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Error-free protein biosynthesis is dependent on the reliable charging of each tRNA with its cognate amino acid. Many bacteria, however, lack a glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase. In these organisms, tRNA(Gln) is initially mischarged with glutamate by a non-discriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (ND-GluRS). This enzyme thus charges both tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Gln) with glutamate. Discriminating GluRS (D-GluRS), found in some bacteria and all eukaryotes, exclusively generates Glu-tRNA(Glu). Here we present the first crystal structure of a non-discriminating GluRS from Thermosynechococcus elongatus (ND-GluRS(Tel)) in complex with glutamate at a resolution of 2.45 A. Structurally, the enzyme shares the overall architecture of the discriminating GluRS from Thermus thermophilus (D-GluRS(Tth)). We confirm experimentally that GluRS(Tel) is non-discriminating and present kinetic parameters for synthesis of Glu-tRNA(Glu) and of Glu-tRNA(Gln). Anticodons of tRNA(Glu) (34C/UUC36) and tRNA(Gln) (34C/UUG36) differ only in base 36. The pyrimidine base of C36 is specifically recognized in D-GluRS(Tth) by the residue Arg358. In ND-GluRS(Tel) this arginine residue is replaced by glycine (Gly366) presumably allowing both cytosine and the bulkier purine base G36 of tRNA(Gln) to be tolerated. Most other ND-GluRS share this structural feature, leading to relaxed substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Shikimate dehydrogenase (EC catalyses the fourth step of the shikimate pathway which is required for the synthesis of the aromatic amino acids and other aromatic compounds in bacteria, microbial eukaryotes, and plants. The crystal structures of the shikimate dehydrogenase AroE from Thermus thermophilus HB8 in its ligand-free form, binary complexes with cofactor NADP+ or substrate shikimate, and the ternary complex with both NADP(H) and shikimate were determined by X-ray diffraction method at atomic resolutions. The crystals are nearly isomorphous with the asymmetric unit containing a dimer, each subunit of which has a bi-domain structure of compact alpha/beta sandwich folds. The two subunits of the enzyme display asymmetry in the crystals due to different relative orientations between the N- and C-terminal domains resulting in a slightly different closure of the interdomain clefts. NADP(H) is bound to the more closed form only. This closed conformation with apparent higher affinity to the cofactor is also observed in the unliganded crystal form, indicating that the NADP(H) binding to TtAroE may follow the selection mode where the cofactor binds to the subunit that happens to be in the closed conformation in solution. Crystal structures of the closed subunits with and without NADP(H) show no significant structural difference, suggesting that the cofactor binding to the closed subunit corresponds to the lock-and-key model in TtAroE. On the other hand, shikimate binds to both open and closed subunit conformers of both apo and NADP(H)-liganded holo enzyme forms. The ternary complex TtAroE:NADP(H):shikimate allows unambiguous visualization of the SDH permitting elucidation of the roles of conserved residues Lys64 and Asp100 in the hydride ion transfer between NADP(H) and shikimate.  相似文献   

HypA is one of the auxiliary proteins involved in the maturation of [NiFe] hydrogenases. By an unknown mechanism, HypA functions as a metallochaperone in the insertion of the Ni atom into hydrogenases. We have determined the crystal structures of HypA from Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 in both monomeric and dimeric states. The structure of the HypA monomer consists of Ni- and Zn-binding domains. The relative arrangement of the two metal-binding domains has been shown to be associated with local conformations of the conserved Ni-binding motif, suggesting a communication between the Ni- and Zn-binding sites. The HypA dimer has been shown to be stabilized by unexpected domain swapping through archaea-specific linker helices. In addition, the hexameric structure of HypA is formed in the crystal packing. Several hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions stabilize the hexamer interface. These findings suggest the functional diversity of HypA proteins.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinones exist widely among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They play essential roles in respiratory electron transport and in controlling oxidative stress and gene regulation. In the isoprenoid quinone biosynthetic pathway, polyprenyl pyrophosphates are used as isoprenoid side-chain precursors. Here we report the crystal structure of a novel polyprenyl pyrophosphate binding protein, TT1927b, from Thermus thermophilus HB8, complexed with its ligand. This protein belongs to the YceI-like family in the Pfam database, and its sequence homologs are present in a broad range of bacteria and archaea. The structure consists of an extended, eight-stranded, antiparallel beta-barrel. In the hydrophobic pore of the barrel, the protein binds the polyisoprenoid chain by hydrophobic interactions. Its overall structure resembles the lipocalin fold, but there is no sequence homology between TT1927b and the lipocalin family of proteins.  相似文献   

Entry to sporulation in bacilli is governed by a histidine kinase phosphorelay, a variation of the predominant signal transduction mechanism in prokaryotes. Sda directly inhibits sporulation histidine kinases in response to DNA damage and replication defects. We determined a 2.0-Å-resolution X-ray crystal structure of the intact cytoplasmic catalytic core [comprising the dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer domain (DHp domain), connected to the ATP binding catalytic domain] of the Geobacillus stearothermophilus sporulation kinase KinB complexed with Sda. Structural and biochemical analyses reveal that Sda binds to the base of the DHp domain and prevents molecular transactions with the DHp domain to which it is bound by acting as a simple molecular barricade. Sda acts to sterically block communication between the catalytic domain and the DHp domain, which is required for autophosphorylation, as well as to sterically block communication between the response regulator Spo0F and the DHp domain, which is required for phosphotransfer and phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

The stationary phase survival protein SurE is a metal ion-dependent phosphatase distributed among eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. In Escherichia coli, SurE has activities as nucleotidase and exopolyphosphatase, and is thought to be involved in stress response. However, its physiological role and reaction mechanism are unclear. We report here the crystal structures of the tetramer of SurE from Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TtSurE) both alone and crystallized with Mn(2+) and substrate AMP. In the presence of Mn(2+) and AMP, differences between the protomers were observed in the active site and in the loop located near the active site; AMP-bound active sites with the loops in a novel open conformation were found in the two protomers, and AMP-free active sites with the loops in a conventional closed conformation were found in the other two protomers. The two loops in the open conformation are entwined with each other, and this entwining is suggested to be required for enzymatic activity by site-directed mutagenesis. TtSurE exists as an equilibrium mixture of dimer and tetramer in solution. The loop-entwined structure indicates that SurE acts as a tetramer. The structural features and the absence of negative cooperativity imply the half-of-the-sites reactivity mechanism resulting from a pre-existing tendency toward structural asymmetry.  相似文献   

GacH is the solute binding protein (receptor) of the putative oligosaccharide ATP-binding cassette transporter GacFG, encoded in the acarbose biosynthetic gene cluster (gac) from Streptomyces glaucescens GLA.O. In the context of the proposed function of acarbose (acarviosyl-1,4-maltose) as a ‘carbophor,’ the transporter, in complex with a yet to be identified ATPase subunit, is supposed to mediate the uptake of longer acarbose homologs and acarbose for recycling purposes. Binding assays using isothermal titration calorimetry identified GacH as a maltose/maltodextrin-binding protein with a low affinity for acarbose but with considerable binding activity for its homolog, component 5C (acarviosyl-1,4-maltose-1,4-glucose-1,1-glucose). In contrast, the maltose-binding protein of Salmonella typhimurium (MalE) displays high-affinity acarbose binding. We determined the crystal structures of GacH in complex with acarbose, component 5C, and maltotetraose, as well as in unliganded form. As found for other solute receptors, the polypeptide chain of GacH is folded into two distinct domains (lobes) connected by a hinge, with the interface between the lobes forming the substrate-binding pocket. GacH does not specifically bind the acarviosyl group, but displays specificity for binding of the maltose moiety in the inner part of its binding pocket. The crystal structure of acarbose-loaded MalE showed that two glucose units of acarbose are bound at the same region and position as maltose. A comparative analysis revealed that in GacH, acarbose is buried deeper into the binding pocket than in MalE by exactly one glucose ring shift, resulting in a total of 18 hydrogen-bond interactions versus 21 hydrogen-bond interactions for MalEacarbose. Since the substrate specificity of ATP-binding cassette import systems is determined by the cognate binding protein, our results provide the first biochemical and structural evidence for the proposed role of GacHFG in acarbose metabolism.  相似文献   

Here, we report the 1.53-Å crystal structure of the enzyme 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase (QueF) from Vibrio cholerae, which is responsible for the complete reduction of a nitrile (C  N) bond to a primary amine (H2C-NH2). At present, this is the only example of a biological pathway that includes reduction of a nitrile bond, establishing QueF as particularly noteworthy. The structure of the QueF monomer resembles two connected ferrodoxin-like domains that assemble into dimers. Ligands identified in the crystal structure suggest the likely binding conformation of the native substrates NADPH and 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine. We also report on a series of numerical simulations that have shed light on the mechanism by which this enzyme affects the transfer of four protons (and electrons) to the 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine substrate. In particular, the simulations suggest that the initial step of the catalytic process is the formation of a covalent adduct with the residue Cys194, in agreement with previous studies. The crystal structure also suggests that two conserved residues (His233 and Asp102) play an important role in the delivery of a fourth proton to the substrate.  相似文献   

Here we present the crystal structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii RelE-RelB (RelBE) toxin-antitoxin (TA) protein complex determined by the MIRAS (multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous signal) method. The genes encoding this TA system are located in the chromosome of this archaeon and involved in stress response. RelE acts as an endoribonuclease that cleaves mRNA on the ribosome, and we compare the RelBE complex to the known structures of other TA systems belonging to this group and to endoribonucleases. M. jannaschii RelBE forms a heterotetramer with the antitoxin in the centre of the complex, a configuration that differs vastly from the heterotetramer structure of the previously published RelBE from another archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii. The long N-terminal α-helix of the tightly bound M. jannaschii antitoxin RelB covers the presumed active site of the toxin RelE that is formed by a central β-sheet, a loop on one side and a C-terminal α-helix on the other side. The active site of the M. jannaschii toxin RelE harbours positive charges that are thought to neutralize the negative charges of the substrate mRNA, including Arg62 that was changed to Ser62 by the Escherichia coli expression system, thereby leading to inactive toxin RelE. Comparative studies suggest that Asp43 and His79 are also involved in the activity of the toxin.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda and Streptococcus iniae are important aquaculture pathogens that affect many species of farmed fish. In this study, we analyzed the expression, activity, and immunoprotective potential of E. tarda heat shock protein DnaK. We found that dnaK expression was upregulated under conditions of heat shock, oxidative stress, and infection of host cells. Recombinant DnaK (rDnaK) purified from Escherichia coli exhibited ATPase activity and induced protection in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) against lethal E. tarda challenge. On the basis of these results and our previous observation that a protective S. iniae antigen Sia10 which, when expressed heterogeneously in E. coli DH5α, is secreted into the extracellular milieu, we constructed a chimeric antigen by fusing DnaK to Sia10. The resulting fusion protein Sia10-DnaK was expressed in DH5α via the plasmid pTDK. Western blot analysis indicated that Sia10-DnaK was detected in the culture supernatant of DH5α/pTDK. When flounder were vaccinated with live DH5α/pTDK, strong protection was observed against both E. tarda and S. iniae. ELISA analysis detected specific serum antibody production in fish vaccinated with rDnaK and DH5α/pTDK. Taken together, these results indicate that rDnaK is an intrinsic ATPase with immunoprotective property and that Sia10-DnaK delivered by a live bacterial host is an effective bivalent vaccine candidate against E. tarda and S. iniae infection.  相似文献   

In eubacteria, ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and elongation factor G (EFG) function together to dissociate posttermination ribosomal complexes. Earlier studies, using heterologous factors from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Escherichia coli revealed that specific interactions between RRF and EFG are crucial for their function in ribosome recycling. Here, we used translation factors from E. coli, Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. tuberculosis, and polysomes from E. coli and M. smegmatis, and employed in vivo and in vitro experiments to further understand the role of EFG in ribosome recycling. We show that E. coli EFG (EcoEFG) recycles E. coli ribosomes with E. coli RRF (EcoRRF), but not with mycobacterial RRFs. Also, EcoEFG fails to recycle M. smegmatis ribosomes with either EcoRRF or mycobacterial RRFs. On the other hand, mycobacterial EFGs recycle both E. coli and M. smegmatis ribosomes with either of the RRFs. These observations suggest that EFG establishes distinct interactions with RRF and the ribosome to carry out ribosome recycling. Furthermore, the EFG chimeras generated by swapping domains between mycobacterial EFGs and EcoEFG suggest that while the residues needed to specify the EFG interaction with RRF are located in domains IV and V, those required to specify its interaction with the ribosome are located throughout the molecule.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) is a glycolytic enzyme with ill-defined oligomeric state. In order to obtain insight into the correlation between oligomerization and the catalytic function of this enzyme, the crystal structure of GPI from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TtGPI) has been determined at 1.95 Å resolution. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contains an apparent dimer. The core fold of protomer and the interprotomer spatial arrangement of the dimer are similar to those of already reported crystal structures of other GPIs. The active site is located on the dimer interface, and putative catalytic residues are well conserved among the GPIs. These results suggest that the observed dimeric state of TtGPI in the crystal is biologically relevant and that this enzyme uses a common catalytic mechanism for the isomerase reaction. Gel-filtration chromatography, chemical cross-linking, sedimentation equilibrium by analytical ultracentrifugation, and dynamic light-scattering experiments indicate that TtGPI exists in a dynamic equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric states in solution. Several factors potentially contributing to the thermal stability of TtGPI protomer were identified: (i) a decrease in denaturation entropy by the shorter polypeptide length and by amino acid composition, including the increased number of proline residues and a higher arginine-to-lysine ratio; (ii) a larger number of ion pairs; and (iii) a reduction in cavity volume. From these results, it is suggested that transient dimer formation is sufficient for the catalytic function and that the TtGPI protomer itself has intrinsically higher thermal stability.  相似文献   

The TT1542 protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 is annotated as a conserved hypothetical protein, and belongs to the DUF158 family in the Pfam database. A BLAST search revealed that homologs of TT1542 are present in a wide range of organisms. The TT1542 homologs in eukaryotes, PIG-L in mammals, and GPI12 in yeast and protozoa, have N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol (GlcNAc-PI) de-N-acetylase activity. Although most of the homologs in prokaryotes are hypothetical and have no known function, Rv1082 and Rv1170 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis are enzymes involved in the mycothiol detoxification pathway. Here we report the crystal structure of the TT1542 protein at 2.0 A resolution, which represents the first structure for this superfamily of proteins. The structure of the TT1542 monomer consists of a twisted beta-sheet composed of six parallel beta-strands and one antiparallel beta-strand (with the strand order 3-2-1-4-5-7-6) sandwiched between six alpha-helices. The N-terminal five beta-strands and four alpha-helices form an incomplete Rossmann fold-like structure. The structure shares some similarity to the sugar-processing enzymes with Rossmann fold-like domains, especially those of the GPGTF (glycogen phosphorylase/glycosyl transferase) superfamily, and also to the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold domains. TT1542 is a homohexamer in the crystal and in solution, the six monomers forming a cylindrical structure. Putative active sites are suggested by the structure and conserved amino acid residues.  相似文献   

The use of dehydrogenases in asymmetric chemistry has exponentially grown in the last decades facilitated by the genome mining. Here, a new short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus HB27 has been expressed, purified, characterized and stabilized by immobilization on solid supports. The enzyme catalyzes both oxidative and reductive reactions at neutral pH with a broad range of substrates. Its highest activity was found towards the reduction of 2,2′,2″-trifluoroacetophenone (85 U/mg at 65 °C and pH 7). Moreover, the enzyme was stabilized more than 200-fold by multipoint covalent immobilization on agarose matrixes via glyoxyl chemistry. Such heterogeneous catalyst coupled to an immobilized cofactor recycling partner performed the quantitative asymmetric reduction of 2,2′,2″-trifluoroacetophenone and rac-2-phenylpropanal to (S)-(+)-α-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl alcohol and (R)-2-phenyl-1-propanol with enantiomeric excesses of 96% and 71%, respectively. To our knowledge this is the first alcohol dehydrogenase from a thermophilic source with anti-Prelog selectivity for aryl ketones and that preferentially produces R-profens.  相似文献   

In protein synthesis, threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS) must recognize threonine (Thr) from the 20 kinds of amino acids and the cognate tRNAThr from different tRNAs in order to generate Thr-tRNAThr. In general, an organism possesses one kind of gene corresponding to ThrRS. However, it has been recently found that some organisms have two different genes for ThrRS in the genome, suggesting that their proteins ThrRS-1 and ThrRS-2 function separately and complement each other in the threonylation of tRNAThr, one for catalysis and the other for trans-editing of misacylated Ser-tRNAThr. In order to clarify their three-dimensional structures, we performed X-ray analyses of two putatively assigned ThrRSs from Aeropyrum pernix (ApThrRS-1 and ApThrRS-2). These proteins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and crystallized. The crystal structure of ApThrRS-1 has been successfully determined at 2.3 Å resolution. ApThrRS-1 is a dimeric enzyme composed of two identical subunits, each containing two domains for the catalytic reaction and for anticodon binding. The essential editing domain is completely missing as expected. These structural features reveal that ThrRS-1 catalyzes only the aminoacylation of the cognate tRNA, suggesting the necessity of the second enzyme ThrRS-2 for trans-editing. Since the N-terminal sequence of ApThrRS-2 is similar to the sequence of the editing domain of ThrRS from Pyrococcus abyssi, ApThrRS-2 has been expected to catalyze deaminoacylation of a misacylated serine moiety at the CCA terminus.  相似文献   

Autotransporters represent a large superfamily of known and putative virulence factors produced by Gram-negative bacteria. They consist of an N-terminal “passenger domain” responsible for the specific effector functions of the molecule and a C-terminal “β-domain” responsible for translocation of the passenger across the bacterial outer membrane. Here, we present the 2.5-Å crystal structure of the passenger domain of the extracellular serine protease EspP, produced by the pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7 and a member of the serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs). Like the previously structurally characterized SPATE passenger domains, the EspP passenger domain contains an extended right-handed parallel β-helix preceded by an N-terminal globular domain housing the catalytic function of the protease. Of note, however, is the absence of a second globular domain protruding from this β-helix. We describe the structure of the EspP passenger domain in the context of previous results and provide an alternative hypothesis for the function of the β-helix within SPATEs.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, type I protein secretion systems and tripartite drug efflux pumps have a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) as an essential component. MFPs bridge the outer membrane factor and an inner membrane transporter, although the oligomeric state of MFPs remains unclear. The most characterized MFP AcrA connects the outer membrane factor TolC and the resistance-nodulation-division-type efflux transporter AcrB, which is a major multidrug efflux pump in Escherichia coli. MacA is the periplasmic MFP in the MacAB-TolC pump, where MacB was characterized as a macrolide-specific ATP-binding-cassette-type efflux transporter. Here, we report the crystal structure of E. coli MacA and the experimentally phased map of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans MacA, which reveal a domain orientation of MacA different from that of AcrA. Notably, a hexameric assembly of MacA was found in both crystals, exhibiting a funnel-like structure with a central channel and a conical mouth. The hexameric MacA assembly was further confirmed by electron microscopy and functional studies in vitro and in vivo. The hexameric structure of MacA provides insight into the oligomeric state in the functional complex of the drug efflux pump and type I secretion system.  相似文献   

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