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The crystal structure of the membrane-associated [NiFe] hydrogenase from Allochromatium vinosum has been determined to 2.1 Å resolution. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy on dissolved crystals showed that it is present in the Ni-A state (> 90%). The structure of the A. vinosum [NiFe] hydrogenase shows significant similarities with [NiFe] hydrogenase structures derived from Desulfovibrio species. The amino acid sequence identity is ∼ 50%. The bimetallic [NiFe] active site is located in the large subunit of the heterodimer and possesses three diatomic non-protein ligands coordinated to the Fe (two CN , one CO). Ni is bound to the protein backbone via four cysteine thiolates; two of them also bridge the two metals. One of the bridging cysteines (Cys64) exhibits a modified thiolate in part of the sample. A mono-oxo bridging ligand was assigned between the metal ions of the catalytic center. This is in contrast to a proposal for Desulfovibrio sp. hydrogenases that show a di-oxo species in this position for the Ni-A state. The additional metal site located in the large subunit appears to be a Mg2+ ion. Three iron-sulfur clusters were found in the small subunit that forms the electron transfer chain connecting the catalytic site with the molecular surface. The calculated anomalous Fourier map indicates a distorted proximal iron-sulfur cluster in part of the crystals. This altered proximal cluster is supposed to be paramagnetic and is exchange coupled to the Ni3+ ion and the medial [Fe3S4]+ cluster that are both EPR active (S = 1/2 species). This finding of a modified proximal cluster in the [NiFe] hydrogenase might explain the observation of split EPR signals that are occasionally detected in the oxidized state of membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenases as from A. vinosum.  相似文献   

Papillomavirus E6 oncoproteins bind and often provoke the degradation of many cellular proteins important for the control of cell proliferation and/or cell death. Structural studies on E6 proteins have long been hindered by the difficulties of obtaining highly concentrated samples of recombinant E6. Here, we show that recombinant E6 proteins from eight human papillomavirus strains and one bovine papillomavirus strain exist as oligomeric and multimeric species. These species were characterized using a variety of biochemical and biophysical techniques, including analytical gel filtration, activity assays, surface plasmon resonance, electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The characterization of E6 oligomers is facilitated by the fusion to the maltose binding protein, which slows the formation of higher-order multimeric species. The proportion of each oligomeric form varies depending on the viral strain considered. Oligomers appear to consist of folded units, which, in the case of high-risk mucosal human papillomavirus E6, retain binding to the ubiquitin ligase E6-associated protein and the capacity to degrade the proapoptotic protein p53. In addition to the small-size oligomers, E6 proteins spontaneously assemble into large organized multimeric structures, a process that is accompanied by a significant increase in the β-sheet secondary structure content. Finally, co-localisation experiments using E6 equipped with different tags further demonstrate the occurrence of E6 self-association in eukaryotic cells. The ensemble of these data suggests that self-association is a general property of E6 proteins that occurs both in vitro and in vivo and might therefore be functionally relevant.  相似文献   

Studies in vitro show that globular proteins can experience the formation of native-like conformational states able to self-assemble with no need of transitions across the energy barrier for unfolding, and that such processes can lead eventually to the formation of amyloid-like species. Circumstantial evidence collected in vivo suggests that aggregation of native-like states can be a concrete possibility for living organisms and thus more relevant than previously thought. In this review we summarize the key observations collected on the “native-like aggregation” of the acylphosphatase from Sulfolobus solfataricus, a protein that has allowed the direct monitoring and analysis of native-like aggregates for its propensity to form rapidly native-like aggregates and their slow conversion into amyloid-like aggregates.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the [FeFe] hydrogenases active site (H-cluster) requires three maturation factors whose respective roles are not understood yet. The clostridial maturation enzymes (CaHydE, CaHydF and CaHydG) were homologously overexpressed in their native host Clostridium acetobutylicum. CaHydF was able to activate Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [FeFe] hydrogenase apoprotein (CrHydA1apo) to almost 100% compared to the native specific hydrogen evolution activity. Based on electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy data the existence of a [4Fe4S] cluster and a CO and CN ligand coordinated di-iron cluster is suggested. This study contains the first experimental evidence that the bi-nuclear part of the H-cluster is assembled in HydF.  相似文献   

NhaA, the main sodium-proton exchanger in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli, regulates the cytosolic concentrations of H+ and Na+. It is inactive at acidic pH, becomes active between pH 6 and pH 7, and reaches maximum activity at pH 8. By cryo-electron microscopy of two-dimensional crystals grown at pH 4 and incubated at higher pH, we identified two sequential conformational changes in the protein in response to pH or substrate ions. The first change is induced by a rise in pH from 6 to 7 and marks the transition from the inactive state to the pH-activated state. pH activation, which precedes the ion-induced conformational change, is accompanied by an overall expansion of the NhaA monomer and a local ordering of the N-terminus. The second conformational change is induced by the substrate ions Na+ and Li+ at pH above 7 and involves a 7-Å displacement of helix IVp. This movement would cause a charge imbalance at the ion-binding site that may trigger the release of the substrate ion and open a periplasmic exit channel.  相似文献   

Holger Dau  Michael Haumann 《BBA》2007,1767(6):472-483
In oxygenic photosynthesis, water is split at a Mn4Ca complex bound to the proteins of photosystem II (PSII). Powered by four quanta of visible light, four electrons and four protons are removed from two water molecules before dioxygen is released. By this process, water becomes an inexhaustible source of the protons and electrons needed for primary biomass formation. On the basis of structural and spectroscopic data, we recently have introduced a basic reaction cycle of water oxidation which extends the classical S-state cycle [B. Kok, B. Forbush, M. McGloin, Cooperation of charges in photosynthetic O2 evolution- I. A linear four-step mechanism, Photochem. Photobiol. 11 (1970) 457-475] by taking into account also the role and sequence of deprotonation events [H. Dau, M. Haumann, Reaction cycle of photosynthetic water oxidation in plants and cyanobacteria, Science 312 (2006) 1471-1472]. We propose that the outwardly convoluted and irregular events of the classical S-state cycle are governed by a simple underlying principle: protons and electrons are removed strictly alternately from the Mn complex. Starting in I0, eight successive steps of alternate proton and electron removal lead to I8 and only then the O-O bond is formed. Thus not only four oxidizing equivalents, but also four bases are accumulated prior to the onset of dioxygen formation. After reviewing the kinetic properties of the individual S-state transition, we show that the proposed basic model explains a large body of experimental results straightforwardly. Furthermore we discuss how the I-cycle model addresses the redox-potential problem of PSII water oxidation and we propose that the accumulated bases facilitate dioxygen formation by acting as proton acceptors.  相似文献   

The core complex of photosystem II (PSII) was purified from thermophillic cyanobaterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus grown in Sr2+-containing and Ca2+-free medium. Functional in vivo incorporation of Sr2+ into the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) was confirmed by EPR analysis of the isolated and highly purified SrPSII complex in agreement with the previous study of Boussac et al. [J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 22809-22819]. Three-dimensional crystals of SrPSII complex were obtained which diffracted to 3.9 Å and belonged to the orthorhombic space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions of a = 133.6 Å, b = 236.6 Å, c = 307.8 Å. Anomalous diffraction data collected at the Sr K-X-ray absorption edge identified a novel Sr2+-binding site which, within the resolution of these data (6.5 Å), is consistent with the positioning of Ca2+ in the recent crystallographic models of PSII [Ferreira et al. Science 303 (2004) 1831-1838, Loll et al. Nature 438 (2005) 1040-1044]. Fluorescence measurements on SrPSII crystals confirmed that crystallized SrPSII was active in transferring electrons from the OEC to the acceptor site of the reaction centre. However, SrPSII showed altered functional properties of its modified OEC in comparison with that of the CaPSII counterpart: slowdown of the QA-to-QB electron transfer and stabilized S2QA charge recombination.  相似文献   

Amyloid formation normally exhibits a lag phase followed by a growth phase, which leads to amyloid fibrils. Characterization of the species populated during the lag phase is experimentally challenging, but is critical since the most toxic entities may be pre-fibrillar species. p-Cyanophenylalanine (FC≡N) fluorescence is used to probe the nature of lag-phase species populated during the formation of amyloid by human islet amyloid polypeptide. The polypeptide contains two phenylalanines at positions 15 and 23 and a single tyrosine located at the C-terminus. Each aromatic residue was separately replaced by FC≡N. The substitutions do not perturb amyloid formation relative to wild-type islet amyloid polypeptide as detected using thioflavin T fluorescence and electron microscopy. FC≡N fluorescence is high when the cyano group is hydrogen bonded and low when it is not. It can also be quenched via Förster resonance energy transfer to tyrosine. Fluorescence intensity was monitored in real time and revealed that all three positions remained exposed to solvent during the lag phase but less exposed than unstructured model peptides. The time course of amyloid formation as monitored by thioflavin T fluorescence and FC≡N fluorescence is virtually identical. Fluorescence quenching experiments confirmed that each residue remains exposed during the lag phase. These results place significant constraints on the nature of intermediates that are populated during the lag phase and indicate that significant sequestering of the aromatic side chains does not occur until β-structure sufficient to bind thioflavin T has developed. Seeding studies and analysis of maximum rates confirm that sequestering of the cyano groups occurs concomitantly with the development of thioflavin T binding capability. Overall, the process of amyloid formation and growth appears to be remarkably homogenous in terms of side-chain ordering. FC≡N also provides information about fibril structure. Fluorescence emission measurements, infrared measurements, and quenching studies indicate that the aromatic residues are differentially exposed in the fibril state with Phe15 being the most exposed. FC≡N is readily accommodated into proteins; thus, the approach should be broadly applicable.  相似文献   

One of the less understood parts of the catalytic cycle of cytochrome bc1/b6f complexes is the mechanism of electronic bifurcation occurring within the hydroquinone oxidation site (Qo site). Several models describing this mechanism invoke a phenomenon of formation of an unstable semiquinone. Recent studies with isolated cytochrome bc1 or b6f revealed that a relatively stable semiquinone spin-coupled to the reduced Rieske cluster (SQ-FeS) is generated at the Qo site during the oxidation of ubi- or plastohydroquinone analogs under conditions of continuous turnover. Here, we identified the EPR transition of SQ-FeS formed upon oxidation of ubihydroquinone in native photosynthetic membranes from purple bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. We observed a significant amount of SQ-FeS generated when the antimycin-inhibited enzyme experiences conditions of non-equilibrium caused by the continuous light activation of the reaction center. We also noted that SQ-FeS cannot be detected under equilibrium redox titrations in dark. The non-equilibrium redox titrations of SQ-FeS indicate that this center has a higher apparent redox midpoint potential when compared to the redox midpoint potential of the quinone pool. This suggests that SQ-FeS is stabilized, which corroborates a recently proposed mechanism in which the SQ-FeS state is metastable and functions to safely hold electrons at the local energy minimum during the oxidation of ubihydroquinone and limits superoxide formation. Our results open new possibilities to study the formation and properties of this state in cytochromes bc under close to physiological conditions in which non-equilibrium is attained by the light activation of bacterial reaction centers or photosystems.  相似文献   

Chung-Hsien Hung 《BBA》2007,1767(6):686-693
Cytochrome (cyt) b559 has been proposed to play an important role in the cyclic electron flow processes that protect photosystem II (PSII) from light-induced damage during photoinhibitory conditions. However, the exact role(s) of cyt b559 in the cyclic electron transfer pathway(s) in PSII remains unclear. To study the exact role(s) of cyt b559, we have constructed a series of site-directed mutants, each carrying a single amino acid substitution of one of the heme axial-ligands, in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. In these mutants, His-22 of the α or the β subunit of cyt b559 was replaced with either Met, Glu, Tyr, Lys, Arg, Cys or Gln. On the basis of oxygen-evolution and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, we found that, among all mutants that were constructed, only the H22Kα mutant grew photoautotrophically, and accumulated stable PSII reaction centers (∼ 81% compared to wild-type cells). In addition, we isolated one pseudorevertant of the H22Yβ mutant that regained the ability to grow photoautotrophically and to assemble stable PSII reaction centers (∼ 79% compared to wild-type cells). On the basis of 77 K fluorescence emission measurements, we found that energy transfer from the phycobilisomes to PSII reaction centers was uncoupled in those cyt b559 mutants that assembled little or no stable PSII. Furthermore, on the basis of immunoblot analyses, we found that in thylakoid membranes of cyt b559 mutants that assembled little or no PSII, the amounts of the D1, D2, cyt b559α and β polypeptides were very low or undetectable but their CP47 and PsaC polypeptides were accumulated to the wild-type level. We also found that the amounts of cyt b559β polypeptide were significantly increased (larger than two folds) in thylakoid membranes of cyt b559 H22YβPS+ mutant cells. We suspected that the increase in the amounts of cyt b559 H22YβPS+ mutant polypeptides in thylakoid membranes might facilitate the assembly of functional PSII in cyt b559 H22YβPS+ mutant cells. Moreover, we found that isolated His-tagged PSII particles from H22Kα mutant cells gave rise to redox-induced optical absorption difference spectra of cyt b559. Therefore, our results concluded that significant fractions of H22Kα mutant PSII particles retained the heme of cyt b559. Finally, this work is the first report of cyt b559 mutants having substitutions of an axial heme-ligands that retain the ability to grow photoautotrophically and to assemble stable PSII reaction centers. These two cyt b559 mutants (H22Kα and H22YβPS+) and their PSII reaction centers will be very suitable for further biophysical and biochemical studies of the functional role(s) of cyt b559 in PSII.  相似文献   

Yanan Ren  Jingquan Zhao 《BBA》2010,1797(8):1421-3132
Chloride is an essential cofactor for photosynthetic water oxidation. However, its location and functional roles in active photosystem II are still a matter of debate. We have investigated this issue by studying the effects of Cl replacement by Br in active PSII. In Br substituted samples, Cl is effectively replaced by Br in the presence of 1.2 M NaBr under room light with protection of anaerobic atmosphere followed by dialysis. The following results have been obtained. i) The oxygen-evolving activities of the Br-PSII samples are significantly lower than that of the Cl-PSII samples; ii) The same S2 multiline EPR signals are observed in both Br and Cl-PSII samples; iii) The amplitudes of the visible light induced S1TyrZ and S2TyrZ EPR signals are significantly decreased after Br substitution; the S1TyrZ EPR signal is up-shifted about 8 G, whereas the S2TyrZ signal is down-shifted about 12 G after Br substitution. These results imply that the redox properties of TyrZ and spin interactions between TyrZ and Mn-cluster could be significantly modified due to Br substitution. It is suggested that Cl/Br probably coordinates to the Ca2+ ion of the Mn-cluster in active photosystem II.  相似文献   

The monomeric chlorophyll, ChlD1, which is located between the PD1PD2 chlorophyll pair and the pheophytin, PheoD1, is the longest wavelength chlorophyll in the heart of Photosystem II and is thought to be the primary electron donor. Its central Mg2+ is liganded to a water molecule that is H-bonded to D1/T179. Here, two site-directed mutants, D1/T179H and D1/T179V, were made in the thermophilic cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus elongatus, and characterized by a range of biophysical techniques. The Mn4CaO5 cluster in the water-splitting site is fully active in both mutants. Changes in thermoluminescence indicate that i) radiative recombination occurs via the repopulation of *ChlD1 itself; ii) non-radiative charge recombination reactions appeared to be faster in the T179H-PSII; and iii) the properties of PD1PD2 were unaffected by this mutation, and consequently iv) the immediate precursor state of the radiative excited state is the ChlD1+PheoD1? radical pair. Chlorophyll bleaching due to high intensity illumination correlated with the amount of 1O2 generated. Comparison of the bleaching spectra with the electrochromic shifts attributed to ChlD1 upon QA? formation, indicates that in the T179H-PSII and in the WT*3-PSII, the ChlD1 itself is the chlorophyll that is first damaged by 1O2, whereas in the T179V-PSII a more red chlorophyll is damaged, the identity of which is discussed. Thus, ChlD1 appears to be one of the primary damage site in recombination-mediated photoinhibition. Finally, changes in the absorption of ChlD1 very likely contribute to the well-known electrochromic shifts observed at ~430?nm during the S-state cycle.  相似文献   

Among heme-based sensors, recent phylogenomic and sequence analyses have identified 34 globin coupled sensors (GCS), to which an aerotactic or gene-regulating function has been tentatively ascribed. Here, the structural and biochemical characterization of the globin domain of the GCS from Geobacter sulfurreducens (GsGCS162) is reported. A combination of X-ray crystallography (crystal structure at 1.5 Å resolution), UV-vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy reveals the ferric GsGCS162 as an example of bis-histidyl hexa-coordinated GCS. In contrast to the known hexa-coordinated globins, the distal heme-coordination in ferric GsGCS162 is provided by a His residue unexpectedly located at the E11 topological site. Furthermore, UV-vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy indicated that ferrous deoxygenated GsGCS162 is a penta-/hexa-coordinated mixture, and the heme hexa-to-penta-coordination transition does not represent a rate-limiting step for carbonylation kinetics. Lastly, electron paramagnetic resonance indicates that ferrous nitrosylated GsGCS162 is a penta-coordinated species, where the proximal HisF8-Fe bond is severed.  相似文献   

In oxygenic photosynthesis, water is oxidized at a protein-cofactor complex comprising four Mn atoms and, presumably, one calcium. Using multilayers of Photosystem II membrane particles, we investigated the time course of the disassembly of the Mn complex initiated by a temperature jump from 25°C to 47°C and terminated by rapid cooling after distinct heating periods. We monitored polarographically the oxygen-evolution activity, the amount of the YDox radical and of released Mn2+ by EPR spectroscopy, and the structure of the Mn complex by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS, EXAFS). Using a novel approach to analyze time-resolved EXAFS data, we identify three distinct phases of the disassembly process: (1) Loss of the oxygen-evolution activity and reduction of YDox occur simultaneously (k1 = 1.0 min−1). EXAFS spectra reveal the concomitant loss of an absorber-backscatterer interaction between heavy atoms separated by ~3.3 Å, possibly related to Ca release. (2) Subsequently, two Mn(III) or Mn(IV) ions seemingly separated by ~2.7 Å in the native complex are reduced to Mn(II) and released (k2 = 0.18 min−1). The x-ray absorption spectroscopy data is highly suggestive that the two unreleased Mn ions form a di-μ-oxo bridged Mn(III)2 complex. (3) Finally, the tightly-bound Mn2(μ-O)2 unit is slowly reduced and released (k3 = 0.014 min−1).  相似文献   

The influence of the histidine axial ligand to the PD1 chlorophyll of photosystem II on the redox potential and spectroscopic properties of the primary electron donor, P680, was investigated in mutant oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complexes purified from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. To achieve this aim, a mutagenesis system was developed in which the psbA1 and psbA2 genes encoding D1 were deleted from a His-tagged CP43 strain (to generate strain WT?) and mutations D1-H198A and D1-H198Q were introduced into the remaining psbA3 gene. The O2-evolving activity of His-tagged PSII isolated from WT? was found to be significantly higher than that measured from His-tagged PSII isolated from WT in which psbA1 is expected to be the dominantly expressed form. PSII purified from both the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutants exhibited oxygen-evolving activity as high as that from WT?. Surprisingly, a variety of kinetic and spectroscopic measurements revealed that the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutations had little effect on the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680, in contrast to the earlier results from the analysis of the equivalent mutants constructed in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 [B.A. Diner, E. Schlodder, P.J. Nixon, W.J. Coleman, F. Rappaport, J. Lavergne, W.F. Vermaas, D.A. Chisholm, Site-directed mutations at D1-His198 and D2-His197 of photosystem II in Synechocystis PCC 6803: sites of primary charge separation and cation and triplet stabilization, Biochemistry 40 (2001) 9265-9281]. We conclude that the nature of the axial ligand to PD1 is not an important determinant of the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680 in T. elongatus.  相似文献   

Sulphate-reducing bacteria have a wide variety of periplasmic cytochromes involved in electron transfer from the periplasm to the cytoplasm. HmcA is a high molecular mass cytochrome of 550 amino acid residues that harbours 16 c-type heme groups. We report the crystal structure of HmcA isolated from the periplasm of Desulfovibrio gigas. Crystals were grown using polyethylene glycol 8K and zinc acetate, and diffracted beyond 2.1 A resolution. A multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion experiment at the iron absorption edge enabled us to obtain good-quality phases for structure solution and model building. DgHmcA has a V-shape architecture, already observed in HmcA isolated from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. The presence of an oligosaccharide molecule covalently bound to an Asn residue was observed in the electron density maps of DgHmcA and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Three modified monosaccharides appear at the highly hydrophobic vertex, possibly acting as an anchor of the protein to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

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