpretation of PRE-derived distances. Without additional knowledge of accessible conformational substates, ensemble-simulation-based protocols have been used to calculate structure ensembles that appear to be consistent with the PRE distance restraints imposed on the ensemble level with the proper r−6 weighting. However, rigorous assessment of the reliability of such protocols has been difficult without intimate knowledge of the true nature of disordered protein states. Here we utilize sets of theoretical PRE distances derived from simulated structure ensembles that represent the folded, partially folded and unfolded states of a small protein to investigate the efficacy of ensemble-simulation-based structural interpretation of PRE distances. The results confirm a critical limitation that, due to r−6 weighting, only one or a few members need to satisfy the distance restraints and the rest of the ensemble are essentially unrestrained. Consequently, calculated structure ensembles will appear artificially heterogeneous no matter whether the PRE distances are derived from the folded, partially unfolded or unfolded state. Furthermore, the nature of the heterogeneous ensembles is largely determined by the protein model employed in structure calculation and reflects little on the true nature of the underlying disordered state. These findings suggest that PRE measurements on disordered protein states alone generally do not contain enough information for a reliable structural interpretation and that the latter will require additional knowledge of accessible conformational substates. Interestingly, when a very large number of PRE measurements is available, faithful structural interpretation might be possible with intermediate ensemble sizes under ideal conditions.  相似文献   

Pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap) allow uropathogenic Escherichia coli to bind to epithelial cells and play an important role in urinary tract infection. Expression of pap is controlled by a phase-variation mechanism, based on the two distinct heritable states that are the result of adenine N6-methylation in either of the two GATC sequences in its regulatory region. The methylation status of these two sequences is sensed by the action of two proteins, Lrp and PapI, and they play a central role in determining pap gene expression in both phase-ON and phase-OFF cells. We used modern NMR techniques to determine the solution structure and backbone dynamics of PapI. We found its overall fold resembles closely that of the winged helix-turn-helix family of DNA-binding proteins. We determined that PapI possesses its own DNA-binding activity, albeit non-sequence-specific, independent of Lrp. PapI appears to bind to DNA with a K(d) in the 10 microM range. Possible mechanisms by which PapI might participate in the regulation of the pap operon are discussed in light of these new findings.  相似文献   

Although the structure of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 has been extensively characterized by X-ray crystallography, the nature of the interactions between Hsp90 and its client proteins remains unclear. We present results from a series of spectroscopic studies that strongly suggest that these interactions are highly dynamic in solution. Extensive NMR assignments have been made for human Hsp90 through the use of specific isotopic labeling of one- and two-domain constructs. Sites of interaction of a client protein, the p53 DNA-binding domain, were then probed both by chemical shift mapping and by saturation transfer NMR spectroscopy. Specific spectroscopic changes were small and difficult to observe, but were reproducibly measured for residues over a wide area of the Hsp90 surface in the N-terminal, middle and C-terminal domains. A somewhat greater specificity, for the area close to the interface between the N-terminal and middle domains of Hsp90, was identified in saturation transfer experiments. These results are consistent with a highly dynamic and nonspecific interaction between Hsp90 and p53 DNA-binding domain in this chaperone-client system, which results in changes in the client protein structure that are detectable by spectroscopic and other methods.  相似文献   

The L11 binding site is one of the most important functional sites in the ribosome. The N-terminal domain of L11 has been implicated as a "reversible switch" in facilitating the coordinated movements associated with EF-G-driven GTP hydrolysis. The reversible switch mechanism has been hypothesized to require conformational flexibility involving re-orientation and re-positioning of the two L11 domains, and warrants a close examination of the structure and dynamics of L11. Here we report the solution structure of free L11, and relaxation studies of free L11, L11 complexed to its 58 nt RNA recognition site, and L11 in a ternary complex with the RNA and thiostrepton antibiotic. The binding site of thiostrepton on L11 was also defined by analysis of structural and dynamics data and chemical shift mapping. The conclusions of this work are as follows: first, the binding of L11 to RNA leads to sizable conformation changes in the regions flanking the linker and in the hinge area that links a beta-sheet and a 3(10)-helix-turn-helix element in the N terminus. Concurrently, the change in the relative orientation may lead to re-positioning of the N terminus, as implied by a decrease of radius of gyration from 18.5 A to 16.2 A. Second, the regions, which undergo large conformation changes, exhibit motions on milliseconds-microseconds or nanoseconds-picoseconds time scales. Third, binding of thiostrepton results in more rigid conformations near the linker (Thr71) and near its putative binding site (Leu12). Lastly, conformational changes in the putative thiostrepton binding site are implicated by the re-emergence of cross-correlation peaks in the spectrum of the ternary complex, which were missing in that of the binary complex. Our combined analysis of both the chemical shift perturbation and dynamics data clearly indicates that thiostrepton binds to a pocket involving residues in the 3(10)-helix in L11.  相似文献   

Inteins mediate protein splicing, which has found many applications in biotechnology and protein engineering. A single valine-to-leucine mutation (V67L) can globally enhance splicing and related cleavage reactions in minimized Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA inteins. However, V67L mutation causes little change in crystal structures. To test whether protein dynamics contribute to activity enhancement in the V67L mutation, we have studied the conformations and dynamics of the minimized and engineered intein ΔΔIhh-V67CM and a single V67L mutant, ΔΔIhh-L67CM, by solution NMR. Chemical shift perturbations established that the V67L mutation causes global changes, including changes at the N-terminus and C-terminus of the intein, which are active sites for protein splicing. The single V67L mutation significantly slows hydrogen-exchange rates globally, indicating a shift to more stable conformations and reduction in ensemble distribution. Whereas the V67L mutation causes little change for motions on the picosecond-to-nanosecond timescale, motions on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale affect a region involving the conserved F-block histidine and C-terminal asparagine, which are residues important for C-terminal cleavage. The V67L mutation is proposed to activate splicing by reducing the ensemble distribution of the intein structure and by modifying the active sites.  相似文献   

Hsp70 (heat shock protein 70 kDa) chaperones are key to cellular protein homeostasis. However, they also have the ability to inhibit tumor apoptosis and contribute to aberrant accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in neuronal cells affected by tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease. Hence, Hsp70 chaperones are increasingly becoming identified as targets for therapeutic intervention in these widely abundant diseases. Hsp70 proteins are allosteric machines and offer, besides classical active-site targets, also opportunities to target the mechanism of allostery. In this work, it is demonstrated that the action of the potent anticancer compound MKT-077 (1-ethyl-2-[[3-ethyl-5-(3-methylbenzothiazolin-2-yliden)]-4-oxothiazolidin-2-ylidenemethyl] pyridinium chloride) occurs through a differential interaction with Hsp70 allosteric states. MKT-077 is therefore an “allosteric drug.” Using NMR spectroscopy, we identify the compound's binding site on human HSPA8 (Hsc70). The binding pose is obtained from NMR-restrained docking calculations, subsequently scored by molecular-dynamics-based energy and solvation computations. Suggestions for the improvement of the compound's properties are made on the basis of the binding location and pose.  相似文献   

Genetic changes lead gradually to altered protein function, making deduction of the molecular basis for activity from a sequence difficult. Comparative studies provide insights into the functional consequences of specific changes. Here we present structural and biochemical studies of NtrC4, a sigma-54 activator from Aquifex aeolicus, and compare it with NtrC1 (a paralog) and NtrC (a homolog from Salmonella enterica) to provide insight into how a substantial change in regulatory mechanism may have occurred. Activity assays show that assembly of NtrC4's active oligomer is repressed by the N-terminal receiver domain, and that BeF addition (mimicking phosphorylation) removes this repression. Observation of assembly without activation for NtrC4 indicates that it is much less strongly repressed than NtrC1. The crystal structure of the unactivated receiver-ATPase domain combination shows a partially disrupted interface. NMR structures of the regulatory domain show that its activation mechanism is very similar to that of NtrC1. The crystal structure of the NtrC4 DNA-binding domain shows that it is dimeric and more similar in structure to NtrC than NtrC1. Electron microscope images of the ATPase-DNA-binding domain combination show formation of oligomeric rings. Sequence alignments provide insights into the distribution of activation mechanisms in this family of proteins.  相似文献   

HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus type 1) uses its trimeric gp160 envelope (Env) protein consisting of non-covalently associated gp120 and gp41 subunits to mediate entry into human T lymphocytes. A facile virus fusion mechanism compensates for the sparse Env copy number observed on viral particles and includes a 22-amino-acid, lentivirus-specific adaptation at the gp41 base (amino acid residues 662–683), termed the membrane proximal external region (MPER). We show by NMR and EPR that the MPER consists of a structurally conserved pair of viral lipid-immersed helices separated by a hinge with tandem joints that can be locked by capping residues between helices. This design fosters efficient HIV-1 fusion via interconverting structures while, at the same time, affording immune escape. Disruption of both joints by double alanine mutations at Env positions 671 and 674 (AA) results in attenuation of Env-mediated cell–cell fusion and hemifusion, as well as viral infectivity mediated by both CD4-dependent and CD4-independent viruses. The potential mechanism of disruption was revealed by structural analysis of MPER conformational changes induced by AA mutation. A deeper acyl chain-buried MPER middle section and the elimination of cross-hinge rigid-body motion almost certainly impede requisite structural rearrangements during the fusion process, explaining the absence of MPER AA variants among all known naturally occurring HIV-1 viral sequences. Furthermore, those broadly neutralization antibodies directed against the HIV-1 MPER exploit the tandem joint architecture involving helix capping, thereby disrupting hinge function.  相似文献   

A major puzzle is: are all glycoproteins routed through the ER calnexin pathway irrespective of whether this is required for their correct folding? Calnexin recognizes the terminal Glcα1-3Manα linkage, formed by trimming of the Glcα1-2Glcα1-3Glcα1-3Manα (Glc3Man) unit in Glc3Man9GlcNAc2. Different conformations of this unit have been reported. We have addressed this problem by studying the conformation of a series of N-glycans; i.e. Glc3ManOMe, Glc3Man4,5,7GlcNAc2 and Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 using 2D NMR NOESY, ROESY, T-ROESY and residual dipolar coupling experiments in a range of solvents, along with solution molecular dynamics simulations of Glc3ManOMe. Our results show a single conformation for the Glcα1-2Glcα and Glcα1-3Glcα linkages, and a major (65%) and a minor (30%) conformer for the Glcα1-3Manα linkage. Modeling of the binding of Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 to calnexin suggests that it is the minor conformer that is recognized by calnexin. This may be one of the mechanisms for controlling the rate of recruitment of proteins into the calnexin/calreticulin chaperone system and enabling proteins that do not require such assistance for folding to bypass the system. This is the first time evidence has been presented on glycoprotein folding that suggests the process may be optimized to balance the chaperone-assisted and chaperone-independent pathways.  相似文献   

The structures of a dimeric mutant of the Lac repressor DNA-binding domain complexed with the auxiliary operators O2 and O3 have been determined using NMR spectroscopy and compared to the structures of the previously determined Lac-O1 and Lac-nonoperator complexes. Structural analysis of the Lac-O1 and Lac-O2 complexes shows highly similar structures with very similar numbers of specific and nonspecific contacts, in agreement with similar affinities for these two operators. The left monomer of the Lac repressor in the Lac-O3 complex retains most of these specific contacts. However, in the right half-site of the O3 operator, there is a significant loss of protein-DNA contacts, explaining the low affinity of the Lac repressor for the O3 operator. The binding mode in the right half-site resembles that of the nonspecific complex. In contrast to the Lac-nonoperator DNA complex where no hinge helices are formed, the stability of the hinge helices in the weak Lac-O3 complex is the same as in the Lac-O1 and Lac-O2 complexes, as judged from the results of hydrogen/deuterium experiments.  相似文献   

The 58-kDa complex formed between the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin, putidaredoxin (Pdx), and cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) from the bacterium Pseudomonas putida has been investigated by high-resolution solution NMR spectroscopy. Pdx serves as both the physiological reductant and effector for CYP101 in the enzymatic reaction involving conversion of substrate camphor to 5-exo-hydroxycamphor. In order to obtain an experimental structure for the oxidized Pdx-CYP101 complex, a combined approach using orientational data on the two proteins derived from residual dipolar couplings and distance restraints from site-specific spin labeling of Pdx has been applied. Spectral changes for residues in and near the paramagnetic metal cluster region of Pdx in complex with CYP101 have also been mapped for the first time using 15N and 13C NMR spectroscopy, leading to direct identification of the residues strongly affected by CYP101 binding. The new NMR structure of the Pdx-CYP101 complex agrees well with results from previous mutagenesis and biophysical studies involving residues at the binding interface such as formation of a salt bridge between Asp38 of Pdx and Arg112 of CYP101, while at the same time identifying key features different from those of earlier modeling studies. Analysis of the binding interface of the complex reveals that the side chain of Trp106, the C-terminal residue of Pdx and critical for binding to CYP101, is located across from the heme-binding loop of CYP101 and forms non-polar contacts with several residues in the vicinity of the heme group on CYP101, pointing to a potentially important role in complex formation.  相似文献   

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