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EcoRV, a restriction enzyme in Escherichia coli, destroys invading foreign DNA by cleaving it at the center step of a GATATC sequence. In the EcoRV-cognate DNA crystallographic complex, a sharp kink of 50° has been found at the center base-pair step (TA). Here, we examine the interplay between the intrinsic propensity of the cognate sequence to kink and the induction by the enzyme by performing all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of EcoRV unbound and interacting with three DNA sequences: the cognate sequence, GATATC (TA); the non-cognate sequence, GAATTC (AT); and with the cognate sequence methylated on the first adenine GACH3TATC (TA-CH3). In the unbound EcoRV, the cleft between the two C-terminal subdomains is found to be open. Binding to AT narrows the cleft and forms a partially bound state. However, the intrinsic bending propensity of AT is insufficient to allow tight binding. In contrast, the cognate TA sequence is easier to bend, allowing specific, high-occupancy hydrogen bonds to form in the complex. The absence of cleavage for this methylated sequence is found to arise from the loss of specific hydrogen bonds between the first adenine of the recognition sequence and Asn185. On the basis of the results, we suggest a three-step recognition mechanism. In the first step, EcoRV, in an open conformation, binds to the DNA at a random sequence and slides along it. In the second step, when the two outer base pairs, GAxxTC, are recognized, the R loops of the protein become more ordered, forming strong hydrogen-bonding interactions, resulting in a partially bound EcoRV-DNA complex. In the third step, the flexibility of the center base pair is probed, and in the case of the full cognate sequence the DNA bends, the complex strengthens and the protein and DNA interact more closely, allowing cleavage.  相似文献   

Atomic positions obtained by X-ray crystallography are time and space averages over many molecules in the crystal. Importantly, interatomic distances, calculated between such average positions and frequently used in structural and mechanistic analyses, can be substantially different from the more appropriate time-average and ensemble-average interatomic distances. Using crystallographic B-factors, one can deduce corrections, which have so far been applied exclusively to small molecules, to obtain correct average distances as a function of the type of atomic motion. Here, using 4774 high-quality protein X-ray structures, we study the significance of such corrections for different types of atomic motion. Importantly, we show that for distances shorter than 5 Å, corrections greater than 0.5 Å may apply, especially for noncorrelated or anticorrelated motion. For example, 14% of the studied structures have at least one pair of atoms with a correction of ≥ 0.5 Å in the case of noncorrelated motion. Using molecular dynamics simulations of villin headpiece, ubiquitin, and SH3 domain unit cells, we demonstrate that the majority of average interatomic distances in these proteins agree with noncorrelated corrections, suggesting that such deviations may be truly relevant. Importantly, we demonstrate that the corrections do not significantly affect stereochemistry and the overall quality of final refined X-ray structures, but can provide marked improvements in starting unrefined models obtained from low-resolution X-ray data. Finally, we illustrate the potential mechanistic and biological significance of the calculated corrections for KcsA ion channel and show that they provide indirect evidence that motions in its selectivity filter are highly correlated.  相似文献   

Experimental studies (M. Mandal, B. Boese, J.E. Barrick, W.C. Winkler and R.R. Breaker, Riboswitches control fundamental biochemical pathways in bacillus subtilis and other bacteria, Cell 113 (2003), pp. 577–586) demonstrated that, besides recognising guanine with high specificity, guanine riboswitch could also bind guanine analogues, but the alteration of every functionalised position on the guanine heterocycle could cause a substantial loss of binding affinity. To investigate the nature of guanine riboswitch recognising metabolites, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation were carried out on diverse guanine analogues. The calculation results reveal that (1) most guanine analogues could bind to guanine riboswitch at the same binding pocket, with identical orientations and dissimilar binding energies, which is related to the positions of the functional groups; (2) the two tautomers of xanthine adopt different binding modes, and the enol-tautomer shows similar binding mode and affinity of hypoxanthine, which agrees well with the experimental results and (3) the riboswitch could form stable complexes with guanine analogues by hydrogen bonding contacts with U51 and C74. Particularly, U51 plays an important role in stabilising the complexes.  相似文献   

Spectrin is an ubiquitous protein in metazoan cells, and its flexibility is one of the keys to maintaining cellular structure and organization. Both alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrin polypeptides consist primarily of triple coiled-coil modular repeat units, and two important factors that determine spectrin flexibility are the bending flexibility between two consecutive repeat units and the conformational flexibility of individual repeat units. Atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used here to study double spectrin repeat units (DSRUs) from the human erythrocyte beta-spectrin (HEbeta89) and the chicken brain alpha-spectrin (CBalpha1617). From the results of MD simulations, a highly conserved Trp residue in the A-helix of most repeat units that has been suggested to be important in conferring stability to the coiled-coil structures is found not to have a significant effect on the conformational flexibility of individual repeat units. Characterization of the bending flexibility for two consecutive repeats of spectrin via atomistic simulations and coarse-grained (CG) modeling indicate that the bending flexibility is governed by the interactions between the AB-loop of the first repeat unit, the BC-loop of the second repeat unit and the linker region. Specifically, interactions between residues in these regions can lead to a strong directionality in the bending behavior of two repeat units. The biological implications of these finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Ribosomes control the missense error rate of ~ 10− 4 during translation though quantitative contributions of individual mechanistic steps of the conformational changes yet to be fully determined. Biochemical and biophysical studies led to a qualitative tRNA selection model in which ribosomal A-site residues A1492 and A1493 (A1492/3) flip out in response to cognate tRNA binding, promoting the subsequent reactions, but not in the case of near-cognate or non-cognate tRNA. However, this model was recently questioned by X-ray structures revealing conformations of extrahelical A1492/3 and domain closure of the decoding center in both cognate and near-cognate tRNA bound ribosome complexes, suggesting that the non-specific flipping of A1492/3 has no active role in tRNA selection. We explore this question by carrying out molecular dynamics simulations, aided with fluorescence and NMR experiments, to probe the free energy cost of extrahelical flipping of 1492/3 and the strain energy associated with domain conformational change. Our rigorous calculations demonstrate that the A1492/3 flipping is indeed a specific response to the binding of cognate tRNA, contributing 3 kcal/mol to the specificity of tRNA selection. Furthermore, the different A-minor interactions in cognate and near-cognate complexes propagate into the conformational strain and contribute another 4 kcal/mol in domain closure. The recent structure of ribosome with features of extrahelical A1492/3 and closed domain in near-cognate complex is reconciled by possible tautomerization of the wobble base pair in mRNA–tRNA. These results quantitatively rationalize other independent experimental observations and explain the ribosomal discrimination mechanism of selecting cognate versus near-cognate tRNA.  相似文献   

The ribosomal L1 stalk is a mobile structure implicated in directing tRNA movement during translocation through the ribosome. This article investigates three aspects of L1 stalk-tRNA interaction. First, by combining data from cryo electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, and molecular dynamics simulations through the molecular dynamics flexible fitting method, we obtained atomic models of different tRNAs occupying the hybrid P/E state interacting with the L1 stalk. These models confirm the assignment of fluorescence resonance energy transfer states from previous single-molecule investigations of L1 stalk dynamics. Second, the models reconcile how initiator tRNAfMet interacts less strongly with the L1 stalk compared to elongator tRNAPhe, as seen in previous single-molecule experiments. Third, results from a simulation of the entire ribosome in which the L1 stalk is moved from a half-closed conformation to its open conformation are found to support the hypothesis that L1 stalk opening is involved in tRNA release from the ribosome.  相似文献   

Argonaute-2 (AGO2), a member of the Argonaute family, is the only member possessing catalytic and RNA silencing activity. In here, a molecular dynamics (MDs) simulation was performed using the crystal structure of human AGO2 protein complex with miR-20a. miR-20a is involved with various kind of biological process like heart and lung development, oncogenic process, etc. In precise, MD simulation was carried out with AGO2 protein complex with wild type, two mutant sites and four mutant sites in guided microRNA (miRNA). It has been noted that root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions of nucleic acid for wild type and two mutant sites guided miRNA has the same pattern of fluctuations, which stabilizes around 0.27 nm after 2 ns. Cα atom of AGO2 protein in the complex shows that this complex with wild type and two mutant site mutation duplex has a stable RMSD value after 20 ns, ranging between 0.14 and 0.21 nm. From the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF), we observed an increased pattern of fluctuations for the atoms of four mutant complex of AGO2-miR-20a complex. This increased RMSF of non-mutated nucleic acids is contributed by U-A bond breaking at the site of the nucleotide of U2 of guided miRNA, as observed from the duplex structure taken at different time steps of the simulation. Superimposed structure of the miRNA-mRNA duplex for the three complexes depicts that the three miRNA-mRNA duplexes are stable during the simulation. Current work demonstrates the possible correlations between the conformational changes of this AGO2-miR-20a duplex structure and the interactions of different atoms.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, TonB-dependent outer-membrane transporters bind large, scarce organometallic substrates with high affinity preceding active transport. The cobalamin transporter BtuB requires the additional binding of two Ca2+ ions before substrate binding can occur, but the underlying molecular mechanism is unknown. Using the crystallographic structures available for different bound states of BtuB, we have carried out extended molecular dynamics simulations of multiple functional states of BtuB to address the role of Ca2+ in substrate recruitment. We find that Ca2+ binding both stabilizes and repositions key extracellular loops of BtuB, optimizing interactions with the substrate. Interestingly, replacement by Mg2+ abolishes this effect, in accordance with experiments. Using a set of new force-field parameters developed for cyanocobalamin, we also simulated the substrate-bound form of BtuB, where we observed interactions not seen in the crystal structure between the substrate and loops previously found to be important for binding and transport. Based on our results, we suggest that the large size of cobalamin compared to other TonB-dependent transporter substrates explains the requirement of Ca2+ binding for high-affinity substrate recruitment in BtuB.  相似文献   

Recent advances in experimental methods provide increasing evidence that proteins sample the conformational substates that are important for function in the absence of their ligands. An example is the receiver domain of nitrogen regulatory protein C, a member of the phosphorylation-mediated signaling family of “two-component systems.” The receiver domain of nitrogen regulatory protein C samples both inactive conformation and the active conformation before phosphorylation. Here we determine a possible pathway of interconversion between the active state and the inactive state by targeted molecular dynamics simulations and quasi-harmonic analysis; these methods are used because the experimental conversion rate is in the high microsecond range, longer than those that are easily accessible to atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The calculated pathway is found to be composed of four consecutive stages described by different progress variables. The lowest quasi-harmonic principal components from unbiased molecular dynamics simulations on the active state correspond to the first stage, but not to the subsequent stages of the transition. The targeted molecular dynamics pathway suggests that several transient nonnative hydrogen bonds may facilitate the transition.  相似文献   

Aromatic–aromatic interactions have long been believed to play key roles in protein structure, folding, and binding functions. However, we still lack full understanding of the contributions of aromatic–aromatic interactions to protein stability and the timing of their formation during folding. Here, using an aromatic ladder in the β-barrel protein, cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 1 (CRABP1), as a case study, we find that aromatic π stacking plays a greater role in the Phe65–Phe71 cross-strand pair, while in another pair, Phe50–Phe65, hydrophobic interactions are dominant. The Phe65–Phe71 pair spans β-strands 4 and 5 in the β-barrel, which lack interstrand hydrogen bonding, and we speculate that it compensates energetically for the absence of strand–strand backbone interactions. Using perturbation analysis, we find that both aromatic–aromatic pairs form after the transition state for folding of CRABP1, thus playing a role in the final stabilization of the β-sheet rather than in its nucleation as had been earlier proposed. The aromatic interaction between strands 4 and 5 in CRABP1 is highly conserved in the intracellular lipid-binding protein (iLBP) family, and several lines of evidence combine to support a model wherein it acts to maintain barrel structure while allowing the dynamic opening that is necessary for ligand entry. Lastly, we carried out a bioinformatics analysis and found 51 examples of aromatic–aromatic interactions across non-hydrogen-bonded β-strands outside the iLBPs, arguing for the generality of the role played by this structural motif.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy and computer simulations were used to examine changes in chemical shifts and in dynamics of the ribonuclease barnase that result upon binding to its natural inhibitor barstar. Although the spatial structures of free and bound barnase are very similar, binding results in changes of the dynamics of both fast side-chains, as revealed by (2)H relaxation measurements, and NMR chemical shifts in an extended beta-sheet that is located far from the binding interface. Both side-chain dynamics and chemical shifts are sensitive to variations in the ensemble populations of the inter-converting molecular states, which can escape direct structural observation. Molecular dynamics simulations of free barnase and barnase in complex with barstar, as well as a normal mode analysis of barnase using a Gaussian network model, reveal relatively rigid domains that are separated by the extended beta-sheet mentioned above. The observed changes in NMR parameters upon ligation can thus be rationalized in terms of changes in inter-domain dynamics and in populations of exchanging states, without measurable structural changes. This provides an alternative model for the propagation of a molecular response to ligand binding across a protein that is based exclusively on changes in dynamics.  相似文献   

In structure-based drug design, accurate crystal structure determination of protein-ligand complexes is of utmost importance in order to elucidate the binding characteristics of a putative lead to a given target. It is the starting point for further design hypotheses to predict novel leads with improved properties. Often, crystal structure determination is regarded as ultimate proof for ligand binding providing detailed insight into the specific binding mode of the ligand to the protein. This widely accepted practise relies on the assumption that the crystal structure of a given protein-ligand complex is unique and independent of the protocol applied to produce the crystals. We present two examples indicating that this assumption is not generally given, even though the composition of the mother liquid for crystallisation was kept unchanged: Multiple crystal structure determinations of aldose reductase complexes obtained under varying crystallisation protocols concerning soaking and crystallisation exposure times were performed resulting in a total of 17 complete data sets and ten refined crystal structures, eight in complex with zopolrestat and two complexed with tolrestat. In the first example, a flip of a peptide bond is observed, obviously depending on the crystallisation protocol with respect to soaking and co-crystallisation conditions. This peptide flip is accompanied by a rupture of an H-bond formed to the bound ligand zopolrestat. The indicated enhanced local mobility of the complex is in agreement with the results of molecular dynamics simulations. As a second example, the aldose reductase-tolrestat complex is studied. Unexpectedly, two structures could be obtained: one with one, and a second with four inhibitor molecules bound to the protein. They are located in and near the binding pocket facilitated by crystal packing effects. Accommodation of the four ligand molecules is accompanied by pronounced shifts concerning two helices interacting with the additional ligands.  相似文献   

Gram-negative pathogens secrete effector proteins into human cells to modulate normal cellular processes and establish a bacterial replication niche. Shigella and pathogenic Escherichia coli possess homologous effector kinases, OspG and NleH1/2, respectively. Upon translocation, OspG but not NleH binds to ubiquitin and a subset of E2 ~ Ub conjugates, which was shown to activate its kinase activity. Here we show that OspG, having a minimal kinase fold, acquired a novel mechanism of regulation of its activity. Binding of the E2 ~ Ub conjugate to OspG not only stimulates its kinase activity but also increases its optimal temperature for activity to match the human body temperature and stabilizes its labile C-terminal domain. The melting temperature (Tm) of OspG alone is only 31?°C, as compared to 41?°C to NleH1/2 homologs. In the presence of E2 ~ Ub, the Tm of OspG increases to ~ 42?°C, while Ub by itself increases the Tm to 39?°C. Moreover, OspG alone displays maximal activity at 26?°C, while in the presence of E2 ~ Ub, maximal activity occurs at ~ 42?°C. Using NMR and molecular dynamics calculations, we have identified the C-terminal lobe and, in particular, the C-terminal helix, as the key elements responsible for lower thermal stability of OspG as compared to homologous effector kinases.  相似文献   

A molecular model for the P450 enzyme cytochrome P450 C17 (CYP17) is presented based on sequence alignments of multiple template structures and homology modeling. This enzyme plays a central role in the biosynthesis of testosterone and is emerging as a major target in prostate cancer, with the recently developed inhibitor abiraterone currently in advanced clinical trials. The model is described in detail, together with its validation, by providing structural explanations to available site-directed mutagenesis data. The CYP17 molecule in this model is in the form of a triangular prism, with an edge of ∼ 55 Å and a thickness of ∼ 37 Å. It is predominantly helical, comprising 13 α helices interspersed by six 310 helices and 11 β-sheets. Multinanosecond molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent have been carried out, and principal components analysis has been used to reveal the details of dynamics around the active site. Coarse-grained methods have also been used to verify low-frequency motions, which have been correlated with active-site gating. The work also describes the results of docking synthetic inhibitors, including the drug abiraterone and the natural substrate pregnenolone, in the CYP17 active site together with molecular dynamics simulations on the complexes.  相似文献   

Molecular aspects of thermal adaptation of proteins were studied by following the co-evolution of temperature dependence, conformational stability, and substrate specificity in a cold-active lipase modified via directed evolution. We found that the evolution of kinetic stability was accompanied by a relaxation in substrate specificity. Moreover, temperature dependence and selectivity turned out to be mutually dependent. While the wild-type protein was strictly specific for short-chain triglycerides (C4) in the temperature range 10-50 °C and displayed highest activity in the cold, its stabilized variant was able to accept C8 and C12 molecules and its selectivity was temperature dependent. We could not detect any improvement in the overall structural robustness of the mutant when the structure was challenged by temperature or chemical denaturants. There is, however, strong evidence for local stabilization effects in the active-site region provided by two independent approaches. Differential scanning fluorimetry revealed that the exposure of hydrophobic patches (as the active site is) precedes denaturation, and molecular dynamics simulations confirmed that stability was obtained by restriction of the mobility of the lid, a flexible structure that regulates the access to the enzyme active site and influences its stability. This reduction of lid movements is suggested to be accompanied by a concomitant increase in the mobility of other protein regions, thus accounting for the observed broadening of substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Antibodies are the most versatile binding proteins in nature with six loops creating a flexible continuous interaction surface. However, in some molecular formats, antibodies are aggregation prone. Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) were successfully created as alternative design solutions. Nevertheless, their concave shape, rigidity and incompletely randomized binding surface may limit the epitopes that can be targeted by this extremely stable scaffold. Combining conformational diversity and a continuous convex paratope found in many antibodies with the beneficial biophysical properties of DARPins, we created LoopDARPins, a next generation of DARPins with extended epitope binding properties. We employed X-ray structure determination of a LoopDARPin for design validation. Biophysical characterizations show that the introduction of an elongated loop through consensus design does not decrease the stability of the scaffold, consistent with molecular dynamics simulations. Ribosome-display selections against extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) and four members of the BCL-2 family (BCL-2, BCL-XL, BCL-W and MCL-1) of anti-apoptotic regulators yielded LoopDARPins with affinities in the mid-picomolar to low nanomolar range against all targets. The BCL-2 family binders block the interaction with their natural interaction partner and will be valuable reagents to test the apoptotic response in functional assays. With the LoopDARPin scaffold, binders for BCL-2 with an affinity of 30 pM were isolated with only a single round of ribosome display, an enrichment that has not been described for any scaffold. Identical stringent one-round selections with conventional DARPins without loop yielded no binders. The LoopDARPin scaffold may become a highly valuable tool for biotechnological high-throughput applications.  相似文献   

Modulation of protein binding specificity is important for basic biology and for applied science. Here we explore how binding specificity is conveyed in PDZ (postsynaptic density protein-95/discs large/zonula occludens-1) domains, small interaction modules that recognize various proteins by binding to an extended C terminus. Our goal was to engineer variants of the Erbin PDZ domain with altered specificity for the most C-terminal position (position 0) where a Val is strongly preferred by the wild-type domain. We constructed a library of PDZ domains by randomizing residues in direct contact with position 0 and in a loop that is close to but does not contact position 0. We used phage display to select for PDZ variants that bind to 19 peptide ligands differing only at position 0. To verify that each obtained PDZ domain exhibited the correct binding specificity, we selected peptide ligands for each domain. Despite intensive efforts, we were only able to evolve Erbin PDZ domain variants with selectivity for the aliphatic C-terminal side chains Val, Ile and Leu. Interestingly, many PDZ domains with these three distinct specificities contained identical amino acids at positions that directly contact position 0 but differed in the loop that does not contact position 0. Computational modeling of the selected PDZ domains shows how slight conformational changes in the loop region propagate to the binding site and result in different binding specificities. Our results demonstrate that second-sphere residues could be crucial in determining protein binding specificity.  相似文献   

Human (Hu) familial prion diseases are associated with about 40 point mutations of the gene coding for the prion protein (PrP). Most of the variants associated with these mutations are located in the globular domain of the protein. We performed 50 ns of molecular dynamics for each of these mutants to investigate their structure in aqueous solution. Overall, 1.6 μs of molecular dynamics data is presented. The calculations are based on the AMBER(parm99) force field, which has been shown to reproduce very accurately the structural features of the HuPrP wild type and a few variants for which experimental structural information is available. The variants present structural determinants different from those of wild-type HuPrP and the protective mutation HuPrP(E219K-129M). These include the loss of salt bridges in α23 regions and the loss of π-stacking interactions in the β22 loop. In addition, in the majority of the mutants, the α3 helix is more flexible and Y169 is more solvent exposed. The presence of similar traits in this large spectrum of mutations hints to a role of these fingerprints in their known disease-causing properties. Overall, the regions most affected by disease-linked mutations in terms of structure and/or flexibility are those involved in the pathogenic conversion to the scrapie form of the protein and in the interaction with cellular partners. These regions thus emerge as optimal targets for antibody- and ligand-binding studies.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is driven by a cycle of conformational changes in the myosin II head. After myosin binds ATP and releases from the actin fibril, myosin prepares for the next power stroke by rotating back the converter domain that carries the lever arm by 60 degrees . This recovery stroke is coupled to the activation of myosin ATPase by a mechanism that is essential for an efficient motor cycle. The mechanics of this coupling have been proposed to occur via two distinct and successive motions of the two helices that hold the converter domain: in a first phase a seesaw motion of the relay helix, followed by a piston-like motion of the SH1 helix in a second phase. To test this model, we have determined the principal motions of these structural elements during equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of the crystallographic end states of the recovery-stroke by using principal component analysis. This reveals that the only principal motions of these two helices that make a large-amplitude contribution towards the conformational change of the recovery stroke are indeed the predicted seesaw and piston motions. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the seesaw motion of the relay helix dominates in the dynamics of the pre-recovery stroke structure, but not in the dynamics of the post-recovery stroke structure, and vice versa for the piston motion of the SH1 helix. This is consistent with the order of the proposed two-phase model for the coupling mechanism of the recovery stroke. Molecular movies of these principal motions are available at http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/biocomp/fischer.  相似文献   

The recently reported crystal structures of the membrane-embedded proton-dependent c-ring rotors of a cyanobacterial F1Fo ATP synthase and a chloroplast F1Fo ATP synthase have provided new insights into the mechanism of this essential enzyme. While the overall features of these c-rings are similar, a discrepancy in the structure and hydrogen-bonding interaction network of the H+ sites suggests two distinct binding modes, potentially reflecting a mechanistic differentiation. Importantly, the conformation of the key glutamate side chain to which the proton binds is also altered. To investigate the nature of these differences, we use molecular dynamics simulations of both c-rings embedded in a phospholipid membrane. We observe that the structure of the c15 ring from Spirulina platensis is unequivocally stable within the simulation time. By contrast, the proposed structure of the H+ site in the chloroplast c14 ring changes rapidly and consistently into that reported for the c15 ring, indicating that the latter represents a common binding mode. To assess this hypothesis, we have remodeled the c14 ring by molecular replacement using the published structure factors. The resulting structure provides clear evidence in support of a common binding site conformation and is also considerably improved statistically. These findings, taken together with a sequence analysis of c-subunits in the ATP synthase family, indicate that the so-called proton-locked conformation observed in the c15 ring may be a common characteristic not only of light-driven systems such as chloroplasts and cyanobacteria but also of a selection of other bacterial species.  相似文献   

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