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Cho YJ  Kozekov ID  Harris TM  Rizzo CJ  Stone MP 《Biochemistry》2007,46(10):2608-2621
The solution structures of 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-R-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' and 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-S-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' interstrand DNA cross-links in the 5'-CpG-3' sequence were determined by NMR spectroscopy. These were utilized as chemically stable surrogates for the corresponding carbinolamine interstrand cross-links arising from the crotonaldehyde- and acetaldehyde-derived R- and S-alpha-CH3-gamma-OH-1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts. The results provide an explanation for the observation that interstrand cross-link formation in the 5'-CpG-3' sequence by the R- and S-alpha-CH3-gamma-OH-1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts is dependent upon stereochemistry, favoring the R-alpha-CH3-gamma-OH-1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adduct [Kozekov, I. D., Nechev, L. V., Moseley, M. S., Harris, C. M., Rizzo, C. J., Stone, M. P., and Harris, T. M. (2003) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 50-61]. Molecular dynamics calculations, restrained by NOE-based distances and empirical restraints, revealed that both the 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-R-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' and 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-S-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' cross-links were located in the minor groove and retained Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds at the tandem cross-linked C.G base pairs. However, for the 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-R-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' cross-link, the (alpha)-CH3 group was positioned in the center of the minor groove, whereas for the 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-S-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' cross-link, the (alpha)-CH3 group was positioned in the 3' direction, showing steric interference with the DNA helix. The 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-S-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' cross-link exhibited a lower thermal stability as evidenced by NMR spectroscopy as a function of temperature. The two cross-links also exhibited apparent differences in the conformation of the interstrand three-carbon cross-link, which may also contribute to the lower apparent thermodynamic stability of the 5'-Cp-N2-dG-3'-S-(alpha)-CH3-propyl-5'-Cp-N2-dG-3' cross-link.  相似文献   

Exocyclic DNA adducts are formed from metabolites of chemical carcinogens and have also been detected as endogenous lesions in human DNA. The exocyclic adduct 3,N(4)-etheno-2'-deoxycytidine (epsilon dC), positioned opposite deoxyguanosine in the B-form duplex of the dodecanucleotide d(CGCGAATTepsilonCGCG), has been crystallographically characterized at 1.8A resolution. This self-complementary oligomer crystallizes in space group P3(2)12, containing a single strand in the asymmetric unit. The crystal structure was solved by isomorphous replacement with the corresponding unmodified dodecamer structure. Exposure of both structures to identical crystal packing forces allows a detailed investigation of the influence of the exocyclic base adduct on the overall helical structure and local geometry. Structural changes are limited to the epsilon C:G and adjacent T:A and G:C base-pairs. The standard Watson-Crick base-pairing scheme, retained in the T:A and G:C base-pairs, is blocked by the etheno bridge in the epsilon C:G pair. In its place, a hydrogen bond involving O2 of epsilon C and N1 of G is present. Comparison with an epsilon dC-containing NMR structure confirms the general conformation reported for epsilon C:G, including the hydrogen bonding features. Superposition with the crystal structure of a DNA duplex containing a T:G wobble pair shows similar structural changes imposed by both mismatches. Evaluation of the hydration shell of the duplex with bond valence calculations reveals two sodium ions in the crystal.  相似文献   

The radiation chemistry of the dinucleoside monophosphate d(CpG) and its sequence isomer, d(GpC), has been examined in aqueous solutions saturated with either N2O or O2. The products were isolated using HPLC, and the major products were identified using proton NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The major products include 5,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrouracil (glycol) derivatives, 5- and 6-hydroxycytosine substitution products, 1-carbamoyl-2-oxo-4,5-dihydroxyimidazolidine products, and the 8-hydroxyguanine substitution product. Both trans stereoisomers of the imidazolidine derivatives are obtained from d(CpG) as well as from its sequence isomer. These are prominent products when the irradiation is carried out in the presence of oxygen, but they are not observed in the absence of oxygen.  相似文献   

A summary delineating the large scale synthetic studies to prepare labeled precursors of ribonucleosides-3',4',5',5'-2H4 and -2',3',4',5',5'-2H5 from D-glucose is presented. The recycling of deuterium-labeled by-products has been devised to give a high overall yield of the intermediates and an expedient protocol has been elaborated for the conversion of 3-O-benzyl-alpha,beta-D-allofuranose-3,4-d2 6 to 1-O-methyl-3-O-benzyl-2-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl-alpha,beta-D-ribofuranose-3,4,5,5'-d4 16 (precursor of ribonucleosides-3',4',5',5'-2H4) or to 1-O-methyl-3,5-di-O-benzyl-alpha,beta-D-ribofuranose-3,4,5,5'-d4 18 (precursor of ribonucleosides-3',4',5',5'-2H4).  相似文献   

Enzymes in particulate fractions from sea urchin sperm and in soluble fractions from rat lung were shown to catalyze the formation of inosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic IMP) and of 2'-deoxyguanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic dGMP) from ITP and dGTP, respectively. With sea urchin sperm particulate fractions, Mn2+ was an essential metal cofactor for inosinate, deoxyguanylate, guanylate and adenylate cyclase activities. Heat-inactivation studies differentiated inosinate and deoxyguanylate cyclase activities from adenylate cyclase, but indicated an association of these activities with guanylate cyclase. Preincubation of sea urchin sperm particulate fractions with trypsin altered in a very similar manner guanylate, inosinate, and deoxyguanylate cyclase activities, and various metals and metal-nucleotide combinations protected the three cyclase activities to comparable degrees against trypsin. The relative guanylate, deoxyguanylate and inosinate cyclase activities at 0.1 mM nucleoside triphosphate were 1.0, 0.5 and 0.08, respectively. With these three cyclase activities, plots of reciprocal velocities against reciprocal Mn2+-nucleoside triphosphate concentrations were concave upward, suggesting positive homotropic effects. With rat lung soluble preparations, relative guanylate, deoxyguanylate, inosinate and adenylate cyclase activities at 0.09 mM nucleoside triphosphate were 1.0, 1.7, 0.1 and 0, respectively. MnGTP was a competitive inhibitor of deoxyguanylate cyclase activity (Ki equals 12.2 muM) and MndGTP was a competitive inhibitor of guanylate cyclase activity (Ki equals 16.2 muM). Inhibition studies using ITP were not conducted. When soluble fractions from rat lung were applied to Bio-Gel A 1.5 m columns, elution profiles of guanylate, deoxyguanylate and inosinate cyclase activities were similar. These results suggest that deoxyguanylate, guanylate and inosinate cyclase activities reside within the same protein molecule.  相似文献   

Wang F  Li F  Ganguly M  Marky LA  Gold B  Egli M  Stone MP 《Biochemistry》2008,47(27):7147-7157
Site-specific insertion of 5-(3-aminopropyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (Z3dU) and 7-deaza-dG into the Dickerson-Drew dodecamers 5'-d(C (1)G (2)C (3)G (4)A (5)A (6)T (7)T (8)C (9) Z (10)C (11)G (12))-3'.5'-d(C (13)G (14)C (15)G (16)A (17)A (18)T (19)T (20)C (21) Z (22)C (23)G (24))-3' (named DDD (Z10)) and 5'-d(C (1)G (2)C (3)G (4)A (5)A (6)T (7) X (8)C (9) Z (10)C (11)G (12))-3'.5'-d(C (13)G (14)C (15)G (16)A (17)A (18)T (19) X (20)C (21) Z (22)C (23)G (24))-3' (named DDD (2+Z10)) (X = Z3dU; Z = 7-deaza-dG) suggests a mechanism underlying the formation of interstrand N+2 DNA cross-links by nitrogen mustards, e.g., melphalan and mechlorethamine. Analysis of the DDD (2+Z10) duplex reveals that the tethered cations at base pairs A (5).X (20) and X (8).A (17) extend within the major groove in the 3'-direction, toward conserved Mg (2+) binding sites located adjacent to N+2 base pairs C (3).Z (22) and Z (10).C (15). Bridging waters located between the tethered amines and either Z (10) or Z (22) O (6) stabilize the tethered cations and allow interactions with the N + 2 base pairs without DNA bending. Incorporation of 7-deaza-dG into the DDD (2+Z10) duplex weakens but does not eliminate electrostatic interactions between tethered amines and Z (10) O (6) and Z (22) O (6). The results suggest a mechanism by which tethered N7-dG aziridinium ions, the active species involved in formation of interstrand 5'-GNC-3' cross-links by nitrogen mustards, modify the electrostatics of the major groove and position the aziridinium ions proximate to the major groove edge of the N+2 C.G base pair, facilitating interstrand cross-linking.  相似文献   

We have used three methods to study the formation and repair of intrastrand adducts and interstrand cross-links in the DNA of Chinese hamster ovary cells induced by the anticancer drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II (cisplatin). Using atomic absorption spectroscopy, we found that 21% of the total genomic cisplatin adducts were removed at 8 h and 42% at 24 h. We used ABC excinuclease digestion, coupled with out previously reported methodology to quantify DNA in specific genomic regions. These adducts were removed faster in the transcribed dihydrofolate reductase and c-myc genes compared to a noncoding fragment, a region containing the little or nontranscribed c-fos oncogene, and to the overall genome. Interstrand cross-links in specific sequences were quantified by Southern hybridization of denatured-renatured DNA separated on a neutral gel. We found that cross-links were removed more efficiently from the gene regions than intrastrand adducts and, at high levels of cross-linking, removal was similar from transcribed and from nontranscribed regions.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxy-3(2H)-pyridazinone derivatives were investigated as inhibitors of genotype 1 HCV NS5B polymerase. The structure-activity relationship (SAR) associated with variation of the pyridazinone 2- and 6-substituents is discussed. The synthesis and metabolic stability of this new class of compounds are also described.  相似文献   

2-Acetylaminofluorene (AAF) or trans-4-acetylaminostilbene (AAS) was orally or intraperitoneally administered to female Wistar rats. DNA from liver cells was analyzed for single-strand breaks by the alkaline elution assay. Only borderline effects were observed with doses (100 μMol/kg) used in animal carcinogenesis experiments. Even high doses of AAF (1,000 μMol/kg) were not effective. Methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in vivo and gamma irradiation in vitro were shown to produce dose-dependent DNA single-strand breaks (positive control). Only a marginal effect was obtained with 100 μMollkg MMS. The elution rate of DNA was increased by a factor of 34 in liver cells in vitro with 400 rad of gamma irradiation. Only a fraction of this rate could be demonstrated immediately after irradiation in vivo, and no lesions were found two hours later. This strongly indicates the rapid repair of single-strand breaks. Additional experiments showed that AAS, a nonhepatocarcinogen, produced more interstrand cross-links in the rat liver DNA than did AAF.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxy-3(2H)-pyridazinone derivatives were investigated as potent inhibitors of genotype 1 HCV NS5B polymerase focusing on the optimization of their drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) profiles. This investigation led to the discovery of potent inhibitors with improved DMPK properties.  相似文献   

The synthesis of 4-(1',1'-dioxo-1',4'-dihydro-1'lambda(6)-benzo[1',2',4']thiadiazin-3'-yl)-5-hydroxy-2H-pyridazin-3-ones bearing 6-amino substituents as potent inhibitors of the HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NS5B) is described. Several of these agents also display potent antiviral activity in cell culture experiments (EC(50)<0.10 microM). In vitro DMPK data (microsome t(1/2), Caco-2 P(app)) for many of the compounds are also disclosed, and a crystal structure of a representative inhibitor complexed with the NS5B protein is discussed.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxy-3(2H)-pyridazinone derivatives were investigated as inhibitors of genotype 1 HCV NS5B polymerase. Lead optimization led to the discovery of compound 3a, which displayed potent inhibitory activities in biochemical and replicon assays [IC(50) (1b)<10nM; IC(50) (1a)=22 nM; EC(50) (1b)=5nM], good stability toward human liver microsomes (HLM t(1/2)>60 min), and high ratios of liver to plasma concentrations 12h after a single oral administration to rats.  相似文献   

Although there exists compelling genetic evidence for a homologous recombination-independent pathway for repair of interstrand cross-links (ICLs) involving translesion synthesis (TLS), biochemical support for this model is lacking. To identify DNA polymerases that may function in TLS past ICLs, oligodeoxynucleotides were synthesized containing site-specific ICLs in which the linkage was between N(2)-guanines, similar to cross-links formed by mitomycin C and enals. Here, data are presented that mammalian cell replication of DNAs containing these lesions was approximately 97% accurate. Using a series of oligodeoxynucleotides that mimic potential intermediates in ICL repair, we demonstrate that human polymerase (pol) kappa not only catalyzed accurate incorporation opposite the cross-linked guanine but also replicated beyond the lesion, thus providing the first biochemical evidence for TLS past an ICL. The efficiency of TLS was greatly enhanced by truncation of both the 5 ' and 3 ' ends of the nontemplating strand. Further analyses showed that although yeast Rev1 could incorporate a dCTP opposite the cross-linked guanine, no evidence was found for TLS by pol zeta or a pol zeta/Rev1 combination. Because pol kappa was able to bypass these ICLs, biological evidence for a role for pol kappa in tolerating the N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs was sought; both cell survival and chromosomal stability were adversely affected in pol kappa-depleted cells following mitomycin C exposure. Thus, biochemical data and cellular studies both suggest a role for pol kappa in the processing of N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs.  相似文献   

A new class-IIS restriction endonuclease, Ksp632I, with novel sequence specificity has been discovered in a non-pathogenic species of Kluyvera. The presence of only a single site-specific activity in this Kluyvera sp. strain 632 enables Ksp632I to be isolated in highly purified form free of contaminating nucleases. Ksp632I recognition sites and cleavage positions were deduced using experimental and computer-assisted mapping and sequencing. The cleavage specificity corresponds to the sequence 5'-CTCTTCN decreases NNN-N-3' 3'-GAGAAGN-NNN increases N-5'. The enzyme recognizes an asymmetric hexanucleotide sequence and cleaves in the presence of Mg2+ ions specific phosphodiester bonds in both DNA strands, 1 and 4 nucleotides distal to the recognition sequence. The staggered cuts generate 5'-protruding ends with single-stranded 5'-phosphorylated trinucleotides. Several slow cleavage sites for Ksp632I were observed on lambda cI857Sam7 DNA. Ksp632I may complement other class-IIS enzymes in the universal restriction approach and may serve as a tool for generating defined unidirectional deletions or insertions.  相似文献   

Choudhury S  Pan J  Amin S  Chung FL  Roy R 《Biochemistry》2004,43(23):7514-7521
trans-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) is a major peroxidation product of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The reaction of HNE with DNA produces four diastereomeric 1,N(2)-gamma-hydroxypropano adducts of deoxyguanosine (HNE-dG); background levels of these adducts have been detected in tissues of animals and humans. There is evidence to suggest that these adducts are mutagenic and involved in liver carcinogenesis in patients with Wilson's disease and in other human cancers. Here, we present biochemical evidence that in human cell nuclear extracts the HNE-dG adducts are repaired by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. To investigate the recognition and repair of HNE-dG adducts in human cell extracts, we prepared plasmid DNA substrates modified by HNE. [(32)P]-Postlabeling/HPLC determined that the HNE-dG adduct levels were approximately 1200/10(6) dG of plasmid DNA substrate. We used this substrate in an in vitro repair-synthesis assay to study the complete repair of HNE-induced DNA adducts in cell-free extracts. We observed that nuclear extracts from HeLa cells incorporated a significant amount of alpha[(32)P]dCTP in DNA that contained HNE-dG adducts by comparison with UV-irradiated DNA as the positive control. Such repair synthesis for UV damage or HNE-dG adducts did not occur in XPA cell nuclear extracts that lack the capacity for NER. However, XPA cells complemented with XPA protein restored repair synthesis for both of these adducts. To verify that HNE-dG adducts in DNA were indeed repaired, we measured HNE-dG adducts in the post-repaired DNA substrates by the [(32)P]-postlabeling/HPLC method, showing that 50-60% of HNE-dG adducts were removed from the HeLa cell nuclear extracts after 3 h at 30 degrees C. The repair kinetics indicated that the excision rate is faster than the rate of gap-filling/DNA synthesis. Furthermore, the HNE-dG adduct isomers 2 and 4 appeared to be repaired more efficiently at early time points than isomers 1 and 3.  相似文献   

The detection of 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts in the DNA of rodent and human tissues as endogenous lesions has raised important questions regarding the source of their formation and their roles in carcinogenesis. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have generated substantial evidence which supports the involvement of short- and long-chain enals derived from oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in their formation. These studies show that: (1) the cyclic propano adducts are common products from reactions of enals with DNA bases; (2) they are formed specifically from linoleic acid (LA; omega-6) and docosahexaenoic acid (omega-3) under in vitro stimulated lipid peroxidation conditions; (3) the levels of propano adducts are dramatically increased in rat liver DNA upon depletion of glutathione; (4) the adduct levels are increased in the liver DNA of the CCl4-treated rats and the mutant strain of Long Evans rats which are genetically predisposed to increased lipid peroxidation; and (5) adduct levels are significantly higher in older rats than in newborn rats. These studies collectively demonstrate that tissue lipid peroxidation is a main endogenous pathway leading to propano adduction in DNA. The possible contribution from environmental sources, however, cannot be completely excluded. The mutagenicity of enals and the mutations observed in site-specific mutagenesis studies using a model 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adduct suggest that these adducts are potential promutagenic lesions. The increased levels of the propano adducts in the tissue of carcinogen-treated animals also provide suggestive evidence for their roles in carcinogenesis. The involvement of these adducts in tumor promotion is speculated on the basis that oxidative condition in tissues is believed to be associated with this process.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxy-3(2H)-pyridazinone derivatives were investigated as inhibitors of genotype 1 HCV NS5B polymerase. The synthesis, structure-activity relationships (SAR), metabolic stability, and structure-based design approach for this new class of compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Adducts were prepared by reacting styrene oxide with 2-deoxyguanosine 3'-monophosphate (dGMP). Four isomeric N-7-, two diastereomeric N2- and three isomeric O6-adduct were isolated and characterized. The adducts were used as substrates in the 32P-postlabeling reaction. No phosphorylation products were seen with the N-7-alkylation products. One diastereomeric N2-adduct was labeled with 20% efficiency and the second with a markedly lower efficiency. Two of the three O6-adducts were labeled with 5% and the third with 10% labeling efficiency. The results suggest that large N-7-dGMP adducts are very poor substrates of T4 polynucleotide kinase. The diastereomeric products are labeled at different efficiencies indicating stereoselectivity in the kinase reaction.  相似文献   

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