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Creatininase is a binuclear zinc enzyme and catalyzes the reversible conversion of creatinine to creatine. It exhibits an open-closed conformational change upon substrate binding, and the differences in the conformations of Tyr121, Trp154, and the loop region containing Trp174 were evident in the enzyme-creatine complex when compared to those in the ligand-free enzyme. We have determined the crystal structure of the enzyme complexed with a 1-methylguanidine. All subunits in the complex existed as the closed form, and the binding mode of creatinine was estimated. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the hydrophobic residues that show conformational change upon substrate binding are important for the enzyme activity.We propose a catalytic mechanism of creatininase in which two water molecules have significant roles. The first molecule is a hydroxide ion (Wat1) that is bound as a bridge between the two metal ions and attacks the carbonyl carbon of the substrate. The second molecule is a water molecule (Wat2) that is bound to the carboxyl group of Glu122 and functions as a proton donor in catalysis. The activity of the E122Q mutant was very low and it was only partially restored by the addition of ZnCl2 or MnCl2. In the E122Q mutant, kcat is drastically decreased, indicating that Glu122 is important for catalysis. X-ray crystallographic study and the atomic absorption spectrometry analysis of the E122Q mutant-substrate complex revealed that the drastic decrease of the activity of the E122Q was caused by not only the loss of one Zn ion at the Metal1 site but also a critical function of Glu122, which most likely exists for a proton transfer step through Wat2.  相似文献   

Many nonenveloped virus particles are stabilized by calcium ions bound in the interfaces between the protein subunits. These ions may have a role in the disassembly process. The small RNA phages of the Leviviridae family have T = 3 quasi-symmetry and are unique among simple viruses in that they have a coat protein with a translational repressor activity and a fold that has not been observed in other viruses. The crystal structure of phage PRR1 has been determined to 3.5 Å resolution. The structure shows a tentative binding site for a calcium ion close to the quasi-3-fold axis. The RNA-binding surface used for repressor activity is mostly conserved. The structure does not show any significant differences between quasi-equivalent subunits, which suggests that the assembly is not controlled by conformational switches as in many other simple viruses.  相似文献   

RNA helicases of the DExD/H-box superfamily are critically involved in all RNA-related processes. No crystal structures of human DExH-box domains had been determined previously, and their structures were difficult to predict owing to the low level of homology among DExH-motif-containing proteins from diverse species. Here we present the crystal structures of the conserved domain 1 of the DEIH-motif-containing helicase DHX9 and of the DEAD-box helicase DDX20. Both contain a RecA-like core, but DHX9 differs from DEAD-box proteins in the arrangement of secondary structural elements and is more similar to viral helicases such as NS3. The N-terminus of the DHX9 core contains two long α-helices that reside on the surface of the core without contributing to nucleotide binding. The RNA-polymerase-II-interacting minimal transactivation domain sequence forms an extended loop structure that resides in a hydrophobic groove on the surface of the DEIH domain. DHX9 lacks base-selective contacts and forms an unspecific but important stacking interaction with the base of the bound nucleotide, and our biochemical analysis confirms that the protein can hydrolyze ATP, guanosine 5′-triphosphate, cytidine 5′-triphosphate, and uridine 5′-triphosphate. Together, these findings allow the localization of functional motifs within the three-dimensional structure of a human DEIH helicase and show how these enzymes can bind nucleotide with high affinity in the absence of a Q-motif.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is a ribonucleoprotein complex involved in the processing of the 5′-leader sequence of precursor tRNA. Human RNase P protein subunits Rpp21 and Rpp29, which bind to each other, with catalytic RNA (H1 RNA) are sufficient for activating endonucleolytic cleavage of precursor tRNA. Here we have determined the crystal structure of the complex between the Pyrococcus horikoshii RNase P proteins PhoRpp21 and PhoRpp29, the archaeal homologs of Rpp21 and Rpp29, respectively. PhoRpp21 and PhoRpp29 form a heterodimeric structure where the two N-terminal helices (α1 and α2) in PhoRpp21 predominantly interact with the N-terminal extended structure, the β-strand (β2), and the C-terminal helix (α3) in PhoRpp29. The interface is dominated by hydrogen bonds and several salt bridges, rather than hydrophobic interactions. The electrostatic potential on the surface of the heterodimer shows a positively charged cluster on one face, suggesting a possible RNA-binding surface of the PhoRpp21-PhoRpp29 complex. The present structure, along with the result of a mutational analysis, suggests that heterodimerization between PhoRpp21 and PhoRpp29 plays an important role in the function of P. horikoshii RNase P.  相似文献   

Guanosine 5′-monophosphate synthetase(s) (GMPS) catalyzes the final step of the de novo synthetic pathway of purine nucleotides. GMPS consists of two functional units that are present as domains or subunits: glutamine amidotransferase (GATase) and ATP pyrophosphatase (ATPPase). GATase hydrolyzes glutamine to yield glutamate and ammonia, while ATPPase utilizes ammonia to convert adenyl xanthosine 5′-monophosphate (adenyl-XMP) into guanosine 5′-monophosphate. Here we report the crystal structure of PH-ATPPase (the ATPPase subunit of the two-subunit-type GMPS from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3). PH-ATPPase consists of two domains (N-domain and C-domain) and exists as a homodimer in the crystal and in solution. The N-domain contains an ATP-binding platform called P-loop, whereas the C-domain contains the xanthosine 5'-monophosphate (XMP)-binding site and also contributes to homodimerization. We have also demonstrated that PH-GATase (the glutamine amidotransferase subunit of the two-subunit-type GMPS from the hyperthermophilic archaeon P. horikoshii OT3) alone is inactive, and that all substrates of PH-ATPPase except for ammonia (Mg2+, ATP and XMP) are required to stabilize the active complex of PH-ATPPase and PH-GATase subunits.  相似文献   

sinR encodes a tetrameric repressor of genes required for biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis. sinI, which is transcribed under Spo0A control, encodes a dimeric protein that binds to SinR to form a SinR-SinI heterodimer in which the DNA-binding functions of SinR are abrogated and repression of biofilm genes is relieved. The heterodimer-forming surface comprises residues conserved between SinR and SinI. Each forms a pair of α-helices that hook together to form an intermolecular four-helix bundle. Here, we are interested in the assembly of the SinR tetramer and its binding to DNA. Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering and crystallographic analysis reveal that a DNA-binding fragment of SinR (residues 1-69) is a monomer, while a SinI-binding fragment (residues 74-111) is a tetramer arranged as a dimer of dimers. The SinR(74-111) chain forms two α-helices with the organisation of the dimer similar to that observed in the SinR-SinI complex. The tetramer is formed through interactions of residues at the C-termini of the four chains. A model of the intact SinR tetramer in which the DNA binding domains surround the tetramerisation core was built. Fluorescence anisotropy and surface plasmon resonance experiments showed that SinR binds to an oligonucleotide duplex, 5′-TTTGTTCTCTAAAGAGAACTTA-3′, containing a pair of SinR consensus sequences in inverted orientation with a Kd of 300 nM. The implications of these data for promoter binding and the curious quaternary structural transitions of SinR upon binding to (i) SinI and (ii) the SinR-like protein SlrR, which “repurposes” SinR as a repressor of autolysin and motility genes, are discussed.  相似文献   

Thymine glycol (Tg) is the most common oxidation product of thymine and is known to be a strong block to replicative DNA polymerases. A previously solved structure of the bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase (RB69 gp43) in complex with Tg in the sequence context 5′-G-Tg-G shed light on how Tg blocks primer elongation: The protruding methyl group of the oxidized thymine displaces the adjacent 5′-G, which can no longer serve as a template for primer elongation [Aller, P., Rould, M. A., Hogg, M, Wallace, S. S. & Doublié S. (2007). A structural rationale for stalling of a replicative DNA polymerase at the most common oxidative thymine lesion, thymine glycol. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 814-818.].Several studies showed that in the sequence context 5′-C-Tg-purine, Tg is more likely to be bypassed by Klenow fragment, an A-family DNA polymerase. We set out to investigate the role of sequence context in Tg bypass in a B-family polymerase and to solve the crystal structures of the bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase in complex with Tg-containing DNA in the three remaining sequence contexts: 5′-A-Tg-G, 5′-T-Tg-G, and 5′-C-Tg-G. A combination of several factors—including the associated exonuclease activity, the nature of the 3′ and 5′ bases surrounding Tg, and the cis-trans interconversion of Tg—influences Tg bypass. We also visualized for the first time the structure of a well-ordered exonuclease complex, allowing us to identify and confirm the role of key residues (Phe123, Met256, and Tyr257) in strand separation and in the stabilization of the primer strand in the exonuclease site.  相似文献   

The reliable repair of pre-mutagenic U/G mismatches that originated from hydrolytic cytosine deamination is crucial for the maintenance of the correct genomic information. In most organisms, any uracil base in DNA is attacked by uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs), but at least in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus ΔH, an alternative strategy has evolved. The exonuclease III homologue Mth212 from the thermophilic archaeon M. thermautotrophicus ΔH exhibits a DNA uridine endonuclease activity in addition to the apyrimidinic/apurinic site endonuclease and 3′ → 5′exonuclease functions. Mth212 alone compensates for the lack of a UDG in a single-step reaction thus substituting the two-step pathway that requires the consecutive action of UDG and apyrimidinic/apurinic site endonuclease.In order to gain deeper insight into the structural basis required for the specific uridine recognition by Mth212, we have characterized the enzyme by means of X-ray crystallography. Structures of Mth212 wild-type or mutant proteins either alone or in complex with DNA substrates and products have been determined to a resolution of up to 1.2 Å, suggesting key residues for the uridine endonuclease activity. The insertion of the side chain of Arg209 into the DNA helical base stack resembles interactions observed in human UDG and seems to be crucial for the uridine recognition. In addition, Ser171, Asn153, and Lys125 in the substrate binding pocket appear to have important functions in the discrimination of aberrant uridine against naturally occurring thymidine and cytosine residues in double-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Diaminopimelate (DAP) epimerase is a key enzyme for the biosynthesis of lysine in plants. Lysine is an essential dietary nutrient for mammals. In both plants and bacteria, DAP epimerase catalyzes the interconversion of ll-DAP and dl(meso)-DAP. The absence of a mammalian homolog makes DAP epimerase a promising target for the design of novel herbicides and antibacterials. This enzyme requires no cofactors and it functions through an unusual mechanism involving two cysteine residues acting in concert and alternating as a base (thiolate) and as an acid (thiol). The present study reports the crystal structures of two enzyme-inhibitor complexes of DAP epimerase from Arabidopsis thaliana with different isomers of the irreversible inhibitor and substrate mimic, 2-(4-amino-4-carboxybutyl)-aziridine-2-carboxylate, at 1.95 and 2.3 Å resolution. These structures provide the first atomic details of a plant amino acid racemase. Structural analysis reveals that ligand binding to a cleft between the two domains of the enzyme is accompanied by domain closure with two strictly conserved cysteine residues, Cys99 and Cys254, optimally positioned to perform acid/base catalysis via a carbanion stabilization mechanism on the stereogenic α-carbon atom of the amino acid. Stereochemical control in catalysis is achieved by means of a highly symmetric catalytic site that can accommodate both the l and d stereogenic centers of DAP at the proximal site, whereas specific interactions at the distal site require only the l configuration. Structural comparisons of the plant enzyme with its bacterial counterpart from Haemophilus influenzae reveal significant conservation of amino acid residues around the active site that extends to their three-dimensional structures and catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Spirochetes of the genus Leptospira cause leptospirosis in humans and animals worldwide. Proteins exposed on the bacterial cell surface are implicated in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis. However, the biological role of the majority of these proteins is unknown; this is principally due to the lack of genetic systems for investigating Leptospira and the absence of any structural information on leptospiral antigens. To address this, we have determined the 2.0-Å-resolution structure of the lipoprotein LipL32, the most abundant outer-membrane and surface protein present exclusively in pathogenic Leptospira species. The extracellular domain of LipL32 revealed a compact, globular, “jelly-roll” fold from which projected an unusual extended β-hairpin that served as a principal mediator of the observed crystallographic dimer. Two acid-rich patches were also identified as potential binding sites for positively charged ligands, such as laminin, to which LipL32 has a propensity to bind. Although LipL32 shared no significant sequence identity to any known protein, it possessed structural homology to the adhesins that bind components of the extracellular matrix, suggesting that LipL32 functions in an analogous manner. Moreover, the structure provides a framework for understanding the immunological role of this major surface lipoprotein.  相似文献   

TRAPP complexes, which are large multimeric assemblies that function in membrane traffic, are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that activate the Rab GTPase Ypt1p. Here we measured rate and equilibrium constants that define the interaction of Ypt1p with guanine nucleotide (guanosine 5'-diphosphate and guanosine 5'-triphosphate/guanosine 5′-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate) and the core TRAPP subunits required for GEF activity. These parameters allowed us to identify the kinetic and thermodynamic bases by which TRAPP catalyzes nucleotide exchange from Ypt1p. Nucleotide dissociation from Ypt1p is slow (∼ 10− 4 s− 1) and accelerated > 1000-fold by TRAPP. Acceleration of nucleotide exchange by TRAPP occurs via a predominantly Mg2+-independent pathway. Thermodynamic linkage analysis indicates that TRAPP weakens nucleotide affinity by < 80-fold and vice versa, in contrast to most other characterized GEF systems that weaken nucleotide binding affinities by 4-6 orders of magnitude. The overall net changes in nucleotide binding affinities are small because TRAPP accelerates both nucleotide binding and dissociation from Ypt1p. Weak thermodynamic coupling allows TRAPP, Ypt1p, and nucleotide to exist as a stable ternary complex, analogous to strain-sensing cytoskeleton motors. These results illustrate a novel strategy of guanine nucleotide exchange by TRAPP that is particularly suited for a multifunctional GEF involved in membrane traffic.  相似文献   

Several recent genome-wide association studies have linked the human MSMB gene, encoding prostate secretory protein of 94 residues (PSP94), with prostate cancer susceptibility. PSP94 is one of the most abundant proteins from prostatic secretions and a primary constituent of human semen. PSP94 suppresses tumor growth and metastasis, and its expression gradually decreases during progression of the prostate cancer. It is a rapidly evolving protein with homologues present in several species with 10 conserved cysteine residues. PSP94 homologues show high-affinity binding with different proteins from the cysteine-rich secretory protein family, some of which have been shown to be ion channel blockers. Here, we report the crystal structure of human PSP94 at 2.3 Å resolution. The structure shows that the amino and the carboxyl ends of the polypeptide chain are held in close proximity facing each other. A strong hydrogen bond between these ends, which are located respectively on the first and the last β-strands, leads to formation of an almost straight edge in PSP94 structure. Crystal structure shows that these edges from two PSP94 monomers associate in antiparallel fashion, leading to formation of a dimer. Our studies further show that dimers dissociate into monomers at acidic pH, possibly through distortion of the straight edge. Further, based on several observations, we propose that PSP94 binds to cysteine-rich secretory proteins and immunoglobulin G through the same edge, which is involved in the formation of PSP94 dimeric interface.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of a genogroup II.4 human norovirus polymerase bound to an RNA primer-template duplex and the substrate analogue 2′-amino-2′-deoxycytidine-5′-triphosphate have been determined to 1.8 Å resolution. The alteration of the substrate-binding site that is required to accommodate the 2′-amino group leads to a rearrangement of the polymerase active site and a disruption of the coordination shells of the active-site metal ions. The mode of binding seen for 2′-amino-2′-deoxycytidine-5′-triphosphate suggests a novel molecular mechanism of inhibition that may be exploited for the design of inhibitors targeting viral RNA polymerases.  相似文献   

tRNA:m5C methyltransferase Trm4 generates the modified nucleotide 5-methylcytidine in archaeal and eukaryotic tRNA molecules, using S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) as methyl donor. Most archaea and eukaryotes possess several Trm4 homologs, including those related to diseases, while the archaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii has only one gene encoding a Trm4 homolog, MJ0026. The recombinant MJ0026 protein catalyzed AdoMet-dependent methyltransferase activity on tRNA in vitro and was shown to be the M. jannaschii Trm4. We determined the crystal structures of the substrate-free M. jannaschii Trm4 and its complex with sinefungin at 1.27 Å and 2.3 Å resolutions, respectively. This AdoMet analog is bound in a negatively charged pocket near helix α8. This helix can adopt two different conformations, thereby controlling the entry of AdoMet into the active site. Adjacent to the sinefungin-bound pocket, highly conserved residues form a large, positively charged surface, which seems to be suitable for tRNA binding. The structure explains the roles of several conserved residues that were reportedly involved in the enzymatic activity or stability of Trm4p from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We also discuss previous genetic and biochemical data on human NSUN2/hTrm4/Misu and archaeal PAB1947 methyltransferase, based on the structure of M. jannaschii Trm4.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni, a major cause of acute bacterial diarrhea in humans, expresses numerous proteins to import diverse forms of essential iron. The expression of p19 and an adjacent iron transporter homologue (ftr1) is strongly induced upon iron limitation, suggesting a function in iron acquisition. Here, we show that the loss of P19 alone is detrimental to growth on iron-restricted media. Furthermore, metal binding analysis demonstrates that recombinant P19 has distinct copper and iron binding sites. Crystal structures of P19 have been solved to 1.41 Å resolution, revealing an immunoglobulin-like fold. A P19 homodimer in which both monomers contribute ligands to two equivalent copper sites located adjacent to methionine-rich patches is observed. Copper coordination occurs via three histidine residues (His42, His95, and His132) and Met88. A solvent channel lined with conserved acidic residues leads to the copper site. Soaking crystals with a solution of manganese as iron analog reveals a second metal binding site in this solvent channel (metal-metal distance, 7.7 Å). Glu44 lies between the metal sites and displays multiple conformations in the crystal structures, suggesting a role in regulating metal-metal interaction. Dimerization is shown to be metal dependent in vitro and is detected in vivo by cross-linking.  相似文献   

The periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapAB) from Cupriavidus necator is a heterodimeric protein that belongs to the dimethyl sulfoxide reductase family of mononuclear Mo-containing enzymes and catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite. The protein comprises a large catalytic subunit (NapA, 91 kDa) containing the molybdenum active site plus one [4Fe-4S] cluster, as well as a small subunit (NapB, 17 kDa), which is a diheme c-type cytochrome involved in electron transfer. Crystals of the oxidized form of the enzyme diffracted beyond 1.5 Å at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. This is the highest resolution reported to date for a nitrate reductase, providing true atomic details of the protein active center, and this showed further evidence on the molybdenum coordination sphere, corroborating previous data on the related Desulfovibrio desulfuricans NapA. The molybdenum atom is bound to a total of six sulfur atoms, with no oxygen ligands or water molecules in the vicinity. In the present work, we were also able to prepare partially reduced crystals that revealed two alternate conformations of the Mo-coordinating cysteine. This crystal form was obtained by soaking dithionite into crystals grown in the presence of the ionic liquid [C4mim]Cl. In addition, UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopy studies showed that the periplasmic nitrate reductase from C. necator might work at unexpectedly high redox potentials when compared to all periplasmic nitrate reductases studied to date.  相似文献   

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